Happy birthday to an elderly woman. Heartfelt birthday greetings to an elderly woman, in your own words. Congratulations to an elderly woman

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Your anniversary is a happy holiday,
And there is no point in doubting.
So let congratulations today,
They will leave a good mark on your soul.

Accept the best wishes
Health, happiness, long life.
All the kindness that there is in the world,
And a lot of joy without troubles.

The best flowers, gifts,
Let your dreams come true.
We wish you patience, strength,
All earthly blessings and kindness.

It’s not for nothing that years are called wealth -
Wisdom and spiritual light are priceless,
That even at seventy they allow you to live brightly.
They are more expensive than gold coins.

Congratulating you on this anniversary,
Let's admit it: you are a female star!
No one is kinder, more beautiful, more cheerful,
You will keep this forever.

Most importantly, we wish you good health,
Let the energy always flow in full swing.
The one who is young at heart, we know for sure
Warmed through life by the sun's ray.

Anniversary is a great occasion
Gather all your relatives together.
It needs to be fun and playful
Celebrate this holiday.

The bird years fly away,
Not to be young again
But believe me, it's not too late
Live, laugh and love!

Remember, 70 is just a number.
Cheerfulness of spirit is the secret.
Happy birsday, my dear!
May we enjoy another 100 years!

Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary! When you are seventy, you can already say with confidence: “Yes, I have lived a rich life!” Let there be many things in your life now that will make it interesting. Happy holiday to you, health, good luck and new anniversaries.

70 years is a beautiful date.
You have a wealth of experience behind you.
And women’s wisdom cannot be taken away from you.
On your birthday we would like to wish:
May your health always serve you well,
Never had any problems
More joyful to you, sunny days!
And to celebrate more than one anniversary!

You always walked straight through life,
Keeping the warmth of dear hearts.
You, our grandmother and mother,
An example for us and a model.

Warming with your smile,
Sharing your wisdom,
You helped, darling,
We have to deal with adversity more than once.

And today the family is together
We are here to congratulate you.
Let everything be as it should be
And long, long - this life.

Health, strength, mood
May the Lord give it to you.
On your 70th birthday
The soul rejoices and sings.

How wonderful is your age,
You won’t be given that much,
Well, perhaps thirty-five,
I can't give any more!
May life continue to love you
And spoils me with luck,
Children and grandchildren do not get sick,
Let them not dare to upset you.
Well, I still wish
Happiness without end and edge!

A wonderful date - seventy years!
How much is behind:
Happy days, successes, victories,
And how much more is to come!

Even if there are so many years behind you already,
You are still the same beautiful woman:
With a sparkle in the eyes, with warmth in the soul,
With such a changeable mood!

I want to wish you better health,
Smile at every moment
Every hour, and every day!
Read life like an open book!

70 today lady,
There is no other way to call you.
You continue to be intoxicated
And incredibly amazing.

Stay so beautiful
I always wish you.
May there be abundance, peace, happiness
The years just always go by.

I also wish you not to get sick,
Don't go to doctors.
To joyfully dawn
Always smiled at you.

Already treacherously wrinkles
Your experience is given to people.
But 70 is still so little
May the years only go by in happiness.

Only the joy of life lives in the soul,
Let your pride in children grow.
Yes, your age is already considerable,
But there are so many days ahead.

Just take care of your health,
So that you have the strength not to stand,
But only fun with a smile
Walk through a fairytale life.

Seventy years is a long time
The roads were difficult
There were bumps and downhills,
There is a lot of joy and sadness...

There was both happiness and sorrow,
But there was also a sea of ​​love,
Passions were raging in full swing,
They didn't let me sleep at night.

Well, now everything is calm,
You walk as before, you are slender,
Wisdom in the eyes and anxiety,
How much road is left?

Let them love you, cherish you,
And they won’t dare to offend,
Live long and happily
Be cheerful and beautiful!

Seventy - what a date!
Sounds wise and rich
Congratulations dear
Continue to be like this.

Never give up
May fate grant you
After all, what years are there?
Since the soul is so young!

Throw tests in the past -
And forward, since there is so much strength!
Every year for your efforts
To bring happiness.

Dear mother, you are no dearer!
You are turning 70 years old!
Throughout life you have always been with us,
She could hold us with both words and glances.

She gave us her love without a trace,
I cooked a lot - both tasty and sweet.
I always found time to listen to everyone.
Now we understand how much you loved us.

Let me today, at this solemn hour,
For everything you did mom for us,
I bow to you from the bottom of my heart,
You have warmed us with the light of your soul since childhood.

Health, dear, and many summers...
And you will be warmed by our love.

My dear mother,
The only one, beloved,
Dear, beautiful, smart,
Wonderful, kind, sensitive.

Attentive, responsive,
Caring and smiling
Charming, elegant,
Tender and unseen.

Congratulations on your anniversary,
I wish you all the best,
Health, love and patience,
Joy, strength, inspiration.

Good luck, success, luck,
Hopes, dreams come true,
Gifts, friends, adventures,
And only good mood.

Dear mom, happy 70th birthday! Don’t be sick, please us with your energy and cheerfulness! Your love is enough for all children and grandchildren, remain as kind and caring. We love and appreciate you very much, we wish you to celebrate more than one anniversary! Thank you for having us! Happy anniversary!

As you get older, you understand how important it is to know that your mother is healthy and happy, that everything is fine with your closest and dearest person. So on your 70th birthday, my dear mother, may God give you longevity, save you from all illnesses, and at home you will have only happiness and peace.

For me your age...
It just doesn't exist!
You are mom, period,
Nothing else.

We won't think
How old are you now?
This, darling,
It will be our secret.

