Beloved mother's day is March 8. Poems for children on the theme: "March 8". There is a day like this in March


Here is how elegant
Kindergarten -
It's mother's day
The guys.

We are for mom
Let's sing a song
We are for mom
Let's start the dance.
(Mironova L.)

Important meeting, or what to give moms

Kirill Avdeenko

Everything in the forest makes noise, sings -
Mother's Day is coming!
We all need to talk about:
What will we give mothers?

Monkey dads will say:
- We will buy bananas for moms!
To cook all year round
We have a banana compote.

Hamster dads will say:
- We will buy hooks for moms!
To day-to-day to night
We knitted sweaters!

They will say, daddy bears will say:
- Buy-buy mothers covers!
We will buy jars, roots -
Let moms cook jam!

Well, a bunny on the edge
Rushing into the distance, spreading his ears,
Hey, wait! Where are you?

I'm in a hurry to buy flowers!
After all, why donate hooks?
Oh, you bears, hamsters!

For moms to rest
So that they flutter like little birds,
Let's love moms!
Let's give them flowers!

So stop thinking too much!
All follow me on the road!
For a gift - it's the hour!
They are waiting for us with mom's flowers.

Copyright © Kirill Avdeenko, 2013

Illustrator: Elena Novik

Our dear mother

Mother's day, mother's day!
Put on the best dress.
Get up early in the morning.
Take it in the house.
Anything good
Give mom.
(Olga Vysotskaya)

There are many poems about this holiday,
But to congratulate him, really, I will not get tired.
Let the voices of children, merging into a choir,
Congratulations, our mothers!
Health, happiness and great love
We wish all women today.
Ah, if the nightingales sang in March
Or lilac blossomed, as in warm May.

I will wipe the glass and the frame
Because mom is in the frame.
I'll wipe the frame clean:
I really love my mom!
(G. Vieru)

Mommy's favorite

Mommy, beloved, dear,
Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower,
I don't know what to wish you
On this wonderful day
I wish you joy and happiness
Peace and good luck for your life,
So that the heart does not break into pieces,
My dear, my dear, man!

Mom's gift is ready -
Big-big bouquet of flowers.
I drew it for half a day...
Well, kiss me soon!

Our dear mother

Mother's day, mother's day!
Put on the best dress.
Get up early in the morning.
Take it in the house.
Anything good
Give mom.
(Olga Vysotskaya)

I sew a toy for my mother
From a colored patch,
Cut out the tail and ears
I'll stuff my sides with cotton.
Do you recognize? It's a cat!
I'll paint his mouth.
I will give a kitten to my mother
He will live with you!

gift for mom

I love my mother.
I will give her a present.
I made a gift myself
From paper with paints.
I will give it to my mother
Hugging affectionately.
(Olga Chusovitina)

Mother's day

Here is a snowdrop in the meadow,
I found it.
I'll take the snowdrop to my mother,
Even if it didn't bloom.
And me with a flower so gently
Mom hugged me
that my snowdrop opened
From her warmth.
(G. Vieru)

It's mother's day

spring day,
Not frosty
Happy day
And mimosa -
It's mother's day!
cloudless day,
Not snowy
Day excited
And gentle -
It's mother's day!
spacious day,
Not capricious
gift day,
Surprise -
It's mother's day!
(M. Sadovsky)

Poems for March 8 for children - congratulations to mom!

It's sad that winter sighs
Collects things in a sleigh.
- "My time is over,
The snow will melt until the morning.
The sound of bells is heard,
The singing of joyful starlings,
Spring has come fervently
Mother's holiday brought.

Snow melts and ice melts
Mother's Day is coming!
Gives mom a badger
bunch of willow twigs

What is happiness?

Here I am
Grew up to summer
I lived days
Don't count.
Now I know:
Happiness -
Stick to mom
And read!
(Mikhail Yasnov)

I'll give my mom a napkin
I will decorate the edge with a fringe,
Embroider a branch on a napkin
And a blue flower.

gift for mom

I love my mom
I will give her a present.
I made a gift myself
From paper with paints.
I will give it to my mother

Hugging affectionately.
(O. Chusovitina)

We know everything that we are
Not always obedient.
But for dear mother
We are not boring.

Let's go to the flower shop.
Here is the beauty and brilliance of shop windows.
Straighten rose leaves
yellow-eyed mimosa,
scent of petals,
A sea of ​​holiday flowers.
We will buy a bouquet

The best on Mother's Day.

Help out, eat."

I save my mother's work,
I help as much as I can
Today mom for lunch
Cooked cutlets.
And she said, "Listen,

I ate a little
Isn't it help?
(N. Grozovsky)

my grandmother
Very my grandmother -
Mother mother - I love.
She has a lot of wrinkles
And not a gray strand on the forehead,
So I want to touch
And then kiss.
Maybe I am like that
I will be old, gray-haired,
I will have grandchildren
And then, putting on glasses,
I will knit gloves for one
And the other - shoes.

Mom, very very
I love you!
So love that at night
I don't sleep in the dark.
I peer into the darkness
I'm in a hurry.
I love you all the time
Mommy, I love it!
Here the dawn shines.
It's already dawn.
Nobody in the world
There is no better mom!

My mom.
Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.
You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.
One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!
(P. Sinyavsky)

If I were a girl

If I were a girl
I wouldn't waste my time!
I wouldn't jump on the street
I'd wash my shirts.
I would wash the floor in the kitchen,
I would sweep the room
I would wash cups, spoons,
I'd peel the potatoes myself
All my own toys
I would put it in place!
Why am I not a girl?
I would love to help my mom!
Mom would have said:
"Well done, son!"
(E. Uspensky)

My mom

One day I told my friends:
There are many good mothers in the world,
But not to be found, I vouch
A mother like mine!
She bought for me
On the wheels of a horse
Saber, paints and an album...
But is that the point?
I love her so
Mommy, my mommy!

colorful gift

I am a colorful gift
Decided to give it to my mom.
I tried to draw
Four pencils.
But first I'm on red
Pushed too hard
And then, behind the red immediately
Purple broke
And then the blue broke
And orange broke ...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!
(P. Sinyavsky)

I love mom

Mom brings me
toys, candy,
But I love my mom
Not for that at all.
funny songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happens.

I open it
All your secrets.
But I love my mom
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother!
(Maya Davydova)

On this day, March 8th
The shops are crowded!
Buy all gifts.
What will I do?
I still can't
I'm still a few years old.
But I don't regret at all
That there is no money in your pocket.
Since neither grandmother nor mother
I can't buy a present
I can do anything with my hands
Make, cut, mold.
Let sweets, flowers
Congratulations lovely ladies
I am grandmother and mother
I'll give you all my love!

March 8 is Mother's Day.
Knock-knock - knocking on the door to us.
He only comes to that house
Where they help mom.
We will sweep the floor for mom,
We'll set the table ourselves.
Help her cook dinner
We will sing and dance with her.
We paint her portrait
We will draw as a gift.
“They are unrecognizable, wow!” -
Then mom will tell people.
And we always, and we always,
We will always be like this.

gift for mom

I am a gift to my mother
Started to draw
The sun came out
And calls to walk.
Sun, sun, don't be angry!
Better sit next to me.
Mom's holiday once a year
Draw and go!
(A. Passova)


Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: "It's time to get up"?
Who managed to cook porridge?
Tea - pour into a bowl?
Who braided my hair?
Whole house swept one?
Who picked flowers in the garden?
Who kissed me?
Who childish loves laughter?
Who is the best in the world?

I am not a prankster

I haven't cried all day
Don't tease the dog.
Didn't carry a kitten
I'm not a prankster:
Today is mother's holiday
(N. Zlobina)

With coming you lovely ladies, girls and women!!!

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Berestov Valentin

Eighth of March, Mother's Day,
Knock Knock! knocking on our doors.
He only comes to that house
Where they help mom.
We will sweep the floor for mom,
We'll set the table ourselves.
We'll cook dinner for her
We will sing and dance with her.
We paint her portrait
We will draw as a gift.
- They are unrecognizable! Wow! -
Then mom will tell people.
And we always
And we always
We will always be like this!

March 8

E. Kahn

Dad brought a cake to mom
Grandma - sweets
And a whole load of toys
For sister Sveta.
It was so embarrassing for me
little brother,
Why on the calendar
No boy day.

9th of March

S. Makhotin

I jumped
Removed the bed
At least he could still sleep.
I don't grumble at the alarm clock
I'm busy in the kitchen.
I pour tea for my mother
Mom's holiday
I extend.

It's mother's day

M. Sadovsky

spring day,
Not frosty
Happy day
And mimosa -
It's mother's day!
cloudless day,
Not snowy
Day excited
And gentle -
It's mother's day!
spacious day,
Not capricious
gift day,
Surprise -
It's mother's day!

Mother's Day is coming

T. Volgina

Mother's Day is coming
Women's day is coming.
I know my mother loves
Roses, poppies and lilacs.
Only in March there is no lilac,
You can't get roses and poppies...
But you can on a piece of paper
Draw all the flowers!
I pin this picture
I'm over my mother's table
Dear mother in the morning
And I kiss
And Happy Women's Day!

