Nicole Kidman: plastic surgery. Nicole Kidman: plastic surgery Nicole Kidman before and after plastic surgery

Stars constantly resort to plastic surgery to eliminate flaws in their appearance. There are cases in which plastic surgery is unsuccessful, and the photos before the operation look much better than after.

Plastic surgery technologies are developing rapidly, but the danger of mistakes still exists. To decide to correct your appearance, you need to be completely confident in the choice of clinic and doctor. It is important to consider such points as the qualifications and experience of the surgeon and the license of the institution. It’s better to check all the formalities in advance than to spend your entire life correcting mistakes.

Consequences of unsuccessful operations in the field of plastic surgery:

The surgeon who will perform the operation must be familiar with the history and heredity of the person. Smoking and drinking alcohol can cause complications. Before undergoing plastic surgery, the patient must undergo the necessary tests and check the tolerability of the medications used.

When drastic changes are not needed, you can use some salon procedures.

Alternative methods of rejuvenation without surgery:

Unsuccessful star plastic surgery, photos before and after of which will be presented below, is a reason to seriously think about it before agreeing to surgery. Striving for the ideal of beauty, women resort to plastic surgery, not always thinking about the consequences.

Many Russian pop and show business stars have used the services of surgeons to change their appearance, but not all have received positive results.

Celebrities whose plastic surgery is visible to the naked eye:

  • Masha Malinovskaya;
  • Masha Rasputina;
  • Olga Buzova;
  • Maria Maksakova;
  • Svetlana Loboda;
  • Ekaterina Varnava;
  • Lera Kudryavtseva;
  • Alena Shishkova;
  • Vera Alentova;
  • Alexa.

Masha Malinovskaya

The TV presenter often received injections to enlarge her lips, which is why her upper lip took on an unnatural shape, taking on the appearance of a hare. The girl also had an unsuccessful mammoplasty, during which implants of different sizes were inserted into her breasts. Fortunately, these surgical errors can now be corrected without significant consequences for appearance and health.

It is an unconfirmed fact that Maria had blepharoplasty, but her look became more open. The TV presenter herself admits that she has had terrible complexes about her appearance since childhood, but now, apparently, she cannot stop in pursuit of the ideal.

Masha Rasputina

Masha Rasputina always surprised the public with her extravagant images and strived to preserve her youth as long as possible. We can definitely say that the star corrected the shape of her nose, had a facelift and changed the shape of her lips.

Not all the changes benefited her, Due to constant Botox injections, the face became like a doll's, and the singer still denies the fact that she used the services of plastic surgeons. Still, the years take their toll, and age cannot be hidden behind numerous operations.

Olga Buzova

Having followed the stellar path of presenter and singer Olga Buzova from the beginning to the present, you can notice changes not only in hair color, but also in her facial features. In interviews, Olga is a supporter of natural beauty, but when comparing her photographs from 3 years ago, the changes are clearly noticeable.

The singer did:

Aesthetic procedures did not worsen the star’s appearance, but only improved it for the better.

Maria Maksakova

Opera singer Maria Maksakova has undergone a number of surgeries to correct her face and body.

She underwent rhinoplasty and lip augmentation:

Maria changed the shape of her face and eliminated the signs of aging.

Also done:

  • eyelid lift;
  • breast enlargement;
  • smoothing out wrinkles with fillers.

The star has radically changed her appearance compared to photographs of her in her youth.

Svetlana Loboda

It is difficult to answer the question whether Svetlana Loboda had plastic surgery, since there were practically no fundamental changes in her appearance. Plastic surgery specialists suggest that the star receives anti-wrinkle injections and corrects the shape of her lips.

The singer's cheekbones began to stand out more sharply thanks to the introduction of hyaluronic fillers, and the skin remains smooth due to Botox injections. The singer's nose cannot be called perfect, but she does not change its shape.

Ekaterina Varnava

The plastic surgery of the star Ekaterina Barnabas cannot be called unsuccessful; the before and after photos are strikingly different. The TV personality has recently significantly changed her appearance, hair color and facial features. The elongated nose attracted too much attention, so the star decided to reduce it surgically. The tip of the nose was slightly raised, but the shape remained natural.