The years fly away
Waving his wing,
We are with you, dear,
We will survive everyone!

Happy birthday,
I am sending a bouquet of admiration.
I wish you health,
Dolgikh and happy years.
Inspiration in children and grandchildren
I wish you to draw.
Be an active optimist
Never lose heart.

Today we congratulate you on your birthday,
We openly express our respect.
There is so much spiritual simplicity in you.
Years add beauty to you!
Let the love of your family warm you,
The energy boils and does not fade.
We wish you good health forever,
You are the best person in the world! There is no need to be sad about the years,
Life cannot be crossed out
Think only about good things
And forget about sorrows.
Take it on your birthday
You are gifts and flowers,
You are beautiful as before
And over the years, be on your own.
It doesn't matter that there's white snow
Whiskey powdered
We wish you happiness
Less pain and anguish!

You are wise, smart, kind.
Having seen so far
Lots of stuff on the way
God bless you to move forward.
Be healthy, don't get sick,
Everything you want to have.
Your advice is only for our benefit,
Always keep your step strong!

Happy birthday
And we wish you many years
Stay so beautiful
To the delight of loved ones, to the detriment of enemies.
May your health be good,
The soul is not sad,
Let unbridled fun
Your life will be complete.
Let your grandchildren touch you,
They give happiness, drive away sadness,
And the star of victories, good luck
Lights the path of life. Today is a good holiday, no less.
Today all congratulations are only for you.
Perhaps someone will cry with joy,
You will smile and become more cheerful.
So allow me to sincerely wish you,
May such people live forever!
You are a mother, sister and dear grandmother!
I wish you health and warmth without end!
Let your grandchildren visit you more often,
And your home will be the fullest cup! I wish you on your birthday
Simple and sincere things:
Let the food be delicious,
And the table is full of guests.
And sadness will melt without a trace,
Don't let the children upset you
And they always visit you.
Let it be a reliable support

And the sky is peaceful around. Congratulations to you today
Happy this wonderful, bright day.
Happy birsday, my dear,
Be happy in everything!
We wish you wonderful
In life, joyful victories.
And we wish to live like in a fairy tale
Many winters and many years,
Let your wishes come true
And everything will be the best!
Happiness, courage, luck,
Live a colorful life without troubles! I congratulate you on your birthday,

I wish you many, many years to live! Spring is in the soul, which means
It doesn't matter how old you are.
Let them loom ahead
Love, kindness and light.
Health will be strong
Let your eyes burn
Let people respect
They always thank you.
And on this birthday
Be very sweet
To be as sweet as candy,
Your whole life has been. It’s already quite a bit behind,
But don't be sad!
On your birthday there is a reason
Treat everyone to some cooking!
Let the years flow like a river,
Give joy infusion!
Stay so cheerful
And young at heart!
Joy, happiness and good luck,
Strength of spirit in life these days!
Helped you with your business! Youth is gone, experience remains,
There is patience and full of wisdom.
Life is now visible under a microscope,
And your influence is great.
I warmly congratulate you on your birthday.
Joy, good luck and goodness,
I wish you happiness and love,
And also - home warmth!
Let them value and respect you,
Let them be considered the best on earth.
And they warm you with tender love,
Giving you joy and peace! On this day for a wonderful woman
We will voice our congratulations:
happy Birthday
And we wish you longevity!
May your health not fail you
And relatives stand like a wall.
Everything - in any situation.
We wish you not to give up,
Even if it's hard.
So that at your eighteen
You have always been lucky in everything! Peace of mind for you,
Don't think about sorrows -
Affectionate children and grandchildren,
Don't be lonely
We sincerely congratulate you,
Exquisite gifts for you.
And laugh cheerfully. happy Birthday
And we want to confess
What inspires admiration
Appearance you are yours.
How many years? Who will believe?
Just look in the mirror
Your eyes are our criterion,
They are brighter than the sun.
And we don’t count the years.
From the bottom of our hearts we want to say,
What we always wish for you
Continue to amaze us! I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you happy years,

You lived conscientiously all the years,
They helped everyone in everything,
Men gave you odes,
And they sang songs under the window.
Well, now, the years are different,
Your grandchildren will sing songs for you,
But everyone still loves you,
And they send you congratulations! So many years have flown by in my life,
But you haven't aged, no.
And there's no reason at all
Worry about wrinkles.

That an angel always took care of you. Decades fly by
Why count flight?
Lives in your soul!
Your homemade garden
And everyone who comes here
He's happy!
The table is beautifully set,
And there is a hint in this!
Your birthday is fun
Arrives at the door! Wisdom, experience and diligence,
It all lives in you.
Happy Birthday,

This should not be violated.

May you not see grief,
Let the diseases disappear.
You will continue on your way. We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,

Live the rest of your life with a smile. Our next birthday
We are all waiting with excitement
After all, he changes us a little,
He gives us new goals.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I glorify your years.
May success surround you,
Smiles, flowers, children's laughter. We would like to congratulate you on your birthday,
Let me here and now
Give praise and admiration,
After all, you are worthy every hour
Hear words of praise and delight,
For at least the fact that you exist,
Let them write a poem, a verse
Beautiful, gentle in your honor! Let the past years fly by quickly,
There is no way to turn them back
But you bloom like a flower,
Every year you receive congratulations from us.
On your birthday we want to wish you
Find out more happy moments
Wonderful acquaintances on your way,
Which you still have to go through. Old age is stupidity and harmfulness,
But all this is not a threat to you.
Because your butt
An adventure magnet.
Joy in every moment
And a little bit of spice
You show to your opponent,
Because it's you!
I can congratulate you -
And glorify a little
After all: you are the best creation. The birthday has arrived, giving joy,

We wish you, may all sadness pass forever! On your birthday I give you flowers, gifts,
And I want this day to be cheerful, kind, bright!
May you be many years old, you are as beautiful as ever,
And I came to congratulate, as always, with dashing hope!
I wish to always be cheerful and happy,
So that it shines like a star and blooms marvelously for others!
So that every day of God she smiles, sings,
You have never known loneliness and adversity! We were deceived recklessly
Retribution will be merciless
The head will fly off your shoulders.
We certainly wish you
Health, happiness and love,
Extraordinary achievements,
Capable of surprising the sky.
And adventures without torment,
And gains without losses,
Opening the door for happiness. Today is your birthday,
We only know this about you
What you don’t allow to doubt.

