How to make friends with your neighbors using the Zodiac? The most important rules for relationships with neighbors Greeting is the best start to friendship

At this time, “snowdrop” motorists appear. You can start communicating with your neighbor about cars: ask for advice or help with business if you know about cars. The relationship is unlikely to develop into friendship, but you will get to know each other from afar.

Sun in Taurus

This month, each neighbor will sit in his own apartment and will not want to communicate unless necessary. In order not to provoke a conflict, try not to disturb the silence and monitor the condition of the plumbing. It’s easy to flood your neighbors, but doing repairs for them is oh, how expensive!

Sun in Gemini

If you and your neighbors have children, it’s time to organize a home kindergarten: one mother sits with the kids, while the rest go about their business at this time. They will appreciate it!

Sun in Cancer

A month when maintaining order and timely payment of utilities are important. If you are a new resident, get ready for your neighbors to look at you under a microscope. To avoid problems, stay polite but at a distance.

Sun in Leo

This is a great time to create something beautiful and useful together with your neighbors. For example, a club for elderly parents.

Sun in Virgo

The month is fraught with confusion in paying utility bills. But you can persuade the HOA accountant to make payments in installments, especially if he is your neighbor. Try!

Sun in Libra

Create a home library: collaborate with neighbors who have unnecessary shelves, take them out into the hallway and collect books around the house.

Sun in Scorpio

A favorable period to found a HOA and elect its chairman, if this has not yet happened in your home. It's time to determine who's boss in the house.

Sun in Sagittarius

To make friends with your neighbors, act like Piglet in the joke. There's a knock on the door. "Who's there?" - “Vinnie, it’s me, Piglet, do you have any salt?” - "No". After 3 minutes there is a knock again. "Who's there?" - “Vinnie, it’s me, Piglet, I brought salt!”

Sun in Capricorn

Become a good wizard for your neighbors: help an elderly person whom you often see sitting on a bench, go to a store or pharmacy for him.

Sun in Aquarius

Amateur athletes and dog lovers come to the fore. Start a relationship while jogging in the morning and feel free to solve any problem through dog lovers like yourself. Everything will work out!

Sun in Pisces

This month it is easy to get closer to your neighbors through improvement. How long have you wanted to install an iron vestibule door? Feel free to knock on your neighbor’s door and discuss your ideas.

The times of communal apartments are long gone, and in modern new buildings the concept of good neighborliness has faded into the background. More and more often you can encounter a situation where neighbors have lived in the same front door for many years, but do not know each other by sight. This phenomenon is not considered something shameful, but if you still want to establish contact with your neighbors, you can use a few proven tips.

Greeting is the best start to friendship

Say hello to your neighbors, even if you are not entirely sure that the person passing by is your neighbor. The fact is that in the modern world the importance of greeting has been somewhat lost. As children, we were taught to always say hello to our elders, because this was the norm for past generations. But today, the world has been embraced by advanced technologies, and people have begun to lead a more secluded lifestyle.

In this regard, the neighborhood gradually turned into forced living nearby, and this is wrong. Teach yourself and your children to be the first to greet passers-by in your area or at least in your yard. You don’t know for sure whether the person to whom you said greetings is your neighbor, but if he really is your neighbor, he will be pleased with the attention you paid to his person.

Good relations with neighbors are not only useful, but also pleasant!

If the person turns out to be just a stranger, he will also appreciate your greeting. Therefore, in any case, you do not lose anything, but you gain self-respect. You can go even further: when you meet a potential neighbor on the landing, say hello to him and start a conversation. First, tell us what apartment you are from.

Express your regret that you do not know all your neighbors, but would like to know. Ask the person what apartment he is from. At the same time, be friendly, smiling and unobtrusive. Most likely, your neighbor will keep up the conversation with you and express a desire to get to know you.

A smile works wonders

Gloomy people are not attractive and do not make you want to be friends. Why not start smiling at the whole world? In fact, a smile can literally work wonders. Conduct an experiment: smile at people on the street, in transport, in a store throughout the day. Smile sincerely and naturally. You will be surprised to notice that people will begin to smile back at you.

