Yogananda how to achieve success read. How to achieve success. The wisdom of Yogananda. Conversations with Yogananda

“UDC 615.851 BBK 53.57 Y Yogananda Paramahansa How to achieve success: The wisdom of Yogananda / Transl. Y from English - M.: OOO...”

Yogananda Paramahansa

How to achieve success: The wisdom of Yogananda / Transl.

from English - M.: LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2010. -

ISBN 978-5-399-00087-9

In this book, one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time offers powerful practical tools

to achieve the success we all crave - success

both material and spiritual.

You will learn how to:

Find a life goal;

Develop habits of success and eradicate habits of failure;

Develop personal power and magnetism;

Find your purpose and succeed at work;

Achieve personal success while serving all humanity;

Develop and reunite your will with the Divine Will - then success in any field of activity will become simply inevitable.

Use this book as a working tool and start taking real steps towards success today.

UDC 615.851 BBK 53.57 Copyright © 2008 by Hansa Trust How to be a Success The Wisdom of Yogananda Crystal Clarity, Publishers, c/o Ananda Europa, Cassella Postale # 48, 1-06088 Santa Maria degli Angeli, Assisi (PG) Italy. Phone # 39-0742-813-620; Ananda Center, Kriya Yoga of Paramhansa Yogananda Russia, Moscow, 125047, P.O. Box No. 60, e-mail: [email protected] tel. +7-903-628-72-72, © "Sofia", 2010 ISBN 978-5-399-00087-9 © LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2010 Contents The path to material and spiritual success... ............. 6 Chapter 1. Symbols of success.................................... ...... 9 Chapter 2. What is the purpose of your life? .................. 29 Chapter 3. Get rid of the habit of failure. ............. 39 Destroying the harmful seeds of failure and illness...... 40 Overcoming fear and bad luck................... ... 48 Chapter 4. Developing Habits of Success....................... 53 Chapter 5. Tools for Success......... ..................... 63 Concentration.................................... ............ 64 Willpower.................................... .

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In this book, Yogananda shows how to use positive thinking, willpower, introspection, initiative, and self-control to achieve success.

In many popular books one can find references to these concepts, but few pay attention to the True Power that stands above. From Yogananda we learn, for example, how to develop willpower and reunite our will with the Divine Will - then success in any field of activity will become simply inevitable.

Paramahansa Yogananda (1893–1952) is one of the greatest Yoga Masters of the 20th century, the author of Autobiography of a Yogi*, which has long become a classic. Having become one of the first yoga teachers in the West, he attached particular importance to direct self-realization. Yogananda's teachings are universal and offer a practical approach to inner awakening.

During his first two decades in America (1920–1942), Yogananda wrote a series of lessons and many articles that are unknown to the general reader. The series of books “The Wisdom of Yogananda” is compiled precisely from such sources and opens another treasury of the Master’s amazing heritage.

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* M.: “Sofia”, 2008.

8 How to Achieve Success Born in India in 1893, Paramahansa Yogananda prepared from an early age to bring the ancient science of self-realization from India to the West. In 1920, he traveled to the United States of America, and this began a process of transformation that affected the lives of millions of people around the world. Americans showed great interest in the spiritual teachings of India and yoga techniques.

In 1946, an amazing book was published, which later became a spiritual classic and one of the most popular books of the 20th century - “Autobiography of a Yogi.” Yogananda spread the teachings of yoga throughout the world, organizing several centers. He gave lectures and classes to thousands of people across America.

Other books by Yogananda, teaching aids, his music and poetry were published. He was invited to the White House by Calvin Coolidge and also initiated Mahatma Gandhi into Kriya Yoga, the most advanced meditation technique.

Yogananda's message to the West is filled with the light of the unity of all religions and the importance of spiritual practice based on meditation techniques.

CHAPTER 1 Is there a force capable of revealing such sources of wealth and treasures that we could not even dream of? Can we call upon the power that will give us health, happiness and spiritual enlightenment? The saints and sages of India taught that such a power exists. They revealed truths that we had overlooked or forgotten. These truths will work for you if you give them the opportunity.

Success in life does not depend only on innate abilities; it also depends on your desire to use the given chances.

Opportunities in life appear not as chance, but as a result of creation. They are created by you either in the present or in the recent or distant past. If you find chances for success, use them to the greatest advantage. You can make your life much more fruitful, both now and in the future, if you focus on your primary needs, using all your abilities and all available information to satisfy them. You must develop all the abilities that the Lord has endowed you with. Chapter 1. Symbols of Success 11 God, all the limitless possibilities emanating from the inner powers of your nature.

Your thoughts will inevitably lead you to either failure or success, depending on which thought is stronger. Therefore, it is necessary to have strong faith in your own plans, use your talents to realize them, and be so receptive that God can work through you. His laws always work, and depending on the quality of thoughts that usually occupy you, you constantly manifest success or failure. If your thoughts are mostly negative, one random positive thought is not enough to change your vibration in the direction of success alone.

Don't constantly pursue your problem. Leave it alone from time to time, let it outlive itself, but be careful not to leave it alone for too long, so as not to miss your chance. Rather, use the periods when your physical and mental powers are temporarily inactive to retreat to that peaceful corner where your inner self rules. Being in harmony with your soul, you will be able to objectively think about everything you do. If your thoughts or actions have wandered off track, they can be redirected.

12 How to Achieve Success Willpower in Action To be successful, you need more than just positive thinking. You should also constantly act using your willpower.

Everything you see is the result of will, but this power is not always used consciously. In addition to conscious will, there is also mechanical will.

The generator of all our powers lies in the expression of will, or willpower. Without the act of volition we cannot walk, talk, work, think or feel. To avoid using this energy, you would have to lie down without the slightest movement. Even just raising your hand uses willpower.

It is impossible to live without using this power, but to achieve success, it must be wisely directed.

To create dynamic willpower, firmly decide to do something in life that you previously thought was beyond your power. To begin with, complete simple tasks. Then, as your confidence grows and your will becomes more dynamic, you can set more challenging goals. Be confident that you have made the right choice and refuse to consider failure. Focus your willpower entirely on achieving one task at a time, step by step. Do not try to do something Chapter 1. Symbols of Success 13 new, leaving the previous work half done. This is how you dissipate your energy.

Use willpower to improve yourself. You must rely more and more on the mind, for it is the creator of your body and your circumstances. To sustain a thought with a dynamic, powerful will means to nourish it until it materializes in outer form. If your willpower develops this way and if you can use it to control your destiny, you can do amazing things.

I have just given three important rules that will help you make your willpower dynamic:

1. Set yourself a simple task or goal that you have never achieved and resolve to succeed at it.

2. Be confident that you have chosen something meaningful and feasible, then refuse to consider the possibility of failure.

3. Concentrate on one single idea, using all your abilities and capabilities to achieve it.

You should train yourself to use the conscious will and not the mechanical will, and you must be sure that it is used constructively and not for harmful purposes or for trifles. Always be sure that what you want is right for you, then use all the power of your will to achieve what you want, always keeping your mind on God, the Source of everything.

Vital Energy and Willpower The human brain is a storehouse of vital energy. This energy is constantly used in muscle movements, the work of the heart, lungs, diaphragm, in cell metabolism, in changes in the chemical composition of the blood and in maintaining the activity of the nervous system in transmitting signals from the brain to all cells of our body.

Life energy is used by the mind, emotions and body, being involved in all processes of thinking, feeling and physical activity.

The stronger the will, the greater the amount of energy contained in any part of the body.