Good health for many years! May your years not be enough,
And life flows like a river,
But still years
This is our property and wealth,
Especially if there are more than enough of them,
Happy birthday our dear,
We wish you to see a lot more in life,
And on your way, never lose heart,
We congratulate you with congratulations,
And millions of bright days
We still want to live. Dear and beloved, you are ours
Happy birthday to you,
May good luck accompany you
And the family lives, loving you.
Congratulations say that the experience is yours
Important to others and to us,
And today’s congratulations are:
Let both children and friends like it. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart
We hasten to congratulate you.
We love you very, very much
Strongly and with all my heart!
The kindness of darling hands
We will not forget the century
Visit you for pies
We'll come in.
Happy birthday
And we wish you happiness,
Let them pass by
Misfortune and bad weather! Children, grandchildren at the table,
The husband is fussing in the kitchen,
Happy Birthday to You,
Everyone strives to congratulate!
Decorating the house with embroidery,
It became so warm and cozy!
You are beautiful as always
How many years - we vaguely know!
And let them fly
Why count years sadly?
The main thing is that young people
It was a joyful heart! There are gray hairs at your temples,
And there are small ice floes on the heart.
Fate brought many troubles.
You have drunk the cup of bitter tears.
So please accept my warmest congratulations,
So that your negative lesson goes away.
So that a streak appears in life
White, like the clouds in the sky. Your gray hair is so beautiful
Your soul is so young
The eyes burn with clear fire,
You are so kind and bright.
And your birthday is bright,
We will celebrate it again
Your advice is priceless to us,
Your love is priceless to us!
So always be mischievous
Always be so sweet
And we will be next to you,
May your path be happy! Already the grandson is behind festive table,
But you can’t give in to age!
The fighting spirit always leads forward!
Otherwise, life is unbearable for you!
If summer means garden and vegetable garden,
In winter you hang out on the Internet,
And you like to make your home cozy,
There is no one else like you on the planet!
We are happy that you exist!
And continue to be optimistic!
Today you can even take a sip,
Allow yourself to be an artist again! Grandchildren, children and relatives,
We gathered again with you,
Everyone warmly congratulates,
Be healthy, of course!
Let's admire the handicrafts,
And we’ll ask for advice again,
Life is always beautiful
Even if it's Indian autumn.
You cook very tasty
Let your soul rejoice!
And to joyful songs,
Will definitely dance! Happy birthday,
The compliments are yours today.
And we say this not jokingly,
That you only become more beautiful over the years.
Your wisdom is undeniable
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
May you always be loved
And we walked through life with love! Our dear, dear,
We are filled with recognition for
That we have an example to follow.
Your sweet face, always smiling
Pleases passersby and acquaintances,
And on this holiday they came to congratulate,
We give congratulations and delight with words
We want you today from the bottom of our hearts.

Happy Birthday elderly woman in prose

I wish that the years do not affect the state of the soul and
well-being, so that every day brings joy and feelings of happiness,
so that loved ones and relatives delight with frequent meetings and emotional
conversations so that the house is always warm and cozy.


On your birthday, I wish you many more years of health and
good health, so that every day is filled with the love of loved ones
people, brought joy, smiles and pleasant moments. For life to be
filled with interesting events, and the positive experience of the past years you
passed on to children and grandchildren.

WITH Best wishes I hasten to offer my congratulations on
Happy birthday to a respected and wonderful woman. I wish you vigorous strength and
confident health, well-being for many years and happiness. Let you
surrounded by the love and care of loved ones, daily joy and kind

Our dear wise, brave and experienced woman! Congratulations on
another birthday! Every year you become more and more beautiful
and more resilient, your cheerfulness, resilience and perseverance cannot
not to delight and surprise. I wish you, our dear Lady, strong
health, positive attitude, inspiration, find everything
new hobbies and entertainment, because learning and exploring the world never
It's not too late. Don't stop smiling, hoping and dreaming, because thoughts
there is one ability - they come true.

Happy birthday to a kind and sweet woman. I want to wish
To you good care and optimism of soul, strong love of dear hearts and
spiritual happiness, bright hope and reliable well-being,
wonderful mood and excellent health.

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you
never lose your charm and, regardless of age, remain
sweet and gorgeous woman. May fate give you many warm meetings
and happy holidays, may life flow like a calm river,
shores of goodness and blessings.

Happy birthday to a kind and wonderful woman. Let
age, counted in years, does not in any way affect the state of the soul and
health. I wish you vigorous strength and bright joy, pleasant gifts from
loved ones, kind attention and happy holidays in the circle

I wish to knit a beautiful lace from harmony, peace, warmth,
well-being, smiles, good spirits and interesting activities.
And let the house always smell delicious, and let them turn out on the doorstep
beloved and dear. Happy birthday, happy flowers day, wishes,
gifts and love!

I wish you, my dear, to preserve youth in your soul. May the years not
scare you. After all, the most important thing is how to live your life. Wish
I wish you bright thoughts, peace of mind and bright impressions ahead. Let
The Almighty always protects you, your pure soul and all your loved ones.

