12 minutes 6. How to correctly ask and say the time in English. French breadsticks

Time is something we face every day. For example, when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is look at the clock.

How often during the day do you ask the question: “What time is it?” How many times do you answer? I think more than once.

Therefore, it is very important to be able to and know how to correctly ask the time and say in English: “What time is it?”

  • What do am and pm mean in English time and how to understand them?

How to ask the time in English?

There are a few basic phrases you can use to ask what time it is in English. The simplest and most common:

What time is it?
How much time?

What time is it now?
What time is it?

What is the time?
What time?

It is worth noting that you can ask these questions to friends, family members, colleagues and other acquaintances. When do you turn to strangers, do not forget about polite forms. "Excuse me..."(sorry) - this is how you should start your question and/or add it at the end please(Please).

Excuse me, what time is it?
Excuse me, what time is it?

What's the time, please?
Could you tell me what time it is, please?

Excuse me, what time is it now, please?
Excuse me, please tell me what time is it now?

These were the most common options for asking the time in English, so you can safely use them in life. There are several more ways.

Could you tell me the time, please?
Could you tell me the time please?

Do you know what time it is now?
Do you know what time it is now?

Could you tell me the right time, please?
Could you tell me the exact time please?

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How to say time correctly in English?

How can you tell what time it is in English? You have to be careful here. After all, on English time It is spoken completely differently than in Russian.

The answer to the question about time goes like this:

What time is it?
It is two o'clock.
Two hours.

What time is it?
It is seven o'clock.
Seven o'clock.

What time is it?
It is four o'clock.
Four o'clock.

But how do you understand what time of day you mean? For this we can use these words:

In the morning- in the morning;
In the afternoon- during the day;
In the evening- In the evening;
At night- at night.

It is eight o'clock in the evening.
Eight o'clock in the evening.

It is three o'clock in the afternoon.
Three PM.

It is one o'clock at night.
It's one o'clock in the morning.

To indicate the time of day in English language The most commonly used notations are: AM and PM. Let me note that in official written speech we use only these designations.

What do AM and PM mean in English tense and how to understand them?

We are used to having 24 hours in a day. “It’s 22:00,” we can answer in Russian, meaning that it’s ten o’clock in the evening. The US, UK and many other countries use a 12-hour clock. According to him, the day is divided into two halves of 12 hours: before noon (AM) And afternoon (PM).

This is not entirely familiar to us, which is why most people have difficulties here. Now let’s break it all down so you can understand it.

What does A stand for?M?

A.M.(from the Latin ante meridiem - before noon) - this interval begins at 12 o'clock at night (midnight) and ends at 12 o'clock in the afternoon (noon). That is, it lasts from 00:00 to 12:00.

This is how we tell time using AM:

It's two AM.
Two o'clock in the morning. (2:00)

It's ten AM.
Ten in the morning. (10:00)

It's five AM.
Five in the morning. (5:00)

Please note that at the end of the sentence we are already don't set o"clock. There is no need to use it with AM and PM.

What does PM stand for??

PM(from the Latin post meridiem - after noon) - this interval begins at 12 noon (noon) and ends at 12 midnight (midnight). That is, it lasts from 12:00 to 00:00.

This is how we tell time using PM:

It's two P.M.
Two o'clock in the afternoon. (14:00)

It's ten P.M.
Ten pm. (22:00)

It's five P.M.
Five in the evening. (17:00)

How to say minutes in English?

How to call time in English with minutes? After all, we almost always speak both hours and minutes. Here are two ways:

1. We say numbers.

This is the simplest and most understandable way. In this case, we call only 2 numbers. The first digit indicates hours, and the second - minutes.

It's eight twenty two.
Eight hours twenty two minutes. (8:22)

It's one forty.
It's one forty. (13:40)

It's two sixteen.
Two hours and sixteen minutes. (2:16)

2. We use the prepositions to and past.

In this case we indicate the hour and minutes. Since this method is more common, let's look at it in more detail.

Use of past

Past(after) is used to show how much minutes PASSED after any hour. For example, after 13:00, 19:00, 23:00, etc.

We use this preposition only when there is a moment the hand is on the right half of the clock, that is, it shows minutes from 1 to 30.

Look at the examples and everything will become clear right away. Pay attention to the translation!

It's thirteen minutes past seven. (7:13)
Thirteen minutes eighth.

It's twenty five minutes past one. (1:25)
Twenty five minutes second.

