Hobbies and interests at 10-11 years old. Hobbies for boys, or channel your energy in the right direction. Music and drawing

One of the most important aspects of raising a child is his physical development. Endurance and a good muscular system are the key to health and productive study. Therefore, it is very important for parents to create the right mood in their child by offering him a choice of different sports sections. Now there is no shortage of them. Tennis, various types of fitness, contact sports, swimming, dancing - the choice is huge. So that your child can choose an activity he likes, you can sign him up for trial training in several sections. This will make it easier to determine what he is predisposed to. And, of course, we must not forget about personal example. If parents spend the whole weekend at home in front of the TV, it will be very difficult to explain to a teenager that sports are useful.

Many teenagers enjoy going to various clubs and sections with friends. If you gather a group of children who are passionate about what they love, you can be almost sure that they will not give up doing it.

In addition to sports development, you definitely need to get interested in various logical puzzles. Playing chess, checkers, Monopoly, and even ordinary forfeits develops logic and the ability to think outside the box. And this will be very useful for a teenager in adulthood. In modern realities with high competition in the labor sphere, finding an interesting, well-paid job is quite difficult. And many HR managers look not so much at a diploma or work experience, but at how a person behaves during an interview, how quickly and competently he answers questions.

There are particularly difficult turning points when a child flatly refuses to do something. You should not force a hobby on him, this will only complicate matters. Wait a month or two and try again.

Difficult years - how to cope with teenage “I don’t want”

In winter, you can go out into the yard to play games, build a snowman together, or go sledding. Active recreation not only lifts the spirits of children, but also charges them with energy and positivity. The main thing is not to overdo it, because it is difficult to keep a child’s interest in one for longer than 20-30 minutes.

On cold winter evenings, watch funny good cartoons together and read fascinating books. Or tell a few funny and funny incidents from your childhood. You can take colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens and together draw some funny non-existent animals, while at the same time inventing ideas for them.

Video on the topic


In fact, it is very easy to make a child happy. Sometimes, in order for him to have fun enough, his parents would simply be at home, and not disappear at work from morning until late at night. Any initiative of loving parents will certainly be rewarded with the child’s cheerful laughter.

Helpful advice

To develop a child’s imagination, a game such as “compose a fairy tale” is also suitable. The whole family can play it. Each person takes turns saying a sentence that should complement the previous one. If you approach this task with humor, you can get an original and funny story.

Children always enjoy gifts. And the best gift is a beautiful toy. Waiting for the next family holiday is a miracle, a fairy tale, a dream come true for a child. And you can make his wishes come true if you give him a wonderful gift. What's the best way to please?

You will need

  • - soap bubbles, balls, jump ropes, rackets;
  • - water pistols, sprinklers;
  • - music center or simple tape recorder;
  • - prizes;
  • - balls, flowers;
  • - sweet treats.


Think about what kind of gift yours will be happy with. A beautiful cafe, delicious treats, a lot of guests and various surprises - all this makes you happy. A gift can be both practical (clothes, shoes) and useful (or an educational game). It should be bright and beautiful.

Add new colors to the holiday for. The celebration will be truly magical if you decorate the room with flowers and balloons. You can make it from fresh flowers. Today, floral technologies make it possible to create flower compositions in the form of a magnificent toy, which becomes the center of attention at any holiday. A toy made from real flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. Order a flower figure in the shape of a fairy-tale character for your baby: the child will be truly delighted.

Hold a festive event at the dacha, it will be fun and relaxing. Prepare everything in advance so that you have time to prepare. Place the festive table in the shade, preferably away from adults. Make delicious and easy meals, such as fun animal shaped cookies. Decorate the cake in an unusual way. You can put ice cream on the table if there is a refrigerator at your dacha.

Prepare sprinklers, water guns, soap bubbles. If the event is held near a body of water, then warn guests to take swimsuits. You can make a fire or make barbecue.

Play different games. Take balls, jump ropes, badminton rackets with you. Prepare small prizes for the winners of the game. Your baby and guests will be very happy about such a holiday; the child will remember this event for a long time and, perhaps, will want to repeat it.

Video on the topic


  • What to please your child in 2018

Someone who has stopped being surprised himself is unlikely to be able to surprise anyone, especially baby. So start with yourself. Remember what surprised you the last time and how long ago it was.


The way you surprise your boyfriend, of course, depends on him. For example, you can play peek-a-boo with the little ones. Hide and look out from different shelters, joyfully exclaiming “kuckoo!” Confusion baby your disappearance will be replaced by surprise and joy at your appearance.

