Squats correct approaches table. Selecting a squat program.

Every girl wants to have a toned body, slender legs, a flat stomach and an elastic ass. In spring, the number of people in gyms increases noticeably. After the “winter hibernation”, the girls are in a hurry to put their bodies in order so that in the summer they can feel confident in short shorts and T-shirts. The 30 Day Squats program is designed to quickly and effectively tidy up the lower part of the female body.

Of course, you have to sweat, but the result is worth it. The 30-day squat program was created specifically for beginners in sports, so we discard all doubts and start exercising.

30 day squat program

The squat program will increase the tone and health of your body. The essence of the whole program is very simple: to practice every day according to a certain scheme, to perform squats correctly in order to maximize the use of all muscle groups of the thighs and buttocks.

is the most important element of the program. By doing the exercises correctly, you will achieve results faster, as well as relieve stress from your back and knee joints. How to squat correctly in order to achieve maximum effect in a short time?

So, stand on the floor, put your feet shoulder-width apart, your socks look slightly to the side. Begin to squat as if you are sitting back a little, do not lift your heels off the floor, the knee remains above the foot. Squat down to a level parallel to the floor. Try to keep your lower back straight, do not bend in this place. Don't hold your breath. In no case do not squat on toes to the very heels, such exercises will only harm! First, do squats, standing in profile in front of a mirror, to control the process, and then the body itself will remember how to do it right.

Now the program itself: we start with 50 squats, gradually increasing to 250 (by 5-20 every day). We work for three days, we rest for one day.

The 30 day squat schedule looks like this:

Don't worry, you won't have to do all the squats at once! This is done in 4 sets.

The break between sets is 1 minute.

Squat scheme for 30 days

Day 1 set 2 set 3 set 4 set Total

1 15 15 10 10 50

2 16 15 13 11 55

3 17 15 15 13 60

4 day off

5 20 20 15 15 70

6 21 20 18 16 75

7 22 20 20 18 80

8 day off

9 25 25 25 25 100

10 28 26 26 25 105

11 30 28 27 25 110

12 day off

13 35 33 32 30 130

14 37 35 33 30 135

15 40 35 35 30 140

16 day off

17 43 37 37 34 155

19 46 40 38 36 160

20 day off

21 50 45 44 41 180

22 52 47 44 42 185

23 55 48 45 42 190

24 day off

25 65 55 52 48 220

26 65 57 53 50 225

27 65 60 54 51 230

28 day off

29 70 64 56 50 240

30 70 65 60 55 250

As you can see, the whole squat complex takes 30 days. By sticking to this schedule, you will achieve the best result. If you move strictly according to the scheme, the effect will be noticeable already on the 13-15th day.

The first few days you will feel pain in the muscles. This is a normal reaction, as soon as the muscles get used to the stress, the pain will pass. In no case do not stop doing the exercises, and to relieve the pain, take a burning bath.

Evaluate your result after a month. If everything suits you, then do 50-60 squats daily in one set to maintain the effect. If you want to achieve the ideal, start the squat complex again, but now add weights, in the form of dumbbells, for example.

You can print out the workout chart and hang it in the place where you do the exercises. Firstly, it greatly motivates, and secondly, it allows you to mark the stages (days) passed.

The squat complex will help burn excess fat on the hips and buttocks, make the muscles toned, the skin elastic, the thigh line beautiful. Be sure to combine exercises with proper nutrition otherwise there will be no result!

Remember that before starting squats, you need to do a little warm-up to prepare the muscles for the load, and after training - stretching so that there are no tubercles on the hips and buttocks.

Now your body is ready for the beach season!

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Squats are universal exercises that suit everyone and help solve a number of problems: how to burn excess fat, and gain a beautiful relief, pump up your hips and buttocks. Men most often include them in their training program, wanting to pump up their legs. And squats for men do a great job with this, additionally working out the buttocks, abs and other important muscles. A well-designed squat training program for men will help you quickly achieve the desired results.

Squats train the glutes, quadriceps, and adductors of the thigh. In addition to the muscles of the lower extremities, others work, including the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, which form the press. But still, first of all, men perform squats for the sake of strong pumped up legs. Squats have many variations that can increase the load on a particular group of muscle fibers.

