The emergence of holiday mail in Russia

Christmas is considered one of the warmest family holidays. It is on January 7 that miracles happen, magical dreams come true. On this day, it is customary to congratulate each other on the bright, most important event in the life of Christians - the birth of Jesus Christ. It is not always possible to wish each other warm words. Therefore, you can please your loved ones with an original Merry Christmas 2017 card sent on this wonderful day.

The angel scatters stars

The first holiday cards

Despite the fact that the traditions of the holiday are rooted in antiquity, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to accurately answer the question of who was the first to wish their loved ones a Merry Christmas. Naturally, no one will be able to reproduce the text of the congratulations. But we can certainly name the pioneer of congratulatory messages on the bright holiday. He was the English artist Dobson, who lived at the end of the 18th century.

The artist wanted to congratulate his loved ones in some original way. He began to create: he depicted his family in front of a Christmas tree in the background, and then sent this artistic image to a close friend. The friend was pleasantly surprised and amazed at the originality of the congratulations. The lithographed drawing was sent to his closest relatives. That year, about 12 recipients received copies of the first greeting cards. And the original way of congratulations began to gain popularity.

Vintage Merry Christmas card

The emergence of holiday mail in Russia

Such postcards came to Russia only a century later, in 1898. Their history developed in waves: sometimes they appeared in everyday life, sometimes they were banned by the authorities. Hand-drawn messages gained real popularity only at the end of the 20th century.

Before Christmas, decorating various cards was a real family tradition.

In a warm family circle, everyone gathered at the table and drew New Year's drawings (cartoon characters, gifts and candles), and also dedicated an original congratulation to each recipient.

The drawings also showed images of the main symbols of the biblical holiday: a Christmas tree, angels. Since then, this symbolism has decorated modern postcards.

Two angels

Christmas candles and greetings

Angels dancing in a round dance

Horses pull sleighs with people

Merry Christmas 2017 greetings

With the advent of new technologies at the present stage, holiday wishes have moved to the virtual level. This is not surprising: every person now has a mobile phone, email, and various social networks. Undoubtedly, calling and expressing wishes over the phone has become much easier - it only takes a few minutes.

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Happy New Year greetings can be borrowed from this

You will find out what awaits Gemini in 2017.

No matter how sad it is, real live postcards have already become a relic of the past. It’s not often that you come across anything even remotely reminiscent of warm messages from Soviet times. But they have been replaced by a new modern type of creativity - electronic postcard-type drawings. They are available to anyone with an Internet connection.

Scene from the birth of Jesus Christ

Scene of the birth of Jesus and poetic congratulations

Decorated Christmas tree and holly leaves

Merry Christmas greetings: bright and varied

Hand-drawn Merry Christmas greetings can have a variety of themes. Usually they depict the main symbols of the holiday: a spruce tree, candles, angels, motifs from the Bible about the birth of Jesus. A green Christmas tree represents freshness and renewal of life.

Postcards of the so-called vintage style are especially popular at present. They reflect the origins of the holiday, sending senders and recipients back to the times when the first cardboard Christmas messages appeared.

They depict horse teams, snowy January winters. They are truly imbued with the spirit of the people. It is noteworthy that on such postcards the words are written in Old Church Slavonic.

Lit candles and Christmas tree

Children playing in the snow at Christmas

City houses, moon and Merry Christmas

Stylized Christmas tree and Christmas greetings

Warmth and sincerity in every word

For those who value not only aesthetic form, but also content, there are postcards with poems. Usually, in such congratulatory messages, special attention is paid not to design, but to verbal content. If you want to congratulate a dear person, this is the best choice, since such texts consist of warm, sincere words. In addition, you can choose a wish in both poetry and prose.

During the mass distribution of such letters with wishes in Russia, the senders themselves came up with congratulatory words, putting a piece of their soul into each of them. Now you can simply choose words that touch your heart, and then send a ready-made message to your loved one.

