Modern detergents and their natural replacements. Detergents For washing dishes we use clay, soda, mustard

Date of publication or update 07/12/2017

Everyone knows the problem of dirty dishes. Even the most careless housewives never leave cups and plates unwashed, and many bachelors, contrary to the popular stereotype, attach great importance to order and cleanliness. Not everyone can afford dishwashers, so in most cases you have to wash dishes by hand, using special products for this purpose. By the way, our mothers and grandmothers had no idea about detergents. Several decades ago, dishes were washed with plain hot water, at best adding mustard or soda to it. Particularly severe contamination was removed using ash or sand.

Today it is extremely difficult to do without special dishwashing detergents, since there is no time to create homemade solutions. At the same time, special products are very convenient: they foam well, do not leave unpleasant odors after use, and dissolve fats very well.

How to choose a dishwashing detergent?

Most would like to buy a dishwashing liquid that lasts for a long time. Also, it would be nice to be able to use the same dishwashing solution in cold and hot water. Cost is also important, because many housewives choose a dishwasher based on comparing prices from different manufacturers.

But can an inexpensive product wash dishes well and be safe for health? Probably yes, but practice shows that only relatively expensive means are truly effective and safe. Such substances are good because they contain a minimal amount of components harmful to health. Some products also contain additives that neutralize chemicals. The most famous of these elements is allantoin, a special additive that is included in many skin care products. Allantoin softens and moisturizes the skin, eliminates flaking of the skin, heals cracks, relieves inflammation and destroys harmful bacteria. This is far from a panacea for all problems, but a detergent with allantoin is safer in any case.

When choosing a dishwashing detergent, you should also pay attention to the fragrances included in the dishwashing detergent. The advantage of expensive substances is the absence of a sharp and cloying odor. Such detergents have a mild, most often neutral aroma that is not irritating and does not seem very strong. At the same time, strong-smelling dishwashing chemicals can cause headaches, nausea, allergies, and even lead to loss of consciousness.

What you need to know about the toxicity of detergents?

Inexpensive dishwashing detergents contain a large amount of surfactants - surfactants. The use of such solutions allows you to achieve an almost ideal effect - the dishes become crystal clear and shiny - just like in advertising. However, the use of products with high concentrations of surfactants is fraught with allergic reactions and an increased risk of many serious diseases.

Recently, powdered dishwashing detergents, which often contain anionic surfactants, have been gaining popularity. Such substances are even more toxic, and their miniature particles can become trapped in cracks in dishes that are invisible to the human eye.

Making the right choice

Dishwashing detergents are increasingly becoming the subject of various types of independent quality and safety tests. Let's try to find out how good some of the most popular products are - Fairy and AOS.

Fairy dishwashing liquid

Practice shows that this detergent is very effective in the fight against fatty deposits. However, Fairy is less good at resisting stubborn stains. The cleaning ability of the product is at an average level. The product is washed off very well from the surface of dishes: tests have shown that the pH level of the water after rinsing Fairy is about 6.6, which is almost the same as the level of clean tap water (6.8).

AOS dishwashing liquid

This Russian manufacturer is also distinguished by its high quality and reasonable cost. The washing ability of the substance is not satisfactory, as is its washability (pH level is 6.55). A significant advantage of AOS can be considered the dissolution of fat by 100%. The product completely removes remaining grease and dirt from dishes without leaving them on the surface of the dishes.

Not detergent alone

There are hardly any completely safe dishwashing solutions. Almost all substances contain surfactants in significant quantities, but manufacturers also indicate that such products are concentrates. Another thing is that no one pays attention to such messages.

Often problems occur not because of the detergent, but because of the desire to save time, effort or money. A few tips below will help you avoid trouble.