Of course, working on the muscles is the main goal when doing exercises. But this is not limited to the answer to the question of what gives squatting to men. Exercise helps effectively burn fat, improves the strength and tone of the lower extremities, helps to improve coordination and has a beneficial effect on the joints. In addition, the benefits of squats for metabolism and the cardiovascular system are great. The beneficial effect of squats on the potency of a man is also known.

You can practice at any convenient time and in any convenient place. You can increase the load using weights or other sports equipment. It is better for beginners to master the classic squat technique, and after that, include their other variations in the training program, of which there are quite a lot.

Proper Squat Technique for Men

To achieve good results, you need to know how to squat properly for men. The squat technique is quite simple, it is familiar to us from preschool age, so there shouldn't be any problems. In this case, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • The back must be kept straight. Do not round it and try not to slouch.
  • To support the spinal column, tighten the abdominal muscles. Feet should be kept shoulder-width apart.
  • The heels should be firmly on the floor. Do not take your feet off the floor. Exceptions may be individual exercises where, when straightening, you need to rise on your toes.
  • The lower point of the squat involves the formation of a right angle between the thigh and lower leg. The knees should be parallel to the feet. If they deviate inward or outward, the squat technique for men will be incorrect.

When squatting, you need to breathe correctly. You need to go down on the exhale, go up - on the inhale. Breathe deeply, in a natural rhythm, do not hold your breath.

Types of squats for men

The squat scheme for men can include not only the classic version, but also other types of exercises. For example, it is effective to perform an exercise on one leg, which requires a certain physical preparation. The main difficulty in this case lies in the need to maintain balance. Such squats are great for training coordination. To make them easier, you can first hold on to some kind of support. This exercise is good because it allows you to work out small muscles that do not work with classic squats.

The following variants of classic squats are also popular:

  • Squats with weights. To increase the load, you can use various weights, for example, kettlebells, dumbbells, a barbell or barbell bar, as well as ordinary bottles filled with water or sand. First, it is recommended to perform squats without weight for men, and then start with a small weight, gradually increasing its weight.
  • Plie squats. In this exercise, the starting position is different in that the legs need to be wide apart. In this case, you need to squat deeply.

  • sumo squats. In terms of technique, they are very similar to plié, but you need to not only spread your legs, but also point your knees and socks outward.
  • Deep squats. They help to work out several other muscle groups, which, in combination with other techniques, provides an effective workout.
  • Wall squats. The peculiarity of the exercise is that you need to press your back against the wall. The legs are shoulder width apart. When squatting, you need to slide on the step with your back. Thanks to this method, you can slightly unload the muscles and reduce the load on the spinal column.
  • Jump squats. The essence of the exercise is that, crouching, instead of smoothly straightening, you must jump out. Thanks to this type of squat, you can increase the load on the muscles and work them out better.
  • Step squats. Starting position - legs together. Take a step to the side and sit down while inhaling. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise on the opposite side.

When doing squats at home for men, pay attention to hand position. They can change the load. Consider the following:

  • Putting your hands forward will make it easier to maintain balance.
  • If the hands are on the belt, then this will provide an additional load on the stabilizing muscles.
  • By crossing your arms on your shoulders, you will also train the muscles responsible for stabilization.
  • If the hands are behind the head, you will additionally load the muscles chest. It will also provide training for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Weighted Squats: What you need to know

It is worth dwelling on squats with weights in more detail. Having mastered how to properly do squats for a man with his own weight, it is worth moving on to them. They will help increase the load on the muscles and on the body as a whole, which will increase the effectiveness of training.

Remember the principle of consistency. It is recommended to start with small dumbbells, and do a classic squat with them. It is better to use dumbbells with twist-off necks. This will give you the opportunity to increase the load when you are ready for it, and not buy dumbbells.

When choosing an initial weight, make sure that you are comfortable. First, it is enough to take one dumbbell. If you hold it on outstretched arms, the bulk of the weight will fall on them. Therefore, it is better to lower your hands with weighting down so that during the squat they are between the legs. Then the weight will be received not only by the arms, but also by the legs, abs and back.

