Five products for beautiful skin. Diet for beautiful skin 5 foods for beautiful skin

Many of us think that the beauty of our skin depends on proper sleep, regular walks in the fresh air and countless scrubs, masks and creams that we put on our face. However, this is not enough to give the skin a healthy and fresh look. Our skin is very dependent on the daily diet and proper nutrition, so you should limit yourself to salty and fried foods, otherwise you can forget about smooth skin. We will tell you about five products that will help maintain perfect, healthy and supple skin.

1. Nuts. This is just a storehouse of vitamin E, which accelerates the processes of skin regeneration. Preference should be given to hazelnuts and almonds, because it is in these nuts that the highest content of the vitamin is. Also, this product helps slow down the aging of the skin and protects against ultraviolet radiation. But still, do not forget that nuts are a terribly high-calorie product, so you should not get carried away with them. To maintain a fresh and healthy-looking skin, 50 grams of nuts 2-3 times a week is enough.

2. Oily fish. Yes, the phrase itself does not sound very good, but do not be afraid, you will not be doomed to the same adjective as fish if you use it in limited quantities. Zinc, which is found in fatty fish, plays a significant role in skin renewal, to the point that its lack in the body can lead to premature aging. Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain proper skin moisture, thereby relieving dryness and other damage. Fatty varieties include: salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and others.

3. Sour fruits and berries. All citrus fruits, as well as lingonberries, kiwi, cranberries, blackcurrants, contain a fairly large amount of vitamin C. It is this vitamin that helps to form collagen, which affects skin elasticity and slows down the process of wrinkles. Among other things, fruits and berries contain antioxidants that protect our skin from environmental influences. Citrus fruits should be given special attention to those who have a bad habit of smoking, because it is vitamin C that helps to maintain a beautiful and even complexion.

4. Cereals. Grains contain the element rutin, which has antioxidant properties. B vitamins ensure the normal functioning of the whole organism, and with the help of omega-3 fatty acids, the digestion process is improved. It is especially worth noting flax grains and coarse fiber, because they normalize the functioning of the intestines, which is very important for the color and condition of the skin.

5. Green and orange vegetables. Orange and green vegetables have a fairly high content of vitamin A, which prevents the appearance of inflammation on the skin. Tomatoes, red peppers, pumpkins and carrots contain beta-carotene, which promotes the production of melanin and is a strong tan activator. Products of this group are very important for the skin, as they contribute to the processes of rejuvenation and affect the complexion. It is worth noting that vitamin A is better absorbed with fats, so you should definitely add a spoonful of olive oil to freshly squeezed carrot juice.

If you eat the right products for facial beauty, then you will definitely see the result. The body is replenished with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which means that much less effort is required to correct beauty. The hair is shiny. Nails are strong and do not peel. Teeth are fine. The skin is radiant.

So much research and experimentation! How many recommendations have been made by dermatologists, nutritionists, nutritionists to keep the skin of the face healthy and beautiful! And the price of effective cosmetics based on natural products is... no comment. A number of studies by American scientists dealing with the problem of "purity" confirm that wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne, and even dry skin are "treated" cheaply and tastefully. In the truest sense of the word - "with taste." After all, some foods in the diet help maintain the freshness of the skin of the face or help it “recover”. Here are some tips on what foods to eat for facial beauty.

Dark spots

Most often they appear on the arms, face and chest. Their color is from pale yellow to dark brown.

Why is there a problem?

One of the possible reasons is a deficiency of vitamins, in particular - B 12, and some minerals. The result is a metabolic disorder. Intoxication of the body and stressful situations are also among the "provocateurs" of hyperpigmentation.

Age spots are especially manifested if you stay in the sun for a long time. Antioxidant-rich foods help protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

What to include in the diet?

It is worth paying attention to such products for facial beauty:

Meat- the main source of vitamin B 12, which converts carbohydrates into energy.

