The system of work on the organization of the summer recreational period in a preschool institution. Summer period in kindergarten Kindergarten summer wellness period

Presentation on the topic:


Prepared by the senior educator MBDOU d / s No. 7 p. Pereyaslavka

Summer is coming - everyone's favorite time. The conditions of summer time are favorable for the implementation of a set of measures aimed at improving the physical and mental well-being of preschoolers and leading to health promotion, strengthening immunity, increasing efficiency, and improving the quality of life. Nature provides great opportunities for the development of children's cognitive abilities.

In order for the summer to bring many joyful minutes to the kids, to be remembered for a long time by interesting and bright events, it is necessary to correctly plan the pedagogical process. It is important to make the most of the rich opportunities that are provided in the summer for health-improving and developmental work with children. We must try to make the children stronger, grow up, be ready for new discoveries. Planning work in the summer is a mandatory item in the cyclogram of the activities of the teaching staff of a preschool institution. In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard to the structure of the main general education program, the calendar-thematic principle of planning work with preschoolers is taken into account.

In our kindergarten, a comprehensive project "Merry Summer Marathon" has been developed for the entire summer period, taking into account the age of the contingent of pupils, a plan for holidays and entertainment, a plan for the prevention of child road injuries, a plan for working with public organizations (a library, a regional museum of local lore, an art school, fire brigade, traffic police), etc.

The purpose of the summer health work:

preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics, meeting the needs of a growing organism for rest, creative activity and movement.

    Contribute to the health of children. To develop the motor, intellectual, creative abilities of pupils in a variety of activities. Create an atmosphere of joy, create a positive emotional state for all participants educational process. Implementation of pedagogical and sanitary education of parents on the issues of raising and improving children in the summer.

Each age group has developed long-term plans work with children during the summer. Preparation for summer health work affects all aspects of the life of the preschool educational institution, all members of the team in accordance with their functional duties.

IN preschool For many years, planning has been practiced in the main areas: health and preventive work, educational, methodological, administrative and economic, control and management, work with parents (legal representatives) of pupils. At the same time, sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations are observed for the device, content and organization of the work regime in a preschool institution, according to which directly educational activities in the summer give way to sports and outdoor games, excursions, theatrical activities, creative games, etc.

Availability of a regulatory framework for the organization of summer recreational work:

1) An order was issued on the organization of work in the summer period, in which the day regimen for the summer period was put into effect for all age groups; the duties of the senior educator, calculator, supply manager, manager, assistant educators, cooks in the summer are defined. An order to organize meals in the summer, an order to strengthen personal responsibility for protecting the life and health of children in a preschool educational institution, an order to conduct checks on the readiness of a preschool educational institution to work in the summer, an order to create a working group to develop a work plan in the summer.

2) Instructions have been developed and briefings are being conducted with kindergarten staff on:

Protecting the life and health of children in kindergarten

Protection of life and health of children of early age groups in kindergarten.

On compliance with safety requirements when organizing the labor activity of children in kindergarten

Protecting the life and health of children during walks outside the territory of the kindergarten

Requirements for the sanitary condition of kindergarten premises

3) An order was issued to organize the drinking regimen of children in the summer

4) Checklists developed during the summer period, covering the organization:


drinking regimen

Morning exercises, physical education, tempering procedures

Activities, holidays and entertainment

Compliance with the daily routine

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules for the maintenance of premises and areas for walking

Planning for work with children

The forms of work in the organization of the summer recreational period for children are varied and rich, which is one of the main conditions for the qualitative organization of the summer recreational period, the integrated use of all forms of work.


    "International Children's Day" which is traditionally held together with the city library for many years, the holiday "Day of Russia" - June 12, summer leisure for younger children preschool age"Fruit and berry mix", game-excursion "Let's join hands together, we will go to the green forest", traditionally "Kindergarten Birthday", etc. Holidays, entertainment, leisure activities are planned and held weekly (every Friday) and this is also in Kindergarten has many years of practice, each teacher is responsible for holding some kind of event. Holidays help to create a positive emotional mood, contribute to the creation of an optimal motor regime, increase the efficiency and sports hardening of children. During the holidays, all children take an active part in outdoor and sports games, relay races, dances, attractions, musical and rhythmic exercises with elements of aerobics. The content of the holidays includes sports dances, children's performances with jump ropes, ribbons and balls. Surprises precede the next issue of the holiday, express its main idea and are the most fun moments of the holiday.

Themed weeks:

    "Week of good wizards"; "Health Week"; "Week of careful pedestrian"; "A week patriotic education". "Olympic Week" as part of the implementation of each week, various events with children: Reading works, Conversations, memorizing poems, productive activities with children (drawing, modeling, appliqué), environmental events, outdoor games, sports games, etc. Summer Olympic Games, where the guys show all their abilities.

Physical culture leisure

    Once a month, in each age group, sports activities “Petrushka is our guest” are held; "In the forest clearing"; "Journey to Africa"; "Funny relay races"; "We are athletes"; "Grow strong, dexterous."

Environmental projects

    "The Complaint Book of Nature"; " Clean morning»; "Window of Joy"; "The discovery of the beautiful and amazing"; "Do not pass by"; "Let's save nature from garbage"; "We are gardeners."

Summer miniatures

    "Pharmacy of Aibolit"; "Feast of the wind"; "The Feast of the Jumpers"; "Sorceress - water."


    "Young Artist"; "Our panama"; "Sand Therapy", etc.

Work with society

    A meeting was organized and held with the fire brigade, where children could get acquainted with the work of firefighters, their work and see their equipment, the children were shown a cartoon about the work of firefighters. Work with the museum during the summer period is also carried out according to plan. Work on traffic rules is carried out according to a separate plan.

A prerequisite for summer health work is the maximum stay of preschoolers in the fresh air, to increase the motor activity of children through outdoor games, sports entertainment, excursions, leisure and entertainment. In this regard, from June 01 to August 31, by order of the head of the preschool educational institution, the reception of children, morning exercises are necessarily carried out by teachers in the fresh air. traditional and current school year and in the summer, morning exercises are held: traditional, based on outdoor games, with recitative and dance material. Physical education in the summer has its own characteristics, although it is a continuation of the work given during the school year. Morning exercises in our preschool educational institution are held on a sports ground in the summer (senior preschool age), in areas ( younger age). The children are dressed in lightweight clothing. One of the main requirements is that gymnastics should not be forced. Various attributes (handkerchiefs, flags, ribbons, etc.) are widely used in gymnastics. Physical education directly educational activities in the summer have the goal of attracting children to optimal motor activity that brings a feeling of “muscle joy”. Motor activity corresponds to the motor experience of the child, his interests, desires and functional capabilities. The formation of the foundations of physical culture is closely related to the solution of the problems of environmental education: the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle, teaching environmentally friendly behavior, respect for the living, observing the rules of environmental safety, using natural factors to strengthen physical, emotional and mental health. Teachers use the following techniques and methods in their work: reading stories about sports, athletes, looking at illustrations depicting summer sports. They conduct cycles of physical education and educational games “My cheerful sonorous ball”, sports games with a ball, relay races, solving crossword puzzles, folk games, outdoor games, children's stories about sports hobbies, making attributes for outdoor games, etc.

Active recreation includes all types of physical exercises and involves the change of one type of activity to another. Movement strengthens the health of the child and helps to relieve overstrain. In our preschool educational institution, the following forms of active recreation are held: physical minutes, physical education breaks, health days, physical education activities, etc. Physical education activities are held once a month in each age group. Its content consists of physical exercises, which are carried out in the form fun games, fun, entertainment, exciting tasks, relay races, sports games, sports activities in the summer are held on a sports ground, in natural conditions of the natural environment. The sports ground is equipped with stationary and portable equipment. At each site of the territory of the preschool educational institution, teachers are trying to create conditions for independent motor activity of children.

For the full physical development of children and to meet their needs for movement in the preschool educational institution, the following conditions have been created:

    The music and sports hall (combined) is equipped with sports equipment; On the territory of the preschool educational institution there is a sports ground for outdoor and sports games; Methodical office. Music director's office

Creation of material and technical conditions for the organization of summer recreational work

1) Work is underway to organize flower beds, a vegetable garden, a corner of medicinal plants was laid out

2) Sand is imported for sandboxes in walking areas

3) The educators have selected remote equipment for exercises and games with children on the site, which is used for the purpose of physical, cognitive, artistic development, for the organization of gaming activities.

In the preschool educational institution, in the daily routine for the summer period, most of the time is occupied by activities for conducting forms of recreational work with children, hardening activities. The content of tempering and preventive measures in our preschool educational institution is selected in accordance with the group and health status of each child. The main means of hardening are natural factors necessary for life and health: the sun, air and water. Walking barefoot during a walk in the summer also has a hardening effect on the child's body; on warm days, teachers constantly hold this event with children. At each group site there are small forms for active motor activity: logs, crossbars, vertical ladders, step-ladders, target rings; play equipment for the development of motor abilities: trains, houses, cars, boats.

Forms and methods of healing children

Forms and Methods

The contingent of children

Ensuring a healthy rhythm of life

Flexible Mode

All groups

Physical exercise

morning exercises

Physical culture and health classes

Mobile and dynamic games

Preventive gymnastics (improvement of posture, vision).

