Real review about Black Mask: how to make it at home, how to use Black Mask, composition, recipe for use. How to apply a black mask on the face against blackheads and how long to keep it on? Homemade Black Face Mask Recipe

Beautiful skin is the result of long work and perseverance. Treating acne is only the first step in this difficult task; in second place is a mask for blackheads on the nose and bridge of the nose. We will tell you which folk recipes are most effective, how to do them correctly and warn you against mistakes.

Film masks

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to problem skin is a film mask for blackheads. There are hundreds of recipes, but we will start with the simplest, but, unfortunately, the most painful.

#1: Effective gelatin mask for acne and blackheads. Mix milk and gelatin in equal proportions, heat either in the microwave or in a water bath, then apply to the face. We hold it for 20 minutes, and then the test begins. The film is not removed in a continuous layer, but is pulled off in bunches, this is quite painful, but it really cleanses the skin. Afterwards you need to calm the dermis a little with nourishing cream or oat milk.

The reason for this inconvenient method of removal lies in the fact that there is not enough ingredient.

The gelatin mask will be very difficult to remove unless you add:

  • cream;
  • professional mask (just a little);
  • cosmetic oil.

#2: Homemade mask for blackheads with gelatin and soda. This is a peeling film, it is not suitable for use on inflamed skin, but it will clean oily dermis very well. You need to mix a spoon of your favorite cream with a bag of gelatin. Leave this mixture to swell, then add a spoonful of soda and mix again. If the mixture hardens too much, heat it up a little more. Apply to face in circular motions, remove after drying.

#3: Egg face mask for acne and blackheads helps with dry dermis. You need to beat one egg at room temperature, add a little ylang-ylang essential oil to the foam and mix it all with sugar. Apply again to the face with gentle massage movements, remove after 15-20 minutes.

#4: Film mask with paraffin and paper. Let's prepare thin paper in advance - tracing paper, cosmetic wax. We heat the fat in a bathhouse, quickly apply it to a previously cleaned face, and place paper on top. Leave for half an hour, then remove along with the paper base. Remember, this method is not used if there is increased sebum production. As an alternative, you can use a mask not on the entire face, but in strips that need to be distributed over problem areas.

Video: recipe for a face mask against blackheads with gelatin and activated carbon

Cleansing masks

#5: Homemade cleansing mask with honey. In order to prepare a deep cleansing product at home, we will need:

  • two eggs;
  • lemon juice.

Mix everything and apply to the dermis in several layers. Wash off after the top layer has dried.

#6: Mask against blackheads and pimples with baking soda and egg. This is a very effective mixture, but it cannot be used on open wounds, inflamed acne or cracks in the dermis. Mix half a teaspoon of soda with an egg, beat, apply to the skin using a sponge. Gently rub and wash off 5 minutes after this massage. This miracle mixture especially helps with clogged pores on the nose. Use no more than three times a week.

#7: Cleansing and moisturizing scrub mask with glycerin and starch for dry skin. You need to mix aloe leaf juice, an ampoule of glycerin and a spoonful of potato starch. Apply the resulting mixture onto your face in a thick layer and leave for 30 minutes.

You can simply wipe the dermis regularly with a solution of glycerin, water and lemon juice. This will help prevent the appearance of new blackheads and clear the skin of superficial ones.

#8: Cinnamon mask for dry and sensitive skin. We will need fresh green tea, cinnamon and oatmeal. Mix everything, apply to the skin, hold for about 10-15 minutes and rinse very carefully. It is advisable to apply cream to the dermis before use.

#9: Blue clay gets rid of acne, and a white clay mask will help clear the dermis of blackheads. The easiest way is to make mixtures of minerals at home. It is very easy to do, and the effect is like after a salon procedure. You need to mix 1:1 clay and chamomile decoction, apply a thick layer to the dermis, lie down and wait until the mass hardens.

Many folk remedies for weight loss contain charcoal, but why not use it as a scrub and mask for problem skin?

#10: Black face mask for blackheads with activated carbon. It helps remove toxins from the skin and remove damaged epidermis. Crush three tablets of the product, add half a spoonful of milk to the powder, apply it to the face with a sponge, rub for five minutes and rinse.