I am not a prankster

N. Zlobina

I haven't cried all day
Don't tease the dog.
Didn't carry a kitten
I'm not a prankster:
Today is mother's holiday.


Y. Korinets

The third month at the gate -
It's turning towards the sun.
Winter Watchman Snowman
Shingles, darkens.
The old man got used to the cold
He loses weight in the heat.
Willow outside my window
Buds dissolved -
Before everyone in the native land
Decided to bloom.
I will bring a branch to the house
And I'll put it on the table.
- Tomorrow morning Happy Women's Day
I congratulate my mother.

March month. number eight

V. Orlov

March month. Number eight.
There is no peace for me and dad.
What to give mom?
What to buy for her holiday?
We bought her some candy.
And a bouquet of snowdrops
We came home with a bouquet
We laughed, drank tea,
Candy with Mom
We ate casually.
And then a pile of dishes
The three of us washed
Washed all the dishes
And then rubbed the floor.
Mom said in the evening:
- I'm not at all tired.
So little to do today!
I just got younger.
Here is the event.
I got lucky today.
It's a pity that tomorrow is not the eighth,
And the ninth number.
We answered her directly:
- We are not too lazy to help you,
We agree that mom
Younger every day.

Many of your nights have passed without sleep,
Worries, worries for us can not be counted,
Earth bow to you, dear mother
For the fact that you are in the world.


G. Brailovskaya

Happy International Women's Day
I congratulated my mother
And to the old cards in the album
Added a new one!
Mom will throw back the binding,
beautiful cover,
And sees how year after year
I am growing a little.
Under each card of mine
The date and year are marked.
I want to grow faster
Fly towards the years!
I try to mark them
good deeds,
To be fun to meet
Your women's holiday mom!
Spring morning binding
Throw back mom blue
And he will say: "This is how the son grows!
Not in vain did she raise her son!

Give it to mom

Z. Verkhovskaya

How to hit the birdhouse
Song of a bird's wing
The very first snowdrop
Stand facing the sun.
Ringing petals,
Glorifying the generosity of the dawn.
Give it to mom
Don't forget, donate.

Our dear mother

O. Vysotskaya

Mother's day! Mother's day!
Put on the best dress!
Get up early in the morning
Clean up in the house
Anything good
Give mom.

Mother's day

E. Blaginina

I walk, I think, I look:
"What am I going to give my mom tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe candy?"
Here's to you, dear, on your day
Scarlet flower - a light!

colorful gift

P. Sinyavsky

I am a colorful gift
Decided to give it to my mom.
I tried to draw
Four pencils.
But first I'm on red
Pushed too hard
And then, behind the red immediately
Purple broke
And then the blue broke
And orange broke ...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!

On mother's day

G. R. Lagzdyn

I got up early today.
Why? There are a hundred reasons.
First of all, I am the oldest
After dad, out of men!
I washed, combed my hair,
He made his own bed
Three minutes dressed and went,
But don't walk!
Went to the store for bread
And more milk
Played with three-year-old Gleb,
Knocked out the carpet with a fist
I ate all the porridge for breakfast:
For myself and for Natasha!
Nata said quietly to me:
I love this brother!
And then dad and I deftly
They baked a cake in the oven.
But! First with a neighbor
Before lunch, there was a conversation:
How much milk do you need?
Where is the vanilla? And where is the flour?
And what kind of jam?

My dad and uncle Pavel
Learned a lot of rules:
Everyone flipped through the manual
Under the name "Housekeeping".


Grigore Vieru

That's the rainbow in the sky -
Silk pattern!
Well, a rainbow in the sky
Like a colorful carpet!
And above the rainbow - a rocket
Soared up to the sky.
Here is the same rocket
I will build myself.
And on the star track
I'll fly on it
I'll pick up a basket of stars
To my mother.

gift for mom

T. Volgina

I plucked in the field
blue flower,
I'll bring it as a gift
Mom dear.
I'll pin it on my mother's dress.
More than anything in the world
I love mom!

gift for mom

A. Passova

I am a gift to my mother
Started to draw
The sun came out
And calls to walk.
Sun, sun, don't be angry!
Better sit next to me.
Mom's holiday once a year
Draw and go!


P. Sinyavsky

What a gift for mom
We will give on Women's Day?
There are many for this
Fantastic ideas.
After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
It is very interesting…
We'll knead the dough in the tub
Or wash the chair...
Well, I'm a gift to my mother
I'll paint the closet with flowers
It would be nice if the ceiling ...
Too bad I'm not tall.
Whose birthday is today?
Who is the cake for?
For whom spring bloomed
The first March flower?
For whom? For whom?
Guess yourself.
Both cake and flower
We will give mom!
Whose portrait is in a beautiful frame
Dad puts on a buffet?
Who are the gifts for?
With scarlet ribbon bouquet?
For whom? For whom?
Guess yourself.
Both cake and flower
We will give mom!
Mom's birthday in May
And today is March.
Who are telegrams for?
Delivered by our post office?
For whom? For whom?
Guess yourself.
On this day, on this day
Happy Mother's Day!


E. Serova

In kindergarten
Hustle and noise:
- Coming soon!
- Where is my suit?
- Vitya and Zhenya,
Give me the flags!
Whisper, move,
Arguments, laughs.
What kind of holiday
Getting ready here?
Apparently honorable.
The guests are coming!
Maybe the generals will come?
Maybe the admirals will come?
Maybe a hero
flying around the world?
No no no!
Quit guessing in vain
Look, here they are - the guests.
Honorable, most important:
— Hello, mothers!

In early spring

A. Agrachev

Can't see a path or a road
The snow in the forest is untouched and deep.
The bear sleeps, sniffs in his lair,
Where he lay down since late autumn.
A hare gnaws at a thin birch,
timidly looking around in the wind,
Tears freeze on the birch,
Sparks sparkling in the morning.
Quiet dawns are blue,
The days have become longer and brighter.
The sun warms the trees through the gaps,
And crossbills bustle more cheerfully.
The sunset became brighter and redder.
And the sunrise of the top is golden.
Holiday is coming soon.
And as a gift to mom
The spring sun is shining.
I spent the night over the cradle
She fed her milk...
The first lessons were given -
So what can I say about?
With sincere love, directly:
Bring goodness, warmth and light.
Live, please, longer, mom,
You have no relatives in the world!!!
Mommy, beloved, dear,
Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower,
I don't know what to wish you
On this wonderful day
I wish you joy and happiness
Peace and good luck for your life,
So that the heart does not break into pieces,
My dear, my dear, man!

gift for mom

Marina Khaleeva

I performed at a concert
And trembled for two hours.
My number was at the very end
And I had to wait.

Violinists rushed to the stage,
As if they were on the attack.
The pianists did not yield:
Neither ensemble players nor soloists.

At this holiday concert
Everyone had fun, trust me!
Poems and songs sounded there,
And everyone was not bored at all,

There were happy faces.
- Well, is anyone afraid?
Bolder! - I said to myself
I went through the lines in my mind,

I should have read them
As a gift to mom about spring.

Something suddenly got excited:
They're about to announce it, they'll call it!
End, beginning, middle
I repeated that there was strength!

There is a concert in front of me -
I don't hear any notes!
I just forgot a line
I even groaned a little.

I do not remember!!! "Stitch, where are you? .." -
In an empty head rang.
Here is my exit.
Well then, go... Forward, hero!

I went out. Hall - one eye ...
Well, at least someone could tell!
I started playing the violin
Cheerful dance - where to sleep!

I read the verses right off the bat
That I didn't even expect!
The class, the lesson came to mind,
Everything I learned, I remembered in time.

Here, right, the dance is "guilty":
Everyone is happy with fervent sounds!
Even though the dance ended out of place,
But the verses affected in harmony!

Well done! Mom said. -
I didn't even recognize you!

Mom's keys

Marina Khaleeva

I don't like to talk.
That's who I am! How to be here?
Well, no way my words
Do not fly off the tongue!
I'm silent, even though it's stupid
And I'm blushing for some reason.
I want to say yes
Suddenly… the head nods.
I didn't even open my mouth
I didn’t have time, although I was in a hurry! -
The head already knows everything
And nodding and nodding...

You, son, are like a horse,
Mom told me. - He,
How he walks the road
He shakes his head.
You are your poor tongue
Didn't it lock up?
I'll talk to you!
Do you want me to buy you a cake? -

I didn't believe it at first.
Not "fives" in the portfolio ?!
Mom repeated: - Cake!
Or should I bake a pie?
Your favorite, with dried apricots.
Choose, my son!

My head dreamed
I didn't move, I thought...
- The heart is closer to the pie,
Only... I'll bake it myself!
Mom, I'll put on your apron,
Soon after all "Eighth of March"!

Ah, my son, son,
You opened the lock!
Where did he hide this key?
Share your secret! -

What could I say to my mother?
And a stubborn tongue
And cruel hearts
Conquering ... kindness.
And, of course, my mother!
Her heart is hurt.

