How to motivate yourself to eat healthy. Losing weight with motivation: tips for every day. Good equipment and sportswear for training

As you know, recognizing the existence of a problem accounts for about 50% of success in solving it. Agree, it is quite difficult to try to do something without understanding the essence of what is happening. Many people who have extra pounds do not want and are even afraid to admit to themselves that the problem really exists. Why, you ask? Surely this is obvious?! Just because they feel so comfortable, this is the psychology of losing weight. They have not yet been affected by health problems, weight is not yet something critical for them, it does not greatly interfere with their normal life. You're not one of them, are you? Even if this is not true, we will correct it now :)

Convince yourself that you are overweight.

Yes yes exactly convince! Admit is a bit of an inappropriate word. Approach the issue with all seriousness. Looking in the mirror and saying to yourself, “Oh, well, yes, I can see it, it’s hanging over there, it’s floating there...” won’t work!

  • Record your weight and volumes, compare them with the norm, note the specific parameters that you would like to achieve.
  • Prepare the necessary details - old photos, “old” clothes, etc.

Use everything that can convince you that you are overweight and will remind you of it every day!

And so, the photo target is on the refrigerator, “favorite jeans” are in a visible place, in the head there is full awareness of the problem and a wild desire to cope with it.

Why, the desire to fight for your beauty, your health and happiness has not appeared yet? OK. In general, you can wait another 2-3 years, or better yet 5, when the issue of obesity literally “comes to the forefront of your mind” and completely hides your defenseless body in its depths...

What role will you give yourself? Sit and envy or gather your willpower and take control of the situation - it’s up to you! Have you chosen an action? - We had no doubt, we are simply overwhelmed with pride for you;)

Motivation or how to overcome laziness?

Making a decision to act does not mean completing the task. Yes, at first, inspired by a psychological attitude, you are ready to do everything just to implement your plan and get rid of the hated kilos, but at the very first difficulties, some begin to lose ground. This is normal, you shouldn’t reproach yourself for showing weakness, you just lack motivation!

Remember, motivation is unique to humans; don’t be like animals that exist solely on reflexes.

Motivation cannot be absent at all; often, it is simply hidden deep in our subconscious!

The secret of any motivating power lies in defining a goal. Yes, yes, we lose weight not to lose weight, but for something more! For each of us it is something different, personal, secret.

Losing weight is not an end in itself! Find the driving force that will literally carry you to achieve the true result.

What could it be? Desire, what you want most, you have been planning it for a long time or are already confidently moving towards it, and excess kg stands in your way:

  • Improve your personal life / get married / refresh your relationship / have a child
  • Get rid of health problems / prolong life
  • Get a normal job/get promoted
  • Make new acquaintances / get rid of complexes

Still, you haven’t found any motivators - create them right now or try on those that are already successfully “motivating” other people who are losing weight.

5 shockingly simple ways to force yourself to lose weight

We have looked at the most important issues of psychology and motivation for losing weight - they are the basis, now let’s move on to practical advice based on their principles:

  1. Argue with someone, better for money. Moreover, the dispute should be of a competitive nature, and not just “I bet I’ll lose 5 kg in 2 months.” It would be correct to say: “I bet I’ll lose more in 3 months than you (in percentage terms, of course, if the “starting” indicators are not the same”).
  2. Wear clothes one size smaller or specially narrow yours a little by altering the button. Choose one item of clothing (preferably jeans, trousers, etc.) that will constantly remind you of the problem of excess weight.
  3. Eat not in front of the TV, but in front of the mirror. How easy it is to get carried away and not notice how you ate more than you should while watching your favorite TV series. Try to overeat while looking at yourself in the mirror, seeing what the food and your own plate have already done.
  4. Keep track of the results, but don't waste your time on trifles. What could be better than seeing the results of your own efforts?! Keep a weight loss chart and note the decrease in volume. Just do not forget that the indicators will “jump”; they cannot steadily decrease from day to day. You can lose 1 kg today and gain 300 grams tomorrow, and vice versa, for people who are faint of heart and not ready for such leaps, it is better to track the results not daily, but over longer periods, for example, once a week, on Mondays.
  5. Get a dog. No matter how strange it may sound, it is she who will encourage you to be physically active; at least 2 times a day you will need to walk and even run with her!

Video “Super motivators for weight loss”

The dots are in place, we suggest you consolidate the material with an excellent video:

How do you force yourself to lose weight? We are waiting for your recommendations in comments and letters!

