Scandal at the Cannes Film Festival: a Ukrainian journalist climbed under the skirt of Hollywood star America Ferrera. What's under a star's skirt What's under an actress' skirt

21.01.12 16:22

Famous women are not shy about publicly showing their most intimate...


In pursuit of a tidbit of fame, famous ladies often reach the point of absurdity. If you can’t stand out with a role or song, all sorts of improvised means are used: bright makeup, original hairstyle and, of course, a catchy outfit. In this case, I just can’t do it - perfect option. And what kind of pictures can an experienced photographer take! We have accumulated a lot of such piquant shots over the year. Admire!

According to psychologists, a skirt that is too short and does not even hide panties is a sign of infantilism: an adult woman subconsciously associates herself with a doll or a little girl, for whom underwear sticking out from under her dress is quite acceptable. From the position of sexologists, a lot of nudity is unsatisfied erotic fantasies.
“The desire of a woman over the age of 25 to expose her legs too much and demonstrate, even if by chance, her underwear only indicates that she was not loved as a child, was not kissed during puberty, and was not hugged during her student years,” says the doctor. psychotherapist Pyotr Neklyudov. - I'm not against minis, but everything should be in moderation.

Famous women are not shy about publicly showing their most intimate secrets.

In pursuit of a tidbit of fame, famous ladies often reach the point of absurdity. If you can’t stand out with a role or a song, all sorts of improvised means are used: bright makeup, an original hairstyle and, of course, a catchy outfit. In this case, the mini is the best option - I can’t do it. And what kind of pictures can an experienced photographer take! We have accumulated a lot of such piquant shots over the year. Admire!

According to psychologists, a skirt that is too short and does not even hide panties is a sign of infantilism: an adult woman subconsciously associates herself with a doll or a little girl, for whom underwear sticking out from under her dress is quite acceptable. From the position of sexologists, a lot of nudity is unsatisfied erotic fantasies.

The desire of a woman over the age of 25 to expose her legs too much and demonstrate, even if by chance, her underwear only shows that she was not loved as a child, not kissed during puberty, and not hugged during her student years, says a psychotherapist Petr Neklyudov. - I'm not against minis, but everything should be in moderation.

Panties and bra are an intimate part of the wardrobe. Showing them, the woman seems to shout: “Take me, at least someone!” This is vulgar and indecent, in my opinion. Undoubtedly, each of those ladies whom the photographer caught in racy poses can justify himself: “You don’t need to go under your skirt!” or “Beauties were discovered by chance.” But we all, especially men, understand that with women such things rarely happen by chance. It’s amazing to see when a girl who recently wore minis, with the appearance of a reliable gentleman in her life, suddenly switches to skirts middle length. Here's your answer!

Drown in the depths of the sea

Stylists even call “accidentally” exposed underwear bad manners. But the visual inconsistency of panties with clothing is considered even more bad taste.

Definitely, underwear should be in harmony with the rest of your wardrobe. This is a truism. If I see a black bra under a light blouse, I’m tempted to say straight to the face of the young lady who chose this outfit: “Go home!” Same with panties. Everything is elementary: to avoid incidents, we wear white under white, and dark under dark. And no other way, as we see in the photo of the winner of a beauty contest Oksana Fedorova or singers Valeria.

And if you have washed laundry of an incomprehensible color, as in the photographs Evelina Bledans“It’s time to throw it in the trash,” says the shopper and image maker Tatiana Aston. - By the way, I wouldn’t recommend wearing thongs and indecently short skirts in public places, even for hygiene reasons. If you are a cheerful person by nature and plain underwear is not your option, play with color, but wisely. Before you dress up in a pink bra, a deep sea-colored dress and leopard print panties, make inquiries by at least scouring the Internet to see what can be combined with what. For the singer Mango I’ll tell you: first, you don’t wear a bra under a dress of this cut. Next: panties only in tone or flesh color. Boring? Choose a print to match your vest, but the stripes should not be deep blue, but with a greenish tint - like the main outfit. And one last thing: I just can’t help but notice that tight-fitting mini-dresses are contraindicated for those with curvy figures! Otherwise your dress will drown in your volume. Like in the depths of the sea. Sorry! However, I can’t help but scold the panties too Yuli Volkova, who always seemed to me to be a fashionable and tasteful girl. The red stains on the underwear that she wore that evening, either under a dress or under a T-shirt, give rise to strange thoughts... In general, there is only one piece of advice: watch your intimate parts and, if you are not sure of the irresistibility of your underwear, it’s better pull up your pants. A branded elastic band that “accidentally” peeks out from under them will add piquancy and mystery to your look. You know, men like to expose a girl slowly, making unexpected discoveries. Historical fact

* At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, the first women's panties appeared at knee or ankle length. They were called pantaloons. They were sewn from cambric and silk, and decorated with the finest lace and ruffles. But only a select few could afford such a luxury; ladies from the people still went without panties or replaced them with ordinary men's pants made of coarse linen.

Giving an interview to our correspondent, BORODINA did not notice that the lower part of her bodysuit was revealed to the gaze of others