Moonshiner's table for diluting alcohol online. Online moonshiner calculator, correct dilution of alcohol. Methods for determining the volume of fractions

» Online calculators » Sugar mash calculator

Sugar mash calculator

This calculator is an indispensable assistant for any moonshiner, which will determine the sugar content of your wort before fermentation, based on the amount of added sugar in the resulting volume of mash. The calculator will also calculate the need for water and the final alcohol in the finished mash, as well as the approximate distillate yield of 40% vol.

The calculator supports granulated sugar and dextrose in its calculations.

Important Notes:

1) Try not to exceed the amount of alcohol in your mash above 15%, since most yeast are not resistant to such a concentration of alcohol and stop fermenting the remaining sugars in this environment. This can lead to unnecessary waste of sugar and less alcohol yield than planned. But there are special alcoholic yeasts with a stability above 20%, so you should pay attention to this indicator of your yeast.

2) Dextrose is more expensive than granulated sugar and produces 12.5% ​​less alcohol. But the quality of the distillate from dextrose is higher, since during fermentation the yeast produces fewer by-products!

Online moonshine calculators

  • This calculator is an indispensable assistant for any moonshiner, which will determine the sugar content of your wort before fermentation, based on the amount of added sugar in the resulting volume of mash. The calculator will also calculate the need for water and the final alcohol in the finished mash, as well as the approximate distillate yield of 40% vol.
  • This calculator will help you determine the required amount of water to dilute your batch of distillate, moonshine or alcohol to the strength you need.
  • This calculator will determine the actual strength of the distillate, adjusted for the temperature of the sample

The online moonshiner calculator is an indispensable tool for the distiller. In order for the prepared moonshine to please you with its taste, it is necessary to accurately calculate important parameters for selecting ingredients for the mash, diluting and mixing the moonshine, and selecting the heads and tails. You can calculate these parameters using the moonshiner’s alcohol calculator, and it’s completely free.
To calculate beer parameters, use brewer's calculators.

Online alcohol dilution calculator(moonshine) will help you understand how much water you need to add to get the resulting drink of the required strength. It is enough to enter only 3 parameters into the alcoholic moonshine dilution calculator: the initial volume of alcohol, the strength of the initial volume and the required strength. At the output you will receive the exact volume of water that needs to be added to the alcohol.

Alcohol mixing calculator will help determine the degree of alcohol when mixing alcoholic drinks of different strengths and volumes. It is enough to enter the strength and volume of the two distillates to be mixed. Afterwards, the calculator will instantly make calculations and display the final degree of the mixture.

Fractional distillation calculator for raw alcohol will help you online determine the number of “heads” and “tails” that need to be selected when distilling raw alcohol. You just need to drive in the initial volume of raw alcohol, its strength and the desired output strength. Then the calculator itself will calculate how many heads and tails need to be selected during distillation. It will also give out the strength and volume of the “body”.

Sugar content table in products will help determine the sugar content in fruit raw materials for mash. After making the calculations, you will understand how much sugar you need to add to the fruit mash to the sugar already present in the products.

Calculating the amount of ingredients for the mash and diluting the finished product can be done using a moonshine calculator. Approximate calculations of the volume of fractions during distillation can be determined by the sugar or alcohol content in the raw material.

Below are the most necessary calculators, using which you can achieve the production of high-quality raw materials.

Calculator for diluting alcohol with water

Calculator for diluting alcohol with water

You need to add ml of water.

Exact proportions of alcohol are needed when we are going to make various tinctures and liqueurs, for example, for apple tincture you need 35%, but only batin vigorous moonshine with an alcohol content of 99% is available, what should we do? How to dilute? Just enter this data into the calculation form above and get exact advice on what to do.

Sugar mash calculator

It will help determine the correct proportions of mash and the highest possible alcohol content in it after fermentation is complete.

Mash calculator

The output will be a mash containing % alcohol.

Take these calculations seriously; how successfully you control the entire process of making moonshine directly determines its taste, color and smell!

Calculator for replacing sugar with fructose or glucose

Wash made from glucose will produce 12.5% ​​less alcohol than the same one made from sucrose, but of higher quality. This calculator will calculate how much glucose is needed so that the resulting moonshine is the same as with 1 kg of sugar.

Calculator for replacing sugar with glucose

You will need kg of glucose.

Fermentation efficiency (alcohol calculator in mash before and after fermentation)

For refractometer with Brix Wort SG scale. The calculator will show the efficiency of fermentation, how well the yeast worked and what we have as a result.

