Punishing a wife with a belt - a piquant measure of education or a manifestation of violence? Raising a young wife How to spank a wife at home

The relationship between spouses, both in the distribution of family responsibilities and sexually, is their conscious choice and their secret. The main thing is that each family member does not feel disadvantaged or humiliated, at least that’s what psychologists say. Some married couples even use a variety of methods of punishment and reward, so to speak, they resort to “carrot and stick” methods. For example, you forgot to pick up your child from kindergarten - you cook dinner yourself, or you stayed too late with your friends - you may not think about a new dress for at least another month. But recently a friend told me about this type of punishment practiced in her family, like spanking with a belt on a soft spot. Husband punishing wife with belt - something new, right? Is this good or bad? How does this affect family relationships? Does this cause feelings of resentment and humiliation?

Today I would like to discuss precisely this topic, the subject of discussion of which, oddly enough, is gaining relevance every day. The basis of the discussion will be a discussion of such a piquant method of education using the example of my friend.

To begin with, I will make a small digression and voice the opinion of the main character of the story regarding this non-standard method of education used in their family. By the way, it should be noted that she does not consider spanking with a belt to be something non-standard and beyond the bounds of decency. Moreover, the rule was established at the very beginning of living together and was never perceived as violence or an attempt to humiliate the other half by hurting her in this way. Although, in my opinion, this standard of behavior is not suitable for every woman, and not every man is inclined to use physical force against his beloved. But, as they say, to each his own, so there cannot be a clear opinion on this matter.

Let's return to our heroes. You will probably think that the husband of the “poor thing” is a despot or a retrograde who, by punishing his wife, asserts himself and gets rid of negative energy. Not at all, oddly enough, but he is the complete opposite of the presented image. This is a rather charming and well-mannered young man who has achieved considerable success in business. In addition, he sincerely respects women, appreciates their work and is inclined to perceive his wife as an affectionate and feminine guardian of the family hearth, on whom the duration and quality of family relationships largely depends. It’s just that spanking, in his understanding, is a kind of piquant moment that adds variety to the daily life of spouses and, at the same time, is a useful and sometimes inevitable method of education.

Considering the similarity of views of both spouses, I would say that they feel quite comfortable and do not consider their family to be special or one where the rights and freedoms of the husband or wife are infringed. Each of them has every opportunity for self-realization and career growth, as well as understanding and support from the other half. At the same time, spanking with a belt does not in any way affect everyday relationships, but, on the contrary, disciplines and develops internal organization, which is important not only in everyday life, but also at work.

It is worth noting that the spouses who became the involuntary heroes of my story not only have strong family relationships, but are also good friends who can always come to each other’s aid. We can confidently say about them that they were lucky in choosing their second half and they are truly happy. Neither the husband nor the wife allow themselves to impose their opinion on the other spouse; everything happens by mutual agreement and taking into account the requirements and wishes of each family member. And this applies not only to everyday issues, but also to professional ones, which, by the way, cannot be said about many married couples in which such piquant rules do not apply. They are quite tolerant of each other's hobbies and interests.

By the way, punishment with a belt has a fairly positive effect on the sex life of the family in question. Spanking with a belt brings an additional erotic shade to the relationship between partners and is fertile ground for erotic fantasies, so it’s certainly impossible to call their sex boring and monotonous.

However, despite all of the above, flogging remains a fairly tangible method of punishment, which is used only in extreme cases and for fairly serious offenses. So to speak, punishment must remain punishment. So, for the first time, a friend received a lyula in the form of a flogging on a soft spot for smoking. It must be said that this peculiar participation of her husband did not pass without a trace and thoughts about smoking do not visit her to this day. However, the fact of physical impact on the psyche was not perceived by her as violence, although a minor offense was still present for some time. But this quickly passed, as the wife accepted her husband’s decision and realized that it was truly correct and useful not only for her, but for the whole family. Subsequent cases of flogging no longer entailed resentment and misunderstanding, but were perceived as a norm of behavior with the help of which one could, so to speak, eradicate the evil that threatens family happiness.

To make it clearer, I will add that the heroine of the story does not have a panicky and enslaving fear of her husband; moreover, the relationship between husband and wife is quite democratic. She happily returns home, eagerly awaits her husband from work, he will not miss the opportunity to pamper his wife with some surprise, to do something pleasant. Moreover, each of them is convinced that their concept of family happiness is correct and, if some couples adhered to exactly this model of behavior, perhaps the number of divorces and broken families, not to mention broken children’s destinies, would be significantly less.