Photo - Step-by-step mask with charcoal

#11: The most popular is an oatmeal mask for acne, blackheads and blackheads.. To prepare it, you can use flakes, which are poured overnight with kefir or sour cream, or oatmeal. Regardless of the choice, oatmeal will ensure the narrowing of pores, and therefore their cleansing.

#12: Kefir mask for points consists of:

  • oatmeal;
  • spoons of kefir.

This is a very gentle cleansing mixture that will help normalize blood circulation on the face, eliminate oily shine and cleanse the skin of spots. Mix the ingredients, leave to swell for several hours, then spread the porridge on your face.

You can improve the recipe a little and add a little boiled rice, one lemon and a spoonful of oatmeal to the kefir. Mix everything, apply to problem areas, wait half an hour.

#13: The protein mask has good reviews. To prepare it, you need to beat the eggs until white foam, add warm sour cream (meaning, not from the refrigerator), and kitchen salt (two or three pinches will be enough). Beat everything again and apply to the dermis with a cotton swab. Massage for five minutes, rinse after 15 minutes.

Photo - Whipped egg white

#14: The garlic express mask has a very specific smell, but it will help if you urgently need to become beautiful. Chop a few cloves of the vegetable and mix with tea tree essential oils. First, lubricate your face with the cut (for dry skin), apply to the dermis, and hold for 10 minutes.

#15: There is also the option of making your own using pharmaceutical ingredients. You need to mix yeast with camphor alcohol and peroxide. Yeast face masks are known for their astringent properties, while camphor and alcohol will disinfect the skin. The result is a rather cool mixture that needs to be applied in liquid form to the dermis.

Review of professional masks

Even at home, we rarely have enough free time to prepare masks for blackheads with our own hands. Fortunately, many cosmetic companies have taken care of solving this problem.

Any homemade mask is somewhat inferior in effectiveness to professional products with natural ingredients. This happens because the components in purchased drugs are selected in such a way as to enhance each other’s actions.

We offer a small list of effective masks:

Any of the above masks may act differently on different facial skins. The remedy is suitable for some, not for others. We invite you to discuss issues of compatibility between different skin types and cosmetic products.

The news about a new product in the cosmetics industry - a black mask - has flooded the information space of the Internet. Many reviews, videos and photo reports fuel women’s interest in this new generation product.

A little about the benefits of a black mask for skin

Numerous reviews from women about the mask confirm its effectiveness in combating facial skin imperfections. Knowing how to use a black face mask allows you to avoid expensive cleansing procedures in beauty salons and the use of scrubs that irritate already inflamed skin.

Numerous reviews from women about the mask confirm its effectiveness in combating facial skin imperfections.

The product, acting in combination, works for cleaning and improving facial skin tone, making it ideal:

  1. The mask has an absorbent effect. By absorbing harmful toxins, it: nourishes the skin with minerals and vitamins.
  2. Removes open comedones.
  3. Reduces rash by normalizing metabolic processes.
  4. Smoothes out fine wrinkles, neutralizes inflammation and irritation, neutralizes unhealthy shine, tones.

Black mask is recognized as a cosmetic product for deep gentle cleansing of facial skin.

Base ingredients included When used systematically, they show a noticeable effect:

Interesting fact! Clinical trials have shown how to use a black face mask: the presence of artificial chemical components in its composition and its mild action allow you to achieve excellent results in just two weeks.

After fourteen days of regular use, the skin is noticeably transformed, becoming clean, without greasy shine, and acquiring an inner glow.

How does cleansing happen?

If you have decided to carry out a facial cleansing procedure at home and have purchased a useful and popular black mask for this, then it is important to know how to use it. Before using any mask, cleanse the skin from traces of makeup. To do this, use regular soapy water.

Before using any mask, the skin is cleansed of traces of makeup. To do this, use regular soapy water.

Purification occurs due to the active component - activated carbon, which draws out all impurities from the epidermis. Many pharmaceutical companies produce Black mask in the form of a classic mask - film. As a result of using the product, the skin will be cleansed of impurities even in the depths of the pores.

It is important to know! The cleansing procedure takes place in several stages, they must be followed strictly.

As a result of using a black mask, the skin of the face will be cleansed of impurities even in the depths of the pores. Using the composition of the mask is very simple, just like regular masks for facial skin rejuvenation. Since the mask is very active, you should do an allergy test before using it.

A small amount of the product is applied to the wrist. Leave on skin for 15 minutes. Wash off with water at room temperature. If there is no irritation in the form of redness, the mask is applied to the face.

