Private pool as a business. How to open a children's pool for infants

Opening a swimming pool is a labor-intensive process that requires large financial investments and efforts of the founder. Naturally, the game is worth the candle, but not everyone can cope with the large amount of work.

  • Relevance
  • Types of pools and services
  • Selecting a room
  • What equipment should I choose for my pool?
  • Staff
  • What documents are needed to open a swimming pool?
  • How much money do you need to open a swimming pool?
  • How much can you earn?
  • Conclusion
  • Step-by-step plan for starting a business
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a case?
  • Which tax system to choose for work?
  • Do you need permits to open a swimming pool?
  • Technology for selling services for organizing leisure time in the pool


Swimming is good for overall health, it helps fight excess weight and correct posture problems. That is why the pools are visited by young and old: babies, their parents, pensioners.

This circumstance gives novice entrepreneurs the opportunity to think about creating their own swimming pool. People will be able to spend time with health benefits, and the businessman will receive a stable income at this time.

The number of visitors will depend on what services will be provided. Successful entrepreneurs have grown their businesses to impressive levels. Every day their complexes are visited by 300-350 people. And on weekends the number can increase to 500.

Types of pools and services

Before you open a pool, you need to find out what types there are:

  • sports;
  • complex;
  • private;
  • included in fitness centers, baths and hotels.

The first are those types that are built and provided by the federal authorities at the expense of the budget. The complexes most often belong to educational institutions or enterprises. Therefore, for businessmen, the option of creating a private pool remains. This article will discuss exactly this type.

To attract more potential customers, you can offer the following services at the pool area:

  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • solarium;
  • sauna;
  • sports simulators;
  • massage;
  • water aerobics;
  • swimming training with an instructor;
  • cafe.

At first, there is not always enough finance to open additional establishments within the aquatic center itself, so it is worth waiting until the business begins to generate net profit.

Everyone loves to swim in the sea, but not every family can afford this pleasure all year round. Of course, living near the sea has many pleasant advantages, but not everywhere there is a sea or other body of water. And you have to be a walrus to swim in the sea, river or lake in winter. Such extreme swimming will also affect your health. But for lovers of water treatments, there is a way out of such a bad situation - a swimming pool. Not only is it available every day of the year (if you build it not outside, but inside), but it will also help maintain a healthy and athletic lifestyle! Thanks to the demand made to create a swimming pool business plan for children, many entrepreneurs have their eyes on the future of swimming pools - why not get into it.

There are not many swimming pools under the government wing, and they are so ancient. Moreover, their another disadvantage is the path to them. You need to get together, sculpt your will into a fist and go to the pool on the other side of the city. You don’t always have the strength and desire to do this. Such a voyage will not have the highest percentage of quality, since you need to go back home. And after swimming, it is best to lie down and lie down - this is necessary for the spine. In addition, not everyone wants to be in a public pool because of their own complexes - it seems that everyone is looking at you. And if you don’t know how to swim and are just starting to learn, then it becomes terribly embarrassing. Moreover, a rather large subscription fee must be paid every month.

This is precisely why many people prefer to invest money in their pool once and never have to worry about any more difficulties. But not everyone can afford this. What about those who live in apartments, for example? But if there is a small swimming pool in a city or region - brand new and modern, and with a small fee, then why not take advantage of this useful luxury.

These are the reasons why any pool pays for itself. Of course, this could happen in a year, or maybe in 2-3, which is more likely. Swimming pools bring good profits to their owners. 3 - 5 tracks 25 - 30 meters long will be enough. This track will be appreciated by both amateurs and athletes. And the place will show high traffic, which will increase profits in the future.


It is very important before building a pool to collect all the documents for the implementation of a ready-made business plan for the pool. First of all, this is a building permit from the local architecture and construction committee. Often, paperwork takes even more time than construction work. But it’s better to formalize everything first and be sure that there is permission.

You should also not forget to include in the example business plan for opening a swimming pool such items as concluding contracts with suppliers of water, heat and electricity. The plan will need to calculate and record how much each meter will show per month.

You can fully count on benefits and subsidies from government agencies. If the pool has a focus on the development of physical education. Such benefits are very useful.


1000 square meters is the minimum required for a swimming pool for infants or adults. There is no point in regretting this. The room should not only have the king of everything - the swimming pool - but also showers, a dressing room, and you can’t forget about a changing room separated by gender.

