Review of the best fur coat models for obese women. How to choose a fur coat according to your figure and height? Tips from a stylist

Every woman dreams of a good fur coat. When a girl is still young, she will be happy to wear fake fur, because at that age, the most important thing she considers is not the price of the product, but how stylish the product will look. Fur coats for obese women older people should be expensive and of high quality in order not only to protect from the cold and feel spectacular, but also to demonstrate the high status of the owner of curvaceous figures. The choice of product and fashion trends that exist among delicious beauties will be discussed.

Among the variety of fur coats, mink products enjoy the greatest prestige among plus-size ladies. Sable fur coats are very expensive (from 700,000 rubles per product), rabbit fur coats can be very impressive, but they are not very durable, a mouton does not show the greatness of curvaceous ladies, and mink will always be a winning option, affordable and not inferior as.

A mink coat is not warm fur, but also a means of self-expression. A mink coat looks great not only among girls with a standard model appearance, but also on plump ladies, regardless of age. Of course, we should not forget that natural fur tends to add age, so if you want to look younger, then wear a faux fur coat, or choose jackets and coats.

Along with self-expression, a mink coat can disguise excess weight that obese women would prefer not to show. If you choose the right style, then this goal can be easily achieved and only demonstrate your beauty.

In modern stores there is a rich selection of mink fur coats. Models for obese women are made using a special technology, using an extraordinary approach to cutting and tailoring the product. Designers take into account the physiological characteristics of obese women, creating original models for them in which they can feel beautiful, luxurious and confident.

When choosing a fur coat, be it mink or other fur (for example, a mix of mink and rabbit), you need to pay attention to the fact that the model has short pile and a dark color. Light haired styles can be worn and can indeed flatter some plus sized women, but the bulk of curvy ladies should follow these simple guidelines for choosing a piece.

A mink coat is not a cheap purchase. Even if you have the opportunity to buy a fur coat every season, you are still interested in the product being of high quality. You will learn how to distinguish a good fur coat from a low-quality product by the following characteristics.

  • The fur is shiny and iridescent. If you observe the opposite picture, this indicates that the fur was stored in inappropriate conditions or was processed improperly.
  • Elastic elastic fibers. Between the fibers of mink fur there is a large amount of air, which gives the product fluffiness. When smoothing out the villi, you should notice that they quickly return to their original position. The pile should be equal in thickness and length, which indicates that the animal was not bitten by other animals, and the fur was subject to proper dressing. If you try to pinch off a small piece, it should not remain in your hand. If you choose the product correctly, then due to the air gap you will feel warm even in the most severe frost, and the product will last many winters.
  • Color fastness of dyed fur. When purchasing a mink coat that has been dyed, you need to make sure that the paint is durable. To do this, run a white handkerchief over the fur. There should be no traces of paint left on the scarf.
  • The quality of the flesh. The back side of the animal's skin is called the flesh, which should be elastic, soft, and not have creaks or cracks upon contact. Self-respecting manufacturers never use lining in a product, thereby demonstrating to the buyer that they have nothing to hide from them. If the manufacturer nevertheless sews on the lining, then you have the right to ask the seller to rip off the edge to examine the quality of the lining. A self-respecting fur salon will never refuse this request.
  • Number of seams. The minimum number of seams on the inside of the product means that the fur coat will retain its aesthetic properties for a long time and will delight you and others with its appearance.

When choosing a mink coat, keep in mind that:

  • Light and dark brown tones of fur coats are the most affordable. The rule for mink is that the darker the color, the more expensive the product.
  • Dyed furs of beige, red, gray, blue colors are average in price.
  • Tourmaline, smoky-colored fur coats belong to a high price category.
  • A fur coat made of undyed white fur belongs to the expensive price segment.
  • Black with a hint of purple or blue is the most expensive fur coat. It is made from a North American animal and is considered an elite fur coat.

Let's figure out what kind of fur coats designers suggest that overweight women should wear.