Proper use of a mask includes the following mandatory steps:

Since the black mask contains quite active components, the skin may require additional hydration after use.

This is most relevant for dry skin. A cucumber moisturizing mask would be a great addition.

How often can you use a black mask?

However, any, the most amazing, the mask should not be used daily. For oily skin, the use of a black mask should be limited to 2 times a week.

For oily skin, the use of a black mask should be limited to 2 times a week

As with the use of standard masks, the exposure time should not exceed thirty minutes. Dry skin requires a gentler treatment. In this case, the mask cannot be used more than 1 session per week.

Pregnant women should use the mask with extreme caution. and nursing mothers. Despite the fact that the Black Mask contains only components of natural origin, it should not be used during pregnancy or lactation.

The reason is that during this period of time, strong hormonal changes occur in the body, and the mask contains quite active substances, which can negatively affect the fetus and the quality of breast milk.

Having studied all the advantages and warnings of how to use a black face mask, you should definitely try it in action. Every owner of problematic skin can experience the delightful effect of cleansing and rejuvenation.

For a review of the black mask, watch this video:

How to make a black mask at home, see here:

See the effect of the black mask in this video:

It is rare to find a woman who is satisfied with her appearance, and even more so with her face. But what the fairer sex experiences due to the “surprises” of problem skin cannot be described in words. Irritation, rashes, inflammation... This torment accompanies women throughout their lives.

The appearance on the market gave women hope. With the help of this product, it became possible to take care of your face in comfortable conditions, sitting at home on the couch. It gets rid of blackheads, acne, preventing inflammatory processes. Before we talk about how to use Black Mask, let's find out the causes of the problem.

Where do blackheads come from?

  1. If you do not cleanse your face using cosmetic products, the pores become clogged with keratinized scales, dust, and sebum. This mixture is compacted, penetrating deep into the skin.
  2. If your diet consists of fatty, fried foods and sugary drinks, your face will soon react with acne and inflammation.
  3. Hormonal changes lead to increased sebum production.
  4. Using low-quality decorative cosmetics in excessive quantities increases the risk of blackheads and irritation.
  5. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are immediately reflected on the face.

There is a large selection of facial cleansing products on store shelves: gels, foams, masks. But they do not cope 100% with blackheads and acne. Therefore, you have to take care of your face in beauty salons. And this entails financial and time costs.

Black Mask is an inexpensive mask consisting of natural ingredients. Each of them makes its own valuable contribution to the process of cleansing the skin. The cosmetic product is suitable for removing pimples, blackheads and blackheads. According to numerous reviews, he is capable of not only these tasks. and using the Black Mask mask is very useful, but first it is important to know about its features.

How does the black mask work?

Using a mask, you solve a number of problems (some of them disappear at the cellular level). Research and testing on volunteers have clearly demonstrated the following effects:

  • Black Mask enhances regeneration processes in epidermal cells;
  • saturates the skin with beneficial substances;
  • treats and relieves acne, inflammation, blackheads;
  • tightens the face (as a result the double chin disappears);
  • removes oily shine;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • changes complexion.

Allows you to gently but deeply cleanse pores at home. Thanks to this, the skin will acquire a healthy shade, and annoying inflammations and rashes will no longer bother you.

Before we figure out how to use Black Mask correctly, let’s find out what ingredients it consists of.


It is safe to use, because it has practically no contraindications. But since the composition includes a representative of citrus fruits, unexpected allergic reactions are possible. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the finished product to the elbow, leave for 15 minutes and rinse. If there is no severe redness, swelling, or burning, you can use the composition without any doubt.

Correct Application

The product works in three directions: moisturizes, rejuvenates, cleanses. Natural ingredients take care of this. The result is noticeable after the first use, especially on the nose, where blackheads most often form. The complex use of a cosmetic mixture cleanses the face, tightens pores, lightens pigmentation and evens out the surface.

Black Mask is a black powder in soft packaging, which contains instructions for use. How to use Black Mask:

  • Dilute the powder with water or milk to make a paste like liquid sour cream.
  • Prepare your face - wash and dry thoroughly. Apply a steam bath or a hot damp towel. This will improve the result.
  • Using a sponge, apply the product to problem areas in a thick layer, without touching the areas around the eyes and lips, without touching the hairline and eyebrows.
  • Wait 25-30 minutes until the mask hardens. At this time, it is better to rest without doing anything, so as not to interfere with the composition’s cleansing function.
  • After the time has passed, the film is removed. To do this, pick up its edges near the chin and pull it up. There should not be any unpleasant sensations (pain, burning).
  • Wash off any remaining film with cool water and apply cream.

