How to make a 5-strand braid. How to make a fashionable five-strand braid? Hairstyles with complex braids

Today, the braid, like many years ago, is a real decoration - cute, charming, bewitching and sexy. At first glance, it may seem that a 5-strand braid is very, very difficult to weave. But if you have patience, put in a little effort, practice, and you can easily and in a matter of minutes create an amazing hairstyle that will attract the attention of others.

Five-strand braids and features of their weaving

Undoubtedly, a beautiful five-strand braid is unlikely to be braided right away. This hairstyle is complex and requires certain experience and skills. Therefore, before you start complex braids, for example, five-strand French braids, learn how to weave the simplest ones.

Hairstyles look best on straight, long hair. If you are the owner voluminous hair or curly hair, it will be difficult for you to master the weaving technique. But in our life nothing is impossible, so be patient, and then you will definitely succeed!

There are many weaving technologies presented on the Internet, in the media, and in glossy magazines. Not every one of them is distinguished by simplicity and accessibility of presentation. We tried to present the information and technique of weaving a five-strand braid as clearly as possible, so with us you will definitely learn how to do beautiful hairstyle.

Five-strand braid: an easy option

Comb your hair from roots to ends, then distribute it into five strands, mentally numbering them. Take the first strand and place it under the second and third, and pass the fifth under the fourth and over the third. Number the strands again and repeat the steps described above. Continue until the braid is the length you want. All you have to do is secure your hair with an elastic band or a hair clip.

More complex option

As in the first option, comb your hair thoroughly and divide it into five even buns. First, work with the leftmost bun, which must be placed under the next strand and passed over the next one after it.

Once you've done this, work with the rightmost bun and pass it under the next one, and then over the next one. Alternate these two steps until your hairstyle reaches the desired length. To secure the braid, use a beautiful hairpin or elastic band.

As you can see, the technology for weaving such braids is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. And to make it even easier for you to master this hairstyle, we have prepared a number of tips and recommendations.

Little tricks

  • Creating a hairstyle is not such a simple process. And if suddenly you don’t succeed either the third, or the fifth, or the seventh time, leave this activity for a while - a little later you can return to it, and you will succeed. And during the break you can master several other, more simple techniques weaving.
  • Training should be regular. Like any new business, creating a hairstyle takes a lot of time. But if you are firm in your intentions, try to train constantly. Daily exercises will help develop mechanical memory, and after a few days your hands will remember how to create beautiful five-strand hairstyles.
  • A slightly uneven strand, a small flaw, or asymmetry is not a reason to quickly undo your braid. On the contrary, such flaws give hairstyles a certain romanticism.

Photo instructions

Since ancient times, a woman's braid has been considered an essential attribute of any self-respecting lady. But the 21st century has made its own adjustments to this truth. Just 10 years ago, braids were not in fashion. Nobody wanted to be a blue stocking. That's why everyone cut their hair and made curls.

Nowadays, the braid has become almost the most popular hairstyle. There are a lot of variations. Some are easy to master, others are quite difficult. This article will talk about a five-strand braid. To complete a masterpiece, you will need to put in a lot of effort and be creative, but the result will delight you and amaze those around you.

Preparation and necessary accessories

The French were the first to invent this type of weaving. Such a light, airy weave is reminiscent of Paris; this city has a romantic atmosphere. Then the braid spread throughout the world and became a very popular hairstyle for every day, party, date, wedding.

The attractiveness of a hairstyle depends on the skill of the hairdresser and styling products. Accessories play an important role; they can make an everyday braid a festive option.

To master the technique of weaving a five-strand braid, you need to know at least the basics of weaving a three-strand braid. In addition, be patient; not many people were able to perform the technique for the first time; stock up on the following tools:

  • a regular massage brush with soft bristles. With this device you will comb your hair and untangle tangled curls;
  • light hold varnish/mousse. Before braiding, it is advisable to moisten the hair a little with water from a spray bottle or lubricate the curls with a small amount of mousse and sprinkle with varnish. This way the hairs will not straighten out of the hairstyle, the weaving process will be easier;
  • a thin comb with sparse small teeth and a long, thin shaft. Thanks to this device, you can easily separate your hair with the desired parting and separate identical strands without any problems;
  • thin elastic band, hairpin. With the help of these devices you can easily secure the braid;
  • various accessories. It could be a lace ribbon, a regular ribbon, a shiny hairpin, a tiara, anything. With the help of various little things you can turn an everyday braid into a festive hairstyle.

