Presentation "Christmas in great britain - Christmas in Great Britain" in English - project, report. Christmas in Great Britain. From the history of the holiday Christmas is a holiday that in many countries has given rise to a large number of symbols and traditions.

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Presentation for the English lesson “Christmas in Britain” for grade 5 English teacher of the Veselovskaya Secondary School Zhilenko Ekaterina Sergeevna

Physical education lesson Game “Be Attentive” When the teacher raises right hand, the students must shout - Merry Christmas, when the teacher raises left hand- Happy New Year, both hands - Father Frost, stomp - Santa Claus.

With christmas symbols

The origin of Santa Claus begins in the 4th century with Saint Nicolas. He was a very kind man and he loved children very much. He was their patron. . Santa Claus

Christmas Tree is another Symbol of Christmas. There are many legends about it. Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree in London in Trafalgar Square.

Christmas Wreaths. It is usually hungry on the door of a house. Many centuries ago the wreaths were presented as gifts on Christmas.

Christmas Star A bright star appeared in the sky when Jesus was born. The star showed the way to the place of his birth.

Christmas Candles The Bible says that Mary had trouble finding shelter on the night Jesus was born. So on Christmas Eve, some people light candles in the window. They symbolize a welcome to cold people.

Christmas Stockings According to the legend, one kind man had three daughters. His wife died. The daughters wanted to get presents on Christmas but their father didn`t have money. Kind St. Nicolas heard the girl`s plight and at night he threw three gold coins down the chimney where they fell into their stockings the girls had hung by the fireplace to dry.

The 25th of December is a) Christmas Day b) New Year c) Boxing Day

On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the … a) bed b)table c) New Year Tree

Father Christmas puts his presents … a) under the New Year`s tree b) in bags c) in children`s stockings

Every year there is a big New Year`s tree in … square a) Trafalgar b) Times c) Red

For Christmas dinner the English eat… a) Pizza b) hamburgers c) turkey

From the history of the holiday, Christmas is a holiday that in many countries gave rise to large number symbols and traditions. Even his date applies to them. Eastern Christian churches originally set the celebration of Christmas on the sixth of January. However, the Roman Church deliberately moved it to the twenty-fifth of December - the day of the pagan holiday of the invincible sun. AND new date began to symbolize the victory of Christianity over paganism. According to Western tradition, the sixth of January is the day of Epiphany or Epiphany, often called by the British Twelfth Night.

The British were the first to decorate their homes with holly, ivy and mistletoe on the eve of Christmas. Holly was believed to ward off witches, and mistletoe was considered a sacred plant and symbol by the ancient Druids. eternal life, the Romans valued it as a symbol of peace. It is believed that the custom of kissing under a mistletoe branch originated in England

The Christmas Log One of the oldest British traditions is the Christmas log. It is believed that the ancient Vikings brought this ritual to England. At Christmas they cut down a huge tree, and all year it sat and dried. And only the next Christmas they brought it into the house, and it burned in the hearth for a long, long time. If it went out without burning to ashes, the owners expected trouble.

From the history of the Christmas tree Brilliant Victorian era(gg.) gave Great Britain wonderful Christmas traditions. And first of all, this is connected with the Christmas tree - a symbol of eternal nature. The Germans are believed to be the first to use the Christmas tree in their celebrations, and Martin Luther was the first to decorate the top of the tree with a star, which symbolized the star that appeared over the stable in which Christ was born. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert (representatives of the German Saxe-Coburg dynasty) first installed a decorated Christmas tree at Windsor Palace in 1841 and presented it as a gift to children. Since then it has become a sign good manners. From this time on, the custom of giving gifts at Christmas was established; before that, the English exchanged gifts on New Year's Day or on Twelfth Night (the feast of Epiphany).

From the history of the Christmas stocking The custom of putting gifts in the Christmas stocking is associated with Victorian England. At that time, a fairy tale was told that "Father Christmas" traveled through the air and entered houses through a chimney. Going down to one of the houses, he dropped several gold coins into a sock, which was hung to dry over the fireplace. Since then, on Christmas Eve, they began to hang “socks and stockings on the fireplace in the hope that something would fall there.” And now on Christmas Eve, children hang a Christmas stocking on the fireplace or the edge of the bed so that Santa Claus can fill it with gifts. This tradition is gradually taking root here in Russia.