  1. When washing dishes, it is very important to rinse the dishes thoroughly, since surfactants can remain on the surface in small quantities.
  2. You need to accustom yourself to washing dishes with gloves. This is not very convenient, but even surgeons have become accustomed to performing complex operations with gloves.
  3. Saving is not always profitable. Carcinogenic substances in detergents will force you to spend much more money on treating diseases, so you definitely need to save wisely.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

In the modern world, it is impossible to do without cleaning and disinfectants, because cleanliness is the basis of the comfort and health of every person. With the development of technology, the requirements for quality of life increase, and questions about improving the environment arise. All detergents and cleaning products are used to maintain cleanliness indoors and outdoors, and are suitable for caring for cars, household items, and equipment. When using them, special attention should be paid to the positive and negative consequences. High-quality chemical products are not harmful to humans.


Nowadays, stores have a wide selection of detergents and cleaning products used in everyday life, in factories, in offices, and on the street. They come in powder, gel, paste, and granular forms. Their composition includes many components, but the main ingredient is biodegradable surfactants. The production of cleaning chemical products takes place taking into account the requirements of GOST in several stages: mixing the necessary components, drying, if necessary, packaging and packing.


With the deterioration of the environment, housewives are increasingly thinking about the harm that detergents and cleaning products cause to humans and the environment. Many people use traditional methods of cleaning premises, but in our time this is irrational. There are chemical products for room care that do not contain harmful substances: surfactants, chlorine, phenols. These components cause irreparable damage to our body. Technologies for the production of cleaning products and detergents are developing, harmful components are being eradicated from the compositions, but this does not affect the quality of cleaning ability.


Disinfectants for cleaning are widely used on the market, are suitable for machine and manual use, and have a high degree of cleaning ability. They contain active substances, thanks to which surfaces are better wetted and cleaned of contaminants. If drugs are used in everyday life, then care must be taken to ensure that the content of this harmful component does not exceed five percent, and use should be kept to a minimum.


The range of cleaning chemicals in stores is wide, so it’s difficult to decide what you need. All substances used to clean hard surfaces from dirt are classified according to consistency and purpose. They are widely used in everyday life, in laundries, and in cleaning companies. For home use, they are produced in small quantities, which last for a long time. If you clean your apartment daily with chemicals, it can harm the whole family, because the microclimate will be disrupted and the concentration of harmful substances will increase.

Nowadays professional chemicals are produced for cleaning companies. The product is distinguished by the fact that it is produced in a highly concentrated form, in large volumes, with a certain range of effects for professional equipment. The Donaticus company distributes such chemicals from Russian manufacturers among cleaning companies.

For dishes

We use household chemicals, otherwise known as detergents, to wash dishes every day. Our modern existence is impossible without them. Many people make their own dishwashing detergent, but most buy ready-made detergent, which should have a number of qualities:

  • removes dirt well;
  • do not contain harmful components;
  • have antibacterial properties;
  • wash off well with water.

Using a dishwasher in offices, banquet halls, and catering establishments greatly simplifies the process of washing dishes. The use of household chemicals leads to equipment breakdown, so special dishwashing detergents must be used. They are perfectly washed off from surfaces, remove dirt well, and do not leave streaks on dishes. Solklean dishwasher detergents carefully care for equipment and prevent contamination of filters and surfaces.

Now there is a wide selection of universal products for tiles, linoleum, parquet, and glass. In offices, the main task is the high-quality removal of stains and dust from carpets and other surfaces. In hotels, the main goal is the safety of the chemical compositions used over a wide range of exposures. To clean premises, special equipment with professional products for various types of surfaces is used.

Progress does not stand still; washing vacuum cleaners are replacing old brooms. With them, the time spent on cleaning is reduced, physical activity is reduced, and surfaces are cleaned and disinfected at the same time. A professional product is added to the water before starting work; the better its properties, the better the cleaning will be. Primary requirements:

  • high degree of disinfection;
  • obstacle to static electricity;
  • reduced foaming, softening properties;
  • concentration.

Floor cleaning products are available for manual use and special equipment. They are produced in liquid form with a high concentration, which saves their consumption and improves the quality of cleaning. Special scrubber cleaning chemicals are used in everyday life and public spaces. Safety and easy removal of dirt from surfaces are the main requirements for floor cleaners. The content of surfactants should not exceed five percent; this guarantees high-quality and non-harmful cleaning.

