DIY Christmas tree dress. How to sew a beautiful Christmas tree costume for a girl for the New Year: ideas for outfits and ways to sew them. The main outfit consists of three tiers

You can sew a New Year's Christmas tree costume for a girl for a matinee in kindergarten or school. Or maybe you yourself would like to try on such a costume when going to a New Year's masquerade party?

Christmas tree costume for girls

It will certainly be remembered by everyone for its brightness and originality. But for this you will have to show your imagination when working on decorating the costume. The basis of the costume is a green dress with a wide collar. It can be replaced with a pair of capes, cutting out their edges with teeth.

The bottom of the dress should consist of several skirts arranged in tiers - for this they need to be made of different lengths. Cut the edges of the skirts in the same way as the edges of the cape. The finished dress needs to be embroidered with decorations: beads, seed beads, rhinestones, tinsel. You can sew an applique on it in the form of Christmas tree balls or cones.

Green tights or knee socks and green shoes are worn under the dress. On your head you need to make a pointed cap made of green cardboard in the shape of a cone. Triangular teeth are cut along the edge of the headdress, and a cardboard star covered with foil is attached to the tip.

DIY Christmas tree outfit

A New Year's Christmas tree costume can be made in another way. The general principle of constructing a suit is the same, with the only difference that you do not need to sew a whole dress for it - it is “assembled” from skirts and capes of different lengths.

First you need to make a “trunk” by wearing a brown or black turtleneck, tights (or tights, leggings) of the same color and shoes. Then layer several loose green skirts - at least two, but preferably three or four. Longer underskirts should stick out from under shorter overskirts. On top, put on one or two green capes of different lengths. You can wear another short skirt under the capes, securing it under the arms.

As a headdress, you can wear a green triangular scarf, tying it under the chin. You can make a cone-shaped hat, as in the previous version of the costume. Along the edges of the headdress, capes and skirts, you need to cut triangular teeth of different sizes or simply make “ragged” cuts of different lengths.

How to decorate a Christmas tree costume? First, decide whether it will be a decorated New Year tree or one that grows in the forest. The costume of a decorated “home” Christmas tree is decorated with materials that imitate real Christmas tree decorations. You can embroider the costume with shiny beads, tinsel, seed beads, rhinestones, and sew on it New Year's decorations made of foil - stars, balls and icicles.

If you choose a scarf as your headdress, attach a foil star or a light, unbreakable Christmas tree pin to your hairband. And if the costume comes with a cardboard cone hat, attach a star or spire to the top of it.

If your Christmas tree grows in the forest, you need to decorate it with pine cones. It is best to cut cones from thick paper or thin brown cardboard or brown felt fabric. To draw “scales” on the pine cones, use a waterproof black felt-tip pen or a fine marker. If the Christmas tree is covered with snow, embroider the costume with white tinsel arranged in waves.

Christmas tree dress for girls for New Year

If you are short on time, and the outfit is not intended for a children’s party, but for a New Year’s costume party, you can get by with “little blood.” For this costume you will need a short green dress. Embroider the dress with tinsel horizontally, dividing it into several “tiers”. Between the “tiers” sew large beads and colored foil decorations - balls, stars, etc. If the dress is made from high-quality fabric, and you sew on the decorations very carefully, using a thin needle, then after the holiday you can easily tear them off and wear the dress just like that.

Complete the suit with green or brown tights and bright shoes (you can match the dress, you can match the tights or decorations on the dress). A cone-shaped cardboard hat is not a very convenient option for a party. Instead, paint your hairband gold or silver and attach a foil-covered cardboard star to it. Well, don’t forget about the appropriate makeup or manicure! The good thing about this herringbone carnival costume is that it does not restrict freedom of movement, as do multi-layered costumes made from several skirts.

New Year is the time for children's carnivals and matinees. And we want our children to look their best during the New Year celebrations. Moreover, a themed costume can be worn on New Year’s Eve, regardless of where you are going to celebrate the holiday.

One of the most popular options is a Christmas tree outfit, which every girl will like with its brightness.

Most costumes of this type are similar in shape to dresses, so making a Christmas tree costume for a girl for the New Year with your own hands will not be difficult.

By the way, this costume is suitable for a child of any age. Therefore, you can safely start creating by choosing one of the many ways to sew a Christmas tree at home. We will not only give you some good options, but also help you get inspired to implement the brightest and most creative ideas.

Show your imagination - and your child will shine, just like the Christmas tree itself on New Year’s.

New Year's Christmas tree costume for a girl, photo

If there is a basis for the suit

The easiest way to sew a New Year's Christmas tree costume for a girl is to use an existing dress as a base. Then all that is required of you is to decorate your clothes with rain, beads, tulle elements and other accessories that will give the costume the appearance of a Christmas tree and make it more colorful.