Ekaterina removed Bisha's lumps to make her cheeks more sunken and her cheekbones sharper. The Comedy Woman star also eliminated facial wrinkles with beauty injections and corrected the shape of her mouth. A lift of the middle and lower parts of the face may have been done.

Lera Kudryavtseva

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva has repeatedly undergone anti-aging procedures, which allows her to look somewhat younger than her years. Experienced experts claim that the star used biogel injections to get rid of nasolabial folds and increase the volume of her lips.

Most likely, Valeria had a breast lift and correction after the birth of her child. The presenter corrected the unevenness of the nasal plate and tightened the skin of the eyelids.

Alena Shishkova

Alena Shishkova's face seems perfect to many, but there was some plastic surgery involved. You can find out what operations the famous fashion model had done by looking at her photo at a young age. It is noticeable that the hump on the nose has disappeared and its shape has changed slightly. Alena's lips became plump.

The model's cheekbones became sharply defined thanks to the removal of Bisha's lumps. By tightening the skin on the forehead, the eyebrows became higher and the look became more open.

Vera Alentova

Unsuccessful plastic surgery of stars (photos before and after can be seen later in the article) sometimes attracts the attention of viewers more than creative activity. Actress Vera Alentova's passion for plastic surgery did not give the expected positive result.

It is noticeable that the star underwent such operations as:

After interventions by unqualified surgeons:

Now Alentova has managed to slightly correct the unsuccessful plastic surgery, but still her face has changed beyond recognition.


Star Factory graduate Alexa has ended her musical career, but some fans still follow the changes in her appearance through social networks. Alexandra's first operation was lip augmentation with biogel. Then came nose surgery: removal of the hump and correction of the tip.

The oval of the face was also changed, the cheekbones and chin were corrected. At the moment, the singer's appearance has changed significantly compared to her photo at the age of 17.

Foreign stars and Hollywood idols: photos before and after unsuccessful plastic surgery

Unsuccessful plastic surgery of stars (photos before and after operations of Hollywood idols will be presented below) is the result of a constant desire for a distant ideal and failure to accept one’s natural appearance. Many foreign stars have suffered from the wrong choice of surgeon or too frequent surgical interventions.

The most striking examples include:

  • Mickey Rourke;
  • Michael Jackson;
  • Donatello Versace.

These stars changed their appearance not for the better and these mistakes became irreparable.


The queen of foreign pop music, Madonna, has not had any dramatic transformations, but she is still a frequent visitor to plastic surgery clinics.

The singer constantly does:

The contour of Madonna's face remains clear, there are no deep wrinkles or folds of the skin. For some unknown reason, the singer does not devote as much time to her hands. whose flabby skin betrays its age.

Joan Rivers

Comedy actress Joan Rivers' passion for plastic surgery was excessive. Joan was always skeptical about her appearance and sought to transform her face and body in every possible way.

The actress performed the following operations:

The star's facial features began to look unnatural, but this did not stop her in the pursuit of perfection.

Donatella Versace

Too frequent plastic surgeries turned the face of Italian fashion designer Donatella Versace from pretty to rough and swollen. The increase in lip volume made the mouth disproportionately large. The reshaping of the nose was unsuccessful; the hump and unevenness were not corrected.

It is noticeable that due to frequent laser resurfacing and tightening, the facial skin has become thinner and looks like a wax mask. Donatella also had mammoplasty.

Jocelyn Wildenstein

The famous Catwoman Jocelyn Wildenstein reshaped her face beyond recognition. The woman constantly received collagen injections, which turned her face into a swollen mask. To become like a cat, Jocelyn had implants inserted into her cheekbones, cheeks and chin.

Her lips, swollen from frequent injections, and narrowed eyes further disfigured her appearance.

Michael Jackson

At the peak of his popularity, American pop star Michael Jackson began changing his appearance. The singer significantly narrowed the bridge of his nose and had facial contouring done.

An implant was inserted into the chin and an eyelid lift was performed. Correction of the shape of the nose led to the fact that it began to fail, and cartilage implantation was necessary. It is said that Jackson suffered from body dysmorphic disorder (a disease in which a person is extremely concerned about defects in his appearance).