It's ten minutes past nine. (9:10)
Ten minutes tenth.

How do we translate into Russian?

Russian logic is slightly different from English, and this is worth paying attention to when translating. Let's look at an example.

Use of to

To(before) used to show how many minutes are left before a certain hour. For example, until 13:00, 19:00, 23:00, etc.

We use this preposition if the minute hand is in the left half, that is from 31 to 59 minutes.

For example, if we see 5:53 on the clock, then we say that there are 7 minutes left until 6 o'clock.

It's twelve to five . (4:48)
It's twelve minutes to five.

It's five minutes to nine . (8:55)
Five minutes to nine.

It's ten minutes to three. (2:50)
Ten minutes to three.

And this is how it is translated into Russian. Let's look at the Russian/English analogy.

How to say half of such and such an hour (30 minutes)?

In Russian we often say not Thirty minutes first, and floor first. We can say this in English too, using the word half (half). This is a word we can use only with the preposition past. By the way, pay attention to the translation! The British have a very simple logic - they simply look at what the clock is showing now and call that particular hour.

It's half past five . (5:30)
Half past five. (Literally: half after five.)

It's half past two . (2:30)
Half past two. (Literally: half after two .)

It's half past six . (6:30)
Half past six. (Literally: half after six .)

Why do we use past? Because “to”, that is, “before” for us begins at 31 minutes, and 30 minutes is included in the past zone. The British believe that 30 minutes is still closer to the hour that is ticking. But from the 31st minute everything changes...

How do you say quarter of an hour (15 minutes)?

In English (as in Russian) we use the word quarter - quarter (15 minutes). Quarter we can use both with to, so with past.

If we're talking about the beginning of the hour(15 minutes on the clock), then use past. That is, we show that 15 minutes have passed after some hour.

It's quarter past three. (3:15)
Quarter past four. (Literally: quarter after three .)

It's quarter past seven. (7:15)
Quarter past seven. (Literally: quarter after seven .)

It's quarter past eleven . (11:15)
Quarter past eleven. (Literally: quarter after eleven .)

If we're talking about end of the hour(45 minutes on the clock), then use to.

In this case, we show that there are 15 minutes left until some hour. That is, 45 minutes have already passed.

It's quarter to three. (2:45)
A quarter to three. (Literally: quarter up to three.)

It's quarter to seven. (6:45)
A quarter to seven. (Literally: quarter up to seven.)

It's quarter to two. (1:45)
A quarter to two. (Literally: quarter up to two.)

What to do now? To easily name and say the time, you need to develop a skill, that is, bring it to automaticity. Now, when you see a clock, always think (or better yet, say) how it will be in English. Start with the task below.

Reinforcement task

In the meantime, let’s practice, translate into English:

What time is it now?

Excuse me, what time is it now?

It's 5 minutes past six (It's 5 minutes after 6).

It's 15 minutes past two.

It's now 10 minutes to eight in the morning.

It's 20 minutes past five in the afternoon.

It's half past two now.

Write your answers in the comments, and in 3 days I will post the correct options and you can test yourself.

Very simple exercises give fast and 100% excellent results!

Many people suffer from knee pain. It is the second most common chronic pain in the world. Each of us wants to get rid of this pain and prevent its occurrence.

Today we bring you several exercises that will relieve you from pain in your knees, legs and hips, making your life much better.

Raise the heel

Grasp the back of a chair or stool. Bend one leg at the knee as shown in the figure. Slowly rise up onto your toes, then slowly lower down. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times on each leg. This exercise will strengthen the muscles and ankles of the knee, and if performed regularly, relieve knee pain.

Walking on your fingers

This is a very simple exercise that can be done anywhere. Just get up and start walking.

You will strengthen your knees, toes and feet. This exercise is recommended to be done for 15 minutes, and when you start to feel tired, you should stop and rest and then continue.

Circular movements of the ankle

Raise your leg and make circular movements with your foot in the air. Do 10 laps in one direction and 10 laps in the opposite direction. Repeat 2 - 3 times with each leg.

Rubber stretching

Attach an elastic band to the leg of a sofa or chair. Sit down and place one leg under the other as shown in the picture.

Now pull your foot towards you. Then slowly release it, returning to the starting position.

Repeat the movement 15 times on each leg. This strength exercise Strengthens your calves and outer thigh muscles.