Happy Birthday Wishes for an Elderly Woman

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
And put a gorgeous bouquet in a vase for you.
Good health and happiness ahead,
Live the rest of your life with a smile.

On this day for a wonderful woman
We will voice our congratulations:
happy Birthday
And we wish you longevity!
May your health not fail you
And relatives stand like a wall.
Let it lead only to success
Everything - in any situation.
We wish you not to give up,
Even if it's hard.
So that at your eighteen
You have always been lucky in everything!

I want to wish you a happy birthday!
And, even if the temple is already gray,
I know what's in your soul -
A seething, endless stream of life.
I wish you more fairy tales,
Kindness, miracles and magic.
So that the colors of emotions blaze,
Choosing a heart as a canvas.
Enough of the mundane and gloomy days!
I want to wish today
For your mysterious nature -
Live life to the fullest, not live it out

I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you long and wonderful years,
Let everything that you have long dreamed of come true,
There is no one more delightful and wonderful in the world than you.
You are cheerful, perky, charming,
The experience of the past years gave wisdom,
You are caring, smart, friendly,
I wish you many, many years to live!

The birthday has arrived, giving joy,
I congratulate you from the heart, pure love to you.
And health - to be stronger, days - to be more cheerful,
Near sincere, reliable, devoted people,
So that fate always strives to give joy,
So that she simply strives to amaze you with happiness,
Feminine happiness, simple, without empty worries,
We wish you, may all sadness pass forever!

Wisdom, experience and diligence,
It all lives in you.
Happy Birthday,
I want to wish you health.
You gave happiness for many years,
This should not be violated.
The warmth of family and friends will warm you,
And the heart will only flutter.
May you not see grief,
Let the diseases disappear.
So that doubts do not grow in you,
You will continue on your way.

Today is your birthday,
And we don’t need to know what’s hidden in the passport.
We only know this about you
What you don’t allow to doubt.
You are young at heart and too energetic,
You are always a cheerful person in company.
A series of happiness awaits you ahead,
Good health for many years!

Old age is stupidity and harmfulness,
But all this is not a threat to you.
Because your butt
An adventure magnet.
Joy in every moment
And a little bit of spice
You show to your opponent,
Because it's you!
I can congratulate you -
Your birthday has arrived
And glorify a little
After all: you are the best creation.

I wish you on your birthday
Simple and sincere things:
Let the food be delicious,
And the table is full of guests.
Let the sun shine outside the window,
And sadness will melt without a trace,
Don't let the children upset you
And they always visit you.
Let it be a reliable support
you will be old true friend,
Let disputes disappear in the family.
And the sky is peaceful around.

We were deceived recklessly
After all, we know that you are thirty-two.
Retribution will be merciless
The head will fly off your shoulders.
We certainly wish you
Health, happiness and love,
Extraordinary achievements,
Capable of surprising the sky.
And adventures without torment,
And gains without losses,
To be more cheerful and blush,
Opening the door for happiness.

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to an older woman

The most beautiful, literate and wise, blooming and always young
On this beautiful day I want to give the woman the warmest
wishes. Goodness, harmony, more happy and joyful people
moments, sincere friends, inspiration and strength. Let them bloom in the garden
sparkling waves of flowers, the aroma of festive dishes comes from the kitchen, and
The most beloved and dear people will gather at the table! Happy birthday,

Happy Birthday. It is known that a woman is always 18, and in
The passport can indicate anything. That's why today
holiday is a celebration of the eternal female beauty, seasoned
the wisdom of the years lived.

I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you happy years,
Everyone around you loves you, I know
After all, there is no reason not to love!
You lived conscientiously all the years,
They helped everyone in everything,
Men gave you odes,
And they sang songs under the window.
Well, now, the years are different,
Your grandchildren will sing songs for you,
But everyone still loves you,
And they send you congratulations!

Decades fly by
Why count flight?
After all, it’s good if you’re young,
Lives in your soul!
It blooms festively in the apartment,
Your homemade garden
And everyone who comes here
He's happy!
The table is beautifully set,
And there is a hint in this!
Your birthday is fun
Arrives at the door!

Spring is in the soul, which means
It doesn't matter how old you are.
Let them loom ahead
Love, kindness and light.
Health will be strong
Let your eyes burn
Let people respect
They always thank you.
And on this birthday
Be very sweet
To be as sweet as candy,
Your whole life has been.

It’s already quite a bit behind,
But don't be sad!
On your birthday there is a reason
Treat everyone to some cooking!
Let the years flow like a river,
Give joy infusion!
Stay so cheerful
And young at heart!
Joy, happiness and good luck,
Strength of spirit in life these days!
So that there is always a happy occasion,
Helped you with your business!

Peace of mind for you,
Live in joy, in pleasure.
Don't think about sorrows -
Let youth live in your heart.
Affectionate children and grandchildren,
And more bright holidays.
Don't be lonely
The husband should be accommodating.
We sincerely congratulate you,
Exquisite gifts for you.
Bathe in rainbow happiness -
And laugh cheerfully.

So many years have flown by in my life,
But you haven't aged, no.
And there's no reason at all
Worry about wrinkles.
And there is no sadness in my heart.
You've been given an extra year - so be it!
After all, this holiday is just a hint,
That an angel always took care of you.

Happy birthday,
And may you, in your declining years,
Autumn generously gives life
Kindness and happiness light.
Let the love of your loved ones fall on your shoulders
Warm shawl covers,
May your health be good
And the disease does not bother you.
Let others call
An elderly woman
You children and grandchildren
Married with youth.

