Scalp peeling at home. Scalp peeling at home: homemade recipes. Sea salt in the fight for a beautiful hairstyle

It's not just our face and body that need exfoliation. This is a necessary procedure for the hair and head. A scrub prepared at home can cleanse hair of sebum and dirt, thereby providing oxygen to the hair follicles and saturating the skin with beneficial microelements.

Hair exfoliation is an important procedure. It is needed by those who take care of their hair and always want to look good. The purpose of this peel is to remove all the old dead cells found on the scalp. Together with them, the sebum secreted by the pores and residues are washed away. cosmetics.

Hair peeling has a beneficial effect on healing the scalp. It is often used to prevent or treat dandruff, seborrhea or hair loss.

Hair also needs exfoliation

Peeling gives regeneration of scalp cells. Thanks to this, the unnecessary layer is exfoliated, and the hair follicles receive nutrients and oxygen in a larger volume. Peeling promotes hair growth, hair health and the absence of any scalp diseases.

Of course, this procedure can be carried out in a salon, where the caring hands of a master can give you absolutely any peeling for money. A scrub made at home from natural ingredients will be much cheaper, more pleasant and healthier.

Video: “Scalp scrub. The best recipes"

How to make hair peeling at home?

The home peeling procedure differs only in that you use gentler products. For example, many regularly do gentle peeling with salt. For this, finely ground natural sea salt is used. If you don’t have one, use the most ordinary stone one.

peeling at home

Important: Whatever the main component of your home peeling, the procedure must be performed for at least 20 minutes.

Depending on the length of the hair, the amount of the main component ranges from one to five tablespoons. The ingredient is converted into a paste with water and rubbed into the scalp and hair. These rubbings should be done with gentle massage movements and for at least ten minutes.

Video: “Scalp scrub”

How often should you exfoliate your hair?

Peeling of the head and hair and its frequency depend on individual characteristics everyone. So, oily hair needs it more often than dry hair. Of great importance also depends on the presence of dandruff. If it is, peeling should be done regularly, focusing on the skin, not the hair. After peeling, it is important to apply moisturizing masks and not overdry your hair with a hairdryer; let your hair dry on its own.

salon procedure

How to exfoliate dry hair?

Exfoliation for dry hair should not be done too often. The optimal amount would be a course: once every ten days for two months with a break of two months. For dry hair, you should choose a component that will not dry out the skin, for example, grounds from natural ground coffee.

dry hair
  1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo to remove all impurities. Do not use masks or rinses, only shampoo is needed
  2. Comb wet hair well so as not to get tangled in it during the procedure.
  3. Prepare a peeling for the head and dry hair: coffee grounds (or ground coffee), water and burdock oil. All ingredients must be mixed to a paste.
  4. Apply the product to the scalp and massage the mixture into the skin for 10 minutes and hair roots
  5. After rubbing, leave the peeling on your head and hair, distribute the peeling along the entire length of the hair. Allow the components to absorb for 15 minutes
  6. Rinse the product thoroughly from your hair with shampoo. If desired, you can use hair rinse
  7. Allow your hair to dry without using a hair dryer; in extreme cases, use a cold stream of air.

Important: coffee grounds have many benefits, among other peelings. Caffeine is absorbed into the epidermis and causes skin cells to regenerate, and essential oils moisturize it.

Video: “Hair mask with coffee”

How to exfoliate for oily hair?

For oily hair use salt peeling, it will eliminate excess secretions and exfoliate dandruff. The roots of the head will begin to receive more air and microelements, which means they will feel healthier.

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and comb your hair
  2. Prepare a scalp peel. Mix: salt, water, olive oil. Oil can be replaced with sour cream
  3. Apply the product to your head and massage it over your entire head, leaving it on your hair.
  4. Allow the product to absorb into the skin and hair after the procedure for another ten minutes.
  5. Thoroughly rinse off any peeling residue with shampoo several times, or use a rinse
  6. Blow dry your hair on a cold setting or let it dry naturally(recommended)

greasy hair

Important: Oily hair should be peeled once a week for one month, then take a break for a month.

