What can you talk about on a first date with a man? Word by word: what to talk about with a girl on the first date

What to talk about with a girl?

You like a girl and want to approach her, but the success of your endeavor will depend on how you start the conversation.


Be bold, but not pushy. Overconfidence is off-putting. You might be a little embarrassed. If in fact there is no trace of embarrassment, pretend it is. There is no need to learn to blush, stutter, or blink your eyelashes rapidly. Just do a light cool-down at the end. As a conversation starter, you can, for example, help figure something out.

A veiled compliment on her outfit is a good way to start a conversation at the gym. Veiled! Don’t be offended by the phrase “Oh, you have a cute T-shirt, how it accentuates your breasts delightfully.” Simpler. At the skating rink, you can praise her triple somersault. She doesn’t do somersaults, but just moves her skates with great difficulty? Offer a helping hand, gently advise how to push off and how to slow down.

In a nightclub and discotheque, you don’t have to think too hard about the beginning of a phrase - there the atmosphere itself suggests making acquaintances. Just ask the girl you like to dance, and if she likes you, the conversation will start by itself.

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What young people don’t do to get the phone number of the girl they like. What then? You are holding a piece of paper with numbers in your hands and painfully figuring out where to start the phone call. talk. You like her, but you are afraid of failure. What should you tell the girl?


Keep it simple. You can simply dial the phone number and ask how she is doing. Take an interest in the day, show participation and care. If you're not a fan of chatting phone, invite her to a meeting. To do this, keep in mind in advance options where you can spend time together.

Come up with a reason to call. It doesn't have to be anything complicated or serious. Just ask her for advice on preparing a dish or the colors of your shirt and jeans. This is how the conversation begins.

Think about what you would like to know. Ask about her hobbies and interests, what films and music she likes. Ask questions to get to know each other better. Remember that the conversation should not turn into an interrogation. Alternate questions with fun and casual stories about yourself and your hobbies. Perhaps you are interested in the philosophical discussions from the series “Is there life on Mars?” Give her a couple of interesting ideas about this.

There are also recommendations regarding what is not necessary. Avoid swear words, rudeness, and sensitive topics. Don't be too frank if the girl for some reason decides not to answer the question. You should also not find out her financial situation or discuss her friends or others with her. Don't tell things about yourself that don't exist. If you want to communicate with further, the lie will certainly be revealed, because words are tested in practice. When presenting yourself in a favorable light, do not overdo it with your advantages. This can confuse a new acquaintance, and she will not find how to react. The same applies to too intrusive and numerous compliments addressed to. Keep it simple and talk more about neutral topics.

If you are very worried, sketch out on paper a small conversation plan of three or four points. When pauses begin to appear in the conversation, take the conversation in a new direction.

Having learned the girl's interests, offer something that interests her. If she loves, invite her to go boating on the lake. For ice cream and popcorn lovers, going to the cinema together is a good idea. If a girl loves history and culture, invite her to see a recently opened exhibition.

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  • talking on the phone with a girl

Girls are prone to mood swings. Young people sometimes do not have time to notice how joy turns into grief or resentment. But during a face-to-face conversation, it is quite possible to “catch” such a moment. And if communication occurs at a distance, for example, by phone, then it is very difficult to do this.


If you really want to call, but you don’t know what to talk to her about, then come up with a reason. For example, ask her for advice on choosing a movie or music disc. Only a small one should be believable. This will help you get started. Firstly, the rules of basic politeness require not to bother people “just because”. Secondly, you will know what to say, which means you will avoid silence.

Be patient. Most people love to chat phone. And they can do this for hours. And if you do not want to end the conversation with offense, then you will have to listen to the representative of the sex. Think about how when she speaks her mind freely, she begins to trust you and treat you well. When continuing a relationship, this means a lot. In addition, you yourself will also have time to understand how disposed you are towards the person.

Avoid inappropriate jokes and crude language. Understand that you are not talking to a male friend with whom you can not be shy about any phrases. The young lady may well be offended at some turns, and it is possible that she will be right. Of course, non-vulgar humor will be in place. Just don’t allow yourself to laugh stupidly without any reason, otherwise you will give the impression of at least a strange person.