One of the main enemies of willpower is fear. Avoid it in both thoughts and actions. The life force constantly flowing through your veins is repressed when the nerves are paralyzed by fear, thereby weakening the vitality of the body. Fear paralyzes your willpower. When fear comes, the brain sends Chapter 1. Symbols of Success 15 signals to all organs. Fear weakens the heart, upsets the digestive system, and gives rise to many other physical ailments. You should be very careful, but you should never be afraid.

Failure as a stimulus Even failure should serve as a stimulus for the manifestation of will, as well as for physical and spiritual growth. Destroy its causes and take on what you want to achieve with redoubled zeal.

The time of failure is the best time to sow the seeds of success.

The cudgel of life's circumstances may give you bruises, but don't hang your nose. Always try again - no matter how many times you fail. Fight when it seems that you can't fight anymore or that you've already done everything possible - until your efforts are crowned with success. After defeat, each new effort must be clearly planned and filled with increasing attention and dynamic willpower.

A and B fought. After quite a long time, A thought, “I can’t fight anymore.” B said to himself: “Just one more blow!” He tried to succeed, and A was defeated. You must do the same. Take that final hit. Use your willpower.

A successful person may have many more difficulties than other people, but he does not pay attention to them. He does not allow the thought of failure for a moment.

Unless you learn to shift your attention from failure to success, from anxiety to calm, from a wandering mind to a concentrated mind, from impatience to peace and equanimity, from peace to a conscious sacred bliss within, all efforts in life will be in vain. If you have achieved control over yourself, then the purpose of life will be brilliantly realized.

Do you feel like you've always failed so far? It would be foolish to give up in this fight, accepting defeat as a sentence of fate. It is better to die in battle than to give up, knowing that there is still the opportunity to achieve something greater, because after death your problems will return in a new life.

Success or failure comes only through experience, as a result of what you have done in the past plus what you are doing now. You must maintain all thoughts of success from past lives until they are revived and triumph over the prevailing tendency to failure.

Analyze Yourself Another secret to progress is self-analysis.

Introspection (self-observation) is a mirror that reflects an area of ​​your mind that would otherwise be hidden from you. It's never too late to diagnose your own failures and evaluate positive and negative trends. Analyze yourself as you are, as you want to become, and what tendencies or shortcomings are hindering you. Decide what your hidden purpose, life mission is to make yourself into the person you should and want to be. When working in this direction, use initiative along with willpower.

What is initiative? These are your inner creative abilities, the spark of the Infinite Creator. It can give you the energy to create something that no one else has ever created.

It encourages you to find new ways and methods in different things. The achievements of an enterprising person are as captivating as a shooting star. He deHow to achieve success makes possible what seemed impossible, using the great inventive energy of the Spirit.

You alone are responsible for yourself. Your friends and industry will not be held accountable for your actions when the final tally is made. No one can take away your happiness if you do not allow the harmful thoughts and actions of other people to affect you. In this world you have responsibilities in the area in which your karma and occupation have placed you. Help work out your salvation by serving your neighbors. Like impartial rays of the sun, you must warm the hearts of the unfortunate and abandoned with rays of hope, inspire courage in the despairing, and kindle new strength in the hearts of those who consider themselves failures.

Learn to see God in every person. When you feel oneness with every human being, you will know what Divine love is. When in service we forget the insignificant ego, we feel the one and vast Divine Soul flowing through us.

Most of us tend to be self-indulgent and indifferent to the behavior of others, guided by our own prejudices. You should do the opposite, from Chapter 1. Symbols of Success 19, rushing condescendingly towards others and calmly analyzing yourself. When you are examining others, the key is to remain objective. Your unprejudiced mind should act like a clear mirror, standing level and not vibrating due to rash judgments. Then you will see the undistorted image of any person reflected inside you.

Control Your Habits Until you become your own master, able to command yourself to do what you should but don't want to do, you are not a free soul. This freedom is not a trifle - in such freedom lies the foundation of eternal freedom.

It is not fleeting thoughts or brilliant ideas, but daily habits that control your life.

Habitual thoughts are a mental magnet; they attract special objects to themselves according to the quality of their magnetism. Material habits attract material things.

Bad habits are temporary, painful grafts on the soul. The law of nature is that if you have a little more good than bad, your evil will be destroyed by the superior force of good. If there is a little more bad in you than 20 How to Succeed the good, your kindness will be swallowed up by the outnumbering evil aspirations.

If a bad habit bothers you, ease it by avoiding everything that encourages it, without focusing on your desire to get rid of it.

Then shift your mind to a good habit and focus on the idea of ​​developing that habit until it becomes a part of you.

Two forces are always fighting inside us. One tells you to do what you shouldn't do, and the other encourages you to do what you need to do and what seems too difficult. One of them is the voice of evil, the other is the voice of God.

If you are able to break bad habits and do good because you want to do good, not because doing evil will only bring misfortune, then you are truly progressing. Only by rejecting bad habits do you become a free person.

Finding the Source of Will I have listed some of the qualities that you need to develop in yourself to achieve success - positive thinking, dynamic will, introspection, initiative and self-control - but this is only Chapter 1. Symbols of Success 21 first steps. Many popular books point to one or more of these qualities, but do not pay attention to the Power that lies behind them.

Self-analysis should lead to a deeper understanding of your inner self.

The dynamic will must develop in harmony with the Divine will.

Will is the force that moves the Universe and everyone living in it. It was the will of God that lit the stars in Space. It is His will that holds the planets in their orbits and controls the cycles of birth, development and decay.

What did Jesus mean when he said, “Thy will be done”? He meant that if a person aligns his will with the will of God, guided by wisdom, then he is using the Divine Will. You will not understand what Divine Will is until you develop your own will and learn to harmonize it with the Higher Will.

This sacred contact is achieved through the process of meditation.

The Divine Will is limitless, it manifests itself in everything that exists. She can influence the course of events, resurrect from the dead and change the orbits of planets. You must exercise your will in 22 How to Achieve Success in any endeavor until you get rid of the illusion of human will and become part of the almighty Divine Will. You just need to know that you already have it and that within you is the image of the Lord.

If you are led by error, your human will may fail you, but when you are led by wisdom, your will is united with the Divine Will. Unfortunately, God's plan is often hidden behind the vicissitudes of human life and you lose the guidance that can save you from the trap of error. Only by correctly using your willpower can you come into contact with God's will.

Ocean of Abundance Because all power resides in His will, all spiritual and material gifts arise from His infinite abundance. To join this abundance, remove from your consciousness all thoughts of need and poverty. The Universal Mind is perfect, it knows no need. To find this inexhaustible source, you must develop an abundance consciousness, even if you don't know where your next dollar will come from. When you stop being afraid, do your job and trust that the Almighty will do His, you will find that inexplicable forces have come to your aid and your creative desires will materialize.

Since the source of all mental strength and prosperity is God, do not rush to desire and act, first come into contact with God.

Then your efforts and will will be directed towards the true goal. It is impossible to speak through a broken microphone. In the same way, it is impossible to convey prayers through your mental microphone, upset by anxiety. To contact Him and receive His response, you must tune your mental transmitter microphone and, through deep peace, enhance your intuition-based receptivity.

The Meaning of Meditation If you are calm and in a creative vibration, how can you use your mental transmitter to contact Him? The only correct way is meditation.

Through concentration and meditation, you can channel the hidden power of your mind to achieve what you want. You will also be able to protect all the doors through which bad luck may come. All successful men and women have devoted much time to deep concentration and 24 How to Succeed in meditation, even if many of them have never used the word “meditation” to describe their inner spiritual process. These are people who are able to dive deep into their problems and come out with pearls of right solutions. If you can learn to tune out the annoying stuff and focus your attention on what's most important, you'll understand how to get what you want.