Video: “Salt scrub. Fighting oily hair"

Salt peeling for hair at home

Sea salt or even table salt are good for hair and skin:

  • it is rich in minerals that nourish hair and skin
  • normalizes fat balance
  • improves blood circulation and cell regeneration
  • removes dandruff
  • dries out hair
  • tones the skin

salt hair peeling

Another option for salt peeling:

  1. Pour table, sea or extra salt into a bowl
  2. Add a little water, you should get a paste
  3. Add oil (any kind). It is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil. Choose it depending on your scalp skin and hair problems

Video: “Salt hair peeling”

What is gas-liquid scalp peeling?

This type of peeling is only possible in salons. The flow of gas-liquid mixture removes dead skin cells from the skin and quickly saturates it with useful components. You can also add vitamins, supplements and medicinal substances to the mixture.

gas-liquid peeling

Gas-liquid peeling has many advantages:

  • noticeable effect on hair growth
  • getting rid of fragility and hair loss
  • removes dandruff
  • regulation of sebum secretions
  • humidification
  • eliminating any rash
  • strengthening follicles
  • gaining a healthy appearance

Important: The result of gas-liquid peeling is noticeable immediately. For large problems, such peeling should be done regularly.

Video: “Gas-liquid peeling of the head and hair”

Sugar peeling for hair at home

Sugar peeling is the simplest, most affordable and fastest way to get rid of scalp problems. The peeling recipe is very simple:

  • shampoo
  • sugar
  • essential oil

Using a spoon of shampoo, mix three tablespoons of sugar until a paste forms. It is advisable to add a few drops of essential oil or Burr oil. It is best to use lavender essential oil - it takes excellent care of hair and leaves a wonderful aroma.

After the procedure, the mixture is thoroughly washed from the hair and rinsed with rinse aid. You can make a sugar scrub for your head once a week.

thoroughly rinse off the peeling from your scalp

Sugar can relieve dry skin and make it soft. Abrasive sand particles “clean” the skin from excess fat, sebaceous secretions and skin particles.

Video: “Sugar scalp peeling”

Hair peeling with baking soda at home

Peeling with baking soda enough effective remedy. Soda is a chemical substance, an alkali. She has the power to remove all sebaceous secretions, remnants of cosmetics, and flaking on the skin. However, it is not so beneficial for the hair itself, so the procedure for applying this particular peeling is significantly different.

  • To prepare the peeling, mix four tablespoons of baking soda with a spoonful of your favorite shampoo. The mass you get will not differ much from the consistency of sour cream.
  • Comb your damp and clean hair. Apply the product to your head. Of course, the mass will capture the roots of the hair, make sure that it is not distributed over the entire length
  • Massage the product into the scalp in all areas
  • Rinse the product out of your hair thoroughly

Rinsing for this peeling should be done not with ordinary water, but with specially prepared water. After you have removed the main residues of the product with a stream of water, rinse with water in which the juice of one lemon has been dissolved.

Video: “The best working scalp scrub”

Does exfoliation help hair growth? Photos before and after

  • Of course, peeling is an important procedure for the scalp and hair. In modern living conditions, it is simply necessary for cleanliness and complete care of healthy hair.
  • If you carefully select components for your peeling, you can achieve not only a cleansing effect
  • Salt with minerals, liquid vitamin A, essential oils are constant components that help hair grow and prevent hair loss.
  • If you periodically exfoliate your head, you can achieve adequate nutrition of the hair follicle. If the hair receives all the nutrients, it grows healthy, shiny and smooth.

Important: You can buy a hair scrub in a store, or you can make it yourself, which will be much healthier for your hair.

Video: “Salt peeling for hair growth”

Do not be afraid that the hair scrub and peeling procedure may somehow damage the hair structure. This opinion is wrong. Peeling makes it possible for the hair to be nourished and oxygenated.

Hair peeling at home has three main stages, each of which must be followed:

  • Moisturizing hair - do not apply peeling to dry hair. Wet hair not affected by abrasive peeling particles
  • Apply the product using massage movements over the entire head
  • Cleansing - using usual cosmetic products

Head peeling has no age or gender restrictions. The only important condition that can harm you is individual intolerance to individual components. Before using the scrub, you should test its effect on other areas of the skin.

Video: “Scalp peeling”

Scalp peeling is an important and useful procedure for healthy hair.

The health of the skin directly affects the good condition of the hair follicles and scalp in general. But every girl dreams of beautiful hair, thick and shiny hair, and lush volume.

