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"18 Rejuvenating Exercises of the Qianlong Emperor"

You Can't Get Sick Too
And won't age for a long time if you use it
Secrets of Maintaining Health
Emperor Qian Long...

Because Qian Long gymnastics exercises will take care of all the basic
organs and systems of your body:

  • Balances the nervous system and relieves fatigue
  • Improve blood circulation, clean active channels;;
  • Activate metabolism and support the health of internal organs;
  • Strengthen muscles, bones and joints, improve peristalsis of the stomach and intestines;;
  • Slow down the decline in intelligence, improve the stability of emotions and interpersonal relationships;
  • Will help restore wasted energy resources;;
  • Relieve muscle tension and fatigue;
  • They will direct energy and blood to the most remote corners of your body to cleanse them of the garbage that has accumulated there over the years.

Subject: The secrets of the art of not getting sick and not aging for a long time

In recent years, Qian Long gymnastics has become very popular in China. Especially among successful people - businessmen, politicians, intellectuals.

Because a lot of people started to care their quality of life in older and older people.

In China, everyone retires at 60. Taking into account the increase in average life expectancy, after retirement a person faces new opportunities. new prospects and opportunities.

This is why no one wants to become old, decrepit and infirm ahead of time.

In search of methods to maintain health, people are increasingly turning to yangshen– the traditional Chinese art of nurturing life.

Because unlike traditional Chinese medicine, where you cannot do without a good doctor, Yangshen methods allow independently solve many health problems and prevent the occurrence of most chronic diseases.

But if the hallmark of Chinese medicine can be called acupuncture - treatment with needles, then the hallmark of yangsheng is exercises.

Chinese Emperor Qian Long - developed a system of health promotion and was famous for active longevity

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of yangshen exercises and each of them is effective in its own way, choosing the optimal set of exercises for yourself is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

And that's why…

Let's say you are a maximalist. You want to receive the best. You will say: pick me up with the best and most complete set of exercises yanshen. I want to take my health seriously.

But when you get all these exercises, do you have enough energy and time to master them? How about practicing regularly?

Most likely you risk ending up in a situation "Many knowledge, many sorrows".

Or another person. He is always unsure of himself. He doubts everything. Even the simplest exercises will raise questions in his head: Will I be able to learn them? Will I be able to study? Is this too difficult for me?

Well, between these two examples there may be a whole host of intermediate options. It’s not for nothing that they say that every person is unique.

That is why health preservation programs such as Qian Long gymnastics are worth their weight in gold by those people who seriously thought about the quality of my life in older and older age and began to search for effective methods to solve this problem.

And that's why…

Developed by the best doctors of their time for Emperor Qian Long,
these exercises reflect the reference approach of traditional Chinese medicine
to preserve the health of the main organs and systems of the human body.

The impact of each 18 exercises of the complex is aimed at harmonizing the body by activating active points and channels from the top of the head to the tips of the toes.

In other words, this is the case when simplicity and complexity are perfectly balanced- it is no longer possible to make it simpler, since the effectiveness of practice will suffer, and there is no point in making it more complex, since the main problem has been solved.

What task did Emperor Qian Long set by practicing these exercises every day throughout his life?

Very soon we will answer this question, but first let’s see how Qian Long is remembered by his descendants? Why is it so popular in modern China?

Yes, he was a successful ruler, but that is not what interests ordinary people. And with its active longevity. He ruled for many years. I managed to see the fourth generation of my grandchildren.

He was fond of calligraphy, poetry, and was a connoisseur and connoisseur of tea.

Until a very old age, he personally visited the most remote provinces, which required excellent health, because it was tens of days of travel...

Despite his busy schedule, Emperor Qian Long knew how to enjoy life

That is why researchers believe that a correct lifestyle (he always took “one hundred steps” after dinner around his favorite tree, followed the rules of shichen, and was moderate in food and pleasure) and unique gymnastics allowed him to maintain a clear mind and a healthy body into old age. lead an active life and govern the country.

This is why Qian Long's gymnastics receives today second birth. After all, a modern person can afford to lead almost the same life as the emperor of antiquity.

To do this, he needs to think about it in advance. maintaining health, so that even in old age you can be an active member of society, receive joy from life and enjoy the wisdom and harmony of old age.

After all, no one wants to prematurely become decrepit and weak, a person who evokes only pity and sympathy.

1. Qian Long gymnastics will cleanse your active channels, awaken your muscles, relieve stiffness and discomfort in the joints, restore blood circulation, increase blood flow to the brain...

