Insurance pensions from April 1 Who is entitled to benefits? So will there be a raise?

From April 1, 2018, the Russian government increased pensions. Who was affected by the latest indexation, and for whom the amount of deductions remained the same? This will be discussed in the article.

What types of pensions are there?

Indexation actually took place in early April, but it did not affect the entire population. The thing is that citizens receive different types of pension contributions. They are usually divided into three types:

  1. Labor pension. According to the law, it is provided exclusively to those Russians who have a certain work experience. Relatively speaking, it is intended for the population who worked officially. Moreover, the labor pension itself is further divided into 3 types: old age, disability and loss of a breadwinner. An old-age pension is awarded to citizens who have officially worked for more than 5 years; they begin to receive cash payments upon reaching the age of 55 and 60 for women and men, respectively (be careful, the minimum age has been increasing in the last few years, so the situation may change by the time they retire) . The other two types of pensions require disability or loss of a survivor, as is clear from the name.
  2. State pension. This type of security is not available to all citizens. The state pays funds only if there is some basis for this. Moreover, the presence of work experience does not affect whether such a pension will be issued or not. State support also has several varieties. For example, a long-service pension is provided to federal officials, military personnel and other categories of citizens. State old-age pension is provided to people who have become participants in man-made disasters and received illnesses or injuries as a result. In terms of disability, state support is provided not to ordinary disabled people, but to former military personnel, astronauts, as well as participants in the siege, World War II, or victims of disasters. In this case, the survivor's pension is provided to the families of the listed persons.
  3. Social pension. This payment format is available to citizens who do not have work experience. If a person worked officially, it is more profitable for him to receive a labor pension. The social pension is provided to pensioners aged 60 and 65 years for female and male persons, respectively, disabled people, disabled children, and minor citizens who have lost their breadwinner.

Indexation of pensions usually concerns a certain category of citizens. For example, the last increase, which took place on April 1, did not in any way affect those who receive a labor pension. Therefore, it is important to understand what kind of pension a person receives, when and in what amount the payments due to him are indexed.

Pension increase schedule for 2018

A pensioner who wants to know whether the amount of his payments will increase in 2018 should familiarize himself with the indexation schedule, which contains information about the timing, amount of indexation, as well as what types of pensions it will apply to. In the current calendar year the situation will be as follows:

  • At the beginning of the year, current insurance payments to non-working pensioners were increased. Let us remind you that usually the annual increase occurred in February, but in 2018 it was applied from January 1. The size of pensions increased by 3.7%.
  • In February, the size of pensions was not increased, however, for preferential categories of citizens, the size of the monthly allowance was increased. The amount of the surcharge increased by 2.5%.
  • The last indexation occurred on April 1. She touched upon social pensions. Their size increased by 2.9%.

The next increase in pensions will take place in August 2018. This time the changes will affect working pensioners. Exactly what kind of growth is expected is still unknown. It is only clear that it will depend on the level of wages of pensioners in 2017. Moreover, the increase will be no more than 3 pension points.

The first increase occurred on January 1 of this year. Then insurance pensions for non-working pensioners were increased. The growth was 3.7%. In this regard, the amount of the required fixed payment has also changed. It was increased to 4,982 rubles 90 kopecks. At the same time, the cost of a pension point was 81 rubles 49 kopecks. Ultimately, the average annual insurance pension increased to:

  • 14,075 rubles - for those who receive an old-age pension;
  • 14,329 rubles - for the non-working population of retirement age.

If we convert the indexation coefficient into rubles (equal to 0.037), on average we get 420 rubles. To independently calculate the amount of your pension from January 1, you must:

  1. find out the size of the pension that was paid before the increase, that is, until 2018;
  2. multiply the found value by 1.037 - this will be the size of the pension from January 1.

For example, if a person received a pension before indexation in the amount of 4,500 rubles, then payments for him from January 1 were increased by 166 rubles 50 kopecks, which exactly corresponds to 3.7%. As a result, the pension amount became 4,666 rubles 50 kopecks.

After this, the monthly wage in February was increased by 2.5%. This change affected federal beneficiaries.