Let everyone gasp in admiration,
After all, you don’t know the word “old age”,
I just want to bloom and smell,
May life always be a joy for you!
The years fly by, and you become more and more beautiful,
Your bright charm is always with you,
I wish your health
It only brought you cheerfulness!
May your prosperity
It always grows only upwards,
So that dreams and all desires
Done without difficulty!

Happy birthday greetings to an elderly woman in your own words

Happy birthday to kind and sweet women. I wish you well
health and well-being, strong strength and vigor of soul, respect
people and strong love of loved ones, sincere care and joyful meetings.

Happy birthday to a wonderful woman with all my heart.
Let age not count the years, but remember only the bright, kind and
joyful moments of life, may life give you many more happy ones
days and happy Holidays, sincere and sincere conversations, wonderful
ideas and family evening gatherings.

After a certain age, birthdays are a thing for women
trial. From year to year, she increasingly sticks to the mirror,
looking for the telltale wrinkle under the eye. Nonsense, woman
Vintage wine becomes more unique every year. Congratulations on your day
birth! I wish you to be surrounded by the eyes of dear people in whom you
always beautiful, unique and irresistible. Love yourself and take care
your health.

Happy birthday to you! I wish to continue to grow up, and not
growing old, having fun every day, no health problems
and just be very happy.

Happy birthday to a kind woman. I wish with all my heart,
so that the years do not affect your well-being and state of mind, so that joy
hearts never fade away, so that the love of loved ones constantly inspires
for culinary masterpieces for family holidays, so that wonderful and
the radiant mood never left you and illuminated everyone around you.

Happy birthday to my dear woman. Let age be only
an insignificant indicator in life, let it still be joyful and
the soul greets every day happily, may the heart always find
inspiration for every task, may it never be near you
loneliness and melancholy, may true love give sincere happiness
family and warm meetings with dear people.

Happy birthday to you today. Let the days fly by, counting
years, but let there always be a holiday in your soul, let life make you happy
warm meetings, joyful events, smiles and kind words
loved ones. I wish you good health and prosperity.

On your birthday, you shine like the sun and become prettier with
every day. Let the smile never leave your lips and your eyes fill
joy. You are beautiful and so young at heart that any girl
will be jealous. Always remain a bright sun and warm with a smile
the world around us. Let spring bloom in your soul with all its colors and
smells of youth and longevity.

The most wonderful, stunning, charming woman
I’m in a hurry to shower you with compliments in honor of your birthday! Let the money
the torrent will fall on your head like sudden rain. Let happiness not
knocks on the door, but comes to you without knocking. Let the pressure and
the pulse will always be normal, as well as hemoglobin and blood sugar,
because I want you to be healthy. I wish you a lot of joy and
vacation at sea!

This happy day only happens once a year. He gives
fun, joy and laughter. I wish to live like this every day, and not just in
birthday. Let life be a holiday! Let the soul not know
cold, but it will be like a spring garden in bloom. I wish that in your heart
Youth has always triumphed. And let the years not be a hindrance to
happiness, love and admiration!

Happy Birthday greetings to an elderly woman have their own specifics related to the age of the birthday girl. Often in old age, birthdays gradually begin to bring more and more sadness rather than joy (for obvious reasons). This means we need to work on wishes and congratulations. So that they instantly extinguish even a hint of sadness in an elderly woman. Even if the lady has already touched the first gray hair, then such attention will remind her that she still belongs to the fair sex. This will be the most desired gift at the holiday. If you don’t know how to congratulate the female audience of respectable years, then this section will definitely help.

I can call your age wealth,
I wish you not to lose strength and energy.
I wish to remain young
Body and, of course, soul.

Believe in a world that is rich in colors,
Appreciate the sunrise and see off the sunset.
Try to help people
Forgive offenses and do not let enemies in.

Sharing experience and wisdom over the years
Fill your life with happiness, kindness, dreams,
Step forward, don’t be afraid of obstacles,
Don't lose confidence and don't give up,

Be cheerful, smile as often as possible.
Admire your successes
Proud of his past victories
And continue to win now!

Age is a reason for pride,
I had to tell you a lot in life,
You manage to be attractive
Don't lose your mysterious charm at all.

Let relatives ask questions,
How did you accumulate so much energy?
The desire to live is a great force,
With which you managed to walk.

Grandchildren and children are your wealth,
Your desire to live and create.
Always be understanding for everyone,
Your family will love you more.

I wish you the best health,
In the desert, be a rose that blooms luxuriantly.
You manage to create an oasis,
Where fate will not take you!

I wish you a life without problems,
Always a pleasant change.
Live without pain, without worries,
Pleasant worries only for you.

Goodness, prosperity, strength, desires,
Reciprocity, not knowing suffering.
Live peacefully, don’t lose wisdom,
And don't be afraid to fall asleep.

Dawn will surely come,
Live long and unforgettable,
Appreciate what life has given
May you have plenty of happiness!

You have lived many years in the world,
You were able to resist troubles,
Although fate was sometimes cruel,
You have never lost your humanity!

For this we love you, respect you,
And we always consider you very strong,
Worthy of respect, praise,
You are still beautiful and sweet!

May your years last up to a hundred years,
It’s not you who is sick, but let them be afraid of you,
The soul and heart will be young,
You are surrounded by dear people!

Happy birthday
And we wish you many years
Stay so beautiful
To the detriment of all your enemies.

May your health be good,
The soul does not grieve.
Let unbridled fun
Your life will be complete.

Let your grandchildren touch you,
They give happiness, drive away sadness,
And the star of victories, good luck
Lights the path of life

It’s already quite a bit behind,
But don't be sad!
On your birthday there is a reason
Treat everyone to some cooking!