For older kids, you can play the orienteering game blindfolded. Play in the yard where there is plenty of free space. Blindfold him with a scarf, spin it around its own axis and tell him whether he should take steps to the right, left, forward or backward. Then ask him, without untying him, to name the place in which he found himself. When you untie his scarf, he will be very surprised to see where he ends up. Even if he guesses this place, he will still be surprised at his ingenuity.

Surprise baby, telling him a tall tale about what happened to you on the way home from work. For example, you went to the grocery store, and say that you met a talking squirrel in the forest, and she gave these delicious nuts to your son or daughter.

Surprise baby, having done something atypical for you: start doing exercises every morning, take pictures together, do a headstand, show him your hometown from a bird's eye view, learn to wiggle your ears together, tell him where babies come from, plant flowers and wait for them to will bloom, go in search of treasure at your summer cottage, buy a microscope and look at everything, take baby to the planetarium, tell him about dinosaurs, etc.

Put yourself in your place more often baby and see the world through his eyes. To do this, try to find in yourself baby. Cultivate your attentiveness and observation, and then he will learn to be surprised himself.

What can you do if you have children and some free time? Here are some activities you can do in your free time.

You can play sports games: tennis, football, badminton or others. One of the most optimal activities can be such active recreation. Of course, these must be sports games. These games don't require very much. For example, such games do not require extremely complex grounds or sports equipment, which can be purchased at any sports store for a reasonable price.

You can start solving puzzles. Children must develop not only physically, but also mentally. Try inviting your children to solve interesting, but not particularly difficult, puzzles or puzzles. They can be found in many children's magazines or crossword puzzles. Among other things, there are also computer games that are based on puzzles. They require logical thinking and can be quite useful for... But it is best to give preference to paper puzzles, because the computer has an extremely negative effect on people.

You can play games with the children. These could be Cossacks-Robbers, Salochki or Zhmurki. Such children's active games will be an extremely interesting pastime for children. All of these games are built solely on getting your kids to move as much as possible while being cunning and smart. If a child doesn’t remember the rules of the game well, they should be printed on a nice, large piece of paper.

You can go to the circus, zoo or park. Such events will be a real holiday for children, because children do not often see wild animals or ride on carousels. In addition, children will also receive a lot of positive emotions in just one day.

It can be difficult to keep six-year-olds busy. In fact, you can find hobbies for them. Girls love to play with dolls, embroider, draw and do other interesting things.


Give the girl a piece of paper, pencils or paints. At this age, children love to draw. Show your participation - invite your child to join him. Ask him what he would like to draw.

Games with friends

Allow the girl to bring friends home. Play educational and entertaining games with them. To do this, draw up a scenario in advance according to which further events will develop. You can captivate children with a board game.


Buy puzzles. A girl will definitely appreciate products with images of her favorite hero, animals, etc. Start collecting a small drawing, then a large one. Help your child - it will be more fun. At the same time, you will show how to assemble puzzles correctly.

Computer games: harm or benefit?

Invite the girl to play a computer game for a while. Just remember that the child should sit in front of the monitor for no more than half an hour. There is a stereotype that all such games are bad. But scientists have long proven that children who spend their free time at the computer have a high IQ, they have a developed reaction and a good memory. True, there is a huge disadvantage here - dependence on games. Your task is to prevent this from happening. Consider the computer as one of the ways to keep a girl occupied for a very short time.


Invite your child to build a construction set. There are now a variety of LEGOs for girls on sale. Choose the appropriate option for your baby and give it to her. A construction set is a great thing for developing a child’s thinking and attention.

Educational games

Puzzles, crosswords, scanwords, riddles are another way to keep a six-year-old girl busy. Sit comfortably on the bed or sofa with your child and start solving. This will make the environment more friendly and show your baby that you want to have fun with her.


At the age of six, girls really enjoy playing with dolls. Buy a house for Barbie, all kinds of accessories, household appliances, clothes. This way the baby will be able to imitate you by combing the doll’s hair, feeding it, dressing it, ironing things with a child’s iron, etc. Just imagine how much a girl will enjoy such an exciting activity.

DIY kits

In stores you can find various children's embroidery and sewing kits. Surely the girl will like this activity. She must only do this under your personal supervision, otherwise the child may accidentally inject herself. You can also show the future owner how to crochet correctly. She will definitely need these skills in later life.

Tip 7: Six Ways to Make Kids Have Fun

Summer is a great time to have active fun with your children. However, sometimes the days drag on endlessly, and you don't have enough imagination for an interesting pastime. Here are some ideas to help you get active and get some fresh air this year.

