Nicole Kidman's plastic surgery: how much eternal youth cost the star. Nicole Kidman's plastic surgery: how much did Nicole Kidman's eternal youth cost the star after plastic surgery

Looking at the photo of Nicole Kidman before the operation, it is difficult to recognize in that curly, awkward girl the world-class star she became after. Of course, the actress’s success was determined not only by her appearance.

She has come a long way from an artist hiding in the shadow of her husband (Tom Cruise, who, by the way, is also not averse to dabbling in Botox), to an Oscar-winning actress who takes on the most difficult roles.

Kidman also did not miss the Hollywood craze for beauty injections.

In the early 00s, the diva was first suspected of abusing Botox.

Her skin began to glow artificially, her facial expressions practically disappeared, and when she tried to smile, the star’s mouth became unnaturally tense.

Only many years later, the star admitted that she really got hooked on non-surgical rejuvenation methods in those years, but gave up on them forever. However Photos before and after Nicole Kidman's plastic surgery prove that the celebrity still believes in the power of injections.

Nicole looked especially tragicomic at the premiere of the film “Princess of Monaco” in Cannes in 2014. Critics tore the film to smithereens for poor acting, Grace Kelly's relatives tore and tore because they found many biographical inaccuracies, and then Nicole came to the red carpet as if immediately after a beautician. Her face became puffy, her eyes narrowed for some reason, and her face was again motionless. She reminded fans of her colleague.

The actress’s lips also did not avoid encountering fillers. Moreover, many experts believe that the star resorted to cheiloplasty, that is, plastic surgery to change the shape and contour of the mouth. This is noticeable in the before and after photos of Nicole Kidman.

Nicole Kidman breast augmentation

The actress could never boast of a chic bust, although this did not stop her from filming explicit scenes, for example, in Stanley Kubrick’s thriller “Eyes Wide Shut.”

But in 2009, fans noted that Kidman's breasts had increased in size. Surgeons who analyzed photos of Nicole Kidman before and after the operation suggested that it was important for the actress not so much to get a large size, but to tighten the décolleté area, which had lost its former shape after pregnancy and due to age-related changes.

Some before and after photos show that Kidman's new breasts look unnatural: they are too rounded.

Apparently, the star also noticed this flaw over time and reduced her bust in 2016.

Now outfits with a deep neckline do not look so impressive on the artist (although the celebrity continues to wear them), but both husband Keith Urban and the star’s friends agree that after reduction plastic surgery, Nicole Kidman looks much better.

Has Nicole Kidman had rhinoplasty?

The biggest question is the star's nose. Many experts, looking at photos of Nicole Kidman before and after, note that her nose has become narrower and her nostrils more neat.

Even if Nicole had rhinoplasty, it was performed so skillfully that the changes are not very noticeable.

Nicole Kidman

A week after the 2017 Oscars, the actress showed a renewed face - her cheekbones and chin were overly pumped up with fillers.

Even the fans did not recognize the actress at the Golden Frame in Hamburg - her face was much rounder and fuller. Nicole's signature chiseled cheekbones were no longer as pronounced, and her entire face seemed to have swelling. What's happened?

Apparently, Nicole resorted to the help of a competent and expensive plastic surgeon - there are no bruises or papules on her face from mesotherapy that accompany the slightest mistake by the specialist. Previously, Nicole swore that she would no longer resort to the services of a surgeon - she wants to see her forehead move, and not like that of a mannequin. But the years take their toll, and Kidman again “pumps up” his face.

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Pamela Anderson

The Baywatch star, along with her son Brandon Thomas Lee, came to a charity evening in Los Angeles, which was organized by her friend Sean Penn, and surprised everyone with a new face.

There was no trace left of the facial wrinkles on the star’s forehead, the nasolabial folds became less noticeable, and the wrinkles around the eyes completely disappeared!

In general, fans noted that the actress looks noticeably younger and fresher, but this is no longer Pamela, or rather, not the Pam we loved and knew. Anderson's facial features became more blurred, her cheekbones spread out, and her eyes, on the contrary, came closer to each other, her facial expressions froze. Thanks to the injections, which smoothed out everything that Pamela apparently didn’t like, her individuality disappeared, and now even the most devoted fans can hardly recognize Anderson in a crowd of busty blondes.

