Soap bubbles festival in kindergarten. Scenario. Soap bubbles festival - fun and treats Game of soap bubbles in kindergarten

Do you want to develop your child through play? So that both you and him will enjoy the activity? We offer you three simple and fun experiment games with soap bubbles!

"Let's play!" - a universal call for any child, in any situation. No one healthy child will not refuse this offer! The main thing is to offer a game to your taste, on topic, and in a timely manner.

Do you need your child to be around for a while? - “Let's play spy? I am a thief, and you are a spy, and you must keep an eye on me, otherwise I will run away.”

Do you want your child to get dressed quickly? - “Let’s play firefighters who can dress the fastest, rushing to put out the fire!”

Need a distraction? Voice the call: “Let’s play…”

So I want to offer you, mothers, those who want to spend time with their child in a colorful and fun way, those who are looking for something new: “Let’s play?”

This week we will play with soap bubbles

Soap bubbles are a must-have attribute of summer. An amazing thing - joy out of literally nothing. Moreover, if the day is rainy and humid, then this is simply a paradise for blowing bubbles, they are very durable in such weather!

Drawing with bubbles

You will need soap bubbles and dyes (you can use food dyes, but you can also add a little gouache to the jar). A T-shirt or just a piece of white paper.

We blow bubbles by pricking them low over a T-shirt laid out on the floor. Bursting on it, the bubble leaves a multi-colored circle. If there is no T-shirt, do the same with a sheet of paper.

Soapy air “matryoshka”

It is very interesting to blow bubbles one inside the other, like a nesting doll. To do this, you need a flat surface (for example, a flat plate) and a thin straw.

Grease the bottom of the plate with soapy water. Inflate the first bubble so that it lies in a hemisphere on the plate. Now carefully insert the straw inside this bubble and blow the second bubble inside.

Blowing long bubbles using a sock and a bottle

Put a sock (preferably terry) on the cut part of the plastic bottle (bottom), and secure it with an elastic band. The bottle can be shaped like a muzzle. Then this funny character will have a beard!

That's it, the machine for blowing long bubbles is ready! Dip the sock into the liquid (water + fairy) and blow. Make sure your child understands how to BLOW, otherwise they may swallow soap.

Be sure to offer your child our experimental games; your reward will be a happy smile and sparkling eyes!

Leisure activities are designed to be held on the summer playground with the involvement of the students’ parents. Game exercises and experimental activities make it fun, interesting and educational.


Creating a favorable emotional state in children;

Developing interest in experimental activities.

Facilities: basins with soap solution, glycerin, straws for blowing bubbles, bottles of soap bubbles, 3 plastic bottles with lids, tablecloth, hoops.

Progress of the event:

Guys, you know, today is the Soap Bubbles holiday. And everyone should have good mood. We will sing, play and blow bubbles.

But what to do? It turns out we don't have any bubbles. Don't be upset guys. We'll figure something out with you.

Yeah, I already figured it out. Let's make the bubbles ourselves? (Let's)

What are bubbles made of? (water, soap)

/experimental activity: children together with their parents make a solution for soap bubbles, the finished solution is poured into bottles/

Now please take it

You bottles quickly.

Let's play: who is bigger?

Blowing bubbles!

/Funny music is playing, children are blowing soap bubbles/

Blowing bubbles

Here they are - look!

They are all airborne

And very naughty!

How can we catch them?

Hold it in your palm!

Guys, let's tell poems about bubbles

If you blow harder,

There will be a lot of bubbles!

One two three four five,

No way to catch them.

One two Three

One two Three -

I'm blowing bubbles.

Soapy, airy,

Obedient to the wind.

One two three four five,

The bubbles are flying again

Above the houses, above the forests.

Above green gardens.

How beautiful - look! -


They fly in the wind in a flock

And they sparkle in the sun.

Gave me a toy

Not a typewriter, not a firecracker.

Just a tube. And inside

Bubbles lurked.

Bubbles fly up easily

The colors of the rainbow sparkle.

Look, look,

How the bubbles shine!

Masha washed her hands,

The ball was born from soap.

How airy is he?

Just very naughty.

What do you guys think a soap bubble looks like? /children's answers/

Now I will ask you, and if you agree, shout loudly “Yes” and clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, shout loudly “No” and stomp your feet. Let's try.