Remember! In order for the dress to look like a Christmas tree after your “alterations”, it must have the shape of a trapezoid. The length of such a costume can be adjusted based on the age of the child, as well as depending on his expected activity during the celebration.

Make a long Christmas tree from a green dress. Using soap, regular pins or another device, mark on the fabric where the accessories will be attached.

It is better if the decor of the dress is orderly rather than chaotic. Non-standard geometric shapes are allowed: waves, zigzags, spirals, etc.

Rain or garlands can be sewn in a diagonal direction, and you can also lay out a small Christmas tree from them on the front side of the dress. We recommend that you fasten the accessories securely to the fabric: it is better to use glue or sew the beads directly to the dress so that they do not come off during dances and competitions.

A stylish and theme-appropriate look can be created on a dress of a different shade. But in order for it to really be perceived as a Christmas tree, we recommend using as much of the green palette as possible. Therefore, choose rain, bows, beads and other accessories in green colors of different saturations, and also try to place them as closely as possible to each other.

If you prefer to sew a Christmas tree motif onto a textile base - choose a sundress or dress of a different shade so that the pattern stands out as much as possible against its background.

The most suitable fabrics for this look would be yellow or light green fabrics, but you can choose something brighter.

In addition to the dress, prepare rich green tulle, accessories that we advised to use in previous descriptions, as well as paints that can be used to decorate the fabric. In the center of the dress, draw a large Christmas tree, and if desired, add small drawings in the form of small Christmas trees or green branches to the remaining space.

Zigzags will also look great, which can be harmoniously combined with a central accent.

Decorate the outline of the drawn “main” tree with rain or tulle. The inside of the drawing also needs to be decorated with prepared materials. The further procedure for decorating the dress is standard: we attach decorations over the entire surface of the New Year's costume.

Some stylish ideas

If you have the basis for a New Year's Christmas tree costume, but the children's dress does not have the desired shape, you will have to do a little more manipulation to create the desired image.

One of the ways to create such a Christmas tree costume for the New Year involves using a large number of ribbons.

The procedure for giving the dress the desired look is quite simple: the ribbons are gathered and gradually sewn onto the fabric. In this case, you should maintain a circular shape and place new circles as closely as possible to the previous ones.

It is not at all necessary to use only green ribbons in the decor. To make your Christmas tree look more colorful, use satin in white, blue, red and other colors. But we advise you not to add a large number of new shades to the dress: two or three will be enough, and the green color should predominate.

Advice: To create extra shine, make some circles from lush rain.

Christmas tree costume for a girl for the New Year, photo

The image created by sewing a large number of patches onto the dress will be no less striking. Moreover, the patchwork technique is becoming increasingly popular in decoration. It is better to prepare them from light fabric of different shades of green.

Cut out pieces in the form of irregular diamonds from 15 to 25 cm long.

All fragments are sewn on the top side in a vertical direction, partially overlapping each other. The shades of the patches must be alternated.

When such elements are sewn to the entire surface of the dress, you can begin decorating. But be careful and don’t overdo it with shades.

By the way, satin ribbons can be sewn onto a suit in the same way. The image of the Christmas tree will be even more creative if the free edge of each fragment is cut according to the principle of creating a fringe.

Another home craft method involves transforming a green skirt. It is advisable to choose a fluffy style skirt, but a standard one can also be decorated in an original way for the New Year.

To imitate a Christmas tree, follow one of the principles already described. An additional element of the outfit will be tight golf and red tights: this is the color that harmonizes best with green.

Advice: If you think that a festive suit looks too bright, dilute the color saturation with white inserts. For example, use accessories or sew cotton wool rolls onto the skirt and golf to create an imitation of snow. The cotton wool can be attached horizontally, maintaining a certain distance between the fragments, and can also be sewn in the form of balls using white threads.

An original addition to a girl’s DIY Christmas tree costume can be colored cape. As a rule, satin or tulle is used to create it. It will not be difficult for you to sew such an element yourself: just tie the fluffy collar at the throat, and not attach it to the main suit.

A green skirt with accessories can be complemented with a vest in similar colors. It is better to sew a vest without buttons, and also create a rain edging for it. If you don’t have any clothes that could be suitable for a New Year’s outfit, you will have to spend more time on sewing.

We suggest finding out which fabrics and techniques would be appropriate.

To start creating a New Year's Christmas tree costume with your own hands from scratch, you need to choose the appropriate fabric.

A lush and airy tutu skirt can be a bright addition to the New Year's look. To create it, you can use satin, tulle, organza, as well as threads and stretchy ribbon. All elements must be green.