The latest change in the amount of pensions occurred just recently - from April 1, the size of social pensions was increased by 2.9%. This innovation will affect about 4 million pensioners.

Let us remind you that the size of social pensions is related to the size of the cost of living in the previous year. For example, in 2017, the pension increased once and by only 1.2%. This year the growth was slightly higher. In monetary terms, the pension increased by approximately 250 rubles. The average amount in the country became equal to 9,062 rubles. Moreover, for some categories of citizens the increase was more significant in monetary terms:

  • disabled children began to receive 378 rubles more - before April 1, payments amounted to 13,032 rubles, and after indexation - 13,410 rubles;
  • for disabled people from childhood with group 1, their pensions were increased by 382 rubles - before this the payment was 13,174 rubles, and now it is 13,556 rubles.

There was an increase in disability pensions for those who participated in the Second World War or became disabled during military service. For them, the pension amount is now 35,387 and 30,694 rubles, respectively.

Payments for dependents have also increased, albeit slightly. The situation looks like this:

  1. payment for one dependent is 1,762 rubles;
  2. for two people, monthly payments amount to 3,493 rubles;
  3. if there are three dependents, the benefit amount is 5,420 rubles.

The Ministry of Labor also reported that almost 10 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget for the indexation of social pensions from April 1.

The size of the pension is affected not only by the level of indexation, but also by the cost of living for pensioners in the region in which they live. That is, the final level can be further adjusted by local authorities, depending on the cost of living in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

If it suddenly turns out that a citizen’s pension with all the payments due to him does not reach the subsistence level, then he will be paid an additional social supplement.

Indexation of pensions is a mandatory procedure in Russia. Moreover, the size of the increase directly depends on the level of inflation in the country: the higher it is, the greater the indexation required for social payments to maintain the appropriate standard of living of the population.

However, in the last few years, the Government has managed to significantly reduce the level of inflation, which led to a reduction in the level of indexation of various payments, including pensions. For example, in 2017 inflation is expected to be 3.7%. However, in reality it turned out to be significantly lower. For the entire calendar year, the inflation rate is 2.5%.

Moreover, it should be noted that pensions were indexed not by 2.5, but by 2.9%. This is explained by the fact that the increase is made taking into account future periods.

Representatives of the Pension Fund also expressed the opinion that in the next two years the growth of pensions will be 4% per year. However, if the positive trend of lower inflation continues, it is possible that pensions will increase much less.

Who is affected by the current increase?

Various types of pensions are paid to a fairly wide range of people. Therefore, it is not surprising that they sometimes find it difficult to figure out whether the current indexing applies to them or not. For example, a social pension is paid in the absence of any work experience. The latest increase in pensions, which occurred in early April, was provided for these categories of citizens. Those who retired upon reaching retirement age can also expect an increase in payments.

In some cases, social pensions are also awarded to foreigners living in Russia. To do this, they need to fulfill two conditions:

  1. reside permanently in Russia for at least 15 years;
  2. reach a certain age.

Those who receive a survivor's pension will also receive an additional payment. Moreover, such a pension is provided only to those dependents whose breadwinner had no work experience at all. Otherwise, we are no longer talking about a social pension, but about an insurance payment.

Payments will also increase for some peoples of the North who have reached 50 and 55 years of age for females and males, respectively.

The pension will also be higher for military personnel, families with WWII participants, as well as for people affected by man-made disasters.

Perhaps the only category of pensioners who have not received indexation since April 1 are working pensioners. They will have to wait until the end of the summer for a promotion. And after that, indexation will not be provided for several more years, provided that these pensioners continue to work.

Pensions will rise again

From April 1, the average old-age insurance pension will increase by 35 kopecks. This is average. And each pensioner will have his own supplement. Because the pension point in which the pension is calculated increases. In a few days it will be worth 0.38 percent more than it is now. That is, 78.58 rubles. Such changes are provided for by Federal Law No. 416-FZ of December 19, 2016 “On the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019.”