If you have something important to do, sit up straight, calm your feelings and thoughts, and meditate deeply on what you need to achieve.

Then you will be guided by the great creative power of the Spirit. And only after that you should use all material resources to accomplish what you have planned.

What is success?

I talked about some aspects of success and how to use it. Do you know what success is? What does this word mean to you? True success comes from increasing your mental productivity to the point where you have everything you need in life. But remember that there is a huge difference between what you really need and what you want.

Chapter 1: Symbols of Success 25 To lead a successful life, you must have a cherished goal.

This goal must be right for you, then all the forces of the Lord will guide you in your plans and actions. Once you have a clear goal in mind, you must do whatever it takes to achieve it. What is needed is not so much extraordinary talent as unwavering determination and continuous effort.

Does success lie in achieving your chosen goal?

What is it - success?

If you have a lot of health and wealth, but a lot of problems with people around you, including yourself, you have very little. The goal of your whole life becomes useless if you cannot find happiness. This is why success should be measured by happiness, your ability to be in harmony with Universal Law - and not by health, prestige or wealth.

Decide to be happy The Lord does not reward or punish you, for He has given you the ability to punish or reward yourself through the beneficial or unprofitable use of our own mind and strength 26 How to Achieve Will Success. It was you who violated the laws of health, prosperity and wisdom - and doomed yourself to illness, poverty and ignorance. Get rid of the burden of previous mental and spiritual weakness acquired in the past, burn it in the fire of determination and become free.

Happiness depends to some extent on external conditions, but mainly it depends on conditions within the mind. To be happy, a person must have good health, an effective mind, a successful life, a job he loves, a grateful heart and - above all - comprehensive, ever-increasing wisdom.

A firm decision to be happy will help you.

Don't wait for life circumstances to change, thinking that all the trouble lies in them. Don't make unhappiness a chronic habit because there is nothing good in being unhappy. When you are happy, it is a blessing for both you and others. When you are unhappy, you forget the days when you were happy, and when joy comes, it seems that the dark days will never return.

Sunny days will not be so pleasing if there have been no cloudy days, happiness also cannot be appreciated if you have not known misfortune.

Chapter 1. Symbols of success 27

Find His Power Within You

Use the power you already have wisely and it will multiply. With strong determination, move forward using all the ingredients for success. Attune yourself to the Cosmic Power. Then you will master the creative power of the Spirit. You will come into contact with the Infinite Intelligence, which can guide you and solve all problems. Energy from the dynamic Source of your being will flow freely through you, and you will be able to be creative in the world of business, in the world of thoughts, in the world of wisdom.

When you absolutely convince God that you desire Him above all else, you will establish a connection with His will. If your will continues to pursue Him no matter what, you are acting according to God's will.

The power of truth is yours. If you put in some effort, you will no longer wander through life in fear and uncertainty. There is a power that will illuminate your path and bring you health, happiness, peace and success if you wish - just turn towards this Light. Swim in the spacious ocean of harmony and 28 How to achieve success with boundless happiness that you never dreamed of - within yourself!

My Sacred Birthright I will first seek God and make sure I am in direct contact with Him.

Then, if it be His will, all things - wisdom, wealth and health - will be given to me as part of my sacred birthright, for He created me in His image and likeness. I want to receive wealth, health and infinite wisdom not from earthly sources, but from the all-encompassing, omnipotent and infinitely generous hands of God.

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3 UDC BBK Y Y Yogananda Paramahansa How to achieve success: The wisdom of Yogananda / Transl. from English M.: LLC Publishing House "Sofia", p. ISBN In this book, one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time offers powerful, practical tools for achieving the success we all crave, success both material and spiritual. You will learn how to: find your life purpose; develop habits of success and eradicate habits of failure; develop personal power and magnetism; find your purpose and succeed at work; achieve personal success while serving all humanity; develop and reunite your will with the Divine Will, then success in any field of activity will become simply inevitable. Use this book as a working tool and start taking real steps towards success today. UDC BBK Copyright 2008 by Hansa Trust How to be a Success The Wisdom of Yogananda Crystal Clarity, Publishers, c/o Ananda Europa, Cassella Postale #48, Santa Maria degli Angeli, Assisi (PG) Italy. Phone # ; Ananda Center, Kriya Yoga of Paramhansa Yogananda Russia, Moscow, P.O. Box 60, tel, "Sofia", 2010 ISBN LLC Publishing House "Sofia", 2010

4 Contents The path to material and spiritual success... 6 Chapter 1. Symbols of success... 9 Chapter 2. What is the purpose of your life? Chapter 3. Break the Habit of Failure Destroying the Detrimental Seeds of Failure and Disease Overcoming Fear and Bad Luck Chapter 4. Developing the Habit of Success Chapter 5. Tools for Success Concentration Willpower Magnetism Chapter 6. Success at Work Finding Your Calling How to Meet the Requirements of an Employer How to Choose Business Owners partners Chapter 7. Success Stories Chapter 8. “Seek First the Kingdom of God” Books about Timeless Truth Ananda Kriya Yoga Center

5 Path to Material and Spiritual Success Awake! It's never too late to realize who you really are and what life tasks will help you become your true self. You always have the necessary strengths, but these strengths and talents are not realized. There is nothing more powerful than the power of awareness. Free it from the captivity of small habits that keep you within the confines of a mundane existence. Challenge yourself and always smile with the Smile of God. Smile that powerful smile of balanced insouciance, the million-dollar smile that no one can take away from you. PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA. HOW TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS In this book, Yogananda shows how to use positive thinking, willpower, introspection, initiative and self-control to achieve success. In many popular books one can find references to these concepts, but few pay attention to the True Power that stands above. From Yogananda we learn, for example, how to develop willpower and reunite our will with the Will of the Divine.

6 The path to material and spiritual success 7 new, then success in any field of activity will become simply inevitable. Paramahansa Yogananda () one of the greatest Yoga Masters of the 20th century, author of “Autobiography of a Yogi” *, which has long become a classic. Having become one of the first yoga teachers in the West, he attached particular importance to direct self-realization. Yogananda's teachings are universal and offer a practical approach to inner awakening. During his first two decades in America (), Yogananda wrote down a series of lessons and many articles that are unknown to a wide circle of readers. The series of books “The Wisdom of Yogananda” is compiled precisely from such sources and opens another treasury of the Master’s amazing heritage. Paramhansa Yogananda was the ideal representative of the ancient sages and seers, the pride of India and the whole world. * M.: “Sofia”, SWAMI SIVANANDA

7 8 How to Achieve Success Born in India in 1893, Paramahansa Yogananda prepared from an early age for the ancient science of self-realization to come from India to the West. In 1920, he traveled to the United States of America, and this began a process of transformation that affected the lives of millions of people around the world. Americans showed great interest in the spiritual teachings of India and yoga techniques. In 1946, an amazing book was published, which later became a spiritual classic and one of the most popular books of the 20th century, “Autobiography of a Yogi.” Yogananda spread the teachings of yoga throughout the world, organizing several centers. He gave lectures and classes to thousands of people across America. Other books by Yogananda, teaching aids, his music and poetry were published. He was invited to the White House by Calvin Coolidge and also initiated Mahatma Gandhi into Kriya Yoga, the most advanced meditation technique. Yogananda's message to the West is filled with the light of the unity of all religions and the importance of spiritual practice based on meditation techniques.


