What can be used for self-defense. What self-defense weapons can be purchased in Russia without a license? Review of the best means for self-defense. You might also like

Text: Elizaveta Lyubavina

And although in most cases women become victims of violence from acquaintances, attacks on the street, unfortunately, are also not uncommon. Contrary to stereotypes, there are no universal rules and uniform “safety precautions” that will help avoid violence, and women, regardless of their appearance, clothing style and time of day are at risk. We have already written about techniques and about it - but in many cases it is impossible to defend against an attacker without the use of special means.

It is important to understand that often the use of self-defense can turn against the person defending himself, and in many cases can also lead to serious legal consequences. Remember the cases of Alexandra Ivannikova and Tatyana Andreeva - both women used a knife to defend themselves from men who tried to rape them. The attackers died, and criminal cases were opened against the women - Ivannikova’s case was eventually closed, and Andreeva was sentenced to prison. Let's figure out how to use self-defense means to avoid such consequences - and which ones should not be used in principle.

Pepper spray

Some self-defense products (for example, a traumatic pistol) require a special license - others can be purchased without special documents. One of the most popular means that does not require a permit is a gas spray: it is considered effective and inexpensive. The item does not take up much space (a small canister can fit in your pocket), and in order to use it, no special skills are needed - although some advise practicing with a training one. It is important to understand that the spray can only temporarily disable the attacker - and thereby give you the opportunity to escape from danger. The canisters cause tears, burning, coughing, and make breathing difficult, but will not cause more serious harm to the attacker.

Despite their apparent simplicity, when choosing cans you need to take into account several nuances. All cylinders are divided into several types depending on the type of spraying of caustic liquid. The main ones are aerosol and jet. The first are good because they are sprayed into a cloud into which several attackers can fall at once; it creates a curtain between the aggressors and the victim. Their main danger is that a gust of wind can direct the cloud into the face of the defender himself or simply carry it away from the attacker. In a closed space, such as an elevator or a car, an aerosol can can also turn against the person who is defending himself: there is a high risk of inhaling himself.

Jet canisters can be used to target an attacker's eyes and can be used in confined spaces or in windy conditions. On the other hand, jet canisters are used pointwise: if there are several attackers, they cannot be covered with one click on a button, and if the aggressor, for example, wears glasses, they can become a serious obstacle. Jet cans can be used from a longer distance than aerosols, but this requires some accuracy. There is also an “intermediate” option - aerosol-jet spray cans.

The organizer of the Shogunate protective group notes that it is necessary to pay attention not only to the type of spraying, but also to the composition of the products in the cylinders. They include irritants - substances that cause short-term irritation of the respiratory tract, eyes and sometimes skin. Products labeled “OC” (oleoresin capsicum), better known as “pepper powder,” are based on an extract of a hot red pepper variety. A person who comes into their zone of action immediately closes his eyes involuntarily, begins to have a severe cough and spasms in the throat. The duration of exposure can be long, up to 30–40 minutes, but this depends on the concentration of the irritant.

Another popular substance in cylinders is MPC. This is a synthetic analogue of OC; It is believed that it acts more gently, but is also effective. The “CS” marking on the canister implies tear gas - but here it must be borne in mind that a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be less sensitive to the components of such a canister. Therefore, the organizer of the Shogunate protective group recommends using products based on a mixture of components: CS and red pepper.

Since they always attack suddenly, in a threat situation, in a dangerous area or late in the evening, it is advised to keep the spray can ready - hold it in the palm of your hand. You need to act quickly: after use there is not much time left to run away or neutralize the attacker in other ways. We must not forget that small-volume cans are a disposable product.

Stun gun

Another popular means of self-defense is a stun gun. It also does not require permission - however, the most powerful of them are prohibited from being sold to civilians. Most often there are two types of stun guns: contact and shooting. The first ones look like an electric razor - they need to be applied to the attacker and held for a few seconds for them to take effect. The advantage of contact stun guns is that they can be used in confined spaces, such as an elevator or car. But there are also disadvantages: in winter it can be more difficult to apply them due to the thick outerwear. Shooting stun guns are similar to a pistol: when fired, two harpoon-electrodes fly out from the cartridge, which cling to the attacker’s clothing and transmit a discharge. They can be used from a longer distance - but you need to hit the target accurately. The power of the shocker does not depend on the size. In addition, you need to remember that the device runs on batteries - and you should monitor the charge level.