Sport games

Finger gymnastics

Awakening gymnastics

All groups

Hygiene and water procedures

water games

foot washing

All groups

Light baths

Ventilation of premises.

Walks in the open air.

All groups


Entertainment, holidays, games, fun.

health days


All groups

Music therapy

Musical accompaniment regime moments.

Background decoration for entertainment events.

Musical-theatrical activities

All groups

One of our activities is to educate children in the need for a healthy lifestyle.

To instill in children the need for a healthy lifestyle, they should know:

    the importance of a healthy lifestyle; be aware of the features of the functioning of the body, the rules for protecting the senses; serve yourself, analyze your actions and the actions of other children; interact with the environment, understand under what conditions the habitat (dwellings, street) is safe for life; learn and understand what habits and why are harmful to health. How to behave in society.

In this regard, Health Days are held in our kindergarten. In our preschool educational institution, in each group, physical culture corners have been created, where, in an accessible place for children, there are aids for the development of physical activity. This is factory sports equipment, but mostly non-standard, made by teachers and parents. Here you can see various massage and ribbed tracks for the prevention of flat feet, soft targets, multi-colored ribbons, sultans and much more. Much attention in the preschool educational institution is paid to conducting thematic walks, excursions, hiking trips of ecological content outside the territory of the kindergarten with children of older preschool age in the summer.

The purpose of such walks is to contribute to the mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education of preschoolers on the material of the natural environment, to develop curiosity, the ability to be surprised. With the help of an adult, children learn to establish the simplest patterns and understand the relationship of natural phenomena. At each walk, the teacher teaches to notice, observe interesting natural phenomena, perceiving the world all the senses, it brings up in children the ability to admire the green grass, the blue sky, white clouds, to enjoy the singing of birds, the buzzing of insects. The expectation of the upcoming walk and the walk itself create a joyful mood in the child. Much attention is paid to environmental education. Joint activities develop a sense of beauty in children.

For example: a walk in the younger group "Birds are our friends", in middle group"Flowers", a walk in senior group"The Kingdom of Insects", etc. For the development of cognitive activity, educators regularly used in their work methods of experimentation with sand, water, waste and natural materials. The formation of the play activity of the pupils continued. Educators offered children a variety of material for play activities: dolls, cars, sets of domestic and wild animals, role-playing games such as “Family”, “Hospital”, “Repair Shop”, “Controller”, “Drivers”, etc. , as well as physical culture equipment jump ropes, hoops, balls, skittles, horses, throwing bags.

The full development of children is impossible without the organization of a balanced diet in compliance with established nutritional standards. A menu for the summer period has been developed. When organizing the nutrition of children, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the sufficient content of the protein component in the diet, the main sources of which are meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. An important place in the diet is occupied by vegetables and fruits.

Organization of cooperation with parents:

But, as practice confirms, even the best wellness program cannot give positive results if its tasks are not solved together with the family. In conversations about health problems, we are of the opinion that parents are active participants in the educational process. Much in our work with them will depend on how they raise a child. Therefore, joint holidays, days of health, entertainment, and leisure are organized with parents.

During the summer, work continued with the parents of the pupils. Consultations, conversations, workshops for parents were held, information was regularly updated in parental corners on topics related to maintaining and strengthening the health of children in the summer, hardening the body, breathing exercises, catering and summer recreation for children.

Parents were of great help in cleaning the groups after the repair, planting the site, in preparing holidays and entertainment for children held in the preschool educational institution.

In the early age group, booklets with materials on the adaptation of children were developed, parents got acquainted with the regulatory documentation, recreational activities, and educational work. Some parents, before the children started visiting the kindergarten, brought them to the site during a walk and watched the children play, and then joined them themselves. Thus, there was a gradual addiction of children to kindergarten.

In our kindergarten, a system of methodological work has been thought out to improve the skills of educators. It is aimed at professional adaptation, formation, development and self-development of educators. The system of methodological work of the kindergarten includes various types of activities focused on awareness, testing and creative interpretation of innovative programs and technologies: holding pedagogical councils in non-traditional forms, seminars, workshops, lectures, consultations, methodological hours, review competitions. To provide effective methodological assistance to teachers, the senior educator organizes exhibitions in the methodological office dedicated to work in the summer, selects literature and notes directly educational activities artistic and aesthetic cycle (musical, fine arts).

1) Consultations will be held: "Ensuring the motor activity of older preschool children on a walk", "Regular moments in the preschool educational institution in the summer", "Work of the preschool educational institution in the summer", "Summer - recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

Seminars: "Health lessons, education of useful qualities and the acquisition of habits for maintaining health", "Introduction of preschoolers to fiction", "Outdoor games in kindergarten".

2) Methodological recommendations have been developed: "Games of the adaptation period", "Recommendations for working with parents in order to prevent child road traffic injuries" Safety ABC!

The preschool institution takes an active part in competitions at the district level:

    Competition for the "Best organization of summer recreational work" laureates and winners of the competition in different years. The district month on career guidance for preschoolers was held in the summer - the teacher of the preschool educational institution received gratitude for the open event held with the children. Thanks to the senior preschool teacher for organizing a month in kindergarten. Competition-books for vocational guidance for babies - preschool teacher took second place in the region.

"Summer -2016" is planned to be held taking into account the developed PROGRAM of summer recreational work "Summer Tale"

UNDER the motto:

Summer is a ray of sunshine

Warm rain from under the clouds

Summer - bright flowers

unusual beauty,

Summer is a warm river

A flock of clouds in the sky.

Summer! summer is coming to us!

Everything rejoices and sings

The teaching staff of the preschool educational institution is working on the creation of the emblem "Summer-2016"

Are planning:

    Implementation of mini-projects in each age group Wider use of hiking trips with the involvement of parents. 50th anniversary of the kindergarten Work of the innovation site

The results of the summer recreational work are summed up at the pedagogical council. At a meeting of the pedagogical council, an analysis is carried out work of preschool educational institution during the summer, presentations interesting holidays, leisure, games and entertainment spent with pupils in the summer, problems and prospects for the further organization of summer recreational work are discussed.

Summer recreational period in kindergarten.

SUMMER is a vacation, and a vacation is a vacation. Therefore, we do not load the children with complex hours of classes, but we conduct classes that are easy and entertaining. So, the natural desire of kids to explore and learn about the world is fully satisfied. We look into those corners of the world around us that we did not have time to look into during the school year. Children get a lot of independent practical experience. After all, everyone knows that nothing is remembered better than their own conclusions. And for kids with minimal knowledge about the world around them and those who have been exploring the world for several years, these classes are very interesting! Creativity in the program of this SUMMER occupies a special place. Since we spend a lot of time in nature, the central idea is to preserve nature around us. Children receive the basics of environmental education.

In addition, SUMMER is the time when we gain strength, vitamins and health. We are not reinventing the wheel in this area. Outdoor walks during the day, outdoor games, healthy eating, friendship with sports. That's the whole secret of a healthy, dexterous and ruddy child.

Teachers pay as much attention to each kid as he needs to solve any, even the most “insoluble” issue.

Summer - health-improving work is organized according to the approved plan and is aimed at ensuring the protection of life and health of pupils, organizing a health-saving regime, preventing morbidity and injuries.

The main tasks of work for the summer-health period are:

Implement a system of measures aimed at improving the health and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity, the formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills;

Create conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of children, for independent, creative activities of children on the site;

To carry out pedagogical and social education of parents on the upbringing and health improvement of children in the summer.

Priority areas of work for the summer period:

Physical culture and health work;

Cultural and leisure activities.

Children spend most of their time outdoors. Reception of children, gymnastics, play activities and other outdoor activities are organized. We focus on increasing the motor activity of children through outdoor games, sports entertainment, excursions, and portable material. Children willingly work in the flower garden, in the garden, participate in role-playing games, games with water and sand, theatrical performances are organized, game situations on the site, conditions are created that ensure the protection of life and the strengthening of the health of children. During the period of summer - health-improving work for parents, according to the plan, consultations are organized on the topics of safe summer holidays for children. Parents were actively involved in the improvement of preschool plots. The floors on the verandas were replaced, some of the equipment on the plots. Our PURPOSE: to help parents raise capable, smart, healthy and happy children! Our summer programs are informative, fun, active and so different... Our experience shows that SUMMER can and should be spent with benefit!

Summer is an amazing and fertile time when children can walk, run and jump to their heart's content. It is during this period that they spend a lot of time outdoors. And it is very important to organize the life of preschoolers in such a way that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content, so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes from their lives will please children for a long time. That is why the work of the kindergarten in the summer is a little different from other times. Children receive no less attention, but they spend much more time outdoors. The main activities in the summer in kindergarten: collective games in the fresh air; active and regular physical activity; sport competitions; familiarization of children with the nature around them; reading children's literature. A huge role in how interesting children will spend the summer in kindergarten is played by the desire and ability of the teacher to make every day bright for the child. During the summer period, summer recreational work continues in our kindergarten. For the successful conduct of cognitive and health-improving leisure, children must have accumulated a certain amount of knowledge. The kindergarten was designed calendar plan on topics such as: "Hello Summer", "Health Week", "Ecological Knowledge Week", "My Favorite City" and others, as well as summer holidays. During the summer recreational period, all participants in the educational process are covered. It provides ample opportunities for strengthening the physical, mental and social health of pupils, developing their cognitive, communicative, creative abilities, as well as increasing the information competence of parents in the field of organizing children's summer holidays.

