How to meet a girl on VK: revealing secrets. What to write to a girl when meeting on VKontakte: catchy phrases to interest her How to properly meet a girl on VKontakte

Despite the fact that the world is now promoting the idea of ​​a “magic pill” (pump up your abs in a week, lose 17 kg in a month, get a girl in 1 day, buy yourself cool clothes and you yourself will become cool), there are things that really work.

They work not because they are super cool, but because they were obtained through experience and some labor.

Apply this new knowledge in practice, and you will solve your questions about what to write to a girl when meeting her on VKontakte and any other social networks.

You understand that if you don’t lift a finger, then things around you won’t happen on their own.

And if you just read this article and do nothing, or act half-heartedly, then nothing will come of it, or the results will be unsatisfactory for you.

Answer her the main 3 questions in the first messages

Any girl to whom an unfamiliar guy writes asks the following questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you need, what do you want from her?
  3. Why her?

Any person when communication with stranger, Always these 3 questions in my head.

Therefore, the answers to these three questions are what you should write after the word “Hello” to the girl.

1. “Who are you?”

Let's look at these questions in more detail.

The girl doesn't know you and she's interested in knowing who you are.

Maybe someone she knew sent you, or you're from some real estate agency.

A lot of options are running through her head. Clarify the situation to her.

Ask yourself: “Who are you?”, and write to her about it.

Know the answer to this question for yourself, and then you will know your the value that you will convey through messages when meeting her.

The following visual example will give you a clearer idea of ​​what to write to a girl to get to know her.

2. “What do you want from her?”

This is the second question the girl wants to know the answer to from you.

Maybe you want to sell her a plasma TV over the Internet or invite her to some kind of network marketing or financial pyramid.

The Internet is full of all kinds of people.

You can respond to three messages at once with one first message question as in the following example. This is exactly what you can write to a girl when meeting her in contact in the first message.

This removes many suspicions immediately.

Sometimes it is enough to answer only one question out of three, and she is already ready to meet you. Look at the screenshot.

3. “Why did you choose her?”

Here you need to write about what attracted you to her and why you chose her over other girls.

That is, you write to her about why did you like her, and why did you decide to write to her?: “because you’re pretty”, “I’m attracted to you”, “I like you” and others.

These are all pretty good examples for you of what to write to a girl in the first message on VKontakte or Facebook.

You may have your own unique reasons for why you chose her.

At this point, girls very often check guys.

Here they want make sure you are the guy you say you are, or you're lying to her.

It depends on whether you can pass her tests or not, depends on whether you manage to meet her or not.

Pass the tests, don’t be afraid of them, accept them, and meeting her won’t take long.

With practice and over time, you will learn to shuffle these techniques, swap the answers to these questions.

You will have a certain sense of when you can immediately ask for a number and ask for a date, and when it’s too early and it’s worth getting to know each other better.

Be absolutely sincere and congruent with her.

Very detailed and detailed article.

Some guys have a big problem with what they don't know what to say and what topic to choose for conversation when meeting a girl.

Why doesn't she answer you

  1. Most men write platitudes to girls like:“Hi, how are you?”, “What are you doing?”
    But this doesn't work at all.
  2. Some guys just offer to “buy” a girl’s attention through entertainment or even openly- money. This is a mistake.
    This will push the girl away from you even more. She will turn on the “I’m not like that” defense mechanism.

We also have a detailed article on our website for men about college, at work and in other places, without making any effort or trying to please her.

What should I do with your profile?

1. Upload good photos

I recommend first delete ABSOLUTELY ALL photos where you look tired, irritated, drunk to the point of squealing, in the company of stoned friends. Well, you understand.

If thoughts occur to you that this will seem incorrect towards your friends or even towards yourself (it may seem so), throw these lousy thoughts out of your head and start acting.

You are heading towards a life filled with beautiful girls and your own personal happiness in the end!

So don't hesitate to delete it.

When you take 6 – 10 photos with a professional, you will find out why it was necessary to delete the previous ones.

2. Fill in information about yourself in your profile

It will also be useful to fill out information about yourself in your profile.

This will create more trust to you.

Fill out the items in the “interests” section. Write only the truth.

Write your favorite books, your interests, your favorite movies and music.

The time when she was attracted by the photos

There's no need to text each other a lot. If you feel like you can already ask for a date, do it.

There you can already flirt face to face.

We have a detailed article about when meeting and dating.

When you have good photos and a trusted account on social networks, then you don’t really worry about what to write to a girl in the first message on a dating site.

The next screenshot confirms this.

The first thing girls look at is your photos and what kind of life you live.

When you land on a pretty girl's page on social media, what is the first thing you look at?

Of course photographs.

Do you think girls do things differently?

Of course, appearance is not the determining factor, but people use it to determine do they want continue acquaintance with this person.

If the first photos discourage any desire, then communication will not work out - you can be sure of that.

Therefore, initially have an album with attractive and pleasant photographs. And only then you can correspond and think about what to write to the girl you like on VK.

Girls will look at it more, what kind of photos you have and what kind of life you live, rather than on the information in your profile!

After all, they are skilled craftswomen in the business of creating images. who attract the opposite sex, and know for a fact that most are trying to seem cool and cool to others.

And this is common.

After all, from childhood, society dictates to men and women what they need to do to please other people if they want to be successful.

However, for real successful people They don’t try to please, they simply are themselves - without the desire to impress or impress.

Think about it.