Game "Yes-no"

Does a soap bubble look like an orange? (Yes)

Does it look like a tangerine? (Yes)

What about the apples in the orchard? (Yes)

What about the fish in the pond? (No)

Is a soap bubble similar to the globe? (Yes)

How about an inflatable ball? (Yes)

Does it look like a phone? (No)

What about a big tape recorder? (No)

Is it round, like the sun in the sky? (Yes)

And what about a wheel on a bicycle? (Yes)

Also, does it look like a house? (No)

What about a white snowball? (Yes)

Well done! Now let's play.

Breathing game “Soap foam”

Guys, now let's have a competition for the most magnificent soap suds. You need to blow quietly, without puffing out your cheeks

/children use straws to create foam/

Well done!

Guys, do you like magic tricks? (Yes)

Fun game “Magic”

/on the table under the tablecloth are 3 identical plastic bottles of water/

Guys, get ready, the magic is about to begin.

You, water-water,

My friend, you are cold!

Stand, water-water,

Not simple - green!

/the teacher covers one of the jars with a lid on which green gouache is applied, and says the magic words:


The first trick is out!”

turns over and shakes the jar. Everyone is discussing together what happened to the water - the water turned green/

You, water-water,

Light as frost!

Stand, water-water,

Not a simple one, but a blue one! /second experiment similar to the first/

You, water-water,

You are my wonderful friend!

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, but red!

/third experiment/

Guys, did you like the tricks? (Yes)

We've been sitting too long. It's time for us to move on.

We sat for a while

To stretch the bones,

I suggest you run

Become bubbles.

Outdoor game "Soap Bubbles"

Guys, we are now turning into bubbles. Let's say the magic words:

One two Three,

We are all soap bubbles.

Bubbles love to fly. At the signal: “Let’s fly,” you will run around the area.

Bubbles have houses. These are hoops. At the signal: “It’s time to go home!” you will try to take a place in the house. Anyone who doesn’t have enough space drops out of our game and turns back into a child.

/as the game progresses, the teacher removes one hoop at a time, at the end of the game one hoop remains; bubble winners are praised/

We had a fun holiday. Did you guys enjoy playing with bubbles? (Yes)

Then you will get real soap bubbles as a gift /bottles with soap bubbles are handed out/

  1. Who will “catch” the most? Chase soap bubbles, trying to catch as many of them as possible. One, two, three, seven, ten... I caught twelve, and you? Eighteen? Mom, then blow it some more. An excellent and simple version of the game, at the same time you can remember the score and run around.
  2. We catch with the right heel.“Catch” soap bubbles only with a special command: squatting, on one leg, with your left hand, on tiptoes, only with your head or with your index finger. This develops coordination, imagination and reaction speed.
  3. Taming a soap bubble. If you thoroughly wet your hands in soapy water, you can create bubbles directly on your hand (by connecting the tips of your index and thumb).
  4. Let's compare the bubbles. You can have a competition to see who can blow the biggest bubble. Agree, this is better than comparing bubbles by popping chewing gum in your mouth every now and then.
  5. Soap cocktail. Pour some soap solution into the jar. Take a straw, put it in a jar and blow as hard as you can. Lush soap foam will cheerfully fall over the edge, as during a real chemical experiment.
  6. Don't let him fall. Let the children try to do everything possible to keep the soap bubbles from falling to the ground for as long as possible. Do you think it will only work if you blow on the bubbles? What if you use a fan? Or simply wave your arms, holding the bubbles in the air stream. This is a game option for older children.
  7. One hundred and one bubbles. Children take turns blowing up as many soap balloons as possible and counting them. The one who blows the most bubbles wins. You can count them on different languages while practicing counting. For the game, it is better to take bubbles with fresh soap solution to create equal conditions for all participants.
  8. Soap matryoshka. Take any flat plate and pour some solution into it. Take a straw and blow a big bubble. It will lie on your plate in the form of a semicircle. Then try to blow another bubble inside it. Happened? Great. Then try to blow in a third one, even smaller. If you practice, you can make a real soap nesting doll.

Summer holiday at the preschool educational institution. Scenario "Feast of Soap Bubbles".

Target: create a magical atmosphere and give children fun in games with soap bubbles.
Tasks: introduce methods of blowing bubbles; bring pleasure and positive emotions from joint communication, enrich the experience of cooperation, friendly relationships with peers, develop children’s motor activity, spatial orientation skills, and cultivate a sense of self-confidence.
Equipment: bottles of soap bubbles, cups of water, cocktail tubes for blowing foam, soap, hoops, music.