Unfortunately, in our culture, smiling is not considered something necessary, but it is extremely important for all people. Once we see a smiling person, our day changes, our mood improves and we want to smile back. In addition, people living in the same house with you will form a positive opinion about you, because a smile is always disarming and attractive.

Help is never too much

Do you see a mother with a stroller unsuccessfully trying to drive through a snowdrift? Or an elderly person who has difficulty climbing stairs? Offer your help. This will also be a good opportunity to get acquainted. This gesture will not only characterize you as a well-mannered and kind person, but will also help you take a step forward and make friends with your neighbors.

In addition, by helping others, sooner or later you will encounter a situation where you will be helped too. By the way, don't be shy to ask for help. Feel free to ask your neighbors about the location of certain shops, institutions and places of recreation. This is a great psychological trick that helps other people feel important, and is also one of the best ways to start a conversation with a stranger.

Someday visits from neighbors can become friendly get-togethers!

Invitation to visit

One of the most effective ways to make friends with neighbors is to communicate in an informal setting. Organize a small feast for your neighbors, during which you will have the opportunity to get to know each other better. It is not necessary to set a large table; you can offer guests tea with sweets or light snacks. You can also post a notice on the house asking for residents to meet in the yard at an appointed time.

It is ideal if there are benches and a table in the yard. Of course, not all neighbors will come to such a meeting, but those who decide will most likely become your friends. Another great option is an invitation to nature. You can get all your neighbors together and go to a barbecue. It is much easier to communicate in an atmosphere of relaxation and ease.

Good neighbors are quiet neighbors

What could be better than a pleasant relaxation after a working day in a quiet home environment? Not only you, but also your neighbors think so. Therefore, do not violate the rules of decency and try to finish all noisy activities before six o’clock in the evening, when the neighbors begin to return from work. Of course, from time to time we all need to nail a shelf, change windows or make repairs in our apartment.

But it is always important to think about others and not disturb their peace. If circumstances force you to carry out too noisy work at home, then it would be a good idea to go to your nearest neighbors, apologize for the noise and assure them that you will try to finish the work as quickly as possible. Such care on your part will undoubtedly please all the people living next to you.

Search for like-minded people

The easiest way to establish contact with neighbors is for young mothers and older people. Mothers and children can easily find a common language on the playground in the courtyard, and pensioners will always find something to chat about on the bench near the entrance. Car owners can start the conversation by discussing parking in the yard, and dog owners can start by talking about the best places to walk their pets.

In fact, there are always many common interests and topics; you just need to start communicating. Alternatively, you can gather your neighbors for a meeting about improving the living conditions of your home: repairing the sewer system, cleaning the area, or replacing the roof. This way you will show your initiative and at the same time be able to make friends with the same active residents.

By using one or more of the methods presented above, you can make friends with your neighbors. In the end, you will have to live side by side with these people for many years and, of course, it is better to spend these years united, and not fight over loud music at the wrong time.

Proper relationships with neighbors are an art. These people are not chosen and can be quite unpleasant. But if you manage to establish contact with them, they can bring invaluable benefits and relieve a huge number of problems. So, the topic of our article is relationships with neighbors. What rules must be followed in order to establish them?

Human and society

As we know, people are social creatures. It is difficult for us to live alone, so we somehow form communities in which there is a division of labor, hierarchy, and various connections. People help each other, build relationships, interact. This gives each member of society certain rights and privileges, but also imposes obligations.

For a harmonious life, large groups of people need to create certain rules that they will follow so that everyone is as comfortable as possible. This includes the laws according to which the adult generation raises children. With these rules, society tries to isolate itself from phenomena that have a destructive effect on it: alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. At the same time, friendliness, willingness to help others, and sympathy are encouraged. These are the main principles of life in society. And they also apply to those who live with us in the same house and in the same room, since these people almost always surround any member of society.

Where a person grew up often greatly influences how he communicates with others. In cities, people live more closely together, but try to isolate their personal space from others as much as possible. Those who grew up in Russia are often more sociable and friendly towards their neighbors. This, however, does not mean that in villages and small towns everyone is nice to each other - it is just that people understand that life is easier when there is someone to rely on or someone to ask for help. Residents of megacities, as a rule, are more likely to be loners; they prefer to solve their problems on their own or with the help of professionals, but without contacting friends. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but in general this is the case. Whether this situation is good or not is difficult to judge, but you can try to change it.