Calculate the optimal length of the skirt (about 50 cm will be enough). Start cutting the organza into thin strips of 15 cm each. The length of the strips should be equal to the length of the skirt, doubled (or better yet, have a reserve for knots).

The belt for the skirt will be created from an elastic tape, taking into account the length of the child’s waist. Immediately sew the edges of the ribbon to create a stretchy ring.

Tie a large number of prepared organza ribbons to the base ring. Make sure that they fit tightly enough to each other: the fullness of the skirt will depend on this. This part of the outfit can be considered complete when it is no longer possible to tie new ribbons due to lack of space.

New Year's herringbone suit, photo

You can watch the step-by-step process of creating such a costume in the video:

We make the top for such a suit waist-length or slightly below the level of the beginning of the skirt.

Despite the fact that a tight-fitting version will look more interesting, the top can also be made loose. It is made using a simple method: two satin pieces with the same parameters, cut according to a pattern, are sewn together on the required sides.

Advice: To make a tight top easier to put on, sew in an invisible zipper or hook holders.

The sewn top is decorated with 10-centimeter tulle ribbons, which should first be collected on the upper side. Layer by layer, such details are sewn to the top over the entire surface.

For a children's outfit, you can sew not a skirt and top, but a whole dress. Initially give it a trapezoidal shape. Choose a thin fabric, for example, satin or silk. The pattern for such a suit is easy to make with your own hands, since it is similar to the top, but is longer and widens towards the bottom.

The dress should be just below the child's knees.

Since the herringbone dress must have a stable shape, the lower part of the dress will have to be secured in the desired position. Small loops on the inside edge of the outfit will help us with this. Pass a thick wire through them, ideally wrapped in cloth, so as not to harm the child in any way.

Such a dress with a round base will always “stand” like a real Christmas tree.

Completing the image

Whatever imitation Christmas tree you choose, the New Year’s look must be complemented with a suitable hair accessory or headdress. In the first case, it is much easier to think through the details: in stores you will find a lot of themed hairpins, elastic bands, bows with a winter print. But you will have to work hard on creating a headdress yourself. But this is not so difficult either.

Let's look at a few options:

  1. Take any children's hat and cover it with green rain over the entire area. Next, attach snowflakes or other accessories to it. This decor is easier to implement on a knitted headdress.
  2. Make an imitation veil using tulle or organza. Cut a piece of fabric and pin it to the girl’s hair using small hair clips or bobby pins. You can also make a lush bow from such fabric. The decoration is complemented by beads, rain and other elements.
  3. Roll the cardboard into a cone and you will have a party hat. By the way, it will harmonize perfectly with the image of the Christmas tree. If the design of the cardboard does not match the theme of the outfit, cover the cap with fabric. And, of course, decorate with accessories. To keep such a headdress in place, sew an elastic band or strings to the bottom.
  4. And with the help of felt you can sew your own Panama hat with a sharp top. For decoration, use the accessories chosen for the outfit itself. The headdress will turn out even brighter if it is sewn from multi-colored felt pieces.
  5. You can get a real Christmas tree look if you attach a large star or a composition with branches to your head. Take a hoop, wrap it with bright rain or ribbon - and secure the main decoration.

A simple master class on creating a herringbone costume

Want something unusual? Why not decorate your costume with real garlands?

To create this New Year's look, just follow these steps:

New Year's look is ready! All that remains is to add details in the form of accessories and hats - and we are sure that your children will be able to surprise everyone with such a costume.

These and other outfit options can be complemented with your own ideas. Therefore, look at the photos of Christmas tree costumes for girls - and choose something interesting with your child!

Making a Christmas tree costume.

The New Year is approaching, and with it matinees in kindergarten. Let's find out how to sew a Christmas tree costume for a little child.

DIY tulle Christmas tree costume for a girl for the New Year: master class

For New Year's holidays and matinees, you can sew a Christmas tree costume for a girl. To make it, you do not need any sewing skills or experience. For this you will need almost any material.

The most important thing about this costume is the beautiful dress and the green color. You can decorate such a festive outfit with anything, for example, sparkles, New Year's tinsel, beads, snowflakes, or embroidery.

If you want to make a Christmas tree costume for your own daughter, you will need to take the following materials:

  • Green tint satin (approximately 1.5 m)
  • Light green tulle (length approximately 0.5 m)
  • Gold ribbon (approximately 0.5 cm)
  • Threads
  • Adhesive tape
  • Strong glue

Start with a paper pattern for the back. However, before starting work, take your daughter’s measurements. You will need a length such that the resulting product reaches your knees.

