Bikini Ksenia. Love, carrots: famous fitness couples. Ksenia, hello! Tell us how you started participating in fitness bikini competitions

For many years, Ksenia Sheveleva worked as an interior designer, creating beautiful and comfortable spaces. Until I found out about the fitness bikini. Photos of graceful and spectacular girls in bright swimsuits with textured tanned bodies immediately attracted her attention. And for good reason.

Ksenia became one of the most titled representatives of fitness bikini in Russia - silver medalist of Arnold Classic Europe 2014 (Madrid, Spain), multiple medalist of Russian championships, bronze medalist of Amateur Bikini Olympia 2013 (Prague, Czech Republic), absolute champion of Europe 2015 (Santa Susanna, Spain). On October 28, Ksenia will come to the 5th anniversary international sports festival and sports industry exhibition “SN PRO EXPO FORUM-2017” to present her new sportswear brands.

- How did you get into sports?

About 8 years ago, my husband brought me, practically dragged me, just to work out at the gym. Of course, I resisted at first, but now I'm glad he was so persistent. I liked the training and gradually I began to train professionally.

- The main victory in your life?

If we consider competitions specifically, the most important titles that I have won are absolute European champion and Russian champion. But the main victories of my life are still ahead of me.

- What is your goal or dream right now?

Goal number one is to grow your business. I have two brands of sportswear and accessories, and a third is planned. This year we are switching to our own production. Now we already have an experimental workshop where designers, fashion designers, constructors, and technologists work. We are currently working on a men's line and have hired the best specialists for this purpose.

At the same time, I don’t stop training. It's part of my job as the owner and face of sports brands, I just can't be out of shape! And participating in competitions only helps me in business. Yes, and this is a great motivation for work. As you can see, I do not separate competitions and business, everything is interconnected. My husband and I deal with these issues together, we do everything together.

- If it weren’t for sports, what would you do?

I am an environmental designer by training and have been involved in interior design and wall painting for many years. In general, I have been drawing all my life. This never leaves me, sports don’t interfere in any way, on the contrary, now work has something in common with sports.

- What qualities do you value in men?

Strength, both external and internal, a sense of humor (obligatory and important), independence, a lively mind, care and the ability to love.

- What part of the body is the most attractive in a man?

Shoulders, arms, back.

- What part of the body do you consider the most important for a girl?

Overall body composition is important. The main thing is the harmony of the entire image. Well, in general - eyes! You can see a lot in them.

- Where can we find you in the near future?

On October 28th and 29th I will be presenting the sportswear line at GYMWARS booth F7.

SN PRO is the largest multi-sport event in Russia. The best Russian and foreign athletes in 60 of the most fashionable and current disciplines will gather on an area of ​​18 thousand square meters. Bright shows, many master classes by famous athletes, concerts, competitions and demonstration performances by champions of world competitions - all this can be seen on October 28 and 29 in pavilion 75 of the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

Oh yes, you and your husband play sports too. Once a week you snuggle in a public pool, swimming two crawl lines. But now it’s not about you. And about real athletes.

1. Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

The blonde from Dom-2 and the vice-captain of Moscow Lokomotiv spend a lot of time in the halls. Dmitry, of course, according to his profession - but Olga got involved in sports just after the wedding. Apparently, the star husband requires a lot of physical training at home. You can trust Olga’s Instagram: she trains every single day.

2. Dana Bailey and Rob Bailey

Dana came to sports in early childhood - already at the age of 6 she was on the swimming team. After college, together with my future husband, I went to the gym, where I trained just like my husband, doing bodybuilding. The result is her body. Now Dana is a trainer, fitness model and creator of her own clothing line.

3. Ksenia Sheveleva and Valentin Shevelev

Beautiful Ksenia is a prize-winner in 2013 of two prestigious international bodybuilding competitions - Olympia Amateur Bikini (3rd place) and Arnold Classic Europe (4th place). My husband Valentin is interested in bodybuilding. The gym is just a hobby for Ksenia; she started working out 5 years ago with the goal of losing weight. By profession, Ksenia is an interior designer, and has now retrained as a salesperson and fashion designer (painted GymWars sports leggings are her job). The husband closely monitors his wife’s diet and says that any excess immediately affects her. That's why Ksenia eats oatmeal and buckwheat. Well, and protein shakes.