Alcohol calculator in mash before and after fermentation

You will need kg of glucose.

Distillation to water calculator

Based on the volume of mash and the alcohol content in it, the calculator will calculate the expected yield of moonshine and the volume of stillage in the distillation cube that will remain from the distillation process.

Optimal wort acidity calculator

In order for fermentation to be successful and unwanted bacteria not to develop during this process, the medium must be of optimal acidity: 4.0-4.5 pH. If you have to make corrections to the wort, this must be done before pitching the yeast. In this case, citric acid or lemon juice(based on the calculation: 5 grams of acid corresponds to the juice of one medium lemon). You will need even the simplest pH meter to control acidity.

Optimal wort acidity calculator

For dilution you only need a gram of acid.

Calculation of moonshine fractionation

Distillation of mash involves obtaining a product that, in addition to ethyl alcohol, contains impurities of minor components. Their presence negatively affects the quality of moonshine.

Therefore, it is important to carry out a preliminary calculation of the volume of fractions, which among distillers are called heads, distillate bodies and tails. When selecting fractions, it is important to take into account the boiling point of ethyl alcohol and impurities.

By the way, here you can download the moonshine calculator to your computer: CalcSam.exe

To determine how much of the first fraction of moonshine needs to be taken, different calculation methods are used. The simplest method is based on measuring the level of sugar content in the mash before adding yeast.

  • For example, if 1 liter of mash contains 15% sugar, then using simple arithmetic operations you can calculate its weight.
  • It leaves 150 g. According to practical observations, from 1 kg of sugar used to prepare mash, you need to select 70-100 ml of the first fraction.
  • For 1 liter of mash the indicator will be 10.5-15 ml, and for 10 - 105-150 ml.
  • In order to obtain in the process of moonshine quality product, it is necessary to select as many heads with harmful impurities as possible during slow heating
  • . This allows you to get pure high quality moonshine.

Secondary distillation

If the process involves secondary distillation of moonshine, then the sampling of the estimated volume of heads can be divided into two parts and 75 ml taken each.

The selection of tailings is carried out at the moment when the strength of the distillate changes. If the indicator drops below 40-41% vol., then tailings selection must be started immediately. To prevent fusel oils from entering the main container, it is necessary to measure the strength of the distillate collected in a separate container more often towards the end of the process.

  • When using the double distillation method, raw alcohol is selected to a strength of 30% vol. For this it is better to use an alcohol meter.
  • If the necessary device is not at hand, then the determination is carried out by setting fire to the liquid in a teaspoon.
  • In this case, you need to adhere to basic safety rules and not use open fire near the distillation site.
  • The raw material is collected until the liquid burns.

Methods for determining the volume of fractions

The volume of the first fraction can be calculated using ethyl alcohol. This method involves extracting the distillate from the mash without separation. After the process is completed, the strength of the moonshine is measured using an alcohol meter.

For example, if 1 liter of moonshine contains 45% ethyl alcohol, then for 100% pure alcohol in the distillate the volume will be 0.45 liters. Based on this indicator, fractions are calculated. As heads you need to select 10-15% of the estimated amount of alcohol or 45-70 ml of the total volume.

An important indicator when selecting heads is smell. The first fraction is characterized by the presence of impurities. Therefore, experienced distillers practice by placing a clean hand under the stream of distillate and catching a few drops.

They are rubbed on the palm of your hand and the aroma is smelled. The selection of the body is carried out after the smell of the first fraction disappears. The temperature method can be used to separate the distillate into parts. But the practical side of its use does not give accurate results.

Measuring the strength of moonshine

  • One of the important parameters of an alcoholic drink that expresses its quality and nobility is strength.
  • The indicator determines the ratio of the volume of pure ethyl alcohol to the total amount of liquid.
  • By taste qualities The strength of a product is difficult to understand, so in practice measurements are carried out using a hydrometer or alcohol meter.
  • The operating principle of the devices is based on measuring the density of a liquid substance.

Each alcohol meter is designed for a specific operating range. To work with moonshine, it is better to use a device that determines the strength from 0 to 80% vol. An alcohol meter is used to determine the density of the mash and the finished distillate.

Since the density of alcohol differs from water, its content in different proportions in the mixture indicates a difference in performance. The lower the density of the mixture, the deeper the device dives.

To get the most accurate result, it is recommended to take measurements at a distillate temperature of 20°C. The alcohol meter only works under specified conditions, so it will not be able to give a result if the gravity is below or above the range.