In the apartment

Lying on the floor, take turns turning to each other. Decorate your room with funny designs of clothes and funny faces. To make this project educational, you can read the book Stanley's Apartment.

In the garden

You will give your child valuable experience, teach him responsibility and get a lot of positive impressions by growing crops. If you have the time and desire, you can make your entire landscape edible and delicious. Agree, it would be great to wander around the yard, picking juicy berries. Blueberries, strawberries, greens and fruit trees are not at all difficult to care for. Some vegetables, like tomatoes, need nothing more than plenty of water and sun to grow like weeds. Start small and see what happens.

Gymnastic hoops

Has your child ever tried to twirl a hula hoop? Teach him how to do it. Then take the hoop in your hand and put on a circus act in your yard or try to get your dog to jump over it. Use your imagination and imagination.

Hopscotch game

Teach your children this exciting entertainment. Let them draw the structure themselves. Remember how many squares you drew and how many times you jumped per day? Perhaps they will do the same.


Balloons are always a favorite. Chase the bubbles and burst them. You can also use special sticks to give the balls different shapes and sizes.

Tip 8: How can a mother find free time, or 14 ways to keep her children busy?

It is very difficult for a mother to find free time for any task. Attempts to do something are almost always doomed to failure. But there are life-saving activities that help keep a child occupied for a while.

It is very difficult for a mother to combine caring for and raising children with household chores. While the child is awake, she can play with him and spend time, but the hardest part will begin when he falls asleep. Mom will start doing household chores: washing, ironing, cleaning, cooking, etc. This method is very tiring, takes all her strength, and completely exhausts her.

This situation can be avoided. It is necessary to select activities for children so that they can calm down, do something for a long time, and so that this does not require the constant presence of their mother. The child gets tired of children's toys, so he wants to replace them with “adult” ones that his parents use. Children love to imitate adults.

There are many ways to keep your child busy. But not all games are suitable for children; sometimes parents do not have the financial opportunity to provide such activities. There are 14 children's games that do not require financial investments or the costs are minimal.

1. Pots and utensils for cooking. Children of all ages love to play with it. They have many different games related to pots, ladles, etc. You can stack them, sit on them, put them on your head, shout in them, prepare papers, toys, etc.

If you have never given your children a toy of this kind before, be sure to give it a try. The child will be extremely busy playing for about an hour.

2. Cutlery (spoons, ladles, spatulas, etc.). Children love to play with everything shiny, and especially what is out of reach. The main thing is to count the number of items given away so that you don’t lose anything later. It is better if they play in one place (for example, a room) so as not to search for cutlery throughout the apartment.

You can supplement the table set with various (preferably plastic) jars and containers so that children can put everything the way they want.

3. A box (preferably many small ones or 1-2 large ones). In small ones you can fold/lay out various items (it is better to give the necessary things in advance so that the child does not wonder where he can get suitable items), put them on his head, etc.

You can climb into the big one yourself, play with several children and do everything the same as with the small boxes. It’s better to choose unnecessary boxes in advance so that your baby doesn’t spoil the ones he needs.

4. Jars or any containers. You can come up with many games with them (similar to boxes, pots). It is better if the containers are transparent, then it will be more interesting for the child to play with them.

5. Floor mosaic. There are many different types of shapes and sizes in stores (to suit taste and budget). If you haven’t heard of this yet, you can type “children’s floor mosaic” on the Internet and you can get to know it remotely.

Children will have fun, play, develop imagination and tactile sensations.

6. Construction from construction sets and cubes. Both girls and boys like to build tall towers of various variations and designs, but they no less like to destroy their buildings. Children can play this exciting game for a long time without distracting their mother from important matters.

7. Drawing. Favorite childhood activity. Gives time for a break, restores strength after active games. Develops fine motor skills, attentiveness, concentration, and imagination. Mom does her job and at the same time develops the children, so that time passes with benefit for both parties.

8. Rolling toys down the slide. Children love to slide down the slide. If it is not possible to install a slide at home for children (or the children have already become tired of it for its intended purpose), then you can use an alternative method. You can roll toys down the slide: cars, balls, etc. If you already have a slide, then this is not difficult, all that remains is to show the child how to play this game.

But if there is none, then it can be replaced. For example, a wooden plank that needs to be placed so that it does not fall, or any other object to form a slide from which various objects can be rolled down. An ironing board works best for this purpose for me. It can be installed anywhere, it is safe and much easier to put up and put away.

9. Playing with an instrument. It is not suitable for all mothers, but only for those who are more persistent in spirit, and preferably those who do not have the most expensive furniture and repairs. Although in my case, this did not affect the renovation or furniture at all. You can give any instrument that... But it is better to use broken models instead of working ones.