Summer is a great time for both children and adults. It is in summer that children have a great opportunity to get a boost of health for the whole year. Many children spend their summers in kindergarten.

collective outdoor games;
active and regular physical activity;
sport competitions;
familiarization of children with the nature around them;
reading children's literature.

A huge role in how interesting children will spend the summer in kindergarten is played by the desire and ability of the teacher to make every day bright for the child. Preschoolers in the summer in kindergarten can get a lot of new and interesting experiences, because it is during this period that they are released from school and devote time to sports games and excursions.

Summer work with children in kindergarten is usually called wellness, it has its own specifics. It is important to make every possible use of the conditions of summer time favorable for strengthening the health of children and to ensure that the child gets stronger, recovers and hardens, learns to understand and love the wonderful, wonderful world of plants and animals. In summer, nature provides great opportunities for the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers.

Summer wellness plan
Explanatory note
Summer is a favorable time for maintaining and strengthening the health of children, creating conditions for their full, comprehensive, mental and physical development. The growing and developing body of a child is very sensitive to the effects of various environmental factors. The competent organization of summer recreational work in a preschool institution, covering all participants in the educational process, provides ample opportunities for strengthening the physical and mental health of pupils, developing their cognitive interest, as well as increasing the competence of parents in the field of organizing summer holidays for children.
Summer is a special period in the life of every child. It depends on the adults around him how he will spend this time with health benefits, the development of emotional and cognitive processes.
Summer is a small life.
It is during this period that children get the maximum of impressions, pleasure and joy from communicating with peers and making new discoveries. At the same time, the more time preschoolers spend on the street, the more attention adults should pay to organizing children's activities in the summer. A competent solution of these issues will help to avoid troubles and provide an emotionally rich life for all participants in the educational process.
Summer work with children in kindergarten is usually called wellness, it has its own specifics. It is important to make every possible use of the conditions of summer time favorable for strengthening the health of children and to ensure that the child gets stronger, recovers and hardens, learns to understand and love the wonderful, wonderful world of plants and animals. In summer, nature presents great opportunities for the development of the cognitive abilities of preschoolers.
Upbringing healthy child- the priority, the most important task of preschool pedagogy, especially in modern conditions. The problem of raising a happy person is directly related to the health of this person. How to help a growing child realize their right to health and happy life? One of the ways to solve this problem is to organize work on the education of preschoolers in the summer season. Summer holidays for children have a significant impact on strengthening the body, resistance to diseases, and creating positive emotions. In the summer, great opportunities are provided for hardening, improving the protective reactions of the child, solar-air baths and water hardening procedures are widely used. In the summer, systematic and systematic work continues on sections of the programs. All activities are transferred to the air. Each type is assigned a place and time in the daily routine.
The priority directions of the preschool institution in the summer recreational period are:
- physical culture and health-improving work;
- environmental education;
- game, musical, theatrical, visual activities of children.
The success of summer work is determined, first of all, by how timely the kindergarten team prepared for it.
The main thing is to equip teachers with knowledge. To do this, the necessary literature on certain issues is selected in the methodological office, each teacher can be invited to independently work out one of the topics that are close to them, and then exchange experience, knowledge and hobbies.
Law No. 273 of December 29, 2013 "On Education in the Russian Federation"
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 Moscow “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities in Basic General Education Programs - Educational Programs preschool education»
Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of General Education dated January 13, 2014 No. 08-10
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education"
Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations”
The developing function of education comes to the fore, ensuring the formation of the child's personality and orienting the teacher to his individual characteristics, which corresponds to the modern scientific "Concept of preschool education" (authors V. V. Davydov, V. A. Petrovsky and others) on the recognition of self-worth before school period of childhood.
Goals and objectives of work in the summer recreational period
Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics.
1. Create conditions that ensure the protection of life and strengthening the health of children, the prevention of morbidity and injuries.
2. Implement a system of activities aimed at developing independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity.
3. To educate parents on the pedagogical, educational, health issues of children in the summer.
4. Increasing the competence of teachers in organizing summer recreational work, motivating teachers to improve the quality of organizing summer holidays for preschoolers.
Direction of educational areas
Tasks of working with children:
"Physical development":

