And I will prove it to you. The best TT8 level is T32. And I will prove it to you. The best tier 8 heavy tank

The eighth level of equipment in World of Tanks boasts so many interesting vehicles that not a single top list can stand it. However, the site does not intend to deviate from the “top 5” heading and has selected the most worthy candidates.

The great and mighty IS-3

One of the most recognizable tanks in the game. Living legend. The dream object of any novice tanker, named after Joseph Stalin himself, is the IS-3. Players affectionately call him “Grandfather,” and opponents at any level fear the mighty BL-9 gun, capable of delivering slaps to even the most armored and heaviest vehicles. With excellent dynamics for a heavy tank, a squat silhouette and strong armor, the IS-3 is one of the best tanks in the game. In skillful hands, “Grandfather” is capable of methodically erasing one enemy after another from the face of the earth, turning the outcome of any battle and delivering incredible pleasure to its owner. Let's move on to the advantages of the machine:

An excellent weapon, the best at its level. Excellent armor penetration allows you to fight on equal terms with Tier X equipment, and deal with your classmates almost with your eyes closed.

A kind of armor that can save the car in the most incredible situations.

Excellent speed, maneuverability and dynamics. The IS-3 will not allow itself to be “spinned”, it allows you to quickly change direction, and in some situations play the role of a medium tank.

The low silhouette allows you to take advantage of the terrain while hiding the vulnerable parts of the hull behind the folds of the terrain.


High risk of critical damage to the ammunition rack. The disadvantage can be mitigated by upgrading the “Non-contact ammo rack” skill and avoiding the habit of exposing the side to enemy fire.

Poor elevation angles, characteristic of most Soviet vehicles. You won't be able to shoot from behind the hill. But over time, you can get used to it, if you don’t alternate playing on the IS-3 with fighting on American vehicles.

Frequent critical injuries to the driver. One can only feel sorry for this sufferer. Better yet, upgrade the “Jack of All Trades” skill so that the commander can successfully replace a shell-shocked driver.

Small visibility of 350 meters, depriving players of the opportunity to shoot at their own light.

Tactical Tips

The IS-3 is a very versatile and universal tank. So its use is limited, essentially, by the player’s imagination and personal skill. In battle, you can safely try on the role of a classic heavy breakthrough tank or behave like a ST. When you get to the top of the list, it is better to choose standard directions for TT and methodically press on them, using the support of your allies. At the bottom of the list, the IS-3 turns into an effective support for high-level heavies. Covering and being covered by allies, “Grandfather” with his BL-9 is able to help the team almost better than others.

It would take a long time to tell you how to play the IS-3. The main thing is NOT to play it like a tank destroyer. The tank does not tolerate such disrespect for its dignity, and standing in the bushes at the base, you will achieve nothing but mocking ridicule from the team.

Equipment: gun rammer, vertical stabilizer and improved ventilation.

Strong-headed stubborn T-54 region

The younger brother of the legendary "54", T-54 lightweight - light tank Tier VIII, which came to the game with update 0.9.3. A smart scout, capable of standing up for himself in duels with classmates and easily destroying a careless tank destroyer alone. The machine has no obvious disadvantages, has all the characteristics necessary for a comfortable game and rightfully takes its place in our top list.

Advantages of the T-54 region:

The strongest armor among Tier VIII armored vehicles.

Excellent dynamics, maneuverability and acceleration.

Good aiming speed of the gun (2.3 seconds).

Large margin of safety (1200 units).

Decent armor penetration with a basic 175 mm projectile.

Good hull rotation and turret rotation speed.

Excellent rate of fire.

There are only two disadvantages:

Not the best best review at its level - 390 meters.

High silhouette and large dimensions.

Tactical Tips

T-54 region is a classic reconnaissance aircraft. His task - to shine, actively or passively - depends on the map and the level of the team. From the very beginning of the battle, you need to take advantageous positions and try to detect the movement of the main enemy forces. A good LT player always monitors the minimap and has 2-3 escape options. There is no need to fly forward with your saber drawn: a T-54 region destroyed at the beginning of the battle will only benefit the enemy team.

The second half of the battle most often becomes decisive. The task of the owner of the T-54 region is to be in the right place in right time and help allies destroy enemy equipment. In open space, the tank feels much more comfortable than in city streets or corridor directions on maps.

Equipment: coated optics, improved ventilation, gun rammer/vertical stabilizer.

