Pension for the widow of a military pensioner - terms of payment, registration and calculation procedure. Pension for widows of former military personnel Increase in pensions for widows of military personnel per year

Often a woman is faced with a situation where she is left alone due to the death or death of her husband. It is worth noting that such categories are provided with state support in the form of pensions. What kind of pension widows are entitled to in 2019, and who can count on it – we’ll look at it in the article.

A military wife is a woman who often hasn't worked much. This is due to the fact that military personnel are often transferred from one military unit to another while fulfilling their duties. Finding a job for their wives is quite difficult, so they often remain on the payroll of their husbands or have very little work experience, which leads to them retiring at old age and receiving a minimum social pension benefit.

If they lose their husband, they are left with virtually no financial support, so for such women the state actually provides two types of payments:

  • for loss of a breadwinner;
  • old age pension payments subject to a certain length of service.

Second pension and additional payments to widows of deceased military personnel in 2019

Let us note that, in addition to the pension for widows of military pensioners, in 2019 there are also some additional accruals that they have the right to apply for and receive after the death of their husband:

  1. In Decree No. 941 of 1993, paragraph 21 provides such women with the opportunity to obtain a funeral benefit. Its size is the amount of pension payments for the last 3 months before death.
  2. The same Resolution, but already in paragraph 22, may also provide a lump sum death benefit. Moreover, such accruals are possible for widows of deceased husbands of pensioners who have served at least 25 years, and at the same time left service due to age or health status from among senior officers.

The second pension for the widow of a deceased serviceman in 2019 is assigned when the woman reaches the age of 55. But there is also an exception in the legislation for such categories of widows, in which pension benefits for the loss of a breadwinner are established earlier than age restrictions, for example:

  • if a woman has a disability;
  • if the widow has children under 14 years of age to support.

Also, some concessions apply to widows whose husband died as a result of injury while carrying out his duties. Here the age limit for women is reduced to 50 years. But if the family has a child under 8 years of age, then support is assigned regardless of the woman’s ability to work. Also, her age is not taken into account. This possibility is regulated by Law No. 4468-1, Article 30.

What factors determine the size of the pension for widows of military pensioners in 2019?

The size of the pension for the widow of a military pensioner in 2019 depends on many factors:

  • military rank;
  • his positions;
  • the reasons for his death or death;
  • length of service as a military personnel.

When calculating the final amount, two pension coefficients are taken into account (the pensioner’s personal value and the average value at the time of filing the application). The number of dependents who were supported by the military pensioner is also taken into account.

Will there be an increase in pensions for widows of military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019?

If we talk about pensions for widows of military personnel (including the Ministry of Internal Affairs) in 2019, there are no plans to increase them. But every woman with this status can apply for recalculation if a coefficient was found that was not taken into account in the calculations.

Note that such pension payments are received even if the woman remarried, except for the pension for the widow of a Ministry of Internal Affairs pensioner in 2019. For the latter, they are canceled upon entering into a new marriage. In other cases, this pension benefit remains for life.

Pension for the widows of the Chernobyl accident liquidator, WWII participants and judges in 2019

The pension for the widow of the liquidator of the Chernobyl accident in 2019 continues to relate to payments in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. But to receive it, a woman must reach the generally recognized retirement age in the country or have the status of a disabled person, at which such support is assigned, despite her age. Along with this pension, widows of Chernobyl victims can receive both a social and insurance pension in 2019, if they are entitled to such.

The next category of widows are the wives of a deceased World War II veteran. Let us immediately note that they can count on most of the privileges that were granted to their husband, but every year their number, unfortunately, decreases. For more complete information about the availability of other benefits, you can contact your local government or social service at your place of residence.

A pension for widows of a WWII participant in 2019 is provided if they lose their main source of income. The registration period does not expire, but when a woman reaches retirement age and the insurance pension is calculated, these payments in connection with the loss of a breadwinner are canceled.

In addition, the Government provides additional monthly payments to the wives of deceased WWII veterans for the widows of those who died during the Second World War and the wives of deceased disabled WWII veterans. Also, municipal authorities can assign one-time financial assistance, which can be allocated for holidays, for example, for Victory Day.