9 Is there a power that can reveal such sources of wealth and treasures that we could not even dream of? Can we call upon the power that will give us health, happiness and spiritual enlightenment? The saints and sages of India taught that such a power exists. They revealed truths that we had overlooked or forgotten. These truths will work for you if you give them the opportunity. Success in life does not depend only on innate abilities; it also depends on your desire to use the given chances. Opportunities in life appear not as chance, but as a result of creation. They are created by you either in the present or in the recent or distant past. If you find chances for success, use them to the greatest advantage. You can make your life much more fruitful, both now and in the future, if you focus on your primary needs, using all your abilities and all available information to satisfy them. You must develop all the abilities that God has given you

10 Chapter 1. Symbols of success 11 God, all the limitless possibilities emanating from the inner powers of your nature. Your thoughts will inevitably lead you to either failure or success, depending on which thought is stronger. Therefore, it is necessary to have strong faith in your own plans, use your talents to realize them, and be so receptive that God can work through you. His laws always work, and depending on the quality of thoughts that usually occupy you, you constantly manifest success or failure. If your thoughts are mostly negative, one random positive thought is not enough to change your vibration in the direction of success alone. Don't constantly pursue your problem. From time to time, leave it alone, let it outlive itself, but be careful not to leave it alone for too long, so as not to miss your chance. Rather, use the periods when your physical and mental powers are temporarily inactive to retreat to that peaceful corner where your inner self rules. Being in harmony with your soul, you will be able to objectively think about everything you do. If your thoughts or actions have wandered off track, they can be redirected.

11 12 How to achieve success Willpower in action To be successful, you need more than just positive thinking. You should also constantly act using your willpower. Everything you see is the result of will, but this power is not always used consciously. In addition to conscious will, there is also mechanical will. The generator of all our powers lies in the expression of will, or willpower. Without the act of volition we cannot walk, talk, work, think or feel. To avoid using this energy, you would have to lie down without the slightest movement. Even just raising your hand uses willpower. It is impossible to live without using this power, but to achieve success, it must be wisely directed. To create dynamic willpower, firmly decide to do something in life that you previously thought was beyond your power. To begin with, complete simple tasks. Then, as your confidence grows and your will becomes more dynamic, you can set more challenging goals. Be confident that you have made the right choice and refuse to consider failure. Focus your willpower entirely on achieving one task at a time, step by step. Don't try to do anything

12 Chapter 1. Symbols of Success 13 new ones, leaving the previous work half done. This is how you dissipate your energy. Use willpower to improve yourself. You must rely more and more on the mind, for it is the creator of your body and your circumstances. To sustain a thought with a dynamic, powerful will means to nourish it until it materializes in outer form. If your willpower develops this way and if you can use it to control your destiny, you can do amazing things. I have just given three important rules that will help you make your willpower dynamic: 1. Set yourself a simple task or goal that you have never achieved and resolve to succeed at it. 2. Be confident that you have chosen something meaningful and feasible, then refuse to consider the possibility of failure. 3. Concentrate on one single idea, using all your abilities and capabilities to achieve it. You should train yourself to use your conscious will rather than your mechanical will, while

13 14 How to achieve success you must be sure that it is used constructively and not for harmful purposes or for trifles. Always be sure that what you want is right for you, then use all the power of your will to achieve what you want, always keeping your mind on God, the Source of everything. Vital Energy and Willpower The human brain is a storehouse of vital energy. This energy is constantly used in muscle movements, the work of the heart, lungs, diaphragm, in cell metabolism, in changes in the chemical composition of the blood and in maintaining the activity of the nervous system in transmitting signals from the brain to all cells of our body. Life energy is used by the mind, emotions and body, being involved in all processes of thinking, feeling and physical activity. The stronger the will, the greater the amount of energy contained in any part of the body. One of the main enemies of willpower is fear. Avoid it in both thoughts and actions. The life force constantly flowing through your veins is repressed when the nerves are paralyzed by fear, thereby weakening the vitality of the body. Fear paralyzes your willpower. When fear comes, the brain sends

14 Chapter 1. Symbols of success 15 barks signals to all organs. Fear weakens the heart, upsets the digestive system, and gives rise to many other physical ailments. You should be very careful, but you should never be afraid. Failure as a stimulus Even failure should serve as a stimulus for the manifestation of will, as well as for physical and spiritual growth. Destroy its causes and take on what you want to achieve with redoubled zeal. The time of failure is the best time to sow the seeds of success. The cudgel of life's circumstances may give you bruises, but don't hang your nose. Always try again no matter how many times you fail. Fight when it seems like you can't fight anymore or that you've already done everything possible, until your efforts are crowned with success. After defeat, each new effort must be clearly planned and filled with increasing attention and dynamic willpower. A and B fought. After quite a long time, A thought, “I can’t fight anymore.” B said to himself: “Just one more blow!” He made

15 16 How to achieve success lal him, and A was defeated. You must do the same. Take that final hit. Use your willpower. A successful person may have many more difficulties than other people, but he does not pay attention to them. He does not allow the thought of failure for a moment. Unless you learn to shift your attention from failure to success, from anxiety to calm, from a wandering mind to a concentrated mind, from impatience to peace and equanimity, from peace to a conscious sacred bliss within, all efforts in life will be in vain. If you have achieved control over yourself, then the purpose of life will be brilliantly realized. Do you feel like you've always failed so far? It would be foolish to give up in this fight, accepting defeat as a sentence of fate. It is better to die in battle than to give up, knowing that there is still the opportunity to achieve something greater, because after death your problems will return in a new life. Success or failure comes only through experience, as a result of what you have done in the past plus what you are doing now. You must maintain all thoughts of success from past lives until

16 Chapter 1. Symbols of Success 17 until they are reborn and triumph over the prevailing tendency to failure. Analyze Yourself Another secret to progress is self-analysis. Introspection (self-observation) is a mirror that reflects an area of ​​your mind that would otherwise be hidden from you. It's never too late to diagnose your own failures and evaluate positive and negative trends. Analyze yourself as you are, as you want to become, and what tendencies or shortcomings are hindering you. Decide what your hidden purpose, life mission is to make yourself into the person you should and want to be. When working in this direction, use initiative along with willpower. What is initiative? These are your inner creative abilities, the spark of the Infinite Creator. It can give you the energy to create something that no one else has ever created. It encourages you to find new ways and methods in different things. The achievements of an enterprising person are as captivating as a shooting star. He de-

17 18 How to Achieve Success makes possible what seemed impossible, using the great inventive energy of the Spirit. You alone are responsible for yourself. Your friends and industry will not be held accountable for your actions when the final tally is made. No one can take away your happiness if you do not allow the harmful thoughts and actions of other people to affect you. In this world you have responsibilities in the area in which your karma and occupation have placed you. Help work out your salvation by serving your neighbors. Like impartial rays of the sun, you must warm the hearts of the unfortunate and abandoned with rays of hope, inspire courage in the despairing, and kindle new strength in the hearts of those who consider themselves failures. Learn to see God in every person. When you feel oneness with every human being, you will know what Divine love is. When in service we forget the insignificant ego, we feel the one and vast Divine Soul flowing through us. Most of us tend to be self-indulgent and indifferent to the behavior of others, guided by our own prejudices. You should do the opposite, from