Teutonic Ninja – Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager

A secretive killer with a magnificent weapon, excellent camouflage and a complete lack of armor, a full-fledged member of the “We live in the bushes” sect, the German tank destroyer, Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager could not help but make it onto our list. Covered with pieces of cardboard instead of armor, “Borshchik,” as the tankers affectionately nicknamed him, takes on a well-thought-out strategy and a competent choice of positions. Playing on the third line, as a support and sniper, is a priority. “Borscht” simply has no other roles: any light turns into a world of pain, and a barrage of enemy fire falls on the head of the detected vehicle. Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager owners are not liked. Moreover, they are hated and feared. But so much the better for you and your team, right? Let's talk about the advantages of the car and its disadvantages.


Low profile and one of the best camouflage ratios on the level.

Excellent choice of weapons: a powerful cannon with the highest one-time damage and an accurate, balanced railgun with excellent accuracy and fast aiming.

High maneuverability.


Weak engine.

One of the worst armor in the game.

Small vertical aiming angles.

High level of fighting.

Tactical Tips

“Borshchik” is a machine with pronounced advantages and disadvantages. You need to play it extremely carefully. Remember your most careful play on the predecessor tank destroyer and multiply it three times. The Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager should always be either behind cover or in bushes that camouflage it. The combat tactics on it are very simple: hide, wait and shoot. Or drive out from behind cover, shoot and hide. By following these two rules, a Borscht player will be able to inflict a lot of damage. imbalance advises choosing the K44/L55 gun with a caliber of 128 millimeters. It is much easier to use without spending credits on gold shells.

Equipment: gun rammer, reinforced aiming drives and coated optics/stereo tube.

American station wagon – T32

If the previous vehicle on the list has distinct advantages and disadvantages, then the American T32 heavy tank is the center of balance. A strong middle peasant, capable of more. This is exactly how one can characterize the creation of the thoughts of American designers. The incredibly strong turret and vertical aiming angles characteristic of all “Americans” predetermine the game on this vehicle, making all kinds of shelters and folds of the terrain a real salvation for the T32. Hiding behind a hill and setting up its impenetrable tower, the TT is able to stop attacks from opponents that outnumber the number of allies on the flank. Methodical and calm play from cover and a strong turret is an ideal environment for the “thirty-two”, in which the tank feels like a fish in water.


Great review.

Good hull armor with rational tilt angles.

Excellent armor in the front of the turret.

Excellent vertical aiming angles.

Good rate of fire (1524 damage per minute).


Weakly protected sides and stern of the hull.

Not the best weapon at the level: penetration and average one-time damage leave much to be desired.

Tactical Tips

T32 is good because it is very easy to use. First of all, you need to choose a direction. The tank has the necessary set of qualities that allow it to both defend and actively attack. It is worth giving preference to places on the map where you can hide your body and show your enemies your impenetrable forehead. Considering the poor penetration rate of a conventional projectile, you will have to load more “gold” supplies into the ammunition load. However, the tactics on the T32 are simple and effective: find cover, hide the hull and shoot your opponents from the turret.

Nimble and dangerous – Spahpanzer Ru 251

Spahpanzer Ru 251 or simply “Rushka” is the pinnacle of the German line of light tanks. The vehicle copes well with its main task, reconnaissance. Solid visibility, low silhouette and the highest top speed in the game. Passive or active reconnaissance, an excellent high-damage weapon and incredible high-explosive shells make this tank one of the best tanks in the game. Let's move on to the pros and cons of the car.


Huge maximum speed – 80 km/h.

Excellent dynamics and turning speed.

Excellent penetration for a Tier VIII tank of 190 units.

Good visibility (400 meters).

Decent stabilization when shooting on the move.

An impressive safety margin of 1200 units.


Lack of armor.

Hits from land mines practically guarantee critical damage and concussion of the crew.

Ramming is contraindicated: its light weight and “cardboard-like” appearance make the Ru-251 a victim in a collision with almost any car.

Tactical Tips

Ru-251 can do everything it can on the field light tank and even more. It makes sense to carry all three types of shells on it, since land mines, when penetrating 102 units, have a one-time damage of 320. That is, land mines can be fired at vulnerable points and at weakly armored tanks.

What to do on the battlefield? Move. Speed ​​is the main advantage of the Rushka and it must be used. But moving around the map should not be chaotic and meaningless. The tank requires careful play. By the middle of the battle, Ru-251 turns from a firefly into a lone hunter. But you should never forget that the best tactics on a light tank are tactics based on circumstances. The main thing is to always have an escape route.

This concludes our hit parade. Ahead are the top lists for Tier IX and X vehicles, where you most likely won’t be able to get away with five tanks. Good luck in your battles!