1. Strengthen the health of children by increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body, develop motor and mental abilities, and contribute to the formation of a positive emotional state.
2. Comprehensively improve physical functions organism.
3. Increase the performance of the child's body through various forms of hardening.
4. To form interest and need for physical exercises.
5. Satisfy the natural need for movement, create conditions for demonstrating the motor skills of each child.
6. Contribute to the prevention of morbidity and childhood injuries. "Artistic aesthetic development":
1. Consolidate and deepen the musical impressions received during the year.
2. Support the initiative of children in improvisation.
3. Activate the imagination, initiative, creativity of the child.
4. Develop the foundations of musical and theatrical culture, spiritually enrich children with positive emotions
5. To improve the performing skills of children in creating an artistic image, using game, song and dance improvisations for this purpose.
6. Develop communication skills in various communication situations: with peers, teachers, parents and other people.
1. To involve children in observing reality, to develop the ability to see the world through the eyes of a creator-artist.
2. Provide freedom to reflect - accessible to the child artistic means - their vision of the world.
3. Develop the ability to convey mood, state, attitude to the depicted, experiment with various types and methods of depiction.
4. Create maximum freedom for the manifestation of initiative and the necessary physical and psychological space for this.
"Cognitive development":
1. Satisfy children's curiosity without suppressing interest in learning about nature, form ideas about it necessary for the versatile development of the child, instill skills of activity and independent thinking.
2. Develop communication skills with peers, adults and the environment with a focus on a non-violent model of behavior.
3. Provide ample opportunities for the use of all five senses: see, hear, touch, taste, feel various elements of the surrounding world.
"Social and communicative development":
1. Develop the play activities of pupils;
2. Introduction to the elementary generally accepted norms of relationships with peers and adults;
3. Continue work on the formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings;
4. Develop labor activity, cultivate a value attitude towards one's own work, the work of other people, its results;
5. To form an idea about situations dangerous for a person and the natural world and how to behave in them.
"Speech Development"
1. Development of free communication with adults and children.
2. The development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogic and monologic forms) in various forms and types of children's activities.
3. Practical mastery of the norms of speech by pupils.
4. Speech stimulation (repetition, explanation, discussion, motivation, reminder, clarification) - the formation of elementary replication.
5. Maintaining social contact (phatic conversation, heuristic conversation).
6. Joint subject and productive activities of children (collective monologue).
7. Independent artistic and speech activity of children.
Principles of planning health-improving work.
When planning health-improving work in preschool departments, the following principles should be followed:
1. integrated use of preventive, hardening and health technologies;
2. continuous implementation of preventive, hardening and recreational activities;
3. predominant use of non-drug rehabilitation;
4. use of simple and affordable technologies;
5. formation of positive motivation in children of medical personnel and teachers to carry out preventive hardening and recreational activities;
6. Improving the efficiency of the system of preventive and health-improving measures by complying with elementary rules and regulations: optimal motor mode, physical activity, sanitary condition of the institution, catering, air-thermal regime and water supply.
Organization of physical culture and health-improving work with children
morning exercises;
motor activity;
rinsing the mouth after eating;
sleep without T-shirts, with open windows (in warm weather);
ventilation of the room;
gymnastics after daytime sleep with hardening procedures;
walking on a ribbed path;
classes, walks, hikes;
joint leisure activities with parents;
sports holidays and entertainment;
health week;
Forms of recreational activities in the summer. 1. Organized educational activity is the main form of organized systematic training of children in physical exercises. The organization of GCD should exclude the possibility of overloading children, prevent their overwork or disruption of the activity of physiological processes and structures of the body, in particular musculoskeletal and cardiovascular, as the most loaded during physical exercises. Exercises are selected depending on the tasks of direct educational activities, on the age, physical development and health status of children, physical education equipment.
Organized forms of educational activities are planned with the inclusion of outdoor games, sports exercises with elements of competitions, walking tours, excursions, walks along the route (the simplest tourism), holidays, entertainment 3 times a week during hours of least insolation (before the onset of heat or after its decline).
Duration of organized educational activities:
Junior group - 20 minutes
Senior group. - 25 minutes
Preparatory group - 30 minutes
2. Morning exercises. The purpose of the exercise is to increase the functional state and performance of the body, the development of motor skills, the formation of correct posture, and the prevention of flat feet. Traditional gymnastics includes simple gymnastic exercises with the obligatory inclusion of breathing exercises; exercises with and without objects; exercises for the formation of correct posture; exercises using large modules, shells, simple simulators. Corrective gymnastics includes complexes of special exercises in accordance with the nature of deviations or disorders in the development of children.
3. Outdoor games. Games of medium and low mobility are recommended. The choice of the game depends on the pedagogical tasks, readiness, individual characteristics of the children.
Game types:
plot (use when explaining a crumb-fairy tale or a plot story);
non-plot with elements of competition at different stages of learning;
with elements of sports (badminton, football, basketball).
Outdoor games are held outdoors, on the sports ground daily, during the hours of the least insolation. The duration of games for all age groups is 10-20 minutes.
4. Motor warm-ups (physical minutes, dynamic pauses). Their choice depends on the intensity and type of previous activity.
developmental exercises fine motor skills;
rhythmic movements;
exercises for attention and coordination of movements;
balance exercises;
exercises to activate the work of the eyeballs.
balance exercises;
exercises to activate the work of the eye muscles;
relaxation gymnastics;
corrective exercises (in accordance with the nature of deviations or disorders in the development of children);
exercises for the formation of correct posture;
exercises for the formation of the arch of the foot.
They are held outdoors, on the sports ground daily, during the hours of the least insolation. Duration:
senior group - 10 minutes;
preparatory group - 12 minutes.
5. Elements of sports, sports exercises. They contribute to the formation of special motor skills, the development of strong-willed qualities, emotions, and the expansion of the horizons of children. Types of sports exercises:
scooter riding;
a ride on the bicycle;
roller skating;
Applied value of sports exercises: the perception of relevant labor skills and respect for equipment. They are held outdoors, on a playground or sports ground daily, during the hours of the least insolation. Duration: junior group- 10 minutes
senior group - 12 minutes;
preparatory group - 15 minutes.
6. Gymnastics of awakening. Exercise after nap. Gymnastics of a plot-game character.
Warm-up after sleep is carried out using various exercises:
with objects and without objects;
on the formation of correct posture;
on the formation of the arch of the foot;
imitation character;
plot or game;
with the simplest simulators (gymnastic balls, dumbbells, weights, rubber rings, expander);
for coordination of movements;
in balance
for the development of fine motor skills;
for coordination of movements;
in balance.
The venue is the bedroom. Awakening gymnastics for all age groups duration - 3-5 minutes. Gymnastics after daytime sleep for all age groups - 7-10 minutes.
7. Individual work during the day. Conducted with individual children or subgroups in order to stimulate physical activity, independent games and exercises. Provides assistance to children who have not mastered the program material in the classroom, who have developmental disabilities. Helps to improve health and improve the physical development of debilitated children, correct posture defects. Held in the gym. The time is set individually.
8. Hardening measures. The system of measures taking into account the state of health, physical development, individual characteristics of children:
hardening elements in Everyday life(washing with cool water, wide aeration of the premises, rubbing, dousing up to the waist);
hardening activities in combination with physical exercises (properly organized walk, solar and water procedures in combination with physical exercises);
special water, solar procedures, which are prescribed by a doctor.
The system of hardening measures
- Air temperature regime: from +18 to + 20 ° С, A rational combination of air temperature and children's clothing is provided.
- One-sided ventilation: In cold weather, it is carried out for a short time (5-10 minutes). It is allowed to decrease the temperature by 1-2 °C.
- Through ventilation (in the absence of children): In cold weather, it is carried out for a short time (5-10 minutes). The criterion for stopping ventilation is the air temperature, reduced by 2-3 °C.
- In the morning before the arrival of the children. Reception of children in the air: By the time the children arrive, the air temperature is restored to normal.
- Before the children return from the afternoon walk: By the time the children arrive, the air temperature has returned to normal.
- During daytime sleep, evening walk: In the warm season, it is carried out during the entire period of the absence of children in the room. The state of thermal comfort is provided by the conformity of clothing, temperature.
- Morning exercises: Outdoors in summer.
- Physical culture: Conducted daily in the fresh air, light clothing. Clothes and footwear correspond to meteorological conditions.
- Walking barefoot: Daily. In the warm season at air temperature from +20 °С to + 22 °С.
- Water procedures:
Hygiene procedures: Washing, washing hands up to the elbow with water at room temperature. Washing, wiping the neck, washing hands up to the elbow with water at room temperature. In the summer - foot washing.
Organization of children's activities
natural world
Calendar of seasonal observations, phenomena (insects, plants, birds, etc.)
The nature of the region in which we live.
Organization of work in the flower garden and garden.
Secrets of nature, medicinal and poisonous plants.
Requirements for conducting targeted excursions.
Preventive work to prevent poisoning by poisonous plants.
A game
Requirements for the maintenance and placement of playground equipment on summer playgrounds.
Organization different types games during the summer.
Artistic and visual activity
Unconventional methods in visual activity.
The development of children's creativity.
Summer holidays and leisure
We introduce children to Russian folk holidays.
Basic requirements for the organization of the holiday.
Themes and selection of material for holidays and leisure activities for outdoor activities in the summer.
Basics of children's life safety
We study fire safety rules.
Organization of work "Attention road".
Organization of work with parents
Advice for parents.
Interaction with parents in the summer (open days, interesting people living nearby, joint work).
Thus, the work done on the subject, and this disclosure of theoretical and practical approaches, will help all kindergarten teachers in their diverse work.
In the summer, systematic and authoritative work continues on sections of the programs. All activities are transferred to the air. Each type is assigned a place and time in the daily routine.
Direct educational activities with children in the summer? Will this interfere with their full rest? It must be borne in mind that organizing summer holidays for children does not mean giving them complete freedom in choosing, they must be united for collective play activities. Improperly organized children's activities lead to fatigue and excessive excitement. Types of direct educational activities can be determined at the Pedagogical Council of the preschool educational institution "Organization of summer recreational work." The right of choice was given to the team of teachers to determine the list of direct educational activities.
Creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of children.
- Switching to the daily routine in accordance with the warm season: Reception of children in kindergarten areas, walk - 4-5 hours, sleep - 3 hours, educational activities in the fresh air; the presence of a tape recorder, a music center for background music.
- Organization of the water-drinking regimen: The presence of a kettle, chilled boiled water, disposable cups.
- Organization of tempering procedures: Availability of individual towels for hands and feet; pelvis, watering cans; individual cups for rinsing the throat and throat.
Conditions for physical development
- Organization of safe conditions for children in preschool departments: Availability of a first aid kit, serviceable equipment on walking grounds.
- Formation of the basics of safe behavior and healthy lifestyle habits: The presence of didactic material for: work on life safety, teaching children the rules traffic, work on healthy lifestyle.
- Organization of the optimal motor mode: Availability of physical culture equipment, carrying out corrective and preventive work (correction, posture, flat feet, etc.) Organization of educational activities for physical education, sports events and entertainment.
Conditions for cognitive and ecological development
- Organization of work and observations in nature: The presence of a flower garden, a vegetable garden, a corner of nature in groups; equipment and aids (shovels, watering cans, rakes).
- Organization of games with sand and water: The presence of serviceable sandboxes in the areas, watering cans for sand processing, shovels.
Conditions for the development of fine arts
- Organization of fine arts and manual labor: Availability of traditional and non-traditional materials for fine arts and manual labor (cardboard, colored paper, glue, scissors, thread, dough, cloth, vegetables). Organization of an exhibition of children's works.
Organization of sports and recreational work with children.
Organization of the motor mode
- Reception and morning exercises in the air: All age groups.
- Breathing exercises: All age groups (daily after nap).
- Physical education activities: All age groups (2 times a week).
- Recreational walking in kindergarten for the development of breathing: All age groups (weekly).
- Dosed running for the development of endurance: All age groups (daily at the end of the walk according to individual indicators).
- Development of basic movements (ball games, jumping, balance exercises, etc.): All age groups (daily walks, subgroups and individually).
- Outdoor games for a walk: All age groups (daily).
- Physical culture and entertainment: All age groups (weekly).
hardening activities
- Air baths: All age groups (daily in warm weather).
- Walks: All age groups (daily).
- Walking barefoot on sand and grass: All age groups (daily in warm weather).
- Extensive washing: All age groups (daily).
- Foot washing: All age groups (daily).
Therapeutic and health work
- Gargling (calendula, eucalyptus): All age groups (daily).
- Rinsing the pharynx with cold boiled water: All age groups (after meals).
The activities of employees in the implementation of physical culture and health work in the summer.
- Heads of structural subdivisions: - creation of the necessary conditions for strengthening the health of children, for ensuring their nutrition. - ensures the implementation of sanitary and hygienic rules, fire prevention measures, conditions for the protection and health of children. - provides medical and pedagogical control over the conduct of sports and recreational activities. - Conducts training and safety briefings.
- Educators: - examines the children during the morning reception. - organizes and controls the conduct of all sports and recreation activities in groups. - supervises the daily routine. - monitors and makes preventive vaccinations. - provides first aid. - monitors the dynamics of the physical development of children. - checks the organization of meals in groups.
- monitors the sanitary and hygienic condition of the catering unit, group premises of the institution. - conducts sanitary and educational work among employees and parents of a preschool institution.
- Specialist: - quality control of the supplied products, compliance with the rules for their storage and sale. - monitors the quality of food preparation. - conducts grading of raw and cooked products. - monitor the implementation of the schedule for receiving meals in groups. - checks the organization of meals in groups.
- Senior educator: - draws up direct educational activities, a plan of sports and recreational activities in groups.
- monitoring of motor skills is carried out together with the teacher of physical culture. - monitoring the dynamics of the physical development of children.
- supervises the daily routine. - carries out the selection of manuals and toys in accordance with the hygienic requirements for them, taking into account age features children. - conducts advisory work among parents and teachers on the issues of physical development and health improvement of children.
- Teacher-psychologist: - observes the dynamics of neuro- mental development children.
- conducts the dynamics of children's mental health and their emotional well-being. - draws up correctional programs to improve the emotional well-being and neuropsychic development of children. - Carries out appropriate corrective work.
- Physical culture instructor: - supervises all physical culture and health-improving work. - conducts sports activities, sports leisure and holidays, individual work on the development and correction of motor skills. - monitors motor skills together with the senior educator and educators. - advises educators on morning exercises, outdoor games, individual work on the development of movements. - conducts educational work with parents on healthy lifestyles and the use of elements of physical culture at home.
- Musical director: - contributes to the development of the emotional sphere of the child. - conducts music games. - we are engaged in the development of children's movements in the educational activities of music and in their free time. - participation in morning exercises, physical leisure and holidays.
- Educators: - do morning exercises, finger gymnastics, gymnastics after sleep, physical education, outdoor games, sports exercises, individual work on the development of movements, tempering activities. - Compliance with the daily routine. - monitors the health of children and their emotional state inform about it nurse, manager, psychologist. - monitors the temperature regime, artificial lighting, children's clothes. - monitor the state of physical health of children and conduct hardening activities. - Carry out educational work among parents and children.
- Manager of the household: - timely replaces bed linen. - monitors the condition of equipment, buildings, premises, territory in order to avoid traumatic situations. - monitors compliance with fire safety regulations.
Plan of educational work with children for the summer period
- 1 week "Child in the world of people".
Children Protection Day.
friendship day
Birthday of a great poet.
Birch day.
Athlete's Day.
- 2nd week "Week with connoisseurs".
Fairy Day.
Wildflower Day.
Favorite Toy Day.
Day of music.
Hobby day.
- 3 week "Learned yourself - teach another."
Craftsman Day.
Day of Dr. Aibolit.
Fun day.
Good Manners Day.
Curiosity Day.
- 4th week "Week of fun games and fun."
Rainbow day.
Sports day.
Game day.
Berry day.
Fishing day.
- 1st week "Week of contrasts".
white boat day
Architecture Day.
A day of contrasts.
Sun day.
Fishing day.
- 2nd week "Week of sports and health".
Medicinal Plant Day.
Health Day.
Sports day.
Ball day.
Horse day.
- 3rd week "Visiting a fairy tale".
Name day.
Tree day.
Wind day.
Gardener's Day.
Mystery day.
- 4th week "Cautious Pedestrian Week".
Pedestrian day.
Day of the motorist.
Day of the road signs.
Day of mobile signs.
Traffic light day.
Security Day.
Kindness Day.
- 5th week "Week with connoisseurs".
Fairy Day.
Wildflower Day.
Favorite Toy Day.
Day of music.
Hobby day.
- 1st week "Alone with nature"
Day of silence.
Animal Day.
Bird day.
Day of vegetables and fruits.
Why Day.
- 2nd week "Knowledge Week"
Paper day.
Phantom Day.
Metal Day.
Rubber day.
Glass day.
- Week 3 "Favorite Games Week"
Board game day.
Ball day.
Soft Toy Day.
Favorite game day.
Day of games and leisure.
- 4th week. "A week of interesting things."
Balloon day.
Purity day.
Panama and bows day.
Birthday day.
Upbringing and educational work with children for the summer period