18 Chapter 1. Symbols of Success 19 rushing around condescendingly towards others and calmly analyzing ourselves. When you are researching others, the key is to remain objective. Your unprejudiced mind should act like a clear mirror, standing level and not vibrating due to rash judgments. Then you will see the undistorted image of any person reflected inside you. Control Your Habits Until you become your own master, able to command yourself to do what you should but don't want to do, you are not a free soul. This freedom is not a trifle; such freedom lays the foundation of eternal freedom. It is not fleeting thoughts or brilliant ideas, but daily habits that control your life. Habitual thoughts are a mental magnet; they attract special objects to themselves according to the quality of their magnetism. Material habits attract material things. Bad habits are temporary, painful grafts on the soul. The law of nature is that if you have a little more good than bad, your evil will be destroyed by the superior force of good. If there is a little more bad in you than

19 20 How to achieve good success, your kindness will be swallowed up by the outnumbering evil aspirations. If a bad habit bothers you, ease it by avoiding everything that encourages it, without focusing on your desire to get rid of it. Then shift your mind to a good habit and focus on the idea of ​​developing that habit until it becomes a part of you. Two forces are always fighting inside us. One tells you to do what you shouldn't do, and the other encourages you to do what you need to do and what seems too difficult. One of them is the voice of evil, the other is the voice of God. If you are able to break bad habits and do good because you want to do good, not because doing evil will only bring misfortune, then you are truly progressing. Only by rejecting bad habits do you become a free person. Finding the Source of Will I have listed some qualities that you need to develop in yourself to achieve success, positive thinking, dynamic will, self-awareness, initiative and self-control, but these are only

20 Chapter 1. Symbols of success 21 first steps. Many popular books point to one or more of these qualities, but do not pay attention to the Power that lies behind them. Self-analysis must lead to a deeper understanding of one's inner Self. The dynamic will must develop in harmony with the Divine will. Will is the force that moves the Universe and everyone living in it. It was the will of God that lit the stars in Space. It is His will that holds the planets in their orbits and controls the cycles of birth, development and decay. What did Jesus mean when he said, “Thy will be done”? He meant that if a person aligns his will with the will of God, guided by wisdom, then he is using the Divine Will. You will not understand what Divine Will is until you develop your own will and learn to harmonize it with the Higher Will. This sacred contact is achieved through the process of meditation. The Divine Will is limitless, it manifests itself in everything that exists. She can influence the course of events, resurrect from the dead and change the orbits of planets. You must exercise your will in

21 22 How to achieve success in any endeavor until you get rid of the illusion of human will and become part of the omnipotent Divine Will. You just need to know that you already have it and that the image of the Lord is within you. If you are led by error, your human will may fail you, but when you are led by wisdom, your will is united with the Divine Will. Unfortunately, God's plan is often hidden behind the vicissitudes of human life and you lose the guidance that can save you from the trap of error. Only by correctly using your willpower can you come into contact with God's will. Ocean of Abundance Because all power resides in His will, all spiritual and material gifts arise from His infinite abundance. To join this abundance, remove from your consciousness all thoughts of need and poverty. The Universal Mind is perfect, it knows no need. To find this inexhaustible source, you must develop an abundance consciousness, even if you don't know where your next dollar will come from. When you stop being afraid, do your part and trust that the Almighty will do His, you will find that you will be helped

22 Chapter 1. Symbols of success 23 inexplicable forces have come and your creative desires will materialize. Since the source of all mental strength and prosperity is God, do not rush to desire and act, first come into contact with God. Then your efforts and will will be directed towards the true goal. It is impossible to speak through a broken microphone. In the same way, it is impossible to convey prayers through your mental microphone, upset by anxiety. To contact Him and receive His response, you must tune your mental transmitter microphone and, through deep peace, enhance your intuition-based receptivity. The Meaning of Meditation If you are calm and in a creative vibration, how can you use your mental transmitter to contact Him? The only correct way is meditation. Through concentration and meditation, you can channel the hidden power of your mind to achieve what you want. You will also be able to protect all the doors through which bad luck may come. All successful men and women have devoted a lot of time to deep concentration and

23 24 How to achieve success in meditation, even if many of them have never used the word “meditation” to describe their internal spiritual process. These are people who are able to dive deep into their problems and come out with pearls of right solutions. If you can learn to tune out the annoying stuff and focus your attention on what's most important, you'll understand how to get what you want. If you have something important to do, sit up straight, calm your feelings and thoughts, and meditate deeply on what you need to achieve. Then you will be guided by the great creative power of the Spirit. And only after that you should use all material resources to accomplish what you have planned. What is success? I talked about some aspects of success and how to use it. Do you know what success is? What does this word mean to you? True success comes from increasing your mental productivity to the point where you have everything you need in life. But remember that there is a huge difference between what you really need and what you want.

24 Chapter 1. Symbols of Success 25 To lead a successful life, you must have a cherished goal. This goal must be right for you, then all the forces of the Lord will guide you in your plans and actions. Once you have a clear goal in mind, you must do whatever it takes to achieve it. What is needed is not so much extraordinary talent as unwavering determination and continuous effort. Does success lie in achieving your chosen goal? What is success? If you have a lot of health and wealth, but a lot of problems with people around you, including yourself, you have very little. The goal of your whole life becomes useless if you cannot find happiness. This is why success should be measured by happiness, your ability to be in harmony with Universal Law and not by health, prestige or wealth. Decide to be happy The Lord does not reward or punish you, for He has given you the ability to punish or reward ourselves through the beneficial or unprofitable use of our own intelligence and strength

25 26 How to achieve success of the will. It was you who violated the laws of health, prosperity and wisdom and doomed yourself to illness, poverty and ignorance. Get rid of the burden of previous mental and spiritual weakness acquired in the past, burn it in the fire of determination and become free. Happiness depends to some extent on external conditions, but mainly it depends on conditions within the mind. To be happy, a person must have good health, an effective mind, a successful life, a job he loves, a grateful heart, and above all, a comprehensive, ever-increasing wisdom. A firm decision to be happy will help you. Don't wait for life circumstances to change, thinking that all the trouble lies in them. Don't make unhappiness a chronic habit because there is nothing good in being unhappy. When you are happy it is a blessing for both you and others. When you are unhappy, you forget the days when you were happy, and when joy comes, it seems that the dark days will never return. Sunny days will not be so pleasing if there have been no cloudy days, happiness also cannot be appreciated if you have not known misfortune.

26 Find His Power Within You Chapter 1: Symbols of Success 27 Use wisely the power you already possess, and it will multiply. With strong determination, move forward using all the ingredients for success. Attune yourself to the Cosmic Power. Then you will master the creative power of the Spirit. You will come into contact with the Infinite Intelligence, which can guide you and solve all problems. Energy from the dynamic Source of your being will flow freely through you, and you will be able to be creative in the world of business, in the world of thoughts, in the world of wisdom. When you absolutely convince God that you desire Him above all else, you will establish a connection with His will. If your will continues to pursue Him no matter what, you are acting according to God's will. The power of truth is yours. If you put in some effort, you will no longer wander through life in fear and uncertainty. There is a power that will illuminate your path and bring you health, happiness, peace and success if you wish, just turn towards this Light. Swim in the spacious ocean of harmony and

27 28 How to achieve success with boundless happiness, which you never dreamed of, within yourself! My Sacred Birthright I will first seek God and make sure I am in direct contact with Him. Then, if it be His will, all wisdom, wealth and health will be given to me as part of my sacred birthright, for He created me in His image and likeness. I want to receive wealth, health and infinite wisdom not from earthly sources, but from the all-encompassing, omnipotent and infinitely generous hands of God.