For boys: drill, jigsaw (first remove all files or bits), unconnected sockets, screwdrivers, extension cord (you can “plug in” all your equipment into it for convincing), everything a man can use, except dangerous ones - sharp or small objects, that can be swallowed.

Girls: tongs, hair dryer, everything a woman can use, except dangerous ones - sharp or small objects that can be swallowed.

10. Homemade or purchased tent. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself using available materials, but in case 2 it takes more time to assemble/disassemble it. Children enjoy spending time in a small, cozy house. Some people like to sit in it, some like active games, some show other character traits (my youngest son always kicked me out “from his territory” and didn’t let me in).

11. Trying on things. Surely everyone has unnecessary clothes in their home. Children of both sexes love this activity. Place your things on the sofa or bring them in a box. Children's attention will immediately be captured by a new and interesting activity - trying on different things.

12. Watching a cartoon. A favorite way to distract children. You don't even need to add anything here. But it’s better to put on educational cartoons, so the children can also learn something without distracting their mother.

13. Soap bubbles. This option is only suitable for those who have acquired a special device that blows soap bubbles. Children really enjoy these activities; they can spend a lot of time playing this exciting game.

14. Balloons (plain or helium). Inflated colorful balloons attract children's attention. It is enough to have helium balloons according to the number of children. They can interest the child’s attention for a long time.

The path that a child travels from birth to 10 years is enormous. In a lanky little man entering adolescence, it is almost impossible to recognize an unintelligent baby. He is even different from a three-year-old child, but this transformation happened unnoticed by his parents. The beginning of puberty is characterized by the child’s active actions in the team. Previously, he only had contact with certain peers. In high school, the student and teaching staff is more diverse. The number of contacts a child has in the yard, in sections, and circles. Boys and girls begin to perceive role behavior as the attitudes of a certain community. The team becomes the most powerful and tough teacher of the growing child.

Physical changes that are noticed at the age of 10 years show that girls and boys begin to develop faster - body weight increases, height increases. The body accumulates resources for a subsequent leap in development. Soon, girls’ development begins to outpace them; only by the age of 15-16 do boys catch up with girls, and everything takes on a natural order. Noticeable differences are reflected in the psychological state of both girls and boys in the form of self-doubt, and often the amount of these experiences depends on the parents. It is extremely important to talk about the peculiarities of development, to be always there and in full readiness to support the child during a difficult period, to prepare for the subsequent rapid development of the body.

Development of a child at 10 years old (what he should know and be able to do)

At the age of 10, educational activity comes to the fore, a lot of effort is devoted to it, on its basis, children develop theoretical consciousness and thinking, and the ability to reflect, analyze, and plan their present time and future life appears. Learning needs are supported by motives; 10-year-old children must be able to learn, operate with their knowledge, retain a large amount of information in memory and reproduce it.

The child’s sense of competence is enriched, which is reinforced by successful studies, awareness of his abilities and the ability to perform various tasks efficiently. Competence is new in the child’s self-awareness along with the development of the sphere of volition. A ten-year-old child strives to fit into the group and communicates mainly with children of the same sex. The need for a mother and strong attachment weakens, but the behavior of a 10-year-old child still depends on the upbringing of his parents.

Nutrition of a child at 10 years old

The daily menu includes several main meals (3-4) and snacks. Nutrition consists of the same products as adults, but the quantity and quality must differ. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in an adult is calculated using the formula 1:1:4, in a ten-year-old child - 1:1:5, since the body's metabolic processes require much more energy. Food must include a large amount of protein, which makes vegetarianism unacceptable. Protein starvation can cause mental and physical development disorders.

Ten-year-old boys and girls experience increased gastric digestion associated with hormonal changes, so food that is heavy, coarse, and difficult to digest can create digestion problems for children. You should also not give them a lot of sour and spicy foods, spices, hot seasonings.
At primary school age, children may still experience allergies to certain types of food. This is because increased permeability of the intestinal walls can cause undigested food molecules to enter the bloodstream, triggering a response from the body's immune system.

There should be approximately 4-4.5 hours between meals. A junior schoolchild should consume 300-400 grams of vegetables daily, and the same amount of fruits or berries, preferably fresh. At the same time, they need to be changed so that the body receives different vitamins and minerals. Cereal products should provide the growing body with energy and support the immune system. More than 50 percent of calories in the body are allocated to carbohydrates. In general, nutrition should be correct - and this means balanced, varied, regular and enjoyable.

