Diseases of climbing roses. Infectious burn (stem cancer) of roses. What does a diseased bush look like?

The queen of flowers, the rose, is undoubtedly the beauty of any flower bed. The variety of rose varieties today makes it possible to create beautiful compositions with these flowers. They are planted in separate rose gardens or among other flowers, in any case they are very beautiful. But this beauty requires considerable sacrifice. The procedure for growing roses itself is quite complicated. This flower is demanding, delicate, and needs to be protected from the external environment. Unfortunately, they suffer not only from bad weather or pests. Quite often they get sick. What diseases of roses exist, how to fight them, or how to prevent them altogether? This will be discussed in our article.


It is in those years when spring is warm and rainy that roses most often suffer from rust. The problem appears even during the period when the plants bloom. The spores appear as a dusty orange mass. It can be observed near the leaves, also in the area of ​​the root collar.

IN summer period the disease is visible on back side leaves. There appear peculiar red-colored pads. The appearance of these sporulations negatively affects the entire plant. Its functions and abilities are impaired: photosynthesis, metabolism. When the disease develops, the plant loses its decorative appearance. Leaves and buds begin to be depressed and deformed.

How to prevent

It is important to follow three main rules. Firstly, it is necessary to thin out the bushes, removing dried branches and flowers, every year at the end of summer. Secondly, with the onset of autumn, it is important to treat the plants with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate (3%) And, thirdly, the roses must be sprayed according to the instructions chemicals stimulating plant immunity. Suitable, for example, are “Zircon”, “Immunocytophyte”, etc.

How to fix

The fight against this disease includes the following measures:

  • Affected shoots must be pruned;
  • The leaves are collected and necessarily burned;
  • The soil is dug up;
  • Treatment with a copper-soap solution during the growing season.

Folk remedies

You can try to remove rust with this product. Mix 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tsp. means used to wash dishes, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, as well as 1 gallon of water and 1 tablet of aspirin dissolved in water. Plants should be sprayed with a mixture of these ingredients once every 1-2 weeks.

Rust is the most terrible disease of roses: video

Black spot - a disease of summer rains

Black spot

This problem is most widespread in those regions where frequent precipitation is observed in the second half of summer. At first, only small dark spots appear. By the end of July, they can already become large and sporulate. Then the leaves begin to fall, first the upper ones, and then lower and lower. When the disease spreads greatly, the leaves darken completely. They begin to dry out and then disappear altogether.

The spores and mycelium of this pathogen survive winter well, being on the leaves and shoots of the plant.

How to prevent

Every autumn it is necessary to spray all bushes with copper sulfate 3%. This procedure must be performed before sheltering for the winter. The prevention system includes the same measures that are taken to combat the disease.

Control measures

They include the destruction of all diseased parts of the plant. The leaves are collected and burned, just like the shoots. Digging also needs to be done, preferably with a formation turnover. Among the ready-made preparations suitable for processing are “Kaptan”, “Fundazol”, “Topaz”, “Skor”.

How people fight

It’s worth noting right away that it’s most likely not possible to cure a rose from black spot using folk remedies alone. This has long been tested by many gardeners. But they are great for prevention.

You can spray the plant with a solution of water and iodine. The latter you need to take 1 ml, which is enough for 400 ml of liquid. Another method is mullein solution. It is diluted approximately 1 to 10, after which it is left to infuse for several days. This is allowed during the period from removing the winter shelter until the buds open.

The whole plant can be treated with a decoction of garlic and onion peels. Approximately 30-40 g of this waste is poured with water and boiled. After this, the solution should sit for at least 6 hours.

Black spotting is the scourge of all gardeners: video

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew

This disease is familiar to all gardeners and gardeners. The fact is that it affects not only flowers, but also a very large number of different crops.

Already from the name itself you can understand that external sign of this disease is the presence of a substance that resembles powder. Its color can be gray or white. Almost the entire upper part of the plant is affected by this disease.

Preventive measures

They include several main tasks:

  • Rose bushes should not be allowed to become dense. It is very important to thin out plants.
  • Nitrogen must be applied strictly according to the calendar. If you oversaturate the soil with them, especially after mid-summer, this will lead to disease.
  • It is necessary to use fungicides even during the formation of flower buds. The following drugs are suitable for this: “Fundazol”, “Bayleton”, etc.
  • It is necessary to add potassium sulfate at the beginning of the second half of summer.

How to overcome

The simplest, but most important, measures will be useful - pruning all shoots that are affected by the disease, as well as collecting leaves and destroying them in fire. The soil is dug up only with the formation turnover. So the pathogens will suffer from lack of air and may die. During the period when the bush awakens or falls asleep, treatment is carried out with copper sulfate or potassium sulfate with copper sulfate. Spraying is also carried out with such means as colloidal sulfur (1% suspension), or soda ash (50 g of substance per 10 liters of water).

Traditional methods

There are many ways to combat this problem as it is so common. One proven method is zonal solution. It is prepared from 1 kg of sifted ash and 10 liters of water. The liquid should be warm. It is necessary to infuse the product for at least 3 days, stirring every 20-25 hours.

