Teenagers forced a peer. Schoolchildren forced their friend to eat dirt from her feet and dance naked. Teenage orgies on the “registration”: what parents need to know

A blatant case of teenage cruelty is being investigated in the Yaroslavl region. A group of high school students filmed and posted online the bullying of their classmate. The girl was forced to eat dirt and dance naked.

The video on the Internet lasts about fifteen minutes, but it is difficult to watch even a few seconds. In a vacant lot on the outskirts of Yaroslavl, a group of teenagers staged real torture of their peers, reports. First she was forced to eat clay spread on bread. The girl feels unwell, but this does not stop the tormentors. They laugh and curse constantly.

This seemed to them not enough. The beatings began. Then the girl was forced to undress and dance. Everything lasted for more than three hours. Before posting the video online, the teenagers “prepared” it - they disguised their faces. Apparently they hoped that they wouldn’t be recognized that way. However, the filming quickly attracted the attention of the public and law enforcement agencies. An investigation began, as a result of which a criminal case was opened.

“The investigative authorities of the Russian Federation in the Yaroslavl region have opened criminal cases on the grounds of a crime under the articles “Torture” and “Violation of privacy”. Investigative actions are currently being carried out aimed at collecting and consolidating the evidence base. The identities of teenagers are being established, as well as the reasons and conditions that contributed to the commission of a crime against a minor will also be studied the living conditions of teenagers and their social circle,” said Gennady Bobrov, investigator for especially important cases of the first department for the investigation of especially important cases of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Yaroslavl region.

It was not difficult to identify the participants in the incident. As part of the criminal investigation, the investigation will provide a legal assessment of the actions of officials whose responsibilities include the prevention of crime among teenagers. Details of this incident quickly spread throughout the city. The victim's classmates and neighbors are shocked.

This is not the first case of teenage cruelty in recent years. In 2016, in the Moscow region of Korolev, two ninth-graders decided to sort things out in a fist fight. Soon one of them lost consciousness. None of the nearly dozen spectators came to her aid. But the video was immediately posted on the Internet. In 2015, in Solnechnogorsk, 18-year-old Nadezhda Kiseleva tortured a minor schoolgirl for several hours. The video footage became evidence in a criminal case. The article “Torture” carries a penalty of three to seven years in prison. Twelve-year-old students of one of the schools in Bashkiria will be able to avoid it, but only for a while. They beat a peer right in the building of the educational institution.

In the Yaroslavl region of Russia, schoolchildren mocked their peers. forcing her to eat dirt from her feet and bread stained in the ground. Life.ru reported this.

In the video, which was filmed by the torturers themselves, they force a girl of 13-14 years old to eat dirt. At the same time, they constantly ask her, “Are you going to do this again?” It is unclear what exactly to “make” of their remarks. The victim of sophisticated bullying herself cries and asks to let her go.


In the second video, the schoolgirl was forced to dance naked. At the same time, her tormentors were trying to find out “who will leak this to the Internet.”


The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under articles “Torture” and “Violation of privacy”

The criminal case was transferred for investigation to the first department for the investigation of particularly important cases of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. An investigation team has been formed, headed by the deputy head of the department, law enforcement officers told reporters.


Teenage orgies on the "registration": what parents need to know,

Today, the concepts of “hitchhiking” and “tourism” have disappeared from the term “registration”. But music, alcohol, sex and drugs are firmly entrenched.

Schoolchildren's fight in Chernigov: task from a group on social networks

In which three girls beat up their peers in the presence of a whole crowd of teenage onlookers.

Yaroslavl teenagers forced a girl their age to eat dirt and dance naked. They filmed what was happening. About it reported the public "Emergency 360" on VKontakte. This reprisal was revenge for the fact that the girl allegedly stole money from her friends.

The recording appeared online on August 16. The video was posted by a YouTube user under the nickname “Meth Joe.” The description indicated that the location was Yaroslavl.

First they made her eat dirt from her feet. The hooligans were not stopped even by the fact that the girl began to experience severe nausea. Instead, she was offered to “bite” the dirt with grass. “Swallow, chew! That’s just what goats do.” One of the participants in the massacre also suggested that the girl imagine that the dirt was chocolate or Nutella.

The teenagers then undressed her and demanded she dance in the nude. She asked not to film her face, to which she heard hysterical laughter in response. The minors filmed the “sadistic fun” on a mobile phone camera.

According to unconfirmed reports, the girl was punished by her peers in such a cruel way because she allegedly stole one of her friends’ things. Also, some anonymous users write that the girl lives in Yaroslavl and studies in 11th grade. She was allegedly punished for stealing three thousand rubles from a friend.