Daily routine for a 10 year old child

To maintain the child’s health and provide the best conditions for development, it is necessary to follow a daily routine. In addition to nutrition, it is important to take time for hygiene procedures, walk in the fresh air, allocate time for doing homework with breaks, and also go to bed at the same time. The body of schoolchildren burns calories especially intensively in the morning, so special attention should be paid to breakfast.

Eating regularly in the morning reduces the risk of many diseases. Breakfast is simply necessary for better resistance to stress and high psycho-emotional and physical stress, and in addition, it maintains normal weight in children. It has been found that more than 40 percent of obese teenagers do not eat breakfast, and boys are at greater risk of becoming obese. Everything turns out quite banal - in the evenings, mothers, experiencing a guilt complex, try to “feed” the child to the required “amount.” As a result, food is not digested, the child sleeps poorly, eats poorly in the morning and continues to gain weight. For active, easily excitable children, you need to set aside 25 minutes before meals to calm down after exertion and prepare for meals.

Activities with a 10 year old child (how to develop)

To preserve and reproduce information, it is very important to develop and strengthen memory in every possible way. At school, in almost every lesson, the teacher uses various methods to develop and strengthen memory. In your free time, you can also pay attention to this in a playful way, involving the company of children. To prevent exercises from becoming boring, it is better to present them in a bright form - children are attracted to everything. What causes an emotional response.

Several types of entertaining games to train memory and attention

1. “My favorite fruit”
Under the guidance of an adult, several children stand in a circle. The first child names his favorite fruit. The next participant names his fruit and repeats the previous name, and so on. The last participant must list all the names that were pronounced in the circle. By joining the game in a chain, children concentrate their attention and develop memory.

2. "Observation"
The driver’s task is to describe the furnishings of a room or premises known to everyone (for example, a school canteen or assembly hall), the rest listen carefully and complement.

3. "Pairs of words"
This exercise can be used on the road, in nature, at home by adults and children. Name several pairs of words (ball - jump rope, plate - porridge, cup - compote, bed - pillow, car - steering wheel), and the child must reproduce only the second words.

Games and toys for children aged 10

Despite the fact that the life of a primary school student is mostly connected with school, games and toys remain interesting to him. They become a little different, but still occupy an important place in the child's life. Without a doubt, games should be educational. These are no longer just cars, cubes, dolls - construction toys and logic games are best suited for this age.

1. Constructors
Develop logic, thinking and fine motor skills. There are many sets for younger schoolchildren - young chemist, physicist, electrical engineer.

2. Board games
Children of this age love to socialize in company. It’s easy to unite a small team and entertain them with board games with several participants.

3. Labyrinths
Finding the right path and getting out of the maze is not so easy - you need to constantly keep the rules in mind so as not to return from a new direction to the path you have taken.

4. Games with pictures
In order to build gaming strategies, you will need logic, memory and the ability to analyze the situation, the player’s chances in this or that situation. The result of the game is displayed in the number of points.

Of course, don’t forget the old family games - chess, checkers, lotto, dominoes. When choosing games, be sure to consult with your child. Do not throw away old toys without consulting with your child - this can put him in a state of stress.

Raising a child at 10 years old

An important feature of the age of 10 is the emergence of interest in the opposite sex, when boys are not yet limited in groups from girls, but contacts clearly arouse interest, and are also assessed by their peers. Therefore, external attention is often hidden under the guise of aggression - for example, pulling a pigtail. This is the real equivalent of sympathy, hiding the desire for communication, embarrassment and timidity. Girls are also not indifferent to such attention. But communication is still devoid of sexual overtones, so this time is good to use for sex education.

The information does not yet cause excitement and with the help of medical terms you can familiarize the child with the physiological needs of the body, the functioning of the human body, and prepare for the onset of puberty. This knowledge will help you enter puberty without complexes and loss of self-esteem. In a children's group, it is important to instill masculine traits in boys and feminine traits in girls, and cultivate moral qualities that will help resist the negative influence of the “street”.

You should also pay attention to respect for elders, compliance with the laws of society, helping the weak and animals.

Useful tips for parents: how to develop creative abilities

At the age of 10, it is still possible to identify a child’s abilities, but in the future this will be much more difficult. Children still perceive failures as a negative experience, especially if classes or activities are conducted in a playful way. Their actions are not yet constrained by patterns and stereotypes, and it is possible to arouse interest in creativity by giving the child a certain freedom of action in his personal time. In addition to watching TV and computer games, give your child the opportunity to draw, sculpt, play music or dance, and enroll him in the sports section where he wants.