Since 2012, widows of judges can also count on survivors' benefits. This is legislatively supported by the resolution of the Constitutional Court No. 27-P, which supplemented Art. 20 of the Law “On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation”: “In the event of the death of a judge (including a retired judge), for reasons not related to official activities, the state will pay monthly benefits to disabled household members who were dependent on him. If there is one dependent - in the amount of 40% of the monthly lifetime allowance of a retired judge or 40% of the monthly lifetime allowance of a judge, which, in connection with the death of a working judge, is calculated in proportion to the number of full years worked by him as a judge, regardless of his age on the day of death . If there are two or more dependents - in the amount of the monthly lifetime allowance of a retired judge or in the amount of the monthly lifetime allowance of a judge, which, in connection with the death of a working judge, is calculated in proportion to the number of full years worked by him as a judge, regardless of his age on the day of death , “minus the share attributable to the judge himself.”

That is, pensions for widows of judges continue to be accrued in 2019, but the woman loses the right to such payments in the event of remarriage, as in previous cases.

Documents for registration of pensions for widows

These payments for the loss of a survivor are processed and calculated in the Pension Fund in the presence of those factors under which you can count on the accrual of such payments. In order for a pension to be awarded, a woman must contact the Pension Fund with a certain package of documents:

  1. Widow's passport and its copy, identification code.
  2. An application to the Pension Fund, which is completed when a woman applies. In it, be sure to list all the documents that you attach to the application.
  3. Certificate of family composition.
  4. Confirmation of the deceased's right to receive pension payments.
  5. Notification of the death of the husband and his death certificate.
  6. A document confirming the woman's marital status with the deceased.
  7. Certificate of the woman's status (war veteran, disabled person, etc.), if available.
  8. Labor book.

It is possible that the PF will require other additional information and documentary evidence of it. The full package of documents can always be clarified at the regional offices of the Pension Fund.

Widows of deceased military personnel are entitled to a survivor's pension. The spouse of the deceased can apply for second payments when raising military dependents, reaching retirement age, or having a disability. The amount of payments depends on the cause of death of the military man. A survivor's pension is issued through the military registration and enlistment office, the social or insurance part is issued through the pension fund, additional benefits and payments are issued through the social insurance department.

The life of military wives is associated with many difficulties: worries about the life and health of their spouse, constant moving, and unsettled everyday life. It is precisely because of a change of place of residence that it is difficult for a woman to get a permanent job, build a career, or earn insurance coverage. Therefore, often upon reaching retirement age, military wives can only claim social security or a minimum retirement pension.

And if the spouse passes away before this period, the widow is completely left without means of subsistence. The lack of financial support is especially acutely felt by the wives of deceased military personnel, who are left with their young children or their husband’s orphans in their care. The only source of income in this case is the survivor's benefit, which is paid, among other things, to the widows or widowers of a deceased serviceman. The conditions and amounts of such support are prescribed in Law No. 4468-I of February 12, 1993 “On pensions for persons who served in military service.”

According to Art. 7 of this regulatory act, military spouses have the right to simultaneously receive two types of payments:

  • survivor's benefit;
  • any second pension established by law, with the exception of social pensions for the loss of a breadwinner.

Receipt of a second earned pension for widows of deceased military personnel is regulated by Federal Law No. 400 “On Labor Pensions”, payments for length of service, social benefits, including for age and disability - Federal Law No. 166 “On State Pensions”.

Conditions for receiving a survivor's pension for a widow

Survivor benefits are paid to widows of military personnel who served in the following ranks:

  • armed forces of the Russian Federation;
  • internal affairs bodies and the penitentiary system;
  • "Rosguard";
  • state fire service;
  • authorities for control over the circulation of drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • military formations of the former Union.

Payments are assigned in the event of death/destruction of a military man:

  • during service;
  • within 3 months after dismissal;
  • due to illness, injury, injury, concussion during service, regardless of the period that has passed since resignation;
  • while receiving a pension;
  • after the termination of pension payments, but no later than 5 years.

Note! Widows of military personnel who died while in captivity or went missing during hostilities are equal to the widows of those killed at the front.