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Eileen Fisher: "Ask Me to Enter into Troubled Situations" The following general prophetic word was given by Eileen Fisher on July 30, 2013 during her weekly Holy Spirit Prophetic School gathering

Success in life depends not only on innate abilities, it also depends on your desire to take advantage of the opportunities presented to you. Opportunities in life appear not as chance, but as a result of creation. They are created you either in the present or in the recent or distant past. If you find chances for success, use them to the greatest advantage. You can make your life much more fruitful, both now and in the future, if you focus your attention on your primary needs, using all your abilities and all available information to satisfy them. You must develop all the abilities that the Lord God has endowed you with, all the limitless possibilities that come from the inner powers of your nature.

Your thoughts will inevitably lead you to either failure or success - depending on which thought is stronger. Therefore, it is necessary to have strong faith in your own plans, use your talents to realize them, and be so receptive that God can work through you. His laws always work, and depending on the quality of thoughts that usually occupy you, you constantly manifest success or failure. If your thoughts are mostly negative, one random positive thought is not enough to change your vibration in the direction of success alone.

Don't constantly pursue your problem. From time to time, leave it alone, let it outlive itself, but make sure that himself Don't stay alone for too long so as not to miss your chance.

Willpower in action

To be successful, you not only need positive thinking. You should also constantly act using your willpower. The generator of all our powers lies in the expression of will, or willpower.

Everything you see is the result of will, but this power is not always used consciously. In addition to conscious will, there is also mechanical will.

To create dynamic willpower, firmly decide to do something in life that you previously thought was beyond your power. To begin with, complete simple tasks. Then, as your confidence grows and your will becomes more dynamic, you can set more challenging goals. Be confident that you have made the right choice and refuse to consider failure. Focus your willpower entirely on achieving one task at a time, step by step. Don't try to do something new and leave your previous work half done. This is how you dissipate your energy.

So, there are three most important rules that will help you make your willpower dynamic:

1.Set yourself a simple task or goal that you have never achieved and resolve to succeed at it.

2. Be confident that you have chosen something that is worthwhile and feasible, then refuse to consider the possibility of failure.

3. Concentrate on one single idea, using all your abilities and opportunities to achieve it.

You should train yourself to use the conscious will and not the mechanical will, and you should be sure that it is used constructively and not for harmful purposes or for trifles.

Vitality and willpower

Life energy is used by the mind, emotions and body, being involved in all processes of thinking, feeling and physical activity. The stronger the will, the greater the amount of energy contained in any part of the body.

One of the main enemies of willpower is fear. Avoid it in both thoughts and actions. The life force that continually flows through your veins is repressed when your nerves are paralyzed by fear. Fear paralyzes your willpower; it weakens the heart, upsets the digestive system and gives rise to many other physical ailments. You should be very careful, but you should never be afraid.

Failure as an incentive

The time of failure is the best time to sow the seeds of success.

The cudgel of life's circumstances may give you bruises, but don't hang your nose. Always try again - no matter how many times you fail. Fight when it seems like you can't fight anymore or that you've already done everything you can - until your efforts are crowned with success. After defeat, each new effort must be clearly planned and filled with growing power of attention and dynamic willpower.

Analyze yourself

Self-observation is a mirror that reflects back an area of ​​your mind that would otherwise be hidden from you. It's never too late to diagnose your own failures and evaluate positive and negative trends. Analyze yourself as you are, as you want to become, and what inclinations or shortcomings hinder you. Decide what your hidden purpose, life mission is to make yourself the person you should and want to be. When working in this direction, use initiative along with willpower.

Most of us tend to be self-indulgent and indifferent to the behavior of others, guided by our own prejudices. We should do the opposite, treating others condescendingly and calmly analyzing ourselves.

Control your habits

It is not fleeting thoughts or brilliant ideas, but daily habits that control your life. Habitual thoughts are a mental magnet; they attract special objects to themselves according to the quality of their magnetism. If a bad habit bothers you, ease it by avoiding anything that encourages it. without concentrating on your desire to get rid of it. Then turn your mind to a good habit and focus on the idea of ​​developing that habit until it becomes a part of you. Only by rejecting bad habits do you become a free person.

Finding the Source of Will

Will is the force that moves the Universe and everyone living in it. It was the will of God that lit the stars in Space. It is His will that keeps the planets in their orbits and controls the cycles of birth, development and decay. You must exercise your will in any endeavor until you get rid of the illusion of human will and become part of the almighty Divine Will. You just need to know that you already have it and that within you is the image of the Lord.

The Meaning of Meditation

Through concentration and meditation, you can channel the hidden power of your mind to achieve what you want. You will also be able to protect all the doors through which bad luck may come. All successful men and women have devoted much time to deep concentration and meditation, even if many of them have never used the word “meditation” to describe their inner spiritual process. These are people who are able to dive deep into their problems and come out with pearls of right solutions. If you have something important to do, sit up straight, calm your feelings and thoughts, and meditate deeply on what you need to achieve.

Decide to be happy

Happiness depends to some extent on external conditions, but mainly it depends on conditions within the mind. To be happy, a person must have good health, an effective mind, a successful life, a job he loves, a grateful heart—and above all, a comprehensive, ever-increasing wisdom. Don’t wait for your life circumstances to change, thinking that all the trouble lies in them. Don't make unhappiness a chronic habit because there is nothing good in being unhappy. Sunny days will not be so pleasing if there were no cloudy days, happiness also cannot be appreciated if you have not known misfortune.

Find His strength within you

Use the power you already have wisely and it will multiply. With strong determination, move forward using all the ingredients for success.

Paramahansa Yogananda,
Yogananda's Wisdom


This magical book has miraculously changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. It was written by a man who has achieved the highest realization and has invested in this book energy that can awaken souls. Already a classic and published in millions of copies, the Autobiography of Paramahansa Yogananda shows the great wonders of India, spiritual life and stages of the path as the direct inner perception of a follower of the most ancient spiritual tradition.
"Autobiography of a Yogi" is a fascinating, magical, awakening read for every person striving for self-knowledge.
Paramahansa Yogananda is recognized as one of the most outstanding spiritual figures of the 20th century. His Autobiography of a Yogi was included in the top 100 spiritual books of the 20th century and was translated into 21 languages. This book is considered a classic of spiritual literature. After numerous reprints over 50 years, it still regularly appears on bestseller lists.
Revered as the father of yoga in the West, Paramahansa Yogananda talks about his life journey and training with modern saints and enlightened Masters of India. He explains with scientific precision the subtle, but at the same time strictly defined laws, according to which yogis perform miracles and gain power over themselves. A spiritually profound and at the same time extremely entertaining book, written with subtle humor and introducing the extraordinary characters of India.
Autobiography of a Yogi is both a fascinating account of an individual's search for truth and a comprehensive introduction to the science and philosophy of yoga. The book reveals the deepest unity underlying the great religions of the West and the East.
The entire depth of wisdom of this book cannot be perceived from the first reading, and each time, returning to it at a new stage of his spiritual quest, the reader invariably draws the highest inspiration.

Publishing house Sfera, 2007
Hardcover, 592 pp.

Bhagavad Gita with commentary by Paramahansa Yogananda

The Bhagavad Gita is called the quintessence of the four Vedas, one hundred and eight Upanishads and six systems of Indian philosophy; it is believed that it contains the infinite wisdom of all the sacred scriptures of the world. It represents the highest dimension of human consciousness and points the way to the Absolute. The comments of Paramahansa Yogananda, the author of the famous Autobiography of a Yogi, reveal to the reader the deep meaning of this Book of Books.

“A new scripture is born!” declared Paramahansa Yogananda with delight when his commentary on the Bhagavad Gita was completed. “A new Holy Scripture has been born! - he repeated. - Through this book, millions will come to God. Not just thousands. Millions! I know. I saw them."