Flower for mom

Cut out a piece of colored paper.
From it I will make a small flower.
I will prepare a gift for my mother.
My most beloved mother!

Congratulations to mom

Every person in the world
As soon as the world enters,
Love, and tenderness, and warmth
Gets from mom!

She tells us this beautiful world
Given to you!
And in the soul of each of us
I invested myself!

I want that on this day of spring
All over the big planet
Giving mothers flowers
Their own children.

March 8, Women's Day...
I will press my lips to her ...
I will return her tenderness and warmth!
To my beloved mother!!!

March 8

I got up early today.
Why? There are a hundred reasons.
First of all, I am the oldest
After dad, out of men!
I washed, combed my hair,
He made his own bed
Three minutes dressed and went,
But don't walk!
Went to the store for bread
And more milk
Played with three-year-old Gleb,
Knocked out the carpet with a fist
I ate all the porridge for breakfast:
For myself and for Natasha!
Nata said quietly to me:
- I love this brother!
And then dad and I deftly
They baked a cake in the oven.
But! First y neighbor
Before lunch, there was a conversation:
How much milk do you need?
Where is the vanilla? And where is the flour?
And what kind of jam?
What's in the pie? What's in the cookies?
My dad and uncle Pavel
Learned a lot of rules:
Everyone flipped through the manual
Under the name "Housekeeping".

Mother's dresses

Mom's dresses - well, you just can't count them.
There is blue and there is green
There is blue with large flowers -

In this she goes to the factory,
In this he goes to the theater and visits,
Sitting in this, busy drawing...
Each serves its mother in its own way.
Thrown carelessly on the headboard
Old, tattered mother's dressing gown.
I serve it carefully to my mother,
And why - guess for yourself:
If you put on a colored robe,
So, the whole evening will stay with me!


Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: "It's time to get up"?
Who managed to cook porridge?
Tea - pour into a bowl?
Who braided my hair?
Whole house swept one?
Who picked flowers in the garden?
Who kissed me?
Who is a kid who loves laughter?
Who is the best in the world?

Babies congratulate mom

Here is how elegant
Kindergarten -
It's mother's day
The guys.

We are for mom
Let's sing a song
We are for mom
Let's start the dance.

I love mom

Mom brings me
toys, candy,
But I love my mom
Not for that at all.
funny songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happens.

I open it
All your secrets.
But I love my mom
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother!

It's mother's day

spring day,
Not frosty
Happy day
And mimosa -
It's mother's day!

cloudless day,
Not snowy
Day excited
And gentle -
It's mother's day!

spacious day,
Not capricious
gift day,
Surprise -
It's mother's day!

Poems about mom

How many stars in a clear sky!
How many spikelets in the fields!
How many songs the bird has!
How many leaves on the branches!
There is only one sun in the world.
Only mother is alone in the world.

Memory of the heart

Marina Khaleeva

Oh, Yegor, you are ours, Yegor!
Until when is this
Mom will wipe her nose with a handkerchief,
Will send to the class ... Isn't it a shame?
You're not a mother's boy
Look, so strong!

You wash the dishes yourself
Or hear only: - "Ma-am ..."?
You set the table for lunch
Do you howl like a hungry wolf?
And mom will start washing,
Are you hugging toys?
It will be nine years soon! -

But the answer is now:
- I love my mother very much.
And I'll wait to get married.
I am my own wife, like a mother,
Here I will find, and I will become a husband!
But on the other hand, their children -
/ I will be the father of three! / -
Himself, how to put them to sleep,
At night I will please with a fairy tale.

Between the plates on the table
The dolls will sit down, them and me
They will smile softly.
To take food without dolls
I won't let my children
Appetite to be in the father!
Yes with any toy kids
Everything will be eaten and not noticed!

And I'll wipe their noses myself,
After all, it’s a shame to walk snotty!
Learn to wear headscarves...
What do we need to breed dampness?

Surround them with care
I only remember my mother
Caressing look and hands
That with me they did not know flour,
We were happy to serve...
I can't forget them!

Only with mom

Marina Khaleeva

At a concert once
The boy was visiting us:
Loudly clapped, smiled,
Sometimes he laughed out loud.
Call Kalinkin Demid.
The name is adult, but we see
Little more - four years ...
- Don't joke, for God's sake!
On my knees the whole program
Dyoma sat out with his mother!
The concert is over
Mom is horrified: - Now
How can we go home with him?
Dyoma is crying: - We will not leave! -
Very upset
Wants to continue! -
We all comforted Dyoma,
They promised to invite
For another show:
- It won't be fun without you! -
He nodded his head: - I'll come,
Can I bring my mom?

Who is your friend?

Marina Khaleeva

Pavlusha was alone at home.
He did not miss his mother.
Lessons will end, - loved
Walk until night itself.

He was sociable and knew
Guys all over the area
But it is unlikely that he would answer us,
Who could you call a friend?

A friend is checked in trouble.
To walk - what troubles?!
Brings together firmly everywhere
The only thing - not sweets!

He used to go to the section,
Appeared in the pool
Then he quit and said:
Why did I sign up?

And only this year,
Almost ten years old! -
He chose himself: - I've been waiting for two years,
There is no sweeter violin!

And Pavlik came with his mother
And began to learn the violin,
Support is a must! - found
He's in his mother's smile!

Mom walked past from work
And went to school
Find out how Pavlik is doing
And how to help her at home.

When I left the lesson
She met him:
- Well, how, son, did you lead the bow?
How did the violin sound?

The custom at school was:
"Effort Marks"
Mothers should put them.
It is impossible without their attention!

In the diary - a teacher to match! -
For every day of practice
The son received either "three", then "five" ...
Have you always been careful?

After all, two lessons and only
One week at school!
Would you take up the bow without your mother?
Worked out at home?

There was a case, Pasha went on a spree,
Forgot about everything
And I got "two" from my mother,
Didn't play that evening.

Then he corrected himself and - once! -
Suddenly he did not go to school.
There will be cartoons, I knew in the morning ...
Well, it's time to break!

A lesson was assigned for three,
And my mother called
- It's time for you, son, go ...
I will meet! - spoke.

Himself to the TV soon
Went through the channels:
- Yes, they're on their way! -
And… I forgot about my mother.

Can you believe that you forgot?
The cartoons are over
He caught himself: - And the clock?!
I got an alarm clock!

Touched the call button
And looked at the arrows.
Turned them back and forth
As if to test.

And Pavlik's mother came
At that hour for the son to school.
Of course, she did not find her son.
- Did something happen at home?

Running home, all in alarm,
More like inquiries
But the son, cursing himself in his soul,
Silent as if under interrogation.

So he didn't tell his mother
What did you do at home.
After all, it's a shame that he skipped!
Muttered: - I'll fix it again ...

Do not betray! he heard
Back to school again
And, not understanding, was surprised:
About what - SUCH! - with his tone?

But his heart trembled
When I found out that my mother
So scared for him
That did not hold back the tears.

I imagined how the road went,
Almost ran into the house.
He remembered her look then
And how she squeezed it.

Probably more than once
Our Paul will stumble,
But every time it will be forgiven
A wonderful kind mother.

You don't have to ask him
Who is the best friend.
Yes, the one who gives his soul!
Well, what do you add here?

Hello everyone!

Marina Khaleeva

I hope to speak
We taught the whole yard.
- Come on, Nadia, repeat:
“Ma-shi-na,” we asked. -

"Sister-ryon-ka", "bread", "ar-booz", "ki-no",
"Va-ren-e", "house", "ma-li-na" ...
You are long overdue
Three years and a half!

The girl is silent, her mouth is compressed,
Looks almost stubbornly:
"What are they talking to me about?
The most important word of all is "mother"!

Whatever happens, I'll call
And mom will be there.
So what if I'm silent?
She will understand what is needed!

... Nadyusha lived for a long time
With just one word.
She had that word
Above all in the world!

But this summer we look
How the child has grown!
Does not lag behind, no matter how you drive,
And from the big girls!

Plays hide and seek, picks flowers,
Draws on asphalt
Shouts to someone: - What are you,
Play fair! -

It was the happiest
And sweeter than any sweetness
Simple grandmothers-grandmothers
Nadyushino: - Hello everyone!

On all benches
Such conversations:
Nadya has spoken!
“Healthy everyone… Are you all healthy?

For the sake of support

Marina Khaleeva

Gloomy gray outside.
It was in September.

Vova went out for a walk.
He is almost five years old.

Mom cooked dinner for everyone
And I followed Vovik.

And why did she need
From the window to follow from the kitchen?

The son walked all alone
He was his own master.

Lounged around the yard.
The thing was in the morning.

He walked back and forth.
Where are the boys, where are the people?

At school! .. - Vovka guessed
Laughed at himself. -

Well, what am I to do?
To whom shall I show courage?

Where do I put my legs and arms?
I'm dying of boredom! -

He jumped up and over the branch
Grabbed tight,

But from her collar
The rain poured down... Hold on, joker!