Finger gymnastics

Stand upright, point your toes towards the floor and try to grip the floor.

To make this easier, place small balls or a pencil on the floor and pick it up with your fingers.

Rolling the ball

Place the tennis ball on the floor. Then sit on a chair and place your foot on the ball.

Press down on the ball and roll over the entire area of ​​your foot. Do this massage on each leg for 5-10 minutes.

Foot massage and acupressure can be very helpful if you have joint pain in your hip or knee. If your feet are sore and need rest, massage them with a little oil.

Do this for 15 minutes. Your legs, but also your whole body will relax and you will not have any pain.

The time calculator is designed to perform various time calculations and has several functions:

  • indication of the user's current time,
  • calculation of the time interval between two given points,
  • converting time from one unit to another (seconds, minutes, hours, days, HH:MM:SS).

Time calculator will help you determine the remaining time at a given moment. For example, by setting the end time of the working day, you can find out exactly how long you still have to work today. Or, for example, how much time is left for sleep. To do this, simply enter the time for which you set your alarm and the current time.

But, besides comical ways to use the time calculator, it can also be used for real purposes. Officials responsible for calculating the time worked by employees of the organization to determine overtime can also resort to a time calculator. To do this, it is enough to enter the employee’s arrival and departure time from work according to the electronic pass system, and the calculator itself will calculate the number of hours worked.

In addition, a time calculator can be useful for determining the recording time on video media. If several recordings have been made on video media, then by setting the start and end times of the recording, you can determine its duration.

In addition to the indicated ways of using the time interval calculation function, many more examples can be given, but we can confidently say that everyone can find a use for it both for personal, perhaps entertainment, purposes, and for serious work issues.

Time calculator

Hours: Minutes: Seconds

Time #1 : :
Time No. 2 : :


The time calculator's function for converting from one time unit to another allows you to easily convert days into hours, minutes and even seconds, into the hours-minutes-seconds format, and also in the opposite direction.

For example, you are going to the cinema to watch something from latest news, and when you go to a website with descriptions of films, you find out that the length of the film is 164 minutes, which, you see, is not very clear. But, using a time calculator, you can easily determine that the duration of the film is 2 hours 44 minutes, which is much clearer for planning your time.

He is sweet and attentive, caring and courteous. But is it only with you? How many more such loved ones, acquaintances, girlfriends are in his arsenal? It's very easy to fall for a womanizer. After all, they sense female psychology very subtly and skillfully manipulate it. And all because such womanizers have more than enough experience in matters of the heart. If you don’t want to become “another temporary” and won’t tolerate a man walking next to you craning his neck and looking at others, immediately dismiss such an acquaintance. And we will tell you how to recognize a womanizer in a man from the first minutes of meeting him.

6 signs of an inveterate womanizer

1. Constantly looking at you “just below the eyes”

If, during the first acquaintance, a man continually tries to discern all your charms, and clearly ignores all the important information about you - most likely he is a womanizer. An exception may be a too revealing neckline on your blouse. Then the eyes of any man will involuntarily fall to the level “just below your eyes.”

2. While communicating with you, he has time to look at others

If this is so, such a man is not worth your attention. Imagine, if he behaves this way only at the beginning of your acquaintance, then what will happen later when the passion for you fades away?

3. Suspended tongue and an abundance of compliments

He knows exactly how to “take” a girl. He even has a dozen blank phrases in stock for this. While showering you with compliments, even at the first meeting he may try to hug you around the waist, stroke your back, or, in any case, touch you in some way.

4. Prolonged loneliness

Be wary if a guy hasn't dated a girl for years and says he doesn't want a serious relationship.

5. Tries to sell himself for more

At the first meeting, he will definitely boast of an expensive phone, car, or connections. It doesn't matter how much money he actually has. Sometimes experienced alpha males are found with fake gold watches and phones. And all this just to make an indelible impression on all the women around him.

6. Almost calls you down the aisle right away

Womanizers are also manipulators. First, such a guy will find out what kind of men you like and what you want from life. Having quickly analyzed everything, he will begin to act. He will take pity on someone by telling about unhappy love, he will tell someone that he is also interested in sports/dancing/languages, and someone will even be assured that he has long wanted a wife and children. Oh, yes, and what exactly today is for the first time in his life - love at first sight.

If you yourself are not averse to easy temporary relationships, a womanizer may become for you good option. After all, many of them are excellent lovers with enormous experience.