Plastic windows have become an integral part of our lives; they are easy to use and do not require particularly careful maintenance. A properly selected composition will extend the life of your windows and bring cleanliness and comfort to your home. Many people use traditional methods, but it is much easier to buy ready-made chemical window cleaners; less time is spent and the result is better. They should not contain: gasoline, acids, solvents. These components harm the frame, change its color, and destroy the structure.

For cars

There are two types of technical detergents for cars: for manual use or non-contact use. The only difference between them is the cleaning method: the chemical is applied to the surface of the car with a foaming agent or sponge, and after a while it is washed off using a Karcher with a copious stream of water under pressure. You need to do this procedure yourself or resort to the services of a car wash, which will be more expensive, but faster.

There are professional chemicals for cleaning a car engine that easily remove dirt, oil and other contaminants. The right product will help you save time and clean the engine efficiently. If you do not wash it, then road reagents deposited on it can lead to damage, so you should not neglect this process. Many people use home methods and clean the engine themselves, but it is better to trust the professionals by visiting a car wash.

For carpets

Carpeting is present not only at home, but also in offices. Dirt and dust often accumulate on them, and difficult to remove stains easily remain. The solution to this problem is carpet products. If you choose them correctly, the life of carpet products is extended significantly. Manufacturers take into account all the features of coatings and improve the compositions so that the use of chemicals does not cause harm. One of these companies is Ecolife, which produces environmentally friendly products.


Children are our future; they are most susceptible to the negative effects of finished cleaning products. In this case, ordinary household chemicals for washing and washing dishes should absolutely not be used. German manufacturers of children's chemicals that produce organic products are gaining increasing popularity. They combine quality, low price and safety, which is important when there are children in the house. Such products must be:

  • no fragrance;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • good for removing stains from clothes;
  • phosphate-free, without dyes and surfactants.


Professional cleaning products are designed to remove dirt from surfaces made of different materials. They are produced for use in everyday life, in factories, and in cleaning companies. The release form is varied: powders, suspensions, granules. They can include up to 95 percent artificial or natural abrasives, surfactants, fragrances and many other components to improve cleaning ability.

Cleaning companies use chemical mixtures with a narrow spectrum of effects. For the home, a multifunctional detergent and cleaner is more suitable, which can be used to clean surfaces made of different materials. The use of such chemicals in everyday life saves time, money, and the result is of high quality. Cleaning finished products for universal use have a number of advantages:

  • disinfect;
  • remove many contaminants;
  • Suitable for cleaning bathtubs, stoves, toilets, tiles, and washing dishes.

For furniture

To protect furniture from contamination, you need to use special substances. They do not contain a high concentration of chemicals that will negatively affect the furniture. Such products are produced simultaneously for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture with your own hands or using equipment. When using them, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging.

For gas stoves

When choosing chemicals for cleaning the stove in the kitchen, it is worth considering that the enamel that covers the surface of the stove does not tolerate abrasive agents well. It is better to choose powders that do not contain this component. Cleaning should be done using a soft sponge or natural cloth to avoid mechanical damage. Cleaning powder "Komet" copes well with the tasks, and among liquid products, "Adriel" with a dispenser that has aggressive components that easily remove dirt is highly effective.

For Bath

In everyday life, universal cleaning chemical products are used that are suitable for showers and bathtubs. The cleaning agent for acrylic bathtubs should be soft and gentle so as not to harm the surface. The yellow coating that appears over time can be easily removed with special chemicals. Such a universal product is Gala cleaning powder, which does not scratch the surface. “Gala” removes dirt well and is suitable for cleaning showers and bathtubs.

Consumption rates

Each room has its own specific chemical consumption rate. In everyday life, each housewife independently determines the amount of chemicals used. For office, budget and production premises, standards are set privately. Chemical cleaning products should not contain more than five percent surfactants and 10% phosphates.