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Kim Basinger

The star of the film “Nine and a Half Weeks” shocked the public with her “new” face in 2015.

Fans of the 90s star are disappointed: the latest surgical intervention has changed her beyond recognition. In Santa Monica, the actress attended a number of events dedicated to her new film “Eleven O'Clock,” where the public did not recognize Kim at first sight.

Unfortunately, not a trace remains of the famous cat's gaze. The star has long been famous for going to a cosmetologist for beauty injections, but, apparently, now Basinger has taken drastic measures and had a circular facelift, as well as blepharoplasty. However, there is one plus: the skin of the 61-year-old actress is smooth and fresh, as if Kim is 20 years old!

But the public did not appreciate the star’s new “image” and advised Basinger to stop before it was too late.

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Kim Kardashian

Perhaps no one's plastic surgery has been discussed as vigorously as Kim Kardashian's. But let’s leave aside the “fatal” implants in the star’s buttocks and focus on her face. Obviously, there was a nose job, the surgeons are sure. It is clear to the naked eye that before, Kim’s nose seemed to be bent, and in general its shape left much to be desired. Now Kardashian’s nose has become noticeably slimmer. Experts are also confident in Botox injections, laser wrinkle correction, laser facial hair removal, and lip surgery. The owner of curvaceous figures herself tirelessly insists that all these are miracles of makeup. Well, tell me, Kim, where to buy this lipstick.

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Miranda Kerr

The star assures that her face was not touched by the surgeon’s knife. And so far they willingly believe her. However, at the Oscar ceremony, it became noticeable that the actress still could not refuse the wonders of plastic surgery. And I decided to start with the chest. So Miranda became the owner of the “full three”. We must pay tribute to Kerr, she still chose the most natural shapes and sizes. Well, a first-class specialist.

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Renee Zellweger

For the sake of “Bridget Jones's Diaries,” Renee had to quickly gain weight and then painfully lose it. And since the actress’s skin is no longer as elastic as it was at 18 years old, after weight manipulation she has significantly lost her tone. To eliminate sagging, surgeons say, Zellweger decided to insert a special implant into her chin, as well as make several Botox injections. Thanks to this, the skin was smoothed and tightened.

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Lindsey Lohan

The actress was credited with a lot of plastic surgery, supposedly thanks to which Lindsay is the only one who manages to maintain a human appearance given her lifestyle. However, despite the endless social marathons, surgeons are confident that the only intervention in her appearance that Lohan made was from her lips. However, contour plastic surgery did not end entirely successfully. Also, some surgeons believe that the actress resorted to fillers to erase fine wrinkles from her face - an inevitable consequence of her nightly binges.

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Blake Lively

The Gossip Girl star knows exactly how to dodge tricky questions from journalists about plastic surgery. Of course, there are so many seasons of “school for bitches.” Blake does not deny that she has decided to have a nose job, but does not confirm the operation. In general, it pours water. However, the photographs are much more eloquent - the photographs show that Lively’s nose has become noticeably thinner. So instead of “potato”, the actress now has an aristocratic profile!

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Megan Fox

While the actress only says “My lips are my lips” about plastic surgery on her face, the surgeons are sure: Megan is already truly dependent on the surgeon’s knife. Firstly, experts are sure that Fox has implants that correct the shape of her face, giving her that famous texture. Secondly, Botox injections. To laugh off accusations of using injections, Fox even posted a collage on Twitter where she makes different faces: if she had Botox, her face wouldn’t be so mobile. As for the lips, surgeons loudly insist that they have undergone significant changes, and this is clearly not a matter of special lip gloss. However, see for yourself!

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Jessica Simpson

To begin with, it is worth saying that the actress, even without any plastic surgery, has a very interesting shape of her lips, which arose due to natural cleavage. Please note that the upper lip is divided in the middle into two parts (by the way, the lips of Alena Vodonaeva have the same splitting). However, Simpson decided to experiment by injecting hyaluronic acid. The result was not the most impressive. And we must pay tribute to Jessica, the girl did not deny plastic surgery - she sincerely admitted everything. The actress decided to get temporary lip fillers after her divorce. According to her confession, she felt wounded and thought that this would make her sexier. But in reality, she prayed for the special gel to dissolve quickly.

Nicole Kidman

A week after the 2017 Oscars, the actress showed a renewed face - her cheekbones and chin were overly pumped up with fillers.