We wish you easy weight loss, see you soon;) Subscribe to updates, there are many interesting articles ahead!

Hello readers!

Are you trying to lose weight? Do you stick to diets, exercise yourself physically, but is something missing to achieve an ideal figure? It is quite possible that the right motivation is missing. Therefore, today we will focus on the topic - motivation for losing weight every day.

You will learn: how important psychological aspects are in the process of becoming slim, what are the important factors for losing weight and what daily motivation looks like.

Finding the motive is half the success

Psychological aspects are important on the path to a slim figure, therefore, when creating a diet for body correction, do not forget to determine the main motive for the desire to change. The following statement does not apply here: “I’m fat, I need to lose weight”– words remain words, but there are no actions.

Psychologists are confident that the question: “Why do you need to lose weight?” the lady with a real motive responds immediately. At the same time, the answer conveys a fighting spirit and confidence in achieving the goal. What is your motive, did you manage to achieve success?

I'm really looking forward to your stories. Share with others, maybe your story will help someone else. On my blog there is a separate section “Stories”. Send us your before and after photos, videos, descriptions and we will be happy to post it.

To achieve the target, make it real. So, you will lose 5 kg before the New Year and start the new year with a new attractive figure - the right decision.

An example of an invalid target: I will lose 10 kg before the New Year, I will prove to everyone that I can, I will be patient, and my favorite cookies will be waiting for me after the holiday. You lose weight primarily for yourself, because it’s the extra pounds that are bothering you.

10 powerful arguments for being slim

Women Those who want to lose excess weight just need to determine why they want to transform. When you find a reason, add 10 more reasons to it that will strengthen your incentive:

  1. I want to get rid of my health problems.
  2. I will be able to wear beautiful clothes that fit a slender body, and not have folds on all sides.
  3. My conscience will be clear, because I will get rid of the habit of overeating.
  4. I will catch admiring glances men (women).
  5. I will gain confidence in the workplace.
  6. I will look a few years younger, because age adds weight.
  7. I won’t have to be shy on the beach and hide my body in a one-piece swimsuit.
  8. I will be more relaxed in bed.
  9. My circle of interests and communication will become wider.
  10. My family will be proud of me.

Important!Before losing weight, considering psychologist's advice, ask yourself a few simple questions. Why do I need this? What are my weaknesses (strengths)? What do I expect in the end? Which actions can negatively affect my incentive, which ones will strengthen it, etc. When your strength is really assessed, you can begin to draw up a plan for how to lose excess weight.

Psychological aspects

Psychology The thing about losing weight is that you don't have to lose weight for the rest of your life. There are many people who have been on diets for years and do not enjoy it, they are tired, but they do not stop.

This is definitely not possible. On the way to an ideal figure, you don’t need to devote your life to diets, just proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle should harmoniously complement your life.

To figure it out where to get incentive, let's look at simple but practical tips that will help you determine your goal and stay on track:

  • keep a notebook where you will write down your, even very tiny, achievements, it will help strengthen your motive;
  • the first positive result needs encouragement, it is not necessary to pamper yourself with goodies, buy new perfume, a handbag, etc., but be sure to reward yourself;
  • decide on a nutrition correction method and training program, while taking into account the characteristics of your body;
  • start watching films where people achieve the desired results, no matter what the cost, this will strengthen morale;
  • take a weekly selfie, this way you will really evaluate your achievements, and after a month you can easily boast about your “before” and “after”.

Effective weight loss every day

The decisive role in any weight loss process still remains with psychology, so it is important to motivate yourself not only before starting a diet, but every day. Only in this case will you notice a positive result. Let's look at motivation for every day.


How to find motivation? And you try to visualize yourself as you want to be. To do this, imagine your future in a new way, where you are slim, graceful and attractive.

Your new life will change, and so will you; you will be perceived differently. This technique gives a good effect. Have you tried to visualize yourself? What was the result?

I wrote more about visualization and meditation for weight loss in my article

List of advantages

Before you start losing weight, you most likely have determined what benefits a slim figure will bring you. Transfer all the positive aspects point by point onto a piece of paper and place it in a visible place, ideally on the refrigerator. Before you want to snack, read the benefits of losing weight, these phrases instantly reduce appetite.

Change your look

Go to a beauty salon, change your hairstyle, get a pedicure and manicure. Transformation has a positive effect on strengthening the stimulus. The only main thing is that you like the new one.