The rules of relationships with neighbors are relevant even for those who have to constantly change their place of residence. Sometimes this can be even more useful for such people than for those who have lived in one place since childhood. Forwarding correspondence, maintaining old connections - all this can be easily achieved by enlisting the help of neighbors. The absence of problems with local police officers and other residents can also be a consequence of friendship with the old ladies in the driveway - the invisible and inaudible guardian of the peace of citizens. Good relationships with colleagues on the landing can help you quickly get used to a new place, learn about interesting places nearby or unobvious ways to spend your leisure time. So this can be very useful, even if the introduction is initially intended to be brief. And this is even more important for those who have lived in the same place since childhood, because the most important rules for relationships with neighbors are simple and really do not require any serious effort.

Relations with neighbors

Most people want to be liked by others - this is normal. But this doesn't always happen. Sometimes those around them themselves cause irritation and other negative emotions with their behavior. This is also normal, just like the fact that someone who seeks to make friends may not find understanding from the other side.

Some people simply prefer not only not to say hello to their neighbors, but even simply not to run into them. And if earlier such behavior was an unaffordable luxury for the majority, since hostels flourished when several strangers, or even families, lived in one apartment, now it is easier to isolate yourself. But is it necessary? Or is it easier with neighbors? The basic rules are extremely simple.

The first steps can be taken immediately after moving. They are elementary - ask for something insignificant like borrowing a couple of eggs or a glass of sugar, admiring the beauty of the luxurious neighbor's cat. Then you can establish contact, finding common themes and common ground. Perhaps such relationships will grow into real, sincere friendship, and if interests are still completely different, you can simply maintain polite, benevolent neutrality.

It’s even easier to establish good relationships with neighbors in your dacha - you can invite them to a picnic or barbecue, and they probably won’t refuse to join the fun company. And at the table, communication will most likely be easy and relaxed.

Neighbors - how to live together?

Relationships with neighbors are not always such a simple matter. Nowadays people rarely trust each other completely. And yet neighbors can be both very useful in some situations and have the ability to cause harm. That is why it is better to build a fairly good relationship with them.

Firstly, in the absence of the apartment owners, curious old women will become invisible guards who may well protect the home from robbery or other encroachment. Secondly, in some yards neighbors still keep an eye on the children they know, which reduces the likelihood of any misfortune. Finally, if they have a good relationship, it will always be easier for fellow neighbors to agree on any issues: from a time convenient for everyone when noisy repairs will be carried out to changing service organizations if they are not happy with something. Finally, if you establish good relationships with your neighbors, territorial disputes can be resolved without going to court, but simply by reaching an agreement. This is very valuable, since litigation requires a lot of time and nerves, and they can drag on for a very long time.

So, any situation in which people’s support may be needed will be easier if you learn and follow the rules of relationships with neighbors. And then you can leave spare keys with them, ask them to make sure that the child has lunch after school, or make some other not too burdensome requests, also offering your help in return.

However, not everyone wants to communicate closely with their comrades at home or in their holiday village. Perhaps, first of all, this statement can be attributed to workers in the medical field - all the benefits of friendship with others will most likely be offset by endless questions and requests. Moreover, even a motivated refusal will certainly cause terrible resentment. Of course, in this case, you can still build a good relationship, for example, by hiding your profession and carefully avoiding direct questions.

Keep quiet

Nobody likes extraneous sounds in their apartment. But neighbors inevitably make repairs, give birth and raise children, learn to play musical instruments, watch TV in the evenings, etc. You cannot insure yourself against noise, especially in some houses with very thin walls. But you can be polite and demand the same from others - any loud sounds should be heard only during the daytime, and after lunch it is also better to give the ears of others a rest - at this time, for example, babies sleep.

Do not litter

There are janitors and cleaners, but they do not always have access to closed vestibules, and the quality of their work may vary. In this regard, it is worth including a clause in the rules of relations with neighbors about trying not to litter and not to bring excess dirt into the common area. The same applies to large items that need to be taken to the trash - you should not leave them in the entrance, creating inconvenience.