In addition, it would be a good idea to acquire a strong-hold varnish so that your creation lives unscathed until the end of the day.

Step-by-step diagram and weaving technique

If you know how to weave a regular spikelet, then you will need to take into account several nuances and the five-strand braid is ready.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Any beautiful hairstyle begins with combing your hair. Hair should be clean and can be moistened with water/mousse. Wet hair is easier to braid.
  • The classic braid is braided from the side of the forehead and ends at the opposite ear. Separate a small strand from the right/left side of your head, it all depends on the thickness and length of your hair. Divide it into three equal parts.
  • Then place the second and third on the first strand.
  • Then we include the fourth strand in the future braid. Take the same amount of hair from the left side as the rest of the strands.
  • After this, we place the fourth strand on the second, thread it under the third, forming a checkerboard combination.
  • The time has come to introduce the fifth strand. Near the temporal lobe we separate the same strand of hair. Pass it under the first and put it on the fourth. Then continue weaving, using only 2, 3, 5 strands.
  • We run the second strand under the third and put it on the fifth.
  • Then you need to pull the third one up, then separate another curl and add it to the second strand. Bring the third strand down. The next stage is weaving from 2, 4, 1 strands.
  • We raise the fourth one up. It is necessary to select a new curl on the right side, place it next to the first one. Then we place the first strand over the second and place it under the third. The fourth curl must be pulled down.
  • Using this principle, we braid all the hair.

After weaving is complete, you can pull out the outer strands to get a voluminous and openwork braid. Secure the resulting masterpiece with a thin elastic band or hairpin, and you can decorate it with various accessories. Then spray your hair with fixing varnish.

By adhering to this technology, you can perfectly master the technique of weaving a five-strand braid. It’s better not to rush in this matter, once you figure it out, then the work will go like clockwork.

Simplified version for beginners

For those who are just starting to weave, experts recommend starting with a simple option and then moving on to a more complex level.

Detailed description:

  • Prepare your hair. Comb your curls and sprinkle with water.
  • Gather a tight ponytail on the top of your head and secure with an elastic band. It is much easier to weave a braid on its basis; later you will be able to weave a regular five-strand braid or a French version.
  • Divide the ponytail into five strands. We will count them from left to right.
  • Take the fifth strand, place it on top of the third and place it under the fourth.
  • Then pass the first curl over the third and under the second.
  • Place the fifth strand over the fourth and under the third.
  • We draw the first curl over the third and under the second.
  • Braid the remaining hair in the same way.
  • When finished, secure the five-strand braid with an elastic band. But she's not quite ready. Fluff the resulting braid, pulling out the outer strands. This way it will become voluminous and take on a beautiful appearance.

Read the page about the properties and uses of walnut oil for hair.

You can attach a shiny bow or other accessory to the base of the braid.. At the end of all manipulations, sprinkle the resulting braid with medium-hold hairspray to obtain a beautiful hairstyle. With this style, you won’t be ashamed to go for a walk, to the office, to a cafe, or to a business meeting.

Five-strand checkerboard braid

For those who want to add some zest to their hairstyle, it is worth trying a braid called “checkerboard”. For such weaving, you need to purchase a ribbon no more than 1.5 cm wide, otherwise it will be difficult to manage. Make sure that the tape does not roll or twist and is always taut. Color range choose according to your taste.

