How a major player gains position. A major player on the stock exchange. Traces of a major player on the chart. Recruiting positions Which players operate in the market

Before we get to the nitty-gritty technical analysis and price action, we need to deal with one extremely common misconception with which the entire Internet is spammed (and which is utter nonsense).

We are talking about the opinion that certain large players (in slang they are sometimes called “dolls” - from the word “puppeteer”) are manipulating the world currency market in such a way as to rake in all the money for themselves. And therefore, we - retail traders - have no chance against them. They are smart and take all the money from us stupid people.

It looks like this:

  • the price has broken through resistance - this is a major player;
  • didn’t break through - again a big player;
  • false breakout - again;
  • I saw how long the shadow of the candle was - and again he;
  • he knows and can do everything, but we can do nothing.

The mysterious “big player”, whom no one has ever seen, continues to “disturb” many traders in the Forex market. And many paid trading schools, using this misconception, intimidate traders: “You have no chance! Only we will help you discover these big players and teach you how to fight them!”

Funny? Certainly. This is how traders get caught in the trap of religious thinking.

In primitive times, when lightning raged behind the walls of caves and frightened the hairy population there, it was not difficult to come to the global idea of ​​​​a menacing invisible bearded guy on a cloud. Which, thus, “punishes” bad guys with clubs for some kind of misconduct.

This concept became extremely convenient and has since been used as effective tool manipulation and strengthening personal power. If you don't listen to the tribe leader, the invisible bearded guy on the cloud will punish you for it. The doll controls everything. So listen to the leader. Fear ruled and controls the masses.

Shamans appeared who exploited this same misconception. They became even “closer” to the invisible bearded man, a couple of steps, and even “interpreted” his will, which was known, naturally, only to them. It is always very profitable to exploit other people's misconceptions. Religiosity is an excellent tool for monetizing fears and ignorance.

Major players in the Forex market

It’s exactly the same story with trading. The interbank foreign exchange market Forex, by its nature, is an OTC market. What does it mean? It is not traded on exchanges and does not have central clearing. In other words, accurate data on trading volumes and market participants does not exist at all. The foreign exchange market is decentralized and over-the-counter.

Currencies are traded through hundreds of systems, through “black boxes”, also known as dark pools, through various ECNs like EBS, through the dealing platforms of Reuters and Bloomberg. There is basically no exact data. There are only approximate, very general volumes, which is provided by the only source in the world: . Which estimates approximately the general temperature in the currency hospital.

In other words, any market fluctuation can be attracted to the actions of a “big player” - it still cannot be verified and confirmed with reliable data. After all, they simply don’t exist.

Axiom: for the foreign exchange market there is generally no accurate data on volumes.

What do many teachers and schools do? They frighten you with complexity and fairy tales about an insidious bearded guy on a currency cloud. How can you not use such fear to your advantage? They use it.

At the same time, the main participants in the Forex market are well known. This:

  • central banks of the world's leading countries;
  • largest investment banks;
  • hedge funds;
  • investment companies;
  • retail traders.

Each major market participant has, as you understand, reporting on its profits and losses. While the Central Bank intervenes to strengthen the exchange rate of national currencies, the main participants in the interbank market are commercial banks and funds.

These are the 10 largest commercial participants in the foreign exchange market. These are our big players, they are also “dolls”. In percentage - their share in the foreign exchange market.

According to naive Pinocchio, it is these large players who “own” the market, data on all open positions, have secret information that is inaccessible to others and use it to their advantage, manipulating the market the way they want.

Logical? Logical. We see a large share of the market, they clearly control everything here. What cunning bearded guys!

Achievements of major players in the foreign exchange market

If big manipulators are running a trillion-dollar market, they should be making staggering, incredible profits, right? Then these are natural financial vacuum cleaners, raking in liquidity from everyone, taking advantage of their exceptional position.

Let's look at their successes and how to spot a big forex player. Number 9 on the list, Goldman Sachs, lost more than $1 billion on the Forex market.

Oh, how is this? At once important question:

How could a major player who “manipulates the market” lose so much money on it?

While you're thinking about this, let's take a look at other "manipulators." According to statistics, since 2008, leading banks (the very top 10 of the Forex market) have been in a deep crisis and have already laid off more than half a million staff. The global banking system cannot recover from the crisis and is firing everyone in an effort to cut costs.