Video with my live acquaintance with a girl who was walking with her mother

“Why is real live dating so much better than virtual dating, and why do I love it so much?” – you ask.

The answer to this question is in the video below.

The beauty was walking down the street with her mother, but this did not stop me.

Don't make the following common mistakes

Don't make things difficult for yourself. Everything in this world is easy and simple.

That's all. Now you know everything about what to write to a girl when meeting her online.

Don’t be shy to write to girls on Odnoklassniki, Contact, Facebook and any other social networks.

You have a pretty pumped-up social network profile, as well as positive development!

We continue to move towards success!

You can also get even more unique content and advanced knowledge in my individual training programs on social dynamics, seduction and dating girls.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Last time we looked at meeting girls on the street, today we’ll talk about how to meet a girl on VK. So I ask you men to stay. Girls can do it too, so be it.

The advent of the Internet has greatly simplified life for everyone, without exception, in terms of dating and starting relationships. Now you don’t need to blush, shift from foot to foot, and approach the girl you like in fear.

You can meet unshaven, in a soiled T-shirt, with a black eye - the stranger doesn’t see you yet, but your laptop doesn’t care. Also, it is on the World Wide Web that it is best to hone your communication skills with girls - after all, there are so many of them here, and they are all different.

Of course, virtual dating also has its pitfalls. Until the first real meeting both you and the girl communicate not with each other, but with images created in your heads based on the information that you managed to receive. It is important to be able to create a beautiful image of yourself, maintain it and not disappoint a new acquaintance when you meet. Let's talk about everything in order.

What you need to know about dating on social networks

Firstly, on the Internet everyone tries to appear better than they really are. This is especially true for appearance. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing an object for acquaintance. Many girls like to put photos of some beauties on their avatars that have nothing to do with them. If in doubt, check the image on Google search.

Another favorite topic for girls is photoshop. Some people are so addicted to various photo editors that their resulting photos have nothing in common with the original.

To get an idea of ​​what a stranger looks like in reality, don’t be lazy - look through her albums. Be sure to look at the album where the girl is tagged in other people’s photographs, if suddenly the beauty recklessly forgot to hide it.

You should be wary if all the images contain only the girl’s face. Well, you understand, right?

Secondly, there are many strange and mysterious creatures on the Internet - fakes, trolls, bots, etc. VK is their favorite habitat. In order not to run into one of them, carefully study the page of your chosen one so that she does not accidentally later turn out to be the “chosen one” or someone even worse.

See who the girl's friends are and what messages are on her wall. If her friends are mainly with beauty salons and clothing stores, and her wall is an endless repost competition, then this is not best choice for dating.

Designing the page correctly

A properly designed profile is 80% of success. I'll tell you how to put your page in order and increase the chances of a successful outcome. If you don’t have your own page yet, then quickly register (there’s no way around it) and come back to us.


This is yours business card. The avatar should be such that when the girl sees it in a small circle next to the message, she wants to click on it. It is best to use the services of a professional photographer - you will see yourself in a new light and fall in love even more.

If you have a good camera, you can do it yourself. Take note of a few tips.

  1. You should be in the photo - this is the main thing. Not David Beckham, not a smiley face, not some kind of animal, and not a philosophical inscription. Otherwise, the girl will suspect that you have a problem with your appearance.
  2. Selfie - no best option. Too simple and straightforward.
  3. We also discard “passport-like” photographs; leave them for your resume.
  4. There is no need to lay out individual body parts. Of course, I understand that you want to immediately demonstrate your merits, but at least be patient until the girl gets to your albums.
  5. Post a photo of you alone. Okay, you can do the same with a cat.
  6. Do you like cars? Very good! But you shouldn’t take a photo with them for your avatar. Especially with strangers.
  7. You can post a photo in a work environment if your job is prestigious and interesting.
  8. Photos in beautiful places planets are also welcome.
  9. Sports attributes produce a good effect. But not all. Surfboard, tennis racket, snowboard, skis - yes. A hoop, a jump rope, a dumbbell weighing 1 kg - no. Naturally, all these bells and whistles should be an addition to you, and not show off on their own (see point 1).
  10. But you should refuse such items as a cigarette and a bottle of beer.
  11. Black and white photographs look beautiful. Just make sure they are legible and clear, and not like an ultrasound printout.
  12. What kind of guys do girls like? That's right - strong and confident. Try to ensure that your look in the photo conveys these two qualities.

Detox pages

It's time to get rid of everything that can “tarnish” your reputation in the eyes of a girl. First of all, this applies to photographs. Every successful and serious man probably has at least one photo from ten years ago, where he is sleeping drunk after a party, and his beloved friends painted on his mustache. And this is the most harmless example.

You'll have to get rid of all of them. I can see how a stingy man’s tear rolled down your cheek. Calm down, the creators of VK made sure that your provocative photos do not sink into oblivion forever. Create a separate album, in the “Who can view the album” item, select “Only me”, drag all your “forbidden” items there and – voila! - no one except you will see her again. Still a little sad, right?

Photos from former passions It’s also better to keep it away from prying eyes. You can leave only a couple so as not to seem like an eternal lonely bachelor.

Let's move on to cleaning the wall. You don’t need rags and brushes, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of each entry and select “delete”. We send stupid and no longer funny jokes, postcards and notifications from various applications, reposts of long-past competitions - in general, everything that does not carry any semantic meaning, but only distracts attention.

You can leave your favorite songs, movies, information about what you are interested in and love. Do not delete posts asking for help for homeless animals and sick children, if any. Kind and compassionate men are worth their weight in gold today.