Progress of entertainment:

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?
Educator: Today we will find ourselves in a wonderful fairy tale. And what fairy tale we will find ourselves in, I will tell you after you guess my riddle.
Born in soapy water
Turned into a ball
I flew towards the sun,
Yes, it didn’t make it: it burst!
(soap bubble)
Educator: Well done boys. Right! In a distant fairy-tale country, in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, in one fairy-tale kingdom, there live wonderful inhabitants - soap bubbles. They love to come to our land and play with the guys. Bubbles are very delicate and fragile, but they give their magic to the whole world.
Educator: How about we have a bubble festival? Do you agree?
Today is a wonderful holiday
We'll put on a show!
Lather up
We'll bubble!
Educator: What are soap bubbles made from? Here are some tips for you.

I am everywhere!
In the sea, in the ocean,
In a puddle and in a water tap.
Have you heard about me?
Because I'm everywhere!
Children love to play with me
Beat fluffy foam.
Me and the water at the cleanliness -
Transparent lungs float through the air.
But just touch them with your hand and they no longer live.
Educator: The riddles were solved. Well done! What do you guys think a soap bubble looks like? Now I will ask you, and if you agree, shout loudly “Yes” and clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, shout loudly “No” and stomp your feet. Let's try.

Game "Yes-no"
- Does a soap bubble look like an orange? (Yes)
- Does he look like a tangerine? (Yes)
- What about the apples in the garden? (Yes)
- What about the fish in the pond? (No)
- Is a soap bubble like a globe? (Yes)
- What about an inflatable ball? (Yes)
- Does it look like a telephone? (No)
- What about a big tape recorder? (No)
- Is it round, like the sun in the sky? (Yes)
- And what about a wheel on a bicycle? (Yes)

Also, does it look like a house? (No)
- What about a white snowball? (Yes)

Educator: Well done! Now let’s inflate a big, big soap bubble ourselves.

P/i "Bubble".
The children and the teacher join hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other, and say together:
Blow up, bubble,
Blow up, big one,
Stay like this
Don't burst out.
At the same time, everyone gradually expands the circle and holds hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Children lower their hands and squat down, saying: “Clap.” After the words: “The bubble burst,” you can invite the children, still holding hands, to move to the center of the circle, saying: “Sh-sh-sh-sh.” The guys, moving back, expand the circle again.

Educator: And now games with soap bubbles.
Open the caps
Blowing bubbles
They are all airy!
And very naughty
How can we catch them?
Hold it in your palm!

Game "Who can catch it in the palm of your hand"
The teacher blows bubbles, the children try to catch them in their palms.

Educator: Bubbles were flying
Like droplets of dawn
Bright, shiny,
Almost like the real thing.

Game "Naughty Bubbles"
While the music is playing, the children run around the hall, the music fades away - the children squat down and puff out their cheeks.

Educator: Guys, now let's have a competition for the fluffiest soap foam. You need to blow quietly, without puffing out your cheeks.

Breathing game "Soap foam"
We collect a small amount of solution into plastic glasses and blow air into them with tubes. The solution will begin to bubble and produce abundant foam.

Educator: There will be soapy fun
There will be many, many laughs.
Once the bubble is for you,
Two is more for me
Three - the bubbles are gone...

Game "Tight Jar"
At the words: “Bubbles, gather in a jar,” the children run up to the soap, stand tightly in a circle, and hug. When you say: “1, 2, 3, I’m blowing bubbles!” children run away in different directions.

Educator: So that our legs do not hurt, there is strength in our body -
You need to move actively: run, jump and gallop.
Smile at everyone in the world, exercise, toughen up,
And for this, guys, we will play with you!

Game "Funny Bubbles".
Two traps are selected, the rest are bubbles.
Children, children, look at us - funny bubbles
(put your legs alternately on the heel)
You take a straw, put it in a jar of foam and blow.
One, two, three - bubbles grow.
(throw up hands)
They grow, shimmer, and inflate more and more.
(turn around themselves)
Suddenly, palms appeared and began to catch bubbles.
Pop, pop, one, two, three, watch out for the bubbles.
(children clap their hands)
The “bubbles” run away and the traps catch up with them. The one who is caught up and touched with his hand crouches down. Those “bubbles” that were not touched by the traps won.