The pool must meet the following criteria:

  • there must be pipes supplying cold and hot water; pipes must comply with standards;
  • the entire room should be treated so that the floor, ceiling and walls are moisture-repellent - this way you won’t have to make repairs too often, since moisture will not be absorbed into the walls and they will not collapse quickly;
  • the room should be cozy and comfortable for visitors;
  • before installing the pool itself, all additional (including decorative and finishing) work must be completed;
  • The sewer pipe is very necessary - you can’t forget about it.


Based on examples of a business plan for a swimming pool, the cleanliness and comfort of the pool depends on the correctly selected and installed equipment. This is not just a pit with water, but a whole complex installation. Equipment should be available for water circulation, filtration and purification. These are the minimum requirements. We also must not forget about disinfection in the pool and in the premises itself.

Such pool equipment will not affect the quality of the water, but will improve the quality of service and indoor comfort:

  • shower boxes;
  • equipment for determining water parameters;
  • diving boards;
  • water dividers to separate paths;
  • air drying devices;
  • stairs and handrails for the safety of clients, as the floor can be slippery from water;
  • cabinets, shelves, benches and loungers for clients.


The premises should not be left empty without supervisors. Personnel is a very important point in a sample business plan with calculations. Firstly, we need people who will monitor the water quality and clean the pool. Secondly, there must be a doctor or at least a nurse in case of any unforeseen dangerous case, since unpleasant situations often occur near water. We also need different trainers: for beginners, for specialists, for aerobics and water gymnastics. We also need cloakroom attendants, cleaners, and an accountant.

Additional services

You can do more than just swim in the pool. Here you can conduct water yoga and aerobics training. It will be necessary to reach an agreement with specialist trainers. You can also arrange a solarium, massage room, sauna. You can also set up a cafe on the premises. Such additional services will require additional costs. We need people who will work there, a location, tools and equipment, and additional financial resources. You will also need to do the paperwork again, as some of these species require official permission. But it’s worth it, since not only will people be pleased to be in such a recreation complex, they will invite their friends, and the entrepreneur’s profit will grow steadily. The additional investment will quickly pay off.


By implementing a business plan for a swimming pool, the monthly revenue can be more than 200-300 thousand rubles. A monthly subscription costs on average 6-10 thousand rubles.

Exercising in the pool has many advantages compared to other sports. Water aerobics is recommended by cardiologists, neurologists, traumatologists and nutritionists. Doctors consider exercise in a swimming pool to be the most gentle and effective form of physical education. However, in our country there is a huge shortage of water sports complexes: for every 31,250 people there should be one swimming pool. This ratio is not respected, and there is no competition. In this article we will tell you how to open a swimming pool from scratch and whether it is profitable.


When a novice entrepreneur asks the question of where to start his small business in this direction, experts recommend deciding on the scale of activity. According to this criterion, several types of pools are distinguished:

  • Sports.
  • Sport complexes.
  • Private pools.
  • Swimming pools at fitness clubs.

Sports pools and complexes have a large area (minimum 1500 sq. m). The cost of their creation is very high, so they are financed, as a rule, from budget funds. Private pools and pools at fitness clubs differ only in size. They are designed for 3-5 tracks.


The most difficult thing about opening a swimming pool is finding the right premises. There are several options here:

  • Rent a room in a fitness center (it must be suitable for creating a swimming pool).
  • Modernize a non-residential building.
  • Build it yourself.

The simplest (at first glance), but, in fact, the most difficult would be to rent space in a fitness club. For a tiny pool of 40 sq. m (this is for 2 tracks) you need about 70 sq. m of free space with high ceilings. In today's realities, finding a fitness club with unused space will be quite difficult. And even if you succeed, renting such a hall will require at least 140 thousand rubles.

A more difficult way is to find a non-residential premises and equip it with a swimming pool. Here you can choose the scale and decide on the category of the institution. It will take 6-7 months and more than two million rubles to re-equip the premises.

The third (and largest) option is to build your own pool. This will take from one year if you choose a standard project, and up to three years if you design according to your own visions and desires. Another difficulty is that to start construction you will need permission from the town planning committee and the city administration. In addition, in the process you will have to deal with sales companies and BTI more than once. Such a large project will require several tens of millions of rubles.