Spouses who:

  1. Disabled.
  2. Lost their livelihood after the death of their husband/wife.
  3. Raise children under 14 years of age. These could be children, brothers, sisters, or grandchildren of the deceased. In this case, the woman should not be employed.
  4. Reached retirement age: 55.5 years for women in 2018, 60.5 years for men.

The right to receive a spouse's military pension continues after remarriage. However, in this case, the opportunity to receive a second pension is lost.

The right to a pension on preferential terms

The wives or husbands of deceased military personnel are entitled to preferential pensions due to disability resulting from injury, injury, or illness during:

  • being at the front;
  • serving abroad during combat operations;
  • being in captivity;
  • performing other military/official duties.

In this case, payments are assigned:

  1. When the spouse reaches retirement age.
  2. When caring for children under 8 years of age, regardless of whether the spouse works or not.

If a woman or man has lost, for the listed reasons, not only her husband/wife, but also children who served, she/he has the right to choose one payment related to the death of the breadwinner.

Conditions for granting a second pension to widows

The second pension for the widow of a military pensioner is awarded only if the woman does not remarry. In this case, she or he, in addition to survivor benefits, can receive:

  1. Labor (insurance) pension upon reaching retirement age.
  2. Early retirement or long service payments.
  3. Social security by age, if you were unable to earn the necessary length of service to receive a pension.
  4. Disability benefits.

If the widow/widower remarries, she must choose one pension plan.

When a loved one passes away, it doesn’t matter what age he was or how many years have passed. The power of loss cannot be measured in numbers. And it would be foolish to assume that money can measure the grief of a person who has lost a life partner. Unfortunately, it is impossible to take care of the dead. But the living can and should be taken care of. Today we will talk about the guarantees that the state undertakes in such cases. Namely, about what needs to be done to receive a pension for the widow of a military pensioner.

In 2015, there are two types of pensions assigned in connection with the death of a breadwinner to widows of military pensioners:

  • pension from the Ministry of Defense - assigned if the deceased received a state pension for long service or a state pension due to disability;
  • “civil line” pension is additional and is paid only if the deceased military pensioner acquired the right (or received) to an old-age or disability insurance pension.

Let's look at both cases.

Conditions for receiving pensions for widows of military pensioners

In the first case, the widow of a military pensioner applies for a state pension in connection with the death of the breadwinner in accordance with Articles 28 and 29 of Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-I of February 12, 1993. The following conditions are mandatory:

  • a pensioner - a former military personnel died while the pension was still being paid or within 60 months after the end of its payment;
  • the death of a military pensioner occurred due to a wound, concussion, injury or disease acquired during his service in the RF Armed Forces;
  • the spouse of the deceased has reached retirement age, has a disability, or is raising (caring for) the child of the deceased who has not yet reached the age of fourteen (the latter only if the widow is not officially employed).

If a deceased military pensioner became disabled due to a military injury and before his death received a disability pension through the military department, his wife has the right to apply for a preferential pension in connection with the death of the breadwinner:

  • when she turns 50;
  • if the child of the deceased whom she is raising is not yet 8 years old (in this case, the woman’s age and the degree of her employment are not determining factors).

By the way, in accordance with Art. 35 of Law No. 4468-I, a military widow can retain an already assigned pension upon remarriage.

Now let's consider the second case. The widow of the deceased may receive an additional pension in connection with the death of the breadwinner if the military pensioner, before his death, earned the right to a second pension under the “civil line” (meaning insurance for age or in connection with disability) and the requirements of Art. 10 Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013. At the same time, the “civilian” pension, just like the state pension, will remain if the woman remarries.

How is the pension amount calculated?

The size of the pension accrued to the widow of a military pensioner through the military department depends on several factors: the cause of death of the retired military man, as well as his position, rank and length of service upon transition to retirement.

According to the provisions of Articles 36 and 37 of Law No. 4468-I, the pension in connection with the death of the breadwinner is:

  • half of the total monetary allowance of a former military man (SDS), if the cause of death was a military injury (clause a) of Article 21 of Law No. 4468-I), but not less than twice the estimated pension;
  • 40% of the SDS, if the cause of death was a disease acquired during the years of service (clause “b” of Article 21 of Law No. 4468-I), but not less than 1.5 times the calculated pension.