This means his cells will receive additional oxygen.

2. It will give you a boost of energy, enhance your mental performance...

It will improve concentration and memory, and will allow you to produce a large amount of endorphins - “happiness hormones”, which will provide you with a good mood.

3. But the main effect from the practice of Qian Long gymnastics will be on your body...

The spine, joints of the arms and legs, muscles, ligaments and tendons, the most important internal organs and systems of the body.

4. As soon as you start doing these simple and accessible exercises for people of any age...

Performing which is much easier than doing any other type of physical activity, you will immediately feel a surge of energy, a rapid improvement in well-being and mood, lightness in the body and peace in the heart. And this is just the beginning...

Because gymnastics practice
Qian Long will help you:

Bring a harmonious balance to the nervous system and relieve fatigue

Performing Qian Long gymnastics will bring the nervous system into harmonious balance and relieve fatigue

Research conducted at the Daoyin Yangsheng Gong Research Center of Beijing Sports University has convincingly shown that regular practice of Qian Long gymnastics is one of the most effective ways to maintain harmonious work the autonomic nervous system and eliminating imbalances between its parts.

The modern lifestyle of most people creates conditions for the dominance of the sympathetic nerves over the parasympathetic, which is main reason many diseases and ailments, constant feelings of fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy or irritability.

And a long-term imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system inevitably causes fatigue in local muscles and nerve centers, which ultimately leads to poor health and diseases.

Improve blood circulation, cleanse active channels, activate metabolism and support the health of internal organs

Stimulating the acupuncture points of the wrists, fingers, ankles and toes with special exercises allows you to clear active channels more effectively

When a person reaches middle age, the overall level of energy (qi and blood in Chinese medicine terms) in the body begins to decline, this is often accompanied by a decrease in motor activity.

The consequence of this is a deterioration in blood flow and qi circulation, especially in the distal (distant) parts of the body.

That is why in Qian Long gymnastics great attention is paid to working with hands and fingers, as well as feet and toes.

In addition, most of the important acupuncture points are located in the wrists and ankles.

Stimulating the wrists, fingers, ankles and toes with specific exercises allows

clean active channels more effectively;
open more capillaries;
improve microcirculation and reduce blood pressure;
improve the functioning of internal organs.

In addition, the poorer the blood flow, the more difficult it is for the heart to pump blood upward, which leads to decreased blood supply to the heart and organs above the heart, and also puts the body at risk for diseases such as coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, arthritis and hemorrhoids.

Special exercises of Qian Long gymnastics

effectively unload the heart;
promote blood flow to the heart and areas above the heart and thus improve blood circulation throughout the body;
facilitate the control and prevention of the above diseases.

Strengthen muscles, bones and joints

Qian Long gymnastics will effectively help relieve tension in the spine

Research has shown that if you look at the profile of the spine of the average person standing upright, the center of gravity of the upper body is at front part spinal column.

The line of the center of gravity of the body, as a rule, passes through the ventral side of the center of the fourth lumbar vertebra. In other words, all segments of each part of the spine are constantly bend forward.

Therefore, the pressure on the spine comes not only from the weight of the human body itself, but also from the convergent force of the back muscles, which are forced to tense in order to balance the force of gravity.

When our torso is in an upright position, the vertebra and intervertebral discs bear almost all the pressure. The pressure on various segments of the spine gradually increases from bottom to top.

Therefore, people who spend a long time in an upright position often suffer from spinal problems, especially in the lumbar region.

Gymnastics Qian Long effectively helps relieve tension in the above parts of the body and improve local blood circulation, as well as distribute body weight across the four limbs, significantly reducing the load on the spine and lower back.

Special point stimulation liver channel(the liver controls the tendons) and kidney canal(kidneys control bones) will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys and help slow down the aging process.

Qian Long gymnastics will help

strengthen your bones and tendons,
increase muscle strength and elasticity,
correct posture
increase overall energy levels (Qi and Blood).

Improve peristalsis of the stomach and intestines

Qian Long exercises will help effectively stimulate the stomach, promoting blood circulation in it

As blood flow deteriorates, the vertical position of the torso will have pressure on the stomach and intestines, create problems for their peristalsis, and due to their low location will add problems for venous reflux.

This can easily lead to constipation, rectocele, hemorrhoids and endless related troubles.

Qian Long exercises will help effectively stimulate the stomach, intestines and anal sphincter, by promoting blood circulation in these areas, will improve venous reflux and thereby help prevent the above symptoms.