In most cases, a stun gun causes short-term spasms and pain, but does not cause serious harm to health - but there are exceptions. As cardiologist Vasily Ivanov notes, a stun gun is dangerous for people with heart disease, especially if a person uses a pacemaker: the equipment will fail when exposed to an electric discharge. The consequences can be tragic - even instant death. But in other cases, one cannot completely exclude possible risks for the attacker: according to the cardiologist, the discharge can provoke rhythm problems - this can lead to cardiac arrest, even if the person was healthy. All this is important to take into account so that self-defense does not lead to legal problems for the one who is defending himself.

Traumatic pistol

A traumatic pistol is a more serious means of self-defense. Unlike military weapons, they should not cause serious injuries to a person - such weapons fire rubber bullets (sometimes with a metal core), flash-noise or signal cartridges. All of them are divided into two conditional groups: barrelless pistols and traumatic weapons made on the basis of a combat pistol by replacing spare parts.

The storage and use of traumatic weapons requires special permission, to obtain which you will have to make an effort: take a training course, which will lead to an exam. The course will tell you how to properly use and safely store traumatic weapons, as well as how to provide first aid in case of injuries from them. To obtain a license, you will have to undergo a medical commission and pay a state fee - it is valid for five years, and three months before its expiration, the license must be renewed. It is necessary to store traumatic weapons in a safe, the presence of which must be checked by police officers.

It is important to understand that courses do not teach you how to shoot, and owning a traumatic pistol does not guarantee that you will stressful situation It will be possible to use it competently for self-defense - not to cause serious damage to the attacker, but at the same time stop him from further actions. Tight clothing reduces the effect of shooting; In addition, traumatic weapons are not harmless: a hit to the head can kill a person, which will lead to legal problems for the one who is defending himself.


Many victims of assault and violence use knives as a means of self-defense. When choosing a knife, it is important to consider that many of them can be classified as edged weapons - and they are subject to no less strict liability than in the case of brass knuckles. In a store, when purchasing a knife, you should be given a paper stating why this particular product does not belong to a bladed weapon. You need to pay attention to the length of the blade, the characteristics of the steel and other details. It is important to understand that a knife is not the best means of self-defense for many reasons: it cannot be used at a long distance, the attacker can continue the attack even if he has been mortally wounded - and you are unlikely to have knife fighting skills. Moreover, as in the cases of Alexandra Ivannikova and Tatyana Andreeva, using a knife for self-defense can lead to serious legal consequences for the victim herself.

Lawyer Alexey Parshin, who handled the case of Alexandra Ivannikova, notes that almost any thing can become a means of self-defense. The question is not in the use of this or that object - even a nail file, stick or stone can become a means of necessary defense - but in how the case will be qualified by the court. The principle of proportionality plays a big role here: defense must correspond to the attack, except in cases where the attack is unexpected and there is a threat to the life of the defender. Since proportionality is a rather abstract concept, and the law does not specific instructions on the admissibility of certain means, each case is considered individually.

“The use of self-defense in itself in the appropriate situation is not fraught with anything,” the lawyer notes, “however, judges do not always correctly classify cases. Thus, the use of a prohibited weapon in self-defense, be it an illegal firearm or a homemade weapon, should not affect the qualification of the case, but in fact it does. It is also important to pay attention to how the means were used: when using a traumatic weapon, you need to take into account the firing distance and the part of the body at which the shot is aimed. At the courses, everyone who wants to get a license for a traumatic pistol is, of course, explained how to use the weapon so that it does not lead to death. But in a situation of real danger, it can be impossible to calculate your shot down to the millimeter.” The lawyer also says that in addition to this, the court takes into account other circumstances - for example, we are talking about a domestic conflict or a street attack - and many nuances: for example, whether the item used for self-defense was brought with you, found on the spot or taken from the attacker .