In any case, when choosing a room or place for construction, you should not focus on the location within the city limits. There are practically no such pools even in large cities, so people from all over the city will come to you for quality service.


It is more rational to register an enterprise in the form of an LLC. This is due to the scale of activity and the number of personnel. Next, you need to follow the standard procedure: register with the tax service, open a current account and purchase a stamp. To start operating the pool, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and fire services. Obtaining these documents is not that difficult. Particular attention should be paid to checking the sanitary epidemiological station. They impose requirements on the size of the room, the presence of a wardrobe, locker rooms, showers and foot baths, the surface of the paths, the quality of water, and its disinfection.

A complete list of requirements is given in SanPiN It is also necessary to conclude agreements with utility services and a security company.

Technical equipment

For any pool you will need the following equipment:

  • Pool bowl.
  • Ladders and springboards.
  • Dividing paths.
  • Backlight.
  • Starting blocks.
  • Ozonation system for disinfection.
  • Shower equipment (plumbing, shelves, trash cans).
  • Dressing room equipment (benches, mirrors, cabinets, dryers and hair dryers).
  • Wardrobe equipment (hangers, staff chair).
  • Reception equipment (counter, chairs, cooler).

The cost of a pool bowl depends on a number of factors:

  • Size.
  • Quality and wall thickness.
  • Waterproofing system.
  • Manufacturer.

For the average visitor, a bowl 25 meters long and 1.5 meters deep is suitable. Such a bowl for 10 lanes will cost, on average, 3 million rubles. Professional athletes prefer pools that are 50 meters or more long. Here the prices will be completely different: from 5 million rubles. Other equipment for the bathing hall itself (cleaning system, stairs, springboards and slides) will cost about another 1 million rubles. About 450 thousand rubles will be needed for furniture and equipment for the entrance area, wardrobe, locker room and shower.


The business idea for a small swimming pool requires the presence of qualified and experienced staff. The minimum composition will look like this:

  • Administrators (2 people).
  • Swimming coach and group lesson instructors (3-4).
  • Cleaners (4).
  • Wardrobe keepers (2).
  • Techniques (2).
  • Accountant.
  • Director.

A fixed salary should be established for everyone except coaches and instructors. For teachers, as a rule, a salary and a percentage of the classes conducted are established. On average, the monthly payroll will be 555 thousand rubles. along with deductions.


Taking into account the fact that to launch the project you will need at least 8 million rubles, and monthly costs are about 1.255 million rubles, the payback period will be quite long. According to experts, the initial costs will pay off no earlier than in 3 years.

We recommend based on the following indicators. The average attendance of the pools is 100 people per day. As a rule, swimming pools are open 29 days a month (one sanitary day). With an average lesson cost of 500 rubles, you can earn 1,450,000 rubles per month. The annual income will be about 16 million rubles. Profitability is about 15%.

Advantages and disadvantages

A swimming pool is a very promising area, which has its pros and cons. Let's start with the positive aspects:

  • Socially oriented business (government support is possible).
  • Little competition.
  • High demand.
  • Wide field for development.
  • It is difficult to find a suitable premises.
  • Large initial investment.
  • Long payback period.
  • Relatively low profitability.


Before opening your own business, you need to calculate and study all the nuances. Opening a swimming pool is a great social idea that requires a lot of financial investment and a lot of time. But it is worth noting that in each region there are programs to support socially oriented entrepreneurship, so the state can bear part of the costs. Step-by-step instructions for opening a swimming pool include many nuances, which are discussed in detail in our business plan.

In today's material, we invite readers to look at a business plan for a swimming pool complete with calculations. It was not by chance that we decided to talk about opening a swimming pool. This is a very profitable business, considering low competition in this area and the desire of many residents of our country for a healthy lifestyle.

Many parents bring their babies to the pool, the adult population of our country actively visits various sports institutions, and swimming pools occupy one of the leading places among them. In addition, the state and local authorities welcome the construction of new construction projects and try to provide comprehensive support to entrepreneurs engaged in this area.

Business relevance and target audience

So, we have already said that opening a swimming pool is a business that will be beneficial to the entrepreneur himself, thanks to a fairly quick payback(in 2-2.5 years the facility reaches the break-even point), which means that the businessman will begin to receive net profit from the operation of the sports facility. A working swimming pool is also attractive to ordinary residents, who will be able to attend classes at a time convenient for them.