About Paramahansa Yogananda's commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita

Publisher: Sofia, 2011
Hardcover, 1234 pp.

Conversations with Yogananda

Swami Kriyananda

The book includes more than 400 short stories that a devoted disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) wrote down for many years.

What space age are we living in? How to realize yourself? What does true connection with God mean?
Unexpected answers to these and many other questions are given in this book by Paramahansa Yogananda, the greatest sage of India, “the father of yoga in the West,” and also the one who is called “a real magician.”

Paramahansa Yogananda could read minds, foresee the future, be in several bodies at the same time, and much more. However, he himself considered all this to be completely unimportant compared to the main thing: the ability to “get along with the Creator.” He taught this art to others.
In Yogananda's short stories about different people - from a nun to a millionaire - anyone can find the message they need here and now. And in his reasoning, the Teacher touches not only on cosmic eras and advice on meditation, but also on issues of personal relationships, politics, even television.

Publishing house "EXMO", 2017,
Hardcover, 400 pp.

Raja yoga

Swami Kriyananda

The author of the book, Swami Kriyananda, is a direct student of the famous guru Paramahansa Yogananda, who brought the ancient tradition of Raja Yoga to the West in the 20th century. The book is structured as a series of lessons, in each of which yoga, as a science and way of life, is revealed from several sides. The practical philosophy of yoga and its spiritual attitude, the basics of meditation, working with the physical body through asanas and pranayamas, the healing and dietary aspects of yoga are clearly presented. The reader will receive a very complete and methodologically verified course, giving the opportunity to harmoniously integrate the ancient teachings of Raja Yoga into their everyday life. The book can also serve as an excellent foundation for further, even more significant advancement along the spiritual path of yoga, preceding personal communication and discipleship. It is a wonderful tool that allows you to expand the scope of your awareness.

Publishing house "Sofia", 2005,
Hardcover, 440 pp.

Whispers of Eternity

Paramahansa Yogananda

“By the word Eternity, as used here, I designate God manifested in nature and human souls. This book seeks to show how practical communication can be established between Eternity and the mind of man. Communication with the immaterial God is possible only through the material manifestations of Eternity.

A person must turn to God and Eternity for guidance through an effective secret whisper in deep meditation; he will receive an answer in the form of a whisper of help. These prayers should be continually offered to Eternity, which lives in the soul of man; then God and Eternity will respond in the form of mysterious silent help, changing the entire human being and his environment.

Prayers and prayers are like plants that bloom with new flowers every day: flowers of change, but the plants remain the same. The tree of prayer may have the same branches and leaves of words, but bloom every day with new roses of Divine presence and inspiration if it is regularly watered with the water of meditation.

When the last page of the book of life is turned, all that will remain with you is the awareness gained in this life thanks to the desires that you fulfilled for the sake of unity with God. So every night before going to bed, read “Whispers of Eternity” and meditate. When you are in contact with Him, you will see that all your desires will mysteriously come true.”

Paramahansa Yogananda

“One day Paramahansa Yogananda told me: “I edited one book myself, Whispers of Eternity.” It is this book that I consider not only one of his best works, but also the most wonderful poetic phenomenon of all time.”

Swami Kriyananda

Phoenix Publishing, 2014

Hardcover, 380 pp.

Holy science

Swami Sri Yukteswar

It is the purpose of this book to show as clearly as possible that there is an essential unity among all religions; that there is no difference between the truths preached by different faiths; that there is one single path in which the development of both the external and internal worlds took place; and that there is only one single truth - the truth recognized by all the sacred scriptures. “The prophets of all countries in all centuries have successfully achieved the goal in their quest to know God. Entering the state of true illumination - the state of nirvikalpa samadhi - these holy people cognized the Supreme Reality, which is beyond all forms and symbols.
Thanks to the spiritual insight of Jnanavatara Sri Yukteswar, expressed in the book offered to the reader, it was possible to establish complete agreement between the difficult-to-understand Book of the Bible (Gospel) “Revelation” and the teachings of the Indian philosophical system of Sankhya.
As my gurudeva explains in the Introduction to his book, these pages were written by him in fulfillment of the instructions of Babaji - the holy gurudeva Lahiri Mahasaya, who in turn was the gurudeva of Sri Yukteswar.
The Sanskrit sutras contained in the Holy Science throw additional bright light on the Bhagavad Gita and other great scriptures of India."

Paramahansa Yogananda

Publishing house "Medkov", 2017

Laws of the spiritual path
Sermon on the Mount

Paramahansa Yogananda

This book reveals very clearly the understanding of the spiritual path and the deep meaning of religion. It also contains comments on one of the most important parts of the Gospel - the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ. In addition to introducing scientific methods of concentration and meditation to the West, Paramahansa Yogananda's great spiritual mission included transmitting to humanity the decipherment and interpretation of the Christian Bible, as received by him through divine insight. These spiritual interpretations are born of divine intuition and anyone who meditates on them with deep intuitive perception will be able to discover their universal truth.

Phoenix Publishing, 2014

Hardcover, 240 pp.

The teacher said

Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda is one of the most widely known Indian teachers and globally respected spiritual Masters. He brought to humanity an understanding of the real secret of life. As he taught and lectured, thousands of people found their lives transformed not only by his words, but by the magnetic love and palpable glow of his inner joy. This book contains his statements and advice to students

Phoenix Publishing, 2013

Hardcover, 240 pp.

Be the light


The book is compiled from speeches and articles by Paramahansa Yogananda.

Publishing house State Unitary Enterprise "MPIK", 2007.
Hardcover, 207 pp.

Karmai reincarnation

Paramahansa Yogananda

Knowledge about concepts such as karma and reincarnation can explain many phenomena in our lives: why do we see a world of suffering and inequality? How to deal with problems? What happens after death? Is there heaven and hell? What is the origin and purpose of reincarnation? Is it possible to free yourself from constant rebirth?
This book offers fascinating answers to the great mysteries of fate, but more importantly, the Book of the greatest Yoga Master of the 20th century opens before us the veil of the mystery of life and death, but more importantly, it serves as a reliable guide to ordinary everyday life. Revealing the essence of karma, death and reincarnation, Paramahansa Yogananda reveals the deep meaning and purpose of every soul's existence, bringing clarity, confidence and inspiration to our lives. It tells you how to make the most of every day of our lives. In the book you will find answers to the following questions:

EKSMO Publishing House, 2017
Hardcover, 192 pp.

Spiritual Relationships

Paramahansa Yogananda

In this book, the great Indian teacher Paramahansa Yogananda, guided by time-tested knowledge, gives answers to questions that concern every person, shares his revelations and practical advice on how:

EKSMO Publishing House, 2017
Hardcover, 144 pp.

Be a winner in life

Paramahansa Yogananda

Through Yogananda's inspiring ideas, we learn to live a life filled with the spirit of true victory - victory over limitations, fear and suffering.
"God has given your mind an explosive that can blow all your difficulties to pieces. Remember this. This is the most effective force you can use in order to gain victory in life, to break free from the shackles of weakness and habits into the limitless possibilities of your consciousness ... You have control over the irresistible divine powers of mind and will, which will crush any obstacles in your path.”

Publishing house Sofia, 2003
Soft cover, 80 pp.

Previously published books The circulation of which has already completely sold out

(if you manage to find them somewhere, then consider yourself very lucky)

How to Learn to Use Your Divine Power

Paramahansa Yogananda

The first book in the series "Premavatar Paramahansa Yogananda" - pearls of wisdom of the great yogi and spiritual teacher of India. This book is a practical guide to unlocking your inner potential and developing the ability to harness your divine power.