The amount of an additional pension in connection with the death of a breadwinner, assigned to widows of military pensioners, is the product of the pension coefficient of the deceased by the cost of one pension coefficient in the year the pension was applied for. Moreover, if the deceased has already received a second pension for some time, then the calculated value of the pension in connection with the death of the breadwinner must be divided by the number of disabled people who were dependent on him.

The additional pension to the spouses of deceased military pensioners is paid only in the individual calculation part, without taking into account the fixed payment. If, when determining an additional pension for the widow of a military pensioner, any period of working activity that could affect the amount of the established pension was not taken into account, then it is recalculated once - in August, a year after the pension was assigned.

The increase in already established pensions for widows of military pensioners occurs on an equal basis with other rights holders. In February 2015, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, according to the adopted budget, indexed pensions by the growth rate of consumer prices = 11.4%. In October, a planned increase in the SDI of military personnel by 5.5% is also expected, which should also affect pensions paid in connection with the death of the breadwinner.

Registration of pension

To apply for a pension, the widow of a military pensioner needs to appear at her husband’s pension department with a corresponding application. If we are talking about a state pension, then the application is transferred to the Ministry of Defense, if about an additional pension, it is sent to the Pension Fund. The following must be attached to the application:

  • applicant's passport;
  • death certificate of a military pensioner + his military documents;
  • a document indicating the relationship of the applicant with the deceased (for a widow, this is a marriage certificate);
  • if the basis for receiving a pension is raising a minor child (see above), then a birth certificate for such a child/children is provided, as well as certificates confirming the fact of raising/caring for this child;
  • other documents upon request.

The authorities responsible for the payment and registration of pensions have the right to require evidence certifying the cause of death and the presence of a disease acquired during service in the former military personnel.

After the documents are accepted, the decision on pension payment is made within ten days. The pension is paid for the entire period of incapacity, and for those who are due to retire and older - for the rest of their lives.

A military wife follows her husband and often does not have the opportunity to get a well-paid job or is forced to interrupt her service, which is why she subsequently receives a low pension. The salary, and subsequently the husband’s pension, is a serious support for her. Having lost her husband, she is also deprived of her. But the state took such circumstances into account and prescribed payments and benefits to widows of retired military personnel.

Pension and financial support for widows

Benefits for widows of retired military personnel in 2018 provide the opportunity to count the time when they were with their husband at his place of service and could not find employment in their specialty as part of their work experience. Since 2014, it is permissible to include up to 5 years from such a period, although earlier more flexible conditions were in effect and there were no restrictions at all.

Upon retirement, a woman can receive both her own payment and the pension of her deceased husband. Since military personnel are expected to receive bonuses for length of service, and salaries for both position and rank are taken into account, his pension will probably be higher. After making calculations, the widow chooses her option for accrual.

Pension calculation

The pension is assigned according to previously made calculations for the military man himself. If he worked for more than 20 years, he is entitled to a payment “for length of service”. For each additional year, a premium is charged.

If a military man has mixed experience, he must have at least 12.5 years of military service and twice as much in total until he reaches 45 years of age. If a citizen’s health has deteriorated or he has been laid off, he is subject to “forcible” dismissal and social payments are assigned if the length of service is insufficient.

Survivor's benefit

In addition, a woman can receive. To do this, she does not need to wait until her retirement age. The benefit is issued immediately after death. It is also due to children or other relatives who were dependent on the deceased.

If a military man dies due to an injury received in service, but is already retired, his family is entitled to a social benefit. It is fixed in nature and must be indexed.

Benefits and privileges for military widows

The state supports widows in several areas; the amount of support depends on several factors - let's look at it in more detail.

To pay for housing and communal services

What benefits widows of military pensioners are entitled to pay for housing and communal services depend on the status of the deceased and the characteristics of regional programs. For example, if a spouse participated in military operations, a 50% discount is assigned.

For healthcare

The family of a deceased military man is also provided with other social benefits. They mainly concern the field of healthcare:

  • A widow can be registered and treated in departmental hospitals. This happens free of charge.
  • Providing free medications prescribed at the institution during the course of treatment.
  • By appointment or for a health and rehabilitation course, go to departmental medical sanatoriums free of charge. Travel in such a situation is compensated by the state.
  • Opportunity to buy vouchers with significant discounts to resorts and sanatoriums owned by the department.

For employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Benefits for widows of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other military structures are similar. Children are allowed to enter the kindergarten without a queue. This also applies to schools and military colleges, if there is such a wish.

If a military man died in service, the woman will be provided with assistance in relocating. It is expressed in payment for travel and the provision of a railway container for the delivery of personal property with a volume of 20 tons.

Also, once a year she is allowed to use the right of unpaid travel to the place where her husband is buried.

All social benefits remain with the widow for life, unless she marries again. In such a situation, all privileges are revoked.

Received by a person after serving in the army or navy with a period of service of at least 20 years.

Also entitled to a military pension are those who served in the FSB and other organizations where service is equivalent to military service.

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Conditions for receiving, who is entitled to

A military pension is a payment received by a person after serving in the army or navy with a period of service of at least 20 years. Also entitled to a military pension are those who served in the FSB and other organizations where service is equivalent to military service.

This also includes service in the USSR and the countries of the former USSR. Let’s look further at what the widow of a military pensioner is entitled to.

Calculation of length of service is done according to individual acts. The military is subject to a 1993 decree on the rules for calculating length of service. A separate document applies to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other departments.

Such foreigners have the right to a pension upon receipt of a temporary residence permit or residence permit; citizenship is not required. Materials are sent from another state upon request.

A woman who has lost her retired husband, who received a military pension, has a benefit in the form of the right to receive two - old-age insurance and her husband's pension. This also applies to men and spouses who served in the army.

Previously, only the pensioner himself received the right to two pensions: insurance and military.

Insurance pension for the widow of a military pensioner or for old age, old age or disability. The law stipulates the conditions entitling a spouse to two pensions:

  • the deceased spouse was receiving a pension at the time of death
  • death occurred due to injury or illness received as a result of service no later than 3 months after dismissal
  • the cause of death occurred in the service, then the 3 month period is not taken into account
  • the spouse of the deceased received or was receiving a pension at the time of death, and the deceased breadwinner’s pension was canceled; the period elapsed after the cancellation of the pension should not be longer than 5 years
  • the spouse of the deceased receives a pension, because has reached the age or has
  • Previously, payments to a woman stopped if she entered into a new marriage, but now this right remains

By the way, the insurance pension is paid to those who have the required length of service; if there is no work experience, a social pension is paid. An insurance or social pension is paid; to receive a second, military pension, it does not matter.

A disability or old-age pension is paid on the basis of the “On Insurance Pensions” or the Law “On Labor Pensions” if it was received by a person before 2013.

Thus, not only the pensioner herself, but also her or his spouse is now entitled to receive two pensions in connection with military service. As a rule, the right is given to disabled people or old-age pensioners.

What documents are needed and where to apply

Two sets of documents are collected, one for the insurance pension, which is paid by the pension fund, the second for the Ministry of Defense or another department, which in turn pays the military pension.

List for PF:

  • copy of the future recipient's passport
  • death certificate
  • papers confirming the fact of military service
  • marriage certificate

To receive a pension from the Ministry of Defense, additional to those listed are required:

  • statement
  • documents confirming the cause of death

It must be said that receiving a second pension is not so easy; the fact that he died due to illness or injury received in the service is especially disputed.

If the documents relate to information held by other government agencies, they must be requested from them, this does not give grounds to pension departments to say that since the applicant did not provide documents, this is his problem.

Obtaining the necessary information is organized through interdepartmental interaction.

Who is involved in the registration of pensions, except for the Pension Fund?

Departmental pensions are handled by the structure where the deceased served. In the case of the military, these are military commissariats, in the case of the police - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB officers - respectively, the FSB.

As for liquidated services, where the service was considered military, all their pension issues pass to the heirs of the services. For example, the FSNK has now again become part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the internal troops have been reformatted into the guard.

You can submit documents with your application through the MFC or the “public services” electronic service. On the websites of organizations it is proposed to open a personal account and send documents electronically through it.