Read the step-by-step instructions:

  • First, comb your hair so that there are no clumps or tangled curls left.
  • Separate the required section of hair.
  • We fold the finished ribbon in half, use a bobby pin to secure it in the middle of the separated strand, and cover it a little with hair.
  • Divide the selected section of hair into three equal parts. We pull both ends of the ribbon into the gap between the second and third, they will replace the other two missing strands.
  • We begin to weave from the leftmost strand. Initially we thread it under the second, then we put it on the third strand (ribbon), then we thread it under the fourth (ribbon).
  • Then we take a new strand from each side. The curls should not be braided tightly; the tape should be tightened.

At the end of the procedure, secure the braid with an elastic band, spray it with varnish, and you can add a small accessory. Make sure that with the tape and additional element the hairstyle didn’t seem too messy.

French version

This option can be placed in the middle or on the side.

Follow the detailed instructions:

  • Comb your hair, separate three equal strands at the top of your head.
  • Make one turn of French braiding, then gradually weave other strands into it from both sides.
  • It’s easy to simplify your task: we apply strand number two, which lies on the edge, towards the opposite side of the head.
  • We finish braiding the curls and secure them with an elastic band and hairspray.

To easily learn and master the weaving technique perfectly, you need to learn useful tips:

  • A five-strand braid is not easy; its execution requires skill and skill. Initially, try braiding on someone else, after filling your hands, try on yourself;
  • if you first master the technique French braid, then this will be much easier;
  • With long hair It’s difficult to handle; if they get tangled, don’t try to sharply tear them apart or separate them with your hands. Just shake the tangled strand or untangle it with a brush;
  • It is problematic to weave from cascading hair cut in a ladder style. Make it easier on yourself: braid from a ponytail, end in the middle of your hair, then collect it in a bun;
  • If today doesn’t work, then try tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Your hand will get full, you will laugh at past failures. Never give up;
  • Don’t try to braid it tightly; a perfect braid will look unpresentable. Nowadays, slight negligence is in fashion; fluff up your creation, it will immediately look different.

Hairstyle variations

The variety of options is limited only by your imagination. There may be more than one five-strand braid on the head. There can be as many of them as you like, it all depends on your skill and technique. Experiment with accessories, make flowers out of braids, a shiny hairpin would be perfect for a centerpiece.

Two braids with a headband look unusual. So you can go for a run or attend a social event, it all depends on the style of the headband. Ribbons also play an important role; their use makes the image bright and unusual. For a formal hairstyle, you can use a shiny fixing varnish; it will add shine to the braid and make it irresistible.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, many girls were afraid to take on a five-strand braid, they considered it too complicated. Don’t make the same mistake; once you try it, you won’t be able to pull yourself away from such an interesting activity.

Many world-class stylists started with get-togethers in the company of girlfriends and conducted experiments on them. Then the passion grew into a hobby, then into a well-paid job. Who knows, maybe you are a future hairdressing star?

How to weave a braid with 5 strands: video

Visual step by step video- braiding instructions:

Recently, it has become very fashionable to wear a braided hairstyle. There are many variations of braiding and many are quite simple to do and can be done at home. The 5-strand braid is one of the most interesting and fashionable in our time. Let's figure out what it is to weave a 5-strand braid.

Every girl is familiar with classic French. Our braid is woven using almost the same, but more complex technique of 5 strands. Many people think that it is very difficult to braid it, but appearances are deceiving and braiding it is as easy as shelling pears. It will take a little longer to braid a 5-strand braid than a classic French braid.

How to weave a five-strand braid?

The 5-strand braid hairstyle is braided in the same way as the French braid and is braided diagonally, starting from the forehead and ending at the ear line, gradually going down if the length of the hair allows. It will be quite difficult for yourself to do such a hairstyle for the first time. Remember that a 5-strand braid should only be done on clean and dry hair. Girls with curly hair or curly hair It will be more difficult to master weaving, so before starting the procedure, straighten your curls with an iron. On straight hair, a 5-strand braid will look much better.

Before you start weaving, you need to prepare the necessary tools:

  • massage comb. We will need it to thoroughly comb our hair and get rid of tangled curls.
  • light fixation varnish. By applying hairspray before braiding, you will prevent hair from falling out of your hairstyle.
  • a thin comb with fine teeth and a long shaft at the end to highlight the parting
  • an elastic band or a hairpin. Helps secure your braid
  • accessories for decorating hairstyles. They will help give your hair a more festive look.