Let the years flow like a river,
Give joy infusion!
Stay so cheerful
And young at heart!

Joy, happiness and good luck,
Strength of spirit in life these days!
So that there is always a happy occasion,
Helped you with your business!

There is no need to be sad about the years,
Life cannot be crossed out.
Think only about good things
And forget about sorrows.

Take it on your birthday
You are gifts and flowers,
You are beautiful as before
And over the years, be on first name terms.

It doesn't matter that there's white snow
Whiskey powdered
We wish you happiness
Less pain and anguish!

There are many paths in life
You've already passed
Happy birthday congratulations
I want you today.

I wish you women's happiness
And good news
Days filled with love
And the care of children.

Age is no barrier to happiness
It's just life experience
Let it be filled with positivity
There will be life baggage.

Accept it, darling,
Happy birthday greetings,
I wish you health,
Strength and inspiration.

You are beautiful as before
Years suit you very well,
Can turn your head
And grandpa and young man.

I wish you not to lose
In a life of optimism,
May you always be decorated
Wisdom and charisma.

On this day for a wonderful woman
We will voice our congratulations:
happy Birthday
And we wish you longevity!

May your health not fail you
And relatives stand like a wall.
Let it lead only to success
Everything - in any situation.

We wish you not to give up,
Even if it's hard.
So that at your eighteen
You have always been lucky in everything!

woman man funny relatives
wife to my husband funny mother-in-law
girl guy short father-in-law
girlfriend friend beautiful mother-in-law
sister brother original father-in-law
daughters son in your own words daughter-in-law
mom dad SMS son-in-law
girl boy in prose kume
aunt uncle in verse godfather
grandma grandfather postcards goddaughter
niece nephew Pictures godson
baby colleague matchmaking

Ladies of any age love attention and care. Especially words of congratulations in literary form. Be sure to visit Mega.Postcard if you are planning to wish a happy birthday to an elderly woman. Here you will find simple and interesting poems and words of congratulations in prose. Having chosen the appropriate one, send it via SMS or congratulate it when you meet. If you are going to a holiday, then the chosen greeting can be used as a toast.


For venerable age -
A sea of ​​respect!
We welcome you
Happy birthday.

Good health,
From friends' attention,
And in the family there is peace
You and understanding!

So that children, grandchildren
Visited more often
To talk about illness
You didn't mention.

We wish you life
Long and happy
To always and by everyone
You were loved.


Happy birthday to a wonderful woman from the bottom of my heart. I wish that the years do not in any way affect the state of mind and well-being, that every day brings joy and a feeling of happiness, that loved ones and relatives delight with frequent meetings and sincere conversations, that the house is always warm and cozy.


Everything in life is wealth and family,
A good husband and faithful girlfriends,
All this is your wonderful merit,
What more can I wish for you?

Don’t be discouraged and love your life,
And greet every day with a smile,
Let us sometimes make mistakes
After all, everything in this world can happen.

Appreciate what was hard for you
You protect yourself from vanity,
And most importantly - love! Love so much
So that you don’t have to regret the past!


There is no need to be sad about the years,
Life cannot be crossed out.
Think only about good things
And forget about grief.

Take it on your birthday
You are gifts and flowers,
You're still beautiful
And over the years, be on first name terms.

It doesn't matter that there's white snow
Whiskey powdered
We wish you happiness
Less pain and anguish!


Happy birthday,
I am sending a bouquet of admiration.
I wish you health,
Long and happy years.

Inspiration in children and grandchildren
I wish you to draw.
Be an active optimist
Never lose heart.

Beautiful birthday greetings to an older woman


You are wise, smart, kind.
Having seen so far
Lots of stuff on the way
God bless you to move forward.

Be healthy, don't get sick,
Whatever you want, mother.
Your advice is only for our benefit,
Always keep your step strong!


For a better woman
All congratulations sound.
Today you meet
Your glorious birthday.

We wish you good health,
Smiles and good luck.
And of course warm
Close relationship with you.

Let it be everything you want
And everything he dreams about.
All wishes will come true,
After all, life does not repeat itself.


Happy birthday
And I wish that you always
You were young at heart
Despite the years.

Call it old
I don't want you at all
Best suits you
Status - Old lady.

I wish that you always
You were loved
So that there is a road of life
Long and happy.


Happy birthday
And we wish you many years
Stay so beautiful
To the detriment of all your enemies.

May your health be good,
The soul does not grieve.
Let unbridled fun
Your life will be complete.

Let your grandchildren touch you,
They give happiness, drive away sadness,
And the star of victories, good luck
Lights the path of life.


May the years never scare you,
At heart you are eighteen years old.
Let your eyes sparkle with happiness.
And your immunity will be strong.

Care for relatives to surround you,
And they often came to visit you.
So that your grandchildren take an example from you,
And they rejoiced at your calls.

And on this glorious birthday,
We sincerely want to wish you.
Draw inspiration from life
And where you definitely dreamed of visiting.

Happy birthday poems for an elderly woman


Life has long been arranged,
Little things that glisten gray hair.
Every age is beautiful in its own way,
Just like the aging of wine.

Happy birthday to you!
You'll give up for years.
We sincerely wish you today
Stay young at heart!


Youth is gone, experience remains,
There is patience and full of wisdom.
Life is now visible under a microscope,
And your influence is great.

Happy birthday to you.
Joy, good luck and goodness,
I wish you happiness and love,
And also the warmth of home!

Let them value and respect you,
Let them be considered the best on earth.
And they warm you with tender love,
Giving you joy and peace of mind!


Happy holiday today,
I warmly congratulate you.
Happy wonderful birthday,
I wish you health.

Never stop
Smile and laugh.
I wish you the best
And stay chic!


