Don't promise what you can't deliver. Sayings of great and successful people about promises. Don't do anything or take anything without asking

There are often times in our lives when we are literally forced to do something we don’t want. Getting rid of manipulators is not so easy, but there are rules of behavior that will minimize people approaching you for selfish purposes.

Important rule in every person's life is to understand the actions of the people around them. In order not to remain deceived and not to do all the work for a dishonest person, it is necessary to analyze the words and actions of the one who approached you with a request, try to determine his goals and motives. Not all people around us are honest. The laws of the Universe will help you avoid being held hostage by your own stupidity and gullibility. They will protect you from those who are hungry for profit.

1. Don't do what you're told to do.

“Must” is the favorite word of manipulators. Often hidden behind it is a call to action that is not beneficial for you, but significant for the one who asks. Ask yourself, do you need this? And what will happen if you do what is required? If your interests do not coincide with what they are trying to impose on you, then you shouldn’t do it.

2. Keep your promises on time or don’t promise what you can’t do.

Every person has a feeling of guilt, and manipulators love to take advantage of this. They will deliberately lead you to make a promise. Often behind this rash action there is a bondage that will not let you go while you do what is required of you out of a sense of guilt and duty. Before you promise anything, weigh all the pros and cons.

3. Don't interfere

Good intentions are often good when helping loved ones who need to be rescued from a difficult situation. However, it also happens that we interfere in other people’s lives and plans, disrupting the course of events. And instead of praise in such cases, we often hear negative reviews and comments. There is only one conclusion: ask if the person to whom you are going to provide it needs help. If not, then it's not your concern.

4. Don’t refuse polite requests.

Remember that any request for help in anything implies reciprocal gratitude. However, manipulators love to endlessly ask you to perform many actions under the pretext of mutual assistance and refuse to help you under any pretext. Don't hesitate to ask what will happen to you for your help. And it’s best to discuss this in advance so that there are no misunderstandings.

5. Live in the present tense and don’t try to be something you’re not now.

Often we hear words that awaken double feelings in us, for example: “You weren’t like this before.” Those who need benefits like to use this. You can destroy such an influence by answering with words: “Much was different before,” “Everything is not like that now.” You may be promised mountains of gold for completing some task, but before you rush to fulfill the request, find out what they can offer you not “sometime later,” but right now.

6. Don't get attached or create strong emotional connections.

Often we literally become attached to a person, animal, object, but is this good? Emotions and love are certainly wonderful feelings, but some healthy selfishness must be present in any relationship. Remember that strong attachment to someone or something makes us vulnerable to blackmail. This is often used by manipulators. Do not involve yourself in such dependence so as not to suffer from negative feelings later. An example is the phrase: “Well, you love your dog, so you should make me the same collar, because I also have a dog.” This is a clear play on your feelings for selfish purposes. Weigh your decision and you won't have to suffer later.

7. Don’t set a goal, make them beacons

To ensure that the goal is not the end result of the activity, set yourself beacons. They will lead you to achieve what you want and then change to new ones. This kind of thinking will allow you to easily get rid of the inappropriate feeling of “I’ve done everything” and will help you achieve great results. In order to successfully move through life without stopping there, ask yourself the question: “What will happen next?”

8. Don't disturb

This phrase will help you out more than once and allow you to avoid irritability and conflicts. A phrase uttered at the right time to yourself or to the people around you will help you avoid getting into an unpleasant situation.

9. Take advantage of every opportunity

“Nature has no bad weather” is a common and often heard phrase. So in life there are no global defeats. There are mistakes that provide an opportunity to learn, become stronger and more resilient. Manipulators easily take advantage of a depressed state and use your mistakes to their advantage. Do not give them such an opportunity, so as not to become dependent on your own mood.

10. Leave criticism and judgment

Remember that your opinion is only important when asked. In any other situations, it is better to keep your thoughts to yourself. Don't react to criticism the way manipulators would like. Do not allow yourself to be thrown off balance and do not show retaliatory aggression. A person who knows his worth will never be led by emotions and slander.

11. Verify information before passing it on

No one wants to be known as a gossip or a liar, so always check everything they tell you. If you don’t have to pass on rumors and gossip, you will have accurate and verified information, and it will be extremely difficult for manipulators to take you by surprise. Always ask for confirmation from those who provide you with any details.

12. Don’t do or take anything without asking.

This law from the field of etiquette allows us to exclude any manipulation. If you learn to always ask permission to use someone's thing, it will be easier for you to stop possible manipulation. Your clear conscience and sincere desire to pay good for good will be the key to a happy life.

Unforeseen situations often happen in life when we become hostage to emotions or our wrong actions. To ensure that there is no place for manipulators near you, use these simple tips.

You can also protect your home from the unwanted presence of people whose visits you associate with failures and other negative factors. It will help you with this

Sayings, quotes and aphorisms about promises

“Keeping your word is the most powerful tool for creating an outstanding future. We underestimate its power and make poor use of its potential. What if you made the value of keeping your word the No. 1 priority for your entire company. Just think about what results you could achieve!? What kind of employees would you be surrounded by? How incredibly easy it would be for you to work with such people.” Tracy B.

“Consider whether what you promise is true and possible, for a promise is a duty.” Confucius

“Your life is productive to the extent that you keep your word.” Werner E.