This article is a short review-opinion, listing the pros and cons, such as the profitability of premium WoT tanks, armor, speed, etc. This is a mini-directory for those who do not really like to scour the forum and topics in order to find the necessary information, but like to look at everything in one place. To understand which Tier 8 premium tank is best to buy, you need to study in more detail all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular model.


Soviet premium, and now gift, heavy tank. In the past it cost 7500. Perhaps the most controversial Tier 8 premium tank.

Pros of the tank

  • Excellent all-round armor. It allows you to withstand even attacks from guns of levels 9, less often 10. The only weak points are the radio operator and commander’s tower, but I’ll tell you how to deal with this later.
  • High speed. For a 100-ton steel monster, this is a very high parameter. “The maniacs immediately understood what this meant,” said Kirill Oreshkin. The KV-5 is especially formidable when used for ramming. It literally crushes most small tanks, removing most of their strength or even destroying them. When combined with additional equipment and skills, you can take no damage at all.
  • High DPM. The KV-5 gun has a high rate of fire and with a 100% crew it can deliver 2100 potential damage per minute.
  • Cheap ammunition. Armor-piercing shells cost a penny - 270 kr/piece. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid to shoot a lot. After a battle, I often only have a third of my ammunition left.
  • Weak penetration of the gun at 167 mm. At first glance it looks funny, but it's not. How to deal with this? There are two options. The first is to shoot gold ammunition. But what kind of farm is this then? I brought 30,000, spent 50,000 on shells. Even level 10 earns more. The second is to choose softer targets and aim at weak spots. In my opinion, the second one is much better. In battle there are always tanks of the same level as you and even less. And then 167 mm of penetration is quite enough. Don't forget about high DPM: while the enemy fires one shot, we fire three. But this is so figurative, of course.
  • Armor vulnerabilities. Most often, the enemy aims at the radio operator's turret. It is huge and easy to get into. Therefore, you need to learn to hide it. The best option is to drive up to the corner of the building in a diamond shape. Then the turret will be practically invisible and a shell that hits it will most likely ricochet. I won’t talk about the commander’s cupola, because you can’t hide it around the corner.

Note:We don’t consider shortcomings such as poor visibility or a weak radio, since we are a breakthrough tank, not a firefly or a tank destroyer. We go ahead, pushing through the defenses and helping our allies.

Gag: like any tank, the KV-5 is not without its shortcomings, but its advantages do not let it down. Therefore, having played >700 battles on the tank, I can say with confidence: the tank is very, very good. It's a solid 4 plus. Although, many players speak negatively about the tank, saying that it does not penetrate, is slow, and dull. This is wrong. On top of that, playing on a tank teaches you how to aim pain points, do not get into trouble, in a word, the KV-5 is an excellent “straightener” of the hands. Ride the KV-5, and then change to some IS-4 or KV-3. You will feel how your driving skills have improved dramatically. You need to get used to the tank and it may take hundreds of battles.

Profitability table, taken from the forum


German premium heavy tank. Price 12500. Currently available for purchase in the in-game and premium stores.

Pros of the tank

  • The 10.5 cm KwK 46 L/70 gun is excellent in many respects. Firstly, it has amazing accuracy. The spread is only 0.33 cm/100 m. This definitely makes it possible to play in the tank destroyer style. But more on that later. Secondly, excellent penetration. An armor-piercing projectile has a penetration of 234 mm, let alone sub-caliber ones. We can hit any targets up to level 10 at any distance. Thirdly, a relatively good rate of fire of 5 rounds per minute. There are tanks that have a couple of seconds less loading time, but this difference is not always noticeable.
  • Excellent visibility of 400 meters. Another great bonus. Löwe does not always need lighting; it can illuminate itself if necessary. Therefore, if we shine on opponents, we also receive credits and experience.
  • Well armored tower. The gun mantlet occupies the entire frontal projection of the turret and almost always eats shells from enemy guns.
  • Heavy weight of the tank. The huge mass of just over 90 tons makes it possible to successfully use a ram.
  • Weak armor. Although the tank has a sloping forehead, it practically does not catch shells. A huge NLD is also visible in the forehead. It is not difficult for any tanks to penetrate it, starting from level 5-6. The main Achilles heel of our tank. This is worth taking into account and learning to hide this vulnerability. Plus, getting into it can cause engine damage, since the transmission is located in the front. The side armor has no slopes, so it is very easy to penetrate it.
  • Low speed and mobility. Although the tank’s performance characteristics indicate that the maximum speed is 35 km/h, you will hardly be able to develop it. The tank crawls like a turtle, squeezing out about 17-20 km/h. Plus, the tank’s agility is low, so quick deployment is not Löwe’s thing.

