Poster, wall newspaper, propaganda sheet for Nurse's Day. Poster, wall newspaper, propaganda sheet for Nurse's Day Name of wall newspaper for Medical Worker's Day

The MEGA-ART company accepts orders for the production of posters for Medical Worker Day. Bright colors, thematic designs, different style solutions - we propose to decorate the adjacent territory of your organization, office or department in an original way by June 17, and prepare for the festive procession.

Choice by format and design

To give your premises, building exterior, street structures and structures a festive look, you can order posters of different sizes from us. Our product formats:

  • A-4 – optimal for attracting the attention of pedestrians. A small pattern is good to decorate an office or corridor. Posters in subdued colors are suitable for these purposes.
  • A-3 is a solution for spacious premises: meeting rooms, exhibition halls, canteens. We offer contrasting design.
  • A-1, A-2 – it is rational to place them outside buildings, in stadiums.
  • A-0 - will be clearly visible from afar, so they should be used along roads and sidewalks. For these purposes, we recommend products with large patterns.

A variety of designs will make it easy to choose a poster for Medical Worker's Day. Our catalog presents options that make it convenient to order what best suits the style of your organization: clinic, dentistry, pharmacy or for a city hospital. Check out our holiday banner samples too!

Our advantages

If you need to buy posters for Doctor's Day in Moscow, we suggest ordering our products. And that's why:

  • We sell products at low prices and high quality,
  • we will develop an individual design of posters for Medical Worker’s Day,
  • We organize delivery within the Moscow Ring Road,
  • We print using offset technology, digital, interior, large format printing, with lamination,
  • We offer a wide selection of formats,
  • We work at our own production site - we quickly process large volumes of orders,
  • We will produce products in 1 day.

Our posters do not fade under the influence of the sun and precipitation. We use durable, environmentally friendly paints and high-quality materials - the products will be perfectly preserved until next year. The printed product can be used both outside and inside. You can pay for your purchase in cash or by bank transfer.

Get ready for Honey Day. employee? Hurry up to buy posters by June 17th to create a festive atmosphere.

Bandurko Margarita

There are many professions in the world:

Singers, pilots, carpenters,

But everyone is more important, everyone is most needed

Modest work health workers!

Year after year we celebrate and congratulate everyone workers of medical institutions. Day medic celebrated in Russia on the third Sunday in June. This year the holiday is celebrated on June 17th. We congratulate people who cure diseases, save lives, and give joy and hope. The specific feature of the initiate medical workers of the day is that that they celebrate it not only doctors, but also all the people involved in saving lives and helping the sick and injured.

For many a day medic is not just a holiday. it is equated to the day of solidarity, when every person tries to express medical workers your honor and respect. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a doctor, a nurse or an ordinary nurse - they are together work for the benefit of our health.

For me personally, this is my second professional holiday, because I Working I have been a teacher in a children's sanatorium for 26 years. Frequently ill children (acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, asthma) come to our sanatorium to treat their health. On the eve of the upcoming holiday, the children and I decided to congratulate our loved ones doctors. We learned a lot of congratulatory poems and decided to make wall newspaper.

To begin with, Lida and Tanya made the background wall newspapers. They decided that it would be the Russian flag. (don't forget the holiday of June 12). the girls tried very hard.

Kirill, Anya, Varya and Stas cut out printed pictures on medical topic.

They pasted a picture of a doctor and a nurse. and suddenly one of the guys suggested. so that what comes out of the syringe is not medicine, but a whole sea of ​​flowers.

We urgently cut out the flowers and glued them on.

Glued the poems and secured them medical seal.

The children glued the bowl with the snake to the most visible place - this is a symbol medicine.

Wrote the inscription HAPPY DAY MEDICA.

The kids worked really hard. Wall newspaper we hung in the group. It was very pleasant to listen to the children’s words of gratitude from doctors, nurses, and orderlies!

No profession can compare in importance to the profession medic. Therefore, today I would especially like to wish you success in your hard work, which requires all your mental strength and full dedication.