Information about yourself

We got rid of all the unnecessary stuff, now we need to fill the page with something. We go to the “About yourself” column and indicate the most basic things - gender, date of birth (optional), education (not necessary, but it would be nice).

Special attention to the item “Marital status”. We either leave it empty or select “not married”. You shouldn’t write “actively searching” there - the girl may decide that you, like a hungry animal, are scouring the Internet in search of something to “profit from.” And you need to try to make her consider your attention to her exclusive.

You can briefly provide information about your hobbies, musical preferences, and favorite books. The key word is short, no need to create a ten-page dossier.

Speaking of books. Reading men make a simply magical impression on reading girls. So, if you haven’t been into reading before, now is the time. Start with the classics, you can't go wrong.

Photo cards

Share photos on your page. You don’t need a lot at once – once or twice every few days. It is desirable that it is not just a face staring at you from the elevator mirror, but something meaningful and interesting.

How you work, how you play sports, how unusual and fun you spend time with friends, how you travel, etc. The girl should get the impression that you have a rich and exciting life. Then she will certainly want to become a part of it.

By the way, the taboo on photos with cars no longer applies here; you can safely post photos of your iron horse.

Where to look for a girl to date

The best thing, of course, is not to look for anyone at all. All the most beautiful things happen spontaneously by themselves. You were scrolling through, say, your news feed, accidentally saw a comment from a pretty girl, went to her page and decided to write.

But it is clear that this does not always happen, so you often have to take everything into your own hands. Let's figure out where you can find a suitable chosen one.

Search VKontakte

Go to the search section, enter the parameters you need (age, place of residence, etc.), and the system gives you a list of thousands of girls. You can indicate additional information - hobbies, favorite films and music, worldview. Surely you have an idea of ​​what a girl should be like. We advise you to immediately narrow down the list - write a specific name or indicate a university.

What is this for? The site ranks users based on their rating. The highest ratings, as a rule, are for fake profiles and all kinds of bots. You will have to scroll through more than one page to get to the real girls. By narrowing your search, you'll save your fingers a lot of extra work.

Thematic groups

It is best to meet people with similar interests. Surely you have favorite communities that you often visit to read the news. This could be a fan group of your favorite artist, a sports fan club, or a political community. Take a look at the list of participants, take a closer look, maybe someone will catch your attention. A nice bonus is that you already know what to talk about with the girl you like.

This way you can find not only a partner for a serious relationship, but also good friend. You believe in friendship between a man and a woman, right?

Communities and dating apps

You can meet people on platforms specially created for this - there are a great many of them on VK: applications, groups, bots. There are free girls sitting there, ready to meet, but don’t think that this makes your task much easier.

As a rule, they have an abundance of offers, and the beauties choose the best available candidates. If you are ready for such competition, then the flag is in your hands. Here is a list of popular apps and groups for dating and communication where you can try your luck. Just keep in mind that you can often meet teenagers 14 years old and younger there.


  • "Hypocrite";
  • “Video chat”;
  • "Top face"
  • “Coincidence”;
  • “Asked, Saw, Loved.”


  • “Dating and communication”;
  • “Galaxy of Dating”;
  • “Dating Volgograd” (or any other city).

Communication process

You and I have successfully completed everything preparatory stages, let's move on to dating. Let's look at how to communicate with girls correctly.

How to start a conversation

Unfortunately, in many cases, communication with a girl ends before it even begins - after your first phrase. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to start a conversation on VK. Let's figure out together what to write to a girl when meeting her and how to interest her.

You need to start, naturally, with a greeting. Some men end it this way - they write a meaningful “hello” and sit and wait for an answer. And when they don’t receive it, they send an offended “ay” or “why are you silent” in pursuit. There is no need to do this. This irritates even close people, not to mention strangers.

Get straight to the point - state the purpose of the conversation. There are two options here - immediately express your intention to meet someone or come from afar. I personally like the second one better. It will help you stop being shy about girls and feel better about feedback.

We come from afar

Study the girl's page, you can find many reasons to meet her there. For example, if she has information about some events on her wall, ask if she has attended them or is just planning to. You can compliment her taste in music and discuss her favorite artists. Just don’t pretend and pose as a fan of Stas Mikhailov if you are a rocker.

Most people love being experts on something they love and know well. Give the girl this opportunity - ask for advice about what she understands.

Look in the questionnaire about her education, place of work or hobby and come up with interesting questions. You can also ask about her impressions of travel and trips - most girls have a couple of photos from at least Turkey.

I will give examples of phrases with which you can start a correspondence with a girl.

  1. "Good afternoon! I saw your photos from the Placebo concert last week. I really wanted to go too, but I couldn’t... How did it go?”
  2. “Hello, Katya! You have such wonderful photographs, can you tell me what camera you take with?”
  3. "Hello! I'm going to New York next week, I see you were there. Please advise which places are worth visiting.”
  4. "Good evening. You have such interesting notes on the wall, I read it. How do you know history so well?”

Now let's see how not to start a dialogue.

  1. “Are you really still listening to Alexander Barykin? My grandmother used to listen to him.”
  2. “Such a beautiful girl should not delve into politics. This is not a woman’s business.”
  3. “In your note, the word “conjuncture” is misspelled. Don't thank me."
  4. “Why are you going to Turkey? They shot down our pilot!”
  5. “You are great for working out in the gym! Only the cubes on the girl’s stomach are too much.”
  6. “Beautiful blouse! But these shoes don’t suit her.”