The only taboo that spouses adhere to (and this is very important) is the inadmissibility of carrying out punishment in front of children. I note that they have been married for more than 6 years and have children. Children, in principle, should not see any manifestations of violence, especially between parents.

This is where my story about how a husband punishes his wife with a belt has come to an end, but you are free to draw your own conclusions regarding the positive and negative aspects of this method of education. As for me, if such a concept actually suits both, it is their right and their choice. After all, they don’t flog their neighbors who disturb their sleep and listen to music until midnight)

I decided to diversify my husband and I’s sex life. Otherwise, everything is somehow dull and dull with him in this field. Everything is done the old fashioned way, with a sandwich. First, I consulted with a friend. What and how. I bought some at a nearby “disgraceful” store. Returning home, I dressed up as a schoolgirl with bows. I'm sitting, waiting for my husband. The faithful man comes into the room, sees me, and begins to look around.
“Where,” asks Lyudmila?
- Pavel Antonovich, I won’t do this again! - I say in the whining voice of a guilty child and stand in front of my beloved with a bowed head. His eyes widened. He admitted his wife, but he doesn’t understand what’s going on.
“Luda, what’s the matter?” he asks sternly. I was happy. The husband accepted the rules of the game.
- Just don't punish me. I will complete all my unfinished homework. – I ask almost in a whisper. And she herself is all waiting. When will the unyielding Pavel Anatolyevich begin execution?
- Honey, I know how tired you get at work. Don't worry, I'll redo everything myself. And I’ll wash the dishes and heat up dinner. – Pashka quickly kissed me on the cheek and rushed off to the kitchen. And from there, - For now, lie down and rest. As soon as everything is ready, I’ll call you. At the same time, I’ll wipe the floors.” The last words were drowned out by the sound of pouring water.

I made one last attempt to turn my husband’s actions in the right direction:
- Daddy, I'm sorry that I didn't wash the dishes after school. Just please don’t spank me too much with the belt. I'll fix it. - Walking into the kitchen with a guilty, sly look, I handed him a thin leather strap. The beloved groaned and dropped the soapy plate from his hands. Tink...the vessel scattered across the tiled floor.
- Oh, I didn’t want to break the plate. Sorry darling. I know how much you valued her. Your mother gave us this set for our anniversary. I will have to suffer a well-deserved punishment. – I sobbed for convincing. Peter's eyes became round, like a plate that had just broken. He picked me up and silently carried me into the room. Well, I think it has begun. The lower abdomen ached pleasantly with lust. Now she will pull up her dress, expose her ass and give a couple of hot ones, all over that same ass. Petka carefully laid me on the bed. Covered with a blanket.
“Lyudochka, we need to talk seriously with you,” my husband said, looking at me sternly. I lowered my eyes and nodded weakly in response. Like, I listen and obey, my master. Scold me, reprimand me...I’m such a bad girl today! Petka took my depressed look personally.
- Don't worry, honey! To hell with her, with this plate. I never liked this service. We'll buy a new one. – he kissed me tenderly on the forehead – Do you really think that I will beat you because of such nonsense? My stupid one! You're just overtired.
- But Anka’s husband always punishes him with a belt, almost hitting him... Yesterday he left like that, she, poor fellow, still can’t move away. After that they had such great sex...! Totally awesome! – I vaguely hinted to Petka, slyly narrowing my eyes.