The most serious consequences that self-defense can entail are that the actions of the defender are qualified as murder or intentional causing grievous bodily harm. Thus, at first the case of Alexandra Ivannikova, whose interests were represented by Alexey Parshin in court, was considered as intentional causing of death (that is, murder), but in the end it was dropped. Another client of Alexei Parshin, Tatyana Kudryavtseva, found herself in a similar situation. A woman was attacked in the forest; a man tried to rape her. In defense, Tatyana used a penknife - the blow hit the heart area, which led to the death of the attacker. At first, the woman was accused of murder, but then the case was dropped, recognizing her actions as necessary self-defense.

“The use of a knife is permissible not only when the attacker himself uses bladed weapons, that is, the means are proportionate, but also if the aggressor exceeds his victim in physical strength or there are several attackers,” the lawyer notes. Here, according to the lawyer, the woman has even more chances for a successful outcome of the case: the discrepancy in physical strength is more obvious.

According to Alexey Parshin, the main risks of self-defense are associated with the fact that law enforcement agencies stubbornly refuse to recognize a person’s right to the necessary defense - in almost everything they see deliberate acts, especially if the parties knew each other before: “The colonies are full of women who have been endured domestic violence, and at some point they could not stand it and, in an attempt to defend themselves, often in a state of passion, they killed or injured the domestic tyrant.”

Nevertheless, he notes that the situation, albeit with difficulty, is beginning to change in favor of those defending: “Legal thought does not stand still: in scientific and legislative circles the possibility of repealing the article for exceeding the necessary self-defense is being discussed. Lawyers proceed from the fact that any attack almost always occurs unexpectedly, which means that a person does not have time to assess the situation. Being in a state of shock and defending his life and health, a person is ready to defend himself by any means and objects. At the same time, he has no opportunity to act proportionately, assessing all actions and their consequences.”

Even in a rule-of-law state, a citizen must remember that the main person responsible for his own safety is himself. Of course, thoughts about weapons inevitably come to mind.

Many would like to have it, but they don’t dare - and all because of ignorance.

Those for whom receiving weapons is not a novelty, on the contrary, overestimate its importance.

    What weapons do not require a permit?

    In Russia, according to Federal Law No. 150-FZ “On Weapons” as amended in 2015, you can find weapons without permission:

  1. Gas sprayer;
  2. Stun gun;
  3. Low action pneumatics;
  4. Household knife;
  5. Axe;
  6. Device "Blow";
  7. Spear gun;
  8. A signal revolver that cannot be used as a combat revolver.

Anyone over 18 years of age can purchase.

Frankly speaking, these means can be called a weapon with a large advance. That is why they sell it without any delay, because, strictly speaking, it is harmless. Using these means, you will not only not kill anyone, but you are unlikely to even seriously injure them. If the attacker is not impressed by the sight of the barrel pointed at him, then he will not be afraid of a small metal bullet.

By the way, carry “air balloons” with you on the streets forbidden— you can only use pneumatic guns at home, as well as during training at a shooting range or shooting range.

If you hit a person in the eye with such a “charge”, nothing good will happen. Your actions will be classified as exceeding permissible self-defense(Article 114 of the Criminal Code).

It's even worse when the aggressor dies.

Article 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation describes the consequences of murder in self-defense.

Maximum penalty: two years imprisonment.

What weapons can be purchased without a license?

Gas canister

A spray can is the simplest weapon for self-defense; it is available in Russian gun stores without permission or a license. To begin with, the psychological effect is zero. Gone are the days when his appearance could scare off an aggressor.

By the way, even if you spray gas, it will not help you much - with watery eyes and partially unfocused vision, the bandit nevertheless does not lose either mobility or strength, and your attempts to defend yourself can only anger him.

Need to remember! Use such weapons not possible in all circumstances. For example, it is strictly forbidden in a small confined space - then you yourself will inhale the “charge” in the company of the attacker. And if you spray in an open space against the wind, you won’t even harm the enemy, only yourself, since the sprayed cloud will fall on you.

Flare gun

A flare gun (rocket launcher) is also considered a weapon for self-defense; you can buy it without permission or a license.