Even the fans did not recognize the actress at the Golden Frame in Hamburg - her face was much rounder and fuller. Nicole's signature chiseled cheekbones were no longer as pronounced, and her entire face seemed to have swelling. What's happened?

Apparently, Nicole resorted to the help of a competent and expensive plastic surgeon - there are no bruises or papules on her face from mesotherapy that accompany the slightest mistake by the specialist. Previously, Nicole swore that she would no longer resort to the services of a surgeon - she wants to see her forehead move, and not like that of a mannequin. But the years take their toll, and Kidman again “pumps up” his face.

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Pamela Anderson

The Baywatch star, along with her son Brandon Thomas Lee, came to a charity evening in Los Angeles, which was organized by her friend Sean Penn, and surprised everyone with a new face.

There was no trace left of the facial wrinkles on the star’s forehead, the nasolabial folds became less noticeable, and the wrinkles around the eyes completely disappeared!

In general, fans noted that the actress looks noticeably younger and fresher, but this is no longer Pamela, or rather, not the Pam we loved and knew. Anderson's facial features became more blurred, her cheekbones spread out, and her eyes, on the contrary, came closer to each other, her facial expressions froze. Thanks to the injections, which smoothed out everything that Pamela apparently didn’t like, her individuality disappeared, and now even the most devoted fans can hardly recognize Anderson in a crowd of busty blondes.

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Kim Basinger

The star of the film “Nine and a Half Weeks” shocked the public with her “new” face in 2015.

Fans of the 90s star are disappointed: the latest surgical intervention has changed her beyond recognition. In Santa Monica, the actress attended a number of events dedicated to her new film “Eleven O'Clock,” where the public did not recognize Kim at first sight.

Unfortunately, not a trace remains of the famous cat's gaze. The star has long been famous for going to a cosmetologist for beauty injections, but, apparently, now Basinger has taken drastic measures and had a circular facelift, as well as blepharoplasty. However, there is one plus: the skin of the 61-year-old actress is smooth and fresh, as if Kim is 20 years old!

But the public did not appreciate the star’s new “image” and advised Basinger to stop before it was too late.

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Kim Kardashian

Perhaps no one's plastic surgery has been discussed as vigorously as Kim Kardashian's. But let’s leave aside the “fatal” implants in the star’s buttocks and focus on her face. Obviously, there was a nose job, the surgeons are sure. It is clear to the naked eye that before, Kim’s nose seemed to be bent, and in general its shape left much to be desired. Now Kardashian’s nose has become noticeably slimmer. Experts are also confident in Botox injections, laser wrinkle correction, laser facial hair removal, and lip surgery. The owner of curvaceous figures herself tirelessly insists that all these are miracles of makeup. Well, tell me, Kim, where to buy this lipstick.

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Miranda Kerr

The star assures that her face was not touched by the surgeon’s knife. And so far they willingly believe her. However, at the Oscar ceremony, it became noticeable that the actress still could not refuse the wonders of plastic surgery. And I decided to start with the chest. So Miranda became the owner of the “full three”. We must pay tribute to Kerr, she still chose the most natural shapes and sizes. Well, a first-class specialist.

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Renee Zellweger

For the sake of “Bridget Jones's Diaries,” Renee had to quickly gain weight and then painfully lose it. And since the actress’s skin is no longer as elastic as it was at 18 years old, after weight manipulation she has significantly lost her tone. To eliminate sagging, surgeons say, Zellweger decided to insert a special implant into her chin, as well as make several Botox injections. Thanks to this, the skin was smoothed and tightened.

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Lindsey Lohan

The actress was credited with a lot of plastic surgery, supposedly thanks to which Lindsay is the only one who manages to maintain a human appearance given her lifestyle. However, despite the endless social marathons, surgeons are confident that the only intervention in her appearance that Lohan made was from her lips. However, contour plastic surgery did not end entirely successfully. Also, some surgeons believe that the actress resorted to fillers to erase fine wrinkles from her face - an inevitable consequence of her nightly binges.

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Blake Lively

The Gossip Girl star knows exactly how to dodge tricky questions from journalists about plastic surgery. Of course, there are so many seasons of “school for bitches.” Blake does not deny that she has decided to have a nose job, but does not confirm the operation. In general, it pours water. However, the photographs are much more eloquent - the photographs show that Lively’s nose has become noticeably thinner. So instead of “potato”, the actress now has an aristocratic profile!