4. Oksana Artemova and Vladimir Artemov

Oksana's husband, a professional bodybuilder, brought his future wife into the sport. She was always interested in sports, danced, and after meeting Vladimir she started doing fitness. He created training and nutrition programs for his wife. The result is a silver prize at the European tournament, and this is after only 4 months of training.

5. Andrey Skoromny and Arina Varskaya

Andrey Skoromny, or “maestro of pain”, is a master of sports, winner of many championships, one of the best bodybuilders in Russia and a fitness bikini trainer. Arina is a professional photographer, but she fulfills her marital duty - she posts motivational fitness videos. Her figure is perfect.

“Fitness bikini” girls show us what a woman’s body can look like if you watch your diet and work out in the gym, following a not-so-simple regime. To people who are far from sports, they seem too pumped up, but for many girls who want to lose weight and look attractive, they have become role models and motivation on the way to an ideal figure. We managed to talk with one of them: a resident of our city, winner of a large number of awards in competitions in the “fitness bikini” category, Ksenia Sheveleva.

Ksenia, hello!Tell us how you started participating in fitness bikini competitions?

In general, since childhood I was far from sports. This is all my husband. It was he who brought me to the gym for the first time. And like many girls, I was embarrassed to study among “iron” and big, pumped-up men. I started performing in 2012 (before that I was just training in the gym for 2 years), first in our local competitions, then gradually reached international level competitions.

Tell us how you prepare for competitions?

Preparation begins long before the performances themselves. I draw up a training schedule, naturally follow a diet and try not to break down, because on stage you need to show your ideal shape, and even one extra apple eaten can push you far off the pedestal. And I don’t want to let my husband down either: he is my “fitness nanny”: he strictly monitors me during preparation and is very supportive.

How does a “fitness bikini” girl’s day start?

Now it’s a morning jog around the city. In the evening, my husband and I go to the gym. From year to year we review our training program, add and change exercises. Two years ago the training was completely different, now we are working on the nuances, looking for weaknesses. Fitness bikini for me is an opportunity to build the body of my dreams.

Ksenia, what regime do you follow in between competitions?

I am not a supporter of sudden changes in my regime - I try to stay in good shape all year round. Genetics does not allow me to relax even during the “non-competitive” period. We don’t stop training even after the performance: if on Saturday I was still standing on stage, then on Monday we go to the gym as planned. But no matter how hard I tried, I didn’t like the process of training itself. I have a goal - I want to look good, and for the sake of the result I am ready to maintain discipline.

What are your hobbies in life, besides sports?

I am an interior designer by training. This knowledge has been very useful to me in life. I made all the swimsuits for performances myself. I also spent a long time successfully painting walls. In general, I wanted to connect my life with art, since I loved drawing since childhood. Thanks to my mother, who allowed me to go to study to become a designer, and not to become a lawyer, as my father wanted.

As far as we know, you are currently busy developing your own clothing brand, tell us how this idea came about?

It so happened that a year ago we had to leave Vladivostok for another city for some time. Orders, clients - it was very alarming to leave. But everything that is done is for the better, and Valentin, my husband, came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a brand of sportswear, and we called it “GYMWARS”. Of course, combining work and sports was not easy, and often competitions slightly interfered with my main activity. But now the two passions that I devoted all my time to have come together. We have already released the first collection of leggings “Elements of nature”, which very quickly spread throughout the cities of Russia. We are currently working on the second collection; we plan to produce not only clothes, but also gloves and bags. I cannot stand still without developing. What was interesting to me a year ago now seems ordinary.

You are very popular on social networks, you already have more than 12,000 subscribers! What do you think is the reason for this?

I actively share my secrets with readers, talk about the nuances of the life of a “fitness bikini”. On my VKontakte page you can find the answer to any question: regarding nutrition, training, daily routine, self-care. As for fame, I’m not very puzzled by this. I don’t answer girls’ letters “send a program” and questions “how did you lose weight” because I think it’s dishonest: I have no experience training other people, and I haven’t undergone special training. Yes, maybe it has become very popular, but I am not interested in doing it.

What are your plans for the future?

In sports - obtain a special title in order to compete in professional competitions. And so, I have another big goal in life, but it’s a secret. As for family life, of course, my husband and I dream of children and a big country house, but a little later.

What do you wish for our readers?