Christmas tree costume

Christmas tree made of tulle

When you make a pattern, do not forget about the line along which you will sew in the flounce. So, let's get to work:

  • Make a paper pattern for the front of the dress. You can use a simple pattern for the base. After this, draw the fourth part of the shuttlecock on a separate paper.
  • Then cut out the main patterns from paper and attach them to the material, folded in half. Secure the patterns with pins.
  • Using a special pencil, draw the outline of each pattern on the back of the material. Mark the center front of the dress and hand stitch on the back. These will become the lines to which you will sew the flounces. Using the same method, mark a line on the back.
  • Fold the edges of the parts inward and grind the seams using a sewing machine. Finish the cuts with an overlocker.
  • Baste the back seam and press it to the sides.
    Draw the entire shuttlecock on paper, using the fourth part of the shuttlecock drawn in advance.
  • Attach the paper pattern to the material (in one layer) and draw the outline of the dress flounce on the material. Prepare a couple more shuttlecocks in the same way.
  • Fold the flounces face down, sew them together, and finish the edges with an overlocker. Glue adhesive tape to the bottom of each shuttlecock.
  • Then fold the edges inward and iron along the edges. This will secure the ribbon.
  • Now you can start making the tulle frill. Fold the tulle in half, cut a strip, the width of which should be 20 cm.
  • Use a sewing machine to make a couple of lines on the material and pull them together at the same time. This will give you a frill. Remember that the length of the tulle gather should be equal to the width of the front.
  • Sweep the resulting tulle frill onto the bodice and go through it with a machine.
  • Baste the flounce along the top of the bodice and machine stitch the edge. Proceed to the bottom of the dress.
  • Sew a couple more flounces to the pre-prepared edge, fasten on top in the same way as described above.
  • Decorate your suit with sequins. Glue them with strong glue or special double-sided tape. Very carefully fasten a gold-colored ribbon along the edge of the flounces.

Video: Christmas tree costume for a girl made of tulle: detailed description

Dress, herringbone costume made of tulle: patterns for girls 3-6 years old

And you can make this Christmas tree costume literally in one evening. To make it you will need to take the following materials:

  • Green dress (one that you don’t mind altering)
  • Green tulle (a couple of different tones)
  • Multi-colored ribbons
  • Pom-poms (pre-prepared)
  • Threads to match the ribbons
  • Needle and scissors

Christmas tree costume

New Year's outfit

Two Christmas trees

Now let's get started:

  • Take a green dress, the brightest one.
  • Cut dark green and light green tulle into small squares measuring 10x10 cm.
  • Make “needles” for the Christmas tree from these squares.
  • Fold the tulle squares in half. Fold the corner towards the middle, turn the tulle over and fold the corner towards the middle.
  • Prepare as many of these “needles” as can fit on the skirt of the dress, forming the crown of the Christmas tree.
    Now start sewing on the resulting “needles”.
  • Start sewing them from the bottom. Sew the resulting “needles” with the corners to the bottom. You can conduct an experiment: sew them in reverse.
  • Sew tulle diamonds in a checkerboard pattern.
    Now take colorful ribbons. Make 3 bows of each color. Glue or sew pompoms and beads onto the edges of the ribbons.
  • Then cut ribbons 10 to 15 cm long. Attach pompoms to the ends.
  • Sew the resulting bows scattered onto the green tulle.
  • Sew ribbons to the bottom of the dress. Try to alternate their length.
  • Sew 2 or 3 bows to the collar.
  • Now take a red or green ribbon 1 m long. Sew it on top of the last row of “needles” so that you can tie a bow on the back.

Video: Christmas tree costume for girls

Christmas tree costume for a girl with a fluffy tutu skirt: patterns for girls 3 – 6 years old

Today we will share with you a good idea - together we will make a Christmas tree costume with a tutu skirt. The costume is quite easy to make and will not take much of your time. Also check out the interesting ideas in this.

As a rule, tutu skirts do not need to be sewn and patterns are not needed for them. To make such a skirt, you will need to take:

  • Green tulle. American nylon is considered ideal for such a skirt. It is very soft, suitable even for the little ones, and holds its shape perfectly.
  • Mostly, rolls with a width of about 20 cm are available for sale. This is convenient, because you will not need to cut the material. If you cannot find such fabric, then buy the most ordinary tulle or mesh.
  • Wide elastic band. Take the length of the elastic so that you still have about 3 cm left.
  • A satin ribbon for making a bow and a belt.
  • Scissors.

