Let's travel together. Why traveling couples are happier. They learn to budget

Together. To experience what it's like to be close to each other in an unfamiliar place. The two of you need to step out of your comfort zone. Make a temporary escape from reality together. Live in the present. This is an incomplete list of goals they can set for themselves. The joy and satisfaction of achieving goals is enhanced when someone can share them with you.

They understand each other better

Disagreements exist in every relationship. Traveling together improves communication, teaches you to listen to each other and understand the other person. Respect for other people's feelings is a strong foundation for relationships. On the road, the couple learns to make compromises.

They learn to budget

Let's face it, traveling is expensive. Two people are more likely to find several ways to decide how to reduce spending on a trip. They understand the value of money that is not saved for the future, but used for travel. They learn to give up unnecessary spending so that they can later invest money in shared memories.

They renew their relationship

Relationships are full of ups and downs. Some linger in a state of “falling.” Traveling after a difficult period in a relationship rekindles love. It reminds people of the reason why they should be together.

They share jokes

No journey is complete without funny incidents, which are so nice to tell later. This experience teaches you to approach many things easily and with humor. Besides, nothing brings people together like the ability to laugh at themselves together.

They reveal their inner self

When traveling as a couple, people have little personal space. You can't hide your shortcomings here. Love cannot be called real until your lover says something like, “You are so beautiful without makeup.” A man or woman accepts his partner's shortcomings and understands that this is an important part of the relationship.

They value life more

When forced to step out of their comfort zone, couples who find themselves far from their usual places begin to appreciate what they have more. They realize how much they miss their families and become more attached to them. Traveling makes them more receptive and grateful for all the little good things that happen every day.

They feel joy trying something new together

Trying something for the first time is always exciting. The excitement doubles if there are two of you. Lovers teach, motivate each other, help each other overcome fears and do something. This support system makes relationships stronger.

They become best friends

The couple is connected not only by a romantic relationship, but also by friendship. Lovers do everything that best friends usually do. They accept the failures and shortcomings of others. They push each other to be better than they are. They forgive and forget insults. They appreciate every moment spent together. They communicate every day. They don't hide anything. They respect and understand. Together, they compensate for each other's weaknesses and move forward.

They live interesting lives

No, the life of travelers is not like a fairy tale. They don't just stop and wait for a happy ending. The traveling couple creates their own happy moments (long before the happy ending). They avoid violent scenes, realizing that it is a waste of time. They enjoy spontaneity and different incidents. They want more movement. They don't worry about the future because they live in the present.

Of course, you don't have to travel to be together. And traveling will not guarantee that you will be together forever. It's up to you. Love is the main reason why people stay with each other. Understanding. Ability to talk with a partner. Confidence. Traveling will not replace such important things, but it will give you a sense of belonging, teach you to understand the true value of being together, and bring the joy of shared moments. So enjoy life and each other!


Cats travel too. Not alone, of course, but with their owners, to the veterinarian, for example, or to an exhibition. In order for the trip to be successful and bring maximum pleasure and comfort to both parties, you need to follow several rules.

First of all, it is worth developing a travel route. Don't forget to buy a carrier (container). Don't rely on a bag or box; the cat can free itself and run away. It’s better to spend money once and buy a really good container - plastic with an iron door. Then your pet will be completely safe.

Carriers made of waterproof material with zippers are very popular among cat owners. However, in the summer they are hot and stuffy, and your pet can easily open the zipper.

Take documents for your pet with you, even if you are going to visit. To travel by train with your pet you will need: 1. Veterinary passport with vaccinations. 2. Certificate No. 1 (it is issued at the animal disease control station 3 days before departure).

It is better not to feed the cat before the trip. If the trip is long, it is better to take food with you. Dry food will be a good helper in this case. It is better to take water from home, boiled in a glass container. Take toilet paper with you, you never know what might happen on the road.

Traveling in a car

Under no circumstances let your cat out of the carrier into the salon! It may fall out of the window or prevent the driver from driving the car. It’s good if you buy dark container covers for each season. So, the cat will feel calmer and more comfortable in a darkened carrier. Make sure that the cat is not blowing, otherwise it may get sick. Treat your pet with special care and attention on the road; the cat may be afraid and worried. Check in periodically to see how she is doing.

Train travel

Don’t forget your veterinary certificate at home, as well as a receipt for your cat’s fare, otherwise you won’t be put on the train. Bring toilet and tissues with you. On the train, do not let your pet into the carriage, even if you are traveling in a compartment. There were cases when a cat got out of the compartment through the ventilation grilles. Miraculously found!