It is good to combine exercises with dumbbells with pumping the shoulder girdle. In this case, you will need a pair of dumbbells. You can simply hold dumbbells at arm's length or combine squats and raises with weights. This option is suitable if you plan to train with a barbell in the future, since this requires a certain level of training.

Even if you have already begun to squat with weights, do not stop training with your own weight. The program that you stopped on before moving on to weights should also be worked out.


Squat program for men for 30 days

For a squat program for men to be effective, you need to do it intensively and regularly. No need to try to immediately squeeze the maximum. Start with a small number of repetitions and approaches, gradually increasing them. The optimal number of approaches is five. The break between them should last about a minute. Do a small number of squats at first, and start the thirty-day suggested program when you can easily do 50 squats in a row.

Below is a table of squats for men, calculated for 30 days. If the indicated number of repetitions is difficult for you to do at a time, break them up into several approaches.


Number of repetitions
50 times
55 times
75 times
105 times


135 times
140 times


155 times
160 times


185 times
190 times


225 times
230 times



These numbers can be intimidating at first. But by doing squats at home for men in a thirty-day course, you will accustom yourself to the load, and the result will motivate you more and more every day. Judging by the reviews, the first results can be seen after a couple of weeks of regular classes. It is recommended to include in your program different exercises that will help to involve all muscle groups.

Although leg squats for men are very beneficial for both figure and health, not everyone can perform them. The list of contraindications includes diseases of the articular apparatus of the lower extremities, diseases of the spine, hernia, scoliosis, sciatica, pressure problems. In any case, before giving the body a powerful physical activity, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist.

Squats will help a man get the desired physical shape. They have a beneficial effect on both physical fitness and health. Performing them regularly and correctly, you will soon notice obvious changes for the better.

Squat technique for men on video

A well-chosen squat program will always keep the body fit and slender, and it doesn’t matter where you perform it - at home or in the gym.

Butt squats not only help build muscle in this area of ​​the body, but are also a catalyst for muscle growth in the body as a whole. The benefits of squats are tangible for both men and women. The main thing in achieving your goals with the help of just such an exercise is the observance of the technique and the regularity of execution.

Consider several programs, among which you can choose the most suitable set of squats based on the level of training and physical form.

Newbie Program

Everyone knows that it is quite possible to take care of your body at home. But squatting at home is not very easy - some skills and knowledge are required, and simulators are also needed. And in order for the effect to be visible and not long in coming, squats must be done correctly.

First of all, you should learn the most important rules of squats, especially for beginners:

  1. Breath control. You need to breathe clearly in time with the movements. When doing squats, you need to inhale through your nose, and exhale when lifting.
  2. In the process of training, the legs should not be torn off the floor, that is, the feet should be pressed tightly against the floor. Otherwise, you can lose balance and just fall.
  3. In the process of squats, you should always strain the press, as this can reduce the load on the spine.
  4. The position of the knees should be strictly parallel to the feet.
  5. Squatting too low is not recommended for beginners, otherwise there is a risk of back injury.

You need to start with the simplest squats: the legs are placed shoulder-width apart, the body lowers by bending the legs at the knees, and by unbending them, you need to rise. You can use the table in photo 1, which shows squats for beginners of the 15-week program. For the best effect, you can use dumbbells that are in any gym. This squat table, if you follow it clearly, will help you not only lose extra pounds, but also tighten your whole body.

Monthly training program

For those who want to get the effect in a short time, you can use squats for weight loss scheduled for a month. In addition to getting rid of excess weight, the buttocks will become more elastic, and the legs will be slender, while the metabolism and tone of the body as a whole will improve. The basis of this program is a specially designed scheme correct execution sit-ups every day. And to complicate the task and involve as many muscle groups as possible, you can do squats for weight loss with a barbell or dumbbells. At the end of this course, it will come out that 250 squats were done in 30 days.

The program itself implies that on the first day you need to do 50 sit-ups, then gradually increasing their number. Also during the program there are days for rest. Even before proceeding directly to the workout for the buttocks, the program for which is scheduled for a month, it is recommended to pre-prepare the body: start with fewer squats and take time to warm up each time. This approach will warm up and prepare the muscles for the load. In addition, the 30-day program does not oblige you to do the entire prescribed volume of squats at a time, you can break the amount into several approaches with a frequency of 1-2 minutes.