He ran through the puddle
He did not manage to be dry:

Shoes for walking
I put it on myself, they have no price!

What else can I think of?
Boredom is everywhere! -

He sighed and near the house
I sat down on the fence of the lawn.

And although he sat down lightly,
That fence and ... sank.

Vova swayed quietly,
Everything seems to be bent...

Sees mom, son in the grass
On damp ground!

He fell on his back into the lawn,
And not sweet, apparently, son!

Hey Vovil! - From the window
The head showed up. -

Are you sunbathing there?
Will you make room for us? -

Vovka had his mouth open
Roar with all your might.

Just got together
But here ... he smiled.

He lay and laughed
And I forgot about the troubles:

Here's why she followed:
What could help me!

Heart - mom

Marina Khaleeva

At school, Dima is a beginner,
First grader, first grader.
Although there are five lessons,
He is not in a hurry to go home,
Waiting for someone in the hallway
Wipes away tears... Woe!

Delayed... Didn't come...
Did you go about your business?
How can I go home alone?
I'll get under the car!

How long has mom been gone?
Wait baby, it's coming! -
We console. - Do not be bored,
Better play with us!

Guess the riddle:
“In the morning he does exercises,
Doused with water
And he doesn’t whimper…” Who is this?

Dima answers quickly.

Now tell us:
"Who will make the bed himself,
Help an old grandmother
Will she offer a cup of tea?”

The one who wants to be a man! -
Dima answers again.

Well, you answer correctly
You already know the answers!
Well, where are the tears?
The boy is crying - it's bad!
After all, a man does not roar,
Even if mom is waiting.

We just talked...
I thought I was forgotten
Our Dima muttered. -
Mother! he suddenly screamed. -
There goes the lobby!
Mom, I'm on guard here!

Waited for a long time? Tired, son?
I was in a hurry, I fell off my feet.
Well, take it to the closet.
Couldn't you dress yourself?

She gave Dima a hat,
She took her jacket off the hanger.
Tied up the laces
Yes, in bows, not in knots!

Near the boy fussing.
We only look, handkerchief
Does not let go of the hand.
Nose, whether it wipes eyes ...

She explained to us:
Yes, I felt...
Now she wrote a letter
I reminded my sister
Home by the river
Mom and dad ... Old people!

How do they live now?
Do they miss us?

Okay, let's go.
Dima, wave your hand!
Say goodbye to your friends...
Oh, they didn't say thank you, -

She suddenly caught on. -
With Dima... were you waiting for me?
Dima, if I'm late,
Look, don't be afraid!
Friends will not be offended
With them, the hour will fly by in a flash!

... They looked after their mother and son.
Kindness, kindness, peace
Who will fill the soul of children?
Mother! - Who else is in the world?

The one who loves his mother dearly
That man will definitely be.
And a real man
Giver's heart to mother.

On the day of the eighth of March

Tatyana Gusarova

On Women's Day I bring from the market
Lots of items:
Mom - books: let him read
(How does she have time?).

Dear grandmother - a basket,
To go shopping.
And sister, beloved, best,
I will give a prickly cactus.

Oh, I'm tired, no urine.
Serve lunch!

Beloved mother

Tatyana Gusarova

I will collect all the beauty on earth
And I will make a huge, huge bouquet.
And weave a bright, bright spring wreath.
Mom will affectionately say: “Thank you, son!”
And he will give me his smile in return.


Tatyana Gusarova

We are getting ready for Women's Day!
Dad and I made the menu ourselves,
Bought groceries, baked a pie,
We tried our best for my mother.
We even licked the whole apartment!!!
And my mother ... was called to work.

March 8 without mom

Tatyana Gusarova

March. Eighth. The whole family
Ready for the holidays!
Only my mom
At work again.

Makes a report promptly
Chief. Very important.
It will only come in the evening.
Maybe even at night.

Link debit to credit
She fails.
The numbers need to be adjusted
Something doesn't work there...
I sit down to write a letter.
Immediately to the President!
Let him order to publish soon
Chiefs documents,

To not call moms
To work on a holiday.
Holidays need to rest
Even trouble-free!

Pages 1 2

Mommy - gifts

I am my beloved mother
I will give gifts:
I will embroider a handkerchief for her.
Like a living flower!

I'll clean the apartment -
And there will be no dust anywhere.
Delicious bake a pie
With apple jam...

Only mom on the threshold -
Here and congratulations!
You are my mommy
I congratulate you:
With this holiday
Happy spring
With the first flowers
And a good daughter.


Mother's day

Here is a snowdrop in the meadow,
I found it. I'll take the snowdrop to my mother,
Even if it didn't bloom.
And my mother hugged me with a flower so tenderly,
That my snowdrop opened from her warmth.

I paint on asphalt
colorful crayons
In a soft white dress
Mom with blue flowers
I'll write down "Mom"
Let it be uneven, even crooked,
For her, for herself,
The cutest and most beautiful.

Tatyana Agibalova

Women must be respected

Airplane light-winged
I'll make it out of paper.
And probably on Women's Day
I will give it to Nina.
On this day I will not tease
Pull the scythe, push.
And I won't let others
Offend Nina on a holiday.
Happens once a year
So you can be patient.
Just a little respect
Must have for women!

E. Arsenina

I'll give it to my mom

Soon the Day of the Eighth of March,
It's only three days away.
But a gift for mommy
I still haven't chosen.

I'll give her a ball
Or maybe a dump truck...
I'm in the toy department
Loved them for a long time.

I'll bring my mother to the counter,
I'll hug you tightly
And I whisper in her ear:
"Congratulations and love!"

And I'll whisper to my mother:
I've been waiting for this day for a long time
And a gift in the store
I chose with love.

Mom will buy those toys
And with a smile he will tell me:
For attention and affection
I'm doubly happy!"

E. Arsenina

I'm already big

I'm five years old
I'm already big.
From the last of my strength
I help mom.

No time to play with dolls
Here I am learning to crochet.
One loop and two loop,
I try very hard.

I sweep the floor in the apartment,
I wipe off the dust with a rag.
I keep order
I am sitting with my little brother.

Nothing, I can do anything.
I'll replace my mom soon!

Mom's holiday

Joyful spring holiday
Knocked on our door
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
We are our beloved mothers.
And today we are for mom
Let's write poetry, sing
And we'll cook dinner ourselves
Together with our daddy.
We'll paint a picture
On which the whole family;
A little tint, dim,
There are no good thoughts.
We will give happiness to mom,
So that she lives the best,
WITH women's day congratulations to her
For more laughter.
So that fatigue does not know
To spite everyone's adversity,
Smiling, she told us:
"How lucky I am with you!"

Only grandma

With your head under the covers
I'll go quietly.
I don't have many problems
But they need to be sorted out.

Who to ask for advice
How should I proceed?
Who can help all the answers
To find questions?

Mom and dad? They are tired
One job on my mind.
The brothers laughed last time
It's hard to get close to them.

Only my grandmother
Will rush to help again.
And when he drinks tea
All problems will be solved!

E. Dolgikh

word to mom

Such a warm, living word -
There is nothing dearer and dearer.
Always ready to protect us in everything,
It is the foundation of our life!

Just say: "Mom", - and stung in the heart,
The vast world was filled with warmth.
Hope and love opened the door,
After all, MAMA is everything we live by!

T. Lavrova


I will plant a sprout in a pot,
I'll put it on the window.
Hurry, sprout
Open the flower -
He really needs me.

The winds blow outside the window
With snowy winter
But it will get higher every day
Grow my flower.

When is the calendar
Spring time will come
On the eighth of March I will give
I am my mother's flower!

V. Shugraeva


Our mom is at work
Big brother at work.
"How many worries you have!"
The neighbors tell me.

I decided to get down to business
If mom is not at home!
Someone must try
Prepare dinner for us.

I will wash the dishes
And I'll put things in order.
All notebooks, all toys
I'll take it to the place.

Mom and brother will say: “We know
Not a boy - just a treasure!
This house has an owner
Even if it's small in size."

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked in wreaths:
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms.

From any misfortune spell
(She’s not good at all!),
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud, sublime mother.

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
And so it stands for centuries:
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms.

Everything in the world is marked by traces
No matter how many paths you walk,
Apple tree - decorated with fruits,
A woman is the fate of her children.

May the sun applaud her forever,
So she will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms.

Skillful fingers

They say that mom's hands are not simple:
They say mom has golden hands.
I look closely, I bring closer,
I touch and stroke - I don’t see gold.

Why are our factory people
They say - does mom have golden hands?

I will not argue: they know better -
After all, they work with my mother.

Moms love to eat jam
Sitting in the dark in the kitchen
Sing while dancing on Sunday
If no one sees them.
Moms love to measure puddles,
Finding them in the hot summer
Forget the keys to the door
And then loiter somewhere.
Moms like to sleep on Saturday
And sculpt elephants out of snow
And skip work
And in the winter without a hat to run.
Moms love to chew on candy
And ride the tram
But they are silent about it...
No one knows...