Educator: Blowing bubbles
You and I are now made of soap
Blowing bubbles.
It will be rosy and sweet.
Multicolored! Look!
All the bubbles are colorful
Bright patterns.
And if we blow, they’ll fly
On four sides!

“Who has the bigger bubble?”
Children take bottles with soap bubbles and try to blow out the biggest bubble.

Educator: Blowing bubbles
Here they are - look!
They are all airborne
And very disobedient!
Guys, do you want to turn into soap bubbles? To do this, you need to say the magic words: “One-two-three, we are all soap bubbles.”

Outdoor game "Soap Bubbles".
Bubbles love to fly. At the signal: “Let’s fly,” you will run. The bubbles have houses - hoops. At the signal: “It’s time to go home!” you will try to take a place in the house. Whoever does not have time to take a place in the house drops out of our game and turns back into a child. (As the game progresses, the teacher removes one hoop at a time; at the end of the game, one hoop remains; the bubble winners are praised).

Educator: We had a fun holiday. Did you guys enjoy playing? (Yes)
I am very glad, and as a farewell I suggest you all blow a lot of soap bubbles together to the music.
Bubbles fly up easily
The colors of the rainbow sparkle.
- Look, look,
How the bubbles shine!

Semenova Marina Anatolyevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MDOU kindergarten No. 80
Locality: Komsomolsk-on-Amur
Name of material: summary of GCD in the group early age
Subject:"Games with soap bubbles"
Publication date: 27.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

MDOU kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the social and personal development of children “Berezka” No. 80
GCD in the early age group on the topic: “Games with soap bubbles” Prepared by: Semenova M.A. Teacher of the first qualification category in Komsomolsk-on-Amur 2017
Game - entertainment "Games with soap bubbles". Goal: Create a festive atmosphere and give children pleasure in games with balloons and soap bubbles. Materials: Katya doll, Balloons 2 colors, 2 hoops of the same colors, soap bubbles. Progress of entertainment: Fun music sounds. Children enter the group, decorated with balloons. Educator - Guys, look how many balloons there are in our group! Isn't it very beautiful? Multi-colored balls: blue, yellow. Guys, what can you do with balloons? That's right, you can play with balloons! Let's play with them. The teacher distributes balloons to the children. Educator - The ball is bright, the balloon is torn out of the hands. Naughty, naughty, suddenly flies up to the ceiling. I need to catch him and tie him by the tail. Children run with them around the group to the music; when the music ends, they throw the balls up and catch them again. There is a knock on the door. The teacher opens the door and brings the Katya doll into the group. Educator - The doll Katya has come to us, let's say hello to Katya! (Children say hello) Teacher - Katya invites you guys to the Soap Bubbles festival. But getting to this holiday is not so easy. First you need to complete the task. Look, Katya has multi-colored hoops: blue, yellow, we need to collect our balls in them. Yellow balls need to be placed in a yellow hoop - “house”, and blue balls in a blue one. Children, collect all the balls and put them each in their own house. Children look for yellow balls and put them in a yellow hoop, and blue ones in a blue hoop. The teacher makes sure that the children complete the task correctly and specifies the color of the balls. Doll Katya - Well done, guys, you completed the task correctly, and that’s why I want to play with you some more.
Game "We'll warm ourselves up a little." (Children repeat the movements after the teacher) We will warm ourselves up a little, We will clap our hands. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll warm our feet too, We'll stomp soon. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We put on mittens, We are not afraid of the blizzard. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The frost and I became friends, Like snowflakes swirling. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Katya - We played like a charm, now we can go to the Soap Bubbles festival. Children, close your eyes. One, two, three look. The teacher begins to blow soap bubbles, and the children catch them. Be careful, bubbles... Oh, what bubbles! Oh look! They're getting bloated! They sparkle! They're having a blast! They're flying! The teacher invites the children to try blowing bubbles themselves. Music is playing, children are having fun, blowing soap bubbles. Educator - Guys, you made friends with soap bubbles, had a great time, but the Soap Bubbles holiday is ending and it’s time for us to say goodbye to Katya.
The children say goodbye to the Doll, Katya leaves. Children continue playing with soap bubbles and balls. Appendix No. 13 MDOU kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the social and personal development of children “Beryozka” No. 80
NNOD SUMMARY physical culture in the early age group
Compiled by: Semyonova M.A. teacher of the first qualification category Komsomolsk-on-Amur 2016
Software tasks:
 Teach children to climb gymnastic stairs, improve running in a certain direction.  Develop a sense of balance, the ability to respond to a signal.  Cultivate a desire to do exercises together with other children, courage.