Gag: “And if the E-50 is a mobile AT with a turret, then Löwe is, rather, an anti-mobile AT with a turret,” - the words of Kirill Oreshkin. This is true. Therefore, if you are not a fan of dynamic battles and prefer to sit in the bushes, then Löwe is what you need. Playing this tank is not that easy. It is inferior to many of its classmates in armor and this negates its effectiveness as a heavy tank. However, the gun does not know what it cannot penetrate, therefore, the words “It did not penetrate!” you will hear very rarely. Note: shells for the Löwe gun are very expensive - more than 1000 credits apiece. Therefore, Löwe does not do well by endlessly pouring fire, as the KV-5 can do.

Profitability table taken from the forum

8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

German premium tank destroyer. Can be purchased in the in-game store. Price 10000. Currently no longer available for sale.

Pros of the tank

  • A magnificent weapon. It has amazing accuracy - only 0.31cm/100m! More precisely, only the E-50M is shooting at us. The gun is brought down in 2 seconds. You can even do without aiming drives. We reach the enemy at any distance, while remaining unnoticed. Also 8.8 cm PaK 43 L/71 Ausf. A has an excellent fire rate of 11.11 rounds per minute, which is approximately just over 2600 damage. This is enough to destroy any tank. In addition to all this, the weapon has high penetration ability. The AP shell penetrates 203 mm of armor, while the sub-caliber shell penetrates a little more - only 237 mm. We penetrate the forehead of any opponents without exception. The only exception is a couple of cars, but with our precision we can successfully target vulnerable spots. And if the question arises, which lvl 8 premium is better to take based on the gun’s performance, then this tank will be a good choice.
  • Excellent cabin armor - 250 mm. The 8.8 cm PaK 43 Jagdtiger has completely adopted the body from its older brother, but given the reduced level of combat, we are not penetrated more often than a regular Jagdtiger. This is an undeniable plus.


  • Poor agility. Spinning the Jagdtiger is a matter of minutes. Therefore, close combat is contraindicated for this tank.
  • Big sizes. We are very vulnerable to artillery and feel insecure in open areas. The 8.8 cm PaK 43 Jagdtiger, like its older brother, is excellent in urban battles, where you can hide vulnerable spots and take cover from self-propelled gun fire.
  • Weakly armored NLD and front-mounted transmission. Try to hide this Achilles heel, as getting into it can cause engine damage or fire.
  • Weakly armored sides. Another vulnerability of ours. Any guns can penetrate us, plus there is an ammunition rack on the sides. When it hits a BC, it often detonates.

P.S: I don’t consider such a flaw as low one-time damage, since we have the highest rate of fire and DPM, and this more than pays for the small alpha strike.

Gag: 8.8 cm PaK 43 Jagdtiger is a universal tank destroyer that can literally do everything. Combines TT-PT style. In application it is often used as a "heavy tank without a turret". The tasks are the same - pushing through directions, supporting allies. This tank destroyer plays especially effectively in a platoon with a heavy or medium tank. You don't have to worry about being flanked. The 8.8 cm PaK 43 Jagdtiger can hold its own. The high density of fire will not allow the enemy to advance far. But keep in mind, we have a chance to survive at long distances, less often at medium distances. In close combat we are almost guaranteed to lose to the enemy. You should especially be wary of LT and ST like AMX 13 90, T71, T-54.


Nicknamed "Goose" or "Duck" for its distinctive profile, this American heavy tank is rarer than other premium tier 8 tanks in World of Tanks. Currently available for purchase in the gift shop. Its own price is 7500.

Pros of the tank

  • Good frontal armor. Although the armor plates are located almost at a right angle, they can catch shells, but most likely they will not save you from level 9-10 guns. Such armor, 191 mm thick in the forehead, holds shells from level 7-8 guns well.
  • Good vertical aiming angles. This advantage allows you to shoot from behind the folds of the terrain and target vulnerable spots of your opponents in the clinch.
  • Availability of screens. They allow you to partially absorb the damage of high-explosive shells.
  • Large ammunition load.
  • Large mass of the tank. You can successfully use a ram.
  • Another advantage is its exclusivity. Inexperienced players rarely encounter this tank in battle and know little about its vulnerabilities. However, it is worth noting that recently the number of M6A2E1s in random battles has increased sharply.