Peronosporosis - a disease of bad weather

Downy mildew

Experts note that this disease most often affects hybrid tea varieties of rose bushes. Plants that are located in the shade, with poor air ventilation around them, usually suffer. As a rule, the problem manifests itself during periods when humidity is high and the temperature drops sharply.

The signs of the disease are as follows. At first, spots of incomprehensible shape appear. They are purple or red in color. As the disease develops, the leaves wither and weaken. Then they curl up and eventually just die. The stems suffer from cracks, and the buds also begin to die and darken.

If you look at the sheet through a magnifying glass, you can see a coating in the form of a cobweb on the back side.

How to prevent

Downy mildew or downy mildew can be prevented. It is necessary to regularly remove weeds and destroy fallen leaves. This also applies to shoots and whole plants that are damaged.

Digging with the turnover of the layer every autumn is mandatory. Nitrogen fertilizers must be treated with caution and used in moderation. It is necessary to carefully monitor the soil, ventilation and temperature conditions. It is important to ensure that water does not get on the leaves while watering.

How to eliminate the disease among the people

For a long time, bushes have been treated against downy mildew with decoctions of horsetail, garlic peel, solutions of ash, iodine and milk. The last remedy is prepared as follows: add 1 liter of milk (skimmed) and no more than 10 drops of iodine (5%) to 9 liters of water.

Horsetail decoction is prepared as follows. It is necessary to prepare 1 kg of fresh plant or 150 g of dried one. The raw materials should be soaked in 10 liters of water overnight. After this, the infusion should boil and cook for about 30 minutes. After cooling, the substance must be filtered and diluted in a ratio of 1 to 5.

Anthracnose - a cold spring problem


Although this disease is quite common, it has not yet been fully studied. The first symptoms are small dark spots. They can be confusing and the problem can be confused with black spot. But over time, the spots change. They turn red, purple or brown. Their center is usually lighter, sometimes with a hole formed in it.


A mandatory step is pruning. All affected areas are subject to it, including stems and leaves. Then all waste must be burned, which will help avoid the spread of fungus.

Every autumn it is necessary to clean the bushes and the area around them. This will prevent re-infection.

How to fix the problem

When traces of anthracnose are already noticed on rose bushes, it is necessary to urgently use microbiological preparations. "Gamair" or "Fitosporin-M" are excellent. In the fall, you can treat rose bushes with drugs such as Ridomil, Fundazol, etc. It is advisable to alternate them, otherwise the plants become addictive.

Infectious burn - the problem of wounded flowers

Infectious burn

Rose bushes can become infected with this disease during the dormant period - in autumn or spring. For example, if there is no proper care, then fungal spores enter the stems through cracks that appear due to severe frosts. Another route of infection is wounds that form due to improper pruning or post-processing. Weather conditions also contribute to infection - lack of wind, too high humidity. Nitrogenous substances can also worsen the condition later.

This disease is also called stem cancer. It appears as dark cankers on the stems, which lead to the death of the shoots. Over time, you can also notice black spots on the ulcers, which help the disease spread.

Prevention of infectious burns

  • Firstly, under no circumstances should the plants be allowed to freeze. This provokes the appearance of cracks through which infection occurs.
  • Secondly, shelter must be carried out in a timely manner and in the right conditions. The temperature should not exceed 100C, and the humidity should be moderate.
  • It is important to treat the soil before covering with special means: Bordeaux mixture (1%) or copper sulfate (3%).
  • Every time before pruning roses, it is very important to disinfect the tools.
  • Spray with potash fertilizers from the beginning of the second half of summer.

How to treat

All shoots that are already damaged by the disease must be removed. But it is important not to damage the ulcers. Small wounds need to be cleaned with a sharp knife, for example, for paper, to healthy flesh. Then they are covered with garden varnish. Every week, diseased bushes must be treated with HOM fungicide.

Infectious burn after winter on roses: video

Gray rot

A problem arises in conditions such as too thick, cold air and high humidity, as well as improper use of nitrogen-containing substances for fertilizer. The main symptom of this disease is gray spots. They can be seen on all parts of the bush: leaves, flowers, stems and even buds. As the disease progresses, these spots become yellow, rotten areas appear, and they begin to die.

How to carry out prevention

Precautionary measures include constant loosening of the soil. It is also important to do mulching. It is also necessary to apply fertilizers that prevent the proliferation of fungi. These include manganese-containing drugs. They enhance oxidative processes inside the plant.

It depends on what stage of development the disease is at. If it is just beginning, then the following steps need to be taken:

  • All diseased parts and shoots must be destroyed;
  • Plants need to be provided with dry living conditions.

If the plant has already been seriously damaged, then special substances cannot be avoided. It is necessary to spray roses with a solution of Fundazol (0.2%). There is one more measure - the most extreme. Every two weeks the bushes need to be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (1%).