  • Long-haired fur coats. No matter how strange it may seem, because earlier we said that long pile is not desirable among ladies with curvy figures, since it gives them additional volume, designers deny this. Fur coats with long pile are the hit of the season that every fashionista should own.
  • Fur coats of bright colors. It can be mink, raccoon, fox or any other natural or artificial fur. The main thing is that the product is painted in a bright color that attracts attention. Let us note that when bringing such ideas to life, fashion designers took little care of the full figure. After all, every lady knows that bright color is very dangerous on a full figure, since it can show curvaceous dimensions in a completely unfavorable light. If you still cannot resist such a temptation and a bright purple or blue fur coat really suits you, we recommend purchasing a model made of faux fur. Judge for yourself, fashion comes and goes, but a fur coat should be relevant regardless of the season. You will only wear a bright model for one or a couple of seasons, so there is no point in overpaying for it.
  • A fur coat made from scraps of fur of various colors. Such models are affordable, because they are not sewn from whole pieces of fur, but from leftovers. For a full figure, this model is quite beneficial, since the variety of colors will help distract attention from fullness and concentrate the eye on the product. When choosing this option, you should not focus only on dark tones; various tints are acceptable.
  • Classic black fur coats. They are popular from season to season. Overweight ladies can wear short fur coats that are mid-thigh length or knee-length fur coats.
  • Fur coats with shades of yellow and red. The models are spectacular and will certainly attract attention, but if you have a very full figure, it is better to refuse this option so as not to look fuller.
  • Fox fur coats. This is a great option for a plus size lady's wardrobe. Fox fur can also be placed on the collar of a mink coat as a trim.
  • Fur coats of pink, lilac, blue colors. These delicate tones are suitable for plump girls under the age of 25. It is not advisable for older women to wear such romantic teenage colors.
  • Fur capes. They can be used in the office to protect you from the cold, for example from the air conditioner that blows over your desk, as well as in evening and romantic looks. A cape in combination with a business suit, formal dress or evening wear will cover problem areas and look chic. So chic that others will start drooling!

In terms of cut, for all types of fur coats presented, full ladies should give preference to straight cut and fitted products.

Choose a fur coat for a full figure, guided not only by fashion trends, but also by your own taste. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or what your figure is. If you wish, you will definitely find a profitable and effective option!

A fur coat made of natural fur has been and remains a status item in every woman’s wardrobe. Unfortunately, a product made from expensive fur, such as mink, is not available to everyone. But fur coats made from mouton are stylish, comfortable and inexpensive.

What is a mouton - features and advantages

The raw material for the production of mouton is sheepskin, which is specially treated with formaldehyde and gives the fur a marketable, sophisticated appearance. The material is supplied mainly from New Zealand; raw fur is unattractive, but the finished product acquires the gloss, style and exclusivity characteristic of fur coats.

Photo: Mouton fur coats for curvaceous beauties

The main feature and at the same time advantage of the product is the resistance of fur to moisture. After treatment with formaldehyde, each hair seems to be preserved and becomes moisture resistant. Fur also has other advantages:

  • long service life - the product does not lose its attractiveness for ten years;
  • the fur coat has unique heat-saving qualities;
  • products are presented in a wide range of colors.

Photo: large mouton fur coats from the 2018-2019 collection

How to choose the right mouton fur coat

Before you go to the store, you need to take measurements:

  • height - if you have chosen a fur coat from a domestic manufacturer, please note that the first digit of the marking is height;
  • breast volume;
  • hip volume (if the style of the fur coat is flared downwards, hip volume does not matter).

Fashion advice. When determining the size, an error of three centimeters is allowed, but it is always preferable to choose a larger size model, this will allow you to wear a warm sweater under your fur coat and will not restrict your movements.

How to check product quality

  1. Squeeze the fur. On a quality product, the fur will quickly return to its original shape and will not stick together.
  2. Swipe along the fur against the growth of the villi - they should not break.
  3. Try carefully plucking out a few fibers - if the fur comes out easily, the fur coat is of poor quality.
  4. Run a white handkerchief over your fur coat; a quality product will not stain light-colored fabric.
  5. It is necessary to check the quality of the seams - they should be smooth, neat, and not too convex. If the seam cannot be felt, most likely the product is not stitched, but glued. Such a fur coat can simply fall apart in two days.
  6. Ask the store for the quality certificate for the fur coat and the warranty card.

How to choose a large fur coat of the right style

When choosing a fur coat, the main thing is to choose the right size. You cannot purchase a product that is smaller than the actual size. In this case, the fur coat will get wet faster, will wear out quickly and will not provide warmth.

The color of the fur coat should be dark - it is better to give preference to brown, black, dark blue and burgundy shades.

If your figure is of the “pear” type - narrow shoulders and voluminous hips - pay attention to the models of mouton fur coats with a massive collar

The best solution for women with a non-standard figure is fur coats with stand-up collars of a straight cut or flared at the bottom; fur coats of the “robe” type, complemented by a shawl collar and a belt, look beautiful on curvy ladies.

The optimal length of a large fur coat is knee-length; such a product will visually reduce the volume. You can also choose a fur coat that is hip-length if the model is made in the shape of a trapezoid.