From the history of Christmas cards In England, during the reign of Victoria, the custom of exchanging greeting cards for the New Year also arose. First greeting card for Christmas was printed in 1843 in London and marked the beginning of the formation of a separate independent printing industry, and then the direction of the printing industry. As key characters for Christmas cards, printer artists chose motifs akin to ancient rituals, customs, and paraphernalia. It could have been the robin, which replaced the bird in 18th-century celebrations. wren, sprigs of ivy, holly, mistletoe, heather. Such cards have become a unique opportunity to congratulate emigrants who find themselves far from their homeland at Christmas.

About pudding For many centuries, a common food for all the inhabitants of the British Isles at Christmas was a special oatmeal porridge, plum-porridge, cooked in meat broth, bread crumbs, raisins, almonds, prunes and honey were also added to it and served on the the table is very hot. The pudding was prepared in large copper cauldrons several weeks before Christmas by the whole family. During preparation, each family member made a wish. Four items were placed in the pudding: a coin, a thimble, a button and a ring. Later, when the pudding was eaten, each item found in the pudding had its own meaning. The coin meant wealth in the new year, the button meant single life, the thimble for a girl meant unmarried life, and the ring meant marriage. During the 18th century. Plum-porridge is gradually being replaced by plum-pudding, and by the middle of the 19th century. the latter becomes the most important dish of the Christmas table. Plum pudding is made from bread crumbs with the addition of various spices and fruits; before serving, it is doused with rum and lit. And it is still the custom among the British to hide small silver coins and decorations - “for luck”.

Preparations for Christmas in England In England, preparations for them are carried out very carefully and there such a collapse occurs every year, however, unlike us, all people celebrate Christmas purely in the family circle (in our country this is not practiced in every family), and another difference is that what is this great holiday They are almost two weeks early.

Preparing for Christmas The British take the holidays very seriously and always respect traditions, for this reason, preparing for Christmas in England is a very serious undertaking. A week before the holiday itself, everyone cleans the house very carefully, wiping the windows until they shine. From the street, you can see the decorated Christmas trees in the windows. There is always a green wreath of mistletoe on the door of every house, and multi-colored light bulbs above the door. (As for apartments, each door of an apartment or room can be decorated with a wreath).

Christmas and New Year- a wonderful time that both adults and children enjoy. In Great Britain, Christmas is celebrated on the night of December 24-25. Long before this day, all British people begin preparations: they decorate the Christmas tree, buy gifts, bake cookies, hang socks near the fireplace, etc. Presentations on the topic “Christmas in Great Britain” will help you get acquainted with all the traditions of celebrating Christmas and New Year.

Option 2

The presentation contains a lot of text that tells about the origin of the holiday, traditional food, home decoration, and even a holiday program on TV. Here you will also learn what Boxing Day is and why Santa Claus wears a red outfit.

Option 3

Another beautiful presentation made by an English teacher. Here you will get acquainted with British traditions, find out how the British usually decorate the Christmas tree and what they eat for Christmas dinner. Waiting for you at the end small task according to the presentation.

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Option 4

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English people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December.

Christmas is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

The Christmas story comes from the Bible. An angel appeared to shepherds and told them that a Savior had been born to Mary and Jesus.

The Wise Men followed a Star until it led them to Jesus. The Wise Men gave Jesus many gifts. So, it is a tradition to give presents on Christmas.

There are some popular modern customs of Christmas. A traditional Christmas dinner consists of stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes cranberry sauce and other dishes.

Pudding and fruit cake are Christmas favorite desserts.

Candy canes and gingerbread often decorate the family table, Christmas tree and the fire place.

There is a Christmas tree in every house and everyone decorates it together.

On Christmas families usually spend the day opening their presents which are often piled around the Christmas tree.

Children hang up stockings so Santa Claus can fill them with candy, fruit and other gifts.

Many children believe that Santa Claus arrives on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by 9 reindeer and brings presents.

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