There must be restrictions on watching TV or playing games on the computer, but there must be compulsory compensation in the form of an interesting activity. Under no circumstances should you force a child to engage in creative activities; this can even cause discord in relationships. You should also not overload him with a variety of activities. The main thing is interest, using your strongest hobbies to develop.

The hobbies of teenage boys are determined by their age characteristics. The teenage period covers the ages from 12 to 16 years, while teenagers 12-13 years old will have some interests and hobbies, and 15-16 year olds will have others. The teenage period is also called the transitional period. This is one of the difficult periods in every person’s life.

A teenage boy is no longer interested in the activities and games that so recently captivated him. It undergoes a powerful restructuring not only at the physiological, but also at the mental level.. His worldview changes, he begins to logically comprehend his own and other people’s actions.

If a year ago your son enjoyed reading fairy tales, tinkering with his favorite toys for a long time, inventing simple role-playing stories, and muttering under his breath, playing in the sandbox for a long time, today he is interested and fascinated by something else. Now his imagination is occupied by the image of a strong man, well-developed physically, hardy, with great willpower. The teenager begins to critically and meticulously examine his body. That’s why one of the popular hobbies of teenagers is playing sports.. They enjoy going to various sports clubs, developing themselves physically, building their willpower and endurance.

All teenagers have a need to communicate, make friends with their peers, and discuss their interests and problems with them. It is important for a teenager to be accepted and respected by his peers. This is another common hobby of theirs - spending time with friends and communicating. This is an important moment for them now.

Boys 12-13 years old are very inquisitive and active. They love hiking, excursions, and long stays in nature. They have a keen sense of humor and are funny. It is useful for adults to laugh with children, shaping their sense of humor, emphasizing what is really funny and what is not.

At this age, teenagers enjoy playing football and board games with adults, and riding a bike together is also a good idea. Don't waste this time communicating with your teenager. Another year will pass, and he will prefer your company to the circle of his peers.

Boys 14-16 years old are in a period of active maturation. In addition to sports, they are interested in music, playing the guitar, and listen to music for a long time, wearing headphones. Is this good or bad? Young people explore the world - this is normal. It is important to instill in them moderation and good taste in everything.

It is impossible to reject today's reality. Modern teenagers are passionate about the Internet. It’s not surprising, because they can find everything in it at once: information, music, video. The danger is that a teenager, due to his inexperience, trusts information on the Internet more than an adult.

The undoubted advantages of the Internet are that a teenager can quickly find the necessary information on it, improve a foreign language, communicating with foreign friends. But the Internet should not become the main means of communication for a teenager. He needs the ability to conduct dialogue with people in real life.

Our children are constantly nearby. But they still grow up somehow too abruptly and unexpectedly for us, parents. And this process is accompanied by many...

It is necessary to explain to teenagers that the Internet does not exist to aimlessly spend days on end on it, earning a stooped posture, a pale complexion and weakened muscles. In addition, each teenager should have his own responsibilities, including helping around the house.

You need to devote strictly defined time to computer games, without giving in to your desires unconsciously, without becoming a slave to them. It is necessary to calmly, without a mentoring intonation, gradually explain this to teenagers, since they do not yet know how to fully account for their actions.

In addition to the common interests typical of most teenagers, each of them has their own hobbies. Some are interested in technology, some in poetry, others enjoy drawing or collecting things. Take a close look at your teenager. Help him develop healthy hobbies. Don’t brush off his problems, desires, questions on the principle of “I’m busy, ask Yandex.” Then, perhaps, you won’t have to rack your brains about how to interest your teenage boy and how to distract him from dangerous, unnecessary and harmful activities.

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Many modern people have no idea what to do in their free time. But the world opens up endless possibilities for us! We present to your attention 75 hobby ideas for real men.

1. Photography

Buy a camera - and soon through the lens you will see how beautiful the world is.

2. School of Survival

Great fun for men - to challenge the elements and try to survive without modern conveniences.

3. Dancing

Take a chance and sign up for dance lessons. It won't kill you, but it will give you confidence in your abilities.

4. Astronomy

Observing celestial bodies is not only very exciting, but also useful: once you realize how huge the Universe is, you will understand how small your problems are.

5. Snorkeling

Exploring the underwater world is a job for real men.

6. Billiards

If you master this hobby, you will begin to see the world differently.

7. Rocketry

Modeling, experiments, research of fuel systems - all this will sharpen your skills in physics, chemistry and mathematics, and train your logic.

8. Writing

The best thing about writing is that anyone can do it.

9. Watch repair

This is a skill that will teach precision and attentiveness, and will give an understanding of the interconnectedness of complex elements in movement.