All. We have prepared the necessary elements, now we begin to create:

  • Cut the tulle into strips. For babies, you need to cut strips 15x50 cm. Cut strips from 40 to 60 pieces.
  • You can use tulle of various shades. It all depends on your desire and imagination.
  • Sew the elastic band into a circle, or tie it in a knot. Stretch the elastic so that it is convenient for you to tie tulle ribbons on it, for example, on the back of a chair.
  • Take the tulle strips by the center and tie it to an elastic band using a double knot. If you want the skirt to be fuller, tie a loop knot. Make sure that the knot does not overtighten the elastic, but does not dangle either.
  • Tie the knots together tightly enough so that the elastic is not visible. Do this all around the circle.
  • If necessary, you can trim the skirt: squeeze the ends of the material tightly in your hand and cut off the uneven ends.
  • Decorate the waistband of the skirt with a green satin ribbon. You can also decorate the skirt with bows or tinsel.
  • Straighten your skirt.
  • The main element of the Christmas tree costume is ready. To complete it, you will need to take a white or green T-shirt and decorate it as you wish. Then sew the skirt to the T-shirt.
Christmas tree costume


Video: New Year's Christmas tree outfit

How to make a cape for a Christmas tree costume?

You can make any cape. But the most beautiful is the elongated cape. It will go wonderfully with a New Year's suit and Christmas tree dress:

  • Sew a long cape from green satin. Decorate it with New Year's tinsel, rain, stars, snowflakes.
  • An excellent option for a Christmas tree cape is a model made from an ordinary circle. Take any material, preferably one that drapes well and measures 140x140 cm.
  • Fold the material in half. Cut out the circle. Then make a hole for the head. Cut at the front so that the cape fits comfortably. Finish the edges using an overlocker or a regular sewing machine using a zigzag. You can add a cape with a hood and pockets, and also decorate it with tinsel, bright rain and beads.
Cape for a suit

DIY crown for a Christmas tree costume

Every girl wants to look beautiful at a party. And what could be more beautiful in a Christmas tree costume than a crown? Make it from lace. This crown looks amazing and is quite easy to make.

To make a crown for the Christmas tree costume you will need to take the following materials:

  • Lace (preferably green). If you don't find it, then take white lace.
  • PVA glue).
  • A brush.
  • The cardboard is the same size as the lace.
  • Bag.
  • A can of green spray paint (in case you don't find green lace).
  • Now get to work.
  • Cut the desired length of lace. Leave a little to connect the crown (about 1 cm at the beginning and end).
  • Make a cylinder out of cardboard. Wrap lace around the cardboard and make it in the shape of a crown.
  • Secure the bag onto the cylinder to prevent the base from sticking to the crown.
  • Lay out the lace on the table. Gently spread the glue onto it with a brush. Better a couple of layers.
  • Then secure the lace to the cardboard wrapped in a bag. Try to smooth out every wrinkle.
  • Carefully coat the places where the crown will connect.
  • Cover the crown with glue again. Wait a bit for the product to dry thoroughly.
  • Once the crown is dry, remove it.
  • Now start transforming the crown. If you have white lace, then cover it with green paint. You can purchase multi-colored pebbles in advance and paste them over the crown. You can also glue tinsel, sparkles, and small snowflakes onto the product.

Crown for Christmas tree costume


Holiday orbaz

Video: New Year's crown for a Christmas tree costume

DIY headband for a Christmas tree costume

First option:

  • Take the headband.
  • Twist flagella from pipe cleaners and bend them in half.
  • Attach the resulting flagella to the rim in this way - wrap each strand around the rim.
  • Twist the antennae very tightly between each other.
  • Cut a piece of ribbon about a centimeter wider than your headband and longer.
  • In the central part of the ribbon, mark the place where the flagella will be located.
  • Now use a knife to make small cuts. Push the flagella through these holes, and then wrap the rim with material.
  • Using a glue gun, glue the ribbon to the headband. Pull the material well.
  • Roll the fluffy ribbon to make pompoms.
  • Glue them to the ends of the antennae and apply glitter on top.

Second option:

  • Take a green headband. You will also need fluffy wire, also green.
  • Twist the wire with a spring so that its turns decrease as it approaches the top.
  • Decorate the resulting Christmas tree with multi-colored pompoms, and attach a star, which you can make from gold foil, to the top of the tree.

Video: Headband for New Year's costume Herringbone

How to decorate a Christmas tree costume for a girl?

If you don’t know how to decorate a Christmas tree costume more beautifully, don’t worry. We are ready to offer you several wonderful options.

First, you need to decide whether your Christmas tree will be elegant, or whether you want to make it the way it grows in a snowy forest. The “house beauty” costume is usually decorated with materials that imitate Christmas tree decorations.

Pompom decoration Festive costume

Shuttlecocks and tinsel

You can embroider a New Year's costume with beads, beads, New Year's rain, rhinestones. You can also sew on icicles and stars made from shiny foil.

If you decide to make a forest Christmas tree costume, then decorate it with pine cones. They are very easy to make:

  • Cut them out of thick brown cardboard.
  • Draw “scales” on the pine cones with a black waterproof marker.
  • If you want your Christmas tree to be covered with snow, then sew white tinsel onto the flounces of the costume.