Detailed instructions for weaving

If you are familiar with the classic three-strand braid, then the pattern for weaving a 5-strand braid will be approximately clear to you; all that remains is to clarify some of the nuances.

Step-by-step weaving technique

  1. Comb dry, clean hair thoroughly. A small nuance - if you
    If you want to get a tight braid, lightly wet your hair using a spray bottle filled with water.
  2. As you already know, a 5-strand braid starts from the side of the forehead and ends at the ear line. Separate a small part of the hair from the right or left side of the head.
    Divide the selected part of the hair into three identical pieces.
  3. After this, you need to place the first strand on the second, then on the third.
  4. Now we need to select a quarter of the hair on the left side of the resulting braid.
  5. After this, we put 4 tufts under the second, and then on top of the third,
    as if forming a checkerboard pattern.
  6. Then, near the temporal zone on the right side, we separate another, fifth strand. We pass it under the first and over the fourth. Our weaving continues using strands 2,3 and 5.
  7. It is necessary to place a second strand under the third and over the fifth.
  8. The third one is pulled up, and then we separate another part of the hair and
    add it to the second one. We lower the third strand down. Our weaving will now consist of strands 2,4 and 1.
  9. We lift the fourth clump up. Select a new part of the hair on the right side and place it next to the first strand. Then, you need to bring the first one over the second and thread it under the third. We lower the 4th strand down. Using this technology, we continue to weave as long as the hair length allows.

If you pull out the sides of the braid you will have 5 strands, some call it a 5 strand braid. We tie the finished braid with an elastic band and decorate it with accessories to suit your taste.

5-strand checkerboard braid

A 5-strand checkerboard braid is woven using ribbons. Once you start weaving such a braid, you must constantly pull it and prevent the ribbons from twisting. The maximum width of these patches should not exceed 1.5 cm.

Step-by-step technique for weaving a five-strand checkerboard

  1. Comb your hair so that there are no tangled strands left.
  2. Separate part of the hair from either the right or left side.
  3. We fold the finished ribbon in half, and attach the place where it is folded with an invisible pin to the separated hair.
  4. We divide the selected part of the hair into 3 identical parts, and in the interval between the second and third we stretch two ribbons that will replace the two missing strands.
  5. We start weaving a checkerboard braid from the leftmost strand. We thread it under the second, then we put it over the third strand of the ribbon, and then under the fourth strand of the ribbon.

In this technique we weave in exactly the same way on the other side. With each new turn we braid loose curls to the main hair. Strands located on the side do not need to be pulled tight. Only the tapes should be tight.

French five-strand braid all over the head

A 5-strand French braid can be positioned either in the middle of the head or diagonally.

  1. Comb your hair, then select three identical parts of hair on the top of your head
  2. Having made 1 turn of classic French weaving, we begin to gradually weave small strands from the sides. To make weaving more comfortable, lift strand number 2 located on the edge and lay it towards the opposite side.
  3. We braid a braid of 5 strands, gradually adding hairs as long as the length of the hair allows.
  4. We tie the end of the braid with an elastic band.
Using this technique you can braid two or more braids.

Video: five-strand braiding

Now you know everything about how to braid beautiful braids of 5 strands. Having learned this technique, you will provide yourself with a beautiful hairstyle for every day.

A 5-strand braid appeared with light hand one of the French fashionistas and immediately turned into a real trend of the season. At the moment it is perhaps one of the most popular. This braid is often done in expensive salons, but with MK on our website, everyone can make an excellent braid at home.

Who is the hairstyle suitable for?

We generally believe that braids are an attribute of very young girls, but not of adult women. Cast all doubts aside and listen to stylists who claim that a five-strand braid can become the main element of both everyday styling and festive hairstyles.