10. Reading

A well-read person is always interesting.

11. Bowling

This is a very fun activity that has a lot in common with darts and archery.

12. Playing the guitar

You can take your guitar anywhere. With her you will always be the center of attention.

13. Darts

This hobby will help develop the ability to concentrate, accuracy, eye, and directed force of movement.

14. Bodybuilding

Building your body is an activity for strong, disciplined, purposeful and strong-willed men.

15. Fishing (main photo of the article)

This is both a sport and a great way to relax. Fishing will also give you a sense of satisfaction in life.

16. Tattoo

Only a true master can make a beautiful tattoo. Mastering this art is not as easy as it seems.

17. Woodworking

This is a hobby for those who are able to see beauty in simple things.

18. Internet marketing

A hobby can become a business.

19. Watching movies

This hobby is the professional film critic's version.

20. Gambling

Many people choose bridge, poker and preference to have a good time.

21. Drawing

Anyone at any age can learn to draw.

22. Leatherworking

This is a craftsmanship that will never go out of style.

23. Chess

You can spend your whole life playing chess and not regret it!

24. Thrift shopping

You will learn to identify authentic items and distinguish treasures from cheap junk.

25. Gardening

Gardening actually improves your mental and physical health and improves your mood.

26. Boxing

Fist fights have always attracted strong and brave guys.

27. Fencing

Hobby teaches the dynamics of attack and defense, trains physical coordination and endurance.

28. Landscape design

The lesson will develop taste, planning skills, and give an understanding of color, shape and perspective.

29. Martial arts

Martial arts teach you to respect yourself and others.

30. Home brewery

Learn to brew delicious beer and you will have ten times more friends!

31. Team sports

Rugby, football, baseball, basketball, American football are a great way to stay in good physical shape.

32. Clothes modeling

Please note that all the famous fashion designers in the world are men.

33. Skateboarding

Hobby requires practice and concentration, otherwise serious injuries will not be avoided.

34. Paintball

This entertainment will leave vivid memories.

35. Exploring castles

You will be able to help if someone accidentally locks themselves out at home or in a car.

36. Tricks

Learning to perform magic tricks is easier than it seems. Do not doubt that you will always have enthusiastic spectators.

37. Surfing

Sports will give you incredible drive, emotions will simply overwhelm you!

38. Interior design

It is important to consider the combination of colors, light and shadow, styles, shapes and sizes.

39. Archery

Archery will teach you focus and precision, which will be useful in a variety of activities.

40. Yoga classes

Yoga may be part of a new trend in physical fitness.

41. Learning foreign languages

Being a polyglot is not only very interesting, but also useful: you will always understand what they say behind your back.

42. Studying the family tree

Studying your own ancestry can bring many surprises.

43. Collecting motorcycles or other equipment

This activity requires considerable financial costs.

44. Modeling

When you were a child, did you try to assemble a model airplane with your own hands? Do it now and enjoy it.

45. Cooking

Every man should be able to cook deliciously in order to organize a decent barbecue picnic for his friends.

46. ​​Electronic music

It's never too late to try yourself as a DJ.

47. Travel

By going beyond your home and culture, you broaden your horizons and gain new knowledge.

48. Rock climbing

The main thing is to ensure your safety with the proper equipment and training.

49. Auto restoration

Carefully! This hobby can easily turn into a real passion.

50. Stone sculptures

Masons are amazing people. They can revive granite.

51. Aquarium

Caring for fish is much easier than caring for a cat or dog. The aquarium can be given to neighbors during the holidays.

52. Gold Rush

Taking up a fun hobby can really pay off if you are hardworking, diligent and attentive.

53. Metalworking

Metalworking can be a fun and artistic skill.

54. Geology

You might be interested in collecting rocks and minerals.

55. Investing

You don't need to actively invest capital at first, just watch the stock ticker, read the reports and dive into the business.

56. Electronic models

If you've ever been into electronics, try building your own robot!

57. Geocaching

This travel game is incredibly interesting! You can go on a treasure hunt with friends or your significant other.

58. Altruism

Studies have shown that when we extend a helping hand to someone, we release endorphins - the hormones of happiness.

59. Auto racing

Auto racing is an exciting hobby! A triple dose of adrenaline is guaranteed for you.

60. Camping

Camping provides an opportunity to retire and think about the universe away from the hustle and bustle.

61. Wet shaving

Mastering this retro art of barbers will not be so easy!

62. Skiing and snowboarding

Winter sports teach you how to make good decisions on the fly.

63. Coaching and mentoring

It's great to provide someone with emotional support and guidance.