Please note that it is preferable to choose a vertical pile direction.

The semi-raglan sleeve perfectly hides excess volume in the arm area.

Fashion advice. Mouton fur coats are an excellent choice for a non-standard figure; short pile does not add volume and looks stylish.

You can see another collection in a separate review.

How to care for a Mouton fur coat

Mouton fur coats are durable, so it is enough to maintain the appearance of the product and take proper care of the fur.

A mouton fur coat can be easily damaged by a simple sharp accessory; avoid decorating the product with decor with pronounced edges.

You cannot treat a fur coat with a spray against moths and other insects, as this will cause the product to lose its attractiveness.

Avoid getting hairspray and perfume on your fur coat.

You cannot dry your fur coat with a hairdryer or in close proximity to a heating device; let the mouton dry naturally; it takes longer, but is safer.

Fashion advice. Take your mouton fur coat to the dry cleaner every year; it is advisable to choose a company that works only with fur products.

Popular manufacturers of mouton fur coats

Factory "Armada"

Official site:

The Pyatigorsk fur factory specializes exclusively in mouton models. Raw materials are supplied from Australia. The range of fur coats and short fur coats is presented with products for a creative young girl and a respectable business woman. The average cost of a fur coat is 25 thousand rubles.

Mouton fur coats, fur factory “ARMADA”

Factory "Sobol"

Official site:

Founded in 1991 in Kirov, it is a member of the Vyatka Furriers Guild. Here you can choose a product from the main catalog and order an exclusive fur coat of any size. Cost from 22 to 49 thousand rubles.

Mouton fur coats, Sobol factory

Shubaev Company

Official site:

The company was founded in 1998 in the Moscow region. Raw materials are purchased at the best European auctions, and the fur is processed at the factory. You can purchase a fur coat made from a mouton in the company’s store. The cost of products varies from 13 to 40 thousand rubles.

Mouton fur coats, fur company "Shubaev"

Factory "Elena Furs"

Official site:

The factory was founded in Pyatigorsk in 1991. Raw materials for production are purchased at auctions in St. Petersburg, the USA, Denmark, Finland, and Canada. The purchase of the product will range from 11 to 59 thousand rubles.

Do you still think that only women with ideal model parameters can look stylish and attractive? This is not true at all! If you choose the right clothes for a full figure, you can not only hide extra pounds, but also visually make your silhouette slimmer. What kind of fur coat is suitable for a plump woman?

5 criteria for choosing a large fur coat

Even on girls of atypical build or with very curvy figures, the product will fit perfectly if you choose the right fur, style, length, color and accessories.

1. FUR

  • Fur coats for obese women and long-pile fur are incompatible. If you have curvaceous figures, you should not choose a fox, arctic fox, raccoon, bluefrost, or fisher. Such products will decorate fragile girls, but for plump ladies, on the contrary, they will add unwanted volume. Pay attention to short-haired and cropped furs: mink, astrakhan fur, broadtail, nutria, mouton, sable, otter, rabbit, beaver.
  • According to stylists, long pile is appropriate in only in the form of decorative trim on a collar or hood. However, there are nuances here too. If your hips are narrower than your shoulders, this will only emphasize this feature of your figure more, and you need to balance the top and bottom. If you want to divert attention from full hips, feel free to choose a model with a fluffy collar.


  • A win-win style of fur coat for overweight people - A-silhouette. Such trapezoidal products are flared either from the shoulder line or from the chest line. They will help hide figure flaws such as massive hips, lack of a waist and an imperfect tummy. A small flare, a butterfly - there are quite a few models of fur coats for obese women.
  • Everyone knows that vertical lines make you look slimmer, while horizontal lines, on the contrary, add extra fullness. For this reason, many fashionistas categorically refuse outfits that are made from strips laid out horizontally. However, photos of “transverse” fur coats for overweight people demonstrate the opposite. A large number of They look simply impeccable on curvy ladies! The main thing here is not to choose voluminous fur.
  • By the way, an overweight woman will look interesting and very advantageous in clothes in which the fur stripes are laid out in a herringbone pattern.
  • An absolutely unsuccessful option is a shapeless fur coat-hoodie. It will add extra volume to the figure and make the female image awkward.
  • If you have a full bust and relatively smaller hips, A fitted model of medium length, complemented by a belt, as well as a short, loose-fitting item will suit you well. In general, stylists recommend that girls with large busts wear a belt or girdle. These accessories focus attention on the waist and slightly correct the features of the figure. However, avoid a fluffy collar and opt for a high stand-up collar.
  • For fuller hips, narrower shoulders and smaller breasts choose a straight-fit product with a voluminous collar/hood and wide sleeves.
  • If your waist is not defined, Straight models with a slightly flared hem will look good on you.