Mama, mama is a sweet little girl
With a silky, long braid.
Mom, mom - old grandmother,
Kind angel, complex and simple.

Blue eyes magical caress
Stroking grandchildren sleeping at dawn.
And your love is a beautiful fairy tale
The children will dream for a long time.

I will weave a wreath of all flowers
For my only, dear.
I weave a pattern of warm words,
May it always circle over you.

T. Snezhina

Today is a spring day
Let's go with us
Thank you grandmothers
Thank you moms.
For troubles, for affection,
For songs, for fairy tales,
For delicious cheesecakes,
For new toys.

From the nest in a strong wind
The chick fell out once
And I saw in half a meter
Yellow sparkle of cat's eyes.
The chick trembled, rushed about,
Death is so close.
The cat was sternly bent,
Trying for a jump.
Suddenly a savior mom
Something squeaking on the fly,
Dropped down and straight
Boldly rushed to the cat.
Terrible fluffed feathers
And then in one sitting
(It seemed that or was it?)
Evil thief swallowed
Along with fur and tail.
However, how can there be any doubt?
Even the tigers to win
I'm sure a bird
If this bird is MOTHER!

Mom's love

The sun only warms us during the day,
Mom - no days off
And cares, cherishes,
And doves his children.

The moon only shines at night
Mom - loves all year round.
He loves tenderly, very strongly.
And love does not get tired!

N. Samoniy

Who's playing?

And the sun plays (beams on the river),
And the cat is playing (in a ball on the porch),

And Zhenya is playing (Zhenya has a doll),
And mom plays (in the theater on stage),

And dad plays (on a copper pipe),
And grandfather (plays with his grandson in the hut).

And the grandmother washes diapers for her grandson.
Grandma is probably playing with the laundry?

A. Shibaev

On mommy's cheeks -
Two magical dimples.
And when she laughs
Light so radiant pours,

That snowdrops grow
Bloom right before your eyes.
Mom is my sunshine
I am her sunflower.

It's good to be happy
Love your mommy!

Our mommy

Who do we meet first?
Coming to the white world, -
So this is our mother
She is not cuter.
All life revolves around her
Our whole world is warmed by it,
All the century she tries
Save us from trouble.
She is the backbone of the house
Busy every hour.
And there's no one but
Who would love us so much.
So she has more happiness
And life is longer,
And joy is in her lot,
And less sad things!

V. M. Samchenko

Our dear mothers!
We ourselves admit
Which, of course, we are not always
We are behaving well.
We make you very sad
That sometimes we don't notice.
We love you very, very much!
Let's grow good
And we will always try
To behave.

All mothers are bored like this

All mothers live so bored -
wash, iron, cook.
And they are not called to the Christmas tree,
gifts are not given to them.
When I grow up big
I will be a mother too.
But only a single mother,
Not a manly lady.
I will buy a new coat
Under the color of a crimson hat.
And never and never
I'm not marrying my dad.

V. Egorov


We are masculine. Everything has its hour.
But from a young age until the death of the most
With a beating heart forever beats in us
The word "mother" born of love!
It burns like a good star
Of the thousands of words, a special word:
He is not aged, the years do not shrink.
It is always exciting and new.

Mom, very very
I love you!
So love that at night
I don't sleep in the dark.

I peer into the darkness
I'm in a hurry.
I love you all the time
Mommy, I love it!

Here the dawn shines.
It's already dawn.
Nobody in the world
There is no better mom!


There are different mothers

There are different mothers
On our planet,
The kids love them
Children also love:

Are in the world
Mothers are childish;
There are dogs
There are cat...

But every mother
For a native son -
Most important,

N. Samoniy

Your kindness is endless
And care knows no fatigue,
Mother's soul beauty
Not subject to hardship and old age.
Let the year go by
And wrinkles fall stubbornly.
Be healthy you, mother, always,
Be happy, dear mother!

Origami mom

Mother's Day is coming!
What can mom make?
Paper boat
I'll try to fold.

We are an origami ship
Let's launch together
By the stream I will tell my mother:
Let me kiss you!

Look, the boat is sailing
And calmly and easily -
In the water sky, like a crane,
that flies high.

So do I, with your love,
Life is happier - a hundred times!
I love you, I won't hide
You are spring, and I am your March!

N. Samoniy

My mom

There are many mothers in the world.
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother
She is dearer to me than anyone.

Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mommy.

Let's sit in silence

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
I sat down and sit.

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.

And I said to the beam:
I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh

Whatever I want!
But, my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
“Nothing,” he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!

E. Blaginina

Mommy a present

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
From it I will make
Little flower.
mommy gift
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!

O. Chusovitina

Hands that are softer than snow

And grandmother's hands smell of bread.
And grandmother's hands are softer than snow,
After all, grandmother's hands are like in snowflakes -
Worn hands, all wrinkled.

And grandmother's hands can do everything,
And grandmother's hands are warm with caress.
And grandmother's hands are mother's hands:
They raised our parents!

... And that's why it's softer than snow
Those hands that smell like bread.

N. Samoniy

Mom is a true friend

It's getting dark outside the window
And the evening yawned on the go.
From kindergarten I hurry faster
I'm going to my beloved mother!
Mommy will smile
And brighter around
Because mommy
The best friend!
It was a happy and sad day
So many things happen during the day
And mommy really, really needs me
Quickly tell about everything.
My mother understands everything
It's not even a problem for her.
And if, it happens, he scolds me,
So this is always the case.
It was completely dark outside the window,
But we don't turn on the fire
Here mommy sat down quietly next to
And only listens to me!


The mixture got into my mother's mouth.
Mom is so tired of laughing.
But still she laughs
Like a stream is flowing.
I ask my mother: "Show me a laugh!
She looks like a snowflake, maybe?
Now I will catch her.
But where is she? I don't understand.
I sit, open my mouth,
What if there's a mix?
And my mother laughs more than ever,
The mixture with her does not melt.
I look at my mother, I'm envious.
But I still can't see the blur...
Then I laughed at my mother.
Hooray! And I got a laugh in my mouth!

Mom is a sunny morning.
Mom is the first day of spring.
The day is painted with delicate mother-of-pearl,
If mom is in a good mood.
If there is a mess in the apartment in the morning,
Ringing laughter sounds, then it means
From now on and in the whole world
Our mother and I have come summer.
If mom gets a little sad,
If you frown a little, you are tired,
It means - autumn outside the window,
And nature also became sad.
And in winter on my mother's window
Freeze a wonderful postcard.
We run away into a fairy tale make-believe, -
Mom, me and mom's smile.

I smile like a mother
I also frown stubbornly.
I have the same nose
And the same hair color!

I don't want to argue with you
You believe me so
My mom is the best
The best in the world!

Mom fries pies
Mom makes masks
And tells me
Every evening fairy tales.

Very my grandmother
I love my mother!
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead a gray strand.

So I want to touch
And then kiss!
Guys, I'm not rude to my grandmother,
Because I love my grandmother!

Let's be our grandmothers
Help with you.
Smile, grandma
Always be young!

There is a day like this in March
With a number like a pretzel
How many of you guys know
What does the number mean?

Children in chorus will tell us -
It's our mother's day!

We and Mom

The rain stopped crying
The sun woke up.
Immediately the day became fun
Mom smiled.

Mom and I will go for a walk
Mom loves daughters
And we will weave from flowers
Wreath for mom.

We tried our best
Right up tired.
You wear our wreath,
Dear Mom!

O. Weisbecker

When I grow up

When I grow up big
I will be the captain
And I will sail the seas
And even the oceans.

I will sail to a distant land
Wonderful African
And wave to the monkeys
Captain's cap.

And if I see a lion
I'm not shy at all.
The lion will roar and my ship
How can an elephant trumpet.

When will the heavy rain fall
From a thick black cloud
I'll call my mom right away
And I ask for pens!

O. Weisbecker

Grandma's hands

I am with my grandmother
I've been friends for a long time.
She is in everything
Along with me.

I do not know boredom with her,
And I love everything about her
But grandmother's hands
I love everything the most.

L. Kvitka

My mom

Once I said to my friends:
There are many kind mothers in the world,
But not to be found, I growl,
Such a mother as mine!

She bought for me
On the wheels of a horse,
Saber, paints and an album...
But is that the point?
I love her so
Mommy, my mommy!

N. Sakonskaya

How many stars in a clear sky!
How many spikelets in the fields!
How many songs the bird has!
How many leaves on the branches!
There is only one sun in the world.
Only mother is alone in the world.

G. Demykina

I love mom

Mom brings me
toys, candy,
But I love my mom
Not for that at all.

funny songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happens.

I open it
All your secrets.
But I love my mom
Not only for this.

I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother!

L. Davydova

Mom is golden!

If, children, you are lazy,
Disobedient, playful,
What happens sometimes
Who is shedding tears then?
All she, dear,
Mom dear!

I. Kosyakov

Mom dear,
I love you!
All flowers are spring
I give you.

The sun is smiling,
Looking from above.
How cool is that
I have you!