64. Internet technologies

Knowledge will not only be interesting, but will also bring considerable income.

65. Sailing and canoeing

Another fantastic hobby!

66. Knife making

Research and compare modern and ancient methods of making bladed weapons.

67. Numismatics

Collecting paper money and coins can become a real passion.

68. Carpentry

Cabinetmakers are carpenters who make exclusive furniture from expensive types of wood. A very profitable business.

69. Fantasy

Bring “elements of the unusual” into your life, release your imagination, and life will sparkle with new colors!

70. Wine tasting

Taste expensive elite alcohol to learn to distinguish subtle aromas and aftertaste notes.

71. Participation in flash mobs

Participating in a flash mob will help you relax, because you can do a stupid thing without fear of making others laugh.

72. Cycling

Cycling is a great way to have fun and improve your physical fitness.

73. Playing golf

Golf is a fantastic way to get plenty of fresh air and exercise.

74. Wine collecting

A hobby for real gourmets.

75. Hunting

Since ancient times, hunting has been considered the work of real men - strong, hardy and accurate.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

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MAOU "School No. 161" Completed by a student of 5th "B" class: Sorokina Arina Yurievna Supervisor: Panova S.S. “Popular hobbies in Russia and Great Britain among children 10-12 years old”

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Introduction Relevance: In the conditions of modern development of society, when there is an urgent question of increasing the level of spiritual culture of children, their activity, initiative, self-realization, hobbies are a means of realizing human potential. The purpose of the research work: - to introduce popular hobbies to my peers (10-12 years old), to deepen my knowledge in the world of hobbies. - form an idea of ​​the peculiarities of interests of children in Russia and Great Britain aged 10-12 years. Objectives: 1. collect information about hobbies in the UK; 2. determine the popular hobbies of British schoolchildren aged 10-12 years; 3. conduct a survey and find out what our peers like to do in their free time; 4. analyze and identify similarities and differences in interests among children in Russia and Great Britain aged 10-12 years.

3 slide

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Hobby. It is very important to have your own passion in life. Only a person doing what he loves is truly happy. A hobby is a person’s life passion (temporary or permanent) that he wants to do. Hobbies can be a good way to deal with stress; they help a person expand their horizons, expand their circle of friends and achieve self-realization.

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Categories of modern hobbies - outdoor games (football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, swimming, pioneer ball, floor ball); - creative hobbies (drawing, singing, music, theater); - intellectual hobbies (reading, chess, Monopoly); -games and charades (chess, backgammon, checkers); - virtual hobbies (video games, social networks, TV, computer); - collecting (dolls, stickers, cars, stones); - toys (dolls, robots, cars, construction sets).

5 slide

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Popular hobbies of British children aged 10-12 years 1. computer games; 2. collecting; 3. pets; 4. “birding”; 5. golf; 6. rugby.

6 slide

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Research part Research methods: - partially - search (I found and studied information about popular hobbies and hobbies in the UK among children aged 10-12 years old) and - social survey (I conducted a survey where children had to indicate the hobby they prefer to engage in ). Questioning: The children I interviewed were aged from 10 to 12 years old, living both in Nizhny Novgorod and in other cities of Russia. A total of 100 people were interviewed. The questionnaire consists of 7 questions. For each question, you were asked to choose one answer from several listed.

7 slide

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Questionnaire Ⅰ. What type of hobbies do you prefer to engage in: 1. Sports clubs 2. Creative hobbies 3. Intellectual hobbies 4. Virtual hobbies 5. Collecting 6. Toys Ⅱ. Choose a sporting hobby: 1. Football 2. Basketball 3. Tennis 4. Swimming 5. Specify another Ⅲ. Choose a creative hobby: 1. Music 2. Drawing 3. Origami 4. Theater 5. Specify another Ⅳ. Choose an intellectual hobby: 1. Reading 2. Chess 3. Puzzles 4. Monopoly 5. Specify another Ⅴ. Choose a virtual hobby: 1. Video games 2. Social networks 3. TV 4. Online games 5. Specify another Ⅵ. Choose a collecting hobby: 1. Stamps 2. Cars 3. Coins 4. Stones 5. Specify another Ⅶ. Passion for toys 1. Robots 2. Construction sets 3. Dolls 4. Soft toys 5. Specify other

8 slide

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Diagram of popular hobbies of Russian children 10-12 years old Having collected personal data, I got the following results:

Slide 9

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Diagram of popular hobbies of British children 10-12 years old Having studied information about the hobbies of British children 10-12 years old and statistical websites, I determined how the preferences of British schoolchildren are distributed.