- Fun with the ball.
- "School of the ball." Elements of sports games with a ball.
- Games - exercises "Little athletes".
- "Classics". Games - rides and jumping games.
- Games with walking and running (with and without objects).
- Games - relay races with and without objects.
- "Jump - jump." Fun games.
- Small "Olympic Games".
- "Here we are dexterous!" Games exercises for climbing climbing, balance.
- "Zigzags of Agility" Games and exercises for climbing, crawling, balance.
- Day of health.
- "Mini-stadium for everyone" an obstacle course using the plot AND elements of intrigue.
- Circuit training. Physical exercises using route maps.
- Fun games with Parsley.
- Sports games: badminton, gorodki, darts.
- "Magic Water" Fun water games.
- "ABC of health". Water competition games.

- "Music and Sports" - a sports holiday.
“My friend is a bicycle.” Games using story and elements
- "Funny cyclist." Games - competitions using bicycles, scooters, roller disks.
- Entertainment games of choice.
- "Flower - seven-flower." Self-realization of motor skills on assignment.
MUSICAL LEISURE FOR THE SUMMER PERIOD (younger and older preschool age)
- Finger Theater "Cockerel and Bean Seed"
- Entertainment "Summer carousel".
- Folk games in the kindergarten area.
- Entertainment "Funny notes - our hands." Finger games Hide and Seek "Where are our Pens?".
- game program. "Balloons over the city". finger games
- Theatrical Games Using the Folklore of Small Forms Panama Panama Festival.
- Leisure Journey to the country of Mysteries Holiday panama.
- Visiting Grandma Riddle
- Summer expanse. Round dances from Spanish. Russian folklore.
- Entertainment "Meeting the Butterfly Lily". Round dances "We are going to the meadow."
- Festival of bows. Round dances "We are going to the meadow."
- Entertainment "There was a birch in the field."
- Puppet theater (bee-ba-bo) based on Russian fairy tales
- Game program "Happy Birthday, Birthdays!"
- Week of careful Pedestrian Entertainment "Dunno got lost" Entertainment "Cat Leopold on the streets of the city."
- Cautious Pedestrian Week Quiz "city safe and dangerous".
- Entertainment "Cat Leopold on the streets of the city."

- Game-dramatization based on the Tale of K. Chukovsky "Telephone".
- "Music and Sports" - a sports holiday.
- "Music and Sports" - a sports holiday.
- Holiday of toys.
- Red summer. Carrying out folk games on the site d / garden.
- Summer concert "Colorful mosaic".

- Organization of summer holidays for children in a metropolis.
- Fun on the water. (About the rules of behavior on water bodies).
- Reminders for parents: - Causes of child road injuries; - rules of conduct at stops; - rules for transporting children in a car.
- Adaptation of children of primary preschool age to kindergarten. Memo for parents: - ways to prevent stress in children; - daily routine in kindergarten; - about self-care skills.
Joint events
- "Let's give the globe to the children!" Holiday for Children's Day.
- We play together, we play from the heart: "Funny classics or favorite games of dads and moms."
- "The adventure of the cat Leopold on the streets of the city." (Week of careful pedestrian).
- Day of health. Involving parents in the organization of health days, sports activities and sports holidays.
- Sports holiday for the day of the athlete.
- Summer concert "Goodbye, summer!"
Practical activities
- Ways to harden a child
- Providing first aid to the child.
- Excursions to nature within the city. (Exchange of experience of family education).
- DIY toys. tricks joint creativity parents and children.
- Medicinal plants in the garden.
- Typical mistakes parents make when preparing their child for kindergarten.

To make a child smart and reasonable, make him strong and healthy: let him work, act, run, scream, let him be in constant motion.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

The summer recreational period is a seasonal period of time during which a system of activities aimed at the improvement and physical development of children is implemented.

The stay of preschoolers in the fresh air in the summer strengthens and tempers the child's body, has a positive effect on the comprehensive development. The main task of adults is to fully satisfy the need of a growing organism for rest, creative activity and movement. A well-planned system of recreational, educational and entertaining activities will help to ensure the necessary level of physical and mental development of children. It is important to organize the life of preschoolers in such a way that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content, so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes will please children for a long time.

The success of summer recreational work with preschoolers is largely determined by how competently and timely all participants in the educational process prepared for it.

Regulatory documents

Carrying out preventive, tempering, health-improving and educational activities with children in the summer period is regulated by regulatory documents:

· Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989).

· The Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 (Art. 38, 41, 42, 43).

· Federal Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998 “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”.

· Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012

· Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education."

· Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 04.04.03 No. 139 "On approval of instructions for the introduction of health technologies in the activities of educational institutions."

· Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of a preschool educational institution SanPiN, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 26.

· Instructions for protecting the life and health of children in preschool institutions and playgrounds, approved by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR on January 30, 1955.

· The main educational program of preschool education of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 47 of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of the cognitive and speech development of children.

Principles of planning health work

The following principles should be adhered to when planning recreational work:

· integrated use of preventive, hardening and health-improving technologies;

· continuous implementation of preventive, hardening and recreational activities;

· use of simple and accessible technologies;

· the formation of positive motivation in children, parents and teachers to carry out preventive hardening and recreational activities;

· increasing the efficiency of the system of preventive and health-improving measures by complying with elementary rules and regulations: optimal motor mode, physical activity, sanitary condition of the institution, catering, air-thermal regime and water supply.

Organization of work during the summer recreation period

The goal is to improve the quality of health-improving work with pupils and to widely promote a healthy lifestyle among all participants in the educational process in the summer.