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  • what to say to a girl on the phone

Many people have heard the famous joke that women love with their ears. And indeed, like every joke, there is only part of the joke in it, but the rest is true. Unprepossessing men, but known for their eloquence, have always had many admirers among women. Therefore, it is important to be able to find with girl general topic For conversation to interest her in your person.


Don't make the common mistake of showering her with compliments. A compliment is good and appropriate in strictly dosed portions. If you really want to do it, then don’t hold back, but try to express your delight without using hackneyed phrases, come up with something original. When a compliment sounds natural, everyone will appreciate your sincerity and silently note your good taste.

Talk to her about what she is doing, about her studies or work. Give her the opportunity to talk about herself. Ask her detailed questions, which should be answered in full, so that she cannot limit herself to monosyllabic sentences. Be attentive while listening, perhaps some point in her story will require additional questions - she will talk about something more emotionally. Such attentiveness to her moods will also cause a positive reaction from the outside.

A wonderful topic that will not leave anyone indifferent - her hobbies. You will give her the opportunity to talk and talk about what she really cares about, and you will be able to evaluate how suitable this girl is for you. It is in such a conversation that her character, hobbies and habits will be revealed to the maximum.

Talk to her about travel. Ask where she has already been and where else she would like to go. Your impressions from your own trips will also be relevant here. Stock up on a few funny stories related to your own adventure experiences, they will always come in handy.


  • topics for conversation with a girl

On the Internet it is a very popular and widespread phenomenon. Just some 20 years ago, the ability to communicate with people regardless of country or continent was the ultimate dream. Here are the basic principles and ways to meet and communicate on the Internet.


To start looking for new acquaintances, you first need to create your own personal email account. Many postal services provide e-mail registration services. In the Russian segment of the Internet, the most popular postal services are mail.ru and yandex.ru, in the international segment: rambler.com, gmail.com and hotmail.com. Registration in these services takes no more than 10 minutes and is chosen solely based on personal interests.

Once you have created your email account, you can begin directly searching for candidates in . The first option is to register on . This operation will take you no more than five minutes. When creating a profile on such a site, it is important to consider that the more detail you tell about yourself, the more chances you have of meeting suitable people.

You can also meet people on social networks. In addition to finding friends and, there are many thematic groups and communities there. By communicating in them, you can find a lot of people with similar interests or just for communication. And if in such networks, in your profile, you put the status that you want to meet, then the chances of finding an interlocutor increase many times.

You can start one on the forums. The most important thing is to choose a forum that suits your interests. Look through all the sections and decide on what topic you want to communicate on. Start expressing your opinion on the issues under discussion. By commenting on various topics and messages from forum participants, you join the general team of users. In the process of such communication, forum members who share your thoughts will communicate with you more closely. And if the topics or answers that you create are very significant and in demand, then they will start consulting with you. Such communication can easily develop into real meetings.

Today, quite a large number of guys are interested in what to say to a girl. This is one of the important points on which it depends whether the girl wants a further relationship with this particular gentleman. Communication on a date is a whole science, and to study it perfectly, you will have to make some effort.


Pay attention to how you interact with girls in everyday life. If you find it difficult to choose a topic for conversation with a representative of the fair sex, you will have to seriously work on yourself. Gain confidence, imagine that you will become the ideal for the girl you are going on a date with.

Work on your speech. Your intonation and style should change so that the girl can immediately show interest in you and want to continue communication, even if you are not the ultimate dream for her. A beautiful smile and a friendly look are one of the main helpers in this matter.

Don’t rush to immediately start communicating with everyone about everything. Think in advance what to say to a girl on a date. There is no need to memorize certain phrases, just make a list of topics that would be most interesting to the girl. First of all, add here your most interesting and unusual hobbies. You can also talk about your successes in school, work, sports, but only without bragging. Tell your girl about your plans for your future life. Thus, based on these topics, you will be able to identify your common interests, and further communication will no longer pose any special problems.