The content of harmful substances negatively affects the condition of our body. After watching this video, you will learn that it is not necessary to buy cleaning chemicals, you can make it yourself. Do-it-yourself dish soap will be natural, environmentally friendly, effective and safe. Using the method from the video will allow you to refuse purchased chemicals and protect you and your loved ones from harmful effects.


Oksana, 35 years old Since I have a child who often has allergic reactions, safety and hypoallergenicity are my main requirements for cleaning chemicals. I tried the German dishwashing detergent Frosch with aloe vera. I was pleased with the result, no divorces and my son has no allergies. The main thing is that it washes off well and there is no smell that irritates the nose.
Irina, 27 years old I believe that there are no better cleaning chemical manufacturers than Japanese ones. I tried our analogues, but I was tired of the constant irritation on my hands, clogged pipes, and problems with plumbing. I ordered Lion detergent online from Japan. After two weeks of use, the stagnation in the pipes has passed, it effectively removes grease and does not leave streaks on the dishes. What I was most pleased with was the cost-effectiveness of the product when used.
Oleg, 43 years old I am a very conservative person; I do not trust modern manufacturers who claim that their products are absolutely safe for humans. Recently I stained the carpet, no amount of baking soda or vinegar helped in removing the stain, I had to buy a Selena product. After using it, the stain lightened, but did not disappear at all, but the carpet itself became cleaner, which is good news.
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Dishwashing detergent - their compositions and a testing review of these components in our article will show which of them is best used for cleaning children's and adult dishes, and which are unacceptable in household care. Further in addition to the video in this article

Detailed instructions will be offered on how to use certain means to avoid negative consequences.

Almost the same compositions are used for all cleaning products. The base for them is taken from a mixture of components such as:

  • Acids;
  • Anionic substances.

Surfactants - active substances on the surface layer provide the very foam that supposedly “takes” dirt and grease from the plates well. They also promote water tension and lead to the dispersion of dirt. But there is an opinion that foam has nothing to do with cleanliness. In the composition, together with other components, foaming indicates the quality of the product, and only thanks to certain compounds, even the dirtiest dishes can be cleaned.

Types of surfactants Decay Impact

As a result of electrical dissociation, such components form negative ions - anions. The molecules of persistent contaminants are positively affected, destroying the internal structure.

Cations are obtained as a result of the breakdown of positive surfactant particles. Cations, giving a charge to destroy greasy stains, easily remove them from the surface of the plates, but are not completely washed off, since part of the positive charge remains inside the molecules of the product.

Nonionic surfactants are not subject to decomposition. They do not affect the strong dirt molecule in any way, but are also washed off the surface easily and quickly, ensuring easy destruction of the structural layer of fat.

Advice: Since the nature of the contaminants on each plate is different, manufacturers add surfactants of different nature to the composition in order to comprehensively combat heavy and light contaminants. Otherwise, you would have to buy several products - one for grease, another for simple washing, and a third for stubborn stains.


To understand how the main component of the fight against dirt behaves, we decided to test all the detergents, identifying the behavior of the particles during exposure to the dirty layer on the dishes. During the research, a test was also carried out that helped identify the most active surfactant particles.

Salts of sulfonic acids Acid sulfonic esters
Alkylsulfonates Alkylarylsulfonates
Alkyl sulfates Sulfated fats
Sulfonated oils Fatty acids

It also turned out that the fairy dishwashing detergent, which is so popular, contains polyethylene glycol ethers. Depending on the type of cleaning products, their quantity varies. There are also nonionic additives of new generations - polyalkyl glycosides, which have a lower degree of toxicity, are washed off faster, and are easier to deal with greasy stains. They “take care” of the skin of your hands, preventing it from drying out. The price of such products is much higher due to modern production technologies, but consumption requires more time to use up the entire bottle.