Some cats may be particularly nervous about the trip and may start meowing and scratching at the door. Don't be soft - don't let the cat out! Otherwise, placing it in a container will be very difficult later. Watch your cat carefully, try to catch the moment when she needs the toilet.

Traveling by plane

Before booking tickets, check the conditions of certain airlines for transporting animals. There are airlines that prohibit the transportation of animals in the cabin, only in the cargo hold. Others are more loyal - you can transport the animal in the cabin, there are only weight restrictions.

If you are traveling to another country, check what documents the host country needs. Usually this is the same certificate No. 1, but it will need to be exchanged for an international certificate. You will have to pay for the transportation of your pet as excess, approximately 1% per 1 kg of the animal’s weight along with the container.

Cats, like people, react to flying: air pockets, takeoff and landing also make them nervous. Before giving your cat sedatives before flying, consult your veterinarian, but keep in mind that sedatives lower blood pressure, which is especially dangerous when flying and can negatively affect your pet's health.

There shouldn’t be any problems at customs; the cat doesn’t need to be recited. If you come to the exhibition, you can show your invitation card; in any case, there have been no problems with customs lately.

If you apply these simple tips, then traveling together with your pet will bring joy not only to you, but also to your pets.

December 19, 2012, 11:37 pm

1. There are no orphanages in Italy.
2. There are no homeless animals in Italy. 3. About 80% of businesses in Sicily and Calabria pay tribute to the mafia.
4. Men in families are terribly afraid of their wives. 5. If you ask for coffee in English at a bar, the drink may cost 2 times more. For locals, prices in bars and cafes may be lower than for tourists. 6. The main meal is in the evening in the form of a hearty dinner. 7. Autostrada highways in Italy almost always have tolls. Speed ​​is limited to 130 km/h. But many don't care. Police with radar are very rare. 8. Most Italian designers got rich from sales in Russia. 9. The further south the region, the friendlier the people.
10. Many Italians have a dacha by the sea. 11. All Italian words end with a vowel. 12. Italy is one of the countries with the longest life expectancy. 13. The language that is considered official in Italy is actually the Florentine dialect. It became common after Dante wrote The Divine Comedy. 14. There are 54 police organizations in Italy. They all have the right to bear arms. Even the traffic controllers. 15. When filing your annual tax return, you must make a donation to the Catholic Church. 98% of Italians are Catholics. 16. A tobacco shop performs many functions - there you can top up your phone, buy a parking ticket and even pay some taxes. 17. 60% of the world's cultural heritage is in Italy. 18. Florence is a city in Tuscany with the largest pedestrian area in the world.
19. In Italy it is considered vulgar when women gesticulate. 20. The most offensive gesture - a “goat” made from the index finger and little finger up means that you are a cuckold. The same gesture with your fingers downwards drives away damage. 21. Italy is a mononational country. 95% of the population are Italians. 22. At Christmas in Italy it is customary to give each other red panties. To be happy, you need to sleep in them on Christmas night. 23. Most Italians have never traveled south of Rome. 24. In some regions there is a sign: if three men smoke, then the youngest of them must put out the cigarette first. 25. When talking, to be persuasive, it’s a good idea to take your interlocutor by the elbow. 26. Until now, 20% of the Italian population does not understand the official Italian language.
27. Real Italian pizza is baked in a wood-fired oven. 28. When purchasing, be sure to take a receipt. You may be detained by financial police with a package from a store or a pie in your hand, asking where you bought it, and slapped with a large fine for not having a receipt. 29. Lamborghini was previously known as a tractor company. 30. In Italy, connections and recommendations are important. Even if you just want to cut your hair. Coming “from no one” to a doctor or hairdresser is considered strange. 31. Some laws in Italy are not mandatory. So in Italy there are hundreds, if not thousands, of illegal buildings. Including in the coastal zone.
32. In Italy it is prohibited to be on the beach at night. Fine of about €1 thousand.
33. In this country it is prohibited to take sea water home.
34. 80% of Italy's territory is occupied by mountains.
35. Italians are not punctual. Time is nothing to them. Better come later so as not to wait. 36. Only tourists carry a bag on one shoulder. Locals always put it on over their heads, as it can be pulled out by motorcyclists. 37. Exams in Italy in many universities are taken by anyone whenever they want - as soon as they are ready, there are no sessions. 38. Dress modestly in non-tourist areas. Short skirts for girls and shorts for men are not acceptable. 39. Italians don’t like to work. But they get very offended when you tell them about it. 40. Italian police uniforms are made by Prada. 41. The further south you go, the more often men sincerely kiss when meeting and saying goodbye. 42. Some organizations in Italy may consist only of members of one family or one clan. 43. Each village or city has its own patron saint. 44. Italians are wary of blue-eyed people. It is believed that they can jinx it. 45. In Italy you cannot open an umbrella indoors - Italians believe it brings bad luck. 46. ​​It is considered normal for a man to live until he is 40 years old with his mother.