Publications on the topic:

Concert “As a gift to beloved colleagues!” for Preschool Worker's Day Objectives: Create a positive mood in children; expand children’s ideas about professions in kindergarten; show the importance of employee work.

Educational and entertainment program “On the Day of Traffic Police Employees” Cognitive entertainment with the pupils of the center for the day of the traffic police officer “Walk with the traffic police inspector” Purpose of the lesson:.

Celebration of Preschool Worker's Day in the senior group Presenter: Dear teachers and staff of our kindergarten “Beryozka”. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of Preschool Worker's Day.

Presentation for Preschool Worker Day The presentation contains slides for the musical and informational accompaniment of the festive concert, for Preschool Worker's Day. Taken separately.

Project “Such Important Professions” for Preschool Worker Day Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 27 “Why” Project “Such Important Professions” (for the Day.

Entertainment "Medical Worker's Day" Progress of the holiday: Presenter: Hello, children! Today we celebrate the holiday “Medical Worker's Day”. Being healthy means never.

Celebration script for adults for Preschool Worker's Day The evening will be charming, the holiday will be entertaining, I am so glad to see you, the guests, I shout: “Hurray!”, I am loud to you, Thank you for coming here.

You can work in the ambulance service if...

.You have already dealt with patients who believe that 4-hour constipation is a reason to call an ambulance;
.You divide calls into 4 categories: emergency, urgent, enduring and AK (alcohol coma);
.You have put an end to such a reason for hospitalization as “I got completely drunk...”;
.You call motorcyclists organ donors;
.A patient with a ring through his nose told you that he is afraid of injections;
.You have already had thoughts like: “The main thing is that there is a pulse, but to hell with the rhythm”;
.You feel myocardial infarction 20 meters away, and renal colic 50 meters away;
.Some patients you no longer need to ask about their illnesses, since everything necessary papers you can fill in from memory;
.You are able not to laugh when you hear from a patient: “I only drank 2 bottles of beer”;
.You automatically multiply by 3 the number of glasses of alcohol the patient reports drinking daily;
.You give the nearby homeless people the addresses of good shelters so that they don’t think of spending the night in a hospital.

I agree - and don’t pay in the future,
Let him stagger me as I go,
Don't let me live, don't feed me,
I'll still come to work!

Advance day - no mourning dates,
It's just not there this year
Delay your salary too
I'll still come to work!

I'm not going anywhere to rest,
This is the sea I meant
Naked tea and crackers for lunch,
I'll still come to work!

I don’t need “premiums” at all,
I take care of my figure,
Don't need any
I'll still come to work!

It’s okay that the clothes are wrinkled,
I'm not lying to you, keep in mind
If there is an entrance fee for me,
I'll use credit for work!

I will come even if there is an eclipse
I’ll forget about the frosts in winter,
Even if the brain is cloudy,

The ambulance team responded to a case of clinical death - cardiac arrest on the shore of a lake in Yekaterinburg on a hot day in the summer. A defibrillator was delivered. put a rubber mat. The sand is wet. The circle of onlookers is dense - 30-40 people. The doctor tells them to leave. They don't take a step back. Doctor again - the result is zero. Well, what to do - don’t fight with the civilian population. The doctor, with the words “I warned,” gives a defibrillator shock to the patient, standing, I repeat, on a rubber mat. Can you imagine how 30 people simultaneously jump in place several times and then run away in different directions? I couldn't do it before either. And the guy, by the way, was pumped out

"We're going to a call. The patient is a mentally ill bastard. Everyone in the area knows him, he's a brawler and constantly gets to the bottom of his wife... His favorite joke is trying to commit suicide. (the key word here is “trying”, since he really wants to live, but that’s all his attempts are calculated so that the ambulance arrives just in time to “save” him).
This time he came up with the following. I got drunk on mercury from old mercury medical thermometers (5 pieces, in my opinion), and lie on the sofa with a smug face. Like, this is what a hero I am. The wife is understandably hysterical, probably more likely from a psychological breakdown, since, I repeat, he does this periodically, and everyone is already tired of it. It is clear that there is only one way out - gastric lavage with all the “following” and you will be healthy in the morning, and in a couple of days you will probably be called again. I decide to teach a lesson. With a calm expression on my face I tell him:
-Go to the shower, wash yourself, put on something clean and lie down on the sofa.
He is confused, but the smile is still on his face. Asks:
-What is it for?
The answer is absolutely serious.
- Well, you are such a healthy boar, your wife will be tortured to wash and dress you, so while you are still alive, do everything yourself, I’ll call about the coffin in the meantime...
The smile disappeared, the squeals, snot and whimpering began... Like, save Uncle Doctor...