The husband's face took on a menacing expression. I immediately grabbed the belt. I slightly lifted the hem of my dress, calling on the man to take action.
- What a bastard! Whipping your wife with a belt! - Peter was indignant - Yes, after this you shouldn’t have sex with him. And hand it over to the police! Poor woman!
I swore angrily. Well, what is this?
- Is it difficult for you to get rid of me with a strap or something? – I asked directly, blushing with indignation. You have to be such a dunce!
The husband's face smoothed out and took on a predatory expression.
“Ah...I understand everything,” well, finally, I exhaled, “Is this how you make amends to me?” Yesterday I went to a corporate party, played with my eyes... or, in general, cheated, and now I don’t know how to calm my conscience. It's kind of a psychological trick. – Petka turned purple. The rage made my nodules swell. I wasn’t at a loss here either. Once there is such a drinking party, we need to take the bull, that is, Petka, by the horns he has made up.
- Forgive the harlot, Petenka. Damn it, I didn’t want to! The boss himself began to pester me and pinned me in the corner. I couldn’t refuse... - I squealed out loud. It’s okay, when it’s all over, they’ll still laugh at my joke. Not just like that, for the good of the family.
- What?! – the husband became even more furious, “Are you still bragging?”
- I only kissed once. This will never happen again. Punish as you wish, I will accept everything with humility.
- Yeah, right now! And that's all you're waiting for! I’ll give you a bruise, and you’ll immediately run to the police. He beat me up, damn it, for no reason. And it seems like the injured party. If you can't wait, I'll leave! – the husband took out a suitcase from under the sofa and began throwing things from the closet into it.
- Traitor! – I shouted, jumping off the sofa. – Because of one tiny kiss, an immediate divorce! Look, Anka has been cheating on her husband for two years with her lover and nothing is wrong, they live!
Petka stopped dead in his tracks. He looked away.
- So that’s what this whole concert is all about! – understanding came to him, “Did she find out about Anyuta and me and decide to take revenge?”
- What??? – I felt my heart skip a beat and beat three times faster. - How do you...how dare you with my best friend? Bastard...Scoundrel...Traitor...!!! - I grabbed the belt from the floor and rushed at Peter.
- Wow! I have long wanted a woman to beat me with a belt! Darling, can you go a little lower... And harder! That's it...Ay!

The sex life of the Petukhov family has finally taken on a new form.

Raising a young wife is akin to raising a child. Just like a little person, she needs to be instilled with responsibility, decency, etc. in relationships.

The analogy here is the most direct. Just like a child, a young wife tests the boundaries of what is permitted and the degree of your love (a test of strength and reliability).
In principle, it is not customary to talk about this. Especially about the methods of raising a wife. Why is this so? Probably because young people, sacredly confident that they know everything, prefer not to listen to their elders. And it seems like old people can’t bear to talk to a wall that doesn’t even want to listen. Yes, the difference in age and experience greatly affects the perception of the world.
This is a saying. And now, my friend, I will finally answer your question “How?”

Oddly enough, everything is very simple. Women test us with just a few techniques, each time successfully using them in different combinations. Blackmail, manipulation and provocation. (c) And that's all. Doesn't remind you of anything? Yeah)) Big baby. Everything is the same.
How to react? Yes, very simple. “There is no trick against scrap if there is no other scrap” (c) says popular wisdom. So, in fact, you need to take the second crowbar. In this case, as a counteraction, you need to use the same techniques. In this way you will lead her party to a dead end. And, with the right circumstances, you will turn it to your advantage. Some are impatient with this matter. And then they switch to physical influence. Again, the analogy is with being put in a corner and being spanked with a belt. But this is a private factor. Dependent on you personally and your woman. It's better not to let it come to this. Although she will definitely test you for physical strength. Here, it’s better to do the minimum. Very often it is enough just to indicate that you can weigh it.

Now a little classic example.

The most common one. This is house cleaning. A favorite topic raised by young wives, who begin by proposing to do it together. You can also help. But very often at the same time, our “baby” begins to jump off the topic, gradually shifting most of the work onto you. I know you don't like it. But, since I didn’t dot the E at the very beginning, then be kind. How to decide? It largely depends on the specific circumstances and character traits of your wife. In general, the technique is at the level of “blackmail with provocation.” To begin with, simply explain who is responsible for what. Well, then you make it clear with your fingers that in everyday life you are independent and can cope with everything perfectly. Incl. and with cleaning. And, moreover, you will do it many times better than she. That’s when the question arises: why do you, in fact, have a wife, who doesn’t want to do anything in the house herself, refuse to provide the rear. Isn't it easier to hire a pretty housekeeper? Primitive. But it works.

Under no circumstances should we stop there. You continue in the same spirit. Those. Not only does she clean the house, but you MUST (!!!) check how she does it and the result of her work. This is how a positive skill is reinforced. And don’t forget to encourage. Your woman should feel good. If you don’t do this, then everything will come to naught very quickly. And you'll have to clean up yourself. A similar approach applies to washing dishes and other things.

Now let's summarize. That is, let's try to derive some general rules for raising a wife.

1. No division of responsibilities according to internal regulations. Those. this does not mean that you cannot help and participate. You can and you should. But the RESPONSIBILITY to keep the house in order rests entirely with your wife. But explaining the family hierarchy to her is entirely your responsibility.