47. Italians don't shout or swear - that's how they talk. 48. In many regions of Italy, Friday is men's day. There are only groups of guys in restaurants. It is indecent for girls to go to bars on this day. 49. A bidet is a mandatory accessory for any (non-public) toilet. Even in the worst hotel he will be there. Moreover, the Italians are sure that we do not know what it is.
50. It is customary to buy high-quality meat, fish, sausage and vegetables in small shops from people you know.
France: 1. The largest number of different castles is located in France. 2. Women's tights were invented in France! 3. The Eiffel Tower was built for the 1889 World Exhibition and served as an entrance arch. Twenty years later it was supposed to be dismantled, but thanks to the beginning of the radio era, it was saved.
4. France is the birthplace of cinema, Gothic art, the bicycle, aeronautics, Baroque architecture, chanson and ballet. 5. The great Russian writer Ivan Bunin is buried in France. 6. The only corkscrew museum in the world is located in Provence. 7. Doctors in France recommend that residents of the country drink a healthy dose of red wine every day, namely three glasses for men, two for women. Traffic inspectors don’t even fine you for this. 8. French cuisine is considered the best in the world. 9. France has the highest wealth tax in Europe. 10. French has been the official language of England for more than 300 years.
11. It was from France that the tradition of decorating the New Year tree came.
12. In France, at least two cookbooks are published every day. 13. Among the most famous French inventions are the hot air balloon, the ambulance, the calculator, the cinema, the parachute, photography and animation, and the submarine.
14. The French kiss was called the Tatar kiss in Rus'. He was very much condemned by the church. Nowadays in France itself it is often called “English”. 15. More than 10% of the French population are immigrants. 16. The minimum wage in France is 1,000 euros, but there are also those that do not reach this level, for example, working as a waiter or a janitor, which are considered part-time jobs there. 17.The French often bequeath wheels of cheese to each other. 18. So many spices are added to coarse French country bread that its preparation is reminiscent of perfume production.
19.According to the law, the French have a minimum of five weeks of rest during the year. 20. To be enlisted in the Legion of Honor is the greatest honor for a Frenchman. Legionnaires who receive this honor for services to the fatherland wear a red ribbon in the shape of a rose in their buttonhole. 21.There are legends about French gaiety. Even in difficult times for the country, the French did not lose their presence of mind. So, on April 1, 1915, during the First World War, they dropped a bomb on a German camp. German soldiers rushed in different directions, but there was no explosion. Instead of a bomb, a large ball with the inscription “Happy April Fools!” fell to the ground. 22.The “OK” gesture, which is common for most Europeans, is considered an insult in France and means that a person is a nonentity, a zero.
23. In Paris, cycling is popular among the population; for convenience and safety, a huge number of special bicycle paths, as well as bicycle rental points, have been built in the French capital. 24. In Parisian parks you can see bee apiaries, and many Parisians, after attending beekeeping courses, install hives on their balconies. 25.In France, tips are already included in your bill and amount to 15% of the order amount. 26.The French call the French kiss the English kiss.
27. One bottle of real French champagne contains 49 million gas bubbles. 28.The French call an ordinary pigeon a “flying rat.” 29.The “New Bridge” in Paris is actually the oldest of all the capital’s bridges. 30. It was in Burgundy that they began to eat grape snails more than 2.5 thousand years ago. 31. To force the French to grow potatoes, agronomist Antoine Parmentier, at the end of the 18th century, posted guards around his potato fields. And at night, the “guards” favorably allowed local residents to steal the tubers. 32.The building of the National Paris Opera was erected above an underground river, which flows into an artificial lake located directly under the new Opera itself.
33.Shopping in France is best done in winter (December-January), as Christmas and government-approved fairs and sales are held at this time. Germany: 1. In German bakeries, workers are forbidden to pack bread (!) on their critical days, as it is believed that it will quickly become moldy. Energy, however. 2. The largest number of police cars in Germany are Mercedes. 3. The Germans do not know and are afraid of dried fish. It can only be bought in Russian stores. "Phew! How can you eat that!" - Well, you start poking severed fish heads in their faces, they spit out, but still don’t eat. 4. Affirmative answer “Yes, yes!” pronounced with the intonation of the Russian “Nu-nu!” means “Kiss my ass” and is understood as such. 5. Due to a demonstration of forty nationalists, traffic in Gamurga is blocked and the demonstration route is cordoned off by a regiment of policemen in helmets and bulletproof vests. They protect... nationalists. (Not a joke, but a fact.) 6. In Germany you can not work and live on social assistance. It’s true that it’s very poor and constrained, but to live. 7. The difference in dialects of the German language is such that television programs in the north of the country are sometimes broadcast with sign language translation when spoken by southerners. 