  • Large dimensions. We are extremely vulnerable to artillery. The roof loves to absorb damage from high-explosive shells. Therefore, playing in open areas is contraindicated for the M6A2E1.
  • A mediocre weapon. It has poor accuracy and average penetration. Due to getting into high-level battles, it makes sense to use gold ammunition, which has a negative impact on earning credits. Mediocre accuracy will also not allow you to fight enemies at long distances. The best combat distance is close, less often - medium.
  • Low speed. The M6A2E1 is not a very mobile tank. Therefore, a quick change of direction and dislocation are not his thing.

Gag: The M6A2E1 is a very interesting vehicle. At first glance, it may seem that all its shortcomings outweigh its advantages. But that's not true. Despite the weak gun and large dimensions, the tank is strong. In terms of application style - universal. Most often it is used as a breakthrough tank or directional defender. Due to high-level battles, farming on it is relatively low, so this tank cannot be classified as the most farmable Tier 8 premium tank. Now he is more of a showpiece than a credit farmer. It makes sense to buy it just for the sake of the collection. The M6A2E1 requires skillful driving, so only experienced players will be able to fully unleash its combat potential.

The profitability table was taken from the forum.

FCM 50t

French heavy tank. Can be purchased in the in-game store for 11900.

Pros of the tank

  • An excellent 90 mm DCA 45 gun with good accuracy, penetration, and rate of fire. The spread is only 0.36cm/100m, which is quite typical for French guns. The rate of fire is 8 rounds per minute. This is 1 shot more than the KV-5, but in terms of DPM, the FCM 50t is inferior to the Soviet tank (1920 versus 2100). The potential damage per shot is 240 HP, which is not a very serious indicator at levels 8-9. The penetration of an AP shell is 212 mm.
  • Large ammunition and cheap shells. In this we are also similar to the KV-5. The ammunition load is 91 rounds. The cost of the projectile is 255 kr/piece. This is even less than KV-5 shells. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to shoot a lot and often.
  • Excellent dynamic characteristics. The FCM 50t accelerates to 50 km/h in a relatively short time and does not drop much when turning.
  • Excellent visibility of 400 meters. This is an excellent indicator at its level. The tank can conduct passive light tactics.


  • Mediocre booking. 120mm + 45 degree angle is equivalent to 170mm of armor at right angles. Any tanks, starting from level 7, can penetrate us. Therefore, when meeting tanks of level 8-9, you should be extremely careful.
  • Low safety margin - only 1500 units. Given our armor, we cannot afford to lose this strength.
  • Long body. It complicates our maneuvers in urban conditions and is very vulnerable to self-propelled gun fire.

Gag: FCM 50t combines the characteristics of such equipment as heavy and medium tank and tank destroyers. The tank is very diverse and versatile in terms of application style. So, if you can play both heavy and medium tanks equally well, then the FCM 50t is what you need. Despite all its advantages, the FCM 50t is not very easy to operate. Due to its mediocre armor and large dimensions, the tank requires utmost attention and careful play.

Pros of the tank

  • Strong frontal armor. 100 mm of armor with a large slope allows you to confidently withstand gun attacks with penetration up to 175-180 mm inclusive.
  • Sturdy cast tower. Its 200/130/60 armor is located at wild angles, making it extremely difficult to penetrate. The only weak points are the commander's and loader's turrets, however, while the enemy is targeting them, the tank manages to inflict damage.
  • Good speed. 56 km/h is the best indicator at the level. The Type 59 is the fastest medium tank of its tier. He is able to quickly break through to key points and hold them.
  • The 100 mm Type 59 gun has good one-time damage, rate of fire and penetration, but takes a long time to aim and has a decent dispersion of 39 cm/100 m. However, it is worth remembering that the Type 59 is a close-range tank, and at short distances the gun performs very well. The main task of the tank is to support allies and hold key positions, but it’s unlikely to be a sniper. When in contact with an enemy, you always need to get close. If the enemy breaks the distance, it always plays against the Type 59.
  • Low silhouette. The Type 59 has identical hull and turret shapes to the T-54. The low silhouette allows you to hide the car well and set up ambushes.
  • Mediocre dynamics. Although the tank has high speed, the dynamics of the Type 59 are rather weak. It cannot also successfully spin the enemy like the T-54 does. The speed of the tank drops significantly when turning, so the enemy, even if he doesn’t kill the Chinese, will certainly remove most of the strength that is so important for the Type 59. If such tactics are to be used, then only in a “flock”, preferably from 2-3 Types 59. To some extent, this minus can be compensated for by installing equipment (“Twisted speed control” or “High-quality oil”), but do not expect that the dynamics in this case will soar to the parameters of the Soviet comrade, which became the prototype for the Type 59 in real life. It will give only a small increase, which you just need to know how to use correctly and on time.
  • Vulnerable ammunition rack. It is located along both sides of the tank. Hitting the side will often cause her to crit or detonate. So exposing the Type 59’s side to fire is contraindicated.
  • Poor location of the tank. It is located immediately behind the frontal armor. Therefore, penetration in the forehead can be fraught with fire, and this must be remembered
  • Small ammunition capacity of the gun. The Type 59 can only carry 34 rounds. Given the high rate of fire, at the end of the battle there will hardly be a quarter of the ammunition left. Thoughtless shooting is not encouraged, since by the middle of the battle you can be left without shells. P.S: Type 59 is an excellent collector of Fadin medals.