Let the years fly forward
But you are beautiful, as always!
I wish you a happy life,
Laugh, believe and love,
Making dreams come true
Always shine with joy,
And on this glorious birthday
Be in a positive mood!


You have lived in the world for many years,
You were able to resist troubles,
Although fate was sometimes cruel,
You have never lost your humanity!

For this we love you, respect you,
And we always consider you very strong,
Worthy of respect, praise,
You are still beautiful and sweet!

May your years last up to a hundred years,
It’s not you who is sick, but let them be afraid of you,
The soul and heart will be young,
You are surrounded by dear people!

Happy Birthday Wishes for an Elderly Woman


This holiday is a little sad,
After all, he adds.
But, no matter how trivial it may be,
You are always young at heart!

I wish you a lot of health
And don't lose optimism.
May God help you on your way
No fatigue at all.


Let your heart be warm,
All your sorrows go away,
So that happiness blooms in your soul,
May you blossom every day!

May goodness come knocking on your door now,
And it will cover you like a wave,
May luck fly to you like a bird,
May life be full of light!


I wish you on your birthday
Simple and sincere things:
Let the food be delicious
And the table is full of guests.

Let the sun shine outside the window,
And sadness will melt without a trace,
Don't let the children upset you
And they always visit you.

Let it be a reliable support
You will have an old faithful friend,
Let disputes disappear in the family.
And the sky is peaceful around.


We can't stop time,
On your birthday I admire you,
You are like precious wine
What only becomes more valuable over the years.

You have wisdom, a good fire burns,
Peace and endurance without edge,
Fate will thank you for everything,
I don’t know a more worthy woman!


Today we congratulate you on your birthday,
We openly express our respect.
There is so much spiritual simplicity in you.
Years add beauty to you!

Let the love of your family warm you,
The energy boils and does not fade.
We wish you good health forever,
You are the best person in the world!

Funny birthday greetings for an adult woman


There are many paths in life
You've already passed
Happy birthday congratulations
I want you today.

I wish you women's happiness
And good news
Days filled with love
And the care of children.

The age of happiness is not a hindrance,
It's just life experience
Let it be filled with positivity
There will be life baggage.


Happy birthday,
Let's throw the years off our shoulders,
Summer doesn't mean old,
Old age is not for you and me.

The woman's age is not years
Answers - souls,
And yours is always over 20,
And not for some time now.

Don't let them try you
Sing, dance,
You stay like that
Old age can wait


On your birthday, I wish you to live many more years in health and well-being, so that every day is filled with the love of loved ones, brings joy, smiles and pleasant moments. So that your life is filled with interesting events, and you pass on the positive experience of your past years to your children and grandchildren.


Happy birthday,
Joy, warmth, kindness.
Don’t be sad that the strands have become
Already silver color.

Remain a lady with charm,
Subtle, smart, businesslike.
May you always be in good spirits,
Be young at heart.


Congratulations to you today
Happy this amazing, bright day.
Happy birthday, dear,
Be happy in everything!

We wish you wonderful
In life, joyful victories.
And we wish to live like in a fairy tale
Many winters and many years.

Let your wishes come true
And everything will be the best!
Happiness, courage, luck,
Life is colorful without troubles!

Touching birthday greetings to an elderly woman


Age is not a hindrance
Age is not a sentence,
I wish you lightness, laughter,
So that the yard is full of happiness.

So that dreams always come true,
For beauty to bloom
It's very cool to be in summer,
Congratulations, good luck!

And also prosperity for you,
After all, it’s more fun to live with him,
So that everything is alright
And visit Europe!


Today is your holiday,
Surrounded by family and friends.
Celebrate your birthday
Let joy flow over the edge!

Let everyone admire you
And peace reigns in the soul.
Let age be beautiful, as always.
But don't count your years!


Living life is not a field to cross,
Find your happiness in time,
And stay clean and beautiful,
And with a kind soul and clear eyes!

Happy birthday, warmest congratulations,
I wish you long life with all my heart,
Kindness, don’t lose your health,
Outdo the young in everything!

Travel the world far and wide,
Live in joy, without any worries,
To be respected and loved very much,
And be devoted to sports!


There's already a sparkle in my hair
Noble silver,
Only the heart does not age,
Gives tenderness and warmth.

Therefore, in any year
Bright holiday birthday
Let it bring only joy
And not a drop of grief!

There's still so much ahead
We need to manage different things,
So you'll never be bored
And even more so to grow old!


Peace of mind for you,
Live in joy, in pleasure.
Don't think about sadness -
Let youth live in your heart.

Affectionate children and grandchildren,
And more bright holidays.
Don't be lonely
The husband should be flexible.

We sincerely congratulate you,
Exquisite gifts for you.
Bathe in rainbow happiness -
And laugh cheerfully.

Touching poems for an elderly woman


Today is a bright holiday in your life,
I wish you not to be discouraged and not to be bored,
AND kind words huge bouquets
Receive with a smile and excitement.

Mother of steel, good health
And inexhaustible, powerful optimism,
To be close with great love
Anyone would fulfill your whim.


On this day for a wonderful woman
We will voice our congratulations:
happy Birthday
And we wish you longevity!

May your health not fail you
And relatives stand like a wall.
Let it lead only to success
Everything - in any situation.

We wish you not to give up,
Even if it's difficult.
So that at your eighteen
You have always been lucky in everything!


Sincerely, with all my heart
We hasten to congratulate you.
We love you very, very much
Strongly and with all my heart!
The kindness of darling hands
We will not forget centuries,
Visit you for pies
We'll come in.
Happy birthday
And we wish you happiness,
Let them pass by
Misfortune and bad weather!