Not bad for manipulators who “own” a market with a turnover of 5.3 trillion dollars a day, right? Where are their excess incomes? Where is the money they earned, Zin, what did they snatch from their competitors?

In second place in the top 10 currency traders is the almighty Deutsche Bank. Along with Citi, it is a giant of the Forex market. Explain how this giant managed to demonstrate a net annual loss of 6.8 billion euros in 2015?

In third place we have Barclays Bank, which plans to lay off 7,000 of its 20,500 staff within three years. Another champion that “manipulates the market”, brilliant!

By the way, I have a question. Do all the banks from the top 10 manage unhappy traders and knock down their stops in MetaTrader spontaneously or in turn? They are competitors, actually, from different countries. What does it look like for them? They gathered in the bathhouse, took a steam bath, and said: “Today I’ll take a tenner from Vasya, tomorrow you’ll take a fiver from Petya.” Or how?

They are clearly struggling with the squeeze; they don’t rely on almighty manipulators - because statistics show that everyone is suffering colossal losses. Then who? Funds? Masonic investment companies from Venus, which are richer than the main banks of the world?

They all have public reporting and, you know what, those who became fabulously rich are not visible either. Well, where is he, King Midas of the foreign exchange market, who turns everything into gold, manipulating prices as he pleases, and defrauding the leading banks of the planet?

As you can see, the top 10 hedge funds working with the foreign exchange market had a total capital of less than $6 billion at the end of 2015. Tears for the foreign exchange market with a daily turnover of several trillion.

That's why. When people tell you bullshit about “powerful players in the Forex market,” ask:

  1. The name of this powerful bearded guy on the cloud.
  2. A link to the annual financial statements, where you can see his stunning success in defrauding other market participants.

This will be enough to remove the noodles from your ears. By the way, bank traders really tried to manipulate... not currencies at all, but specific things, like the LIBOR rate. The results are billions of dollars in fines to banks, criminal cases and mass layoffs.

Why was this fairy tale invented?

“Big powerful guys” are using this idea to trap newcomers in order to take control of their minds and wallets through fear. If you are a small, insignificant retail trader, and there is such a gigantic, all-powerful machine against you, your only chance is to gain the protection and confidence that they promise you. Paid and expensive.

In such schools, the poor people are taught how to find “the actions of large players” (this is in the OTC market, where there is no data on volumes at all), how to “deceive” them (generally a joke) and lay other eggs filled with nonsense.

Everyone is equal before the market

But this is a sober look at things. In 1995, it took the efforts of... 5 central banks of the world to reverse the dollar exchange rate. Five countries barely turned the dollar around. Publicly and openly - everyone knew that the Central Banks were fighting the market, His Majesty the Market, in order to strengthen the dollar based on their economic interests. These interventions were carried out openly and controlled, and were monitored by financiers around the world.

Banks and funds have more financial opportunities than a simple trader, but:

  • Do they have a monopoly on the future?
  • Can they be guaranteed to squeeze profits out of the market?
  • Can they direct the market wherever they want?

Their reporting speaks for itself. Can not.

Banks, funds, investment firms and retail traders are all battling the market. Some have more opportunities, some have less. But no one has a monopoly. Everyone is trying to squeeze their little bit of luck out of the market. And this can be done by creating your own individual understanding, a set of rules that allow you to regularly take profits from the market.

But faith, religiosity, conviction of existence:

  • all-powerful players who are always right;
  • 100% strategies;
  • guaranteed trading schools;
  • profitable indicators.

It will only lead to what it has always led to - the trader leaves the market with a hole in his pocket. A completely natural and logical result for those who do not like to think with their own heads.

It's funny that despite this obvious and publicly available data, religious thinking has become so entrenched in the minds of many traders that they are not ready to give up their illusions.

Why this is so is quite clear. It is extremely convenient to explain your failures and failures by some omnipotent manipulator who ruins everyone’s life and drives the euro/dollar so that it breaks the levels of spread betting players in Metatrader. The villain is grinning insidiously at this, I’m sure. Amusing self-deception, however, after a bad day it’s better to take a sip of moonshine - even that will be more useful than from ridiculous inventions.

You will definitely meet such citizens on your trading path; someone always interferes with them. If you want to have fun, ask them 2 specific questions given earlier and enjoy the reaction.

What about the puppet masters of the cryptocurrency and stock markets?