Well, you understand, I hope that you cannot argue, criticize, make claims, be clever, or demonstrate your superiority and disdain.

Let's get to know each other right away

If you don’t want to have long small talk, you can immediately offer to get acquainted. But the chances are less with such tactics, I warn you. Success depends on how original and creative you do it.

Here are examples for inspiration:

  1. “You probably won’t give me a chance to get to know you... Send me an emoticon if I’m wrong!”
  2. “Would you like to talk to the guy you charmed?”
  3. “Imagine, I wrote you a long message, and then they turned off the lights. So just say hello!”
  4. “It was difficult, but I still decided to write to you. Will you reward me with an answer?”
  5. “Excuse me, can I adjust your plans for the evening?”
  6. “I bet you a million dollars that I will invite you to dinner and you won’t say yes?”

How to take communication offline

When the conversation has started and the girl has given the go-ahead for communication, you should begin to smoothly lead her to the meeting. Otherwise, you risk being stuck forever in the role of an Internet fan. In one of the following articles we will look at how to ask a girl out on a date in more detail.

Ask the girl for her phone number and permission to call her. Tell her that you really want to hear her voice. If the stranger still refuses, offer to at least move from VK to instant messengers.

Not all girls are ready to immediately move on to communicating in reality. Don’t put pressure on her, let her “ripen” on her own. Make it clear that even a virtual dialogue with her gives you pleasure. Use the situation to your advantage - by texting, learn to flirt with a girl, develop empathy, practice your style.

It's okay if initial stage the initiative will come more from you. But it should be unobtrusive and unburdensome. There is no need to burden the girl with questions “why don’t you write?” and “Where did you go?”

If a new friend writes to you first, you need to positively and warmly reinforce this step. Tell her that you are glad to see her message and that you already miss her. Sincerity and warmth will help you win a girl and capture her heart.

Let's look at a few common mistakes. For now, strangers, so relax. Fortunately, there are plenty of screenshots with dialogues on the Internet.

Often men, trying to give the impression of an emotional and positive person, liberally pepper their messages with emoticons and emojis. Don't do this, it shows insecurity in you. One parenthesis at the end of the sentence is enough.

Another common mistake is lisp. Do not distort the name of the girl you are addressing and do not be familiar. If she is, for example, Anastasia, then the only variation available to you is Nastya. Not Nastyusha, not Nastyunechka and not Naska. Don't worry, you will still have a chance to call the girl affectionately. I hope you can figure out the rest of the names yourself.

I look forward to your dissatisfied faces and rolled eyes, because now we will talk about grammatical errors. Although we are not in a Russian language lesson, and strict Mary Ivanna will not slap you with a bad mark for “I want to get to know you,” something much more important is at stake - the sympathy and location of your chosen one. You want a girl to like you, right? Ladies pay attention to spelling, no matter how much you might like to believe otherwise.

Again, I can’t ignore the topic of compliments. Admire this masterpiece. The guy passes it off as a real dialogue; apparently he has a very rich imagination.

In the article about I wrote that “pretty” is the worst compliment for a girl. I confess, I was wrong. “You’re okay too” - this is the winner of our hit parade! For a girl to be happy with this phrase, she must be so hungry for male attention that I can’t even think of a plausible example.

Did you serve 4 years in prison? Doesn't work, there's internet there too. Can't fit through the door? The guy himself would not write to her. Unless the lady just returned from a desert island. That’s how I imagined this wonderful couple – the “pretty girl” and Robinson Crusoe in a skirt.

These are, perhaps, all the main mistakes. And if you’re still scratching your head about what’s wrong with the word “gets acquainted” three paragraphs ago, run to the bookstore for a textbook on the Russian language! Things are really bad.


Congratulations, we have passed short course a young fighter in the dating arena on the VK social network. More more ways You will learn from our article “How to meet a girl on the Internet.” Apply your knowledge in practice, share your impressions in the comments, and improve. All the best!

Often young people do not want and do not know how to meet people on the street (due to innate modesty) or do not have the time and opportunity for this (due to busy schedules and high employment), but everyone wants to build new relationships, which is why men turn to social networks and dating sites in search of the ideal girl.

Interesting phrases for guys: use when meeting

Despite the fact that the world is now promoting the idea of ​​a “magic pill” (pump up your abs in a week, lose 17 kg in a month, get a girl in 1 day, buy yourself cool clothes and you yourself will become cool), there are things that really work.

For example, when meeting for the first time, you can use these options:

  • You know, the Constitution says that you cannot deprive a person of the right to happiness.
  • Today I finally understood why I registered on a dating site...
  • Hello Anya! My name is Maxim. I accidentally came across your page and wanted to get to know you. The smile on the avatar is so charming :)
  • Hello, Sveta! I was looking for news posts using the hashtag #anapa, and accidentally came across your page. I saw that we are both from the same city, and that you went there this summer. Would it take me a lot of time to ask a few questions about the trip? By the way, I forgot to introduce myself - my name is Arkady.
  • I lost the bet, and for this I have to ask the most beautiful girl in the world on a date!
  • Hello, Tanya! My name is Oleg. I saw the photos and videos you recently posted with Bon Jovi and wanted to ask how it went? We didn’t manage to go to Moscow, but the day after tomorrow they will be in St. Petersburg. So I’m thinking – should I go or not?
  • Hello. I know something about you that others don't know...
  • Hello! I'm one of those annoying guys who thinks you're stunningly beautiful.
  • Your parents deserve a Nobel Prize. Or what do they give out to the creators of world masterpieces?
  • I think I'm not the first one who wants to meet you. But I am the best. Do you want to check?