“Every broken promise is a waterless cloud, an unsharpened saber and a barren tree.” As-Samarkandi

“Do not promise if you are not sure that you will fulfill your promise, because the pain that you cause to another will sooner or later come back to you.” Vanga

“Don’t feed words instead of bread.” Aristophanes

“Keeping your word is a principle that must be followed. There is no greater praise for me than to say, “I can always count on Buck Rogers.” The thing is that I always keep my word. My words took on the force of an IOU. And since the people who work with me rely on me, I, in turn, have every right to count on them.” Rogers B.

“Making an impossible promise is like kindling a flame of hope and meaningfully spitting on it.” Mamchich M.

“You shouldn’t believe promises. And there are so many of them in the world - they promise wealth, salvation of the soul, love until the grave. There are people who consider themselves entitled to promise anything. There are others - they agree to believe in any promises, as long as they guarantee them a different, better fate. Those who promise and do not keep their promises end up powerless and worthless. And the same thing happens to those gullible who cling to what is promised.” Paulo Coelho

“If you didn’t keep your thought, keep your word.” Trotsky S.

“To firmly promise something to yourself is the most difficult challenge. But the most beautiful thing is to accept this challenge.” Lemarchal G.

“It is much better to promise less and deliver more than the other way around.”

“The most important thing I always want to achieve is to keep my word to someone.” Richard Branson

“He who is more careful in his promises is more accurate in their fulfillment.” Russo J.

“Be truthful even towards a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.” Tolstoy L.

“If a man says that his word is as strong as his pledge, take his pledge.” Dewar T.

“You can promise actions, but not feelings: for the latter are involuntary. Whoever promises someone to always love him, or always hate him, or always remain faithful, promises something that is not in his power.” Nietzsche F.

“Big promises reduce trust.” Horace

“If we do not always have the power to fulfill our promise, then it is always in our will not to give it.” Buast P.

Macaulay T.

“Vows made in a storm are forgotten in calm weather.” Fuller T.

“After traitors, I dislike talkers most of all. They waste their time and, worse, take away mine, causing my constant resentment.” Churchill W.

“A tiny act of kindness is better than the most solemn promises to do the impossible.” Macaulay T.

“He who today promises something that does not yet exist risks tomorrow losing everything that already exists, and even himself.” Shefner V.

“Honesty has such a property that it requires compliance even with promises made to the enemy.” Pontano D.

“There are more words in an empty promise.” Mamchich M.

“False promises are more annoying than outright refusals Buast P.

“To fulfill a promise, you need to have not so much good memory, how much conscience." Ber T.

“One “take” is better than two “I’ll give.” Indian wisdom

“Before making promises, you need to think about your intentions and capabilities.” Neyah

“He who is generous with promises must be stingy with words.” Markov A.

“Whatever comes out of your mouth, observe and do.” Bible, Old Testament, First Book of Moses. Deuteronomy 23:23


“People who are generous only with promises are not in danger of ruin.” Melamed Ts.

“If they feed you with promises, it’s usually breakfast.» Sokolov A.

“Politicians are the same everywhere: they promise to build a bridge where there is no river.” Khrushchev N.

« I kept my word only because I didn’t promise anything good.” Mamchich M.

“Just because they promise something doesn’t mean they promise to fulfill the promise.” Neyah

“Saying yes is easy, much easier than remembering it all the time.” Petrosyan M.

“We promise them, we promise them, we promise them, we promise them, but it’s not enough for them!” Zhvanetsky M.

"I never make promises to myself New Year. The habit of making plans, engaging in self-criticism and reforming life is too much work for one day.” Nin A.

“As soon as you give your word that you won’t do something, you will certainly want to.” Twain M.

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Abandoned Angel.

Don't promise what you can't deliver...
Don't promise that you can, but you don't want to.
I know the Limits of your soul,
You are no longer prophesying happiness for me!

Don't blame me, the domes are tired
wait for your never-before-existent Height.
I don't ask how you are doing,
bought your NOTHING at a high price.

Oh, be horrified at yourself today!
You are NOT EQUAL to my little finger.
Your desire for Glory is on the water
momentary circles without shutters!

Window of the eye sockets. There's more blackness in it
than in an April evening too early.
Today I am with my destiny on You,
and you are inglorious in your powerlessness.

Don’t enlarge worn out faces
features thrown in rags at my feet.
Oh, the Emptiness of the not-former Ring,
that promises have grown into the Roads,

Carrying me far and high.
Wings grow behind my back again.
My soul! Get rid of That Storm!
Love is poured out in abundance all around!

Do not fill the collapsed Void.
I myself am the Air of the Spirit in the sky.
The basket is full of mushroom poems!
Demons retreat from lies. Angel, - HERE I AM!..

*This poem finally ends November 2006.
All the Poems are PROVISIONAL, accurate to the moment of my current state!
As if they had just been written. And better... While I'm still in the web of a relationship that ended a long time ago.
You just have to FUCK UP! This will last another two weeks. Yes, the first of May! And there - THE SUN THAT NON-SET. They'll arrive!..

*This month’s work is 48 poems. It will be published as a SEPARATE BOOK in the near future.
The book will also be sold online. Those interested, please contact via email.