Communication with like-minded people

Your friend also wants to be reincarnated - great, then you will have an ally. Share your achievements, discuss failures. When there are no people who want to lose weight, communicate with those who lead a healthy lifestyle, taking care of their health.

Motivational slogan

Choose the right ones quotes , which awaken your motivation, because the main thing is not the pace of losing extra pounds, but that you don’t stop halfway. Stimuli can not only be written down on paper, but also placed as a screensaver on a computer, phone, etc.

Down with stress

It is important to avoid any stressful situations; they can dull the stimulus, but awaken the appetite. Surround yourself with positivity: watch funny shows, comedies. Walking in the fresh air also has a positive effect on a good internal atmosphere. Anyone who tries to interfere with you or ruin your mood, drive away!

For girls a good motive is someone else’s result: photos of slim models, women who have lost excess weight and share their photos on social networks. Look through these pictures every day so as not to lose the source of your inspiration.


“After giving birth, I became overweight, the baby grew, but the kilograms remained. I realized that excess weight was hindering me not only physically (it’s difficult to bend over, ride a bike, etc.), but also psychologically. The fact is that they wanted to promote me for a long time, but they said: what kind of department head are you, you’re a plump person - and the manager is the face of the department.

The incentive to lose weight became obvious: to change the opinions of others about me, because at heart I am completely different. I hung photos of slim businesswomen, successful women, etc. around the house. During the month of vacation, I gained 8 kg, which affected my shape.

Six months later, I was appointed manager, and the salary supplement gave me the opportunity to go to the gym. I am happy with myself, and I motivate myself daily with compliments for my figure. I wish you success. Svetlana".

Eleonora Dobrynina is a role model

Strong motivation forced the Russian fitness model to transform from a woman who weighed 100 kg into a slender, sculpted girl weighing 52 kg. Eleanor didn’t like her body, she didn’t like herself and decided to change everything radically.

She succeeded, now she loves her body and does not want to part with it, so she eats right and spends a lot of time in the gym. I think not many people like the result of the transformation, but the main thing is that she herself likes it.

What to remember

  1. Psychology plays an important role in the weight loss process.
  2. You can achieve the desired result if you set realistic goals.
  3. The right motivation is half the success.
  4. By applying daily motivation, the effect is more stable and occurs much faster.

Good luck to you and don't deviate from the path! See you in the next article!

Giving up your favorite Olivier salad and cakes can certainly cause a lot of stress. How to switch to a proper balanced diet so that a bad mood does not become your companion?

Don’t think that everything you eat is completely harmful, high in calories and wrong, and only diets and fasting days can help you. Write down your weekly menu and see how you can improve it. It is enough to make a few changes, and your diet will become healthy, and your taste preferences will not be infringed. Here's what you can do:

  • change your salad dressing or at least learn how to make homemade mayonnaise;
  • reduce the number of salad ingredients (multi-component salads are quite heavy food);
  • do not fry, but stew or bake;
  • master new healthy sauces in cooking familiar dishes - soy sauce, natural tomato sauce, etc.;
  • cook compotes so that there is no temptation to wash down your food with soda, etc.

Delicious low-calorie recipes

Who said low-calorie dishes don't taste better than straw? In fact, modern chefs and, of course, amateurs have come up with many wonderful recipes for low-calorie dishes, including desserts, which allow you to enjoy the taste and, at the same time, reduce the calorie content of your daily menu. All you need is to familiarize yourself with the relevant sections of culinary portals. You can also simply ask “low-calorie recipes”, “recipes for low-calorie dishes”, “low-calorie desserts” in a search engine, and choose those that suit your taste.

Change your sweet stash

Many of us have an “emergency sweet supply” for stressful periods. On ordinary days, we can still restrain ourselves, but on days of excitement and trouble, willpower “takes a day off” and we open a hidden box of chocolates to catch our breath.

Make your stash more useful. Let you have a marshmallow or a box of marshmallows, a package of marmalade or a small (30-50 g) dark chocolate hidden.

Dried fruits are also a great alternative. Then the breakdown will remain nothing, but you will still have fun.

All eating breakdowns, when you instantly give up a healthy diet and gorge yourself on donuts or candy, occur in a bad mood. Therefore, in order not to deviate from the path of proper nutrition onto the path of obesity, prepare for such difficult moments. A contrast shower, cheerful music, exciting reading or cinema, communication with a positive person, vacation plans, and jogging are great relief from stress. Choose what you like and relieve that stupid stress without gaining calories!