Slow down the decline in intelligence

Long-term practice of Qian Long exercises can effectively inhibit the intellectual degradation of middle-aged and elderly people

Research has shown that long-term practice of Qian Long gymnastics significantly improves motor reflexes and counting speed, symbol recognition and the ability to remember numbers.

And these are important indicators of traditional IQ tests. Long-term practice of Qian Long exercises can not only effectively inhibit the intellectual degradation of middle-aged and elderly people, but also have a positive effect on improving attention and imagination, fully activating brain cells and thereby slowing down the aging process.

Improve emotional stability and interpersonal relationships

Research has shown that regular Qian Long gymnastics will help improve the stability of emotions and reduce the number of their negative manifestations.

In modern health psychology, it is believed that a mentally healthy person is not in a state of pleasure all day, but is optimistic almost all the time.

Just as normal body temperature fluctuates around 37 degrees, so do emotions mentally healthy people are in a state optimism.

More importantly, if negative emotions arise, such a person will easily be able to cope with them and put his emotional state in order. This ability to regulate emotions is mandatory for all mentally healthy people.

Studying emotion regulation is another approach to improving mental health.

Research has shown that regular Qian Long exercises will help improve emotional stability and reduce the number of their negative manifestations.

In addition, practicing the Qian Long exercises

Optimizes personal mood,
increases not only physical, but also mental tone.

And this is an important factor in establishing and maintaining harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Since its inception, traditional Chinese medicine has advocated the priority of prevention over treatment.

Perhaps at this point you started to think:

How can simple exercises have such an amazing effect? And even for almost all the main organs and systems of the body?

If we were talking about regular exercise, you might be right.

But not in our case...

The fact is that since its inception, traditional Chinese medicine has professed the priority of prevention over treatment.

Hence the diagnostic tools that make it possible to determine the possibility of a disease long before its occurrence, which are many hundreds of years ahead of the capabilities of modern medicine...

And a large list of preventive medications that kill the disease in the bud, and, as in our case, special exercises that allow you to maintain cleanliness and passability 12 active channels, and through them influence the preservation of the health of the main organs and systems of the body.

Because Chinese medicine believes that the cause of any disease lies in the disruption of one of the 12 body systems– internal organs and active channels associated with the organ.

It is through channels that we can influence organs and improve their functions.

Therefore, the physical movements that we make in the process of practicing Qian Long gymnastics exercises are only the visible part of the iceberg. The main work happens at a deeper level.

Daily, day after day we make seemingly insignificant efforts that ultimately lead us to fantastic results.

Chinese medicine believes that the cause of any disease lies in the disruption of one of the 12 body systems

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Good afternoon, dear readers! It is no coincidence that Hu-chun-gong gymnastics is called the rejuvenating exercises of Chinese empresses, because literally translated, Hu-chun-gong means “Exercises that bring back spring” and in ancient China, the secret of these exercises was accessible only to Chinese emperors and empresses.

The exercises are based on the ancient Chinese teaching about the internal energy of a person, which moves along the meridians and on these meridians there are many acupuncture points, by acting on which you can cure diseases. It is possible to activate these points by performing special exercises at a slow pace, and then the pathogenic energy leaves the body and it is filled with cosmic, healing energy.

The complex includes 17 exercises, from the very first movements a person feels that the hu-chun-gong exercises give vigor, strength, lightness, a feeling of youth, as if “spring is returning” to him - youth, as if an internal source of energy appears in the body.

  1. The legend of the hu-chun-gong exercises that bring back spring.
  2. What are the health benefits of Hu Chun Gong exercises?
  3. Principles of constructing Hu-chun-gong exercises.
  4. Description of the rejuvenating exercises of Chinese empresses.

The legend of the hu-chun-gong exercises that bring back spring.

Unique exercises were developed by Taoist monks, on the orders of the Chinese emperor, who dreamed of prolonging his youth and the youth of his wife.

Legend has it that it happened as follows:

“Once in the Ancient Empire of China, in one of the monasteries, monks, studying the basics of meditation and Taoism, lived a long life (more than 120 years), while maintaining the energy of the spirit and vigor of the body.

Having heard about such a phenomenon, the Emperor of the Celestial Empire ordered the oldest monks to come to the palace. The monks told the emperor that they had found energy channels in the human body through which a person is connected with the energy system of the Cosmos. And they learned, with the help of exercises, to fill their bodies with this energy, which gives youth and long life.

The imperial family was trained in this art, filling the body with the energy of Earth and Heaven, and a Decree was immediately issued banning the disclosure of this Secret.