Peeling the scalp at home, the recipes for which you will read below, often saves many women’s hair from weakness or even loss.

Advantages of peeling

Before giving you beauty recipes, let's look at the benefits of scalp exfoliation.

By cleansing the skin, it contributes to the overall health of your hair, preventing excessive hair loss, thereby promoting shine and strength. After carrying out such procedures, you will forget about dandruff. In addition, peeling actively helps with hair growth and is the main factor in normalizing fat metabolism in the epidermis.

The procedure nourishes the roots of the hair follicles and has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. The structure of the hair also changes and becomes healthier. Relief from numerous scalp diseases also comes thanks to this procedure. In addition, applying scalp scrubs massages the scalp, which relaxes the whole body.

Of course, peeling is a very convenient method of healing the scalp, since any girl can do it without leaving home.

Recommendations for applying scrubs

There are several rules and tips that are recommended to be used before peeling our scalp in the comfort of your own home. We'll look at the recipes below.

- Experts advise applying a mask after the procedure. It enhances the effect produced after peeling and further improves the health of the hair;

- the procedure is performed a maximum of twice a week, but the course should be repeated for five to six weeks, depending on the condition of your hair;

— for dry skin, do not perform the procedure more often than once a week; more procedures will make the peeling ineffective and may even cause harm;

- refrain from the procedure for wounds or other damage to the epidermis of the head, you will only cause irritation;

— after peeling, the color is washed out, so it is not recommended for freshly colored hair.

Scrub recipes

Now let's move directly to the main section of the article. Below we have found for you some of the most effective recipes for scalp peeling scrubs.

Of course, you can go to any pharmacy or store and buy the product there. Or visit a beauty salon, paying a lot of money to apply a scrub. But don’t forget that you can exfoliate your head at home.

Scrub recipes can be found in large quantities both in the country’s fashion magazines and on the vastness of the all-knowing Internet. We have chosen the best.

Salt peeling

According to many ladies, An effective and simple peeling scrub is salt scrub. You'll need:

- salt (sea, table, iodized) - 1 tablespoon;

- oil or hair balm - 3 tablespoons;

Once the scrub is applied, cover your head with a bag or shower cap and wait 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm running water and moisturize your head with a nourishing mask.

Scrub with blue clay

The following recipe is suitable for more oily skin heads using blue clay.

For this scrub you need to take 60 grams of blue clay, add 100 grams of salt (sea) and dilute boiled water to a paste-like mixture warm water.

Rub in for several minutes and rinse under running water.

Sugar scrub

This peeling is suitable for all hair types, it will make the hair follicles stronger, and add shine and strength to the hair.

One tablespoon of sugar should be mixed with your shampoo in the same proportion.

Add five drops of your favorite essential oil to the resulting mixture. If you don't have essential oils on hand, you can add honey or squeeze orange or lemon juice. Then the procedure is familiar - apply to hair roots, hold on for a while and rinse off.

Be healthy and take care of your beauty, dear women!

Find out now how to do sugaring at home step by step. Sugar hair removal – smooth skin without hair!

Scalp peeling is a chance to speed up hair growth, make it healthier and cope with the problem of dandruff. Beauty salons and professional beauty clinics are ready to offer a wide range of similar procedures. You can exfoliate your hair at home. To do this, simple and natural ingredients are used.

Objectives and types of head peelings

Lack of vitamins and nutritional components, scorching sun rays, poor environment and aggressive sulfates in shampoo weaken the hair shaft and follicles, hinder hair growth and contribute to a number of problems. Fix these unpleasant consequences Hair peeling will help. Let's look at more details about scalp peeling, why it is needed and how to do it correctly at home.

Scalp peeling is done in a specialized salon, clinic or at home. Compliance with the rules of cleansing and concentration of the constituent components ensures rapid restoration and health of the hair; the compositions used soothe itching and treat dandruff. Effective cleansing and therapeutic effect are the main tasks set for this procedure.