A five-strand braid suits all face shapes and any strand structure. Of course, on straight hair it looks more textured, but curls and curls are not at all an obstacle to creating such a braid. The only essential condition is that the hair must be long enough so that the strands fit into the prescribed pattern.

How to properly braid a five-strand braid?

Stylists offer us several options for a beautiful five-strand braid. Let's learn how to weave them together.

Classic model

The traditional way of weaving such a braid is considered the simplest. Let's check this on our own hair.

  1. Comb thoroughly with a comb.
  2. Separate the top strand of hair from the top of your head and divide it into 3 parts.
  3. Start braiding a regular French braid by bringing the last left part under the middle one and pulling it over the right part.
  4. Using the tip of a comb, separate an additional part from the left edge - this will be No. 4.
  5. Weave it into the pattern, passing it from below under the adjacent part on the right (No. 2) and from above above No. 3.
  6. Using the tip of a comb, make part No. 5 - this time on the right side.
  7. Also weave it into a braid - pass it under the part closest to the right and place it on top of the middle third part. At stages 7 and 8, add thin curls to the weave, picking them up from both sides.
  8. Finish the braid using the inverted braid technique, passing the outer parts under the adjacent one and over the middle one. Tie the end with an elastic band.

Weaving pattern:

For more details, watch this video:

Five-strand chess

A five-strand braid with a beautiful checkerboard pattern is braided according to the pattern given in the master class. It requires quite wide ribbon, folded in half. Be careful that it does not twist and is pulled tight.

  1. Fold the ribbon in half.
  2. At the bend, attach it to your hair using two bobby pins pinned crosswise.
  3. On the other side of the tape, select a section of hair. Our braid will be woven from it.
  4. Divide this part into three sections. Now there are 5 of them - 2 ribbons and 3 strands.
  5. Pass the outermost strand on the right under the adjacent strand on the left, lay it on the third part, pass it again under the fourth and place it on top of the leftmost one.
  6. Weave the ribbon on the left side in a checkerboard pattern: lay it above the adjacent one on the right, pass it under the third. Alternate it with the remaining strands until you reach the left edge.
  7. Finish weaving according to the pattern. Secure the end with an elastic band.
  8. Stretch the braid a little with your fingers to make the hairstyle more elegant and voluminous.

Five-strand braid with French ribbon

This interesting method is very similar to the French dragon, but it is more difficult to perform, because it combines both a checkerboard and a pick-up. For this braid you also need a wide ribbon.

  1. Start braiding from the top of your head - separate a strand of hair using a sharp comb. Lift it up, securing it with a tight clamp.
  2. Fold the ribbon in half and attach it to your head with bobby pins crosswise.
  3. Remove the clip from your hair and lower the strands down, hiding the ribbon attachment underneath.
  4. Divide your hair into three equal sections - 2 strands of hair, 2 ribbons and 1 more strand of hair (count from left to right).
  5. Cross each extreme part with the others in a checkerboard pattern. Carry out the weaving pattern in a mirror image on both sides.
  6. After completing the first braid, add loose strands from the sides.
  7. Continue braiding according to the famous French pattern. As a result, you will end up with a very fashionable braid with ribbons in the middle. To make it more voluminous, stretch the weave a little with your hands.

5 strand side braid

How to make a 5-strand braid so that it lies on its side? This is very easy to do - just weave according to our pattern.

  1. Divide your carefully combed hair into 5 sections of equal thickness - number them in your head from left to right. At the same time, decide how to position the braid.
  2. Place strand #1 under strand #2 and pull the third strand on top.
  3. Repeat exactly the same steps on the other side - place strand No. 4 under No. 5, and place strand No. 3 on top of them.
  4. After receiving the first turn of weaving, number the strands again - from 1 to 5.
  5. Weave according to the pattern you know.
  6. Continue until the entire length of your hair is braided. Tie the end with an elastic band.

You can also make an openwork braid. How do you like this option?

Now you know exactly how to beautifully braid a 5-strand braid. Practice with your friends to get better at it faster. After a few weeks of intensive training, you will be able to move on to your own hair.