>Time in English

Time in English. Clock in English. How to answer what time it is or what time it is?

Here you can find the time in English. Clock in English. How to answer what time it is or what time it is?

Many people put off knowing the time in English until later, but in fact this is very important, since in conversation we constantly ask each other for the time. And yet, it’s quite easy to learn all this, the main thing is to figure it out once, and then only repeat it sometimes.

So the main question that you may be asked in the meaning of “what time is it” or “what time is it” - What time is it (now)? or What's the time?

To get started, you should know the following:

Before starting you need to put it's.

You need to use up to half an hour" past", and after half - " to".

Instead of the word "fifteen" you should use quarter(quarter).

Word minutes(minutes) is usually omitted in English.

So let's move on to examples.

First way:

00.00 (midnight) - midnight, it will also be useful to know - at midnight - at midnight, after midnight - after midnight, far after midnight - in the small hours

00.05 (five minutes past midnight) - it’s five past zero am

01.10 (ten minutes past one in the morning) - it’s ten past one am

02.15 (fifteen minutes past two in the morning) - it’s a quarter past two am

03.20 (twenty minutes past three at night) - it’s twenty past three am

04.25 (twenty-five minutes past four in the morning) - it’s twenty five past four am

05.30 (half past six in the morning) - it’s half past five am

06.35 (thirty-five minutes to seven in the morning, and they say 25 minutes to 7) - it "s twenty five to seven am

07.40 (twenty to eight in the morning) - it "s twenty to eight am

08.45 (fifteen to nine in the morning) - it "s a quarter to nine am

09.50 (ten to ten in the morning) - it's ten to ten am

10.55 (five to eleven in the morning) - it "s five to eleven am

12.00 (noon) - noon or midday, it will also be useful to know - at noon - at noon, time before noon - forenoon, time after noon - afternoon, after noon - in the afternoon

12.05 (five minutes of the first day) - it "s five past twelve pm

13.10 (ten minutes of the second day) - it "s ten past one pm

14.15 (fifteen minutes of the third day) - it "s a quarter past two pm

15.20 (twenty minutes past three pm) - it "s twenty past three pm

16.25 (twenty-five minutes past five) - it "s twenty five past four pm

17.30 (half past five in the evening) - it "s half past five pm

18.35 (thirty-five minutes to seven in the evening, and they say 25 minutes to 7) - it "s twenty five to seven pm

19.40 (twenty minutes to eight in the evening) - it "s twenty to eight pm

20.45 (fifteen minutes to nine pm) - it "s a quarter to nine pm

21.50 (ten minutes to ten pm) - it "s ten to ten pm

22.55 (five minutes to eleven pm) - it "s five to eleven pm

1, 2, 3 ... hours they usually say simply - one, two, three ... o"clock, for example, ten o'clock in the morning - ten o"clock a.m.

Also, instead of a.m. you can use expression - in the morning, and instead of p.m. use in the evening, for example 05.15 (fifteen minutes past six in the morning) - it’s a quarter past five a.m. or it’s a quarter past five in the morning.

It should also be mentioned that in English (as in Russian) they like to shorten everything, so time will often be used without it's at the beginning, and am, pm and the phrases in the morning, in the evening are used only when it would not be clear without it . That is, for example, to the question “When do you go to bed? - When do you go to bed?” The answer is “at ten” and there is no need to add “evenings”, so this is already clear...

In American English, the preposition is often used instead of past after. And instead of the preposition to, it is possible to use prepositions of, before And till.

Second way:

The simplest one, just put it like it is, for example,

5.05 - (five zero five) - five oh (zero) five

6.10 - (six ten) - six ten

7.15 - (seven fifteen) - seven fifteen

8.20 - (eight twenty) - eight twenty

9.25 - (nine twenty five) - nine twenty five

10.30 - (ten thirty) - ten thirty

11.35 - (eleven thirty five) - eleven thirty five

12.40 - (twelve forty) - twelve forty

13.45 - (thirteen forty five) - thirteen forty five

16.50 - (sixteen fifty) - sixteen fifty

20.55 - (twenty fifty five) - twenty fifty five

In addition, you need to know the following prepositions and in what cases they are used if you want to be even more specific about time.

And finally, remember the following words:

exactly- exactly; for example, it "s exactly nine (exactly nine o'clock)
about- approximately; for example, it's about seven (about seven hours)
almost- almost; for example, it "s almost eight (almost eight hours)