Tasks of the summer recreational period:

· to implement a system of measures aimed at improving the health and physical education of children;

· create comfortable conditions for the physical, mental, moral education of each child, the development of their curiosity and cognitive activity;

· organize a health-saving regime that ensures the protection of life, the prevention of morbidity and childhood injuries;

· to educate parents on the education and health of children in the summer.

When preparing for the summer recreational period, one should proceed from the need to take into account the following factors:


· individual socio-psychological characteristics of children;

· features of the climate zone.

The system of health improvement of children in the summer period includes:

· annually, by the summer recreation period, equipment is repaired and painted, areas are supplemented with small architectural forms, playground equipment;

· the delivery of earth and sand, the planting of trees, the laying out of flower beds are organized;

· every day, the work of adults is organized to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements (sand is processed in sandboxes, the floor on the verandas is washed daily, in hot weather, areas are watered, grass is mowed in a timely manner, etc.);

· a subject-developing environment is organized on the territory of the preschool educational institution (equipment for playing and educational research activities in sand and water, portable umbrellas, shady canopies, covers for sandboxes, the range of portable equipment is expanding);

· the regime of the day of the summer recreational period is observed, corresponding to the PLO of the preschool educational institution;

· the drinking regime of the summer recreation period is observed, corresponding to the PLO of the preschool educational institution (drinks are issued at the first request of the child);

· the duration of walks and sleep increases (in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance, equipment and mode of operation of preschool educational institutions, clause 2.12.14);

· various types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) and independent activities of children are organized in the air;

· regular conversations are held on the topic: "Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle."

Expected results

· introducing children to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle;

· development of the emotional-volitional sphere of pupils;

· raising the level of ecological culture of pupils (development of ecological - humane, environmental, consciously careful attitude to nature);

· increasing the level of communication skills of children;

· increasing efficiency in working with parents on healthy lifestyles;

· activation of children's cognitive interests in labor activity in nature.

The functioning of health-saving, purposeful, systematically planned work of the entire staff of our educational institution leads to the following positive results:

· Reduction of children's morbidity in the summer recreational period.

· Absence of cases of traumatism and poisoning of children.

· Improving the level of physical and mental health of children.

· Increasing the efficiency of physical culture and health work.


1. Kuznetsova M. N. The system of measures for the improvement of children in preschool educational institutions [Text]: a practical guide / M. N. Kuznetsova. – M.: Iris-press, 2007.

2. Kozhukhova N. N. Physical education teacher in preschool institutions [Text]: textbook for students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions / N. N. Kozhukhova, L. A. Ryzhkova, M. M. Samodurova; edited by S. A. Kozlova. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.

3. Penkova L. A. Under sail, summer floats on the Earth [Text]: a methodological guide for employees of preschool institutions, students of pedagogical universities and colleges / L. A. Penkova. – M.: Linka-press, 2006.

4. Belkina V. N. Preschooler: learning and development [Text]: / V. N. Belkina, N. N. Vasilyeva N. V. Yolkina. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1998.

5. Kartushina M. Yu. We want to be healthy [Text]: health and educational activities for children preparatory group kindergarten / M. Yu. Kartushina. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.

6. Frolov, V. G. Outdoor physical education with preschool children [Text]: a manual for a kindergarten teacher / V. G. Frolov, G. P. Yurko. – M.: Enlightenment, 1983.

7. Voronkova L. V. Sports club in a children's health camp [Text]: / L. V. Voronkova, M. A. Solomchenko. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2006. 8. Grishina T.V. Little tourists [Text]: / T.V. Grishina // Kindergarten from all sides. - 2004. - No. 36.

Vdovichenko Svetlana Alexandrovna , educator of activity,

Wegner Irina Nikolaevna , physical education instructor,

Vorobieva Tatyana Petrovna , educator,

Terekhova Oksana Viktorovna , educator,

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 47 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the cognitive and speech development of children",

Polysaevo, Kemerovo region

Creation in preschool educational institution maximum effective conditions for the organization of recreational work with children and the development of the cognitive interest of pupils in the summer.

With kids:

  1. To create conditions for strengthening the health and physical development of children, increasing the effectiveness of hardening measures, improving an individual differentiated approach to physical education.
  2. Provide conditions for protecting the life and health of children, preventing injuries.
  3. To promote the formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior skills.
  4. To develop curiosity, cognitive and creative activity through the inclusion of preschoolers in elementary search, visual, motor and musical activities.

With employees:

  1. Increasing the competence of teachers in organizing summer recreational work with children in preschool educational institutions.
  2. Providing methodological support for planning and organizing summer holidays for children.

3.Creating comfortable conditions for optimizing the motor, cognitive-speech, labor, intellectual, artistic, aesthetic and other activities of each child.

  1. Organization of a health-saving regime, ensuring the protection of the life and health of children, preventing morbidity and injuries.
  2. Implementation of a system of measures aimed at the improvement and physical development of children, their moral education, the development of curiosity and cognitive activity, speech development, the formation of cultural and hygienic and labor skills.

With parents:

  1. Increasing the competence of parents in organizing summer holidays.
  2. Involving families in the educational process based on the pedagogy of cooperation.



Organization of children's creativity in the summer

Art. educator

Outdoor games on the site in the summer


Continued implementation of GEF in preschool educational institutions

Art. educator, teachers

Individual counseling for teachers on emerging issues

Art. educator

Summing up the results of summer - recreational work

Head of the preschool educational institution, senior educator, specialists of the preschool educational institution

Designing a kindergarten website with new materials in accordance with modern requirements

June August

senior teacher

Development of a draft annual plan for 2019-2020, taking into account the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Art. teacher, working group

Preparation of a small teachers' council on the topic: "Results of summer recreational work."

senior teacher





Physical culture and health work

Increasing the motor activity of children through the organization various kinds children's activities


Group tutors

Organization of the reception of children, morning exercises and physical education classes on the street


Group tutors

hardening methods

Carrying out hardening and preventive measures:
- sun and air baths
- hardening with water
- sleep with windows open
- corrective exercises after sleep
- trampling on reflex and wet tracks

June August

Group tutors


Updating of visual agitation on the improvement of children and preventive work with parents


Group tutors

Compliance with the drinking regime

May - August

Group tutors

Sand processing in the sandbox

May - August

Group tutors

Conversations with children

June August

Group tutors

Conversation with parents about healthy lifestyle and lifestyle

Regularly during LOP

senior educator, group educators




Organization of motor mode during the day

1 time per month

Art. educator

Sanitary condition of the sites


Deputy Head of AChR

Callout Status

1 time per month

Art. educator

Carrying out recreational activities

1 time per month

group educators

Compliance with H&S instructions

1 time per month

Deputy head for security

Implementation of instructions for the protection of life and health of children, fire safety, prevention of road traffic injuries.






Cosmetic repairs of individual premises



Deputy Head of AChR

Internal acceptance of the territory of the preschool educational institution for the summer-health period

Deputy Head of AChR

Instruction for the staff of the DOE:

On protection of life and health of children; - on safety measures; - fire safety

Head of preschool educational institution


Equipment of flower beds, lawns Improvement of the territory of the institution:
- partial painting of small forms in areas



Pruning shrubs, cutting dry branches on trees and shrubs

Deputy head of the AHR, janitor

Painting of small forms,

Deputy Head of AChR, educators

repair of children's buildings and equipment

During LOP

Head of the preschool educational institution, deputy head of the AHR, janitor,

grass mowing

Preparing groups for the new school year

Set of young children

July August


Group recruitment
preschool age

June August


Group design

June August


Purchase of allowances
updating methodological
material for classes

During LOP

S. caregiver

Collection of waste and natural
creative play material



Target: creation in the preschool educational institution of the most effective conditions for organizing recreational work and developing the cognitive interest of pupils.

Day regimen for the summer wellness period

early age group

Average gr.

Senior gr.

Preparatory gr.

Reception, inspection, games, daily morning exercises

Preparing for breakfast, breakfast

Games, independent activities Organized educational activities


Walk (games, observations, work, cognitive conversations). Independent activity

Return from a walk, preparation for dinner

Dinner preparation, lunch

Sleep preparation, sleep

Gradual rise, air and water procedures, preparation for an afternoon snack

Compacted afternoon snack

Preparing for a walk

Return from a walk, independent activity.

Interaction with children in the process of games, conversations, individual work, creating conditions for independent activities of children.

leaving home


Purpose: General improvement and strengthening of the child's body, development of physical qualities, mental performance, improvement of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, ensuring the psychological safety of the child

Forms of organization

Early age group

2 junior group

middle group

Senior group

preparatory group

Organized activity.

6 hours per week

6 hours per week

8 hours a week

10 hours a week

10 hours a week

morning exercises

Exercise after sleep

Outdoor games

At least 2-4 times a day for 6-10 minutes.

At least 2-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes.

At least 2-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes

At least 2-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes

Sport games

Targeted training on every outing

Sport exercises

Walking exercise (daily)

Sports entertainment (1-2 times a month)

sports holidays

Independent motor activity

Throughout the week

Organization of children's activities in the summer recreation period

Days of the week

Early age group

2 junior group

middle group

Senior group

preparatory group


Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)


Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)


Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)

Artistic and aesthetic development (musical, artistic and creative artistic activity)


Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)

Physical development (motor activity)


Cognitive development (cognitive - research activities)

Cognitive development (cognitive research activity)

Cognitive development (cognitive research activity)

  • Entertainment (musical - theatrical activity) - 1 time per week
  • Physical development (motor activity) - Friday (optional)



Theme week




« International Children's Day»

Musical and sports festival "Long live children on the whole planet!"