Go towards your dream and don't give up. All in our hands! Never beat yourself up asking why they have what I want and I don’t. It’s not enough to want, you also need to do it! Grit your teeth and GO!

Interviewed by Elena Fedorenko

Girls competing in the “fitness bikini” category show people their ideal figures obtained through hard training and proper nutrition. To some, their body seems over-pumped. But for many girls trying to lose weight, fit girls are an example of an ideal figure. One of these motivating bikinists is Ksenia Sheveleva. Fitness has recently become a part of her life and has literally become a second profession. This article will present a brief biography of the girl.

Childhood and studies

Sheveleva Ksenia was born in Vladivostok in 1986. As a child, her parents noticed that their daughter showed interest in the fine arts. At the family council, it was decided to send the girl first to a club and then to an art school. In high school, Ksenia developed an interest in fashion. She has repeatedly participated in various competitions for young designers. This predetermined the choice of future profession. Having received the specialty of an artist-designer, the girl opened her own interior studio.

Fitness bikini

Since childhood, Ksenia Sheveleva was very far from sports. The girl was brought to the gym by her husband. After training for more than two years, Ksenia decided to take part in local competitions. Several successful performances in the fitness bikini category allowed the athlete to reach the international level.

Preparation for competitions

In the morning, Ksenia Sheveleva goes jogging, and in the evening she and her husband go to the gym. The husband serves as a coach. Every year they revise the training program, adding and changing several exercises. The emphasis is on the athlete’s weaker points.


Sheveleva Ksenia stays in good shape all year round. The genetic characteristics of the body do not allow her to eat and skip workouts. For example, if the competition took place on Saturday, then on Monday Ksenia will go to a scheduled training session in any case.


Ksenia Sheveleva

Ksenia Sheveleva- a well-known representative of fitness bikini in Russia, champion of the World Ladies Cup 2014 (Kiev, Ukraine), silver medalist of the Arnold Classic Europe 2014 (Madrid, Spain), multiple winner of the Russian championships 2013-2015, bronze medalist of the Amateur Bikini Olympia 2013 (Prague , Czech Republic), absolute European champion -2015 (Santa Susanna, Spain)

By the way, Ksenia is a designer by training. For many years she worked as an interior designer, creating beautiful and comfortable spaces. Already in her third year at the institute, she was invited to work in one of the best design studios in Vladivostok, and later she opened her own. Now Ksenia, together with her husband Valentin, is designing and promoting the exclusive sportswear brand GYMWARS, which she created herself a year ago.

IRON WORLD: Ksenia, please tell us how your passion for fitness bikinis began?

Ksenia Sheveleva: Once I saw a video from a competition at the American Arnold Classic, and then it started happening. It was autumn 2011. Up to this point, I had been regularly visiting the gym for two years, I was quite happy with my figure, but when I saw these cheerful, bright beauties with beautiful bronze bodies, I wanted to look the same! From that moment my first preparation began. I started preparing six months before the competition. At first it was the Vladivostok championship. There I won my first medal and took second place. Then, a week later, I went to a competition in Khabarovsk, where I became a bronze medalist. And finally I competed at the Far East Championship, where I came second. That is, the beginning of my career in fitness bikini was more than successful. The form at that time fully corresponded to the level of the emerging fitness bikini trend in Russia. Of course, I liked receiving cups and medals, and I decided to prepare for the next season - autumn 2012. Since there were no competitions planned in our region, I went to the Russian Championship in Kazan, where I won bronze among a huge number of girls. There was a sporting interest: how come bronze? I want gold!

In the spring of 2013, I became the absolute champion of the Far East. Bronze again at the Russian Cup. And then my husband, my coach and I decided to enter the international level.

Autumn 2013. Arnold Classic Europe in sunny Madrid - 4th place. Next is Amateur Bikini Olympia - 3rd place. Well, not bad for the first international competition.

Spring 2014. World Ladies Cup - gold. Russian Cup - silver.

Autumn 2014. Silver at the Arnold Classic.

Spring 2015. Silver at the Russian Cup and... victory in the absolute category at the European Championships! I can't describe how happy I am! I did it myself with my husband. No one helped me, suggested me, or sponsored me. This makes my victory doubly valuable.

J.M.: Ksenia, did you share any memorable moments at the competition?