The device is lowered into the liquid. The strength of the drink is determined according to the scale printed inside the glass tube.

Calculation of alcohol density reduction

Professionals say that the strength of moonshine should not be lower than 50% vol. As a result of distillation, a strong drink is obtained. To make it enjoyable to drink, you need to reduce the strength by mixing and softening.

For this you can use:

  • wine;
  • water with sugar or fructose;
  • herbal tinctures;
  • clean softened water.

In various variants, moonshine is used in certain proportions. To blend the resulting products, you can use online mixing calculators.

Using the program, you can calculate the density of moonshine obtained by mixing two volumes of an alcoholic drink with different strengths. For example, if you take 500 ml of liquid with a strength of 40 and 55% vol. and mix them, the output will be 1000 ml of a mixture with an indicator of 48% vol.

Using the calculator

Using a dilution calculator allows you to calculate the required amount of alcohol and water for a given volume and density. To do this, you will need to enter the required volume, degree and strength of the available alcohol.

For example, to obtain 1000 ml of a mixture with a density of 40% vol. in the presence of a distillate with a strength of 55% vol. you need to take 727 ml of moonshine and 273 ml of water.

  • You can use another calculation method in which you can calculate the volume of water that needs to be added to the existing alcohol to obtain the desired strength.
  • In the field of the online calculator, enter the volume of alcohol, density and required degree after dilution. For example, if you have 1000 ml of alcohol with a strength of 55% vol. to dilute it up to 40% vol. you will need 375 ml of water. The total volume after addition will be 1375 ml.
  • Calculators use the unit of volume in milliliters, and numbers are entered in whole numbers, without fractions. When using the program, you can accurately carry out calculations for any type of drink prepared on the basis of moonshine.

Correct calculation of the distillation process

The distillation process is preceded by the technology of preparing the wort. To calculate the alcohol content in the mash, there is a sugar wort calculator. Data on the amount of sugar is entered into the fields of the calculator.

  • For example, 1 kg of sugar will require 4.84 liters of water.
  • The result of fermentation is a mash with an alcohol content of 11.8%.
  • It is important to take into account the yeast’s tolerance to alcohol.
  • Alcoholic yeast is predominantly used for the process.
  • The sustainability indicator for them is 18%.

When replacing sucrose with glucose, the volume of the final product decreases. To obtain the same amount of moonshine, you need to take more glucose. There is an ingredient conversion calculator for calculations. To replace 1 kg of sucrose you need to take 1.125 kg of glucose.

For the distillation process, a calculator is provided that allows you to calculate the time, heating temperature of the cube, and the selection of liquid by fraction. To obtain accurate data, the technical parameters of the cube are entered into the fields of the calculator.

Calculations based on data are relevant for distillation using the simplest designs of distillation apparatus. The boiling point calculator for a water-alcohol mixture allows you to calculate values ​​at normal atmospheric pressure.

Such a calculator is simply necessary to correctly calculate the volumes of mixing water and alcohol. The fact is that undiluted alcohol, the strength of which is 96%, is rarely used in everyday life. It is practically not suitable for drinking or for any other purposes, for example, preparing alcoholic beverages. Therefore, vodka is most often used at home.

But using vodka also presents its own difficulties. So, we know that during the preparation of tinctures, homemade cognac, etc. the alcohol base loses its strength. As a result, the final product is disappointingly low in alcohol content. While alcohol diluted to the required strength will give us an ideal 40-degree product.

Let's try to explain how to properly mix alcohol and water to achieve the desired strength. So..

Alcohol strength (%):

Initial volume of alcohol (ml, ml)

Required strength (%):

Choosing alcohol

The best alcohol that can be used to make homemade alcohol is alcohol made from grains (rye and wheat) "Alpha" If you have it, then you don’t have to read about other alcohols. But if you have a different alcohol, then know that alcohol is in second place in quality "Lux", in the production of which, in addition to grain crops, up to 35% of potatoes are used. In third place are alcohols - "Extra" And "Basis", the basis of which is 40% grains and 60% potatoes. Alcohol with inscription "Highest purity" can only be used in the preparation of the most mediocre vodka, and with the inscription "First grade"- it’s better not to use it at all (you’ll end up with a worse “palenka”).

Choosing water

Let us say right away that tap water cannot be used to dilute alcohol. Even if you boil it. Theoretically, it can be settled, passed through special water filters, and finally softened, but it is best to initially purchase distilled or bottled water, which no longer contain harmful impurities and are quite soft in their characteristics.