Here the story is similar, but with some nuances.

Forex - over-the-counter market, also known as the OTC market. There is no one place where these trades take place, so the mythical puppeteer simply has no place to turn around.

But on exchange The situation in markets is somewhat different. When trading is conducted centrally - through one exchange, be it NYSE for stock market or Coinbase for cryptocurrency - so in the centralized market, of course, there are large players who can influence intra-exchange quotes. In exchange markets, volumes and other tools are also useful, which are generally not relevant for Forex. For the latter, volumes are completely useless.

The foreign exchange market, I repeat once again, is over-the-counter. This needs to be sorted out right away. It is not traded on exchanges. That is why no puppet masters represented by banks decide anything here and do not influence the quotes of EUR/USD or any other currency pair as they please.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry. No banks hinder your stops in MetaTrader. Oh, how they would like it! Anyone who received the key to the foreign exchange market, with their capabilities, would hit a multi-billion dollar jackpot. But the banks are only losing these billions, because they are the same market participant - simply institutional - like us, small retail losers.

Our chances are equal. This is why we love trading - the opportunity to participate in the same league as the big players. For the chance to ride the social elevator, which is available to everyone.

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Hi all!

Today we’ll talk a little about the major players in the market. About how to identify a major player, how he gains a position and how to make money on it all.

Who is the big player?

Who is the big player? This is a market participant who has large capital and can have a strong influence on the price. It's strong. Because one way or another, every trader who trades at a more or less adequate volume has an impact. There are many low-liquid securities on the Russian market that can be moved with an amount of 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, if an illiquid stock shows strong growth, this does not mean at all that there is a major player there. We will definitely return to the topic of illiquid shares a little later. There are some nuances there that you can make money on. However, due to limited liquidity, it will not be possible to trade with large volumes.

So, a major player could be a bank, a hedge fund, or even a private trader who has a lot of capital. But you also need to understand that strong movements in the market do not always occur only at the expense of a major player. And in general, the concept of a major player is a bit vague. Each market and instrument requires different capital to have a particular impact on the price. On low-liquid securities this is one amount. On liquid futures this amount is hundreds of times higher. At the same time, in the same American market, liquidity is many times higher. And a major player in the Russian market may not be able to have a serious impact on the price of liquid American futures. Therefore, personally, in the concept of a large player, I include large capital, which can have a serious impact on a specific instrument.

There are big players on the stock exchange, so you definitely need to understand the logic of a big buyer/seller in order to trade successfully. Most models and patterns are based on this logic. And also, it is necessary to generally understand the mechanics of pricing. Who are the sellers and buyers? Because they influence the price. I talked about this in, I recommend reading it.

How does a big player gain position?

A major player, like you and me, can both make money and lose money. And for one large buyer, there can always be another larger seller.

A major player can gain a position sideways or from strong levels. Very often, positions are gained in areas of increased liquidity after false breakouts. Since in order to gain a large position for a purchase, a seller must be found. There is no other option. At the same time, if you start to gain a huge volume in the market, then the large player will simply raise the price and purchases will be at unfavorable prices. Sometimes the actions of a major player may be accompanied by abnormal volumes. But here, in order to correctly read the situation, you need to look at it comprehensively. Since a large volume in the sidewall cannot always help us determine what is happening on the instrument.

A large player can fill and unload a position with limit orders or iceberg orders. Or gain a position gradually across the market in small parts. Even with liquid stocks, you can sometimes see that after a strong growth, the price from above begins to be held back by an iceberg and the price then collapses. Although the advantage may be on the side of a large buyer and the iceberg is eventually bought out.

Traces of a big player

Now let’s take a closer look with examples on the graphs.

Here the instrument was in a wide flat. A major player understands that the boundaries of a flat are zones of increased liquidity. When the support/resistance level is broken, sellers/buyers will become more active and liquidity will increase. Therefore, here a large player will be able to gain a large position. This is why the breakout may turn out to be false, and the price then moves in a different direction. This is one of the options. Here you need to understand that there can be many options and a false breakout is not always associated with the activity of a major player. The analysis must be approached comprehensively.

Often, the first impulse at the breakdown of a strong level occurs due to the removal of stops of other participants (by fixing positions). Sometimes the dynamics on the part of buyers are not enough to move the price up, and it returns below the level, but when it breaks out again, the movement resumes. In this case, the preponderance of forces may be on the side of a large seller, and the instrument may begin to decline when returning below the level.