The psychological effect is achieved from a signal pistol; it also does not require permission ( caliber up to 4.5 mm). A more or less good effect is achieved from the Smersh PK-1 model. It is recommended to use it from a distance of up to seven meters.

The gun will not cause serious harm to the attacker, but it is guaranteed to stop him.

The use of this mechanism is justified in all cases where necessary self-defense takes place.

Spear gun

A gun for hunting underwater in general, strictly speaking, is not a weapon, since it belongs to sports equipment and is extremely ineffective for self-defense. But, as you know, the bullet is still stupid, but the bayonet (in our case, the knife) is great.

If these types of weapons seem ineffective to you, then pay attention to traumatic or pneumatic weapons. But... you should get them.

And if you decide to sell weapons yourself, then you definitely need a license to sell weapons. Read more.

A license can be given or taken away. The link is indicated possible reasons deprivation of a weapons permit.

There is a chance, albeit small, that the aggressor will flinch when he sees the blade in your hand. A kitchen knife or pocket knife has a weak blade, so when protecting you should cut rather than stab. Hit the enemy's arms and legs - your own blood will stop even the most experienced of them, and you will have the opportunity to escape.

A blow to the neck can be fatal and costly.

Do not pull out the knife if you doubt that you will use it!

The most effective weapon for self-defense without a license

Stun gun – best weapon which does not require permission.

It is small, compact in size, does not take up much space, and will not cause harm to the owner. It does not arouse suspicion, since it can be disguised, for example, as a mobile phone and will not provoke the attacker to further aggression. Vulnerabilities- neck, arms, groin, back, chest.

In addition, it will really stop the aggressor - and not just “prick” with an electric discharge, but knock it out for about half an hour.

But only if you don’t save when purchasing!

A cheap stun gun will not be particularly sensitive for an attacker, and if it is winter outside and your opponent is wearing thick clothes like a down jacket, he may not even feel that you have used anything against him.

When choosing the desired option, it is better to opt for those where the current strength is greater.

As it becomes clear, it is better not to place much hope on freely sold weapons. IN best case scenario it is little more dangerous than a child’s slingshot; at worst, it will play against you or provoke the offender.

About self-defense weapons without a license, such as OSA and others, see further in the video:

Digging a little from the topic: Many people here praise the wasp (HELLO), I’ll scold it.

Is it really possible to call effective weapon which can malfunction at any moment, electronic ignition is not cool (don’t forget to charge the gun before leaving the house, and yes, never get it wet or drop it! “Mantoux” is complete!)

Can a hefty square-shaped object with a short handle—a self-defense weapon (PB4)—be called effective? (Problems with wearing cause problems with using)

In fact, the wasp cartridge (18x45) corresponds in diameter to 12 gauge (well, almost, half a millimeter is missing and the length is less than the standard 70mm cartridge for shotguns). That is, it is not small in size, but it cannot specifically stop an attacker (what can you do to stop it, if you hit it first with aim from a weapon where the barrel is a cartridge case),

Here's a video, let's say, but I'll come back to OOO

So now let’s move on to the issue of effectiveness and self-defense weapons in principle

What makes up efficiency? The ability to quickly and for a sufficient time stop the attacker without getting into trouble with the law.

In general, in my opinion, the telescopic baton is the most effective, but alas, things didn’t work out with them in Russia (We read the ZOO and cry).

But you can also find something similar with a certificate for a household item, for example, a flagpole;) The thing itself is compact, does not require special documents (if it passes as a household item, of course, otherwise circulation is prohibited in Russia), does not require special skills and good physical fitness, almost silent.

Firepower: If you intend to defend against armed or numerically superior enemy forces

    Definitely OOOP, and not a wasp, but something with a normal cartridge like 10x28 and 10x32 (just not the TT leader). They are noisy, require handling skills and special documents, do not imply close combat with the attacker, it is difficult to control “saved your life / took it from the attacker” without special training

    Knife. The item is handy, accessible, silent, compact, but at the same time it has a bunch of disadvantages both in application and with regard to the consequences under the law

Golden mean:

    Pepper spray. It is compact, silent, does not require special documents or training, and is capable of stopping an attacker without causing serious bodily harm or engaging in close combat.