Video: Costume for a children's party

How to sew a Christmas tree costume for a girl for the New Year: 4 ideas, step-by-step master class, video.

How to sew a Christmas tree costume for a girl for the New Year: master class

Today we are pleased to present to you another master class of the “New Year’s Masquerade” competition of the “Native Path” website and the magazine

The Christmas tree costume is one of the traditional costumes for girls at a New Year's party or masquerade. Irina Brusyantseva shared the idea of ​​making a Christmas tree costume for a girl. Irina sewed this costume last year for her youngest daughter. At a New Year's party, a girl danced the Christmas tree dance.

Materials and tools for making a Christmas tree costume

To make a Christmas tree costume you will need:

  • an old sundress or sleeveless dress, it is better if it is in the shape of a trapezoid;
  • fabric of any green color (it’s good if your fabric has some kind of ornament or pattern, so the Christmas tree looks more interesting and elegant);
  • tinsel and plastic Christmas tree decorations;
  • green cardboard for headdress;
  • sewing supplies and glue gun.

How to sew a Christmas tree costume: step-by-step description

Step 1. Cut the green fabric into strips. The narrower the stripes, the more frills you will get (that is, tiers of the Christmas tree). The length of the stripes should be such that the strip can be wrapped around the sundress 2-2.5 times.
Step 2. We process the edges of the green “Christmas tree” fabric using a sewing machine or by hand so that they do not fray.
Step 3. We sew the edges of each strip into a ring and collect it into frills. To do this, we lay a straight seam along the upper long side of the strip. At the end, we pull out the end of the thread, thereby gathering the material and forming frills of the required length.
Step 4. We sew frills onto the base - a sundress.
Step 5. All that remains is to decorate the Christmas tree costume with tinsel and plastic Christmas tree decorations.
Step 6. We make the headdress of the Christmas tree costume from green cardboard. To do this, cut out a narrow strip with a large triangle in the middle so that the shape of the triangle resembles a Christmas tree.
We connect the ends, forming a headdress according to the size of the head. Using a glue gun, we glue tinsel and star toys onto our Christmas tree headdress.
The Christmas tree costume is ready!
This is what a costume for my daughter turned out to be! In the photo, Irina’s daughter is dressed as a Christmas tree at a children’s New Year’s party.

More ideas for making a Christmas tree costume for a girl

Is your girl going to be the Christmas tree at the holiday? Then these ideas from needlewomen will come in handy:

Master class from Elena Shevchenko’s channel - how to make a crown - kokoshnik for a Christmas tree masquerade costume.

Master class by Anna Boloban on making tulle skirts for a New Year's Christmas tree costume for girls

Master class on making hairpins in the shape of a Christmas tree using the kanzashi technique for a girl’s New Year’s fancy dress costume

You will find more ideas for making fancy dress costumes for girls in the master classes:

To make your little one shine at the New Year's party as a Christmas tree, sew her a beautiful and original costume!

The Christmas tree is a mandatory character for the New Year's party in kindergarten or school. Having received such a role, the girl is simply happy. And her parents have to puzzle over how to sew her an original, not like everyone else, beautiful and truly festive costume.

DIY Christmas tree costume: ideas

The path of least resistance is to buy or rent a Christmas tree dress. There are numerous offers for carnival costumes on the eve of the holiday, and there is plenty to choose from. A beautiful Christmas tree costume for a girl can also be ordered on Aliexpress. You can read about how to do this in the article:. Then you won’t have to waste time or make efforts.

A huge disadvantage is that dresses that are made to order look somewhat formulaic and have no soul. In addition, if in a group or class the roles of Christmas trees go to several girls, there is a high probability that at the matinee they will end up wearing the same store-bought costumes.

IMPORTANT: If you make a Christmas tree costume yourself, it will definitely not be repeated, and the baby will be the center of attention at the holiday.

There are several ways to make a Christmas tree outfit:

  1. Make it from corrugated paper. Simple, cheap, but rough.
  2. Take an ordinary white dress or sundress, cut out a Christmas tree from felt and glue it to the bodice. Decorate the costume with rain showers and Christmas tree decorations.
  3. Decorate a green dress with rain showers, tinsel, Christmas tree decorations, and come up with a headdress to go with it.
  4. Limit yourself to just a headdress - a wreath of rain, a hoop with a Christmas tree, a cap with green foil and tinsel, a crown, etc.
  5. Make a Christmas tree dress from tulle ribbons.
  6. Make a team costume from a T-shirt and a tulle skirt.
  7. Cut out and sew a dress from satin, knitwear, etc., decorate it in a New Year's style.