Previously, we talked about additional components, and below we present a photo and a list with the names that are included in some of the products:

Enzymes and enzymes Antiresorbents
Neutral acid salts Emollients
Fragrances Dyes
Preservatives Foam stabilizers

They are needed for the decomposition of polysaccharides, proteins and fatty oils. Without this, the action of not a single most powerful surfactant component is possible, no matter how new in production in the world of technology it may be. To enhance all the resulting mixtures, other molecules are added in the smallest doses:

  • Carbonates;
  • Sodium chlorides;
  • Phosphates;
  • Sodium polyphosphates;
  • Sodium citrates;
  • Zeolites;
  • Perborates;
  • Di- or trichloroisocyanurates.

They are also needed to remove residues of coffee, tea, fructose, dyes and natural color stains. Their auxiliary function is to disinfect dishes. Sometimes, the same frosh dishwashing detergent may contain bleaches, reagents for the decomposition of sodium silicates. They can act as corrosion inhibitors when you clean hard metal utensils. Other series of this product can be used for the dishwasher; and it will not suffer from scale thanks to the compatible sodium molecules.


Since many products are endowed with such a “rich” composition that it’s a shame to wonder what ability they have for simple dishwashing? Surely, you thought, if 1-2 components are needed by nature to fight fat, why all these enhancers and other additives? Let's look at this question using dish cleaning powder as an example. It has a good analogue - Amway dishwashing detergent, which has established itself as a herbal and natural set of the best herbs and products for removing grease and dirt. It will be written on the packaging that there is a surfactant, without specifying the area of ​​extraction or production, additional components that are not mentioned, etc.

Therefore, it’s time to find out why the cost of natural products, as manufacturers claim, is higher, and how they differ in reality. Their ability to destroy fat deposits is the same, but differences are still present.

The substance is necessary to soften water, and thanks to it, the products seem natural, because it is the plant components that can protect the skin from chemicals. Trilon B increases the ability of the entire product to interact with dirt, and without it, no surfactants make sense.

Repeated deposition of fats over a long period of time and the absence of organic components are all the merit of this substance. Any dirt that comes into contact with the detergent may remain on the surface of the dishes again, but this is not possible, and all the grease is washed off with water, keeping the dirt particles inside the molecules.

Cumene and xylene sulfonate, urea and lower grade alcohols - they all increase and enhance the degree of solubility of surfactants in water. For example, have you noticed that myth dishwashing detergent takes a long time to dissipate and is difficult to remove from the surface? It does not contain these “good” molecules, but even without them it removes fat quite well. Considered more natural, but difficult to obtain in some small towns.

They, together with proteases and lipases, and other enzymes, effectively eliminate protein contaminants that cannot be excreted and dissolved in water. The proof will be in Mama's dishwashing detergent, which is recommended for washing children's plates and cast iron pans.

We talked about them above, but in some imported products there are more of them than required by domestic GOST. The cleaning product foams well, the foam does not clump, is not washed off and can remain in the sink for a long time without water. This is the merit of alkylamides.

Just like glycerin, allatoin and plant extracts, it has a good effect on the skin of the hands. More precisely, it prevents chemical compounds from settling on the skin, causing allergies. If there are a lot of them in the composition, gloves for washing dishes will not be needed; but not all manufacturers indicate the exact amount of their presence.

As part of the detergent, it provides a protective film for hands and intensive evaporation of harmful moisture vapors; At the same time, it protects the dishes from the re-application of dirt. Milk molecules are often found in the cosmetics industry to protect hands from cold and wind.

Also, detergency can be determined by the presence of active hydrogen ions pH. The indicator will tell you whether your product is harmful or neutral. Perhaps this is one of the main tasks for today, which will allow us to lift the curtain on the mysterious composition of the product. The pH value indicates an alkaline or acidic environment, and the stronger it is, the more dangerous your hands are.

Important! According to the requirements of GOST standards, regarding the production of household chemicals, pH values ​​can vary from 4.0 to 11.5. Neutral value – 6.0 – 7.0; which indicates the possibility of using such a detergent every day. The optimal product will be one that has a mark of 5.5 - this is a physiological composition for the skin that will never harm it.