2. Never put the brakes on anything. I gave you a task - be sure to check the completion. This way you develop a good habit of seeing things through for both of you.

3. Incentives. Strictly individual. But don’t forget to praise for the correct and timely completion of, for example, cleaning the house. A woman should feel good. She needs to know that you appreciate her efforts, and everything she does is important to you.

That's all, actually. Sound familiar? “But what about it,” you say, “just like in the army.” That's all true. But for some reason many people don’t want to do this. And they float with the flow of life like a well-known substance through a pipe. Smoothly transforming into the henpecked guys you don’t like so much.

(Found on the web)

Also on this topic.

Dedicated to such an important, but unfairly rejected by society, topic as the disciplinary beating of women, I, unfortunately, missed a very important aspect of beating, called flogging. But this is a very important measure for the disciplinary prevention of female behavior. Remember the main thing - spanking is not intended to satisfy your sadistic tendencies. Spanking is designed to keep your marriage strong and your woman a happy homemaker! Therefore, the first need of a successful proponent of spanking is an appropriate punishment tool to use on the backs and buttocks of errant acts. You simply must have a belt or whip in your home.

Unfortunately, many enlightened people, the so-called liberal abscesses on the body of modern society, completely deny this type of education the right to exist. However, this view has one significant drawback associated with the psychology of a female being: a woman should feel weak, but protected by her chosen one. Then she is happy. A good spanking serves this purpose in particular. She makes it clear to the woman that the man is superior to her physically and mentally. Physical punishment is always more effective, since it affects the emotional, physical, and psychological aspects at once. During which the woman begins to love her husband even more! Since she understands that she was guilty, she was wrong and she was punished for it, then she ultimately gets pleasure from it. This is the amazing psychology of the victim. Although not everyone admits this.

Everyone knows that spanking has existed as long as man has existed, and this is not without reason!
And in Rus', flogging was considered the main foundation of a successful, happy family, until 1917, when the Bolsheviks abolished this type of benefactor. Spanking was even described in the Bible and was popular in Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. Flogging was used mainly for educational purposes and as punishment, but few people know that flogging with rods was attributed healing properties.

Neurologists and psychotherapists assure that spanking develops courage, perseverance and courage. Increases self-confidence. People who receive spanking are less afraid of pain and difficulties in life, cope with illnesses more easily, are more resilient and less irritable. In general, when using spanking on your woman, you should know that you are not only ennobling her character in this way, but also strengthening her spirit and health!

A woman, if she is decent and cultured, will definitely appreciate such care and no matter what the spanking is, she will definitely go to her beloved husband for comfort. As soon as everything is over, she will definitely start reaching out to him, hugging him, trying to be closer to him (while an indecent girl after a spanking will cry resentfully, remain silent and hide in a corner). At these moments, girls are often especially gentle and attentive. A cultured girl understands that her husband punished her not at all in order to push her away or humiliate her, but on the contrary, in order to bring her closer to him, to make her better, to teach her, to correct her mistakes. She understands that he is trying for her, she is glad that she was able to atone for her guilt and understood where she was wrong. She is pleased that everything is over and now she can again caress her beloved husband more strongly than before, because he is no longer angry with her at all.

A woman should be beaten with a whip or a soft leather belt. The belt should be made of genuine leather, without metal fittings, soft, smooth, 5-6 cm wide. A narrow belt causes more intense pain. In addition, such beating does not leave scars on the skin of the beloved woman. By using this tool, a person distances himself from sensual contact with the subject of spanking, which does not give free rein to the husband’s emotions. And the whip itself, as an instrument of physical influence, has a much deeper meaning, understood subconsciously: with a whip we whip animals and slaves, then, like a hand or a stick, upon mature reflection, we beat our equals. Thus, you first of all demonstrate to the woman her subordinate position, which can awaken new feelings in her and satisfy her feminine needs!
If you flog her, it is very important to hit only in the soft tissue area, without touching the bones. On impact, the bones may split the skin, and blood will inevitably stain your suit.

This spanking should be carried out at least once a week (the recommended spanking duration is half an hour). With regular spanking, the skin becomes more physically resistant to shock and also less prone to breaking capillaries. And with active shock use, the belt becomes softer, which will help your woman in the future, to endure educational acts of punishment much more easily. After all, you, like a real man, care about her comfort, don’t you?