    “Old Slavonic beaters”, “fly swatters”, blinders, if you like. They have different sizes (mostly compact) and weight too. No special documents or handling skills are required. In terms of efficiency, they are inferior to telescopic batons.

Weakly effective/not effective at all

    The use of chemical weapons or hunting (generally) weapons for self-defense usually entails the death of the attacker and troubles with the law for the defender. The disadvantages are also problems with transportation.... I could go on forever. It is not for self-defense, only in extreme cases.

    Low-power traumatic pistols and gas pistols (they were replaced by pepper/gas spray which does not require special documents)

    Pneumatic toys (up to 3 and up to 7.5 J). They have insufficient stopping effect.

    Firecrackers and other repellers

Crime in our country is growing every day. It is impossible to predict where and when an unpleasant situation will happen, and confidence in the forces of law enforcement agencies is often lacking.

For the average resident of Russia who does not have a special physical training, it is difficult to defend your civil right to safety without the use of weapons.

To purchase it you will need appropriate knowledge and official permission. Fortunately, in modern world There are means of self-defense that do not require a license or permit. The most effective of them, approved for self-defense, are gas spray, “Udar”, pneumatic weapons, and stun guns.

Gas canister

A gas canister is a device with a tear or irritant inside. According to experts, this is the best weapon for self-defense without a license. It is quite popular among women, as it does not require special skills to use, weighs little and takes up little space. A fairly common civilian self-defense weapon that does not require a license. The advantages of this device include:

  • Price – the cost varies from 200 to 1000 rubles.
  • Easy to use - does not require special skills or psychological preparation, which is very important in stressful situations.
  • Small size, allowing you to carry it in your pocket or purse.

However, when choosing a gas cartridge, you should take into account some disadvantages:

  • It is impossible to use this product in enclosed spaces (elevator, transport room) or in strong winds.
  • The absence of a psychological effect on the attacker - the criminal is unlikely to be afraid of the sight of a spray can, as would be the case with a pistol.


A Dosed Aerosol Spray Device or a barrelless self-defense weapon is a pistol designed to shoot an offender using liquid irritants. Instead of cartridges, capsules with liquid are used.

  • The firing range is five meters, regardless of the weather.
  • Possibility of use in enclosed spaces - the direction of the shot practically eliminates the entry of an irritating substance into the zone of action of the defender.


  • Shooting skill required.
  • The device is designed for right-handed use.

Perhaps one of the most effective self-defense tools permitted without a license.


Pneumatic weapons are similar in appearance to firearms, but unlike them, they do not require permission or a license. In general, one charge is enough for 30 – 50 shots. However, the power of such a pistol is extremely low.

Some users compare its shooting power to that of a slingshot. Pneumatics can also be used in hand-to-hand combat instead of weights or brass knuckles.

The main advantage of this weapon is the psychological effect - the attacker is unlikely to take risks if he sees a pistol in the hands of his victim that exactly imitates a firearm.

Stun gun

A stun gun is a small device with two protruding electrodes.

According to GOST requirements, the power of this device is no more than 3 W, which is quite enough to unbalance an adult.

Manufacturers offer a wide variety of shocker models; they can look, for example, like a lighter, cell phone or flashlight.

When choosing a stun gun, you should pay attention not only to the power, but also to the duration of exposure of the device - 0.2–0.5 seconds is considered optimal.


  • The ability to temporarily deprive the attacker of the ability to move.
  • Ability to paralyze an enemy from a distance of up to four meters.


  • The device runs on batteries, they must be constantly monitored and changed on time.
  • Often, especially in winter period, an electric discharge is not able to penetrate thick layers of clothing.

In a critical situation, you should not panic, but act quickly and decisively. To summarize, we can advise you to have several types of weapons with you - not just one, but others will be able to defend themselves. In addition, it will be useful to take a self-defense course, where you can learn some hand-to-hand combat techniques.

When purchasing self-defense means, remember that it should be used in cases of extreme necessity and strictly for its intended purpose.