Stop being led by marketers

“Low-fat products” sounds “slim,” but is everything really as rosy as marketers tell us? We are used to thinking that by buying low-fat products, we take care of our figure and health, but no one tells us about the high content of sugar or its substitutes in low-fat products. As a result, we not only do not lose weight, but also provoke obesity and diabetes.

So regular sour cream, milk, kefir, hard cheese and butter are also part of proper nutrition. And a sandwich with butter for breakfast (especially from rye bread) does not at all contradict the tenets of proper nutrition. There is no need to give up what is not worth giving up.

In general, proper nutrition is a habit. If you can trick yourself and hold out for at least a month, then you won’t even be able to think that you could ever eat differently.

Especially for
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Often, even with comprehensive information about effective training and proper nutrition, we put off losing weight and continue to exist, burdened with extra pounds and complexes.

This is especially true for representatives of the fair sex, who have repeatedly achieved the coveted slimness, but again and again returned to their original weight category.

To start sticking to a diet and exercise, you need to find inner support. The right motivation will help you adhere to the strictest nutritional system and withstand the most intense workout.

Before working with the body, you need to understand psychological attitudes

None of us like restrictions. And losing weight sometimes consists entirely of various prohibitions. Leaving your comfort zone requires a serious reason; there are no standard solutions.

Everyone must find their own compelling reason to say goodbye to fat. For self-analysis, you should ask yourself: why am I losing weight? Usually this:

  • hope to find a soul mate or remain attractive to a permanent partner;
  • a chance to get rid of diseases caused by obesity;
  • the opportunity to go to a clothing store and with a 100% chance of finding a fashionable new thing in your size.

If the reason for achieving perfect forms is determined, you need to fix the thought and move on to the second stage. You need to find out what is slowing you down on your path to slimness:

  • fear of standing out from the environment and attracting attention;
  • fears that the desire to look better will lead to disagreement with the other half;
  • fear of turning into a curvy beauty and becoming a victim of sexual harassment.

For clarity, it is easier to conduct self-analysis on a piece of paper. If a factor inhibiting weight loss is found, it is better to work with a psychologist or get rid of fears yourself. We need to recognize fat as an obstacle to slimness, beauty and high self-esteem.

Define an achievable goal

In most cases, those who lose weight set global goals for themselves. With initial enthusiasm, the business moves forward, but then the ideal seems unattainable, and the enthusiasm dries up. Therefore, it is better to achieve what you want step by step.

First, you need to determine how many kilograms you need to lose and set an approximate time frame. So, for example, if you need to get rid of 18 kg in a year, you can set a goal to lose 3 kg every 2 months.

Find a partner

Many work more effectively in a team and thus find like-minded people and psychological support. Select a person from your immediate circle or a virtual friend.

It is advisable that you be in the same weight category. Discuss the menu, consult about purchases, share results ─ you can do all this with your new partner and go towards the goal together. If, on the contrary, rivalry starts, get involved in online weight loss duels.

Sign up for classes

When losing weight, the first thing you need to do is limit food intake. But without increasing physical activity it is impossible to achieve success.

There are many group and individual weight loss programs offered today.

The effectiveness of sports based on the personal example of our reader:

Since school, I was prone to being overweight and worried about the ridicule of my peers, but I couldn’t stop overeating on sweets and start moving more. After college, I got a new job and saw Him. Of course, a modestly dressed fat woman could not count on the attention of such a handsome man. But now I didn’t waste time. I signed up for individual training at the gym, learned what a BJU is and a calorie corridor. Six months later, seductive contours began to appear under the layer of fat, and I gained long-awaited confidence in my attractiveness.

Kristina, 24 years old, Voronezh

You can do yoga, Pilates, aerobics, Zumba or exercise on exercise machines. In addition to selecting exercises, the sports instructor will advise on the optimal nutrition program. Pre-paid classes or a gym membership will discipline you and prevent you from deviating from your chosen path.

Come up with a reward system

In the minds of many, a diet is a kind of asceticism with meager nutrition and torture of the flesh. Although this is not true, there are still certain limitations and difficulties. To brighten up your dietary routine, you should reward yourself.

Moreover, your achievements on the scale of other people may seem tiny, but for you they will be huge. Of course, treats cannot be used as rewards. Let it be a good perfume, branded cosmetics, a new handbag, a set of beautiful underwear or a SPA procedure.

How to properly motivate yourself so as not to lose track

No matter how strong your internal motivation to lose weight is, sooner or later you want to give up everything, lie on the couch or try a creamy chocolate brownie or a juicy, spicy hamburger with a portion of fries.