Show all your ability to impress a girl when communicating with her. Try to speak in such a way that she listens to you with great interest. Don't forget to compliment her and also ask the right questions. You can find out what she likes and lead the conversation in the right direction so that she feels like a kindred spirit in you. Don't talk too much, give your companion the opportunity to speak as well. When she speaks, listen carefully and do not forget to show that the girl is also of interest to you.

Try to be more persistent: touch the girl, hug her and kiss her. There is no need to rush into this; wait until your communication becomes close enough. To do this, you may need to have not one, but several dates at once with a short interval. If the girl reciprocates, it means that she really managed to like you.

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  • girl on a date

The guy liked the girl. And she also seemed to enjoy his company. He makes an appointment with her, she agrees. And then it often happens like this: an excited guy, out of embarrassment, doesn’t even know what to talk about on the first date! There are awkward pauses. How to avoid such a situation, what topics are best to touch upon in conversation?

How to start a conversation with a girl?

Feel free to talk about yourself. If a girl agrees to come on a date, it means that the young man is at least not indifferent to her. But rather, she likes him. But if a girl is left disappointed by the first date, she is unlikely to want to date this guy further. Therefore, if a young man does not want his first date to be his last, he needs to immediately make a good impression on the girl and demonstrate that he is an intelligent, serious, well-mannered person. To do this, you need to tell about yourself - where he studies or works, what his plans are for the future, what he has already achieved. You can also tell about your hobbies, hobbies, for example, what kind of music he likes to listen to, how he spends his free time.

You shouldn’t exaggerate your merits, but you shouldn’t downplay them either.

You can also start a conversation with her interests and hobbies. If she was on vacation abroad, the young man may ask about her favorite attractions in the country. You need to speak in a confident, calm voice. You should not look at the girl point-blank, otherwise she may become embarrassed and “shut down.” But periodically meeting her gaze is not only possible, but also necessary.

What to talk about with a girl?

Talk about what interests the beautiful person. In order for the conversation to proceed in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, it would be good to first make inquiries about the interlocutor. After all, if a guy knows what a lady is interested in, what her tastes are, it will be much easier for him to interest a girl. Especially if it turns out that they have some common interests, hobbies, preferences.

To do this, you can visit her pages on social networks and talk about the girl with mutual friends.

You can ask about her tastes and hobbies directly on a date. But you shouldn't be too persistent in your questions. The girl should not get the impression that this guy is not very tactful.

Under no circumstances should you ask a girl about her exes. In the same way, you should not remember your ex-girlfriends, much less compare her with them. If the girl makes a good impression on the first date, she will almost certainly want to continue dating the guy.

The Internet has firmly entered all spheres of life, and today people increasingly prefer to meet people online. You can write to a girl and offer to chat using one of the suitable web resources.

Send the girl an offer to meet you, but try to do it as original as possible. Avoid banal phrases such as “Hi, how are you?”, “What are you doing?” etc. You can start the acquaintance with a small compliment, for example, “Hi, you are very beautiful! May with ?" And if you notice that a girl loves romance, you can show your imagination and write an even more beautiful message: “I haven’t been able to take my eyes off your photos for several days now! Can I meet such an amazing girl?” etc. One way or another, whether the girl wants to answer and get to know you largely depends on the first phrase.

As soon as the girl answers you and expresses her consent to meet you, do not stop surprising her. Write to her: “Today I was in the gym / in the dance section / at the university and saw how you moved / danced / laughed, and I realized that you are just an amazing girl!” After that, ask her to tell you something more about herself.

Take advantage of what the girl tells you about herself. Choose those interests of hers that most closely coincide with yours, and write: “Wow, I also love sports / cinema / theater / dancing!” Next, tell us something else interesting about yourself. At the same time, try not to reveal the most significant facts about you in a conversation and save them for conversation already during the meeting with your chosen one. Taking this opportunity, try asking the girl for her phone number or immediately offer to meet if the communication goes very well. Don’t stop watching the reaction of your interlocutor: does she use emoticons, asks you counter questions, exchanges jokes, etc. This will help you determine the degree of her sympathy towards you.

The modern rhythm of life leaves virtually no time for personal life. But how can you meet a girl if you don’t have the opportunity to often go to clubs, restaurants and other places where you can meet your soulmate? You need to use the World Wide Web!