When understanding how to use Black Mask correctly, keep in mind that the product should not be used on damaged surfaces (wounds, burns, scars after surgery).

Clear, beautiful facial skin without defects, blackheads, rashes, redness and pimples has become an unattainable ideal for many. Most people, both young and mature, have facial skin problems that are difficult to get rid of at home, and the presence of blackheads and pimples are the most common of them. As a rule, these problems stretch back to adolescence, when the cause of the first acne and rashes were hormonal changes in the body and insufficient facial care.

Most people react the same way: they squeeze out acne, trying to get an instant improvement, but in the end the result is completely the opposite. The contents of the pore, along with bacteria, enter healthy cells, and the inflammatory process spreads with renewed vigor. Pores become more clogged, the number of blackheads and pimples only increases, and unsightly scars and uneven surfaces appear.

Meanwhile, you can change this unenviable scenario by providing your skin with complete care and high-quality facial cleansing. Contrary to popular belief, this does not require a whole arsenal of cosmetics, usually expensive. One product is enough, but it works comprehensively and has a very affordable price. This product exists - a mask for blackheads Black Mask containing charcoal for oily skin, and buying or ordering it now is not difficult.

What kind of mask is this?

This is a super effective mask with activated carbon, a new product on the market designed to combat problem skin, including oily skin, and cleanse the face at home. It makes sense to buy it for anyone who has problems in the form of acne and inflammation, especially since the price allows it. The natural composition and successful combination of components with activated carbon make the mask a real must-have for everyone who wants to say goodbye to acne and rashes forever, and literally gain a new face.

Black Mask is available in a black soft tube, from which it is convenient to take out the product in the amount required for one-time use. Numerous reviews indicate that the product has a pleasant, slightly rough texture and medium density, and is easily distributed over the surface of the skin. The black mask belongs to the class of film masks that harden after application and are removed in one motion. The method of removal and the composition aimed at cleansing allow you to see the result immediately after use: smooth, smooth skin with a noticeably reduced amount of inflammation and cleaned pores in place of acne and blackheads.

The result after using a mask with charcoal is especially noticeable on the nose: as a rule, this is where there are the most blackheads. With each use of cleaning at home, the result is noticeable: the pores become lighter and over time are completely cleansed, the skin is evened out and becomes more elastic, looks fresh and rested. This complex effect is achieved through a combination of natural ingredients in the mask.

Active components in the composition

  1. Bamboo charcoal is a natural absorbent and acts as a natural pore cleanser. Thanks to its high charcoal content, the Velcro mask removes excess sebum on oily skin, cleanses pores, and regulates sebum secretion over time. Penetrates inside pores and pimples and acts internally, eliminating all traces of excessive production of sebaceous glands.
  2. Grapefruit oil - performs several functions at once: whitening, soothing and antibacterial. Helps even out complexion, narrows enlarged pores, prevents irritation and acne, the skin looks smoother, its surface is more uniform and smooth. Works better in combination with regenerating components.

  3. Wheat germs make fine wrinkles less noticeable, improve skin elasticity, give it a healthy appearance, have a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect, eliminate the first signs of aging, which is not a bad thing even at a young age.
  4. Provitamin B5 (panthenol) – soothes, promotes cell regeneration and rapid healing of wounds. Reduces inflammation from acne, and with regular use makes scars and post-acne scars invisible. Simply put, it perfects the appearance of the skin, making it smoother and more even.

  5. Collagen is a moisture-retaining agent that holds water in the dermis. Over the years, natural collagen in the body becomes less and less, and without external replenishment, the skin becomes flabby and dull. Collagen-rich skin looks firmer, hydrated, and radiant. An important component that gives the skin an ideal appearance.
  6. Olive squalane is another moisture-retaining component of natural origin. Made from olive oil, it helps facial skin maintain youth and beauty longer. Improves cellular respiration, thanks to which the skin receives more nutrition, as a result it looks better and does not show signs of aging longer.