Also, from April 1, social pensions will increase by 1.5 percent. The increase will affect almost 4 million people, including disabled people, war veterans and other beneficiaries. On average, their social pensions will rise to 8,742 rubles, and for disabled children to 13,241 rubles. All these calculations are made on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 16, 2017 N 307, Moscow “On approval of the indexation coefficient of social pensions from April 1, 2017.”

As Rossiyskaya Gazeta has already written, the reason for the increase in social pensions was the increase in the cost of living over the past year. It amounted to just over 8 thousand rubles.

Control over medicines will be strengthened in Russia

From April 1, the requirements for urgent reporting to Roszdravnadzor on adverse reactions and for periodic reporting on the safety of drugs will be significantly expanded. This is stated in the order of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare dated February 15, 2017 No. 1071 “On approval of the procedure for implementing pharmacovigilance.”

As reported on the website of Roszdravnadzor, monitoring of medicines will take place at a modern scientific level, which ensures early detection of threats to life and health that arise from the use of drugs. This is to protect the public from potentially dangerous drugs.

The Central Bank has tightened its assessment of the economic situation of banks

From April 1, the Bank of Russia will begin to calculate the concentration risks of banks whose assets amount to 500 billion rubles or more. This is one of the new criteria by which the regulator determines the economic stability of credit institutions. This is stated in the instructions of the Bank of Russia dated July 25, 2016 N 4082-U. Banks will now have to set lending limits by industry, by geographic area and by type of instrument. Also, credit institutions will be required to report to the Central Bank about their violations.

The first assessment of the concentration risk indicator for banks whose assets are less than 500 billion rubles will be carried out as of October 1, 2017.

Property tax benefits are ending

April 30 will be the last day when Russians will not be charged penalties for unpaid personal property tax payments for 2015. This is stated in the Federal Law of November 30, 2016 N 401-FZ “On Amendments to Parts One and Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.”

But this rule does not apply to everyone. And only those regions (out of 28) that were the first to switch to calculating property tax for 2015 based on cadastral (rather than inventory) value and did not establish an additional period without penalties. The delay in calculating penalties was given so that taxpayers had time to clarify their obligations and cadastral value.

Incomplete week - full vacation

On April 30, Russia will join the Convention on Part-Time Work. We are talking about those who work less than eight hours a day and forty hours a week.

From now on, if your employer reduces your working hours, he must still comply with all the rules that apply when working at full capacity. This is, for example, payment for vacations, sick leave, and work on holidays. And all this should be described in detail in the employment contract.

Who will receive a pension increase from April 1, 2017

On April 1, the second indexation of pensions in 2017 will take place (the previous indexation of 5.4% was on February 1).

From April 1, all insurance pensions will be increased, as well as social pensions for working and non-working pensioners. Social pensions, which are paid in connection with the loss of a breadwinner, will also be indexed. This category includes children under 18 years of age without one or both parents and full-time students under 23 years of age, as well as children of a deceased single mother. Indexation will also affect social pensions for disability, representatives of small peoples of the North and some other categories of citizens.

Will pensions be indexed for working pensioners?

Yes, we would like to draw your attention once again to the fact that indexation, which will take place on April 1, provides for an increase in pensions for both non-working and working pensioners.

How much will pensions increase from April 1, 2017?

Pensions for working and non-working pensioners will be increased by 0.38%.

As reported by the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), insurance pensions will increase by a total of 5.8%, to 13,655 rubles.

Social pensions for working and non-working pensioners will be increased by 1.5%.

In 2017, the average social pension is 8,742 rubles, which is 2.2% higher than the subsistence level.

Together with a one-time payment of five thousand rubles to all pensioners at the beginning of the year, the average old-age pension from April 1 will be 14,072 rubles, the size of the social pension will be 9,159 rubles.

The average social pension will increase by 129 rubles per month. The average disability pension for military personnel will increase by 181 rubles, and survivor pensions for military families will increase by 155 rubles.

The average size of state pensions for disabled people who received military injuries and participants in the Great Patriotic War who receive two pensions will increase by 206 and 200 rubles per month, respectively.