Hu-chun-gong was passed down from generation to generation, only emperors and empresses knew the rejuvenating exercises, (besides the monks), they performed them daily, in a passionate desire to gain immortality...”

What are the health benefits of Hu Chun Gong exercises?

Unlike other health systems, Hu Chun Gong exercises concentrate energy in the Xia Dan zone, which is located in the lower abdomen and controls the genitourinary system.

During the exercises, this area warms up, blood circulation increases, and the production of sex hormones is activated. The kidneys, which are included in the Xia Dan zone, are, according to Chinese teaching, a store of energy and vitality. Human aging depends on the condition of the kidneys. If a person is young, full of strength and energy, then his kidneys are functioning well. On the contrary, early aging, loss of vitality of the body, speaks of weak kidneys.

Watch the Hu Chun Gong exercises video:

Hu-chun-gong exercises not only activate the kidneys, but also the body’s endocrine system, pancreas and thyroid glands, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, female and male reproductive systems.

When performing exercises, the hormonal system is restored, the skin is cleared of acne, and cases of cure for impotence and premature ejaculation have even been described.

The exercises are remembered easily and quickly; the most important thing is that when performing them, a person’s own energy is not wasted at all.

Principles of constructing Hu-chun-gong exercises.

Before starting to get acquainted with exercises that rejuvenate the body, I want to introduce you to general rules or principles. The Chinese are guided by these principles when performing not only Hu Chun Gong, but also all types of Chinese health gymnastics and exercises:

When performing Hu Chun Gong exercises, your body movements should be leisurely and smooth. As the Chinese like to say, “you should not hesitate to move at the speed of a turtle or a snail.”

While performing the movements, do not focus on your breathing, it should be natural. Just watch the first minutes of how you breathe, don’t try to change it, “command” it.

When performing hu-chun-gong exercises, do not strain, allow your body to make slow movements without effort. Thoughtfulness and slowness should come first. And if something doesn’t work out right away, don’t despair, the important thing is that you are moving in the right direction.

When performing each exercise, try to keep your attention on one place (meaning any part of the body of your body). When a person focuses on a specific point, this allows the effect of the exercise to accelerate. For example, when you focus your attention on your hand, all the meridians passing through it are activated and carry this doubled energy throughout the body.

The rejuvenating exercises of the Chinese empresses are convenient because they do not require much space. They can be performed wherever it is convenient for you: next to the computer desk, in the bedroom, in the living room...

Experts recommend performing this complex in nature, just like all other Chinese gymnastics complexes. In nature, a person unites with the energy of the Cosmos and the Earth, fresh air, freedom of the surrounding space - all this is beneficially perceived by the body and the effect of exercise is enhanced.

If you do not have the opportunity to perform the complex outdoors, do not worry, the rejuvenating exercises Hu Chun Gong also work indoors. Just take care of the environment in which you will perform the exercises. Very good. if you have a pleasant view from the window, you can simply look at a white wall. A bright colored carpet will not work; it will distract your attention.

The best times to do exercises are in the morning or evening - before bed. Clothes should be comfortable and loose so that they do not restrict your movements; wear light slippers with thin soles to feel the energy of the Earth. Try not to violate the sequence in which the exercises are described; they are performed once a day, all 17 at once.

Initially, as soon as you begin to master this technique, perform all 17 exercises; later, you can perform the first four without fail, which are considered the most important, and you can choose the rest at your discretion. You yourself will understand what exercise you need and will want to repeat.

Rejuvenating exercises of Chinese empresses and emperors.

Exercise hu-chun-gong 1, opening the shoulder girdle. This exercise is aimed at opening the shoulder girdle from tension, freeing the meridians from blockades, which allows energy to move freely. Initially, a crunching sound may be heard in the shoulder joints, which soon goes away. The movement of the shoulders stimulates the energy channels of this zone: the small intestine channel - the heart, the large intestine channel - the lungs and the gall bladder.

Preparation: Breathing is even and calm, direct your attention to the chest, watch how it expands when you inhale, and you can imagine how with breathing the body is filled with strength and youth.

Performance: Bend your knees slightly and squat slightly, resting your palms on your legs. Slowly move your palms to your knees and lift your hips while lifting your heels. Place your hands down from your knees, they should hang freely, tilt your shoulders and head down too. Begin to slowly lift your body, straightening it. And complete the straightening of the body by moving the shoulder joints back, lowering from the balls of the toes to the entire foot. With this last movement, exhale loudly. The exercise is repeated 8 times.