Lindsey Lohan

Lindsay Lohan, famous for her shocking antics, often used the services of plastic surgeons.
First, the star enlarged her breasts, and later made her lips fuller. The actress also eliminated wrinkles by introducing fillers.

Nicole Kidman

A beauty in her youth, Nicole Kidman became interested in beauty injections in adulthood. Frequent injections disrupted the actress’s facial expressions; her face became puffy and emotionless.
In addition, Nicole changed the shape and contour of her mouth, and did breast augmentation and lifting.

Kim Basinger

Unsuccessful plastic surgery of stars (photos before and after confirm this) turns natural beauty into a tense mask. This happened with actress Kim Basinger.
After a circular facelift and blepharoplasty, it seems that Kim has a constantly surprised face. The actress's eyes narrowed and her eyebrows rose too high.

Uma Thurman

Changes in Uma Thurman's face have become noticeable. The skin of the face became tightened, plastic surgery of the lower eyelid was performed. Additional volume was added to the cheeks, and a chemical peel may have been performed. In general, the actress’s natural appearance was not affected by plastic surgery.

Renee Zellweger

Opinions differ about Renee Zellweger's plastic surgery. Many experts suggest that in her case only regular cosmetic procedures were carried out.

Renee had unsuccessful plastic surgeries, and all this for different roles in films.

Perhaps the star received injections of botulinum toxins and fillers to smooth out the skin. Renee also had mammoplasty surgery.

Meg Ryan

As she grew older, actress Meg Ryan became interested in aesthetic surgery, but at one point the result stunned everyone. The star's face was so tense that it was difficult for her to smile. Apparently, numerous lifting and rhinoplasty procedures have led to such a disastrous result. A year later, she managed to correct the surgeons’ mistakes, and her face began to look more natural.

Tara Reid

Actress Tara Reid was constantly dissatisfied with her body in her youth, which forced her to adjust the shape of her breasts and undergo frequent liposuction of her abdomen and buttocks.
These procedures resulted in an anorexic appearance with breasts of uneven volume. But the star herself likes her appearance, and she doesn’t see anything wrong with her thinness.

Armanda Lepore

It's hard to believe that transsexual Armande Lepore was once a pretty boy.

Her first operation was rhinoplasty, then gender reassignment and many operations on:

The extravagant model had her ribs removed to achieve the effect of a slimmer waist. The number of operations on Armande’s body can no longer be counted, but she does not stop there.

Janice Dickinson

Former model Janice Dickinson periodically undergoes skin tightening and filler injections. An unhealthy lifestyle has negatively affected her appearance, and cosmetic procedures can no longer correct the mistakes of her youth.

Janice often does:

Daryl Hannah

When Daryl Hannah's youth began to fade, the actress decided to turn to plastic surgeons.

Subsequently, the following operations were carried out:

  • correction of the shape of eyelids and eyebrows;
  • facelift;
  • botulinum toxin injections;
  • lip plastic

The actress’s skin became tense and lifeless, her gaze became too surprised, and the shape of her mouth became blurry.

Dolly Parton

Singer Dolly Parton stands out with her enormously enlarged breasts. The star corrected the shape of her chin and had repeated face and neck lifts.
Dolly carefully monitors her weight and sometimes resorts to liposuction.

Courteney Cox

The appearance of the heroine of the series “Friends” Courteney Cox has changed somewhat recently. Perhaps there were no serious surgical interventions, beauty injections or lipofilling were performed. So the star corrected the oval of her face and got rid of deep wrinkles.

Mickey Rourke

After boxing fights, actor Mickey Rourke had to go under the surgeon's knife. His face was practically redone: rhinoplasty, restoration of a crushed cheekbone, all kinds of lifts.
But, to the chagrin of fans, he no longer looked like the handsome young man from the movie “9 and a half weeks.”

Famous idols who upset their fans by having plastic surgery

Many celebrities have made the mistake of getting carried away by aesthetic surgery in pursuit of eternal youth and beauty.

For some show business stars, plastic surgery turned out to be a bad idea (before and after photos can be seen above). For example, actress Melanie Griffith, after experimenting with her appearance, began to look older than her age.