Or simpler, straightforward phrases like:

  • Hello! I've been looking for you for a long time, and here you are!
  • I have long wanted to meet such a girl.
  • Your beauty cannot be compared with anything. You are unique!
  • Do I have a chance to meet such a beautiful girl? If so, let me know.
  • Are you by any chance from the royal family? Look like a princess!
  • I got the desire to find happiness after seeing your profile.
  • Girl, do you have a dream? And I dream of meeting you.
  • Hello. And I saw you today in a dream. Help me make it a reality.
  • I read in your profile that you don't smoke. I've always dreamed of meeting a girl who leads healthy image life.
  • Do you remember me? We met in a dream. But I was sitting on a white horse.
  • Are you by any chance looking for the perfect man?
  • Let me make you happy.
  • Today is such a wonderful day. How not to write to such a beautiful girl?
  • I was very lucky today. I found the most charming and sweet girl. Can I meet you?
  • Girl, what do you plan to do for the rest of your life? Is it possible to include me in the list of your life plans?
  • Do you know that you struck me with your look? You are incredibly beautiful!
  • You must have put a lot of effort and energy into looking this good. I fell for your bait.

In this video, psychologists Anton and Ekaterina will tell you how you can use tests to determine how interested a girl is in you:

With these options you can surely win her attention:

  1. You couldn't smile, it's dark outside.
  2. How do you manage to do this?.. Look so good.
  3. Why did you stop smiling, I just started falling in love?!
  4. Have you ever had young people crawl at your feet before?
  5. You are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase I wanted to address you with!
  6. Have you already turned off many people today? I only have three so far. Well, the arrogant girls are gone now.
  7. You must have been the ringleader. At least you really turn me on.
  8. You're so cool that I'm ready to drink bath water after you!
  9. Girl, are you interested in cute unmarried guys? No, I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about a friend. His girlfriend is a bitch and left him. Aren't you a bitch?
  10. On the street: Walk past her, then turn around sharply and ask: “Didn’t you just pinch my butt?.. No?.. What a pity...”
  11. Is it okay that I come to you with such a smart look?
  12. Could you wake me up tomorrow morning by calling my cell phone, otherwise I'm afraid to oversleep.
  13. Girl, can you tell me how to get to your heart?
  14. I looked up a synonym for the word “beautiful” in the dictionary - your name was also there...
  15. Girl, I'm looking for a partner... for dancing. Allow me to study you more carefully.
  16. By any chance, do you have my book?.. No? Yes, I gave it to someone to read, and to whom... I only remember that someone was very nice!
  17. What will you do this evening after we meet you?
  18. Shall we talk, or will we continue to wink at each other?
  19. Did you happen to see that my white horse wasn’t running through here five minutes ago?
  20. You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.
  21. Unfortunately, now I don’t have time to melt your cold gaze, but I can call you in the evening.
  22. What is your shoe size?.. I have 45. Well, we met!
  23. Girl, what time do you think is appropriate to be late?
  24. Hello! Today we are lucky... We met.
  25. Girl, please call an ambulance! Cupid just shot me!
  26. Hello! Did you recognize?... So I didn’t recognize you right away either.
  27. Let me walk you home. At least with a glance.
  28. I have an unusual question for you - what should you say to a girl to get a slap in the face?..
  29. Girl, excuse me, but aren’t your legs tired?.. You can’t get out of my head all the time.
  30. Girl, do you know why Tefal cookware is good? Because it can hit someone on the head who is very tired, and since you don’t have this valuable utensils now, I decided to get to know you better and ask for your phone number.
  31. Do you play the trombone? No... Me too! Look how much we have in common. Let's take a closer look?
  32. Sorry, I forgot my phone number. Can you lend me yours?
  33. You know, after a long search, I finally found a cafe where you and I can have a wonderful time.
  34. Do you have a thread to start our relationship right here?
  35. Girl, do you have a compass? A hourglass? I don't think it's worth asking about the barometer.
  36. Girl, your help is urgently needed!.. The fact is that I am going to drown. And your eyes are perfect for this.
  37. The only thing your eyes didn't tell me was your name.
  38. I'm a newcomer. Can you tell me how to get to your house?
  39. I noticed that you noticed me, and I would like to notice that I noticed you too.
  40. Girl, do you know why the lens is round but the photos come out square?
  41. Giving flowers to a girl: “I really wanted to show this rose (tulip, mimosa, etc.) how beautiful you are...”
  42. If you think that I am going to get to know you, then you are mistaken - I also want to invite you on a date!
  43. Girl, you don't know New Year will it be this year or next?
  44. Girl, over there, do you see that young man? So he doesn’t know yet, doesn’t know yet... What’s your name?.. And mine is Sasha. So, that young man still doesn’t know that we just met.
  45. You know, I have absolutely no idea what I should say to get to know you, but let’s better imagine that I have already said all this.
  46. Girl, did you sleep well last night? And didn’t even toss and turn? But I couldn’t sleep all night waiting for our meeting.
  47. Girl, do you have plush toys at home? Me too! Let's introduce them.
  48. I bet you are a stubborn person... I read in a magazine that girls who wear round earrings/red pants/green bags/whatever are very stubborn people. (Most people consider themselves stubborn, so it's very easy to start a conversation.)
  49. Can you tell me which direction I need to go to meet a girl who is ATTRACTIVE AND SMART at the same time?
  50. Don't you remember me, I lived next door? No? And it’s not surprising - after all, I never lived next to you. Maybe we have everything ahead?
  51. When I get old, I will remember the brightest moments of my life: the day my children were born, the day I got married, and the day I met you.
  52. Please remind me what I was wearing the last time I saw you?
  53. Girl, do you meet young and attractive people?
  54. Girl, wait! You seem to have lost something!.. I don’t see your smile anywhere!! Oh, no! Here I have found it!!
  55. Girl, kiss me if I'm wrong, but it seems your name is Antonina?
  56. Girl, do you know what I just saw? I saw one young man who had just met a girl. And literally after five minutes of conversation they communicated as if they had known each other for 100 years. By the way, you know how the young man started the conversation. He said: “Do you know what I just saw?..”