8. If the question: “How to get there?” They will smile at you, take out your iPhone, look at the navigation and explain how to get there, and offer to give you a ride by car - you are in Germany. 9. The fine for slapping is 500 euros. 10. If you want the court's leniency, you must confirm that at the beginning of the fight you did not clench your fists. 11. If you do not work in certain areas and do not engage in dubious activities, then you can live your entire life in Germany without ever encountering any obvious crime. 12 If you are nevertheless attacked and hit, a retaliatory blow must be struck within one second. If after two, then you will be judged. 13. In Germany, traumatic pistols and pepper spray are prohibited. Gel - no. 14. The police in Germany, even after catching up with you, do not beat you. 15. 80 percent of crime in Germany is carried out by foreigners. 16. If you have incurred debts of even half a million, it is enough to declare your ruin, you will be obliged to find a permanent job, they will leave you about a thousand euros to live on, and in less than 10 years your debts will be written off. 17. It is extremely difficult in Germany to evict even a tenant who does not pay rent. 18. Living in rented housing in Germany is the norm. Three quarters of the population live in rented apartments and houses. The attitude towards this is the same as it was in the USSR. The security of the tenant is extremely high. Even the wealthiest segments of the population live in rented housing.
19 Repairing anything in Germany is so expensive that it is often easier to buy a new thing. 20 The Germans relate to their Nazi past in the same way as the Aborigines do to the eating of Cook. 22. Guilt for the Second World War has been ingrained in the consciousness of Germans since kindergarten. 23. Children in Germany can do anything. Actually, that's all. Parents will be responsible. If there are no parents, then no one. 24. Beer in Germany is very good and there are an incredible variety of varieties.
25. In Bavaria, during the working day, a person has the right to drink a glass of beer.
26. Homeless people often have dogs. They receive additional money for their maintenance. 27. Germans are wary of foreigners. And there is a reason for it.) 28. Drawing a swastika or raising your hand in a fascist salute is prohibited by law in Germany. 29. With the introduction of the euro, most prices in Germany doubled. But the standard of living in Germany is still considered one of the highest in the world. 30. In Hamburg, the Hells Angels motorcycle gang gained such influence on local criminals that buyers were legally prohibited from wearing club symbols. Any large convoy of motorcyclists is accompanied by a police truck. 31. Riding a motorcycle without a helmet is prohibited. Strictly. 32. The worst German insults are translated as “Ass hole” and “Son of a bitch.”
33. Germans are very attentive to their health, to what they eat and what they drink. 34. The former mayor of Hamburg and the mayor of Berlin are homosexuals. In society, “gay” people are treated almost as if they were the norm. 35. The level of culture of the average German significantly exceeds the level of culture of the average Russian. As a result, the level of education is usually inferior.
36. Alcohol intoxication is a mitigating circumstance in court. With the exception of traffic cases and malfeasance.
37. Until recently, German women practically did not use cosmetics. Due to the influx of bright foreign women, German women began to wear makeup and ceased to be one of the most terrible women in Europe.
38. German women wear high heels only for “occasional occasions.” 39. Treating the boss at companies, most often on a first-name basis. 40. One of the leaders of the Green Party proposed singing the second verse of the German anthem in Turkish. However, you can expect anything from these blessed ones. 41. Organic stores are quite popular. Prices there are on average 30 percent higher than in a regular store. Organic bananas are smaller than regular bananas, and lemons are indeed much more flavorful. 42. Over-the-knee boots are worn only by prostitutes during working hours and by foreign women, those who haven’t figured it out yet and those who don’t care.
43. An offer to drink a cup of coffee together in the evening from a German often means an invitation to sex. 44. In Germany there are fewer women than men. 45. The Germans are sure that the most popular Russian toast sounds like “To your health!” It is useless to persuade.
46. ​​Christmas in Germany is celebrated much more significant and brighter than the New Year. 47. A crowded refrigerator in Germany means that you are from Russia. 48. People at the institution may be rude to you. If you pretend that you are about to grab your face, they become very polite.
49. Dogs in Germany are very friendly. It is extremely rare to hear a dog bark. 50. The idea of ​​a multi-cultural society in Germany failed miserably, as Merkel herself was forced to admit. TBC