Ksenia Sheveleva: So many stories and acquaintances happened at all these competitions! My first season was generally generous with adventures. One day, and this was my second competition, I stood backstage and waited for my entrance. The first girl comes out, the second one should follow me, I straighten my shoulders, take a deep breath, preparing to leave the shadows, and the plastic fastener on my swimsuit bursts. Panic. Shock. What to do? I miss my exit, someone finds a paperclip on the floor, my husband somehow twists me on my back, it sticks into my skin, I manage to get out at the very end and smile as if nothing had happened. Since then I have only sewn metal fasteners.

Once we were running through Madrid to a competition through traffic jams, I thought we were late! As a result, they came running first, shaggy and with bulging eyes.

In general, I try to prevent accidents. I always have a swimsuit and shoes in my hand luggage (in case my luggage gets lost, but I have the most important things with me), I can take frozen chicken and fish in my luggage so as not to look for it upon arrival, and of course I always take ready-made food. I stock up on makeup in advance and buy not one, but two bottles. I don’t leave my shoes unattended, in case the heel gets filed off. In general, performances are fun.

J.M.: What should aspiring fitness models pay attention to? What are the pitfalls of a fitness bikini?

Ksenia Sheveleva: If you decide to compete in the fitness bikini category, then you need to start with an objective assessment of yourself! I would like everyone to ask themselves a simple, banal, but very important question: “Am I suitable for this nomination? Do I fit the parameters? For example, I have no idea of ​​becoming a successful swimmer, for example. Sorry. It didn’t come out in person, or rather, the genetics are not what they should be. He is not 2 meters tall, his shoulders are not particularly wide. As they say, no matter how much you tune the Nine, it won’t become a Mercedes. First of all, you need to evaluate your anthropometric data: how well your skeleton is built, the overall composition of your body and the shape of your muscles.

Do you want to win? Then initially have a “roughly” harmonious figure and correct forms. If your legs are short, then do not torture the spectator, the judges, or your competing colleagues. Be honest with yourself: take off your clothes, put on your favorite swimsuit and take a good look in the mirror. Is everything as it should be?

I would especially like to draw your attention to the fact that some aspects can still be corrected: a stooped hunchback, crooked posture, crooked legs. All this can be corrected with training and a good doctor. But please, first correct it, and only then take the path you desire.

Now 90% of you are sitting and thinking: “Well, how can I determine whether I’m suitable or not? What needs to be measured, what parameters are needed? There is no specific answer. Stand up straight, take a couple of photos and compare them with photos of the athletes you like most, or show the photos to a competent coach. This is the first step - awareness of your potential capabilities and direction of movement. Your body must initially be suitable for the tasks at hand.

In addition to the final decision about your “fitness,” you must set specific goals to bring your body closer to the desired standard. Simply put, where to add, what to subtract, so that in the end you get the desired image. Whether you do it yourself or under the guidance of a trainer does not matter.

If you are a beginner, it is better to contact a professional trainer. Now stories constantly pop up on social networks about how girls are ruining their health, what problems they now have and how difficult it was for them to prepare for the stage. My opinion is that if you teach a fool to pray, he will break his forehead. All problems come from ignorance. Yes, it’s not easy to prepare for competitions, that’s true, but if you do everything competently and wisely, you won’t have any problems with your health, strength, or mood.

J.M.: What advice could you give to girls who decide to perform in a fitness bikini?

Ksenia Sheveleva: Don’t dedicate yourself entirely to performing. This is far from the most important thing in life. There must be interests, friends, work. Don't go crazy. And don’t have any illusions. Everything is so subjective in this category: today you are first, tomorrow you are tenth. You need to be prepared for criticism, sometimes unfounded.

J.M.: Do you think fitness modeling is a profession? Is it possible to make money performing in the fitness bikini category?

Ksenia Sheveleva: In general, all bodybuilding is the poorest sport, if you can call it that. Athletes spend huge amounts of money and a lot of effort on preparation, flights, etc. A few can make money on this.

J.M.: You recently signed your first contract with a sponsor, a sports nutrition company. How is the relationship between a sponsor and an athlete generally built?

Ksenia Sheveleva: Yes, we didn’t agree to cooperate with anyone for a long time. The proposed conditions did not suit me at all. BioTechUSA turned out to be the most adequate and respectful. This is a Hungarian sports nutrition brand. I like their products, which I get plenty of under contract and can evaluate their entire line. I really like the PROTEINFUEL product. There are also many additional conditions for cooperation, which are very pleasing.