Hats - squirrels, cones (2 pieces for each child), bell, tambourine, gymnastic ladder - “birch trees”, soft balls, basket.
Progress of the lesson

Part 1 – introductory

What kind of guys are these?

Ears are pussy, paws are fast!

Fluffy tails...

Yes, these are baby squirrels!

Clever guys!

Squirrels are red-haired guys,

Let's play,

I'll knock with a stick

Let's walk happily.

Well, if you heard a ringing tambourine,

So let's run quickly!

2. Main part

General developmental exercises with

There are cones in the basket

They want to play with you.

1. The cones were raised up,

held in my paws,

And now behind the back - once!
The teacher brings the children into the group. Children in hats with squirrel ears Alternating between walking and running (teach children to respond to different sound signals) The teacher shows a basket with cones and distributes them to the children.
. standing, arms down, 2 cones in hands. Raised your hands up, lowered your hands and hid the cones behind your back (4-6 times)

We don't have any more cones!

2. The baby squirrels squatted

The cones were knocking!

Knock Knock! Knock Knock!

3. This is how squirrels sit

And they look at the bumps.

Bent over, stretched,

The cones touched my feet.

4. Baby squirrels jump deftly

jump - jump, jump - jump.

And they twitch their little paws

Jump-jump - jump-jump

Main types of movements

Oh, baby squirrels, look,

What's hanging on the tree?

It's a ringing bell

Sounds great!

Don't be shy, climb in

Play with the bell!

Outdoor game “Collect nuts”

The nuts scattered

The group scattered.

. Standing, the cones are lowered in the hands. They sat down, knocked the pine cones on the floor, stood up (4 – 6 times)
sitting, bumps in front of the chest, legs extended forward. Bend over and touch the pine cones to your fingertips. (4 – 6 times) Jumping in place. The teacher draws the children's attention to the bell, which hangs on the “birch tree” - the gymnastics ladder, and invites the children to climb onto the gymnastics ladder and touch the bell. Provides insurance for children. The game is repeated 2 - 3 times.

And the baby squirrels will find them

And they will bring it to the basket.

Part 3 – restorative.

Breathing exercise “Squirrel”

sleeps" (
see T.A. Protsenko, s. 247) 

The squirrels are tired

They came running to the clearing.

They lie in the clearing

They want to rest.
Appendix No. 14. MDOU kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the social and personal development of children “Beryozka” No. 80
SUMMARY OF NNOD on physical culture in the first younger group

Software tasks:
 Exercise children in standing long jumps, throwing bags at a distance with the right and left hand, in stepping over obstacles  Develop the ability to respond to a signal (attention), strength, coordination of movements.  To instill in children a desire to perform physical exercises, to experience a feeling of joy when performing movements.
Hats - bear cubs, sandbags (according to the number of children), rope snake, visual references - “stumps”, toy bear.
Progress of the lesson

Part 1 – introductory

"Guys, meet the bear cub,

And his name is Egorka!

He wandered out of the forest for a long time,

Finally, he came to us!

Egorka: “Hello, guys!

Do you want to become

Strong, strong,

How are the cubs?

Then don't be shy

In thick-footed bear cubs


Egorka: “Now follow me,

Look for my basket.

"Here she is!"

There are bags there

They want to play with you!”

Main part

General developmental exercises

"We will put it very cleverly,

Our head bag!

Let's sit down, let's sit down!

We lay, we lay.

And they held the bag like that,

Pull your arms forward
The teacher brings the children into the group and introduces them to the bear cub Egorka. The teacher puts bear hats on the children, and the children turn into bear cubs. Egorka invites the children to walk around the group and find a basket. The teacher shows a basket of cones and distributes them to the children.
The children find a basket containing bags of

Standing, put the bag on your head and hold it with your hands, sit down, stand up. (3-4 times) Lying on your stomach, the bag in both hands. Stretch, arms forward and show the bag, then pull it back to your chin. (4-6 times). Lying on your back, legs together, bag in both

Look at him!

We lay on our backs,

Our pouch on our chest,

Legs raised up

They held it for a bit!

Lay the bag down

Lie down, my friend!

And the bear boys will jump

They are bouncing their paws

Jump-jump, jump-jump

Lay the bag down

Lie down, my friend!

And the guys are bear cubs

They will dance

Like winding springs

Squat deftly!