The star of the Turkish television series “The Magnificent Century” Meryem Uzerli lost her natural beauty, turning into a typical doll blonde.

No one can guarantee the ideal result of the operation, but this rarely stops stars who always want to remain at the peak of popularity.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about stars before and after plastic surgery

12 stars before and after plastic surgery:

In the 80s of the last century, red-haired Australian provincial Nicole Kidman set off to conquer Hollywood. Possessing acting talent and an excellent physique, the girl had facial features that were far from graceful perfection. However, there was some zest and spontaneity in it. This helped her stand out from the crowd of young actresses eager to get the coveted roles.

Unconventional appearance is not always the key to success

Only non-standard appearance is the prerogative of comediennes. In order to get a role in a love drama, girls have to go under a plastic surgeon’s knife and slightly adjust their appearance. Nicole Kidman did not escape this either.

Before and after plastic surgery, changes are visible if you compare photos from different periods with each other. The daring Australian decided to climb the Hollywood Olympus, straightened her unruly red curls and slightly adjusted her nose. If you add to all this the successful work of star makeup artists and personal charm, you can safely storm the planned heights.

First victory on the personal front

Very soon, irrepressible energy, talent and hard work did their job. Famous directors began inviting Nicole Kidman to play the leading female roles. Before and after plastic surgery, the actress had no end to offers. On the set of the film “Days of Thunder” the actress meets the main Hollywood heartthrob Tom Cruise. Very soon a romantic relationship began between the couple. Many rivals were perplexed: what did the handsome young man see in this tall, cane-thin, red-haired Australian?

In the early 90s, the couple legalized their relationship. Nicole Kidman could be seen more and more often on red ones (plastic surgery before and after is covered in detail in this publication). She had to wipe the nose of the spiteful critics and show that outwardly she was in no way inferior to her handsome husband. Even then, she turned into a sophisticated style icon with an impeccable figure. In her features it was no longer possible to recognize a provincial girl, who a decade ago had only acted in Australia. Well, you can judge what Nicole Kidman looks like after plastic surgery, all her external transformations, from the photographs.

Should you have plastic surgery at the age of 40?

This year the actress will turn 49. However, Nicole began to get involved in Botox injections, chemical peeling and other, more radical procedures before reaching the 40-year mark. But first things first. The marriage to Tom Cruise lasted 11 years; the couple announced their separation in 2001. The actress was painfully going through the divorce and plunged headlong into her work, fortunately, there was still no end to the offers. To film “The Hours,” Nicole had to pretty much disfigure her face with false makeup. The sacrifice was justified, and the work was appreciated by film critics and members of the Academy. The first and so far only Oscar for the role of Virginia Woolf went to Nicole Kidman. Before and after plastic surgery, the changes on your face when you are not yet forty are not so significant.

Breast augmentation surgery

Soon the actress’s personal life improved. She met the famous Australian country singer Keith Urban. In 2006, the happy lovers legalized their relationship. Nicole decided that it was time to take a short break from her acting career and decided to give birth to two children. It is no secret that many women are considering plastic surgery for breast augmentation after breast deformation associated with lactation. The actress previously categorically denied her involvement in radical changes in appearance, but stated that she would like to have outstanding assets, like, for example, Jennifer Lopez.

However, after giving birth, the ubiquitous paparazzi began to suspect that the Australian woman had undergone some changes with her bust. Nicole no longer looks so flat and increasingly prefers dresses with a neckline. Amazingly, thanks to a strict diet, there are still no extra pounds noticed on her figure. Thus, a wave of rumors about Nicole Kidman's breast enlargement swept through the press. visible to the naked eye, just watch the erotic footage from the film “Eyes Wide Shut”. Now Nicole's breast size has increased by at least two sizes.

Further experiments

The actress has always refused to meet with plastic surgeons, motivating the flawless appearance of her face with her love for the usual beauty salon procedures: chemical peeling, thermage and laser resurfacing. However, having absolutely smooth skin at 48 years old is beyond the power of even the wealthiest women. Moreover, in modern cosmetology there are so many temptations.