Register on social networks and dating sites (VKontakte, Facebook, Mamba, Loveplanet), find the girl you like. Don’t send her banal messages like “How are you,” “What are you doing,” “Let’s get acquainted.” Also, don't compliment her on how beautiful, slim, and stunning she is. Believe me, with this approach, the girl will not single you out from the crowd of fans who dream of meeting her. The message should be unusual, it should interest her.

If you don't know what your first message should be, study her page: interests, hobbies, hobbies, etc. For example, if she is a student at any educational institution, write her a message like “Hello. Are all the girls at your university (college, school, lyceum) so charming or are you the only one?” The lady will definitely be surprised by your unusual approach to dating and she will certainly want to answer that she alone is the most charming person in her educational institution. This is just one example, use your imagination!

Make more jokes. Do not think about the hardships of life and do not tell the young lady about your problems. Under no circumstances should this be done! Introduce a touch of positivity into your virtual communication, which over time can become real.

Write correctly. Of course, it is not at all necessary to be a philologist, but you should know the basic rules of the Russian language. Read specialized literature. You must also show your erudition. Tell us about your interests, hobbies, ask the girl what she likes to do. If, for example, she likes to have fun, ask her out on a date and take her to an exciting party.

Don't be pushy. If a girl refuses you, you don’t need to persuade her to talk to you. Compliment her and leave her alone. Perhaps after some time she will write to you herself, and you will start a friendly, casual conversation.

As you can see, you can meet a girl using various methods. Only here you need to understand that there is no guarantee that the lady will want to communicate with you. And this could be due to many factors. Maybe she has a boyfriend? Or does she just not like online dating? She might just not like you. The reasons may be different, but it is important not to despair and try to start a virtual conversation with other representatives of the fair sex.

Tip 11: What to talk about with girls when dating

Behave relaxed, but not defiantly. Try to speak openly and sincerely, looking the girl in the eyes and smiling at her. To begin with, you can tell your new friend about what you are doing, about your studies or work, about some plans for your future life. In addition, you can mention that the main thing in life for you is not only career growth, but also a happy family, and you would like to find yourself a faithful companion in life. You can also tell your new friend about what qualities an ideal woman in your opinion should have. After this, your new friend will probably share with you her plans for the future and thoughts about her ideal man. This topic is very interesting and will help you get to know your interlocutor better.

You can tell the girl about your interests and hobbies. Maybe you play a sport or play a musical instrument. This topic is also quite entertaining, and during such a conversation you can find out whether you have common hobbies with your interlocutor.

Also, during the first acquaintance, you can discuss your favorite music, art, literature, poetry, films. A conversation about cinema may well develop into a proposal to go to the cinema together.

In addition, while meeting a girl, you can tell her funny stories from your life and the lives of your friends. If you have some kind of pet, you can talk about it, as some girls love pets very much.

Do not forget that during the first date you should interest your new acquaintance as much as possible. Try to joke more, as laughter brings people together.

What should you not talk about with a girl when dating?

In addition to acceptable topics during dating, there is also a certain list of unacceptable ones. This includes talking about former relationships in a negative context, conversations about financial status, discussing the details of sexual life, too intimate topics or vulgar jokes. Girls don't like to discuss this with strangers.

It seems that over a glass of wine during a date you can learn enough about a guy to form some kind of opinion: he will be happy to tell you what he does in his free time, what his relationship is with his mother, and you can even hear a couple of funny incidents from his student days. It would be all good if it could actually help us get to know a person well enough to feel confident in trying to pursue a romantic relationship. You can be a wonderful person, save fur seals and fight for the urban environment, but never meet a person who is ready to share all the joys and misfortunes with you. This means that the choice of a partner is not responsible for the full list of our advantages, but for completely ordinary compatibility, so that people feel comfortable waking up with each other?

Apparently, Harvard University specialists care so much about people and relationships that they decided to shed light on the issue of compatibility and, using a simple mathematical algorithm, derived a formula of four questions that, according to them, determine the compatibility of two people.

  1. “Do you like horror movies?”
  2. “Have you ever traveled alone?”
  3. “Wouldn’t it be great to leave everything and live on a ship?”
  4. “What ingredient would you add to pizza?”