Now let's walk around

Let's calm our paws...

Main types of movements

1. Guys - bear cubs,

Are your paws strong?

Then we will throw the bags far away!

Let's have our paws

We train!

Stand on the stumps..

Take a good swing...

Fly the bag high!

Fly the bag far away!
hands on chest. Raise both legs up and lower. (4-6 times) Jumping in place For children for whom jumping is contraindicated, we replace it with half squats. Calm walking with Egorka the bear. The teacher invites the children to stand on the stumps and shows the children how to swing and throw the bag. Alternate with the right and left hands, then the bags are put into the basket. The teacher demonstrates the rope to the children

-Bear cubs, look

What kind of long one is this?

This is a snake - a spoiled one,

She lay down in front of us,

We are not afraid of her

Let's jump over! That's all!

- The snake stretched strongly

And it curved like a wave

We will pass through the snake

We will cross the snake!

Raise your legs higher

Don't step on it!

Outdoor game “Catch up” (children

the queues first run away from

Egorka's bear cub, then catch up


Breathing exercise

“The little bear goes to bed” (p.

247 T.A.Protsenko)

Calm walking in a group with

teddy bear Egorka
snake and shows children how to jump over it (this exercise is only for children without jumping restrictions). I suggest that children step over the snake, having first placed it in a wave.
Appendix No. 14. MDOU kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the social and personal development of children “Beryozka” No. 80 CONSPECT
NNOD by cognitive development in the early age group

Didactic game “Drowning - not drowning”
Prepared by: Semyonova M.A. teacher of the first qualification category Komsomolsk-on-Amur 2016
Cognitive - research activities

Topic: “Experimenting with objects made from different materials”

Didactic game "Drowning - not drowning."

Etc. tasks:
1. To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation; help expand children's knowledge about the properties of objects made of rubber, plastic, wood, glass, iron. Reinforce the concept of “drowning - not drowning” in children. 2. Activate speech and enrich lexicon adjectives: (glass, wood, metal, rubber, plastic) for children during play, as well as answer the question: “what is it made of?” " 3. To develop in children the skills of interaction with peers in the process of joint activities.
Material: a large bowl of water on the table, a set of toys and objects made of rubber, plastic, wood, metal, balls and balls made of these materials, a “wonderful box”, 2 large boxes of green and yellow, a basket, napkins, a large doll, a toy dog.

Game situation: a crying doll Tanya enters the group of children. Educator: - Why are you crying, Tanya? Doll: - I went to play, dropped a ball into the river in the clearing, ah-ah, it will drown. Educator: - Don’t cry, Tanya, better listen to the poem. (Reads A. Barto’s poem “Ball” with the children.) (A dog can be heard barking). Educator: - Guys, who is barking so loudly there? Children: - Dog! The teacher opens the door and brings in the dog with the ball. Educator: - What is she holding? Children: - Ball! Educator: - Look, Tanya, the dog got you a ball from the river and brought it to you. Doll: - Thank you, kind dog! (The dog leaves.) Educator: - Guys, what do you think, our balls don’t sink either? Let's find out. (The teacher has a basket with small balls and balls in his hands.)
part 2

Children put small balls made of rubber and plastic, as well as wooden balls, into water (a large bowl of water is on the table), watch them and come to the conclusion that these balls and balls do not sink, since they are wooden and plastic. , rubber. Balls and balls are taken out of the water, wiped dry and put in a basket.
Dynamic pause.
Educator: - They spun and spun and everyone turned into balls.
Outdoor game
: “My cheerful ringing ball”
Part 3.

D/i "Drowning - not drowning."
(The teacher holds 2 boxes in his hands, a yellow and a green box.) Teacher: - What is this?
Children: - Boxes. Educator: - What color are they? Yellow and green. What's in them? Children take objects out of the box, examine them, and conduct “sinking or not drowning” experiments. Educator: Guys: - We will put those objects that sink (glass, metal) into a green box. And those that do not sink, but float (wooden, plastic, rubber) - go into a yellow box. Teacher (addresses the doll): - Tanya, do you understand why your ball didn’t drown in the river? Doll: No. Part 3. Educator: - Guys, let's explain to Tanya again why her ball didn't sink? What is the ball made of? And what can we say about other items? (Rubber, plastic and wooden toys do not sink). And metal and glass objects sink. Educator: - Tanya, did you understand everything? Tanya: - Thank you guys, but it’s time for me to go home.