Probably, Nicole Kidman decided to try them all on her appearance. Before and after changes are visible if you look at the pictures of the smiling actress. While standing quietly, the lips acquired some additional swelling. Where Nicole smiles, obvious flaws in the operation are visible (the upper lip acquires a characteristic elongated depression). According to rumors, the actress could have injected a small amount of silicone into her buttocks. If this is true, then she really decided to be like Jennifer Lopez.

Nicole Kidman: after plastic surgery and before. Photo of a Hollywood actress

To confirm the above arguments, we will provide evidence in the form of photographs taken in different periods. The reader will decide for himself whether plastic surgery takes place, since the actress herself still does not admit it. Curious journalists from Western and Russian publications even invited independent experts for consultation. Plastic surgeons unanimously confirmed the presence of professional intervention in Nicole Kidman's appearance. After plastic surgery, the photos reflect an even more doll-like and porcelain appearance of the actress. Characteristic swelling in the cheekbones and changes in

Complete list of operations

Experts believe that, in addition to rhinoplasty, Botox injections, lip and breast augmentation, the actress resorted to the services of a circular facelift, forehead lift, and blepharoplasty (eyelid correction). Nicole's secret love for plastic surgeons is obvious. However, the next operation is not always successful. This is evidenced by photographs from a year ago, where severe swelling is visible on the actress’s face. Fortunately, after some time the trouble disappears on its own. We can only wish Nicole Kidman health. Before and after plastic surgery, all changes in appearance should be as less radical as possible.


The beloved of an entire generation, a happy wife and caring mother, is approaching her fiftieth birthday. The passion for plastic surgery should not affect the love of fans. Moreover, many women admit that in her place they would do the same if they had a certain amount of extra money at their disposal. We agree that Nicole Kidman looks simply divine. We look forward to new good roles from her.

She looks amazing for her age - still as sophisticated and aristocratic. She had to work a lot on her appearance in order to turn from a simple Australian actress into a world-class star.

But Nicole's fans have recently noticed that her face has become almost motionless and looks more like a porcelain doll. The intervention of professionals is visible to the naked eye (due to this she managed to maintain her youth).


It is obvious that Nicole had surgery to change the shape and size of her lips. In the photographs where the actress smiles, it is clear that the lip acquires an elongated depression characteristic of this operation.

Relaxed lips became plumper. In general, the operation was performed well, the mouth looks neat and natural.

Price: 70 thousand rubles.


In her youth, the actress did not have a large bust, so fans immediately noticed that at some point the actress’s breasts had noticeably increased. She installed ones that looked extremely unnatural. Nicole probably noticed this and deleted them after a while.

Price: about 230 thousand rubles.


It is difficult to say 100% whether rhinoplasty was performed. The nose has become a little narrower, and the nostrils have become more accurate. But the changes are not at all noticeable. I am still inclined to believe that there was surgical intervention, but the work done was truly exquisite.

Sometimes you want to write about stars. And to have a lot of pictures. Because it's common to admire the stars...

For example, Nicole Kidman. She is without a doubt a stunning beauty - blonde, slim, tall and with beautiful porcelain skin. And she almost always manages to look graceful, despite her grenadier height and powerful legs. By powerful legs, I don't just mean large shoe sizes, but also massive calves and touching knees. Knees knocking and legs rubbing against each other, what else can make your walk more clumsy?

Okay, I understand, not everyone agrees with me. And rightly so. These legs can look quite cute as a child. But still, in adulthood, X-shaped knees have approximately the same aesthetics as club feet. Forget the word elegance if you see legs like these!

Of course, every rule has exceptions. And such a disadvantage is not always clearly expressed. For the same Nicole, he is easily camouflaged. And if it is noticeable, then, in any case, her legs are much better than Jolie's non-X legs. By the way, such a reversal of the bones can be corrected.

But that's not what this note is about. In long dresses that are not tight around the hips and legs, Nicole always looks marvelous and outshines most of those present.

Queen and diva!

Here we need to make a small clarification: Nicole Kidman can easily look amazing in those cases when she hardly smiles and wears a thick layer of concealing lipstick.

Oh, how sweet!

Without lipstick, Nicole makes you wary and attracts the eye for another reason.