The Type 59 is very easy to learn and pleasant to operate; it forgives many mistakes for inexperienced tankers.

The profitability table was taken from the forum.

Tier 8 tanks in World of Tanks are the most popular in the game, and only top tanks compete with them. These are quite serious machines, capable of snapping even at their brothers at a higher level. Of course, the best Tier 8 premium tank for farming is the Soviet IS-3 heavy tank, the German Tiger II, the French AMX 50 100, the American T 32. Medium tanks are the American M 26 Pershing and the Soviet Object 416. Light tanks are the French AMX 13 90 and Soviet T 54 region. The popularity of this level of the game is due not only to playing randomly, but also to participation in team and company battles, war on the global map and in battles for fortified areas.

Among the variety of tanks of the eighth level, premium tanks are especially popular. What will the best Tier 8 premium tank give you? Increased credit farming, often a preferential level of battles, accelerated crew training, the pleasure of owning a tank for a successful game. Which premium tier 8 tank is better to buy? A serious question for every player who decides to pick up a brand new car for their hangar. There is no consensus on this matter, because each player has his own playing style.

However, most gamers agree that the best premium tanks are:

  • French premium tank tier 8 FCM 50t;
  • Soviet IS -6;
  • American premium tank T26E5;
  • heavy Chinese premium tank tier 8 112.

Among the medium tanks, the M4A1 Revalorise, T26E4 Super Pershing and the Chinese Type 59 are very popular.

Which premium tier 8 tank is better to buy?

For beginners, the American Tier 8 T 34 premium tank is well suited - it has good frontal armor with a strong turret, a powerful gun with good armor penetration. Overall, the T34 is a very balanced tier 8 premium tank. But if you want to break into the enemy’s lair, the Chinese 112 is a good choice. High one-time damage, an armored front of the hull and turret are what the restless player needs. And for farming credits, the best machines are the German Lowe and the French FCM 50t.

Many premium vehicles have a preferential battle level. These are preferential premium Tier 8 tanks IS-6, KV-5, FCM 50t, 112 and T26E4 Super Pershing, which are included in battle with a maximum of Tier 9 tanks. They are gradually being taken out of the game, and you should hurry to purchase these premium tanks in our store. However, the developers regularly delight players with new combat vehicles, and in the coming updates we will see the Swedish premium tank Strv S1, which is a tank destroyer, which will allow fans of the Swedish development branch to upgrade the crew for a top tank destroyer.

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What is the best tier 8 tank in World of Tanks?


Saying which is the best Tier 8 tank in World of Tanks is not the easiest task, since the level is high and all the tanks presented on it are good in their own way. And a lot depends on the subjective preferences of the player and his playing style.

For example, the IS-3 and T32 are attack tanks, and the Royal Tiger, aka PzKpfw VIB Tiger 2, is a defense tank.

The IS-3 has good speed and maneuverability, and the turret can handle damage well. But at the same time, the weapon is quite inaccurate, the viewing angle is not the greatest, and the rate of fire is not great.

The Royal Tiger, on the contrary, has an accurate weapon with a high rate of fire, but at the same time, due to the massive armor that protects it so well, it is characterized by low maneuverability and low speed.

The T32 is a maneuverable and high-speed vehicle, has good armor on the turret, high accuracy, but at the same time a small caliber of shells. As a result, we will probably give the palm to this particular car. She is good at everything, except for fighting large enemy tanks with powerful armor. True, skillful hands with this car will become a huge threat to absolutely any opponent, no matter what he performs on. And in urban battles the T32 is absolutely ideal.