Dear grandma,
Kind and gentle
I will give you
Fresh snowdrops.

your hands are warm
I remember.
How cool is that
I have you!

How the bell rolls
My sister's laugh
blue dress,
Red pigtails.

We have fun playing
Picking flowers in the field.
How cool is that
I have you!

I have a girlfriend
The best is the best.
Together at school, together at home
In general - inseparable.

Without you, friend
Don't live a day.
How cool is that
- I have you!

Happy spring holiday
We congratulate you!
Happiness, laughter, joy,
We wish you all good health!

May it come true today
All your dreams.
How cool is that
We are in the world!

My mom

Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.

You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.

One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!

drops of sunshine,
Splashes of sunny summer
We bring home today
We give to grandmother and mother,
Happy Women's Day!


Today is a holiday, today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers
This is the kindest holiday
He comes to us in the spring.

This is the feast of obedience
congratulations and flowers,
devotion, adoration,
Holiday of the best words.


Mother! I love you so much,
I don't know right!
I am a big ship
Give the name "MAMA".

Grandma knits

Grandmother knits socks -
Balls dance on the floor:

Yellow, red, blue -
Everything will come out beautifully.

So that the legs do not freeze
Granddaughter, baby.

Grandma's knitting needles - "knock-knock" -
Not simple - magical sound:

He turns balls
In striped socks.

I. Sudareva


Grandma, you too
Was it small?
And she loved to run
And plucked flowers?

And played with dolls
You, grandma, right?
What hair color was
Do you have then?

So I will be the same
Grandma and me -
Is to stay
Can't be small?

Very my grandmother -
Mother mother - I love.
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead a gray strand,
So I want to touch
And then kiss.

Maybe I am like that
I will be old, gray-haired,
I will have grandchildren
And then, putting on glasses,
I will knit gloves for one
And the other - shoes.

I take care of my mother's work,
I help in any way I can.
Today mom is for lunch
Cooked cutlets
And she said: "Listen,
Vypychi, eat!"
I ate a little
Isn't it help?

N. Grozovsky

My grandmother

My grandmother is with me
And that means that I am the main one in the house,
I can open cupboards
Watering flowers with kefir
Play pillow football
And clean the floor with a towel.

Can I eat cake with my hands
Slam the door on purpose!
And it won't work with mom.
I already checked.

R. Rozhdestvensky


For my beloved grandmother
I bake pancakes
I'll wash the dishes
I'll get everywhere
I will water all the flowers,
What grows in pots
And I'll sort out the cereal
And water the calf
Give sour cream to a cat
And the chickens - crumbs,
I will sweep the threshold,
Shake off the dust from the mats,
I'll wash the dress...
But when, I don't know...
There, Andryushka at the gate
By bike…
And from fishing - grandfather is coming,
Wow, the car is moving...
And no one works
I am the only one,
Okay, I'll take it off later.
Now I am nothing!
I'm tired, I want to sleep
I'd rather take a walk
I have a job - on the shoulder,
But when, I don't know...


I love my old grandmother!
I'll save money for my dear grandmother.
Grandma's pension is very small.
I want my grandmother to have a good life.
I'll save money on popsicle
I won't go with my friend to watch a movie.
So that grandmother does not know any worries or troubles,
I can skip breakfast and don't eat sweets.
I will drink tea without sugar in the morning,
To quickly collect a full piggy bank.
I will save money for my grandmother,
So that my grandmother could buy ROLLERS for me!

Tatyana Lavrova

My mother is dear,
I love you without end!
Congratulations on March 8,
I wish you happiness.

Lots of light, kindness,
fulfillment of a dream,
Joy for many years.
You are the best in the world!

Your mother's own
8 times I kiss
I'll hug you tightly,
I will say "I love you" 8 times.

"From March 8!" - I will shout.
I will spin in a round dance,
I wish you a sea of ​​laughter
Peace, joy, success.

Be cheerful like the sun
Bright, young, healthy,
The most tender and beloved...
Mom, be always happy!

Dear mommy! Today is the day when I would like to remind you that you are the most beautiful, the most important person for me. Thank you so much for everything you taught me. For everything that gave and showed in life. Congratulations on March 8, my dear. Be the same beautiful woman, the same kind person and the same good mother. Happy holiday!

My dear mother!
Happy Women's Day to you
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
You are the best in the world.

Let everything be with you -
And health, and friends.
Let dreams come true
We know about them with you.

I love you hard
I can't live without you
Thank you, my darling,
For the fact that I have you.

I wish you happiness
Let all bad weather go away.
Beauty, love, warmth!
Be healthy you always!

Let the sun shine for you
Flowers bloom in the soul.
May it always come true
Treasured dreams.

Shine your smile
And be happy yourself.
Happy International Women's Day,
My own mother!

The most tender, the most
Today I say:
“From March 8 to you, mom!”
You are my joy in life!

Smile more, do you hear?
And soul and heart sing,
You see the sun above the roof
Gives you a ray!

Mom, be always healthy
Good day by day
Be beautiful and cheerful.
Mom, I love you!

Be healthy and cheerful
Bloom day by day.
May spring give you
Lots of joy and kindness.

colorful gifts,
Words and compliments
Only very bright
Festive moments!

Be always happy
Bloom with spring.
Know that you are loved
I am always with you!

You don't have to look for words of love
They are in my heart.
You, dear mother,
Congratulations on Women's Day.

I want a smile
Bloomed on your face
So that you, mother, do not get sick,
To be healthy.

I am for you on the eighth of March
I will give my love.
Mom, the best in the world
I love you the most.

There is no more beautiful mother in the world,
About such a mother - only dream of.
For this we are like children to you,
Must say on a spring day:
Dear, you are more tender than mimosa,
And your hands are not more valuable.
Always let them give you roses.
Now accept a bouquet from us,
Which on the day of the 8th of March
... will delight your clear eyes.
Joy, happiness and excitement!
Know how to fight back.

It's Mother's Day!

I haven't cried all day
Don't tease the dog.
Didn't carry a kitten
I'm not a prankster:
It's Mother's Day!

Women's Day is an important occasion

Women's Day is an important occasion
Give a paper bouquet
Mom, grandmother, sister,
After all, I am a man from the cradle!

The eighth of March is a good day!

The eighth of March is a good day!
He is to congratulate women!
Both adults and baby girls
Wish them all the best.

Happy spring holiday!
In this bright hour
mothers relatives,

May the sun shine brightly for you,
Let the birds chirp outside the window!
So that not only the day of March 8 -
Every day was considered your day!

I love my mom very much
I will give her a gift:
Ray of sunshine in the window
And snowdrops in a basket!

I'm not a prankster today
Mommy is surprised
After all, today, women's holiday,
Let her smile!

Mother's day
Elena Blaginina

I walk, I think, I look:
"What am I going to give my mom tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe candy?"
Here's to you, dear, on your day
Scarlet flower - light!

Tatyana Gusarova

We are getting ready for Women's Day!
Dad and I made the menu ourselves,
Bought groceries, baked a pie,
We tried our best for my mother.

We even licked the whole apartment!
And my mother ... was called to work.

With dad, we decided a long time ago
Boris Zakhoder

With dad, we decided a long time ago
Surprise mom on holiday.
Washed, ironed, cooked
And, of course, surprised
What to say about it!

Mom praised us
And ... I took up cleaning.


Babies congratulate mom

Mironova L.

Here is how elegant
Kindergarten -
It's mother's day
The guys.

We are for mom
Let's sing a song
We are for mom
Let's start the dance.

Mommy's favorite

Mommy, beloved, dear,
Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower,
I don't know what to wish you
On this wonderful day.

I wish you joy and happiness
Peace and good luck for your life,
So that the heart does not break into pieces,
My dear, my dear, man!

Congratulations for mom.

There are many poems about this holiday,
But to congratulate him, really, I will not get tired.
Let the voices of children, merging into a choir,
Congratulations, our mothers!

Health, happiness and great love
We wish all women today.
Ah, if the nightingales sang in March
Or lilac blossomed, as in warm May.

Dad brought a cake to mom
Grandma - sweets,
And a whole load of toys
For sister Sveta.

It was so embarrassing for me
little brother,
Why on the calendar
No boy day.

Today is the 8th of March,
We congratulate all women
Let their smile never fade
And ringing laughter does not stop!

All mothers, grandmothers and aunts
We wish the sea happiness to you,
Your soul warmth, fun,
Love, peace of mind!

Happy Women's Day to you, our ladies:
Aunts, grandmothers and mothers,
sisters, educators,
Babysitters, girl friends!

Happiness, joy, kindness
May spring add to you
The sun warms the soul
It accompanies you everywhere!

The sun shines brighter

I cooked semolina for breakfast
Mom was in shock.
And in addition, early in the morning
Festive read a poem.

On the eighth of March I congratulate
Neighbor, grandmother and mother,
And even Murka, our cat -
She's a bit of a woman.

I will pick and give them from the garden
An armful of beautiful flowers.
I'll take and make a cake:
Yes, yes, I baked it myself!