How to use the calculator

Elementary: just enter the requested data in the appropriate cells and click the “calculate” button. The calculator will automatically give you the numbers you are looking for.

Calculate the proportions of water and alcohol

This point cannot be omitted, although the Internet is now full of automatic calculation calculators. You have already seen one of them with us. But a situation may arise in life when you urgently need to reduce your alcohol level, but you don’t have the Internet at hand. Therefore, it is always better to play it safe and know the principle on which any calculator works.

The essence of his work is in a formula that is easy to remember:

x=np/m-p, in which x is the amount of water that will need to be mixed with alcohol;

n is the strength of your alcohol before dilution;

p – the volume of undiluted alcohol you have;

m is the alcohol strength you want to obtain.

You need to make calculations in the same units! Milliliters are ideal for this (calculation in liters is only possible for owners of industrial stocks of alcohol).

Let's give an example of the practical application of the formula: we need to dilute 100 ml of 96% alcohol to 50%. We count: 96X100/50-100= 92. So, we need 92 ml of water.

Dilution process

Prepare 2 containers: one with the alcohol you want to dilute, the other with the calculated amount of (necessarily cold) water. The water container must be designed for the entire volume of the final product. This is necessary for the reason that when diluting alcohol, it is the alcohol that is poured into the water. If this is neglected, the resulting solution will be cloudy.

However, after mixing with water, the alcohol is not yet ready for use. Keep it closed (sealed) for 3-7 days at +50C so that all chemical reactions in it are completed. After a week, the alcohol is ready. Use it for any drinking purpose.

Very often, to prepare most tinctures at home, we need alcohol, but pure 96 degree alcohol is not suitable for us, and the strength of ordinary vodka (40%) is not enough in many recipes. So what should we do, everything is very simple, you need to properly dilute the medical alcohol to the strength you need, as a rule, it is enough to achieve a concentration of 70%.

The easiest way to do this at home is to take and dilute alcohol with water; people call this method “cold”; it is even used in some distilleries. All we need is medical alcohol and the required amount of water.

Technology for diluting alcohol with water

  • Alpha – 96.3%(made from rye or wheat);
  • Lux – 96.3%(cereals and potatoes 35%);
  • Extra – 96.3%
  • Basis – 96.0%(cereals and potatoes 60%);
  • Highest purification – 96.2%(suitable for the production of cheap vodka);
  • 1st grade – 96.0%(not used for preparing alcoholic beverages).

Here we see a list of all types of alcohol that can be found on sale in our country. If you have a choice, it is best to use Alfa alcohol, but it is better not to take the last two varieties.

With the second ingredient - water, everything is also not so simple; you cannot use tap water, even if you boil it first. As practice shows, tap water is often very hard and contains various impurities. For getting best result, distilled or store-bought purified mineral water is ideal, in this case we will protect our diluted alcohol from becoming cloudy.

Proportions for diluting alcohol with water

Probably one of the most difficult tasks is calculating the proportions, how much of what we need to add to get the required strength, for this you can use ours.

This calculator works based on the following formula:

X = NP/M - P

  • X is the number of ml of water that needs to be added.
  • M – required strength of the final solution;
  • Where N is the initial alcohol strength;
  • P - initial volume.

For example, to obtain 70% alcohol per jar of medical alcohol (100 ml), you need to add 37 ml of water.

96*100/70-100=37 ml

When diluting, it is very important to pour alcohol into water, and not vice versa, otherwise the solution may become cloudy. And you need to use cold water. This fact was proven by D.I. Mendeleev.

How to dilute alcohol with water to make vodka

If we are faced with a more mundane task, then for this we will need to add 140 ml of water, and the output will be 240 ml. If the resulting solution is prepared for direct use, we recommend slightly enhancing the taste and smell. To do this, you can simply add a little citrus juice, citric or acetic acid, honey or glucose. We add all these ingredients to taste, but if you overdo it too much, you can get not vodka, but a tincture.

For example, to simply soften the taste, you need to add no more than one tablespoon of acetic or citric acid per liter of vodka, add honey in a ratio of 1 to 10.


After we have received the solution we need in terms of strength, it cannot yet be called ready; it needs to sit for several days, or better yet a whole week, this is necessary so that all the chemical reactions that occur there are completed. Moreover, it is necessary to defend at a temperature of +5 degrees Celsius in a tightly closed and completely filled container, otherwise the alcohol will lose its properties upon contact with oxygen.

Once the solution has settled, you can safely begin preparing various tinctures or other alcoholic drinks at home.

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