Hair peelings, depending on the cleansing method used, are:

  • Chemical peels. Low concentration acidic compounds are used to cleanse the scalp. Leave the choice of product to a specialist after a detailed examination of your hair and analysis of the complexity of the existing problems.
  • Hardware influences. This type of cleansing includes ultrasonic and gas-liquid peeling. They are performed using special equipment. These techniques are distinguished by their high therapeutic effect and gentle effect. It is worth noting the high cost of hardware intervention associated with the high cost of equipment and the need for special training of personnel.
  • Mechanical methods. In this case, scrubs and cleansing masks are used. Their compositions gently and deeply cleanse the skin, fill the hair follicles with vitamins and nutritional components.

When choosing the type of peeling, keep in mind that chemical and hardware cleansing of the scalp is carried out exclusively in specialized institutions, but cleansing with scrubs is suitable for home care. In the latter case, it is not necessary to buy ready-made formulations; folk remedies will adequately replace them.

Effect of the procedure

The improvement in the condition of the hair after peeling is noticeable immediately. Regular scalp cleansing will ensure a healthy shine, eliminate the appearance of split ends and hair problems, in particular dandruff.

Scalp peeling promotes a number of internal and external changes:

  • removal of dead cells from the epidermis of the head helps to normalize the respiratory function of the integument;
  • after cleansing, the nutritional components, vitamins from care products and masks are absorbed by the epidermal cells faster, the follicles are strengthened, hence the hair becomes stronger and healthier, dryness and dandruff disappear;
  • peeling is a skin massage that increases blood supply to hair follicles;
  • the procedure normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so the problem with high fat content of hair disappears;
  • natural shine and silkiness appear;
  • hair is easy to comb and style;
  • dry curls are filled with moisture, beneficial minerals, and acids.

The therapeutic effect of peeling is reflected in accelerated growth hair. They become stronger and split less.

Contraindications for cleaning

Chemicals for peeling the scalp, hardware methods cannot be used:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • for any damage to the scalp (wounds, abrasions, inflammation and ulcers);
  • the patient has inflammation on the head, various neoplasms;
  • for infectious diseases;
  • there is an allergy to the composition used and its components.

Do not rush to be upset if any procedure is prohibited for you. A consultation with a cosmetologist will solve your problems. The specialist will recommend an acceptable technique, taking into account individual characteristics.

For pregnant and nursing mothers, you can exfoliate your scalp at home using natural scrubs and masks. These procedures will be beneficial to the hair and safe for the baby’s health.

We do peeling at home

Homemade scalp peelings are the optimal, budget-friendly and safe option to improve the condition of your hair. There is no need to make an appointment and wait a long time for your turn, or waste time visiting beauty salons; you have the opportunity to undergo transformation at any convenient time.

Salt scrub

The simplest and most economical method of cleansing the scalp is salt peeling. The procedure will ensure deep cleansing, will eliminate the problem with oily hair. To prepare the product you will need:

  • fine sea salt;
  • warm water.
  1. Take the ingredients in the same quantity (2-5 tbsp each), taking into account the thickness and length of the curls.
  2. Mix salt and water, and then rub into the scalp with light movements.
  3. Perform the massage for 10–15 minutes.
  4. Leave the product on your hair for another 5-10 minutes to replenish the cells with minerals.
  5. Rinse your hair thoroughly. To do this, use shampoo.
  6. Dry and style as usual.

Cleansing oily hair

If you have problems with oily curls and dandruff, a composition of the following ingredients would be ideal:

  • yolk;
  • lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​or table salt;
  • 2 drops lavender oil extract.
  1. Squeeze the juice out of half a lemon and mix it with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Using light, massaging movements, distribute the mixture over the scalp.
  3. After 5-10 minutes of massage, rinse off the product with water.
  4. Wash your hair using shampoo.
  5. Dry your hair.

Before peeling, be sure to check the composition for allergic reaction. First apply the product to the inner bend of the elbow or to the skin behind the ear. After a while, look at the reaction. Redness and burning indicate that the skin is sensitive to the composition; replace the recipe with another one.

Scrub for dry hair

Dry hair is thinner and more demanding of ingredients. When choosing peelings for the scalp at home and recipes for them, pay attention to the gentleness of the effect. Only non-aggressive components will suit you; they will not aggravate the situation with dry hair. An excellent option for peeling this type of curls is a mixture with coffee grounds.