If we correctly find levels and work out a false breakout, then this signal will give us a significant statistical advantage. We will never know with 100 percent certainty what is happening. But we don’t need this to make money. It is important that our model gives us this mathematical advantage, which must be calculated in advance. In the screenshot, the price after the false breakout showed good growth. By the way, I went long on this instrument.

Another example in the screenshot below. Such a model often also increases the mathematical expectation. If strong punctures by shadows or a false breakout with a sharp redemption occur above the level, especially on increased volumes, this may indicate that a large player is accelerating the position. That is, there is some accumulation of funds.

Let's take the shape of a tapering triangle as an example. In which there is a limit seller on top and a dynamic buyer who buys the instrument. And there is a compression to the upper limit. Example below. On such figures, if worked correctly, very good entry points are formed. Most often, such a squeeze signals a gain in position by a major player. It’s very good if there is an increase in volumes.

Unloading a position is also sometimes accompanied by abnormal volumes. A large surge in volumes after a strong movement may indicate a buying/selling climax. That is, that positions have begun to be fixed, after which the instrument can correct itself. There will not necessarily be a global reversal, but it is worth fixing your position if you are trading intraday.

Including there is a large number of manipulations on the part of a major player, which allow you to gain a position or move the price. A major player understands how day traders react to large volumes in the order book. If a large buy volume appears below near the market price, they begin to trade from it. Including trading robots that trade by glass. And if you set a very large volume, the price will definitely react. In this way, you can try to accelerate the position and move the price.

Now a couple of examples on less liquid stocks. There, in order to move the price, volumes can be several times smaller. But such papers are also very often dispersed in connection with certain news. This could be an acceleration by a major player, and the instrument may well show the bar and open with a gap for several days in a row, or simply an acceleration due to speculative activity. In any case, when the right approach You can also trade and make money on such securities.

See the screenshot at the very top. The instrument showed good growth and fairly clear levels. The breakdown of the level was accompanied by very high volumes. Stops are rarely placed on such instruments, so the volume is associated precisely with activity on the part of buyers and good buybacks. Most often you can see this large volume in the order book, on the breakout of which you can try to enter the order book. The main thing is to weigh the risks and take into account the liquidity of the instrument. You can also see an increase in volumes when fixing above the level. By the way, a major player can gain a position and an iceberg with an order.

The topic related to major players is quite extensive. I will definitely return to it in subsequent articles. Subscribe to the site's news so you don't miss it (subscribe button on the side). If you liked the article, share it on social media. networks. Bye everyone.

Sincerely, Stanislav Stanishevsky.

Want more information? Individual.

There is an opinion that the daily turnover of the Forex market reaches several trillions of dollars and if this is so, then one might think that for a large player there should be no problems with gaining a huge position within one working day, because the liquidity of the Forex market allows it. However, if you look at the chart of any instrument, you will notice that this is far from the case. Of course, if an ordinary ordinary trader wants to gain a position, then he can do this in the first second by throwing an order into the market, since his working position is too small in relation to the money of a large player, it’s like a drop in the ocean.

This market is too thin for instantly gaining a large position, even despite such a large daily turnover, and if a large player wants to gain a large volume at a certain price, he will not succeed, since the price will simply fly into space from such purchases, due to that the demand for purchase significantly exceeds supply. It turns out that a major player, by his action, bought the currency at the current price and no one else sells to him at this price, and therefore the price goes higher to those sellers who are ready to sell to him at a high price, and in such situations the price can go far up, provided that there is abnormal demand.

From a logical point of view, it is completely unprofitable for a large player to immediately gain a position, since perhaps he wants to gain a position at 1.25 and take profit at 1.29, and if he throws a deal into the market, then the price will immediately fly from 1.25 to 1.29 and then about whom will he close with such a huge position? There will be no one to worry about and the price will also quickly fall down and then the major player will have a significant minus.

So how can you see on the chart how a major player is gaining a position? Quite simply, its entire set takes place at the most boring stage of the market, namely sideways.

The biggest losses for ordinary traders occur in the sideways, when they expect a trend movement, and the price flies up and down, thereby knocking down stop losses for both buyers and sellers, and thanks to this action, a major player gains his volume much more easily. The second picture shows that a major player gained a position for almost a whole year and as soon as he gained it, he immediately let the price go up.