Nicole is not a vulgar woman, with delicate taste. Here she also tries to be more careful:

But he can also cheer up and smile wider. And here the road to hell begins.

And here this road becomes a little wider. Or it seemed to me?

For those in the tank, I’ll show you up close:

And the reason that Nicole’s upper lip looks like the sides of her pants are falling out is not an implant or filler. Although I have no doubt that she has both. Too dramatic changes have occurred in her naturally small upper lip. However, the main reason why her lips resemble a stretched sausage is plastic surgery called Vermillion Elevator. Don't do it EVER! Absolutely everything about this operation is bad.

However, no matter how much you say, patients will still run down the street. And there are and will be those who want to embellish themselves like this.

This operation is performed because they want to increase the “height” of the upper lip. During this manipulation, the red border is cut off along its entire length and the upper lip is sewn a little higher. In this case, part of the mucous membrane is turned outward and the desired labial “additive” is formed.

What else? Oh yes, they forgot about inflation. Such an operation is not capable of adding volume to the lips, it simply makes them higher (lower). And the lips themselves flatten a little due to tissue tension.

Somehow these are not sexy big but flat lips. Yes? Where is the inviting and sultry volume?

This is where the temptation arises to “inflate” them with filler or an implant. The latter is used when they want to secure beauty for centuries. They say these implants do not degrade for hundreds of years. This is happiness!

The scar formed over the entire surface of the upper lip is not elastic and is not capable of stretching, like ordinary tissue, so when we smile we will always observe such a beauty-sausage:

At the same time, it will not cause appetite - not on a plate.

I am not a villain and I do not urge you not to fight natural deficiencies (real or visible only to you). But still, when planning plastic surgery, and especially on the face, it is better to be well prepared. And carefully study the information, or consult with an independent specialist. Such a specialist should be familiar with the visualization of side effects and understand facial aesthetics.

Designer "by face" - the profession of the future!

It is useless to rely on surgeons in this matter. Still, plastic surgery is first and foremost a business. The most honest doctors may note the presence of side effects. But, as a rule, their next words will be:

– But we have never had patients with such results!

Attention! Do you see the prominent eyelashes that line the sore, red eyes in this photo? Heeeey! Latisse, Bimatoprost, prostaglandin. And any other name they call you!

Let's now see what Nicole was like a long time ago with white whites of her eyes. Then, when she had no idea about all the possibilities for decorating her appearance and did not grow eyelashes.

What a blessing that this knowledge did not overtake her even earlier!

What natural beauty!

Nicole Kidman is one of the first Hollywood beauties. Despite her age approaching 50, time seems to have no power over her and the sophisticated Australian is as fresh as she was 20 years ago. But this was not always the case, and Kidman’s beauty can hardly be called untouched by a surgeon’s scalpel.

In her youth, Kidman was quite a pretty girl, but nothing more.

In 1989, the future star moved to America. The provincialism is gradually disappearing from her, her features are becoming more refined.

Fame and recognition by millions after her first successes in big cinema change Kidman not only internally, but also externally. She takes on her famous cool beauty and sophistication and becomes a diva in every sense.

The difference is obvious.

The 2000s were the time of the Botox craze. Kidman is still fresh, but there is some artificiality in her appearance.

The actress denies injections in every possible way and emphasizes the favorite theme of all the stars, “My secret is proper nutrition, sleep and plenty of water.” However, when it became impossible to hide her motionless face, Kidman still admitted that she “tried Botox, but she didn’t like it.”

Kidman still didn’t have rhinoplasty. The nose with the “trademark” scar on the columella has not changed over the years.

But breast enlargement took place.

The actress also enlarged her lips - it is simply impossible to hide this fact.

There is a craze for fillers. Obviously, Kidman decided to fix the temporary effect of the fillers with surgery. This is what came out of it.

The mouth turned out to be quite natural, but when you smile, all the flaws are visible.

For the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, Kidman decided to use lipofilling. The effect was terrifying and everyone said that “Kidman has lost face.”

But after some time, the unsuccessful result disappeared and Kidman returned to her usual appearance to the delight of her fans. Now the actress is 48 years old, which she certainly doesn’t look like.