The pension is paid either through the mail or through, and the Pension Fund also pays pensions through other organizations according to the list. The second pension, the military one, so to speak, can be paid on a card. It is not necessary to have two cards, one is enough.

The account details are transferred to the authority providing the payment, and the transfer of money begins to the card. Often the application is written at the bank, the papers are then sent to the pension authority.

A pension accrued but not received by a pensioner is issued to him for a period of no more than 3 years, which precedes the application. If non-receipt is due to the actions of pension authorities, then payments are provided in full regardless of the period.

Pension payments cannot be received from any bank; it must be certified. As a rule, these are state-owned banks, the state participation in them is more than 50% of the shares. So, there is no need to fear that the bank will burst at any moment and the money will be lost.

The law itself requires that pensions be issued through Sberbank, although it is allowed to use other organizations that meet the requirements.

Citizens living outside the country also have the right to receive a pension; in this case, the transfer of pensions is ensured by the state, and interstate agreements in this regard are also in force.

Thus, the process of registering a pension is ensured by both the pension fund and the pension departments of the services where the deceased served in the military. The list of documents is standard, in both cases. For a military pension, a document confirming that the cause of death was injury or received in service is important.

Nuances of accrual and registration

The calculation of the pension for the pensioner himself is made based on the length of his service; the calculation for the spouse is made from the previously assigned pension.

As a general rule, the payment is related either to the recipient’s age or the fact of disability.

If everything is clear with age, then disability arises.

Disability is assigned by ITU.

The commission may assign disability either for a period or indefinitely, depending on the degree of the illness. Some injuries and illnesses are grounds for receiving a pension for life.

A person can undergo re-examination two or three times, then receive a pension for life if the disease is not treated and is pronounced.

The survivor's pension for the widow of a military pensioner is also tied to the woman's condition (she is disabled), therefore, as soon as the woman's disability ceases, she loses both her second pension and her insurance pension.

The amount of payment intended for a spouse depends on the cause of his death:

  • as a result of war trauma
  • as a result of an illness acquired in service or for a reason that arose as a result of service

In the first case, 40% of the pension received by the deceased is paid, in the second - 30%. In addition, the law establishes minimum pension amounts:

  • 200% - in the first case
  • 150% – in the second.

The calculation is made based on the minimum base rate of the state pension - 4959 rubles. in the first case, two bets are paid, in the second, 1.5, respectively. This applies to cases where the deceased's pension is less than the minimum rates.

A supplement to a military pension is only due to a deceased single mother if the child has been disabled in the 1st or 2nd group since childhood.

The pension may stop being paid if the grounds for payment disappear.

Employees or military personnel who served in an area equated to the Far North receive pensions taking into account the locality coefficient. The coefficient is set for employees in non-manufacturing industries. The maximum coefficient is 1.5.

With a service duration of at least 15 or 20 years. 15 years are established for those who served in the army, 20 for others, in particular, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When moving, they retain the payout ratio. The coefficient remains the same for spouses’ pension recipients. Some specialists from military structures are trying to remove the bonus, but this is illegal.

What to do if the relevant authorities do not want to assign a pension correctly, or do not want to assign a pension at all?

Often documents are simply not accepted. They should be sent by mail with a notice or inventory. This way you can record the fact of sending. Then wait for an answer. Formally, the day of submission of documents is considered to be their acceptance by the relevant authority or the day of sending by mail.

At least 10 days are given to make a decision on the papers; in reality, the process lasts longer.

If the department does not want to give an answer, then you can write a complaint to the prosecutor's office. Usually. Where the interests of the army, navy, FSB, or the Russian National Guard are affected, the complaint is written to the military prosecutor's office, while other citizens should write to the regular prosecutor's office. If papers are sent to the wrong place, they will be forwarded automatically.

If the complaint to the prosecutor’s office does not help or it refuses to sue the pension department, all that remains is to send the claim to the court. As a general rule, the statute of limitations is 3 years, but the Supreme Court believes that in the case of military pensioners there are no such restrictions.

The rule will work if the applicant himself does not make any mistakes regarding the completeness of the document set. Therefore, the pension for the widow of a military pensioner in 2016 is accrued in full, regardless of the time of application to the court.

About military pensions - presented in the video:

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