If partners give the same answers to these questions, then scientists give the green light to this relationship. Of course, throwing away fans just because he would add a double portion of cheese to your pizza and you are allergic to it is not worth it. But how nice it will be if you answer the questions the same way, right?


Harvard scientists are certainly not pioneers in matters of relationships and love. Long before them, 20 years ago, psychologist Arthur Aron from the New York Psychology Center, explored such strong feelings as love and passion. The scientist conducted an experiment: he asked a previously unknown man and woman to answer 36 questions together. After that, they had to silently look into each other's eyes for four minutes. After just six months, the participants in the experiment were ready to get married. Is it possible? Mandy Len Catron, author of The New York Times, decided to test this statement on herself and her friend, which she openly discussed in her column. According to Mandy, this technique really has the right to life.

Catch Arthur Aron's questions to conduct your own personal experiment and test a scientific theory on the most handsome man. If everything works out, then in six months the number of newlyweds should increase sharply. Well, even if not, then this is a completely good idea for an evening together: it is quite possible that you will have a chance to get to know each other a little better and fall in love even more!

  1. Given everyone in the world, who would you invite over for dinner?
  2. Would you like to be famous? In what field?
  3. Before you make a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you're going to say? Why?
  4. What is your idea of ​​a perfect day?
  5. When was the last time you sang to yourself? And for someone else?
  6. If you could live to 90 and retain either the mind or body of a thirty-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you choose?
  7. Do you have a secret premonition about how you will die?
  8. Name three things you and your partner have in common.
  9. What in your life do you feel most grateful for?
  10. If you could change anything about your parenting, what would it be?
  11. In 4 minutes, tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
  12. If you could wake up tomorrow with a quality or ability, which one would it be?
  13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about you, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?
  14. Is there something you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why didn't you do this?
  15. What is the greatest achievement of your life?
  16. What do you value most in friends?
  17. What is your most cherished memory?
  18. Worst memory?
  19. If you knew that within one year you would suddenly die, would you change anything in your current life? Why?
  20. What does friendship mean to you?
  21. What role do love and affection play in your life?
  22. Take turns naming positive characteristics of your partner. A total of five points.
  23. How close are your family members? Do you think your childhood was happier than most other people's?
  24. What do you think about your relationship with your mother?
  25. Make up three true sentences starting with “we”. For example, “Both of us in this room feel...”.
  26. Continue this phrase: “I would like to share with someone...”.
  27. If you were going to be a close friend to your partner, please tell him what you want him to know about you.
  28. Tell your partner what you like about him; be completely honest, say things that you wouldn’t say to someone you don’t know well.
  29. Share an unpleasant moment in your life with your partner.
  30. When and why did you last cry?
  31. Tell your partner what you already like about him.
  32. What is too serious, what is it inappropriate to joke about?
  33. If you were to die this evening without being able to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not telling someone? Why haven't you told them this yet?
  34. Your house and all your belongings caught fire. After rescuing loved ones and pets, you have time to run into the house again and save one thing. What could it be? Why?
  35. Which family member's death would affect you the most? Why?
  36. Share a personal problem and consult with your partner about how he or she would handle it. Then ask your partner to share what they think about your choice of problem.

Prepare for your first date according to all the rules! You definitely need to think about what you will say to the guy. We offer quite interesting topics and a list of specific questions that will help you get to know a person and tell about yourself. You will also find taboo topics that should absolutely not be raised. They can ruin their opinion of you. Choose the options that suit you and increase your chances of getting a second date!

Choose universal, positive phrases to make talking easy and comfortable:

  • Hello, how great it is that we met on such a sunny (rainy) day!
  • Thank you for inviting me to the cinema! I love comedies (horror, crime).
  • I hope our meeting will be as interesting as our acquaintance.
  • Finally we have met and can get to know each other better.
  • I hope you have a good time with me.

Do not rush to bombard the guy with questions, first of all, greet him and wait until he first begins to be interested in you.