  • The main limitation in length is floor-length fur coats. As a rule, curvy ladies look even fuller in them. An outfit of comfortable medium length, which will visually remove a few extra pounds, will look much more modern and harmonious. In order to create the impression of long and slender legs, it is better to purchase a model that flares to the middle of the thigh or slightly below.
  • Tall ladies are advised to choose knee length. However, if you have beautiful legs, a short fur coat will suit you just fine.


  • Every woman knows that white color makes you look fat, and black color makes you look slimmer. Give preference to products in dark shades. For example, black, brown, dark blue or dark gray fur will look luxurious.
  • According to fashion stylists, Fur coats for fat girls should not be , because it can show lush volumes not in a favorable light.
  • The best and always win-win option is classic black fur coats. They are relevant from season to season.


  • If you are faced with the task of diverting attention from problem areas, bright scarves, shawls, brooches, and large buttons will help you with this. However, don't overdo it. Additional decorations on a fur product should not be small (beads, rhinestones) and there should not be too many of them.

Find your perfect outfit made of natural fur and treat yourself to something new for the New Year! Luxurious fur coats for obese women in - this is high quality, a large range of sizes and modern models from the best designers. Enjoy the shopping!

A mink coat is a sign of respectability, wealth and good taste. With the help of such outerwear you can easily create an elegant and stylish look, but only if you choose the right model.

How to choose a mink coat, taking into account your body type

Curvy beauties are distinguished by their figures - for some, the main advantage is a voluminous bust, while others are looking for how to cover up their overly full hips. It is clear that there is simply no universal model of mink coat for any occasion.

  1. If excess volume is concentrated in the lower part of the body (pear body type), then it is better to choose fur coats with a trapezoid cut or a straight cut model. The option with an A-shaped silhouette is also suitable.
  2. If you need to cover your hips, choose a fur coat that is below the knee or reaches mid-calf.
  3. When the fullest part of the body is located at the top, you should choose models that reach mid-thigh, complemented by a stand-up collar or a small hood.
  4. Excessive volume of the figure will help to hide a loose style, as well as models with decorative inserts and patterns.
  5. To balance out a figure with curvy hips, choose a fur coat with a puffy collar. And if you have a full bust, then it’s better to avoid voluminous fur at the top. The shawl collar is also prohibited.
  6. Those who are short should choose a fur coat with a straight silhouette without decorative trims of long fur at the bottom and on the sleeves.

“Bat” style

The main rule when choosing a mink coat for a plump beauty is the presence of clean, straight cut lines and a slightly flared bottom. Also remember that the collar should be small and the hood should be medium in size. It is also worth paying attention to the mink fur from which the fur coat is made - it is better to choose plastic and delicate fur, with medium or short pile.

How to choose the right mink coat

Even if you have already decided on a suitable model, you should not rush into the purchase. After all, a mink coat is a rather expensive purchase, and it should please you not only with style, but also with quality. There are basic criteria for determining quality fur that you can focus on when purchasing:

  • high-quality fur looks shiny, not dull, and it is advisable to examine the product not under the light of professional lamps in the salon, but in the sun;
  • smooth the fur with your hand - on a good mink, the fibers will immediately return to their places, and there will be no dent on the fur when pressed;
  • as for the flesh, it should be elastic and soft, without any cracks;
  • take a white handkerchief with you to the salon - it will help check the quality of the paint: no marks remain on the white fabric;
  • the villi should not come off the base;
  • Keep in mind that cheap mink coats, in which the pile is “knitted” into a knitted fabric, are not at all as warm as products with natural fur;
  • The quality of the seams should be high, and there should be a minimum of them - if there are a lot of seams, the fur coat will only last you 1-2 seasons.

How to choose fur color

The classic rule applies here - light colors increase volume, and dark colors have a slimming effect. Just don’t forget to take into account your color type.

For example, red, bluish tones are ideal for brunettes, as well as brown-red and black diamond shades. And blondes should opt for dark or light red tones.

What to wear with a mink coat for overweight women

If you choose a long model, complement it with a short skirt and tight tights. And thigh-length fur coats will look great with skinny trousers or classic-fit pants. And wide skirts are an inappropriate addition to a fur coat. If you choose a knee-length mink coat, you can easily complement it with things from a traditional wardrobe - a suit or midi dress. To create an evening look, wear a short fur coat, just avoid ultra-short models and options with overly voluminous sleeves.