  • ground coffee;
  • burdock oil:
  • warm water.
  1. Pour boiling water over the ground coffee and cover to steam.
  2. Add burdock oil and a little water to the thickener. The mixture should be thick, like sour cream.
  3. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  4. Distribute the scrub onto the surface of your head.
  5. Perform a light massage for 5–10 minutes.
  6. Rinse your hair thoroughly using shampoo.

High-quality cleansing of the scalp allows you to restore the strength and beauty of your curls. Experts will tell you how to do head peelings at home correctly:

  1. Observe the frequency of procedures. Frequent cleansing can have the opposite effect, for example, increasing dryness and brittleness of strands instead of the expected intense hydration and nutrition.
  2. Replace your regular shampoo with sulfate-free shampoo. It has no harmful effect on the scalp. It will also be useful to avoid heat ironing, hot drying, and blow-drying.
  3. If this is your first time performing scalp peels at home, then study the recipes and technology, recommendations and instructions in full. If you have any difficulties in cleaning, contact a specialist or take another, simpler recipe. In the future, you will learn to replace oils with others and create new compositions for cleansing.
  4. Scrubs and homemade masks are in most cases applied to slightly moistened hair to prevent tangling.
  5. If you have a dry hair type, you don’t need to wash your hair before cleansing, just moisturize it. For oily skin types, you need to wash off excess oil using shampoo.
  6. Leave the product on your hair for no longer than 20 minutes, after which rinse the composition with water and shampoo.
  7. To consolidate the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to rinse with herbal decoctions.

Frequency of procedures

How often to exfoliate:

  • for dry, brittle hair Once every 10–14 days is enough;
  • For oily hair, do cleansing procedures 1-2 times a week.

Do not use products with identical composition for a long time; use different recipes. The easiest way to achieve variety is to replace the oils in the recipe with others. This way you will achieve maximum effect and choose the optimal composition for your type of curls.

Scalp peeling will ensure health, shine and strength to your hair. Regular use of scrubs and natural masks will prevent dandruff and fragility.

– a procedure designed to cleanse the skin, giving hair shine and softness. It is better to use cleansing compounds before applying the mask. But use no more than once a week, otherwise you can injure the skin and get the opposite effect.

It activates blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, improving it appearance. For peeling, you can use both store-bought products and those prepared at home.

Despite the fact that scalp peeling is a very useful procedure, not everyone can do it. There are the following contraindications:

  • presence of wounds, cracks;
  • sensitive skin;
  • alopecia or excessive hair loss.

If you have oncology, you should consult a doctor before performing peeling.

When choosing a skin cleanser, you need to consider the composition, as some components can cause allergies.

Head peeling with purchased products


This cosmetic product is great for use at home and in salons. Renders the following influence:

  • deeply cleanses the dermis of the head from cosmetic residues;
  • fights inflammation;
  • reduces oiliness of the scalp dermis;
  • eliminates all toxins;
  • fights free radicals;
  • nourishes and protects hair along the entire length;
  • saturates the structure of the strands with useful substances;
  • stimulates growth healthy hair;
  • awakens dormant bulbs.

The composition contains the following active components:

  • Shea Butter;
  • sugar;

Instructions for use:

  1. Cleanse your scalp. To do this, wash your hair with a cleansing
  2. Divide the strands into several parts, apply peeling product to the scalp. Massage for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Wash off warm water, perform installation.

Apply Detox scrub once a week. Contraindicated


The scrub performs several functions at once:

  1. It gently removes impurities, dead cells and sebum residues from the peri-root area.
  2. Improves microcirculation, increases the growth of new hairs, strengthens existing curls.
  3. Stops sebum production and completely eliminates sebum.

The product composition contains the following Components:

  • Altai sea buckthorn oil;
  • Moroccan oil;
  • and amino acids;
  • extracts of Siberian mint, calendula, Yakut sorrel.

Thanks to this composition, a powerful nutritional, restorative and general healing effect is achieved.

Instructions for use:

  1. Apply the composition to the important scalp.
  2. Massage with light movements and leave for 3 minutes.
  3. Remove the composition with plenty of warm water and shampoo.

Use the scrub once a week. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Folk peeling remedies

Salt peeling

This scrub allows you to remove dead skin particles and increase blood circulation. It is best to apply the composition before application. Then its components will better penetrate the skin.

To prepare the scrub, use the following: Components:

  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • oil (or olives) – 1 tsp.