The state and local authorities welcome the construction of sports facilities and try to provide support to entrepreneurs

Let us clarify that the relevance of this business is determined by such factors:

  • in the regions of our country there is a serious shortage of water sports complexes;
  • lack of competition, since most of the currently operating pools were built during the Soviet era and are now technically outdated;
  • swimming and other activities are recommended for people of all age groups, since the gentle load and effectiveness of the activities can improve the health of the population;
  • the popularity of swimming among the population - swimming helps to get rid of stress and improves mood;
  • wide target audience - people of all ages engage in swimming (from birth onwards without restrictions).

If we talk about the target audience, then the pool can be visited people, regardless of gender and age category. However, it is worth understanding that, as a rule, the pool is visited by people with average income.

Potential visitors to the swimming pool can without hesitation include:

  • expectant mothers and babies;
  • schoolchildren and students;
  • working population and people of retirement age;
  • people actively involved in sports (in particular swimming).

Note! In addition to the mentioned categories of visitors, there is another fairly large group of potential clients - government and commercial organizations that pay for the classes of their employees. The number of corporate clients may exceed ½ of the total number of visitors.

In order to attract customers, and accordingly, increase the profitability of the establishment, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for visitors. These include the following factors:

  • modern equipment of all premises of the facility and good finishing;
  • stylish interior;
  • convenient access roads and ample parking near the building;
  • qualified employees, friendly attitude towards visitors and polite service;
  • sale of subscriptions at reasonable prices;
  • add. discounts for certain categories of visitors (schoolchildren, students, pensioners, etc.);
  • bonuses for corporate visitors;
  • loyalty programs for regular visitors;
  • an extensive list of additional services.

Which pool to open

Swimming pools, working in the regions of Russia, can be divided into several categories:

  • departmental sports complexes owned by enterprises or educational institutions;
  • sports complexes maintained by government agencies and local authorities;
  • swimming pools belonging to sanatoriums, hotels, fitness centers, etc.;
  • swimming pools built by individual entrepreneurs and commercial organizations.

Opening a swimming pool is a medium-term investment in a very profitable business

We are interested in the last category, so you should figure out what target audience the establishment planned for opening will be aimed at and consider the types of services that can be offered to private pool visitors.

Note! If at the beginning of work we offer consumers a minimum set of services, then the entrepreneur will, accordingly, require less investment in the enterprise being organized. Over time, the line of services can be expanded, which will attract visitors and increase their number.

At the initial stage, it is important to carefully consider the concept of the pool. At the initial stage, you can choose one of the possible formats, and subsequently expand your business. It could be:

  • health complex for children (for example, a swimming pool for infants or older children);
  • an establishment that provides a range of entertainment (slides, etc.);
  • health complex for adult visitors;
  • sauna with swimming pool;
  • classic swimming pool.

Other options cannot be excluded– here everything depends on the intentions of the entrepreneur himself and his material capabilities. But no matter what kind of establishment you decide to develop (open a business outdoor swimming pool, open a sauna with a swimming pool, open a children's pool or an establishment of another format), you must initially navigate the services that will be available to its visitors. The list may include:

  • swimming lessons;
  • registration of rent for various events;
  • various classes with an instructor (water aerobics, swimming lessons, etc.);
  • rental of sports equipment.

Additional services can be considered The most popular offers among visitors:

  • opening of the sauna;
  • classic and hydromassage;
  • Gym;
  • solarium, pedicure, manicure, etc.;
  • small cafe.

Steps to start a business

In one of the previous articles, we examined in detail the structure of the document and its key features. However, it is wise to consider what is needed to open a pool. We will describe the algorithm of actions when opening a health (sports) establishment.

The swimming pool offers water aerobics classes.

A phased business plan for building a swimming pool and putting it into operation looks like this:

  1. Studying consumer demand in the region for visiting cultural and recreational institutions.
  2. Analysis of the financial potential of residents.
  3. Competition assessment.
  4. Concept formulation and detailed development of a business project.
  5. Determination of location. It is possible to build the facility from scratch. In this option, you will need to select the appropriate land plot. You can also consider buying out or renting an already built structure.
  6. Registration of a legal entity.
  7. Development of a project for the construction (reconstruction) of an object.
  8. Interior design development.
  9. Search for suppliers, purchase of building materials, equipment and other necessary things.
  10. Carrying out construction and installation work.
  11. Obtaining permission from regulatory authorities.
  12. Personnel selection.
  13. Carrying out marketing activities and launching an advertising campaign.