Photo by Getty Images

Megan Fox

While the actress only says “My lips are my lips” about plastic surgery on her face, the surgeons are sure: Megan is already truly dependent on the surgeon’s knife. Firstly, experts are sure that Fox has implants that correct the shape of her face, giving her that famous texture. Secondly, Botox injections. To laugh off accusations of using injections, Fox even posted a collage on Twitter where she makes different faces: if she had Botox, her face wouldn’t be so mobile. As for the lips, surgeons loudly insist that they have undergone significant changes, and this is clearly not a matter of special lip gloss. However, see for yourself!

Photo by Getty Images

Jessica Simpson

To begin with, it is worth saying that the actress, even without any plastic surgery, has a very interesting shape of her lips, which arose due to natural cleavage. Please note that the upper lip is divided in the middle into two parts (by the way, the lips of Alena Vodonaeva have the same splitting). However, Simpson decided to experiment by injecting hyaluronic acid. The result was not the most impressive. And we must pay tribute to Jessica, the girl did not deny plastic surgery - she sincerely admitted everything. The actress decided to get temporary lip fillers after her divorce. According to her confession, she felt wounded and thought that this would make her sexier. But in reality, she prayed for the special gel to dissolve quickly.

Nicole Kidman turns 50 in 2017. Let's take a look at the beauty evolution of this legendary Hollywood actress!


Nicole Kidman is very young here, she is only 16 years old! Notice the luxurious head of curly hair.


At the time of this photo shoot, Nicole Kidman was only 25 years old, but here she is much more mature. This is a characteristic feature of the 90s. Back then, many tried to look older and more respectable than their age. Can you imagine today's 25-year-old stars dressing up in business suits? I think no.

There's no doubt that Nicole has stunning curls and a natural ombre look with a dark shade at the roots.

Photo 1995

This is a still from the movie Batman Forever. Those red lips and retro curls suit Nicole so well, it's a shame this look was never recreated on the carpet.


Next year we see the return of curls and a more reddish shade of hair. Notice her smile. Probably later Nicole resorted to augmentation of her upper lip.

Nicole Kidman in 1998

Still from the film “Practical Magic”. Notice how cute Nicole is with her long hair pulled back and straight bangs!

Photo 2001

Fast forward 3 years. Here Nicole is 34 years old and her beauty is in its prime: perfect skin, rosy cheeks, rich lips and reddish hair tied in a high ponytail.



Here, Nicole opted for straightened, one-shoulder hair. Notice how the red color of the dress amazingly highlights her blue eyes. As for the lips, filler was probably injected into the upper lip. There are also noticeable wrinkles around the nose - a sign of injections .


In 2010, Nicole was 43 years old! Simple styling, dark hair color and minimal makeup work wonders. Immediately 10 years younger!


Nicole Kidman is one of the few Hollywood stars who are perfectly suited to bangs. The fillers in the upper lip are clearly visible. Most likely, they are intended to correct a gummy smile.


The following year, Nicole Kidman shone in Cannes. The reddish tones of her hair go well with her porcelain skin tone. Again, minimal makeup. Pay attention to the condition of her skin - it is devoid of imperfections; such an effect cannot be created with the help of foundation.

Photo 2013

The fillers in the cheeks and around the eyes are clearly visible here. But does it really matter? She's gorgeous for 47 years old!


Nicole looks super cute with that ponytail and side bangs! Again, she looks very young.


Nicole returned to strawberry hair color. Warm tones are also reflected in the makeup. It’s just not clear what happened to the cheeks: either poorly shaded blush, or poor lighting.


Nicole's face looks a little stiff here, but she's still gorgeous! Compared to the previous year, my hair became lighter and longer. And the purple liner and fuchsia lips go perfectly with the dress.

Nicole Kidman had at least 1 plastic surgery - rhinoplasty, despite the obvious fact, the actress continues to deny that she has any plastic surgery. In an interview with Marie Claire, she stated: “I am completely natural. I don’t smoke, I always use sunscreen and I take care of myself.” But later she still admitted: “I resorted to Botox injections and, unfortunately, it is no longer in my face and now it moves normally again.” Considering her face is completely smooth, not many people bought this story!