The best topics to talk about on a date

Here is a list of suitable conversation topics:

  • Movie. Almost everyone watches films. Discuss new releases, sensational and classic films from the past.
  • Sports and hobbies. Unobtrusively find out what the young man is interested in (fishing, hunting, cooking, theater, billiards or wood burning). You can compliment him that he has many interesting hobbies.
  • Job. Ask about his occupation, what field the man works in, but not about his position and income level. You can ask questions about his attitude towards the fact that the girl is doing business.
  • Family. Find out about his brothers or sisters, parents. Enter into a dialogue by talking about your family. Perhaps you are both the eldest children in the family, or have brothers.
  • Animals. How he treats animals, whether he has a pet, who it is, breed, age.

Try to talk about nothing (the weather, food in a restaurant, if the date is in it, tell funny stories from your life). This will help you get closer and avoid discomfort.

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Concrete questions

When trying to ask specific questions, find out what interests you specifically.

  • Where did you go on vacation last summer?
  • How did you spend this weekend?
  • What book are you reading now?
  • What cuisine do you prefer?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • Why this course (direction, profession)?
  • Favorite place in our city?
  • Do you like winter, winter holidays, skiing?
  • What kind of pets do you have?
  • Do you go to concerts or nightclubs? What kind of music do you listen to?
  • How do you feel about walking?
  • Have you ever forgotten things (wallet)?
  • What flowers do you give your mom for her birthday?
  • The brightest New Year from childhood?
  • Do you watch cartoons? Which animated character do you like?
  • Favorite color?
  • Do you prefer to call or write an email (SMS)?
  • Have you ever performed in front of a large audience? What does it feel like?
  • Why did I attract you?

What you can't talk about with a man

Taboo topics that should not be discussed when communicating with a guy:

  • Neither on the first nor on subsequent dates should you talk about health or financial problems.
  • Under no circumstances should you ask or talk about past relationships. Even if he is very interested, such additional burden makes it difficult to develop a new relationship.
  • Do not interrupt or criticize him, stick to a neutral-positive line in your statements.
  • Don't turn your date into a one-man show. Dialogue is the only correct option for conversation.
  • The topic of loneliness should also not be discussed on the first date, especially with a subsequent comment in the style of “It’s good that you invited me on a date, otherwise I haven’t dated anyone for six months and I’m starting to feel sad from loneliness.” Don't be surprised if you don't get invited to a second date.

If anything, there is an article on the site about. She will help you prepare properly, tell you how to captivate your interlocutor, and what mistakes should be avoided.

Don’t know where to go for your first meeting, what to wear, or how to overcome fear? Take advantage of our tips on how to...

To avoid missing your chance, find out why in advance. Here we answered the questions: how long to wait for a call, what can prevent a guy from making one, what is the best thing for a girl to do in this case.

No matter what smart things you say, you need a separate article on the site to help you decide on an outfit. It gives advice on choosing clothing depending on the weather and the location where the meeting will take place.

If after the first walk the guy disappears and shows no desire to meet again, feel free to invite him on a second date. , we understood other material. Suitable phrases and methods are collected here.

A famous video blogger offers his topics for conversation in this video:

If you are confident in your charisma and sociability, it is better not to use templates at all and improvise.

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers!

How often on a first date have you had questions about what to talk about with your date? If such a problem regularly arises during meetings with the fair sex, then our article is just for you!

We have prepared the most practical tips and interesting topics for conversation that will help you have a productive meeting. Now you don't have to think about what to say to a girl on the first date, because with our help you will become an interesting conversationalist!

Some guys, due to their insecurity or perhaps inexperience, often “tread on the same rake.” Experienced gentlemen also make common mistakes.

  • Talk only about yourself. Remember that you must be not only a good speaker, but also a good listener. If throughout the conversation you talk only about yourself and your achievements (interests), then the girl will most likely become bored. Remember to be interested in her life during the conversation.
  • Interrogate your companion. By asking a series of questions (one after another), you risk scaring your chosen one. Don’t try to find out absolutely everything in one meeting (you shouldn’t ask where, what apartment the girl lives in, how many boyfriends she’s had, etc.)
  • Invent non-existent facts from life. Try to behave as naturally as possible and tell only the truth. By inventing non-existent achievements for yourself (as well as telling false stories), you risk being discovered. After all, girls are quite smart people. Also, in further communication, it is easy to forget about the previously invented story and get into an awkward situation.
  • Don't listen to what your chosen one says . It is very important for girls to know that their feelings and experiences are important to a guy. Therefore, if your companion shares intimate things, and you ignore and do not listen to her, then you can hardly count on a second date.