At such moments, peculiar psychological crutches come in handy, relying on which you can pass the “difficult section of the route” on the way to the coveted slender forms.

This could be publishing a daily menu on your blog, when before you eat something delicious, you think a hundred times about how the online community will perceive it. Or an example of a fitness girl who managed to carve perfect shapes out of a 100-kilogram carcass, and you passionately want to repeat her stunning results.

Keep a daily report

Today there are many ways of self-control for those who want to get rid of excess fat. This can be a regular notebook or a virtual journal where you record what you eat during the day and your physical activity. Maintain a report using:

  • notepad;
  • online diary of nutrition and sports;
  • personal blog.

On websites dedicated to diets, you can immediately calculate the caloric content of your diet and the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and adjust your nutrition system. On specialized resources it is possible to get support and constructive criticism from experienced slim women. On such sites you can create a ruler with a weight reading and visually see your achievements.

Adjust load and nutrition

Recently, strict express diets, in the menu of which a single leaf of lettuce is next to a glass of low-fat kefir, have been replaced by proper nutrition.

The system provides a nutritious diet of dishes containing slow carbohydrates, animal and vegetable protein, and the right fats in an optimal ratio. Guided by the principles of PP, you need to create a menu that allows you to lose weight, albeit slowly, but only from your own fat reserves.

But after some time, the body gets used to a diet with a certain energy value and sports activity. Therefore, you should periodically review the menu and cut calories. At the same time, it is better to reduce calories at the expense of fats and carbohydrates, and leave the protein content the same.

It is also necessary to increase the intensity and duration of training.

How to turn off negativity

The brain, deprived of a regular influx of fast carbohydrates, begins to whisper seditious thoughts and at times persuades you to quit what you started. In such difficult moments, everything is seen in gray, and a toned figure seems like an unattainable dream.

I want to have fun here and now. But before your hand reaches for the calorie bomb, you need to find a way to switch to positive thoughts. To avoid negativity, the following will serve:

  • photos of sandy beaches where you plan to show off your slim figure in a fashionable swimsuit;
  • motivational books, quotes and videos;
  • thematic blogs with advice.

Get inspired by other people's success stories

Allow yourself little weaknesses

A cheat meal, or fasting day, is a dietary slang term for eating high-calorie foods. Cheating has a positive effect not only on the emotional background, but also on physiology.

The increased caloric intake kickstarts your metabolism and can even spur weight loss. The main thing is to control that the cheat meal does not turn into a “food binge.” It is better to arrange a loading day at the stage when a person has already entered the rhythm of diet and training, that is, no earlier than 1.5 months after the start of losing weight.

Don't forget about rest

You need to realize that you have a long way to go and you need to properly distribute the load. This is especially true for sports.

The effectiveness of your training will even increase if you do it 3 times a week, rather than every day.

Too intense exercise and drastic dietary restrictions do not always pay off; it is better to get rid of body fat slowly but surely.

Useful advice on how to achieve results:

After the birth of the child, she became incredibly fat. Every time, looking at my old photos and things from my previous wardrobe, I experienced not the most pleasant emotions, which I ate up on pizza and chocolate. But the day came when I honestly admitted to myself that I want my growing daughter to be proud of me, I want to be healthy, beautiful and desirable. From that day my new life began. Dietary restrictions no longer brought burdens and were easily tolerated. In a year without sweets, fatty foods and flour, I lost 35 kilos!!!

Tatyana, 36 years old, Volgograd

Food is not just a means of satiation, but also a way to entertain yourself, calm you down and feel protected. That's why it's so difficult for the vast majority of us to give up our favorite foods and start on the path to slimness.

Psychological help will help you understand your motives and bring to light the real cause of overeating. But not everyone can open up to a stranger or do not have the opportunity to pay for the services of a specialist. There are general psychological recommendations that will help you stick to your diet. Here are some of them:

  1. Distinguish between emotional hunger and physiological hunger. Eat mindfully.
  2. Avoid strict, low-calorie diets.
  3. Don't speak negatively about yourself.
  4. Practice visualization. Imagine your new figure and appearance.
  5. Realize what you have to lose if you return to your old lifestyle.

Studies have shown that a person loses weight on any nutrition system. The main thing is that the calorie intake is less than the calorie expenditure. Thus, in the process of losing weight, the decisive factor is the willingness to adhere to the diet and exercise schedule, that is, internal motivation.