Here's what plastic surgeons think of Nicole Kidman's plastic surgery: “Botox smoothed out the crow's feet and wrinkles between the eyebrows, but her eyelids look very heavy. Fillers in the mid-face provided volume and firmness and smoothed out deep lines between the nose and mouth.” Some surgeons suggest that Nicole Kidman also had laser resurfacing, which helped make her skin smooth and radiant.

But no matter what she does, her skin and looks are simply mesmerizing!

Nicole Kidman does not often appear in gossip columns; the actress has four children and always demonstrates an excellent sense of style. However, she was not spared from communicating with plastic surgeons. Together with a specialist, we find out what changes have happened to Nicole.

Kirill Nazoev PhD, plastic surgeon at the Osnova clinic

The most harmless manipulation that Nicole Kidman did when her career took off was straightening her hair. Her face has indeed undergone significant changes, thanks to injection techniques and plastic surgery. I should immediately note that in all the photographs the actress has a smooth forehead and minimal expression wrinkles in a calm state. This suggests that Nicole regularly received and continues to receive botulinum toxin injections. We can assume that she has fairly thin and dry skin - for such women, such a procedure is a lifesaver, helping to maintain smooth skin for a long time.

Plastic surgery

Kidman underwent rhinoplasty at least once. Interestingly, in the area where the columella (septum between the nostrils) transitions to the tip of the nose there is a slight notch. This could be either a defect in the operation or a structural feature of the cartilage that the doctor did not correct. In general, Nicole had the back and tip of her nose narrowed.

Judging by the structure of her teeth, Nicole Kidman has low gums. The photo at a younger age shows that when she smiled, her gums were quite exposed. I assume that Nicole had a frenuloplasty, which allowed her to slightly free her upper lip, and/or the installation of veneers (the length of the teeth in her photo at an older age clearly increased). As a result of these manipulations, the smile acquired a more presentable appearance.

It is difficult to say whether the actress removed bisha lumps. In the 90s, this operation was not as popular as it is now. However, the possibility of such manipulation cannot be ruled out.

The actress also did a temporal or forehead lift. This can be judged by the spread of the eyebrows - their tail is strongly raised. This result cannot be achieved using botulinum toxin injections alone. It is possible that Nicole had a lift using the Cheek-lift method, which allows you to get rid of age-related manifestations in the middle third of the face (cheekbones, cheeks and the outer edge of the eyes).

Obviously, Kidman had her breasts enlarged. Judging by the photo, implants of anatomical shape of low or medium profile were used for mammoplasty.

Cosmetic procedures

The actress increased the volume of her lips. And she did this for quite a long time. Judging by the asymmetry of her smile and the stretched red border, Kidman was not injected with fillers, but with biopolymers, which were used to correct the shape of her lips previously. It can be assumed that she did not remove or replace them with fillers. In principle, if biopolymers do not cause complications (they do not migrate or become inflamed), then many patients do not resort to removing them. Although experts recommend doing this.

I would like to note that Nicole Kidman still has not developed the so-called jowls, which form with age due to the loss of subcutaneous fat in the facial area. Moreover, the skin on her neck has no major wrinkles or sagging. All this suggests that the actress had a lifting of the middle lower third of her neck, possibly a SMAS lift.

In general, with rare exceptions, Nicole Kidman resorted to certain interventions on time. This allowed her to maintain her beauty and youth throughout her professional career.

Average cost of operations in Moscow:

  1. Botulinum toxin injections. One unit of botulinum toxin costs from 250 to 350 rubles. The cost of forehead correction can start from 3,500 rubles, the area around the eyes - from 2,500 rubles. The procedure is usually repeated once every 6-12 months.
  2. Lip shape correction. Biopolymers are not currently used to fill lips. Dense fillers are used for these purposes. On average, the cost of such a procedure starts from 10-15,000 rubles. (with minor correction) and from 25-30,000 rubles. (in case of significant interventions)
  3. Correction of the frenulum - from 3,000 rubles
  4. Installation of veneers - from 15,000 rubles. for one veneer.
  5. Rhinoplasty - from 160 to 400,000 rubles
  6. Temporal lifting - from 180,000 rubles
  7. Cheek-lift - from 120,000 rubles
  8. Lifting of the middle lower third of the neck - from 200,000 rubles.
  9. Mammoplasty - from 150 to 500,000 rubles.

Total: average 856,500 rubles.

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