The washability indicator is very important, as is the composition of the product itself. Let's say you use dishwashing gel, but you are not satisfied with the formation of foam, the result of washing, and the residue of the product is not always a pleasant thing. It is difficult to wash off, so many people switch to the liquid type of components in a bottle. Drop dish detergent is claimed to be the safest and “long-lasting” detergent compared to similar products. A drop of the product and you will wash an entire mountain of dishes, which means it must be difficult to wash off, since so little is needed for a large amount of work.

However, this indicator speaks of something else - the ability of the product to be washed off with water along with dirt, and not of a pure product. Surfactants are difficult to wash off by their nature, and to ensure a completely glossy surface, you need to add some impurities so that everything is removed without leaving a residue.

Surfactant type Washability index

According to GOST, the indicator limits are set at 0.1 mg/dm 3.

No more than 0.5 mg/dm 3 according to global standards, since domestic manufacturers rarely use anionic types of surfactants.

Up to 0.01 mg/dm 3, which are contained in children's products, and up to 0.05 mg/dm 3 for adults.

Advice: For washing children's dishes, it is better to choose those bottles that are clearly written on them - surfactants of neutral or plant origin. They do not enter the child’s body with food and are easily removed from the surface.

Technical component

By testing all household chemical products, we highlight several products that are ideal for washing dishes for adults and children. During the analysis, the technical component will be identified:

  • Ergonomics;
  • Reliability of the stated information;
  • Color;
  • Smell;
  • Foaming;
  • Wash;
  • Removal of fat deposits;
  • Effect on skin.

Using a pH meter, a laboratory-type test will be carried out, which will reveal all indicators of the undiluted composition of detergents. To work you will need liquid dishwashing detergent " vixan».

During the study, you will need an I-130 M ion meter to determine the quality of the detergent composition.

Foaming was assessed using a scale. By shaking the clean product - 0.5 ml + 50 ml of water using equal force. At the same time, other manufacturers were also checked. Thus, Korean dishwashing detergent was distinguished by its speed of fat breakdown. In just 34 seconds, all oils and stains were removed.

The ability to remove fatty deposits was assessed as follows: sunflower oil was applied to dry glass. The application area was 1 cm2.

Place the glass in a 5% detergent solution and wait for the reaction. Low foaming was observed, while minute dish detergent showed the highest performance at this stage. It also did a good job of removing dirt and grease, but I had to rinse it off several times.

This stage of the experiment required 1.15 minutes.

At first, the oil stain contracted, and then, under the action of the surfactant, it floated to the surface. " Aweigh“The oils dissolved and disappeared. Here are the changes that took place according to the chronology of events.

I would also like to say something about the balm and the concentration in the gel. Cinderella dish detergent, which works wonders on greasy stains, contains milk and aloe vera extract, which is already considered the basis for the reliability and quality of the product.

Children's products

Detergent for children's dishes was also subject to detailed analysis. Having considered the manufacturer’s information, a test was also carried out, which revealed a relatively safe cleaning agent in all respects.

Eared Nian

The detergent for children's dishes is produced not in Russia, but in Ukraine, according to the barcode. Also, there are only general names of components. We said earlier that its composition, like a powder, has a more saturated concentration of substances. Now let's look at all the components in the table.

It has faceted sides to make it comfortable to hold in your hand.

Inconvenient in design, since part of the product collects in a ring niche, and after closing everything flows down the walls of the bottle.

Thick, transparent. It does not have a strong odor, but resembles a mixture of perfume aroma and chemical fragrances.

pH = 7.63, which is towards an alkaline environment.
Foaming is good, all 250 ml per cylinder.
Works well with fats. Immersed glass with oil immediately disappears before our eyes.
After 1 minute, the oil stain had practically disappeared.

The oil dissolves slowly, although the manufacturer says it removes stains quickly.

Complete dissolution was achieved after 5.4 minutes. It's long, but practical. The skin of your hands sometimes dries out, especially dry skin.