In addition to butter, you can use balsam, yogurt or.


  1. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly.
  2. Pre-wet your hair and apply the resulting mixture to the scalp.
  3. Massage for 2-3 minutes, rinse with shampoo and plenty of warm water.

Use salt scrub once a week. Contraindicated for wounds and other damage to the scalp.

Sugar peeling

Using this scrub, you can remove dead skin particles, impurities from styling products, and reduce the secretion of sebum.

After such peeling, it is useful to apply a hair mask, as its components will penetrate better and have maximum effect.

Required Components:

  • – 5-6 drops;
  • sugar – 1 tsp.


  1. Combine the prepared ingredients and mix thoroughly.
  2. Pre-wet your hair, apply the scrub with massage movements and hold for 5 minutes.
  3. Wash off with water and shampoo. Apply your favorite hair mask.

Sugar peeling can be used once a week. Contraindicated for various injuries of the scalp.

With sea salt and oils

This scrub prevents hair loss. It exfoliates dead skin cells of the scalp, improves the respiration of skin cells, and stimulates the growth of dormant follicles. After this procedure, the hair becomes shiny and soft.

For cooking you need these Components:

  • salt – 3 tsp;
  • – 1 tsp;
  • – 10 drops (for oily strands – orange or lemon oil, for dry strands – mint or lemon balm oil);
  • coconut oil – 1 tsp.


  1. Mix all components in a separate container.
  2. Pre-moisten your hair and apply the crab with light massage movements.
  3. Wait 3-5 minutes, rinse with water and shampoo.

Use no more than once a week. From contraindications only individual intolerance.


When using a coffee scrub, it is achieved the following effect:

  • accelerating the restoration of dermal cells;
  • activation of metabolism at the cellular level, resulting in increased skin tone.
  • improving blood supply to hair follicles;
  • root nutrition;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands.

For preparation you need the following Components:

  • boiled water – 200 ml;
  • cognac – 2 tbsp;
  • - 1 PC.;
  • coffee – 2 tsp;
  • lavender oil – 5 drops.

Mode of application:

  1. First, combine all ingredients except water. After thoroughly stirring, add the mixture to a glass of hot water.
  2. First, moisturize your hair and apply a scrub. Perform the massage for 1-2 minutes. Put on a plastic cap and walk for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse off the scrub with warm water and shampoo.

And although this product is very effective, it has one drawback - it takes a long time to wash off. But after use, the hair is soft, delicate, shiny, and combing is also easier.

Use 1-2 times a week. Can not use people who are allergic to these components.

We have already talked about how to do it, but it can also be done at home. The sequence of the procedure is the same as in .

Peeling products can be purchased in cosmetic stores, in specialized stores with professional cosmetics, as well as in online stores. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you can buy peeling products in the salon; a specialist will help you choose them.

Homemade scalp peeling products

To date a large number of brands offer cosmetics for deep cleansing of the scalp, including: Wella, Schwarzkopf Professional, Utena, Paul Mitchell, Kerastase and others.
Peeling products can have different consistency and smell. This could be a scrub, peeling cream, a mask with an exfoliating effect, a deep cleaning fluid, etc. You can choose for yourself what is more convenient for you to do peeling. But most often, peeling products have a creamy consistency.

As already mentioned, the products can be mechanical or chemical. Mechanical products contain tiny particles that remove all excess without damaging the skin. Chemical peels contain active substances and acids that help remove dead epidermis. Some products combine these two effects on the skin.

The effects of various peels can be purely cleansing or aimed at solving specific problems, such as dandruff or increased oiliness.

Composition of peeling products

If we talk about peelings that help fight dandruff, then they include, in addition to exfoliating components, antifungal components, they are necessary in order to suppress the growth of microorganisms that cause dandruff and heal the scalp.

Other components are auxiliary. Among them:
- essential oils, usually tea tree oil, peppermint, lavender, jojoba, seaweed extracts.
- wheat and rice proteins
- panthenol and glycerin
- vitamins

Price for peeling products:

Prices for peeling products are budget (about 150 rubles), but mostly brands offer products costing from 700 to 1500

As for prices, there are also budget options costing from 150 rubles, but the vast majority of brands offer products priced from 700 to 1500 rubles.