Kanye West showed off his new shoe collection. She's all weird, but flip-flops made from baking tins? Abnormal prices of clothes from Kanye West Collection from Kanye West

The next collection was shown. To be more precise, it was, rather, not a show, but a party for one’s own people, in which the demonstration of clothes appeared as a kind of installation on static models, sometimes swaying to the rhythms of the tracks. West himself actively communicated with his guests. " How do you like the clothes?“- the singer asked, to which they answered him from the crowd: “ Lower your prices!“But Kanye West was not at a loss and replied that prices would become more affordable, explaining that at the beginning of the journey, brands have to bend over backwards to get a good start and establish the right positions, and learn in the process.

The collection itself is designed in the style of previous seasons. The designer did not go far and added several new avant-garde-eccentric elements to the already known loose silhouettes in the form of futuristic collars or geometric patterns, and also included a wider selection of colors - this time to the usual khaki, black, gray, white, pale West added hot pink, purple, orange and yellow to pink, green and cream. The designer decided this time to focus on the emotional component with the brightness of details and a large abundance of light layers.

In general, the collection became a harmonious continuation of a series of clothes that personify fusion. There is also a rapid movement of the main trends in the tailoring of such clothes - faded and seemingly shabby fabrics in muted colors border on comfortable and loose oversize (sweaters, puffy jackets, parkas, turtlenecks, sweatshirts, skirts, etc.) or practical, elegant and elastic fitted outfit, some of which vaguely resemble gymnasts' clothing or a swimsuit. And all this style with grunge elements and tailoring itself are created for the purpose of harmony between a person and his clothes, which highlights the uniqueness of its wearer and gives him a sense of freedom and balance. This theory has taken hold in Yeezy style. Completed the images different kinds hats and shoes for sports and evening wear, among this shoe range, of course, are the new adidas Yeezy 1050s models in the brand’s classic colors.

And yes, West presented his new album “The Life Of Pablo” (T.L.O.P.) at this fashionable closed party. After 3 years of waiting, Kanye West chose such a bright style for presenting the album. In the center of all this action, he used his phone to broadcast the tracks of the new album along with old hits and compositions of his colleagues in the hip-hop and R’n’B workshop. West created a rather emotional atmosphere, because in the video, which was specially broadcast online via Tidal, the quality of hip-hop connoisseurs was often mixed with emotional outbursts and even tears of both guests and models from the heartbreaking lyrics of the compositions, dedicated mainly to West’s family and his surroundings.

But the hip-hop artist’s surprises didn’t end there either - he announced his own video game dedicated to his late mother. In the game, the image of his mother appeared as an angel in heaven among the other inhabitants of Paradise. Quite a strange decision, but at the same time lyrical and sad. The seriousness and emotionality of the singer was confirmed by the fact that he showed the video twice. The singer commented on this video, probably referring to the life of his mother, who after the divorce (at that time Kanye West was 3 years old) worked hard and provided her son with a bright future.

"It's not that easy, man," the singer said before playing a teaser for the game "Only One." “You all have to keep taking action, damn it.”

Such an emotional and high-concept show cannot go without publicity. The new music is full of stories and soulful lyrics. For clothing, although not colossal, steps forward can be traced. And the upward trend in design is reinforced by West’s words:

“It’s been my dream, at least for a couple of years, that I can become a creative director.”

Well, despite some elements of pathos, such an event leaves a pleasant impression, and the state becomes spiritual.

Text: Evgeny Dergunov

“Leaky”, “torn”, “ridiculous” - all kinds of epithets were awarded to Kanye West’s debut collection Yeezy for adidas. But neither the words of envious people nor the exorbitant prices of things prevented the line from being sold out within an hour after the start of sales.

Kim Kardashian, Anna Wintour and Kanye West at the presentation of the Yeezy for adidas collectionKanye West at the presentation of the Yeezy for adidas collection

The collection arrived on the shelves of online stores at the end of October, and an hour after that, a sold out icon was displayed opposite the outfits. The rapper's fans, who did not have time to buy their dream clothes, had already sounded the alarm, but sellers hastened to reassure them: the items are available for pre-order. Now the situation has been partially resolved, and half of the lookbook is available in the boutiques of Barneys, Mr. Porter and others, but for some things you will still have to stand in a virtual queue.

Such a stir around the collection made it clear that West’s fans are ready to pay any money for his design creations. Although Kanye promised fans reasonable prices for clothes, their cost is by no means budget. For example, for a khaki jacket, Kanye set a price of $2,860 (about 183,000 rubles), for a “holey” sweater - $2,600 (about 166,400 rubles), for a knitted sweatshirt - $455 (about 29,100 rubles), for shorts - 415 dollars (about 26,500 rubles) and so on.

Jacket - $2,860 Sweatshirt - $390 Bomber - $2,080 Sweater - $2,600

Sweatshirt - $455 Shorts - $415

It is noteworthy that not only Kanye himself and his fans highly appreciate Yeezy for adidas clothing, but also fashion critics. For example, West recently won the FN Achievement Awards for Shoe of the Year for his Yeezy Trainer sneakers.

Kanye's sneakers dominated the market throughout the second half of the year, causing an unprecedented rush and crowding in stores. They have become the most anticipated and desired shoes of this year,

Footwear News said in a statement. Whether shoes from West's new collection will repeat this success - time will tell.

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  • The new collection of shoes that American rapper Kanye West showed to his Twitter followers was striking in its strangeness. People wondered why the sneakers looked like they were melting, and the design of the shoes almost exactly copied the shape of a shoe rack. Prices for the new shoes are still unknown, but social media users are already suggesting that they will have to pay at least several hundred dollars for the models.

    American rapper Kanye West is known not only for his music, but also for his own fashion collection. In 2016, Adidas Yeezy sneakers were not just snapped up from the shelves like hot cakes, but stood behind them, although the price of the shoes was not small - about 19 thousand rubles.

    Two years have passed, and now Kanye shows the world his new collection of sneakers on Twitter, or rather, their prototype - Yeezy 451.

    Kanye West

    The appearance of the shoes confused many of the rapper's followers, who wondered what could have inspired him to such a design.


    Looks like Power Rangers shoes 💀


    It feels like Spider-Man shot them.

    Some were skeptical.


    Dude, please don't let people ever wear this.

    But they haven’t yet seen Kanye’s flip-flops that looked like this.

    Kanye West

    Many had no idea what they had just seen and assumed that West was just joking, copying the design from either baking molds or children's chewing gum.

    Kanye West

    Looks like chewing gum in the shape of sharks

    Kanye West

    They look like these cupcake liners.

    Some users were sure that the same flip-flops could be printed on a 3D printer. And this, by the way, is not the first time that people are trying to prove that Kanye’s things can be made by yourself: . The price of the strange-looking flip-flops had not yet been announced, but people were already making assumptions.

    Pia Muehlenbeck

    Perhaps they will cost $799 (about 48 thousand rubles - note by Medialeaks).

    But if you could at least walk in flip-flops, then the next designer novelty from Kanye raises doubts about its practicality.

    Kanye West

    This time, people thought that the rapper had simply made a mistake and confused the shoe prototype with a stand for it.

    Nah Rule

    Relax. I realized what it was.