Reading: "World Children's Day", "Our Children" N. Maidanik Children's rights in verse

Drawing competition "Happy childhood"

Day of Russia (using videos of Multi-Russia) Announcement of the contest "Together it's fun to play" (for parents of pupils of preschool educational institutions)

Entertainment "We are the children of the sun"

music leader, educators, instructor in PHYSICAL


Conversations: "What is a friend", "What for I need friends" - Action of good deeds "Give a smile to a friend" (making a gift to a friend) Reading fiction : "Teremok" arr. Ushinsky, "Toys" by A. Barto, "The Song of Friends" by S. Mikhalkov, "The Three Little Pigs" by S. Mikhalkov, "The Bremen Town Musicians" br. Grimm, "Childhood Friend" V. Dragunsky, "Flower - seven-flower" V. Kataev, "Bobik visiting Barbos" N. Nosov and others - Drawing a portrait of a friend -p/n: "Classics", "Jump Ropes", "Mousetrap", "Traps", "Carousels"

Group tutors


Russia Day

Pushkin Poetry Day

Reading the works of A.S. Pushkin: “The wind walks on the sea”, “Month, month ...”, “Wind, wind ...”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

Examination of illustrations for the works of the author.

Children's drawings "My favorite fairy tale"

S/r game: "Library"

My home is my castle

Conversations with children about family values about respect for elders

Reading poems, proverbs about the family

Drawing "My family"

Day of the Native Land

Conversations: “The land in which we live”, “What the monuments tell about”,

Reading fiction: V. Stepanov. "What do we call Motherland"

Conversation about the natural wealth of the native land

Reading and learning poems about the native land

Examination of books, albums with illustrations about the sights of the "Native Land"

C / r games: "Railway", "Hospital"

Drawing "Our street"

Moscow Day

Conversation with children "Moscow is the capital of our Motherland";

Conversation with children "Little man in a big city"

Conversation with children "Moscow Zoo"

Russia Day

Conversation with children "Birthday of the country"

Conversation with children "The variety of natural wonders of the Motherland"

Examination of illustrations, albums "Russia is my homeland", "Moscow"

Reading fiction: "That's how absent-minded" S. Marshak, "Luggage" S. Marshak, "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber."

P / n: "Who is faster", "Find your color"

S/r games: "Mail"

Creative parent-child competition : "We live in Russia"

Group educators, instructor in physical education, music. supervisor


The world is safe for beautiful children

Conversation with children about the services that ensure safety in the city.

Watching cartoons.

- Road Sign Day

Conversation "Our helpers - road signs"

Conversation "How the road sign came to us"

Reading fiction:

M. Ilyin, E. Segal "Cars on our street"; S. Mikhalkov "My Street"; V. Semeri "Forbidden - allowed"; B. Zhitkov "What I saw"; S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa - a policeman"

D / games according to the plan of the teacher

Holiday “My whole family knows, I know traffic rules and I” "Every little child should know this from the cradle"

Conversation with children "Professions of the brave"

Reading a poem by S.Ya. Marshak "The Story of an Unknown Hero"

Conversation with children "From a small match - a lot of trouble"

Drawing competition "Matches are not toys for children"

Day of safety quizzes and competitions Drawings on the pavement: "Prohibition signs on the road"

responsible for safety for traffic rules, fire safety and anti-terrorist protection. caregivers


Fairy tales of the forest for children trees want to tell

What do we plant when we plant forests?

Modeling plasticine "Forest dwellers"

Reading poems and fairy tales about the beauty of the forest

Games "Call it affectionately" "Guess by description"

SRI "Young Ecologists"

Reasoning game "Going to walk in the forest ..."

Psycho-gymnastics "Good gnome"

Conversation with children about the role of forests on the planet

Deciduous tree day

Drawing "White birch"

Reading poems and stories about deciduous trees

Conversation "Resting in the shade of trees"

Acquaintance with the rules "Do not offend nature"

D / and "Continue the offer"

Watching insects repeat their name

book review

Conversation "White-barreled symbol of Russia"

conifer day

Application from natural material"Forest clearing"

Conversation "Leaves or needles"

Conversation "How to behave in the forest"

Reading poems and fairy tales, guessing riddles about coniferous trees.

Forest Poetry Day

Reading poems about the forest and its green inhabitants.

Entertainment "Green Light"



Blue drop stories

river day

Conversation "Rivers of our city"

Conversation "Rules of conduct on the river"

Reading poems about the rivers of Russia "Poetic journey on the map"

Day of the seas and oceans

Conversation "What is the sea, what is the ocean?"

Compilation of stories with children "When I was at sea"

Conversation "Inhabitants of the Seas"

Solving riddles about the water world

Examining the illustrations

Familiarization with the rules of behavior on the water

Drawing competition "Water Kingdom" - together with parents

C/r game: "Visiting the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom" - Guessing riddles about the water world

Acquaintance with the rules of behavior on the water - P / and: “The sea is worried” - C / r game: “Visiting the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom” Holiday "Neptune Day"

educators, professionals


Family Week

good manners day

Conversations: “How and with what you can please your loved ones”, “Who and why came up with the rules of conduct”, “How do you help adults”, “My good deeds”

Considering plot pictures "Good-Bad"

Reading fiction: "What is good and what is bad" - V. Mayakovsky; “Two Greedy Little Bears”, “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse” S. Marshak, “Bad Advice”

Playing etudes: "Say a kind word to a friend", "Say a kind word"

Assignments: “How can you ... (greet, say goodbye, thank, ask, refuse, turn)

P / s: " Good words"," Who will name more polite words "- with the ball."

С/р games: "Supermarket", "Beauty Salon" Day "Family album"

Conversation with children "Our mothers, fathers, grandparents"

Drawing up stories with children “everyone says that I look like ....”

Family tradition day

Conversation "What is a tradition?"

Compilation of stories about family and traditions.

Conversation "A good tradition is to protect health" This is my family day

Conversation with children "What is a family."

Viewing albums "Family photos"

Conversations with children: “My family”, “We have a rest with the whole family”, “Our grandmother” - raising respect for older family members, “What our moms and dads do” - expanding ideas about professions

Reading "My grandmother" S. Kaputikyan; "My grandfather" R Gamzatov; "Mama" Yu Yakovlev, E Uspensky "Grandmother's hands"; E Blaginina "So Mom"

Guessing riddles on the theme "Family", "Home"

The game "Kindergarten is one family, you and I know this"

kindergarten day

Conversations with children: “Why do I love kindergarten”, “Who works in kindergarten”

Reading fiction reflecting regime moments

P / and "Look for treasure", "Jump rope", "Classics"

C / r game: "Kindergarten"

- Sports leisure « Mom, dad, I am a sports family.”

Educators, parents, specialists


"Child in Nature"

- animal day

Conversations: "Wild and domestic animals", "Why did the Red Book appear?"

Examination of postcards, illustrations, albums "Animals"

Reading fiction, guessing riddles

Drawing "Non-existent animal".

D / and: “Who lives where”, “Whose children”, “Who screams like”, “Find a couple”, “Who hid”

P / n: “At the bear in the forest”, “Wolf and hares”, “Homeless hare.

S/r game: "Veterinary Hospital"

migratory bird day

Conversation "Why they are called migratory"

Conversation "How can we help the birds"

Conversation "Birds of prey are"

Reading stories about birds

insect day

Conversations about insects

Reading fiction: V. Bianchi "Like an ant hurried home", K. Chukovsky "Fly - sokotuha", A. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Conversation with a bee" M. Boroditskaya

Drawing "Butterflies in the Meadow"

D / n: "Collect a flower", Game-reincarnation "If you were a butterfly"

P / n: “Bear and bees”, “Day and night”, “Catch a mosquito”.

Walking insect observation

C / r game: "In the country"

Sports leisure "The sun, air and water are our best friends"

Conversations: “What are the benefits of the sun, air and water”, “How to sunbathe”, “Can the sun, air and water be harmful to health”,

Drawing up memos: "Rules of behavior on the water", "How to sunbathe"

Solving riddles on the topic.

group educators


Why do flowers grow? - to admire me and you

Wildflower Day

Conversation "A cornflower grew in the field"

Conversation "Wild flower gives a sip of honey"

Conversation “Beware of poisonous plants” (hemlock, cow parsnip, etc.)

Reading poems about wild flowers.

garden flower day

Conversation "People and Flowers"

Conversation - observation of flowers growing on the site

Conversation "Not all flowers are harmless"

houseplant day

Conversation "Summer on our windowsill"

Conversation " Houseplants- window sill filter

Reading poems and stories about indoor plants

Day of water lilies (flowers of reservoirs)

Conversation "Why the water lily was called the water lily"

Conversation "In the kingdom of water lilies" (rules of behavior on reservoirs)

Conversation "Is it good if the pond blooms"

Flower Fairy's Birthday

Entertainment "I give you flowers"

Reading poetry, guessing riddles about flowers



Week of "Boring Health"

Medicinal Plant Day

Conversations: "What are medicinal plants"; "Where and how are medicinal plants used"; "Place of growth of medicinal plants";

View books, albums, encyclopedias about medicinal plants

Together with parents, making mini-albums “Medicine in our house” - riddles, poems, stories of their own composition.