The fur coat can have a hood, then you can do without it, but if not, choose a beret or.

All that remains is to choose the right shoes:

  • Low-heeled boots will look great with a short fur coat and trousers;
  • for long models, the heel on the shoes should be high;
  • You can also choose shoes with platforms, but preferably low ones.

Mink coats “Boyarina Morozova”

Where to order a mink coat for plus size people

You can purchase a finished product made from high-quality mink fur or order an individual model made.

    1. Online store — here you will be offered a choice of different shades of beautifully crafted fur.

Mink coats from the online store

    1. If you want to buy a fur coat from stock, pay attention to the online store you will have the opportunity to choose from almost 300 models of mink coats and the opportunity to try on for free.

Today, most designers are ready to offer large size mink coats in their collections for plus size women, because plump women also want to look elegant and stylish at the same time.

It is mink that is most popular among the abundance of natural furs. In addition, such a fur coat is practical and very warm. A variety of styles and models can satisfy even the most capricious lady with chic shapes. But the choice must be made very carefully, taking into account the characteristics of the figure. It’s quite easy to spoil the impression of the most expensive fur coat by choosing the wrong style.

The good old classics are always in fashion, unlike fleeting trends. If, trying on the latest collection, you could not make a final decision, it is worth considering fur coats of a classic cut.

Color solution

An important factor when choosing a fur product is color. Even the most successful style will look ridiculous if the color is chosen incorrectly.

Advice: Large girls are better off avoiding models that are white or any too light shade because the light reflected from the pile of the skin will only visually increase the volume. Black and noble shades of chocolate and brown tones, on the contrary, will add slimness to your silhouette.

Mink fur coats for obese women in gray should be chosen with extreme caution, because in daylight it would seem to hide plumpness, but in artificial evening light it will only create the effect of a fluffy “cloud”.

The option with combined colors should be used to focus on the advantages of your figure and cleverly masking problem areas.

Youth options for chubby girls

Young plump girls should not beware of the bright colors of a large mink coat, because classic black visually adds age, and unusual the youth color will certainly look stylish and at the same time add lightness and playfulness to the image.

By choosing a dark, monochromatic model, the girl will seem more mature, experienced and a little mysterious.

Short styles are always popular with girls, and light models with a hood or an interesting collar are ideal for everyday wear and harmonize perfectly with any shoes.

Fur coat - butterfly A loose fit with flared sleeves will ideally complement an evening and holiday outfit and will add a unique shine to the image.

Fur coat model “Butterfly”

A short fur coat - ballet flat, with an extension at the back, will be comfortable for car enthusiasts.

Model "Ballet"

Large size mink coats for obese older women

As they age, girls want to look more status-conscious, without being too flashy. A trapezoidal model with a slit on the sides is perfect for chubby women. Elegant, soft folds will veil voluminous hips and give ease of movement.

A large mink coat of the “Bell” model will emphasize the waist, even if it is difficult to find. Narrow sleeves are not allowed; they will create a tight effect.

Advice! It is very important that the fur coat is not tight in the chest, such a defect creates the impression that the fur coat is too small for you, the principle “if it fastens, then it’s my size” does not apply here, keep in mind that mink does not tolerate constant stretching and will look at least funny.

Which fur to choose?

There are several types of mink fur processing:

  • shorn;
  • pinched;
  • Natural;
  • Painted.

Exactly cropped fur is most suitable for fur coats of plump fashionistas. In terms of tactile properties, fur coats for obese women made from sheared mink are similar to velvet; they look very stylish and expensive.

Modern designers urge not to repel long-haired models, but to avoid flashy accents, such as patch pockets, flashy buckles, horizontal trims, all kinds of beads and rhinestones; such details reduce the cost of the product and give it a touch of vulgarity.

Products made from plucked mink look advantageous, where all the hard hairs are removed by hand, and the soft ones shimmer beautifully, diverting attention from the large forms of the owner and focusing it on the quality of the model.

An interesting option for dyeing plus size mink, smooth transition from dark pile to lighter, amber type, allows you to hide extra inches in the waist area and adds a unique twist to the fashionista’s image.

Choice depending on height and body type


It's no secret that a fur coat made from darker skins that doesn't have too many seams will cost more. A more budget-friendly option is large mink coats made from leftover material. The quality of such a product is slightly lower, but the appearance remains attractive and does not cheapen the image.