J.M.: A year ago you launched your own clothing brand. Where did it all start? How did this idea come about?

Ksenia Sheveleva: Of course, all these years I was not only preparing for competitions and gluing rhinestones on swimsuits (by the way, I sew my own swimsuits), but also living a full life. She worked as an interior designer and did artistic painting. Moreover, I had my own interior design studio - MYZA. Yes, I am a designer by education, and an artist by vocation. Since childhood, I have been drawing, sculpting, carving - in general, creating! Thanks to my parents for helping me develop my talent in every possible way: art studios, clubs, art school - it was all there. When it came time to go to university, a dilemma arose.

I really liked drawing, but I also dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. By the way, in high school I started participating in youth fashion design competitions: we drew and sewed clothes based on sketches. After weighing all the pros and cons, the choice fell on environmental design,” that is, during my studies I could try my hand at graphics, fonts, landscape, and interiors. And I don’t regret it, it was very interesting! During my middle school years, I already started working in my specialty. Probably, many people imagine the profession of a designer as something very stylish, fashionable, and comfortable. But no, our everyday life is construction, measurements, selection of materials, electrical and heating drawings, calculation of materials and much more.

The most beautiful thing comes in the end, and even then not always. Now I understand that this is not really mine. There is little creativity, oddly enough, too many miscalculations and technical issues.

Fate eventually directed me in a different direction; my childhood dream was partially realized.

A year ago, we first released four models of sports compression leggings for gym training. They sold out in such a short time that I couldn't believe it. I was very happy that the girls liked GYMWARS so much! It has always been important for me to create something useful, necessary and evoking pleasant emotions. This is probably why it took me a long time to create interiors and paint walls. It is very important to me to benefit society. I'm glad it turned out this way. This is a big event in our lives! I am incredibly glad that Valentin, my husband, came up with this idea - to transfer my drawings to sportswear. Thus, two streams - creativity and sports - connected and turned into the GYMWARS river, and there will be an ocean ahead! We don't talk much about our plans, but they are grandiose. We'd rather work and surprise than just chat.

J.M.: What are your plans for the near future? Are there any other projects that you would like to implement in the next year or two?

Ksenia Sheveleva: Now our life revolves around the creation of sportswear, in the next couple of years we plan to actively develop in this area, and competitions, of course. And then we’ll start having children.

J.M.: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Ksenia Sheveleva: In 10 years... The figure seems crazy at first glance. I think I will take care of my family. We will have children, a big house, a dog in the yard and a cat in the house. I would like to live in Russia, but travel a lot. I found my calling as a child - creativity in all its manifestations. I can't imagine life without this.

J.M.: How do you usually prepare for competitions?

Ksenia Sheveleva: I usually start preparing two to three months in advance, increase the amount of cardio, and cut back on my diet a little. however, my husband and I adhere to a balanced diet all year round. We eat mostly fish, eggs and vegetables, rarely chicken and very rarely meat. Once a week we eat what we want. We have a tradition: every Saturday morning we have breakfast in a cafe with cakes.

My husband monitors my preparation; he organizes my training schedule, nutrition, etc. I am not a professional trainer, this is his hobby - training his wife, and himself.

J.M.: Valentin (Ksenia Sheveleva’s husband, her trainer and business partner. - Author’s note), please tell me, is it difficult to be the husband of a fitness model? How does Ksenia's regime affect you?

Valentin Shevelev: It’s probably difficult if you’ve only seen the gym in pictures in magazines. Well, if you are a participant yourself and share similar interests, then there are no problems. A joint hobby is only a plus for strong family relationships. So I don’t have any hardships, everything is okay!

Do I experience any inconvenience or discomfort due to Ksyusha’s constant regime? No, because this mode is entirely my doing. In general, there is nothing particularly difficult or complicated here. You're just trying to be a little healthier and stronger than you were yesterday.

People often ask me what I eat. Yes, I eat the same thing, not dumplings with mayonnaise. We, in principle, cook the same thing for two, only I have a larger portion, Ksenia has a smaller one. And there are two reasons for this. First, I also want to look decent. After all, the champion's coach. Secondly, I cannot set a bad example for my pupil.