  1. Girl, forgive me, weren’t you hit by a shrapnel?.. You just broke my heart as you passed by. I thought, what if I caught your attention?
  2. This one has beautiful girl must have a nice phone number!
  3. How did you know I was here?
  4. Can you forgive yourself... if I don't get to know you?
  5. My friend said that being sent by a girl is very difficult. I bet him for 20 rubles, so you can help me earn money for beer. But I ask you - the message must be of high quality and original!)
  6. You appear in front of a sitting girl and say: “I’ll be right there.” And you disappear, after which you appear again, but as an old acquaintance of hers.
  7. I knew that the most beautiful girls were here!
  8. I’m ready to erect a monument to the inventor of the Internet - after all, without him, I would never have seen a photo of such a charming girl like you!
  9. Girl, I can’t help it: the charm emanating from you works even through the Internet.
  10. My dream is to be one of the lucky 30% who found their soulmate on the Internet. Can you help me with this?
  11. From your page on the social network I learned that you are a big fan of vanilla coffee. But, unfortunately, the Internet is not yet able to convey the taste and aroma of this drink of the gods. Can I still treat you in real life?
  12. I don’t know which Internet gods to thank for seeing your photo on social networks. And it's a spark, it's crazy!
  13. Girl, can you help me find my pulse?
  14. I don't usually meet girls this way...
  15. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I urgently need to tell you that you are terribly sweet.
  16. I’ve been thinking of a reason to meet you for an hour now, but so far nothing has come to mind.
  17. You know, I just realized one thing. I could have stayed at home today and never found out about your existence. It's a scary prospect, isn't it?
  18. Hello! I have a completely unconventional question for you. I'm interested in what you would say young man, who turned to you with the phrase: “Let's get acquainted?”
  19. And how does it feel to be the most beautiful girl in this city?
  20. The gypsy told me that today I will meet a beauty in (say the color of the girl’s clothes). Does this description remind you of anyone?
  21. Let me offer you my hand and my heart. I am a surgeon, I have a lot of this stuff.
  22. Your right eye is lighter than your left - I’ve never seen anything like this in my life! Or is it just me? We need to figure it out and get to know each other better.
  23. There's something wrong with my eyes - I can't tear them away from you.
  24. Oh God! Can you imagine, I thought I was gay until I met you!
  25. Excuse me, what do you do for the rest of your life?
  26. Are you Katrin, my contact? No? It’s a pity... Maybe then I’ll buy you coffee as an apology for making a mistake?
  27. You are as beautiful as a star! Only the stars are beautiful at night, and you are beautiful during the day.
  28. Didn’t you meet me in Anapa in 2008? No? And no wonder, because I wasn’t there. Can you tell me where you met me?
  29. Can you tell me what the current exchange rate for the Spanish peseta is? What about the Portuguese escudo?
  30. You arrested me with your beauty, and I would be happy to serve my life sentence in the captivity of your heart.
  31. You know, it's terribly nice to see at least one girl who walks slowly. Nowadays, everyone runs like that... In our city it will soon be like in the ancient tribes: if you catch up, that means you got married, if you don’t catch up, it’s your own fault. Do you know this custom?
  32. My request may seem crazy to you, but I just bought a lottery ticket and I want you to kiss it and bring me good luck.
  33. Sorry... I just want to say thank you!.. Have you ever had a day when you felt alienated, indifferent? When you are not completely happy, and not... when you feel like you are going with the flow. And suddenly you come across someone and see an amazingly warm and beautiful smile that instills in you a feeling of happiness, fairy tales, a feeling of beauty for the whole day?.. You see, I didn’t want to distract you at all, but you look like you’ve decorated your appearance my life...
  34. Your parents are thieves! Two stars have disappeared from the sky, they are now burning in your eyes.
  35. I wanted to compare you to a star, but that would be unfair to you. After all, the stars are beautiful only at night, but you are always beautiful.
  36. Excuse me, can you help me? I'm a journalist and I'm tasked with interviewing the most beautiful girl in the city.
  37. Hello! The ruble is falling, but my interest in you is growing...
  38. Girl, you look so much like my first wife! And I haven’t met her yet...
  39. Hello. I decided to open a help center for homeless cockroaches. Can you help me with the nursery?
  40. You are so sad... Can I take away your sadness? I need it for experiments.
  41. Hello! Listen, my friends and I are conducting a study on the topic “Which phrase is most suitable for meeting such a spectacular girl like you...”
  42. You are so sad. Can I take away your sadness? I need it for experiments.

These words should not be written under any circumstances.