Dear friends, remember that girls love confident guys. During communication, the interlocutor should feel at ease and interested in you. Does your friend have a similar situation and his dates often end unsuccessfully? Then advise him to read our article on the social network and make his friend’s life easier.

We say goodbye to you, our readers. We wish you to attract exactly the girl you have been dreaming about for so long! We believe that your first date will be successful and that you will learn how to speak correctly to the girl you like. Good luck to you!

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The first date is an important and crucial moment for all of us, but it doesn’t happen like that. So that everything goes smoothly absolutely always. There are situations in which it is difficult to remain calm.

The lack of topics for conversation is not a problem, because people are not talking about any topic, but simply talking. When the discussion ends, it may turn out that you need to somehow continue the conversation, but it becomes a little awkward because of the desire to please the person. You don't need to go to Google to find a list of the hottest topics. A conversation begins with a phrase, with the words of a person. It shouldn't be fake. Being yourself is one of the main tips from psychologists for those who want to have a successful first date.

How to avoid running out of topics to talk about

The best way to solve a problem is, as always, not to let it happen. On a date, you need to be relaxed, so you can talk about anything: about holey socks, about politics, about sex, about food, about work, about problems, about religion. You can touch on anything because you just want to. The best advice from psychologists is to say whatever you want, but to maintain consistency. There is no need to take the initiative by artificially changing the topic. If the thought and topic of conversation stops at work, do not immediately jump to another topic that is convenient for you or just to seem like an interesting interlocutor.

It happens that people are taciturn on their own. There are already two options for the development of events - leave everything as it is, or adapt to the person. You should only talk about abstract topics, because the person is most likely shy or complex. Don’t point this out to him by asking “why are you silent?” In general, this is the main psychological advice for all people - do not ask a person why he is silent. This is terribly infuriating.

Tip one: Don’t get hung up and focus on the problem. This is very important, because if a person really has some kind of problem, then you will simply confirm his or her fears. They might just run away from you.

Tip two: if you both fell silent, then you can continue the natural train of thoughts by simply explaining your emotions regarding the date, the place where you are. Don't talk about the person, say exactly what you're thinking about this evening or day. Something like: “It’s so great that I found the time to meet you. I really like that I can finally afford to sit here with you like this.”

Tip three: What's your favorite movie? Ask this question if you feel that the situation is getting complicated, that silence will soon follow. Don't wait until it's clear that you asked this to keep the conversation going. The fact is that not everyone reads books, but everyone loves movies without exception. You can say something like: “Listen, do you go to the movies? Don’t you know what’s worth watching right now?” Create the illusion of special interest so that it doesn't look like you're jumping on topic to avoid problems. Say that you don’t know what to watch because you’ve watched everything. This only works with movies, keep that in mind. Asking “oh, what’s North Korea’s deal with the United States?” no need. Cinema is the best time killer.

Tip five: learn to listen and support the topic that interests your interlocutor. If you maintain a topic of conversation that is interesting to your interlocutor, then he will never shut up, the problem will not even appear. You won't even think twice about what you need to do. Ask as many questions as possible on the topic that you think is interesting to your companion. This is a very, very effective method of not letting a date come to a standstill. This will be especially useful for men, since ladies love it when they listen to them.

If these tips did not help you, then most likely you are doing something wrong or the wrong person is sitting in front of you and is not suitable for you. Be yourself, be honest with yourself and don't try to play someone else. Don’t listen to stupid advice about what exactly needs to be said, like: “Let’s think together about what topic we should choose.” God, how boring this sounds. Put yourself in the shoes of the girl or guy you are sitting with. Imagine him or her telling you this. That's right, you are the most boring person in the world. It is better to remain silent than to carry some kind of nonsense - this is the best advice in this case.