I wrote a strategy using this method

Of course, you can find a sideways trend on any timeframe, but in my opinion, it is not particularly worth looking for a set of positions on a smaller timeframe than the 4-hour one, since the lower the timeframe, the less significant the situation. More or less significant gains occur either on a 4-hour or daily interval, and if you can clearly see that at this stage of the market a position is gaining momentum, then most likely it will end soon, since the major player does not need extra freeloaders.

Sometimes by various reasons you can miss the price exit and then it is unknown how long the price will go into a targeted movement and the only thing that can help you is the previous trade by a major player. If the price has been trading for quite a long time, then most likely this price exit will continue for several more days and it is worth buying/selling regardless of how high or low the price fell in previous days without your participation.

I will try to justify my idea why big money will always win, or in other words, the rich will always earn, and the poor will always lose.

I think everyone has long known that horizontal channels (aka flat) are not created from scratch. And although in many books they write that since the price is flat, then the trader has nothing to do at this time, they say nothing significant is happening there and the market has simply come to a consensus.

Nothing like that, any flat is very important.

A horizontal channel (flat) is (1) a struggle between two large players (seller and buyer), or (2) accumulation of the required volume at the price of interest.

What happens in the flat?

I don’t remember in which of the articles, when analyzing the market, I mentioned the word “consolidation”. This word is very often used in trading, especially during flat periods. Literally, it means strengthening something, unification, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the struggle for common goals, the merger of two or more firms, companies.

Do you understand what I'm getting at?

Strengthening something is kind of like creating a support/resistance level.

Association, rallying of individuals is the same as entering the market at the best average price, and so on.

It turns out that it is precisely such consolidations (trading) that are very important for the trader; it is here that the fate of further movement is decided. All that remains for the trader is to understand who won.

In order to understand who won, you need to understand what is actually happening inside the flat?

The elementary law of the market operates on the market: “The more goods, the cheaper it is, the fewer goods, the more expensive it is.”

It is clear that such a comparison is not entirely appropriate for trading currencies or any other instrument, but I thought about it for a long time and came to the only opinion that you need to use your imagination a little and imagine that the thesis presented above is correct.

What is meant?

Everything seems to be clear with the goods. Suppose the situation occurs in a market where, for an unthinkable reason, there are 10 sellers selling potatoes. In other words, there is supply, but no demand.

To sell his product, the seller needs to lower the price to attract a buyer (this is clear to everyone). Suppose the tenth seller decided to become a monopolist and bought all the potatoes on the market at a cheap price.

Now there is a monopolist that owns all the potatoes. In this case, the tenth potato seller will increase the price, because demand has appeared in the market, but supply has decreased. And the longer there is demand, the higher the price will be. When demand decreases, the price will fall.

It turns out that while the tenth seller was buying goods, the price for the next purchase increased, as soon as he began to sell the purchased goods, the price of potatoes decreased.

Yeah... Now let's move on to the foreign exchange market (or any other, forex, futures, stocks, bonds).

It turns out that as soon as a trader makes an operation to buy a futures (for example, futures on euro 6E), the price of this futures increases. When a futures contract is sold, the price falls.

This is all theory, it’s time to determine the same thing on the chart.

Rice. 1. They buy the price from below, and sell the price from above.

Important!! This means that there are two players in the market. One needs to assemble a sell position and he constantly sells, the second needs to assemble a buy position and he constantly buys. Neither one nor the other open positions are closed.

That is, it turns out that at the bottom of the consolidation the price is bought in the hope that it will go even higher. As soon as the price reaches the upper limit, sellers become active and begin to sell futures, thereby lowering the price lower.

Let's move on to the most interesting part. How long will consolidation continue?

I'm sure you already know the answer.

It is until one of the players runs out of money. As soon as one of them runs out of money, having once again approached the consolidation border, there will be no one to stop the movement, which will entail an exit from the flat (consolidation) and further movement towards the winner.

Why does momentum occur when exiting a consolidation?

We've sorted out the consolidation (flat). But why, when exiting it, does the price begin a sharp movement (impulse)?

It's all about the feet.

This nuance will not cause problems for traders trading futures, as they know that when trading futures, there are no stop orders. All open trades are closed with reverse orders (this was mentioned in the article NinjaTrader | Trading with Dynamic SuperDOM).