Note. When performing exercises, watch your feet; they should always be parallel to each other. This is one of the rules that should not be broken.

Exercise hu-chun-gong 2. “Return of spring.” This exercise is based on body vibration, which increases blood circulation in small vessels and capillaries, which eliminates blood stagnation, the influx of fresh blood increases metabolism, delivers an increased amount of nutrition to the skin, organs and tissues, thereby rejuvenating cells and the body as a whole.

Frees connective tissues from congestion and adhesions that occur as a result of inflammation and metabolic disorders. These wastes will gradually be eliminated by the body through the secretion organs, therefore, especially in the first days of performing the exercise, you need to drink more mineral water without gases.

Exercise strengthens the immune system, relieves abdominal and lower back pain, regulates metabolism, the skin becomes clear, and fine wrinkles disappear. Beginners are advised to master this exercise well, and only after that move on to the next ones.

Preparation. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your arms freely along your body.

Performance. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, bend your knees slightly and squat slightly, keeping your body straight. Relax your body as much as possible and begin to spring your knees (up and down, straightening them a little and bending them again). You will feel the vibration spreading throughout your entire body. Breathing should be voluntary, do not control it.

You cannot raise your shoulders up and strain them, your arms should hang freely; when vibrations occur, they themselves will move, repeating the movement of the body. Such vibration movements must be done 164 times. If it is not clear from the description how to perform this exercise, watch the video, it is shown very well there.

Contraindications. This exercise has contraindications; it is prohibited for pregnant women, during menstruation, and in the postoperative period if the operation was on the abdominal cavity.

Vibrations are a very effective exercise for youthful blood vessels, I have already written about other exercises that create oscillatory movements and help remove all stagnation in small vessels, read here and look here.

Exercise hu-chun-gong 3. “Shoulder rotation.” This exercise significantly increases the mobility of the shoulder joints, warms up the muscles of the shoulder girdle, eliminates pain associated with osteochondrosis of the neck and thoracic region, and enriches the internal organs with fresh blood flow. It has a particularly beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory system and metabolism, the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis of the shoulder joints.

Preparation. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your arms freely along your body.

Performance. Shift your body weight to your left leg, bending it slightly at the knee. Raise the heel of your right foot so that there is less pressure on it. Begin an arched turn with your left shoulder, lift your shoulder and move it back.

Now move the center of gravity to the right leg, resting on the entire foot, while the left leg stands on the pad, almost the entire body load is on the right leg. Repeat the arcing motion with your right shoulder, lifting it up. In total, you need to perform 8 rotations with one shoulder and 8 rotations with the other shoulder.

Shift your body from one leg to the other smoothly and slowly, as if dancing. Body movements should be at the same height, by moving the center of gravity from one leg to the other, that is, to the sides, and not up and down.

Attention should be focused on the rotation of the shoulder joints and waist, with the gaze directed ahead.

Exercise hu-chun-gong 4. “Activation of vital energy”. Exercise normalizes the metabolic process in cells, improves the enrichment of cells and tissues of the whole body with nutrients and accelerates the process of removing waste and toxins, thereby filling the body with life energy.

Semicircular movements of the arms activate the meridians located on the arms and under the arms and increase blood circulation. The elbow joints, finger joints, and hip joints are trained. People who perform this exercise note that the cold from the lower back goes away, and along with it the pain. In addition, movements have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and genitals.

Preparation. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your arms freely along your body.

Performance. Imagine that you have a ball in your hands, you hold it in your left palm, and your right palm covers it from above. Hold your ball at chest level. Moving your left leg in a circular motion, step half a step to the side and place it at a right angle to your right leg, placing 2/3 of your body weight on it, while moving your hands behind your leg and body, also to the left side. Focus your attention on the palm of your left hand, transferring the warmth of your gaze to it, and slowly clench your hand into a fist.

Moreover, this must be done in a certain sequence, start with the little finger, then squeeze the ring finger, then the middle, index and thumb. Hold your fist for a few seconds, imagining that you are threatening all your sores with it and slowly unclench your fingers, straighten your palm and turn your outstretched arm so that the palm is directed away from the body and “looks” to the left.

Now shift your body weight completely to your left leg to allow your right leg to make a semicircle and step back half a step to the right. While moving your body weight, turn the heel of your left foot without lifting it off the floor, turn your right foot on the balls of your feet. Hands move smoothly to the right. Now focus your attention on your right hand and repeat everything described above. Repeat the movements in one direction and the other - 8 times.

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