Mommy and grandma

Mommy and grandma
I'll say "I love you" 100 times
And gently kiss
I will give you bouquets.

Let this holiday
Flowers bloom for them
May their smiles
Heavenly beauty.

Marina Druzhinina

Happy grandmother, mother, sister,
Aunts, girlfriends and just girls!
I wish you always be happy
Strong, kind, very beautiful!

May the sun always smile at you!
May your dreams come true soon!
But for myself I want to wish:
To please you and help in everything!

On the eighth of March

On the eighth of March
I'll draw for mom
Blue sea,
Sky with clouds.

Next to this sea
Dressed in foam
I will draw mom
With a festive bouquet.


Something strange is going on:
Mom is sleeping, but dad is not.
He woke up very early
As soon as dawn came.

I quickly ran for flowers,
And brought a delicious cake.
And in the hands - a colored bag.
He was very proud of something.

Dressed me up in a shirt
And he handed me a piece of paper.
Congratulations on March 8!
Tell your mom a poem!

Why March 8
Is it called "Mom's Day"?
Is it just mom
Congratulations in the morning?

Well, what about Aunt Masha,
How about grandma, sister?
Congratulations to them too
I really want it in the morning!

I will prepare congratulations
Mom, grandmother, sister,
teacher, friend,
To all the girls in the yard...

Then everyone will be happy!
It will be very good!
They will be happy, I hope
This holiday poem!

On this day, March 8th
The shops are crowded!
Buy all gifts.
What will I do?

I still can't
I'm still a few years old.
But I don't regret at all
That there is no money in your pocket.

Since neither grandmother nor mother
I can't buy a present
I can do anything with my hands
Make, cut, mold.

Let sweets, flowers
Congratulations lovely ladies
I am grandmother and mother
I'll give you all my love!

Congratulations to grandmother

Finally everyone fell asleep
Don't peep my secret
Because for granny
I will draw a bouquet.

Roses, asters, daisies
Flash brightly on a postcard.
I will write to my grandmother
How I love her
What her pancakes
I always praise.

It's good that everyone fell asleep,
Outside the window is already dawn.
I love you grandma
And I give you a bouquet!

Valentin Berestov

Eighth of March, Mother's Day,
Knock Knock! knocking on our doors.
He only comes to that house
Where they help mom.

We will sweep the floor for mom,
We'll set the table ourselves.
We'll cook dinner for her
We will sing and dance with her.

We paint her portrait
We will draw as a gift.
- They are unrecognizable! Wow! -
Then mom will tell people.

And we always
And we always
We will always be like this!


On mother's holiday
Gaida Lagzdyn

I got up early today.
Why? There are a hundred reasons.
I am, firstly, the oldest,
After dad, from men!

I washed, combed my hair,
I made my own bed,
Three minutes dressed and went,
But do not walk!

Went to the store for bread
And more milk
Played with three-year-old Gleb,
Knocked out the carpet with a fist,

I ate all the porridge for breakfast:
For myself and for Hatashy!
Nata said quietly to me:
- I love such a brother!

And then dad and I deftly
They baked a pie in the oven.
Ho! First y neighbor
Before lunch, there was a conversation:

How much milk do you need?
Where is the vanilla? And where is the flour?
And what kind of jam to take?
What's in the pie? What's in the cookies?

My dad and uncle Pavel
Learned a lot of rules:
Everyone flipped through the manual
Under the name "Housekeeping".

Mom's holiday
V. Orlov

March month.
Number eight.
There is no peace for me and dad.
What to give mom?
What to buy for her holiday?

We bought her some candy.
And a bouquet of snowdrops.
We came home with a bouquet
We laughed, drank tea,
Candy with Mom
We ate casually.

And then a pile of dishes
We washed the three of us.
Washed all the dishes
And then rubbed the floor.

Mom said in the evening:
- I'm not at all tired.
So little to do today!
I just got younger.
What an event!
I got lucky today.
It's a pity that tomorrow is not the eighth,
And the ninth number.

We answered her directly:
- We are not too lazy to help you,
We agree that mom
Younger every day.

spring holiday
Anna Alferova

The sun rejoiced in the sky
And caressed all passers-by ...
Faces shone with joy
People are like flowers
Forget-me-nots and tulips
Chrysanthemums and mimosa
Ekibana from daffodils,
Lilies, carnations, roses...

pretty girls,
Like butterflies fluttered.
In the tenderness of an old woman
They sighed over the gifts.
Take a closer look!.. You will find:
How majestic ladies -
This is from ordinary aunts
Our mothers have changed!

Shine - in the eyes, charm
In every word, in every look...
Confessions were heard everywhere
From native men and uncles ...
Like, a special case now ...
Nothing was forgotten
And the beautiful half
Even the doors were opened.

The sun rejoiced in the sky
Light delighting the girls,
And smoothed out on the faces
All wrinkles in old women.
And divine ladies
Like doves cooing...
Grandmothers, girls, mothers
On a spring day they rejoiced.

Wonderful day - the eighth of March!
How mysterious is nature!
From spring excitement
The storm subsided.
If all dads are good
Together to collect - at that time
Every day would be the same
For Spring Women's Day!

Children's poems for March 8 to teachers:

March 8 - sun and flowers,
All that warms the heart!
And may the love of students always
It helps you to be even happier!

Beloved teacher

To my students
You give your heart!
Thank you for everything
Good luck in your work,

Spring and warmth
Smiles, understanding
Let dreams come true
Wishes will come true!

spring holiday

On this joyful spring holiday
We hurry with congratulations to the class -
Wish you success, luck,
We love and appreciate you very much!

May spring be kind, happy,
Will bring many new victories!
Thank you for your support, for your generosity!
Bright, bright and creative years!

Let the sun shine

May the sun always shine for you
May work always bring joy.
May great happiness come to your house,
Let tears, sadness and trouble pass by.

You - Happy Women's Day! Blooming spring for you
In teachers' everyday life - fewer problems.
Always be bright, cheerful, lucky.
Set a great example for all of us.

On this day March 8
We want to tell you everything
What is a teacher
Can't be found all over the world!

We appreciate you, we respect you,
We express gratitude
For your care, for your work.
You are like our best friend!

Let everything bloom for you
Let spring reign in your soul.
We wish you happiness, joy
And, of course, good.

Happy holiday of spring and light

Happy holiday of spring and light
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
May summer be in your heart
And the days will be good.

You teach us to be kinder
Look for beauty in everything
Be educated, smarter
Science is hard to understand.

Thank you! Health, happiness!
Happy International Women's Day!
Thanks to your efforts
We will acquire a lot of knowledge.

Children's poems for March 8 to mom:

Mom, I love you so much
I don't know right!
I am a big ship
Give the name "MAMA"

Our dear mother
Olga Vysotskaya

Mother's day! Mother's day!
Put on the best dress!
Get up early in the morning
Clean up in the house
Anything good
Give mom.

gift for mom
O. Chusovitina

I love my mom
I will give her a present.
I made a gift myself
From paper with paints.
I will give it to my mother
Hugging affectionately.

I will collect a bouquet for my mother

I will collect a bouquet for my mother,
The most magnificent, odorous most.
Congratulations on March 8
And I wish you well:

Do not get sick, do not be sad, smile,
Have more fun, laugh.
Darling, I hug you
And congratulations on the start of spring!

I'll sing to mom in the morning

I'll sing to mom in the morning
Such a song
To immediately understand
How I love her.

I save my mother's work
N. Grozovsky

I save my mother's work,
I help as much as I can.
Today mom for lunch
Cooked cutlets

And she said, "Listen,
Help out, eat!"
I ate a little
Isn't it help?

mommy gift
O. Chusovitina

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
From it I will make
Little flower.

mommy gift
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!

I won't be naughty
I won't upset my mother.
If there is no appetite
We still have lunch.

I'll put it in order
I'm on the bookshelf
I'll sit on the sofa
Tiger, bunny, bear.

I'm not too lazy to work hard -
Because today is mother's day!

Mom is loved by everyone in the world

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom is the first friend.
Not only children love mothers,
Love all around.

If anything happens
If suddenly trouble
Mommy comes to the rescue
Will always help out.

Mom a lot of strength, health
Gives to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

Mom's holiday

Mother's Day is coming
Mother's day is coming
I know my mother loves
Roses, poppies and lilacs

Only in March there is no lilac,
You can't get roses and poppies..
But you can on a piece of paper
Draw all the flowers

I pin this picture
I'm at my mother's table.
Kiss my mom in the morning
And congratulations on Women's Day.

gift for mom
Peter Sinyavsky

What a gift for mom
We will give on Women's Day?
There are many for this
Fantastic ideas.

After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
It is very interesting…
We'll knead the dough in the tub
Or wash the chair...

Well, I'm a gift to my mother
I'll paint the closet with flowers
It would be nice if the ceiling ...
Too bad I'm not tall.

How much light in the house!
How much beauty!
There are flowers on the table for mom.
I love my mom so much
I can't find the words!