Christmas tree costume made from a T-shirt and a fluffy skirt.

Warm Christmas tree suit.

Herringbone dress with layered skirt and cape.

Simple A-Line Herringbone Dress.

Herringbone dress with pompoms.

VIDEO: New Year's Christmas tree costume for girls

How to make a Christmas tree costume for a girl from tulle for the New Year with your own hands: master class

The New Year's tree should be lush and elegant. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind is to make a suit for the girl from airy tulle. It can be purchased in cuts or in skeins. Tulle has many shades, one of them is called spruce. You can also choose several shades of green and combine them.

If you don’t have a sewing machine at home, you can make a herringbone dress - here, which is not sewn, but literally woven. And only individual elements of the outfit are hand-sewn.

For a girl 4-6 years old with a height of 108 - 116 cm, you will need the following materials:

  • one and a half meter tulle – 6 – 7 meters
  • satin ribbons: medium width - 6 m, narrow - 3 m.
  • wide elastic band (2 cm) – 1 m
  • beads, rhinestones, Christmas tree toys, foamiran or felt for decoration

You should also have on hand:

  • ruler
  • tape measure
  • scissors
  • threads and needles
  • glue gun
  • stapler
  • chalk or soap

Making a Christmas tree dress from tulle: step 2.

Making a Christmas tree dress from tulle: step 3.

  1. Depending on the child’s build, tulle is cut into 50–60 ribbons 15 cm wide.
  2. The length of tulle ribbons is calculated as follows: measure the length from the girl’s armpits to her knees, multiply by two and add 3-4 cm per knot. For example, the distance from the armpit to the knees of a girl is 55 cm, then the length of the ribbon will be: 55*2+4= 114 cm.
  3. Using chalk or soap and a long ruler, mark cutting lines on the tulle and cut it along them.
  4. If you take tulle in rolls, cutting is faster and more convenient. It is very easy to calculate how many rolls you need, knowing the length of each tape. For example, if the length is as indicated above, 114 cm, and the roll is usually 22.5 m, calculate as follows: 114/100 * 50 = 57, then 57/22.5 = 2.53. It turns out that you need to take three rolls.
  5. Measure the girl's chest circumference and subtract 5-7 cm from the resulting value. This will be the length of the elastic band.
  6. Sew an elastic band, put it on the back of a chair, a plastic bottle with water, which is much more convenient.
  7. The ribbon is folded in half and threaded under the elastic band. The ends of the tape are pulled into the resulting loop. Tighten the knot well, but so that it does not squeeze the elastic.
  8. This is done with all tapes.
  9. A wide satin ribbon is woven between knots of satin stripes.
  10. Sew the straps to the dress. They can be made criss-cross on the back or made to tie at the neck.
  11. To make the herringbone dress fitted, consider a belt. It is made from satin ribbon sewn onto an elastic band, or simply from satin ribbon.
  12. Decorate the dress at your discretion. You can glue or sew bright beads, pebbles or even small Christmas tree decorations onto it.
  13. The remains of tulle are used to make a head decoration, for example, an openwork cap.

Dress - tutu: Christmas tree.

Another version of the New Year's Christmas tree costume with a tulle skirt - with an openwork top - elastic. For this they take:

  • top elastic band of the desired color
  • tulle at the rate of 50 sheets of 30-40 cm (depending on the height of the girl) and a width of 15 cm
  • satin ribbon
  • decor at your discretion

VIDEO: New Year's Costume Christmas Tree

Christmas tree costume for a girl with a fluffy tutu skirt: patterns for girls 3 – 6 years old

It will be convenient for your little one in kindergarten to dance in circles and play with Santa Claus in a Christmas tree costume, which consists of a decorated T-shirt and a fluffy tutu skirt.

  1. For a suit, take a white or green T-shirt, preferably with sleeves - lanterns.
  2. Rain sleeves are sewn onto the sleeves.
  3. On the bodice, a Christmas tree with a top is made from rain or strips of tulle; toys on it can be made from colored buttons, for example.

You can read about how to sew the most difficult part of a suit, a tutu skirt, in the article:.

Herringbone dress made of tulle: patterns for girls 3 – 6 years old

A dress with a satin bodice will look very beautiful at a party. And a skirt underneath:

  • made of multilayer tulle
  • from tiers of tulle and satin
  • semi-sun made of satin

Pattern of a bodice for a Christmas tree costume (front).

Pattern of a bodice for a Christmas tree costume (back).

If you go with the last option, their skirts can be placed on a ring and trimmed with tinsel. Along the entire length of the dress, use neat stitches or glue to attach small, lightweight Christmas tree decorations: bells, bows, balls. Girl - the Christmas tree will be very elegant.