Tip: Nanny dish detergent works well on grease, but it is recommended to wear protective gloves when cleaning.

Japanese remedies

We conducted a similar analysis for the imported product Pigeon. The manufacturer assures that it can also be used to wash toys, fruits and vegetables. But is it really so, and is the process safe?

  1. The dispenser on the bottle is convenient.
  2. The product does not dry out your hands.
  3. There is an antibacterial base.
  4. Completely and easily washed off with water.
  5. There are no dyes or phosphates in the composition.
  6. Sucrose ester and citric acid indicate 100% natural ingredients.
  7. Enough for 400 uses.

There are some varieties, and also not always available in regular supermarkets.

Clear liquid Good foaming Economical bottle
Bag for foam soap For bottles For bottles and vegetables and vegetables

As you can see, Japanese dishwashing detergent is available in different volumes, each of which can also be used for washing toys, bottles and pacifiers. There are no additional or substitute components in the composition.

The best remedy

And now the final of our testing comes to the main conclusion - the best dishwashing detergent has been determined, which has special properties, a good environment and a safe composition. Sama is one of the most environmentally friendly solutions, the concentrate of which can be considered neutral on the pH scale. It is better for children to choose a dishwashing detergent with a relative physiological concentration of 5.5 pH. A representative of this characteristic is Frosch baby, although adult dishwashing detergent has a different composition from this one. Pay attention to this.

Also, when choosing the most powerful cleansers that can remove grease within 3-5 minutes, give preference to those that contain extracts and milk rather than fragrances. The alkaline environment there is weak or absent. Therefore, by reading the composition, you can roughly determine which product is in front of you - acidic or alkaline, with or without odor. This is explained in more detail in the video.

The detergent report will briefly tell you a lot of useful information. A message about detergents will help you deepen your knowledge of chemistry.

"Detergents" message

Detergents are organic complex compounds that are used with additives or in pure form for washing household items and washing textiles.

They help bleach and dye fabrics, facilitate the preparation of suspensions and emulsions for the production of paint compositions and food products, and increase the anti-friction level of lubricants.

The active part of detergents consists of detergents, which are organic compounds. They form a semi-colloidal solution and foam in water. Their surface activity lowers the surface tension of water and increases wetting ability.

The molecule of these compounds contains a long hydrocarbon chain R containing 17 carbon atoms. The polar part of the molecule is responsible for the solubility of products in water, and the hydrophobic part, on the contrary, inhibits and complicates dissolution and tends to displace the soap molecule to the surface. This is why soap concentrates only on the surface of the cleaning solution. If you shake it, a foam forms that washes away dirt.

Some detergents contain COOH, which interacts with magnesium and calcium salts. This is fraught with the formation of “lime soap”. It does not dissolve and settles on the fabric, impairing its strength. Therefore, the carboxyl group is either blocked or replaced with another polar reactive group.

Types of Detergents

Detergents are divided into the following types depending on the active group and hydrocarbon radical:

  • Alkyl carbonates (RCOONa)
  • Alkyl sulfates (primary and secondary)
  • Alkylsulfonates
  • Alkylaryl sulfonates or sulfonates
  • Alkylammonium chlorides cationic detergents

During production, detergents contain a lot of sulfates, fatty raw materials, sulfonates, that is, a lot of synthetic substances. The above types of detergents are called ionic or ion-forming. In water they form a surface, active, negatively charged ion. There are also non-ionic detergents, which are not as widespread as the previous ones.

Composition of detergents

As you already understood, the main part of the composition is represented by detergents. The cleaning effect depends on the ability of the product to crush, wet and emulsify contaminants. Laundry soaps contain a lot of potassium and sodium salts of fatty acids. Synthetic detergents do not have high cleaning power, so they are used together with alkaline and neutral salts, foam stabilizers and bleaches.