We are all already experienced traders and understand that trading without stop losses is the path to loss.

Answer yourself this question: if you were selling looking at Figure 2, where would you put your stop loss?

Rice. 2. Where will your stop loss be?

I can 100% say that your stop will be set above the consolidation. And it is right.

Rice. 3. Setting stops.

This means that since you set a stop above consolidation, other traders will also set a stop there. The level is not important, it is important that your stop will be located somewhere above the current consolidation.

What happens when the market hits your stop? and you remember that the stop you set is nothing more than a Buy Stop order, that is, a buy order, and any purchase is a push up in the price.

Rice. 4. The market has followed in your footsteps.

So it turns out that as soon as the seller’s money runs out, the market begins to move towards his stops, having reached which, an impulse occurs and a further upward movement occurs.


This article expresses solely my opinion on how things are on the market.

In the example offered in the article, we are talking about smart traders who act correctly: they buy at the bottom of the consolidation, and sell at the top. Beginners, in such cases, trade completely differently, doing everything the other way around, but this will be discussed in other articles.

Will this information help you in your trading? To be honest, I don’t know, but the main thing is understanding the market, the rest is a matter of profit.

Look through the history of any instruments, look at exactly how they were created and exits from consolidations, and I think many questions will disappear by themselves.

Good luck with your trading.

On the Internet, almost every trader can find information about a certain major player who moves the price, collects traders’ stop losses, etc. However, almost no one gives an exact definition of who he is and what he does on the market and how! A major player, period!

A simple trader needs to know 3 things about a major player:

  1. How a major player enters the market
  2. How a big player makes money
  3. How to spot a big player

Of course, we’ll briefly touch on who the big player is. There are many big players in any market and you can never say that a big player is some kind of “evil guy trader” with a lot of money. Of course not! The big players are pension funds, mutual funds, large and medium-sized banks, and industrial corporations.

For example, someone opened a new mutual fund (mutual investment fund) and collected 800 million rubles from investors and wants to buy shares of Russian companies with this money! At this moment the first question opens: how a major player enters the market! In order to buy, for example, shares of a company worth 100 million rubles, you need to try hard! Because if you try to buy 100 million rubles worth of shares (even the most liquid ones) at one price, you will have to move the price with your volume, which of course no one wants! The task of big money is to buy as cheaply as possible and preferably so that no one sees, otherwise no one will sell cheaply and the price will go up!

ATTENTION! Conclusion: a large player can buy on the market only with limit orders and only in a price range, otherwise he will move the price greatly and buy the asset at a bad price! An important point is that if purchases and sales are made with pending limit orders, it means that he buys on falls and sells on growth, that is

Due to the actions of a major player, consolidation may form:

Due to the actions of big money, levels are formed, there are plenty of examples:

Due to the struggle of major players, areas of accumulation of horizontal volume are formed: Analyzing horizontal volumes in Forex trading (volume profile)

December 2014! Panic! The dollar is already 150 rubles tomorrow, let's run to the exchange office! As a result, everyone who had never even done this before bought dollars! 2 days and the market collapsed!

May 2015! Hooray! The ruble has risen, the price is already 49 rubles per dollar! The ruble became the strongest currency in the world in the second quarter of 2015! The economy is reviving! We all run and sell what we bought for 75-80 rubles! Everyone is selling and the price is going up again!

Spring-winter 2015. Sberbank shares stand still at around 40-60 rubles per share, no interest from investors. Suddenly the price imperceptibly begins to rise, around the price of 85-90 rubles, we begin to hear on television every day that Sberbank is “rushing the entire stock market” will break the historical maximum of 110 rubles and go higher! At the end of November-December 2015, Sberbank reaches 108 rubles! RBC simply doesn’t talk about anything except Sberbank, the bank’s positive report comes out and the first good profits during the crisis! As a result, the price hits 110 rubles and already now, in January 2016, we see the price in the range of 80-90 rubles! Those who bought at 50 rubles sold everything and will soon begin to collect a new position and then the price will go even higher.

June 2016! The news about Britain leaving the European Union, the markets collapse in a day by a crazy 5, 10, 15, 20%, but all this fall in almost all assets, someone is buying back and everything that grew continues to grow further! Of course, those who move the markets and have a lot of money buy them!

Major players in the Forex market, as I think, are represented by market maker banks. Here's an article about it.