As stated by the Ministry of Labor, indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017 will increase the level of pension coverage for about 3.9 million pensioners, of which 3.1 million people are recipients of social pensions.

What is needed to receive additional payments from April 1

You don’t need to do anything for this - pensions will be indexed automatically. In addition, this will not require any special government orders. As stated in the Ministry of Labor, indexation was initially included in the budget law, so the Pension Fund will automatically begin recalculation.

What increase in pensions awaits pensioners in April 2018? How much can pensions increase as a result of indexation? Who is entitled to a pension increase?

Increase in pension from April 1: who is eligible

indexing and how much in real

In terms of pensions will increase?

Dmitry Medvedev officially announced increase in pensions from April 1, 2018 . 10 MLD has already been allocated from the budget. Russian rubles.

On March 22, an order was signed according to which about 4 million people throughout Russia will receive increase in pension in the form of indexation . The increase will be 2.9%. This, of course, is not a lot of money, but indexation is still carried out every year, therefore, the purchasing power of citizens of retirement age does not decrease so much.

This percentage value is exactly the average increase in the cost of living of citizens of retirement age for 2017.

Speaking in numbers, the average increase this year will be 255 rubles. I would like to answer that budget workers at the moment do not expect any increase in wages and, of course, I want to believe that in our Russia after the elections there will be more favorable conditions for life and work.

Who should expect indexation of pensions?

To whom pensions will be indexed from April 1, 2018? Will it indexation of pensions for working pensioners ? Or just wait indexation of pensions for non-workers ? What's wrong indexation of social pensions ?

Social pensions will be indexed

Federal Law No. 166 establishes the categories of social pension recipients:

  • disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood;
  • small peoples of the North;
  • children who have lost their breadwinner;
  • citizens over 60 years of age (women) and 65 years of age (men).

Social pensions are assigned under an important condition - the absence of insurance coverage. However, the old-age social pension is provided only to non-working pensioners.

State pensions will be indexed

The assignment of state pensions is also fixed by Federal Law No. 166.

State pensions are awarded:

  • military personnel, including WWII veterans;
  • liquidators of Chernobyl;
  • test pilots and space industry workers;
  • to recipients of social pensions;
  • civil servants.

The size of the state pension for these categories can be established on various grounds:

  • depending on the salary during service or work;
  • in a fixed amount;
  • as a percentage of the social pension.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection proposed index social pensions Russians April 1 . “Approve the coefficient indexation of social pensions in the amount of 1.029″,” the document says. The Russian Pension Fund has been instructed to provide regional divisions with information about the level of the coefficient, so that from April 1, 2018, social pensions will be paid indexed.

As stated in the explanatory note, social pensions will be indexed by 2.9 percent.

“Based on the data on the cost of living of a pensioner in the Russian Federation for 2017 (8,315 rubles) and for 2016 (8,081 rubles), the growth rate of the cost of living of a pensioner in the Russian Federation for 2017 was 102.9 percent,” the document says .

In real terms social pensions will grow by 255 rubles – up to 9062 rubles.

The average pension for disabled children and disabled children of group I will increase by 378 rubles and 382 rubles, respectively, and after the increase will be 13,410 and 13,556 rubles. To increase social pensions , according to the explanatory note, 1.07 billion rubles per month will be required, or 9.6 billion rubles by the end of 2018.

Who can't wait for indexation of pensions?

The most common type of pension provision is insurance pensions. It is assigned to people who have insurance experience and deductions on individual personal accounts. However indexation of insurance pensions (including working pensioners) is not planned from April 1, 2018.

In 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation did not fulfill its obligations to pensioners. The second indexation of pension payments, which was supposed to take place in September, was cancelled. Everyone was discussing this issue. The government was not forgiven for this.

The promise to pay each pensioner compensation in the amount of 5,000 rubles at the beginning of 2017, and already in February to carry out the planned indexation of labor and social pensions in full (at the rate of inflation for 2016) slightly reduced the level of tension in society. As a result, the Government not only fully implemented its plans, but also decided to carry out pre-indexation: in April, the final percentage of pension indexation will be brought to 5.8%, which is 0.4% more than planned (official inflation for 2016 was 5.4%) .