Watch the latest video about legal means of self-defense without a license or permission:

The modern world is far from ideal. Outbreaks of violence and aggression among civilized society are no longer an exception. And they are increasingly becoming widespread. It is almost impossible to predict where and when the next conflict of interest will occur, so anyone can become a participant in a non-standard situation, regardless of their desire.

Stun guns

Today, purchasing a self-defense device without a license is not particularly difficult - you can find a suitable model on the Internet or visit a specialized store.

Despite the saturation of the market with new and more improved protection, the leading position is still occupied by the time-tested stun gun.

A small device, easily hidden in a pocket or handbag, can produce a voltage of up to three million volts, which, in fact, amazes the enemy.

Self-defense means such as stun guns, as a rule, do not harm a person’s general health, causing only muscle spasms and burns, and in rare cases causing loss of consciousness. However, if a person has problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system, an electric shock can be a serious test for the body and even lead to death.

However, the use of a stun gun is not necessary, since the very sight of an arc of electric current instills fear in the enemy, and, fearing to be hit, he, as a rule, hides.

Another advantage of this product is the absence of certain physical parameters and special skills.

Using a stun gun is quite easy, you just need to bring the device to an area of ​​the enemy’s body and press the start button.

Gas cartridges

The best means of self-defense for women is aerosol-gas devices. They are very affordable and widespread, sometimes they are even sold in supermarkets.

The principle of operation of such a device is the damaging effect of a special gas on human mucous membranes. The gas is harmless to human life and has only a temporary effect, namely: lacrimation, pain, disorientation, and respiratory rhythm disturbance.

With this method, coordination of actions is important, since if the gas jet does not hit the target (eyes, mouth), the enemy will not receive proper damage and may become even more angry.

Telescopic baton

Some means of self-defense are completely harmless at first glance. For example, when folded it resembles some kind of pen case. But as soon as you press the button, the mechanism is activated, presenting a terrifying means of self-defense. The baton is made of durable material, which allows you to increase the impact force many times over.

The disadvantage of this device is its undesirable use by persons with poor physical fitness. If you act poorly and the force of your blow is not enough to destabilize the enemy, he may take the weapon and use it against you.

Brass knuckles

The most ancient means of self-defense (without a license) that allows you to increase destructive power in a fist fight is brass knuckles, or hand weights. Of course, such a remedy will only be useful for men, since women rarely come into close contact with the enemy.

It is known that even ordinary keys held in the palm of your hand double the impact force.

Brass knuckles can cause significant harm to an opponent in the form of cuts, cuts and abrasions. Some species are equipped with sharp blades or spikes, which essentially turns them into bladed weapons.

However, these means of self-defense do not require any permitting document.

Laser stun guns

An improved and more functional type of shocker. The operating mechanism is equipped not with a current, but with a laser device, which blinds the enemy and causes disorientation in space.

The device is compact and does not take up much space, so it can be hidden even in a small handbag. To use a laser shocker, no physical advantage, special skills or direct contact are required. It is effective even at a distance of two meters, which allows you to start using it even before approaching the attacker. The likelihood that the enemy will take possession of your weapon is reduced to a minimum. In addition, the laser beam can be directed at several opponents, so this one is very effective in a group attack. To activate the mechanism, simply pressing a button is enough. The laser beam has low destructive power, so there is no chance of causing lethal injury.

These advantages make laser stun guns the most promising means of self-defense without a permit, as evidenced by a noticeable increase in demand for this product.


If the above list does not satisfy your needs and you want to add more to your arsenal effective remedy self-defense, you will need a little more time and money to purchase it.

Federal law requires that in order to own a firearm or firearm, you must first obtain a license.

The first stage of obtaining a document is completing special courses followed by receiving a certification diploma. It must be renewed every 5 years. After training, you must undergo a medical examination to ensure that you are not psychological problems and receive a certificate of form 046-1, which is valid for six months. In addition to the certificate and certificate, the licensing department must provide a 3x4 cm photo, photocopies of all completed pages of the passport and a receipt for payment of the license tax. The document verification process takes up to 1 month.

After receiving a license, you can safely go to a gun store to buy new clothes. But don’t forget to bring enough money with you, since firearms for self-defense are not cheap at all.