Gently kiss
I will sit in a chair
I will wash the bowl
I pour tea for her
I will cover her shoulders
I will sing songs.

Don't let mom know
Grief and worries!
May the eighth of March
Lasts a whole year!

colorful gift
P. Sinyavsky

I am a colorful gift
Decided to give it to my mom.
I tried to draw
Four pencils.

But first I'm on red
Pushed too hard
And then, behind the red immediately
Purple broke

And then the blue broke
And the orange broke...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!


A star is shining bright in the sky.
It shines, but does not warm - my mother says.
I will stretch a ladder to the sky from the balcony.
I'll take an asterisk for mom from the sky.

Mom will light this star on her chest.
And warm with warmth, sing a song.
Mom is my star, my bright one!
Sweetheart, good, I love you!

I'll go quietly to my mother,
I will hug my mother tightly
I congratulate her on the holiday,
And thank her!

Oh no easy task
Congratulate my mom
Gotta make the bed
And collect all the toys

Do not pull the cat by the ears,
Eat porridge and drink juice
Here, mommy, because obedient,
Your son has become today!

On Women's Day my mother
I'll hug you tightly,
I will put my hands to the sides -
That's how much I love you!

Be cheerful, smile
And sing songs in the kitchen
Never be upset
Know that I am always with you!

Better than my beloved mother
Not in the whole world,
I give her a ray of sunshine
And spring big hello,

And a bouquet of flowers first,
Warm rain at dawn
Mommy, I love you
And I give you the whole world!

There is no dearer in this world,
human for me
You are closest to me in the world
And I live for you!

Accept, on the day of March 8
All gifts and flowers!
Happiness, joy, fun,
Dream fulfillment!

Be an example along the way
And don't let him get away.
I love you, dear!
Mom - better not to find!

gift for mom

Here comes the eighth of March
Happiness bursts the chest,
I need to give my mom
Something for this holiday.

I will wash her as a gift,
I'll comb her hair as a gift,
I'll fit into a pair of the best sneakers
And perfumed!

Bouquet of flowers

Let's go to the flower shop.
Here is the beauty and brilliance of shop windows.

Straighten rose leaves
yellow-eyed mimosa,
scent of petals,
A sea of ​​holiday flowers.

We will buy a bouquet
On the best mother's day.

Dear mom

my dear mother
Congratulations and appreciate!
Let the smile shine
And does not leave the face!

You are the best

There are many good women in the world,
But you are the best, my dear mother.
You are gentle, sensitive, kind, glorious
And in life you will always be the most important.

May the spring holiday give you warmth,
With you on the soul and easy and light.
I confide all my secrets to you
As a child, I believe and trust you.

May your days be filled with happiness and light
It doesn't matter if it's winter outside or summer.
And it will be in your eyes, mom, spring,
And in the house the weather is warm and clear.

N. Maidanik

On the Day of the eighth of March
Mommy beloved
I will give you the sun
Golden ray!

Let the ray touch
mother's head,
Kiss on the cheek
Sweet and awkward!

Straight through the clouds
My playful ray
Will warm mom
golden mane,

Eyes tickle,
Having fun playing
And mother wakes up
Smiling at the sun!

Vera Shugraeva

I will plant a sprout in a pot,
I'll put it on the window.
Hurry, sprout
Open the flower -
He really needs me.

The winds blow outside the window
With snowy winter
But will be higher
Every day
Grow my flower.

When is the calendar
Spring time will come
Eighth of March
I will give
I am my mother's flower!

I wish you on women's day, mommy

I wish you on women's day, mommy,
So that our dad flew like a bullet,
Cooked dinner like a pressure cooker
Better than a real cook.

To give you a ring, a car,
And in your huge growing basket of flowers,
To wear in my arms from morning to night,
And to love you madly very much!

Children's poems for March 8 for girls:

International Women's Day
Tatiana Moroz

Today is a holiday all over the world -
International Women's Day!
It's already spring outside
And the first lilac wants to bloom!

I wish you good luck
To be the first and the best in studies!
May cherished desires come true
You can reach heights without interference!

Hello girls

Hello girls
With pigtails and without!
Let the sun smile
They are from blue skies!

Long live skinny
Long live fatties
Those with earrings
And freckles on the nose.

We congratulate you all
And please don't get angry.
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys!

Fragrant mimosa

I'm taking it to school today
fragrant mimosa,
Bouquet wrapped in cellophane
From light frost.

At first I couldn't understand
- Oh, I'm such a mess!
- Why congratulate the girls?
But my father told me:

From each must grow
Capricious stubborn
Someone's faithful wife
And sweet mother!

March is already laughing loudly.

March is already laughing loudly.
All of you - mood.
Congratulations girls
Happy spring holiday.

Everyone - smile more often,
Do not be sad at the desk
Everyone - to meet the prince.
Happy March 8!

The girls are lovely

Happy spring holiday to you
The girls are lovely.
You are so different
Lovely, wonderful.

Sometimes funny
But always beautiful
Stay, the main thing
The happiest!

What are pigtails

What kind of ponytails
Flowerbed bows bloomed?
You are like sisters today.
We have come to congratulate you.

Let it happen, we argue with you
And we don't want to talk
But when we don't see you,
We are very sad.

Congratulations on March 8
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
So that you, like today,
Have always been good!

Children's poems for March 8 to grandmother:

Wishes for grandma

beloved grandmother,
The most beautiful!
golden hands,
The eyes are young.

Be always happy
Wise and beautiful.
Happy holiday, dear!
Congratulations again!


I will give flowers to my grandmother today,
Postcard with funny cats.
And I'll hug you tight, and smile softly -
I will be your gift on a festive day.
You are the best, beautiful and very young,
Beloved, good, I adore you.

Smiles of grandmothers and mothers

Spring holiday in the yard -
Cheerful, warmest.
We smile lightly
All grandmothers and mothers.

Crying streams are ringing -
Goodbye, goodbye, winter.
Spring will come to us Women's Day
Celebrate yourself.

Beloved granny

You will always understand me
And you will save yourself from the thrashing.
How much did your
Golden pens!

There is no kinder grandmother.
I wish you:
Be cheerful, don't be sick.
Happiness! Congratulations.

Grandmother, you are my best friend

Dear grandmother, you are my best friend,
There is no one kinder than you around.
You will always forgive me any prank,
You will boldly protect me from sorrows, troubles!

I will say thank you, grandmother, to you,
May everything turn out well in your destiny.
On March 8, I tenderly congratulate you
And I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart.

Let kind eyes shine with joy,
Let no bitter tear touch them.
Remember, I love you with all my heart.
Happy holiday, my dear grandmother!

The history of the holiday March 8

The history of the holiday on March 8 begins with the times of the Roman Empire. The Romans celebrated a holiday that was dedicated to the goddess Juno, the wife of the supreme god Jupiter. They believed that Juno controlled the weather, that she was responsible for the welfare of the family; this goddess acted as the patroness of women during childbirth. Rich gifts were brought to Juno on the days when marriages took place and a child was born.

The holiday in honor of Juno was called the Matronalia and it was held on March 1. It is noteworthy that only married women- matrons. For all other girls and women, the holiday was banned. In the ancient Roman calendar, the Matronalia coincided with the New Year.

The matrons received gifts from their husbands and children, then they put wreaths on their heads and went to the temple of Juno Lucina. Along the way, they glorified the goddess and asked her to family life was happy. Slaves, although they did not celebrate the Matronalia, were freed from their daily work - it was performed by ... men.

In the history of the Jewish people there is an analogue of the holiday of women, which is called Purim.

In 480 BC, all Jews released from Babylonian captivity were given the opportunity to return to their homeland. However, there were not many such applicants. Surprisingly, during the period of being under occupation, many Jews arranged their lives well.

Not many liked this state of affairs. So, one high-ranking courtier of King Artaxerxes turned the monarch against the Jewish population. He explained this by the fact that the Jews do not comply with the laws of the empire, live by their own rules and do not honor the Persian gods.

This led to Artaxerxes issuing a law that demanded the extermination of the Jews as a people. However, the king's wife was a Jewish woman named Esther. She, having learned about this law, arranged a feast for the king. With this, she so pleased the ruler of the country that he allowed Esther to destroy all her enemies. Thanks to this cunning of the king's wife, the Jews exterminated their enemies and appropriated their property.

In the 19th century, the holiday received its further development. On March 8, 1857, women in New York demonstrated to demand:

  • reduction of the working day from 16 hours to 10;
  • creation of normal, human working conditions;
  • wage equalization with that received by men.

March 19, 1911 in Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, workers went on strike. They demanded equal rights for all. In 1913, another demonstration took place in St. Petersburg: its participants wanted to achieve equal rights for women in the economic and political spheres.

In memory of these historical events March 8 was declared International Women's Day. This decision was made by a conference of socialists held in Copenhagen.

The United Nations officially recognized March 8 as International Women's Day in 1976. Nowadays, this holiday has ceased to carry a political connotation and is perceived as a day of beauty and femininity.