Citrus(grapefruit, lemon, lime, oranges) - rich in vitamins and minerals. Promote collagen production and reduce melanin content in the skin.

Berries. Kalina, blueberries, raspberries, black currants are a source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Strawberry ellagic acid minimizes the effect of harmful ultraviolet radiation. Sea buckthorn is a champion in vitamin E content.

Cabbage. There is many times more vitamin C in white-pumped than in citrus fruits. Broccoli is a supplier of vitamins and minerals in "giant quantities" and a normalizer of hormonal levels. Brussels - low-calorie, contains phosphorus, potassium, iron. Leaf (Beijing) - a source of vitamin D.

Green leafy vegetables. In addition to vitamin C, it also contains silicon dioxide, which is important for the synthesis of connective tissue.

Tomatoes. Lycopene in red vegetables - protects the skin from free radicals and ultraviolet radiation.

Oily skin

It has been scientifically proven that foods with a high glycemic index contribute to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Vitamin A deficiency goes hand in hand with iron deficiency, which is also a contributing factor to oily skin.

Why is there a problem?

Oily sheen of the skin is a violation of the sebaceous glands. To reduce sebum secretion, eat foods high in vitamin A. Load up on orange and yellow fruits and vegetables - they are a source of retinol, beta-carotene (vitamin A).

What to include in the diet?

Egg yolk. Its vitamin A is a tissue regenerator. Vitamin D - detox. There is also a rejuvenating antioxidant - vitamin E. There are linoleic acid, choline, melatonin.

Beef liver- a source of vitamins of almost all groups and an "iron" pantry. It has a lot of selenium.

Mango. Dietary exotic fruit rich in vitamins and minerals, essential and organic acids, natural antioxidants. Mango carotenoids improve the color and tone of the skin, make it "luminous".

Pumpkin- a non-caloric source of beta-carotene, which is transformed into vitamin A in the body. There is more of it in pumpkin than in carrots. There is a rare vitamin T (carnitine). Pumpkin seeds are a source of zinc, which is involved in the regulation of sebum secretion.

Minimize your intake of high glycemic foods. Both the skin and the figure are useful.

Pimples, acne, acne

Owners of oily skin often suffer from these "shortcomings".

Why is there a problem?

The sebaceous glands are very active. In this case, the skin pores are clogged. They begin the rapid multiplication of bacteria and inflammatory processes.

Foods with a high glycemic index, containing gluten and gluten are an indirect or direct culprit for acne and pimples.

The reason may be hormonal imbalance, and poor absorption of dairy or other products.

What foods to eat for facial beauty?

Diet is one way to solve the problem. Eat foods that contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which relieve skin inflammation. And also

Walnuts. Source of alpha-linoleic acid, vitamin E, lecithin, iodine, manganese, copper.

Flax seeds (linseed oil). Powerful superfood, one of the properties of which is an anti-inflammatory effect. The omega-3 fatty acids in the seeds promote rapid wound healing. Skin rashes, redness, irritation when using flax is minimized. Read more about the properties of flax seeds on our website.

Fish and seafood. They are rich in fatty acids, which are needed for the absorption of vitamin A and to protect the cell membranes of the skin. Improving blood circulation and increasing elasticity are also on the list of benefits.

Seaweed. Indispensable in detox programs and cleansing pores from the inside.

Dry skin

The unspoken motto of nutrition for dry skin is balance and plenty of water. Low-calorie diets are not welcome.

Why is there a problem?

Excessive dryness of the skin can be triggered by an excess of vitamin E, vitamin A deficiency, lack of cholesterol.

What to include in the diet?

Increase the concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids in the body. Due to the products that are best absorbed with them. If vegetarianism is not your thing, eat meat and fish (salmon, mackerel, trout, tuna). 2 tablespoons of oil per day (preferably olive oil) is a good “helper” for the skin.

beans. Low-calorie. Source of monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, valuable amino acids, fiber.