Let's look at some points in a little more detail..

Registration and permissions

When carrying out registration actions for an entrepreneur you need to know about the following features:

  1. An LLC or an individual entrepreneur can be considered as an organizational form.
  2. When registering a legal entity, you will need to indicate the type of activity. In our case, this is a sports facility (93.11). In addition to stables and garages for racing cars, this includes stadiums and swimming pools. The list of codes can be expanded if desired (depending on the list of services to be provided).
  3. For taxation, it is advisable to choose a simplified system or UST (single imputed tax).
  4. It is extremely important to comply with environmental standards when operating a facility.
  5. It is necessary to obtain the appropriate permits from various authorities (Rospotrebnadzor, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, regional authorities and fire inspection).
  6. You will also need to conclude an agreement with representatives of housing and communal services (disinfection, waste removal, etc.).
  7. If it is planned to build a new facility, the project must be approved by the regional construction committee.
  8. Registration with the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund and the Statistics Department is mandatory!

Room and location

Resolving the issue of the premises where the pool will be located is no less important than resolving financial issues. There are various options to consider here:

  1. Rent. In this case, it is important to choose the appropriate size room, which can be very difficult. Because a pool with 2 lanes requires an area of ​​40 m2. And the area of ​​the entire pool must be at least 70 m2. Moreover, the room must have an appropriate ceiling height.
  2. Reconstruction. In this case, you need to be prepared for serious financial investments. There are unused buildings in all regions, so you can find a facility that meets specific requirements and pool category. The main thing is that the selected object meets the requirements of supervisory authorities. In addition, the decision of the org. questions and arrangement of premises will require at least 6 months. In this case, it is advisable to buy the building or issue a long-term lease agreement for it.
  3. Construction. This is also an expensive and time-consuming (at least 12 months) option. Before starting construction work, you will need to obtain permission from the authorized authorities (local administration and construction department). As for the occupied land, here it is also worth registering its purchase or lease for a long time.

The concept of the pool can be different, including classes for teaching children to swim

The pool can be located in a separate building or in an extension to an already operating shopping center, fitness club or kindergarten. And, as an option, an outdoor pool is not excluded.

There are a number of requirements that should be taken into account when opening a sports facility:

  • always high human traffic;
  • there are no similar facilities nearby;
  • location within the city or beyond is not excluded;
  • availability of proper utilities;
  • availability of public transport and high-quality access roads.

Important! The scale of the object must exactly correspond to its location and the number of residents in a certain area. The average area of ​​a typical pool is 1500 m2.

Inside the object it is necessary to correctly distribute the areas:

  • the main room is a swimming pool for adult visitors;
  • swimming pool for children;
  • 2 changing rooms (men's and women's) with showers;
  • wardrobe and reception area;
  • honey. point and laboratory;
  • sauna and treatment rooms (massage room, solarium, etc.);
  • utility and administrative premises.

Pool equipment

Having chosen the concept of the future swimming establishment, chosen the optimal dimensions and carried out measures to repair or construct the facility, you can begin purchasing equipment. To equip you will need:



Pool bowl for adults

3.5 million rubles.

"Splash pool" bowl

1 million rub.

Pool cleaning system

500 thousand rubles.

Equipment for ozonation of the “splash pool”

300 thousand rubles.

Water heating system

500 thousand rubles.

Starting blocks

100 thousand rubles.

Track limiters and separators

100 thousand rubles.

Lighting equipment

200 thousand rubles.

Sport. inventory

200 thousand rubles.

Shower and sauna equipment

800 thousand rubles.

Wardrobe and changing room equipment

300 thousand rubles.

Medical equipment point and laboratory

200 thousand rubles.

Reception area

300 thousand rubles.

Equipment of utility and administrative premises

400 thousand rubles.

Other equipment (slides, massage room, solarium, equipment, etc.)

800 thousand rubles.


9 200 000

The table shows approximate prices– Depending on the region and supplier, they may differ.