Scene of the birth of Jesus Christ in a manger

Fir branches with balls in a vase and Christmas greetings

Candles, poinsettia and Merry Christmas

On the eve of a magical family holiday, the main thing to remember is that the wish must be made from the heart. You can send an electronic artistic gift on the Internet, or read an original greeting over the phone. And some are going back in time, buying paper versions and sending them by mail. The method of expressing spiritual wishes is absolutely not important. The main thing is to choose important, sincere words on this magical family holiday.

You can give Merry Christmas 2018 cards to family members, relatives, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues, neighbors next door and any other people whom you sincerely want to please.

The most beautiful images with tender, touching wishes should be selected for relatives of the older generation. They will be especially pleased to receive such a sweet, pleasant present from young people on the day of a wonderful holiday.

On Catholic Christmas, you need to mail the best themed cards to your foreign friends. They will appreciate attention to the traditions of another faith and will warmly thank you with the same signs of attention on the Orthodox Nativity of Christ.

It is appropriate to write holiday greetings in both poetry and prose. There are no restrictions or strict rules here. The main thing is that all words come from the heart and do not look like dry text, written only for the sake of observing generally accepted rules of decency.

You can download options for spectacular Christmas cards for free from our website. We have prepared a large collection of bright, colorful electronic images with modern and ancient scenes, retro pictures and cool drawings. Choose what you like best and please your loved ones with pleasant surprises.

For friends and acquaintances who attend the Roman Church, you need to pick up free Catholic Merry Christmas cards and, on the eve of the holiday, hand them over in person or send them by mail or via the Internet, if it is not possible to meet.

The ideal plot for this type of holiday greeting is a thematic picture with traditional Christmas attributes and a beautiful signature in poetry or prose. In addition to the main text, you can add a few pleasant, sincere and kind phrases from yourself. This will give the congratulations a personal touch and make subsequent relationships warmer, more open and friendly.

The best Orthodox Merry Christmas 2018 cards can be downloaded for free from our website. The presented collection contains images with traditional holiday scenes that will really appeal to loved ones and will evoke the kindest emotions in them. For representatives of the older generation, it is worth choosing pictures in soft, calm colors, decorated with congratulatory inscriptions, elegant patterns and snowflakes. It is appropriate to present young people with colour-saturated, bright themed cards, imbued with joy and optimism.

A successful addition to a Christmas present will be sincere and very warm congratulations, spoken in your own words or written by hand. In touching, tender phrases, you need to convey greetings to a loved one and wish him on the day of this bright holiday to always be healthy and strong, to have pure thoughts, to do good and to live in harmony with his conscience, the site informs. Such words on Christmas Day will sound especially inspiring and will become an effective motivator to continue working on yourself and improving your spiritual qualities.

If you don’t know where to download free e-cards for Christmas 2018, we are happy to help and offer a collection of the most beautiful, original and vibrant images. These colorful thematic pictures can be used to congratulate all relatives and friends who, due to certain life circumstances, found themselves far from family and friends on the day of a wonderful holiday.

It is appropriate to send attractive postcards via the Internet to dear people or post them on personal pages on social networks, in interest groups and on popular forums. The second option is to send images to a smartphone or tablet and in this way show a loved one that, despite the distance, they remember him, miss him very much and are looking forward to seeing him.

Such a simple and ingenuous, but very touching message arriving on your phone or any other modern gadget on the bright day of the Nativity of Christ will certainly please, improve your mood and give you the opportunity to feel the warmth emanating from the hearts of loved ones, loving people, regardless of the distance separating them.

You will find the cutest, most sincere and beautiful cards in honor of Christmas 2018 Dogs right here. We have collected into a single collection the most successful thematic images, in which, along with the traditional attributes of the Christmas holidays, there are also four-legged friends. You can give such wonderful, touching pictures to your family, friends, work colleagues, classmates and fellow students.

Festive colorful scenes with puppies of different breeds are sure to please and will cause tenderness, joy and delight in loved ones. After all, there is nothing more pleasant than looking at adorable dogs frolicking among the Christmas tinsel.

If your friend or relative loves a specific breed, such as pugs, Yorkshire terriers or shepherds, you can choose a card with a picture of that particular dog. The person will be very pleased to see that you know about his hobby and treat him with respect and attention.