You can print and hang in the place where the training takes place, the squat schedule in the form of table 2. You can also mark the days passed there, which will be motivation not to stop there.

Do not be surprised, there will be pain and discomfort in the muscles after the first workout. This will pass soon, when the muscles get used to such loads. A hot bath will help relieve the pain, but the training program should not be delayed.

200 squats in 6 weeks

200 squats may seem like an impossible number for the average person to do. But such a squat program will eventually allow you to squat 200 times in a row, all you need is a detailed plan, discipline and at least 20 minutes a day.

Strengthening the body and improving the whole body is the main task that the training program sets for itself for 6 weeks. Moreover, real success can be achieved only on the condition that increasing goals are always set for oneself.

Before starting training, you should determine your own level of training, as the wrong choice can reduce the effectiveness of training.

Squats for weight loss should be performed 3 times a week, between workouts you need to allocate a day for rest. So, the program itself is scheduled for weeks and the following number of squats:

  1. Week 1. On the first day we do 18 squats, on the second - 23, on the third - 28. Moreover, you need to do approaches in which beginners need up to 10, people of an average level of training - 15, and above average - more than 20 approaches.
  2. Week 2. On the first, second and third days you need to do 32, 34, 43 squats, respectively.
  3. Week 3. Squats for weight loss at this stage should be 62, 67 and 77 times for each day.
  4. Week 4. Do 85, 97 and 109 squats.
  5. Week 5. At this stage, you need to do 119, 135 and 157 times a day.
  6. Week 6. The last weekly program contains the maximum number of squats for three days - 175, 190 and 200 times.

You can rest 1 minute between sets.


So, all the programs presented above do not require large daily expenditures of time and money. The main thing is the right training system, and the result will not be long in coming. Don't let the fact that the main training cycle is scheduled for a long time scare you, but the result obtained after the completed program will remain for a long time.

All squats for weight loss and body fit are very similar. But if you familiarize yourself with all the complexes in detail, it can be noted that each such training complex involves a certain total number of exercises, respectively, and the time required to complete it is different. You can also notice that everyone’s start is different: one program allows you to start with a small number of squats, another requires a complex volume for beginners. It is for these differences that you can choose the most suitable set of training.

Regardless of the program chosen, the rules of squatting cannot be ignored, otherwise the effect will slow down, not to mention the risk of injury. And if there are forces to increase the load, then you can perform the same program, but with weights, for example, with dumbbells.

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To keep the body slim and fit, at home, it is enough to regularly devote time to squats. When performing, it is important not only the quantity, but also the technique of performing the exercises. If you use squats correctly, the program for 30 days will get rid of excess weight, help burn excess fat in problem areas, “pump” the muscles not only of the legs, but of the whole body.

Squat Benefits

Squats serve not only to build the muscles of the lower they are also a catalyst for the growth of the muscles of the whole body.

Benefits of squats:

  • The squat program for girls will help burn fat. The stronger and stronger your muscles become, the more effectively you lose weight.
  • Squats improve coordination, allow you to maintain mobility, increase endurance.
  • Proper execution technique will improve the condition of the joints, since during the squat, the load goes to all joints at once, reducing the likelihood of injury to a single joint.
  • Squats are practical, they can be performed anywhere and in any company, outdoors, with children, in the gym with weights.
  • There are a lot of options for doing squats (for a month), from which you can choose the most optimal one, based on the initial level of training and physical form.
  • It takes a lot of energy to lift your body, so by doing squats, you increase your strength, which will come in handy when doing other exercises.

What muscles work during squats

Generally, the purpose of doing squats is to work the lower body. With this exercise, you can pump up and round the buttocks, remove extra centimeters from the inside and outside hips, tighten the tummy.

In the first case, the gluteal muscle works. The quadriceps and adductors work basically with all variations of the squat. The 30 day program also engages the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles.

Squat technique

To achieve at least some result, you should follow the technique of performing the exercise. Keep the following in mind:

  1. The abdominal muscles should be tense and form a kind of "corset" for your spine.
  2. Heels pressed to the floor.
  3. Breathing is even and calm in time with squats.
  4. The back is straight, do not arch or round the back.
  5. In the lowest position, the knees should be parallel to the feet and should not lean in or out.