The personnel of the sports facility must be properly qualified and highly professional

Personnel training

In addition to the purchase of equipment, it is necessary to competently approach the selection of personnel. You can refer to the following list:

  • manager;
  • 2 administrators;
  • trainers and instructors;
  • technical personnel (equipment maintenance technicians, cleaners, wardrobe attendants, etc.);
  • medical staff (nurses, laboratory assistant, massage therapist, etc.);
  • accounting staff.

Depending on the scale of the facility, staff can be reduced or increased. The main thing is that the establishment employs experienced specialists who have (if required by the position held) appropriate certificates, licenses and other documents confirming the professional level of the employee.

Financial calculations

Initial financial injections to a swimming pool built on owned land, consist of the following expense items:

The costs shown in the table are approximate, but do not forget about monthly expenses. These include housing and communal services, staff salaries, consumables, etc. Approximately such costs will be 550 thousand rubles.

Inspections by supervisory authorities

In the process of obtaining permits from supervisory authorities for business activities, they check:

  • compliance with fire safety and sanitary standards;
  • ventilation and heating systems.

Rospotrebnadzor employees check:

  • internal equipment of the facility;
  • the presence of a swimming pool, changing rooms, showers, wardrobes, etc.;
  • surfaces of bypass paths;
  • water composition and temperature, pool depth;
  • disinfection and disinfection technologies, etc.

Swimming pools are inspected by regulatory authorities:

  • in a planned manner;
  • based on visitor complaints;
  • according to sanitary and epidemiological indications.

Important! A detailed list of requirements can be found in SanPin

To prevent violations, which entail penalties, and in some cases closure of the facility, it is necessary to regularly conduct laboratory analysis and carry out total control:

The advantage of the sports facility for visitors will be a wide range of additional services

Pros and risks of business

Like any other business, opening a swimming pool has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • social orientation of the business, which makes it possible to receive government support;
  • low competition;
  • lack of special licensing and special permits;
  • high consumer demand for swimming lessons;
  • availability of opportunities to provide additional services.

The disadvantages of this business include:

  • significant initial costs;
  • fairly long payback period;
  • visiting the pool is seasonal.

And one cannot help but say about the risks that accompany opening a swimming pool:

  1. If a facility is being built from scratch, then there is a possibility of delays in construction, equipment supplies, and finishing work.
  2. Financial planning was carried out incorrectly: some cost items were not taken into account, the cost of construction materials and equipment increased. This can make investing difficult.
  3. Increase in tariffs for housing and communal services.
  4. Accidents in the pool.
  5. Sharp jumps in consumer demand, depending on the season.


And in conclusion it should be said that the payback period for the project under consideration is (on average) 2-3 years. As for the entrepreneur, this is a medium-term investment in a business with high returns. According to experts, the profitability of a swimming pool is approximately 60%.

The results of sociological research confirm the presence of a stable trend of growing interest among citizens in sports. In these conditions, the idea of ​​​​creating private swimming pools becomes promising - swimming pleases people of all ages. The swimming pool construction business, although it requires large financial investments, can become a source of stable income.

After reading the article, you will learn how to organize a successful business in the construction of private swimming pools, and become familiar with the calculations of the profitability and payback of the enterprise.

Brief analysis of supply and demand

There is a lack of water sports complexes in Russian cities. Many of them, created back in Soviet times, are technically outdated. Given the obvious interest of Russians in sports, the shortage of swimming pools provides great opportunities for enthusiastic entrepreneurs.

Marketing experts estimate that a city with a population of up to 1 million people should have about 30 medium and large swimming pools to meet demand.

Exercises in aquatic complexes are in demand because swimming improves health and does not overstrain the body, has an anti-stress effect, and improves mood. Children, adults and pensioners can swim - therefore the target audience is almost unlimited.

Basic costs of building a swimming pool

Our business plan involves the creation of a private swimming pool 25 m long, 11.4 m wide with children's and adult paths. It will become publicly available.

Table 1. Basic expenses.


Cost, rub.

Registration of a legal entity

Premises, rent


Necessary equipment (technical equipment, equipment of adjacent premises)

Repair work, design, finishing of premises


Marketing campaign


Other costs

Total capital investment

Preparation of documentation

To open a pool you will need documents, contracts and permits:

  • from local authorities;
  • from Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • from utilities, fire services;
  • from the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund, statistical authorities, insurance funds.

The issue of paperwork can take a lot of time, so it needs to be dealt with as early as possible - immediately after registering a legal entity.