It is very important to create a psychologically correct atmosphere of punishment. You must show the woman that spanking is a manifestation of your highest love for her and you are punishing her not because she is bad, but for her bad deed, and your goal is not to humiliate her, but to improve her. For spanking, it is advisable to allocate a separate room, with a large comfortable bed, where the beloved is placed after the spanking to restore strength and to reflect on the circumstances that led to this situation.
I also recommend placing a small table in the room with drinks, which you can use to refresh yourself and replenish your strength in case of emergency. Place a soft carpet or even better - bear skins on the floor. You should be comfortable, but the lady should be scared.

For peace of mind, I would recommend soft music by Wagner.
If you are in doubt whether or not to flog your woman, then I ask that you turn to your conscience and think whether you have done everything in your power to protect her from defilement? Did you sit down and talk to her carefully, listen to her point of view?
I'm sure they tried. Then why did she go astray? Because, my dears, you have not given her the one thing she needs most - authority. Every woman loves to follow a leader. Are you a leader for her? Do you fully understand that authority involves a certain unpleasant duty of obtaining obedience and respect through discipline?

In fact, spanking is an entire art. While the process itself is similar to creative torment in which the pure thought of your woman is born. Like any art, spanking requires constant patience and practice. Successful spanking requires a sound knowledge of fundamental principles.
The best course of action is to choose a punishment style and follow it strictly. Thus the blows may be given in the following order: TWO in quick succession separately on each bare buttock, followed by ONE on the back of the upper part of each thigh, and repeated in the same order. After two repetitions, the entire affected area should be completely red and painful-looking, but the skin should not be broken or bruised. When you start beating your lover this way, she will twitch and react verbally. Spank harder and soon she will be asking you to stop and promising you better behavior. Keep taking action.

At this moment, the girl realizes only one thing - she urgently needs to capitulate. She immediately forgets her pride, her “adult” arrogance, her sense of superiority. Maybe she will fight for it as long and hard as she has the strength, but if you increase the span of the belt, despite the unacceptable impudence, she will give up in exhaustion. A real girl, honest, gentle, decent, will soon open up through tears. She will do or say whatever you want, in the hope of stopping the searing flames that are consuming her tender, burning body.
If this happened, we can say with confidence that the girl was healed from the illness that was strangling her consciousness! You did everything right, and for prevention, repeat the procedure exactly 1 month later! By the way, this method of maintaining discipline in the family is actively used by the current President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin:

Spanking on the errant feet and heels of the person being corrected is also acceptable! It's called "Bastinado".
To do this, use a light bamboo cane about 1cm thick and 70cm long. As a rule, I only hit the inner side of the foot in the hollow with light sharp blows at the “departure” - acceleration using the hand with a sharp stop. I carefully make sure that the blow is only a smooth part of the bamboo phalanx, and not a knot and goes along the entire plane of the foot.

The sensations vary greatly depending on the location of the impact. I noticed that it is better to strike closer to the heel - the pain is worse.
I never hit the heel itself or the pads of the toes - this is dangerous. I never hit with my whole hand - the area is so sensitive that a brush is more than enough.
The effect of practice is good, it clears your brain in no time and, as a rule, two or three serious punishments (30-50 blows per session) are enough - mutual understanding with the girl is simply ideal. Next - in working mode ("calculation" for offenses of 10-15).

It seems that we have more or less figured out the issue of flogging a woman. But what if you need to spank two women at once? For example, a wife and mistress? Our wise ancestors, of course, faced such an opportunity, which is why the so-called “group spanking” was invented.

The main rule of group spanking is to spank equally. If one girl was whipped severely, then the second girl should be whipped no less severely. You should try to spank at the same time and in the same places, so that the consequences and traces of the spanking are more or less the same. The spanking itself should be carried out in front of the second girl. Both before and after spanking, the girls should be kept together (without your presence) so that they can discuss the future or past spanking, show each other marks and sympathize with each other. The main thing in such spanking is to find a common cause and carry out the same action. If one was flogged with a rattan, then the second one should be flogged with a rattan, if one was flogged with a ruler, then the second one should be flogged with a ruler, so as not to offend anyone. After all, justice is the main life credo of a real man!

I hope that this text will help many lost and lost men and women to find themselves in this world, take family relationships to a fundamentally new level, and most importantly, live the rest of their lives in love, harmony and mutual understanding! Love each other, because love is the main compass in life, leading us along, like a red star on the Kulikovo field.