All these components provide a comprehensive effect from the mask. The vitamin complex of natural substances gives the skin a healthier appearance, improves complexion, and evens out the surface. Regenerating components restore already damaged and inflamed tissues and fight visible imperfections. Natural collagen in the mask is natural gelatin, which not only improves the appearance of the skin, but is also responsible for the texture and hardening of the product on the face.

Additionally, the mask film against blackheads also contains a number of components designed to make using the mask as pleasant as possible. With them, the process of use brings pleasure at all stages, from opening the package to removing the mask from the face:

How does Black Mask work?

First of all, this is a mask against blackheads, but the rich composition and carefully selected components allow us to say that the product works on several fronts at once. The mask gives a triple effect, which becomes noticeable after the first use of the product. If we talk about the course and regular use, then you can count on a significant improvement in the overall condition of the skin in such parameters as hydration, elasticity, smoothness, uniformity of tone.


The vitamin complex and components of natural origin such as wheat sprouts, collagen, squalane moisturize the skin at the cellular level, and glycerin retains moisture inside. As a result, even dry skin looks much healthier and more nourished after using the mask. Thanks to the fine-grained texture of the mask, peeling is removed, and gentle, non-traumatic scrubbing occurs.


After using the mask, fine wrinkles are noticeably reduced. This is partly the result of hydration - elastic skin saturated with moisture “pushes out” folds, and wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes smoother. Panthenol in the product also works for smoothness, eliminating unevenness and scar marks over time. As a result, the face looks younger, has a healthier tone and a natural glow. Grapefruit oil in the composition slightly whitens, makes pigmentation and freckles less noticeable.


The most important thing for which the gelatin mask for blackheads was invented is to cleanse and narrow pores, eliminate blackheads, rashes and acne on the face. The effect of using the mask is especially noticeable on the nose, where most of the blackheads are located - each time they become more and more invisible. Gradually narrowing, the pores become almost invisible, as a result, the face becomes smooth and does not need a large number of cosmetics to correct imperfections.

Bamboo charcoal penetrates deep into the pore and cleans it, inflammation is eliminated and dried thanks to the panthenol and alcohol in the composition. The edges of the pores are tightened, the skin is saturated with moisturizing components, shallow folds are smoothed out, turgor and elasticity increase.

Natural mask for acne Black mask has a valuable composition and differs from home masks based on activated carbon in its more complete and effective effect on the skin.

The product is one of the top caring cosmetics that helps eliminate blackheads, preventing the formation of severe inflammatory processes.

However, not everyone knows how to use Black mask for acne correctly, which is why it turns out that not every girl manages to achieve the desired result.

The instructions located on the packaging may not always be complete and understandable, since some masks are created for professional use, and in most cases masters should know how to apply Black mask correctly and how long to keep it on your face to achieve a flawless effect.

Why is the mask so popular?

Using a black mask for acne Black mask at home has become popular among girls and women for several reasons:

However, all these advantages come to naught if the instructions for using the Black mask are severely violated.

Video: How the black mask Black Mask Mr SCRUBBER works

How to use a mask correctly?

The use of any remedy begins with a simple allergy test. To do this, a small amount of the diluted mask is added to the skin in the elbow area and kept for 10-15 minutes.

Then you need to wait 3-4 hours. If the skin has not shown any reaction other than slight redness, then it can be used.

It is acceptable to have red spots on the face immediately after using the Black mask, is a sign that the pores have been cleaned.

Both those with dry and oily skin can use the Black mask. For the former, the regularity of applying the product will be once a week, and for the latter – 2 times a week.

For very dry and flaky skin It is better to refuse the product. Girls with normal skin should also apply the product once a week.

Black mask application technology is the same for all cases:

The course of use of the product is at least 14 days. Ideally, you should use the mask for a month (observing the recommended number of applications per week). Then take a break of 1-2 weeks.

It is very important to complete the procedure using a cream or milk that suits your skin type. For 7-10 hours after using the drug, you should not sunbathe or use other cleansers.

What you should not do while using a black mask:

After applying the Black mask, the skin is immediately transformed: the remaining film shows dirt pulled out of the pores. The epidermis becomes smooth, more even, and the shade is evened out.

Regular use Due to collagen fibers, it can reduce wrinkles and start the process of cell regeneration. As a result, the face is gradually cleared of comedones, blackheads, and pimples. Pores become narrower.