Vintage Merry Christmas cards look very stylish, sophisticated and elegant. The genre scenes depicted on them clearly reflect the way of pre-revolutionary Russian life with all its specifics and features. The color palette is more restrained and delicate than that of modern pictures, but this point in no way spoils the old pictures. On the contrary, it gives them a special unique charm.

You can give an old postcard to the person you want to impress. If the gift is intended for a girl, you should choose a plot with a couple in love. For mom, you need to find an image of a family gathered at the table on a holiday. It is appropriate for a man to present a more neutral, discreet picture with a congratulatory inscription. It will look respectable and will highlight your respectful attitude.

When you want to congratulate a loved one in an extraordinary way, you should pay attention to Russian retro cards for Christmas. Their calm, restrained beauty always attracts attention and is a little mesmerizing with its refined lines and soft colors. Some pictures are made in monochrome colors, but this does not spoil them in any way, but rather makes them unusual and original. A retro postcard will never get lost among other similar gifts, and the person who receives it will certainly remember who exactly gave him such an elegant and stylish gift.

Merry Christmas 2018 cards for family, friends and acquaintances need to be prepared in advance. Beautiful thematic images for Orthodox and Catholic holidays, both modern and retro, can be downloaded absolutely free from our website and then sent electronically to those whom you want to please on the bright day of the Nativity of Christ.

The best cards should be printed out, added with words of congratulations, and presented to older people. You can write pleasant phrases in prose, but if you do it in verse, the text will be remembered faster and will remain in memory for a long time. Young people will also respond well to rhyming couplets, because now it is very fashionable to observe the customs of their ancestors and support ancient traditions, adding a touch of progressiveness and creativity to them.

Christmas is not an ordinary holiday that we are used to celebrating every year. And especially not just an extra day off...

Christmas is a great day, the birthday of Jesus Christ, an important period for all Christians who firmly believe in the existence of the Almighty and try to live according to the laws of God.

Many of us are familiar with the history of this holiday, as well as the traditions of its celebration. This day is usually spent with family, giving each other attention, warmth, gifts and, of course, Merry Christmas 2019 cards.

Let us note that today there are many different postcards that will be a wonderful addition to the main present for family and friends. This article presents several types of Christmas cards so that you can easily choose the most ideal one for yourself and present it with pleasure to your dear people!

Christmas cards with congratulations

Surely, each of you has faced the difficulty of choosing the right words to congratulate you on this or that celebration.

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a good congratulatory poem, and there is no need to talk about composing it personally. Just for such cases, there are ready-made poems compiled by experienced poets. They put their whole soul into creating gentle and pleasant lines.

Just such sweet words can be found on Christmas cards from our selection. Pay attention to a number of postcards presented below. Among them there will surely be the best option for you.

Children love the New Year holidays very much, especially the whole series of fun days that follows the New Year. And how they love to receive gifts...

Give your children not only long-awaited presents, but also cute ones that they can put on a shelf in the nursery and remember for a long time those glorious moments in your company, as well as the wonderful holiday spent together.

Postcards for children, as a rule, include images of all sorts of fairy-tale characters, animals and babies. They are all so tender and light that you don’t want to let them out of your hands.

Vintage Christmas cards

Lovers of everything antique and elegant will certainly be delighted to receive a vintage gift. On some of them you can even see an inscription made in ancient Russian letters with curls and squiggles.

A team of horses, carriages, the magnificent decoration of residents and houses - this is what can be depicted on postcards of this category. Ladies will appreciate such a present; it can “accompany” some substantial gift from you and your family.

This category contains a variety of postcards, the best of the best, so to speak. They literally attract the eye, they already exude warmth, sincerity and one can feel the imminent arrival of the holiday.

The drawings on such cards will appeal to all family members, because they were created by the hand of a professional. Angels, candles, Christmas trees, children, fluffy bunnies - what modern illustrators have not come up with.

Animated Christmas cards

In the age of technological progress, people can congratulate a person on the holiday even from a distance. If you have friends, family or a loved one who is far away, but you would like to give him a piece of your warmth and love, then a selection of animated postcards will be just right on topic.