Animals and cars

Elementary etiquette involves caring for other people's property and a reasonable approach to your own. You should not let an angry and dangerous-looking dog out for a walk alone; it is even better that it is always muzzled. She may be the friendliest creature in the world, but not everyone can guess it, and many children are simply scared.

As for personal vehicles, you should park very carefully so as not to disturb anyone or block passages and entrances. It is also worth considering not to disturb the residents of the first floors by warming up their cars in winter. And of course, it is worth setting up the alarm so that it does not react to ordinary passers-by.


Not everyone likes cigarette smoke, and it is also a powerful allergen. It has already been banned in Moscow, but the law is not respected everywhere. There is no need to aggravate relations if a remark is made about a smoky staircase and an unpleasant smell. But even if no one objects, you should not forget about cleanliness and culture - leaving cigarette butts on the floor is bad manners.


When renting out your apartment, you should also think a little about your neighbors. It’s probably worth choosing your tenants carefully so that they don’t throw parties every evening, inviting a bunch of guests, making noise non-stop, etc. The rules for relations with neighbors should apply to them, so it’s worth giving a short briefing before moving in and, perhaps, helping establish contact with someone living nearby - this will make everyone calmer.

All the rest

The rules of relationships with neighbors are essentially simple adherence to etiquette. Holding the door, saying hello, helping young mothers with strollers, not creating unnecessary inconvenience - that’s probably all that is needed for simple neutrality. Well, if you want to make friends, just start a conversation.

When is it better not to communicate?

The world is imperfect, and the people around you can also be at least unpleasant, and sometimes downright harmful to their neighbors, if the relationship does not work out. In this case, it is better to accept the fact that it will not be possible to fix them.

  • if a person repeatedly does not make contact, it is better not to impose himself, this will only cause rejection;
  • mentally unstable people can change their opinion regarding others to the diametrically opposite one without any reason - you should not communicate closely with them in order to avoid unnecessary problems;
  • marginalized people can also hardly be called good company, so you shouldn’t make friends with them either.

Neighbors are a really important element. Many people take this factor into account when planning to buy an apartment. So don’t underestimate the rules of relationships with neighbors. By observing them, you can most often count on them to repay you in kind. And this is very valuable given the fact that some everyday issues are not regulated in any way by Russian legislation.

What role do neighbors play in our lives? We are friends with some of them, we just say hello to others, and we don’t even know someone by name, although we have lived side by side for many years...

Meanwhile, the good ones can be extremely important. How to build them correctly?

Let's consider the most common option for an apartment building. Often the inhabitants of such a house are not even interested in who lives next to them. But in vain! How many stories about robbers and scammers posing as residents! Posing as neighbors, they can, say, dress in a robe and slippers, borrow a large sum of money and disappear from your life forever... Or rob your apartment without any hindrance, since the neighbors don’t even know who its owners are.
Therefore, it is imperative to know your neighbors. At least the closest ones. So…

It is advisable to get to know at least those who live on the same landing as you. How to do it? It’s best when meeting, say, on the stairs or in the elevator, to introduce yourself: “I’m your new neighbor.” And say your name. The person will most likely name his own in response. So you know each other. If both you and your neighbor have a dog, making friends is even easier. Two dog lovers will always find a common topic for conversation. If you can’t communicate outside your apartment, you can follow the example of the heroes of American films and take some treats to your neighbors. Or even invite them to . But this is appropriate if you already know each other at least by sight. And behave tactfully, do not try to force yourself on a visit - perhaps the person is not interested in you or is not very sociable... Treat with understanding if they thank you for the treat or invitation, but refuse further communication under the pretext of being busy and lack of time - still the first the step has already been taken...

Make it a habit to say hello to your neighbors. Do this even if you think that you have nothing in common with these people and have never really spoken. Who knows, what if someday you will have to contact them about some issue?

Look for common things to do and topics of conversation. For example, invite your neighbors to take part in a community cleanup, plant flowers under their windows, or jointly write a statement to the Housing Office asking for minor repairs. Discuss with them the problems in your home or yard that concern you. It always brings us closer and unites.

Get phone numbers from your closest neighbors. You never know in what situation it will come in handy. For example, you can call absent neighbors if there is a flood in their apartment.