Eggs. Rich in sulfur, which prevents dryness and flaking of the skin. Stimulates metabolism.

Meat. Gives the lion's share of cholesterol for the body.

Avocado. A lot of fiber and a set of unsaturated fats, rare vitamins (K, F), zinc, powerful antioxidants. A valuable source of biotin, vital for the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates.

Grape. In addition to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, it is a good source of additional hydration for the skin.

Peanut. It contains a lot of healthy monounsaturated and omega-3 fats that work to moisturize and maintain skin elasticity.


A sign of skin aging. Studies show that antioxidants are effective in the fight against aging.

Why is there a problem?

One of the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles is the presence of sugar, since the glucose contained in it reduces skin elasticity. By damaging collagen fibers, sugar makes them unable to repair themselves.

Drinking alcohol, causing dehydration, greatly affects the severity of wrinkles. Selenium deficiency is another reason.

What to include in the diet?

Give up alcohol, reduce the consumption of sweets to a minimum. Try these facial beauty products:

Eggplant. They are low-calorie (28 kcal per 100 g of product). Promotes the production of collagen, normalizes metabolic processes.

Black chocolate. Its antioxidants even out the skin and protect it from harmful UV rays.

Green leafy vegetables. Rich in silicon dioxide, which is responsible for the elasticity and freshness of the skin. Zinc, present in the composition of all enzymes and hormones. Vitamin E, folic acid.

Garlic. Contains a lot of selenium, which activates vitamin E, preventing the formation of free radicals. Vitamin A renews cells.

Dark circles under the eyes

May appear not only because of fatigue or lack of sleep.

Why is there a problem?

Food allergy or food intolerance. If the symptom of dark circles is "long-lasting", see your doctor and have a food intolerance test done. Eliminate potentially dangerous milk, instant coffee, sweeteners.

Iron deficiency and low hemoglobin, dehydration are among the causes of dark circles.

What to include in the diet?

Water. Drink it a lot. Do not abuse coffee.

Meat. Replenish iron deficiency and increase hemoglobin.

Tuna. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty and omega-3 acids, iron. Zinc is a component of cellular regeneration processes, facilitates the manifestations of allergies.

Orange or red sweet pepper. Its vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. Reduces pigmentation for an even complexion. Stimulates the production of collagen. Increases the resistance of the skin to the environment.

The connection between food and skin health is undeniable. Our body, like nature, loves harmony and moderation in everything. Pay attention to, and the skin will thank you.

As a teenager, I suffered from severe teenage rashes, which doctors call acne. My face was covered with inflammation and purulent pimples, as well as traces of scarring of empty pustules. For years, treating problematic skin has been my favorite topic of conversation.

The family doctor who followed me during my teenage years enthusiastically explained her views on the principles of acne treatment. She has said more than once that the purity of the skin does not depend on the diet, and the only way to treat acne is to take hormonal drugs and daily specific care with the help of therapeutic ointments.

Periodically, I tried to confirm with the doctor other information about the importance of nutrition in the treatment of acne, but did not receive agreement with this point of view. In the end, I continued to eat what I liked and, with short-term success, took the medication prescribed by the doctor.

However, over time, thanks to practical observations of my skin, a healthy skepticism woke up in me. For example, after eating fatty foods, my skin produced more and more sebum, my pores became clogged, and the sebaceous glands easily became inflamed. And at the same time, during the period of active eating of fresh fruits and vegetables, the acne problem subsided, and the skin was noticeably cleared.

Today I can say with absolute certainty that everything you ingest inevitably and directly determines the purity and health of your skin.

And what is curious, over the years, those 5 gifts of nature have stood out in my menu, the regular use of which consistently maintains the beauty of the skin. Here are the healing foods:

1. Tomatoes (heat-treated)

Eating this juicy and tasty vegetable clearly affects the appearance. Because it contains the strongest antioxidant - lycopene. And what is especially curious: the concentration of this antioxidant only increases after boiling or evaporating the tomato! For example, in raw tomatoes, the content of lycopene reaches 50 mg / kg, in ketchup - 140 mg / kg, and in the most common tomato paste for our table - 1500 mg / kg!