The use of a private swimming pool for commercial purposes has the OKVED code 92.61. It is better to choose UTII as a tax system. If this is not possible (the option is not available to all businessmen), it is advisable to pay according to the simplified tax system.

Selection of premises and creation of a project

There are several ways to solve the issue with the premises:

  • Rent a room. Business centers located near transport interchanges are suitable.
  • Buy an old building, one of the abandoned sports complexes. Such buildings are sold cheaper, at auction prices. But here you need to do repairs (in most cases major ones).
  • Build everything yourself - start by purchasing land and build the whole complex yourself. This is the most expensive way.

Our business plan for the construction of a swimming pool involves renting a premises of 1000 sq. m. m. You need to work according to a pre-prepared project.

Construction and area distribution

Work begins with digging a pit. Using special equipment, a pit is dug. The depth is determined based on 3 paths with a depth of 2 m plus 1 playground no deeper than 1.25 m (where a child can swim without danger).

The next stage is concreting. Concrete is often poured in stages: first the bottom is concreted, after 2 days the walls are poured.

After about a month, the concrete hardens, the formwork is removed, and finishing of the bowl begins. The surface is leveled, waterproofed, and coated.

The pool will occupy an area of ​​approximately 300 square meters. m. The rest of the room will be divided into several functional areas: reception, wardrobe, locker rooms, showers, first aid station.


After finishing the bowl, all equipment necessary to maintain cleanliness and create an attractive appearance of the pool is purchased and installed.

  • They install pipes and pumps, install devices for heating and purifying water.
  • Dehumidifiers will maintain comfortable humidity in the room.
  • “Water” vacuum cleaners will help keep the bottom and walls clean.
  • Paths 2.5 m wide will separate the ropes (it is also recommended to mark the bottom). For diving, starting blocks should be installed.

For a beautiful appearance, the pool and room can be equipped with stylish lighting, multi-colored lamps in the water, geysers, and fountains.


It is mandatory to hire a manager, 2 administrators, nurses, wardrobe attendants, cleaners and one foreman to check the condition of equipment and water quality.

Swimming and aqua aerobics coaches can also be invited to join the staff. Although at the initial stage it is recommended to do without these specialists.

Area 1000 sq. m. makes it possible to arrange premises for additional services - for example, massage, manicure rooms, saunas, solarium, small bar.


It is important to convey information about the new pool to consumers, describe its advantages, and attract them with profitable promotions.

  • organize advertising in print media (newspapers, city magazines);
  • distribute leaflets in crowded places;
  • submit advertisements on the Internet;
  • start topics on city Internet forums;
  • create and promote a website.

You can work with kindergartens and large companies that organize group visits for children and employees as part of the development of corporate culture.

Visitors are attracted by discounts, so you need to develop and implement a bonus program, give away subscriptions, and regularly hold promotions.

Profitability calculation

A swimming pool as a business requires large investments and high responsibility during construction and management. The amount of initial investment is 12.7 million rubles. The amount of monthly expenses taking into account rent, utility bills, salaries is 1.67 million rubles.

The average cost of 1 visit is approximately 300 rubles. A monthly subscription (8 classes) costs 3,000 rubles. Average attendance is 100 people per day. The pool is open 29 days a month.

If half of the visitors swim with one-time lessons, the other half with subscriptions, monthly revenue will be 4.78 million rubles. Minus monthly expenses, the profit will be equal to 3.1 million rubles.

Attendance is seasonal - higher in winter. Taking this into account, the pool will be able to pay for itself in about 1.5-2 years.

Main stages of business organization

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Study the situation in the region, the needs of the population, competitors.
  2. Find a place for a pool.
  3. Order a project for the future complex. Start preparing all the documentation for construction and work. Negotiate with suppliers and contractors.
  4. Proceed with the creation of the pool, purchase equipment, construction and finishing materials - in accordance with the plan.
  5. Obtain permission from supervisory authorities, form a staff.
  6. Start work, resolve minor issues (conclude contracts with companies involved in waste removal, disinfection).
  7. Organize an advertising campaign, find subtenants.

The business plan for a swimming pool presented in the article will allow an entrepreneur to open a successful aquatic complex, which, with proper promotion, can become an important hub of sports infrastructure in the city. As part of the expansion of the project, it is possible to begin the construction of private (dacha) swimming pools, which wealthy citizens are building on their plots.