The classic squat is performed as follows: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, knees bent until a right angle is formed, then the body returns to its original position.

30 day squat program

To make the body toned, but use special squats. The 30 day program begins with determining your level. To do this, squat as much as you can. Don't skip this step, because if you don't start at your level, it's easy to get health problems. The goal of the entire program is to do 200 squats or more.

If your level is from average to good, then the training promises to be successful. Based on your initial level, start doing the exercises. The 30-day squat table is shown below using the first 3 days as an example.

  • The number of squats is less than 10, so follow column 1.
  • If you did up to 20 squats, see column 2.
  • Around 30 squats - then follow column number 3.
  • If you managed to do more than 30 squats, feel free to go straight to the 3rd week.
Day one (rest between sets 60 seconds and longer if needed)
up to 10 times11-20 times21-30 times
Approach 16 14 21
Approach 29 17 21
Approach 36 12 15
Approach 46 12 15
Approach 5Maximum (at least 9)Maximum (not less than 17)Maximum (not less than 22)
Day two (rest between sets 60 seconds and longer if needed)
Approach 17 15 21
Approach 29 18 24
Approach 36 14 18
Approach 46 14 18
Approach 5Maximum (at least 11)Maximum (not less than 20)Maximum (not less than 26)
Day three (rest between sets 60 seconds and longer if needed)
Approach 18 18 24
Approach 212 20 25
Approach 38 15 21
Approach 48 15 21
Approach 5Maximum (not less than 12)Maximum (not less than 23)Maximum (not less than 30)

According to the 30 day squat chart, you do the first week. The second week does not make any changes to the classes. At the end of week 2, do the initial test you did before the program. Write down or remember the result.

Once your level reaches 50 squats, you can start doing squats. The 30 day program will actually start right now, the previous two weeks were preparatory if the level was not enough. Break squats into several approaches, increasing the number of repetitions performed according to the table below.

Day 150 squatsDay 16rest
2 55 17 150 squats
3 60 18 155
4 rest19 160
5 70 20 rest
6 75 21 180
7 80 22 185
8 rest23 190
9 100 24 rest
Day 10105 squatsDay 25220 squats
11 110 26 225
12 rest27 230
13 130 28 rest
14 135 29 240
15 140 30 250

Squats on one leg

One of the effective varieties of squats is that is, squats on one leg. This exercise has a number of advantages over other squat options:

  • Squatting on one leg helps develop coordination, flexibility, pump the muscles of the whole body.
  • It connects small muscle fibers throughout the body to work, which cannot be hooked by any other exercise on the legs.
  • A small load on the spine will help avoid back problems.
  • As a rule, many have a leading foot. Asymmetry can be solved with the help of a pistol, since you can adjust the load on one leg, and not on both.

The main difficulty at the very beginning of the path when performing squats on one leg will be maintaining balance. Therefore, falls should not stop you, you should try again.

Pistol technique:

  1. Go to and lean a little on it with one side. One leg is straight, the other is bent at the knee.
  2. Start bending your knee as you inhale. Bring the other one forward. The back is straight.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Squat options in the program for 30 days

If you decide to take up squats, the 30-day program will allow you to choose an exercise to your taste. It is also recommended not to stop at one exercise, you should constantly change variations of squats, combine them with a load on other muscle areas.

Squat options:

  • Squats with a load. Dumbbells, a bar from a barbell, or just bottles filled with water will do. The number of repetitions in this case is reduced and divided into several approaches.
  • Shallow, but frequent squats allow you to work out those muscles in the buttocks that are not involved in deep squats. Contribute to the elimination of excess fat and cellulite in the buttocks.
  • "Plie" is performed with the legs as far apart as possible, the socks look in different directions, the squat is done as deeply as possible. When returning to the starting position, it is not necessary to straighten the knees.
  • Squatting against the wall is performed to unload the muscular belt, pressed against the wall, legs shoulder-width apart and set forward. Squats are done, as if sliding down the wall, the lower position is parallel to the floor. Feet should not slide on the floor.