If you are planning renovation work in your apartment, then warn your neighbors about it. It is best to go around all the neighbors on the right, left, above and below and warn them that at some hours they will be bothered by noise. Apologize for this. You should also ask permission if you temporarily plan to store old furniture and other items on the site or in the hall.

Try not to quarrel, but to negotiate. If your neighbors are too noisy and it bothers you, it is better not to attack them with abuse, but try to agree that at certain times they will not make noise (for example, when your child is sleeping).

Follow the rules of human society. Do not leave garbage on the landing, do not litter, do not throw cigarette butts. If you shit on the stairs or in common areas, clean up after it as quickly as possible. Be sure to clean the area if it is messy or dirty due to your fault or the fault of your guests.

Participate in common activities. Don’t neglect community meetings, cleanup days, and don’t refuse to donate money for community needs. If you start to “break away from the team,” they may later remind you of this, and just at the moment when you need something from your neighbors. Of course, everything should be within reasonable limits. If, for example, you are required to sign a slander against one of the residents of the house, and you do not know this person personally, then you should think ten times whether it is worth signing. When signing various statements and protocols, first read their content - it may be contrary to your interests. In this case, no one has the right to judge you for not signing the paper. But, for example, it would be stupid not to sign a complaint about a leaking roof: by doing so you will only turn your neighbors against you. So what if the ceiling in your own apartment doesn’t leak? This could happen at any moment...

Don't discuss your neighbors. Remember that what you tell can reach those to whom it is dedicated. And this can forever ruin your relationship with your neighbors. But you shouldn’t tell your neighbors too much about yourself. It is not known how they will interpret this - perhaps they will form a bad impression of you.

Don't refuse to fulfill small requests. If one of your neighbors asked you to provide a small favor - look after the apartment in the absence of the owners, water flowers, feed pets, sit for an hour with a small child, borrow some thing - if possible, do not refuse. After all, sooner or later you may also need to ask for help.

When you move into a new apartment, the first thing you need to do is get to know your new neighbors. Neighbours They will save you a lot of nerves and time in the future, and you will immediately establish yourself as a positive and sociable person. It’s a trifle, but nice, even if you’re not one. The easiest way to do this is by inviting new neighbors for tea: soaking cookies and eating sweets, telling a little about yourself and finding out a lot more about your new place of residence.

Good relationships with your neighbors are the key to a future peaceful life in your new apartment, since when you go somewhere on vacation or for work, you may need someone who can look after your pet or water your indoor plants. If your relationship with your neighbors isn't going well, then you won't even have the opportunity to visit them when you're bored.

If you were unable to win over your neighbors, then try to maintain polite relations with them, at least so that they can lend you a few chairs for a large feast. Many people who are friends with their neighbors live much easier and calmer, because they know what lies behind the wall. neighbour , a friend who is ready to help at the first call.

It’s good if you and your neighbors have common holidays or hobbies, and you can spend some time together on business. Even if it’s about celebrating a joint birthday or anniversary. It is known that collective work or a feast brings people together. It’s not for nothing that pensioners so often visit each other: they want to feel the support of a loved one, who could become neighbour .

In addition, comfort and warmth not only in the staircase, but also in the apartment depend on the neighbors. And if your neighbors are not very well-mannered people or violent alcoholics, then you will also have to find a common language with them. Constant quarrels and scandals behind the wall in the early morning are not a gift. But still, this problem can be solved by conversation. Often in a neighboring family, only the husband drinks, and therefore, by talking with his wife, you can solve this issue.

It is true that there are also people whose conversation does not yield anything. In this case, you will have to take emergency measures. For example, call the local police officer. Sometimes neighbours they forget that living peacefully and amicably is more pleasant than living in eternal scandals. For the most part, this is done by egoists who are completely uninterested in those who are nearby. If you come across just such neighbors, then, alas, you will not miss a single one of their parties, and loud music will follow you in any part of your apartment.

The most difficult and at the same time the simplest thing is to find a common language. There is no need to be afraid to visit your neighbors, discuss the latest news with them, or just chat over a cup of tea. If you, having moved to a new place, go to neighbor to find out what his actual name is, then he will not eat you or swear at you. Don't be afraid to communicate! If you have found a common language with your neighbors and made friends with them, then life in the new place will be cozy and pleasant.