I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. Kind, sympathetic, sincere, magnificent, attentive, generous - all this is about you. Remain the same radiant person. I wish you health and prosperity, love in your family and respect from your friends, joy in your heart and joy in your soul.


Take it, dear,
Happy birthday greetings,
I wish you health,
Strength and inspiration.

You are still beautiful
Years suit you very well,
Can turn your head
Both grandfather and boyfriend.

I wish you not to lose
In a life of optimism,
May you always be decorated
Wisdom and charisma.

Birthday greetings to an old woman in verse


Spring is in the soul, which means
It doesn't matter how old you are.
Let them loom ahead
Love, kindness and light.

Health will be strong
Let your eyes burn
Let people respect
They always thank you.

And on this birthday
Be very sweet,
To be as sweet as candy
Your whole life has been.


Let time not rush in vain,
Let the charm of the moment not leave you,
Let the fate of your plans be controlled
Only for you, then everything will go like clockwork!

Let the past years please the memory,
And life in the future is pleasing to the eye.
I wish you to celebrate your birthday this way,
To tell everyone about him, and more than once!


Let everyone gasp with delight
After all, you don’t know the word “old age”,
I just want to bloom and smell,
May life always be a joy for you!

The years fly by, and you become more and more beautiful,
Your bright charm is always with you,
I wish your health
It only brought you cheerfulness!

May your prosperity
It always grows only upwards,
So that dreams and all desires
Done without difficulty!


Another year passes unnoticed,
And I greet, wanting to love
This is life for you, and at the same time, in return,
To be the happiest and most satisfied!

And let wrinkles never scare you,
After all, with them wisdom comes to you,
But still let your eyes shine as before,
And let joy and love rule in destiny!


So many years have flown by in my life,
But you haven't aged, no.
And there's no reason at all
Worry about wrinkles.

And there is no sadness in my heart.
A year has been added to you, so be it!
After all, this holiday is just a hint,
That an angel always took care of you.


Today is a good holiday, no less.
Today all congratulations are only for you.
Perhaps someone will cry with joy,
You will smile and become more cheerful.
So let me sincerely wish you,
May such people live forever!
You are a mother, sister and dear grandmother!
I wish you health and warmth without end!
May your grandchildren visit you more often
And your home will be the fullest cup!


Happy birthday, don't be sad,
You are still so young
And let the fire warm in your soul,
Your years are not scary!

You are beautiful and wise,
And kind and so sweet,
Let there be joy in your heart,
And the Lord will not forget you.

May you have abundance with the mountain,
And health, so that with interest,
So that children respect
And the grandchildren loved it!


Happy birthday please accept
My sincere congratulations.
You are an unearthly woman,
There is no longer any doubt about it.

Years suit you, which means -
Time to enjoy life.
I wish you so beautiful
And remain luxurious.


Happy birthday to you today
We sincerely congratulate you,
We take your example in everything,
We respect your age,
Elderly woman
Do you know everything in the world?
We wish you good health,
May your children give you joy,
Always be happy, you
Don't be sad, smile
Stay strong, cheerful,
Don't give in to the years!


May your health not be exhausted,
Like your patience and kindness.
May your life always be filled with joy,
And also peace and beauty.

May happiness surround you everywhere,
Live easily, without worries.
Let it be rich, beautiful and bright
And every day in life, and every year!

The children have grown up and are now grandchildren
They love your quiet comfort,
Your golden hands
They bake pies for them,
Everyone in the family adore you,
Kindness saves the world
Happy Birthday
And I wish you a lot of strength,
May you always be healthy
And live your life with interest,
I wish you new hobbies,
And so that sometimes there is peace!


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Whole life ahead!

There are at least a lot of years behind,
But my whole life is ahead,
Your cuteness remains,
There is a lot of kindness in the heart!

Happy Birthday,
We wish you many years,
May luck accompany you
And live without troubles!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Let the years not rush!

Life flies like an arrow like a bird:
You won't have time to see
And she will already rush away, -
Just watch after her,

Remembering how beautiful
How much light there was in it...
I wish you only happiness,
And more bright days,

To appreciate them in a moment
Always treasure one!
Happy birthday!-
Let the years not rush!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Good luck to you!

Happiness to you in life
And happy days!
Let the sun shine
Stronger in the sky

Let the birds be louder
They're singing today!
Let it be in the house
Only peace and comfort!

The years fly by
And you follow them
Send your fiery
Burning hello,

Let it be
It's not easy to fly away
May they last for a long time
Waiting for you with love!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Poem for you

I want to congratulate you today,
I wish you happiness in life and love!
And leave you a poem as a gift,
To lift the mood a little!

May the sun always be above you,
Let the clouds of all kinds of adversity pass
By the side, and so that under your feet
Your path was strewn with flowers only!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Live long!

I respect you very much,
I'm much younger than you. Not in vain
Happy Birthday, I know
You are always happy to have your guests!

You always smell like pies,
It's interesting to talk with you,
Your years have not passed carelessly,
Believe me, there is no need for me to flatter you.

I wish you the best health,
There are still many, many years to live,
May God keep you at the head of the bed,
Live without sorrows, tears and troubles!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Happy birthday to an elderly woman

Happy Birthday to you,
I wish you good health,
Your soul is so young and beautiful,
I wish your eyes to burn with a clear fire!
You are so kind and so bright,
And your good advice,
I definitely need it!

Happy birthday to an elderly woman

Purchased and owned by the site.

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You are worthy of admiration -
You are beautiful and smart!
Happy Birthday,
Let your dreams come true!

May all your children and grandchildren
They delight with their goodness
And successes in science,
Happiness, joy at that!


Purchased and owned by the site.