This will only alienate your interlocutor, never write to her:

  • I'd like to take a closer look at you!
  • Hello! How are you?
  • Do you want to ride in my Hummer?
  • I really like you, and I don’t know why.
  • You look like my ex, only much better!
  • I oh...ate when I saw you.
  • It seems to me that I don’t suit your status, but I’ll try anyway...
  • I like pose number 69 from the Kama Sutra, what about you?
  • Girl, don't you know how best to spend my ten thousand?
  • Girl, I'm on an ad. Are you giving out your phone number for free?
  • Girl, doesn’t your mother need a son-in-law?
  • And you are terribly beautiful. It’s even scary to approach you!

Typical mistakes guys make when texting girls

Below we will describe the most common mistakes all the guys who just push girls away:

  1. Do not correspond only for the sake of receiving positive emoticons and good reactions from her. It will only ruin everything between you.
  2. Don't pretend to be someone you are not.
  3. Don't pretend to be too smart in your personal messages with her. Don't quote Shakespeare or facts from evolutionary biology.
  4. Don't write overly huge, cumbersome texts. Long texts take a very long time to write. Because of this, the thread of the conversation between you is lost. Brevity is the sister of talent.
  5. Don't overdo it with compliments. There is no need to remind her every word that she is beautiful, and this is your first experience of corresponding with such a beautiful girl.
  6. Chat with her in private messages, and not somewhere in the comments under the photo. A girl will behave completely differently and write completely different things if your correspondence takes place in front of everyone.
  7. Write correctly and without errors, without swearing. This will only be a plus in your piggy bank. The girl is not for you bro. There is no need for her to write all sorts of curse words that you use in correspondence with friends.

Know that you want to see her in person first of all, and not correspond on the Internet forever. Don't spend hours on the Internet with her. Call for a meeting as soon as you feel that this moment has already arrived.

Video: how to correspond with a girl correctly?

In this video, Alexey Samsonov will tell you what to write to that same unapproachable beauty from the social network:

Write to the girl you like on VKontakte much easier than admitting your sympathy to your face. Of course, this does not apply to confident people, but what should shy guys do who, seeing a girl, begin to blush and stammer.

First: watch this video. Second: you can write a message to the girl you like in contact, as you will have time to correctly express your thoughts and express your feelings.

What should you write to the girl you like so that she will respond?

The times when guys sent letters to girls in paper envelopes are gone. Now we have social media and electronic mailboxes. You no longer need to find out from your friends where the object of your love lives; you go to Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, enter your first and last name, and here it is - your beloved’s page. But at first glance it’s all so simple, but in practice it often happens that a girl does not respond to messages on VKontakte, or answers in monosyllables like “How are you”, “Okay”... and no further communication is possible. So how can you meet a girl on VKontakte so that she communicates with you with interest and then goes on a date?

The very first rule that many guys forget when they are tormented by the question “what to write to a girl on VKontakte in order for her to like her, what kind of message should there be so that she likes me...” This is that in addition to the message itself, you should also have a cool page - what to write about yourself in VKontakte, and how to create it is described in detail here.

But these 2 things, if of course you want to please a girl and get a response to your letter, are interconnected: your page on VK is cool and interesting first a message that will interest a girl.
First you need to think everything through carefully. Ask yourself questions: “Why do you want to meet this girl?”, “How do you feel about her?”, “Do you want to have an affair with her?” serious relationship? The text of your message will depend on your answers and what you can write to a girl when you meet her, and what it is better to refrain from (at least in the first messages).

1. Simple, understandable sentences without subtext.
A message like “I need to know your location” will obviously be unnecessary. Sometimes guys want to appear smarter than they really are. This is a mistake because ease of communication this is the key to success. Write in a language that everyone can understand, avoiding jargon or specific words. But there is another extreme: you shouldn’t write too politely, especially when addressing a girl as you. The simplest advice is to write as you would write to your just good friend (removing swearing and slang words and expressions)

2. Literacy.
Girls can also be illiterate, but as they say, you can’t be seen behind yourself, but for others it’s even very much so. If you have mistakes in every word, it will work against you. Do not use incomprehensible abbreviations “I’m studying at the university” and slang words “let’s go to a cool party.” Of course, there is a type of girl who communicates like this, but they are no more than 15-18 years old. An adult girl will not appreciate this type of communication.

3. Emoticons.
To begin with, there is no need to support your words with cool emoticons in the very first sentence; this will show your either super interest (a bunch of roses and flowers) or uncertainty (a wink, an embarrassed smile - instead of masculine words). But even this matter must be approached with imagination. Then, depending on how your communication goes in contact - yes, of course you can and even need to use them to create a cheerful and positive mood that will definitely bring a smile and lift your spirits.

To make it more clear to you, 1 emoticon for a cheerful mood can be used to show that you are not a busy, abstruse type, but a cheerful, ordinary, simple (but at the same time interesting and handsome) guy. But 5-10 emoticons, especially if there are few words in the first message to the girl you like, are 100% not necessary.

4. Interesting text.
You need to write a text that will interest the girl.
To the letter “Hello. How are you? My name is Sasha, I really like you, let’s meet,” you won’t get an answer from the girl in most cases...

In general, I advise a girl to write anything in her first message, but not this phrase “Hello, how are you?”, this phrase is written to more or less attractive girls on VKontakte by dozens, if not hundreds of guys, you can believe me, and it will most likely only cause irritation in them , and you're in best case scenario you will get the standard answer “Hi, okay...”