Alkaline salts are represented by tripolyphosphate, soda ash, trisodium phosphate, hexametaphosphate, sodium silicate. They improve the colloidal structure and emulsifying ability of washing solutions. Thanks to alkaline salts, a strong film is formed around the dirt, the water becomes softer and a favorable environment is created for washing fibrous products. Foam stabilizers promote better penetration of detergents into the product. To re-eliminate the deposition of contaminants, CMC - carboxymethylcellulose - is introduced into their composition.

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A modern housewife cannot imagine herself without detergents. Indeed, how else can you wash all the dirty dishes? Nowadays, there is a huge selection of a wide variety of products that differ not only in the manufacturer, but also in their structure. Dishwashing gel, dishwashing liquid - all this is the result of many years of people's experience, accumulated by trial and error. Let's follow this result and see what detergents used to be and what they are now.

How it all began

In the most ancient times, people washed dishes with plain water, only occasionally using primitive abrasives: sand, crushed stone, small pebbles. And finally, the first detergent appeared that has successfully survived into our times - soap. According to historians, soap appeared in very ancient times and was known even during the Babylonian and Sumerian civilizations. The process of its manufacture was depicted on clay tablets that archaeologists found. Since then, soap has firmly entered the household and has become increasingly popular.

In those days, they had no idea about harmful microelements and bacteria. People were content with the fact that the dishes simply did not remain greasy. In ancient Rome, soap was made from animal fat and was made on Mount Sapo. And in difficult times, when there was nowhere to get soap, they used ordinary mustard powder.

Soap has been a staple cleaning product for centuries. But even in those days, Japanese detergents were different from European ones. In Europe, soap was used with all their might, but in Japan they used traditional methods of cleaning dishes - special powders based on animal fats and abrasives. Japan has always had a special attitude towards hygiene; one need only mention the famous warm springs.

The Birth of Synthetic Detergents

The first synthetic product appeared only in 1916, thanks to the German chemist Fritz Ponter. But the first attempts were not entirely successful, since detergents not only washed the dishes, but also spoiled the skin. Industrial production of synthetic products that were less harmful to the skin began in 1935. It was from this time that the era of synthetic detergents began, leaving soap in second place.

After World War II, the world entered a new industrial era. The era when the household industry becomes more important than the defense industry. Many famous chemical enterprises were born during this period, which are famous to this day.

After defeat in World War II, Japan began active industrialization of the chemical and automobile industries. By investing huge amounts of money, the Japanese government ensured that Japanese production would lead throughout the world. Therefore, the Japanese chemical industry has accumulated rich experience in the production of detergents.

Modern detergents and world market leaders

So we have reached our time, where any housewife can choose anything. But in reality, there are not so many good detergents. There are persistent rumors on the Internet about the dangers of synthetic detergents. Is it true? Partially, yes! Not every detergent can boast that it does not damage delicate women’s skin or does not leave behind harmful microelements. It is because of such poor quality products that these myths are born.

But how can you wash dishes differently, since using soap is very inconvenient? There is only one answer - you need to know which means to choose. It is in this situation that the Japanese chemical industry will help us. Just read how highly developed it is and what diversity it has. In Japan, the chemical industry is firmly established in life and the local population simply cannot imagine themselves without it. Just look at the variety of products. Only there you can find chips with the most unusual flavors, thanks to special chemical emulsifiers that are common only in Japan. Japanese detergents are considered one of the safest dishwashing products.

A variety of dishwashing gels will suit all the requirements of any housewife. Do you want to find a product that does not damage the skin and quickly removes fat even in cold water? Then feel free to turn your attention to Japanese detergents. The active elements of Japanese dishwashing liquid are able to eliminate bacteria and burnt-on fat even in very cold water.

Europe also keeps up with the production of detergents, but there is a slight difference in both price and quality. The European chemical industry is more focused on reducing prices than on good results. One thing is certain - where a European detergent fails, you should try a Japanese one.

As you can see, the history of modern detergents dates back only to the last century, but the result surpasses all traditional means. And now all you have to do is choose which dishwashing detergent you like.