In contact with

This may be a common, banal phrase, but human health begins with nutrition. Nutrition must be correct and rational. Of course, health and a healthy lifestyle are not determined only by proper nutrition, but it acts as one of the main elements of a nutritional strategy. There are a great many ways to create the right diet and select food intake regimens. On the Internet, you can easily find a lot of nutritional methods, diets and a bunch of recipes for dishes that will be useful, ranging from traditional to exotic. It's not a lack of information, but how to force yourself to eat right. After all, it’s so difficult to give up your favorite chocolate, and information about the benefits of certain diet ingredients sometimes makes you bored. How to solve the problem of proper nutrition? Of course, like the solution to any problem, it will not be easy. But this solution will certainly be effective.

How to change yourself?

The main stage in starting a healthy lifestyle is motivation to eat properly. Why torture yourself by giving up your favorite but high-calorie dishes? Why is a healthy diet necessary? By closely studying the various aspects of proper nutrition and planning for yourself the positive changes in the body that can occur with proper nutrition, it will be much easier to motivate yourself to change your eating behavior.

Ways to motivate yourself to eat healthy

Feeling healthy and strong

By eating properly and rationally, including in the diet all the nutrients necessary for the body, a person can change his health for the better. The consequences of using the right diet are excellent health, a constant feeling of vigor, excellent brain activity, a positive perception of reality and enjoyment of every moment lived. All body systems function perfectly when using the right diet. The activity of the human gastrointestinal tract is normalized, toxins are removed in a timely manner, and excess weight is lost. Nutrients are fully absorbed, the structure of the skin, nails, hair, bones improves, and immunity improves. The person looks fresh, healthy and attractive.

Planning the result

In order to achieve sustainable results, you need to mobilize all your willpower to eat right, since there are really a lot of temptations. It is extremely difficult to give up your favorite cake, fried chicken or potatoes. You must clearly set a goal for yourself and go towards it, planning your diet, meal times, and necessary physical activity. Self-discipline is paramount. Think about the result. By drawing up a nutrition plan and systematizing your diet, you will get closer to the desired result faster.

The pursuit of beauty

The desire for beauty is perhaps the main motivation for proper nutrition. You don't have to live up to the glamorous standards of glossy magazines. Nobody is perfect, including the stars. With the right diet, beauty will come naturally. And not only due to changing the proportions of the figure and reducing weight. Snow-white teeth (adequate calcium intake), thick hair, strong nails, excellent skin condition (proteins, collagens), etc. The list goes on and on. Imagine how much time and money could be spent in beauty salons getting hair or nail extensions, solving skin problems, or in dental offices treating teeth. You can avoid all these problems. just by eating right. The natural beauty of a healthy body can never compare with an artificially created one.

Getting rid of far-fetched reasons that prevent you from starting to eat right

Difficulties in switching to proper nutrition are mostly far-fetched. The wrong perception of proper nutrition is based on the belief that healthy food is usually tasteless. In fact, everything is not quite like that. Think for yourself - deliciously prepared porridge, a variety of vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed natural juices, is this really tasteless? Of course, there are more restrictions in healthy eating. But if you carefully study all aspects, you can certainly choose a diet that will bring you pleasure from the food you consume. And if you eat right, under the guidance of a good nutritionist, choosing the best recipes for yourself, then the new diet can even surpass in its taste characteristics the usual, not very healthy diet. If we look at it globally, the transition to proper nutrition is a new interesting experience in discovering new dishes. Well, then your body will convince you that the decision made was correct. Many people motivate their refusal to eat properly by saying that they will have to completely give up their favorite foods. There is no need to refuse at all. Sometimes you can treat yourself to your favorite dish. But, as a rule, the body quickly gets used to proper nutrition, and does not want to return to heavy and indigestible food. And this will no longer become a limitation, but one’s own desire or unwillingness to take this or that product.

Motivation for proper nutrition /video/

Proper nutrition. Motivation. How not to break down?

How to switch to proper nutrition

Proper nutrition. How to create POWERFUL motivation to eat right.

How to START Eating Healthy?


The majority of people, unfortunately, rarely pay attention to nutrition issues. People start thinking about this after health problems appear. It is necessary to realize that in order to live your life in good quality and maintain health, you need to eat right. What is meant by proper nutrition? How to create the right diet? There is no universal recipe for a proper diet, because all people are completely different, and the selection of products for them is individual and determined by many factors (geographical location, metabolism, individual digestibility of the product). In our article, we provided only brief recommendations on how you can motivate yourself to eat healthy. Everything else is in your hands.