How to decorate a Christmas tree costume for a girl?

The New Year tree is elegant, so the girl’s costume for the matinee should be richly decorated. Bows, balls and tinsel will be appropriate. What if you go further and sew a dress decorated with a real glowing garland. The girl will then “light up” the Christmas tree at the holiday in the literal and figurative sense!

IMPORTANT: The costume will be for children. Therefore, you should think not only about its effectiveness, but also about the safety of the baby. It is better to take an LED garland.

To create a glowing Christmas tree costume you will need:

  • green fabric
  • glue gun
  • garland
  • AA batteries
  • blowtorch
  • scissors, thread, chalk, ruler, measuring tape
  • sewing machine (you can assemble the dress by hand)
  • any New Year's decor

  1. The first thing you need to do is download on the Internet or create your own pattern for a dress - a trapezoid for the baby’s size.
  2. The fabric for this costume is thick so that it does not stretch under the weight of the garland. Corduroy will do.
  3. Transfer the pattern to the fabric.
  4. The lining of the dress is also cut out.
  5. Using chalk or soap on the wrong side of the cut parts, mark the places of cuts for the garland. They can be arranged in tiers or diagonally.
  6. The garland will be placed on a thin wire and threaded through it in the marked places. Multi-colored LED bulbs are located on the front side of the dress, wires are located on the back side, under the lining.
  7. Solder the contacts and insulate them well. Connect the power supply from AA batteries.
  8. Collecting the dress. If desired, additionally decorate it with golden braid, tinsel, etc.

LED light bulbs for dresses.

Pattern on paper.

Transferring the pattern onto the fabric.

Herringbone dress details on fabric.

Markings for the garland.

Wire for attaching the garland.

Garland installation.

Assembling the dress.

How to make a crown for a Christmas tree costume? How to make a headband for a Christmas tree costume?

When the Christmas tree dress is ready, it’s time to think about what the baby will wear on her head.

Christmas tree costume cap.

Hat for herringbone costume.

Kanzashi cap for herringbone costume.

Headband for herringbone costume.

Kokoshnik for a Christmas tree costume.

The simplest option is to glue a cap out of colored paper, decorate it with tinsel, and put a star on top. Options for headdresses for girls - herringbone - are also:

  • hat - cone
  • cap covered in satin
  • headband with tulle, beads and Christmas tree decorations
  • kokoshnik
  • decorated headband
  • crown

The girl will be especially happy with the crown; she will wear it as a queen at the holiday. There are various ways to make your own crowns. Relatively new and original is the use of the kanzashi technique.

To create a headdress you will need:

  • hoop base
  • piece of felt
  • satin ribbon 5 cm wide (green, red, gold)
  • tweezers
  • candle
  • glue gun
  • stapler
  • beads of different colors

Materials for a Christmas tree crown using the kanzashi technique.

Making a Christmas tree crown using the kanzashi technique.

  1. The ribbons are cut into squares, that is, 5 cm by 5 cm.
  2. The rest of the green tape is wrapped around the base for the hoop.
  3. They make branches for the Christmas tree - crowns: I fold the squares in half to make triangles, and these triangles - in half again
  4. Trim the ends of the triangles and glue them together, bringing them to the candle.
  5. A base for a Christmas tree is cut out of a piece of felt.
  6. The Christmas tree is assembled on a base of twigs - kanzashi petals. The top can be made red, golden, etc.
  7. They “decorate” the Christmas tree with beads and pearls.
  8. Glue the kanzashi crown to the base for the hoop.

The headbands also look interesting:

  • with felt Christmas trees
  • with fir branches and cones
  • with Christmas toys

Headband for herringbone costume.

VIDEO: Headband for New Year's costume Herringbone

VIDEO: How to make a Crown-Kokoshnik with your own hands “Herringbone”

DIY Christmas tree costume cape

In winter, when New Year's matinees are held, it can be cool in the music halls of kindergartens. A girl in a Christmas tree costume will not freeze if she has a cape. This element of clothing will also add volume and splendor to the forest beauty’s dress.

For the cape you will need:

  • fabric - satin, corduroy, other fabric from which the Christmas tree dress itself is sewn
  • braid
  • tinsel
  • fur pom poms
  • satin ribbons
  • New Year's decor
  • scissors, thread, needles
  • centimeter, chalk, ruler, pencil

  1. The cape pattern is made taking into account two sizes: the length of the product and the circumference of the child’s neck.
  2. Transfer the pattern to the fabric and outline it.
  3. The cape is cut out, its edges are folded over with braid and tinsel.
  4. Satin ribbons - ties - are sewn onto the collar. Their ends can be decorated with pompoms.
  5. Decorate the cape at your discretion to match the style of the Christmas tree dress.