Phoenix Publishing, 2013

Spiritual Relationships

Paramahansa Yogananda

In this book, Paramahansa Yogananda shares his revelations and practical advice on how to:
  • expand the circle of sympathy in friendship and the boundaries of your love;
  • get rid of bad habits that lead to the destruction of true friendship;
  • how to choose a life partner, create a long-term relationship and maintain love
  • solve problems that arise in relationships;
  • how to manage sexual energy;
  • what is important to know when conceiving and raising a child;
  • see the Divine plan uniting parents and children;
  • manifest Universal Love in all your relationships;

In this book, the great Indian teacher Paramahansa Yogananda, guided by time-tested knowledge, gives answers to questions that concern every person.

Publishing house Sofia, 2010
Paperback, 128 pp.

How to always be happy

Paramahansa Yogananda

Happiness is easier to find than you think—if you look for it in the right place. One of the greatest spiritual teachers of the 20th century, Paramahansa Yogananda, offers in his book a dynamic view of true happiness: it can only be found within oneself. Learn from this book how to:
make a choice in favor of happiness in any situation;
practice the ability to be happy; identify and eliminate habits that rob you of joy.

Publishing house Sofia, 2010
Paperback, 160 pp.

How to achieve success

Paramahansa Yogananda

In this book, one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time offers powerful, practical tools for achieving the success we all crave—success both material and spiritual.
You will learn how to:
find a life purpose;
develop habits of success and eradicate habits of failure;
develop personal power and magnetism;
find your purpose and succeed at work;
achieve personal success while serving all humanity;
develop and reunite your will with the Divine Will - then success in any field of activity will become simply inevitable.
Use this book as a working tool and start taking real steps towards success today.

Publishing house Sofia, 2010
Paperback, 128 pp.

Karmai reincarnation

Paramahansa Yogananda

The book of the greatest Yoga Master of the 20th century opens before us the veil of the mystery of life and death, but more importantly, it serves as a reliable guide in ordinary everyday life.
Revealing the essence of karma, death and reincarnation, Paramahansa Yogananda reveals the deep meaning and purpose of every soul's existence, bringing clarity, confidence and inspiration to our lives.
In the book you will find answers to the following questions:
  • Why is the world unfair and full of losses?
  • How to cope with the challenges life offers us?
  • what happens at the moment of death and after, is there heaven and hell?
  • What is the essence and purpose of reincarnation?

Publisher: Sofia, 2010
Paperback, 128 pp.

Eternal search

Paramahansa Yogananda

Collection of speeches and conversations of Paramahansa Yogananda (1898-1952)

Publisher: Sattva, 2004
Hardcover, 608 pp.

Holy science

Sri Yukteswar

"The prophets of all countries in all centuries have successfully achieved the goal in their quest to know God. Entering a state of true illumination - a state nirvikalpa samadhi, - these holy men perceived the Supreme Reality which is beyond all forms and symbols.
Thanks to the spiritual insight of Jnanavatara Sri Yukteswar, expressed in the book offered to the reader, it was possible to establish complete agreement between the difficult-to-understand Book of the Bible (Gospel) “Revelation” and the teachings of the Indian philosophical system Sankhya.
As my gurudeva explains in the Introduction to his book, these pages were written by him in fulfillment of the instructions of Babaji - the holy gurudeva Lahiri Mahasaya, who in turn was the gurudeva of Sri Yukteswar.
Sanskrit Sutra, contained in the "Holy Science" throw additional bright light on the "Bhagavad Gita" and other great scriptures of India."

Paramahansa Yogananda

Publisher: Sfera, 2005
Hard cover

Why God allows evil

Paramahansa Yogananda

Philosophers and religious teachers around the world have sought to find an answer to the seemingly impossible question: why does a loving God allow evil to exist? Paramahansa Yogananda's book gives us the strength and support we need in our turbulent times. She reveals the secrets of the cosmic play - the Leela of God; her practical instructions allow us to rise above even the most dramatic events in our lives.

Publishing house Sofia, 2003
Paperback, 64 pp.

Metaphysical Meditations
How to talk to God

Paramahansa Yogananda

The first part of the book is the lecture “How to Talk to God,” in which the author convincingly shows that direct communication with God is possible for any devotee, and in a simple and accessible form teaches the reader how to achieve this communication. In the second part, for those who are interested in the practice of meditation, a textbook Metaphysical Meditations is published. The Great Yoga Teacher tells how to start meditation correctly and how to achieve its goal, even if the mentor is unattainably far from the ascetic or is not there at all.

Publishing house Sfera, 2002
Hardcover, 160 pp.

Wine of mysticism

Paramahansa Yogananda

This lavishly illustrated book, Paramahamsa Yogananda's complete commentary on Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat, brings together the poetic and spiritual insights of three very famous people whose lives are separated in time by more than nine centuries.
The poems of Omar Khayyam, written in the eleventh century and translated into English by Edwin Fitzgerald in the nineteenth century, have long fascinated readers. However, the true meaning of the verses has caused much controversy. In his interpretations - insights, Paramahamsa Yogananda removes the mysterious veil of metaphors from the Rubaiyat and reveals to us the mystical essence of the literary classics.

Publisher: Sofia, 2003
Hardcover, 224 pp.

Autobiography of a Western Yogi

Swami Kriyananda

Inspirational stories and narrations of life alongside the realized Master Paramahansa Yogananda vividly depict the philosophy of yoga and its corresponding lifestyle. In fact, this book is like a continuation and addition to the world-famous book of Paramahansa Yogananda - “Autobiography of a Yogi.”

Swami Kriyananda talks about how, in his younger years, he considered and rejected as false many of the opportunities offered by modern society. Gradually he realized that lasting human happiness comes not from external achievements, but from an ever-deepening spiritual awareness. Finally, his search led him to one of the spiritual giants of the 20th century - Paramahansa Yogananda.

This was followed by spiritual training under the guidance of a great Yoga Master. Paramahansa Yogananda showed him a clear path to achieving spiritual ideals through the practice of the science of deep meditation. Being a close disciple of the Master, Swami Kriyananda devotes many chapters of the book to describing remarkable episodes from the life of Paramahansa Yogananda and describing his teaching methods.

Living only for God as a close disciple of the Master eventually inspired Swami Kriyananda to create a spiritual community to spread the Teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda more widely and effectively. The Path is a treasure trove of practical and inspirational wisdom. Those who seek it will experience the transformative power of a true spiritual classic in the book.

Excerpts from the book "The Path"

Publisher: Sofia, 2001,
Hardcover, 480 pp.

Teach me how to live

Swami Kriyananda

What and how to teach children in order to equip them with everything necessary for a full and happy life in the real world? Loyalty to oneself and the ability to understand others, resourcefulness and openness, the ability to adequately meet any challenge in life - alas, school curricula do not provide for such “subjects”. The book is not only full of wise ideas, but also extremely practical: it tells how to teach children the skills they need for life. Its author is by no means a theorist: thirty years ago he created the Ananda school system, which became the embodiment and practical test of the methods outlined here.

Publisher: Sofia, 2007
Paperback, 224 pp.

The Essence of Self-Realization

Swami Kriyananda

A collection of sayings by Paramahansa Yogananda as recorded by his disciple Swami Kriyananda.

In 1923, Yogananda gave a series of lectures in major American cities, and everywhere he was met with extraordinary success. Unprecedented crowds of people flocked to him, sometimes forming huge queues. He never tried to impose his country's cultural traditions on Americans, but sought to show them how to spiritualize their own culture.