D / and: “What would happen if they disappeared ...”, “What plant was gone”, “Words”, “What is superfluous”

P / n: "1-2-3 - run to the plant", "Find a pair"

C / R game: "Pharmacy"

Making crafts for the treasure.

Sports leisure "Look for treasure"

D / and: "Labyrinths", board - printed games with a cube and chips

Reading: “Great travelers M. Zoshchenko, “That's how absent-minded” S. Marshak, “Flint” Andersen

Day of humor and laughter

Panama Contest

funniest figure contest

Reading stories by N. Nosov, K. Chukovsky

Balloon and soap ball games

Reading tales "Everything is the other way around" G. Kruzhkov

Games: "Who will come up with a funnier name", "Dreamers", "Yes - no."

S/r game: "Circus"

P / n: “Find where it is hidden”, games with balloons, "Get the Ring", "Paints"

The power of the arts for health

Reading fiction: V. Lebedev-Kumach “Temper up!”, S. Marshak “Drowsiness and yawning”, S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly”, E. Uspensky “Children who eat poorly in kindergarten”, A Barto "Walk",

S. Mikhalkov "Walk", S. Mikhalkov "Vaccination", V. Semernin "Forbidden - allowed!"

Children's drawings "Journey to the country of health »

P / s: "Do as I do", "School of the ball", "Traps in the circle"

Music games

health day

Conversation "So that we grow up healthy"

C / r games: "Polyclinic", "Pharmacy" ...

Sports entertainment at the choice of a PHYSICAL instructor



"We were born to live happily"

painting day

Conversation "Artists - painters" (acquaintance with artists: V. Perov, I. Aivazovsky, A. Venitsianov)

Examination of the paintings "Children in the paintings of great artists"

We draw pictures with sand.

Day of music

Conversation "Music of our mood"

Conversation "Ears do not rejoice at all music"

The game "Singing your favorite songs"

Movie Day

Conversation "History of Cinema"

Conversation "Films we love" (about children's films)

Conversation "Rules of conduct in the cinema"

Game - theatricalization "We are directors"

Theater Day

Conversation "Where does the theater begin"

Conversation "How a forest is grown on stage"

Conversation "If we came to the theater"

Puppet show

Day of children's creativity

Games, competitions of readers and singers.

Group educators, music director.


Day of the young explorer

Experiences: Wet - Handkerchief, newspaper, bowl of water (Water itself is wet and can wet objects) Transparent - opaque - Paper, bowl of water. Bath with water, toys.

Magic transformations - A jar of water, a spoon - When a spoon is near the front wall, it looks like it usually does, but when it is near the back wall and you look at it through a thick layer of water, it becomes large and round ... Air and water - Plastic bottle 0.5 l, a container with water - Drawing in non-traditional ways - the manifestation of a previously applied candle pattern - P / s:"Find your color", "Hide and seek", "Find the flag" - Di"Find the treasure"


week of bread

- Introduction to cereals.

Conversations: "Where did the bun come from."

Reading works of art and learning poems, proverbs and sayings about bread, guessing riddles.

Consideration of illustrations depicting machines and devices used for growing cereals.

Drawing: “Bread is the owner of the house”, “Take care of bread”.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Outdoor games: “Mice in the pantry”, “Find a couple”, “Edible - inedible”, “Find a couple”, “Cucumber”, “Find where it is hidden”.

Selection of illustrations, postcards on the topic.

Didactic games: “Find by description”, “Puzzles”, “Cut pictures”, “Domino”, “ Miraculous Pouch"," Tops - roots.

Plot - role-playing games: "Vegetable shop", "Family", "Bakery", "Supermarket".

Games: “Guess the taste” - they determine wheat or rye bread, “Who will name more dishes”, “What porridge was cooked from”, “Guess by touch” (cereals), “Name the profession”.

Theatrical performance "Kolobok".

Children's drawings "Magic transformations".



Bye, summer

musical entertainment "Bye, summer!" - Conversations "What do you remember about summer" -Collective application"Decorate the clearing with flowers" (using different material: napkins, paper, leather, colored pencil shavings ...) - Making the album "how I spent the summer" - together with my parents - Drawing on asphalt

Musical director

Holidays, entertainment, leisure




06/03/2019 "We are children"

Holiday Children's Day (all age groups of preschool educational institutions)

Creative group DOW


"Russia Day"

Creative competition: "We live in Russia"


Tales of the forest.

Sports entertainment according to the plan of the FIZO instructor (all age groups of preschool educational institutions)

Creative group DOW,

educators, physical education instructor

Security Week

Entertainment according to traffic rules (all age groups of preschool educational institutions)

Creative group DOW

Cheremisina N.M.

"Family day"

Leisure "Family - chamomile field" (all age groups of preschool educational institutions)

Creative group DOW,

Group tutors

The history of the blue droplet

"Neptune Water Festival"

Group tutors.

Why do flowers grow?

Entertainment "I give you flowers" (all age groups of preschool educational institutions)

Group tutors

A week of not boring health

Physical education holiday according to the plan of the instructor in FIZO (senior groups).

Creative group DOW,

Group tutors

Week of the young explorer.

Sports and musical leisure: "On a sunny meadow"

Creative group DOW,

Physio instructor

Russian folk fun for children.

Folk games

Creative group DOW,

"Bye, summer!"

Musical entertainment "Goodbye, summer!"

Muses. head, creative group of preschool educational institution

Group tutors

Forms of recreational activities in the summer recreational period

Forms of work

Organization conditions


Duration min.

morning exercises The purpose of the conduct is to increase the functional state and performance of the body, the development of motor skills, the formation of correct posture, and the prevention of flat feet.

Traditional gymnastics (includes simple gymnastic exercises with the obligatory introduction of breathing exercises): . with objects and without objects; . on the formation of correct posture; . on the formation of the arch of the foot; . imitation character; . using large modules. Correctional gymnastics(inclusion in the complex of 3-4 special exercises in accordance with the nature of deviations or disorders in the development of children)

On air

Daily before breakfast


Physical education class This is the main form of organized, systematic teaching of physical exercises to children. The organization of classes should exclude the possibility of overloading children, prevent their overwork or disruption of the activity of physiological processes and structures of the body, in particular musculoskeletal and cardiovascular as the most loaded during physical exercises

Exercises are selected depending on the tasks of the lesson, on the age, physical development and health of children, physical education equipment, etc. Types of classes; traditional, plot (game), correctional and developmental (inclusion of special exercises in accordance with the nature of deviations or disorders in the development of children). Organized forms of classes are used with the inclusion of outdoor games, walks, excursions, holidays, entertainment

On air

3 times a week, during the hours of least insolation (before the onset of heat or after its decline)


Types of games - plot (use when explaining a crumb-fairy tale or a plot story) - non-plot with elements of competition at different stages of learning (new, in-depth learning, at the stages of consolidation and improvement); - folk

On air


Motor warm-ups(physical minutes, dynamic pauses) The choice depends on the intensity and type of previous activity

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills; -rhythmic movements;

Balance exercises; - exercises for attention and coordination - exercises to activate the work of the eye muscles; - relaxation gymnastics; - corrective exercises (in accordance with the nature of deviations or disorders in the development of children); - exercises for the formation of correct posture; - exercises for the formation of the arch of the foot

On air

Daily during the hours of least insolation


Awakening gymnastics

Gymnastics of a plot-game character “The dream is gone. It's time to get up. Legs, hands to stretch everything "

Daily after


Exercise after nap

Warm-up after sleep using exercises: - with and without objects; Educator - on the formation of correct posture; placement after daytime sleep on the formation of the arch of the foot; - imitation character; - story or game; - development of fine motor skills; - coordination of movements; - in balance




hardening activities

The system of measures taking into account the state of physical development, individual characteristics of children;

Elements of hardening in everyday life (washing with cool water, airing rooms, rubbing) - hardening activities in combination with physical

Exercises (properly organized walk, solar and water procedures in combination with physical exercises); - special water, solar procedures are prescribed by the doctor with exercises (properly organized walk, solar and water procedures, depending on the nature of the hardening event).

Taking into account the specifics: hardening measures

at the discretion of the PHYSICAL instructor

Educator, physical instructor

Individual work during the day

Conducted with individual children or subgroups in order to stimulate physical activity, independent games and exercises. Provides assistance to children who have not mastered the program material in the classroom, who have developmental disabilities. Helps to improve health and improve the physical development of weakened children, correct posture defects

Group, Plot


etsya individually

Installed individually

Educators, instructor in PHYSICAL

Holidays, leisure, entertainment

Contribute to the consolidation of acquired skills, activation of physiological processes in the body under the influence of increased physical activity in combination with emotions

Outdoor, In a group

1 time per week

No more than 30 min.

Educator, music director, instructor in PHYSICAL