Just like in everyday life: there are 2 types of approach: quick and contextual (when you start a conversation for any reason and look for interesting clues in the profile and photographs of a girl on the site in contact or classmates).
First option (it’s possible, but I don’t recommend it): “Hi Rita. I have liked you very much for a long time, but I still don’t dare to approach you, because your beauty leaves me speechless. So I decided to write you this letter, which will allow me to express my feelings for you..." will make the girl think... But this can only work with a girl you already know, and you know that she pays attention to you...

Because every girl needs a slightly individual approach. Such a letter is suitable for a romantic lady who loves brave men - and you know that she likes you. But for an active woman who never sits still, it is better to offer an exciting pastime. After reading her profile and looking at the photographs, you will be able to understand what type the object of your sympathy belongs to.

Also, under no circumstances should you write this message. unknown girl.

Therefore, it is better to start meeting a girl on the Internet with the second option: “Hi, your photos are cool - you are so smiling and positive everywhere in them, my mood immediately lifted. And you ride (walk) a bicycle much more often (rollerblading, hiking, going to the movies, with friends), etc.”

More important point- the first message to a girl on the Internet should not be short - since it should also encourage her to answer you more or less long version. It’s difficult to respond to this message with the words “Hello, okay...”. And usually girls also write phrases of several words, where they like to relax, where they have been. And the more details in the girl’s response message, the easier it is for you to continue further. interesting conversation and correspondence with her.

a simple example of what you can write to a girl in the first message

If you want to Find out More Information about Dating in VKontakte, Which is Guaranteed to Help You Quickly Meet Girls on This Social Network…

Everything will be shown there using examples of my personal profile and VKontakte page...

How to communicate with a girl on VKontakte further

5. Action
If the girl responded to your letter, then you can exchange a few more messages and you definitely need to make the girl very interested in you. Your subsequent messages on VK should be as non-standard and as interesting as the first message. Only in them will you not only be interested in the girl’s life, but also show what kind of life you have interesting life and hobbies, and after that you must definitely offer to meet.

if there was interesting communication in the previous days, invite the girl to meet later

Because then a very long, even interesting correspondence can come to naught. Having caught her interest in some kind of pastime, be sure to invite her to go together to a museum, a skating rink, a concert, or drink delicious green tea in a cafe...

If there is relaxed and interesting communication, in future messages it is already possible and even necessary to use emoticons, as if showing that you are constantly cheerful and positive.

In order to interest a girl even more and make her like her on Kontakte, make a lot of interesting photo albums from different places on your page, write purposeful and positive statuses on the wall, add various videos, change your avatar, putting the best new photos on it. It will also not be bad if you have comments and likes on your page from other beautiful girls...

I can offer very modest romantics one more option: write a letter and send it by mail along with a nice postcard - a woman can also appreciate this romantic act...

But in any case, if you do it in real life, it will make a much stronger impression. Because few people like shy and weak men!

All the Other Secrets of Dating in VKontakte in this 20-minute video that I recorded recently...

Sometimes it happens that a guy likes a girl, but he simply doesn’t know how to start communicating with her by phone or on the Internet, for example, Vkontakte. He asks questions about how to start communicating, where to start, thereby creating problems for himself. However, there is nothing complicated about this, you just need to take into account some nuances, cast aside all doubts and not be led by fears. Especially meet a girl on VK easiest way.

This article is devoted to how to approach an unfamiliar girl, what to write to her in SMS, on VKontakte, how to start telephone conversation. Nowadays, this has become a serious problem for many, because people communicate in reality much less than before. Therefore, complexes, uncertainty, intimidation and various kinds of phobias associated with communication are now much more common.

First of all, you should find a girl who really attracted attention: from photographs and always from a profile, where her interests are clearly presented in order to understand whether they coincide with yours. After that, get acquainted with examples of how and what to write to her, starting an acquaintance. Even if the common interests in the profile and in the photo do not coincide, it is still worth starting a conversation.

To start communicating with a future friend on the Internet, you need impromptu. That is, do not copy ready-made examples, but try to select them yourself (if anything, we have selected it). After all, all girls are different and it is impossible to create a specific method that is equally suitable for all free women, all cases and situations. Thus, to start meeting a girl, you should just start talking in real life, and not just on the Internet.

How to start communicating with a girl on VKontakte

To begin with, it follows. You should be smart and put the best photos to interest and please her. Fortunately, our website is full of articles on how to do this correctly (you can also download the dating app -).

Then use the help to find the girl by required data(city of residence, marital status, how old are you). After this, having selected a suitable girl you like, you can start a conversation.

Then, to start communicating on VKontakte, you need to select several girls who you like in appearance and interests, and just start communicating, without offering to get acquainted. First of all, you can, for example, write nice compliment, which immediately came to mind (I recommend reading the article). In this case, there is no need to compose something abstruse; it is better to start the conversation simply, without any frills, however, there is no need for template greetings, “how are you.” You can, for example, ask: how are you feeling, is everything okay? And give a good compliment.

To continue communication you need something. But if even after several pleasant compliments and the question asked she doesn’t ask anything in response or at all, then there’s no need to waste any more time, this means that she not interested. Therefore, you should find not one, but 3-4 girls who you especially liked, and start communicating with them.

The most important thing is not to stop meeting a girl on VK if they ignore you. Don’t be upset, pull yourself together and continue looking for a suitable candidate. Write to 20-30 girls, someone will definitely respond and, perhaps, will become part of your life for a long time.