Lycopene is able to suppress the excess production of hormones that support the spread of acne. In addition, it actively fights free radicals that attack the cells of our body constantly, especially during prolonged exposure to the sun.

2. Kiwi

What should you eat to keep your face smooth, ruddy and fresh as long as possible? A list of five products recommended by cosmetologists and nutritionists.
Good sleep, exercise and being outdoors are not enough to look your best. Our skin is very dependent on nutrition, right or wrong. Even super-effective face creams will be powerless in front of an unbalanced diet. Therefore, adjust your diet, less fatty and salty, more fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products (after all, if the intestinal microflora is disturbed and you have dysbacteriosis, you can not even dream of smooth skin). And to cope with wrinkles and a dull complexion, some “especially valuable” products can help you.


Active ingredients: omega-3 fatty acids, zinc.
Effect: Smooth, clear skin.
The importance of seafood for health cannot be overestimated. Zinc, which is especially rich in oysters and fatty fish, plays a major role in skin renewal and collagen synthesis. And its lack leads, neither more nor less, to premature aging. The specific fatty acids contained in fish maintain the level of skin hydration, preventing the development of dryness and inflammation. In addition, zinc takes care of the condition of the heart arteries, improving blood circulation. No wonder the expression "blood with milk" is associated with both rosy cheeks and excellent health. In addition, "fish" zinc prevents inflammation of the sebaceous glands and the formation of acne and blackheads.


Active ingredient: vitamin C.
Effect: smooth, elastic skin.
One of the main vitamins of youth - vitamin C is not in vain revered in the world of cosmetology. You will find it in many face creams. And all because it stimulates the production of collagen, a building protein of connective tissue. When the synthesis of this element slows down (which happens with age), the skin becomes more and more flabby. Vitamin C is also an excellent antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that destroy our cells.

So regular consumption of oranges, grapefruits (as well as tomatoes and bell peppers!), in reasonable doses, of course, will provide skin elasticity and slow down the formation of wrinkles. By the way, we recommend paying special attention to vitamin C to lovers of sunbathing and cigarette smoke, since their body may especially lack this element.


Active ingredients: vitamin A, beta-carotene.
Effect: healthy, smooth skin.
If your skin is inflamed, it could be due to a vitamin A deficiency. This antioxidant is found in abundance in orange and green vegetables. Take at least spinach and carrots. Beta-carotene, present in carrots as well as green leafy vegetables, promotes cell renewal, thereby prolonging youth. And beta-carotene is one of the most powerful and at the same time natural tanning activators, it promotes the production of melanin. Just remember that vitamin A is only absorbed in the presence of fat. So eat carrots with vegetable oil or sour cream, and dilute freshly squeezed juice with cream.


Active ingredient: vitamin E.
Effect: young, tender skin.
Back in Soviet times, nuts were given the title of “food of the future”, because this is a whole pantry of useful substances. But vitamin E is especially valuable for the skin, which is extremely abundant in almonds and hazelnuts. This vitamin miraculously fights free radicals, slowing down the aging process of the skin. It also protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, maintains the right balance of moisture and, in general, makes the skin younger and fresher. Among other things, almonds, pistachios and walnuts contain a lot of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Active ingredients: rutin and B vitamins.
Effect: clean, hydrated skin.
The essence is the same, whole grains have strong antioxidant properties, and all thanks to the routine. This element prevents the development of inflammation and prevents the symptoms of other skin diseases. B vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the whole organism. Cereals also contain the already mentioned vitamin E, as well as fatty acids (especially in flax grains). And do not forget about coarse fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the intestines, which in turn will not necessarily affect the complexion.