The large-scale pension reform that has been carried out in Russia in recent years has somewhat complicated the system of calculating payments to pensioners of different categories. Old-age pensions and social pensions, payments to military personnel, disabled people and citizens who continue to work at retirement age are calculated separately. Also linked to the calculation formula is the officially declared inflation rate for the year. How will the national average pension change from April 1, 2017? How much will disabled people and military personnel receive this year? Will indexation of pensions take place from April 1, 2017 for working citizens?

About the amount of pension payments in 2017

The legislation of the Russian Federation requires that pensions be indexed annually and at a minimum by the percentage of inflation for the previous year. Official inflation for 2016 turned out to be a record - only 5.4%, against 12.9% in 2015 and 11.4% in 2014.

At the beginning of the current 2017, the government announced a February 5.4 percent indexation, which affected pension payments of everyone without exception. Moreover, the Government decided on a second indexation: the overall percentage of pension increases from April 1, 2017 will be 5.8%, which will bring the average old-age pension to 13,893 rubles.

Recipients of social pensions will also receive an increase: if in 2016 the average amount of these payments was 4,959 rubles, then from April 1 the social pension will increase to 5,247 rubles.

Citizens who have not accumulated the required insurance work experience but have already reached retirement age (women - 55 years, men - 65 years) have the right to count on this state assistance.

Lack of experience often becomes the reason for going to work in old age.

This puts the majority of social pension recipients in the category of working pensioners, for whom, as evidenced by the latest decisions of the Government, pensions will not be increased in 2017.

In 2016, there were active rumors that working pensioners would be deprived of any pension payments. The government explained this by saying that there was simply no money in the budget.

Many pensioners were ready to quit so as not to lose their social pension. By the beginning of 2017, the following decision was made: The government will not abolish social pensions for working pensioners, but will not index them either.

For employed citizens, the social pension will not be increased from April 1, 2017, but will be left at the 2016 level. For other categories of pensioners, the indexation will be 5.8%.

Indexation of pensions from April 1, 2017 by 5.8% will affect social and insurance benefits received by disabled people of various groups and disabled people since childhood. With regard to social payments, the April indexation will increase them:

  • from 2974.03 to 3146.52 rubles for disabled people of group I;
  • from 2123.92 to 2247.11 rubles for disabled people of group II. and disabled children;
  • from 1700.23 to 1798.84 rubles for disabled people of group III.

As for insurance pensions for disabled people, after indexation their size will reach:

  • 12593.91 rubles for disabled people of group I;
  • 10495.07 rubles for disabled people II group;
  • 4460.42 rubles for disabled people III group.

Former military personnel in the Russian Federation belong to a separate category of pensioners, since the system for accruing well-deserved pension payments to them is fundamentally different from the formula for calculating pensions for any other categories of beneficiaries and does not depend on inflation.

First of all, the size of a military man’s salary at the time of his retirement is taken as a basis. Next, a percentage is taken from this amount (it is set by the Government every year). According to the provisions of Federal Law No. 430-FZ, from February 1, 2017, this percentage is set at 72.23%, which is 2.78% more than in 2016. If we recalculate the percentage of such indexation in monetary terms, then the amount military pensions will increase by an average of 900-950 rubles, which is about 4%.

The average pension for military pensioners in 2016 was 21,000 rubles, therefore, in 2017 this level will almost reach 22 thousand. Will the second indexation of these payments take place in April or October along with the main planned indexation of other pensions? The latest news from the Ministry of Finance is disappointing: there are no funds in the budget for any indexations after April.

The former military will have to wait for the results of the 2017 financial year (inflation indicator) and, as a result, February 2019 – the time of the next planned indexation.

Additional materials on the topic:

Pension increase from January 1, 2019 and by how much: latest news
Disability pension in 2019: how much do they pay for disability groups 1, 2 and 3 Benefits, benefits and pensions for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 from January 1, 2019 Pensions for military pensioners from January 1, 2019 in Russia: latest news Pension for working pensioners from January 1, 2019: latest news