He didn't bother us anymore..."


The little son came to his father,
And the little one asked,
Is it good to be a doctor?
Or is it bad?

You are a father and a doctor all your life.
Worked in the ambulance
Explain to me what and how much
What did you earn?

You see for yourself there is no luck,
Mother went to the huckster,
Internet not paid
No money for books

They began to wipe their ass,
An old newspaper
And you don’t give a damn about anything,
Is it good?

I do not know what to say,
Everything gnaws at me,
Rip my son's ass off
just won't help

I answer my son,
We walk barefoot
We don't live richly
but in Russia...


All specialties have a special smell:
The geneticist smells like a buccal scraping,
Surgeons smell like peritonitis,
And pulmonologists smell of pleurisy,

Endocrinologist smells like ketones,
The dentist smells like a rotten tooth,
The forensic medic smells like a grave,
Nachmed smells like cognac and tequila,

Urologist smells like prostate secretion,
The radiologist smells of barium,
The smell of phlegm, blood and urine
Laboratory doctors are everywhere,

The microbiologist smells like agar,
Plaster and splints - traumatologist.
Smells like drool, with or without burping
Doctor at FGDS office.

Smells like roses... a good proctologist,
The gerontologist smells like old women,
The ultrasound technician smells like condom and gel,
Medical recorder - paper and glue.

Doctor podiatrist smells like feet,
Grill and bedsores - combustiologist,
Vomit, homeless people, urine and gasoline
The smell of the ambulance doctor is unbearable.

The gynecologist smells like aunts,
And the histologist smells like paraffin.
Evil old ladies, a ton of paper
Our poor therapists smell,

Neonatologist smells like meconium,
Smells like the urine of an old nephrologist.
The mammologist smells like a dirty armpit,
And pediatricians smell like Rastishka,

A psychologist smells like a wet vest,
The anesthesiologist smells like anesthesia.
There are a lot of smells, but there is also a bummer -
The pharmaceutical representative just smells like money...

Who needs doctors in this world?

Because every idiot knows this:

Only two diseases affect the body.

It's fucked up - it can't be treated, it's bullshit - it will go away on its own

Congratulate the nurse beautiful poster, which can be hung in the office.

The best part is that you can edit the poster as you please. For example, make it humorous if you have even a little knowledge of Photoshop, since the poster is in PSD format. Also in the archive is the same poster in eps and JPEG format.

The poster contains heartfelt congratulations to the nurses in verse:

You are alone and there are so many of you.
Every day at eight in the morning
You approach the sick strictly.

Procedures and injections.
The doctor has you “at hand”.
There is no more merciful school
To be a medical nurse.

We would like to congratulate the nurses,
Your professional holiday - keep it up.
Give you fewer injections
And sleep more at night.

We congratulate the nurses today,
We wish you patience and health.
We wish you for affection and warmth,
Goodness has returned to you a hundredfold.

Today on holiday we will say to you: “Thank you!”
Because you will never pass by,
You will always help a person,
You will come to the aid of those who call.

May only work bring you joy,
Care for loved ones and relatives,
May all your wishes come true,
All your efforts will be rewarded with prosperity.

What is the doctor's share?
Without a sister's shoulder?
Who is always ready to help?
Whoever gives the clamp, the tweezers,
Prepare the instrument
Or required document?
The voice is gentle, the gaze is sharp...
Congratulations nurses!


So many smiles, kindness and warmth
Our dear nurse!
We wish you good luck,
Because you are kind to the sick!
Let trouble pass you by,
Give us joy and light!
And may the bright angel always protect you
From grief, misfortune and troubles!