Traditional methods

This disease is often difficult to overcome with light decoctions or infusions. But, like other fungal diseases, gray rot can be prevented or eliminated using horsetail decoction.

Gray and root rot: video

Rose is a plant, although prickly, but very tender. It is susceptible to various diseases, but you should not give up growing this crop because of this. You just need to know what and how to do to overcome diseases. Then there will be incomparable, beautiful queens of flowers in your garden.

The queen of flowers, the rose, is undoubtedly the beauty of any flower bed. The variety of rose varieties today makes it possible to create beautiful compositions with these flowers. They are planted in separate rose gardens or among other flowers, in any case they are very beautiful. But this beauty requires considerable sacrifice. The procedure for growing roses itself is quite complicated. This flower is demanding, delicate, and needs to be protected from the external environment. Unfortunately, roses suffer not only from bad weather or pests. Quite often they get sick. What diseases of roses exist, how to fight them, or how to prevent them altogether? This will be discussed in our article.

Description of diseases with photos and videos

Rust is an early spring disease

It is in those years when spring is warm and rainy that roses most often suffer from rust. The problem appears even during the period when the plants bloom. The spores appear as a dusty orange mass. It can be observed near the leaves, also in the area of ​​the root collar.

In summer, the disease is visible on the back of the leaves. There appear peculiar red-colored pads. The appearance of these sporulations negatively affects the entire plant. Its functions and abilities are impaired: photosynthesis, metabolism. When the disease develops, the plant loses its decorative appearance. Leaves, flowers and buds begin to become depressed and deformed.

How to prevent

It is important to follow three main rules. Firstly, it is necessary to thin out the bushes, removing dried branches and flowers, every year at the end of summer. Secondly, with the onset of autumn, it is important to treat the plants with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate (3%). And thirdly, roses must be sprayed according to the instructions with chemicals that stimulate the plant’s immunity. Suitable, for example, are “Zircon”, “Immunocytophyte”, etc.

How to fix

The fight against this disease includes the following measures:

  • Affected shoots must be pruned;
  • The leaves are collected and necessarily burned;
  • The soil is dug up;
  • Treatment with a copper-soap solution during the growing season.

Folk remedies

You can try to remove rust with this product. Mix 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tsp. means used to wash dishes, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, as well as 1 gallon of water and 1 tablet of aspirin dissolved in water. Plants should be sprayed with a mixture of these ingredients once every 1-2 weeks.

Rust is the most terrible disease of roses: video

Black spot - a disease of summer rains

This problem is most widespread in those regions where frequent precipitation is observed in the second half of summer. At first, only small dark spots appear. By the end of July, they can already become large and sporulate. Then the leaves begin to fall, first the upper ones, and then lower and lower. When the disease spreads greatly, the leaves darken completely. They begin to dry out and then disappear altogether.

The spores and mycelium of this pathogen survive winter well, being on the leaves and shoots of the plant.

How to prevent

Every autumn it is necessary to spray all bushes with copper sulfate 3%. This procedure must be performed before sheltering for the winter. The prevention system includes the same measures that are taken to combat the disease.

Control measures

They include the destruction of all diseased parts of the plant. The leaves are collected and burned, just like the shoots. Digging also needs to be done, preferably with a formation turnover. Among the ready-made preparations suitable for processing are “Kaptan”, “Fundazol”, “Topaz”, “Skor”.

How people fight

It’s worth noting right away that it’s most likely not possible to cure a rose from black spot using folk remedies alone. This has long been tested by many gardeners. But they are great for prevention.

You can spray the plant with a solution of water and iodine. The latter you need to take 1 ml, which is enough for 400 ml of liquid. Another way is to water with mullein solution. It is diluted approximately 1 to 10, after which it is left to infuse for several days. Such watering is allowed during the period from removing the winter shelter until the buds open.

The whole plant can be treated with a decoction of garlic and onion peels. Approximately 30-40 g of this waste is poured with water and boiled. After this, the solution should sit for at least 6 hours.

Black spotting is the scourge of all gardeners: video

This disease is familiar to all gardeners and gardeners. The fact is that it affects not only flowers, but also a very large number of different crops.

Already from the name itself you can understand that the external sign of this disease is the presence of a substance that resembles powder. Its color can be gray or white. Almost the entire upper part of the plant is affected by this disease.

Preventive measures

They include several main tasks:

  • Rose bushes should not be allowed to become dense. It is very important to thin out plants.
  • It is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers strictly according to the calendar. If you oversaturate the soil with them, especially after mid-summer, this will lead to disease.
  • It is necessary to use fungicides even during the formation of flower buds. The following drugs are suitable for this: “Fundazol”, “Bayleton”, etc.
  • It is necessary to add potassium sulfate at the beginning of the second half of summer.

How to overcome

The simplest, but most important, measures will be useful - pruning all shoots that are affected by the disease, as well as collecting leaves and destroying them in fire. The soil is dug up only with the formation turnover. So the pathogens will suffer from lack of air and may die. During the period when the bush awakens or falls asleep, treatment is carried out with copper sulfate or potassium sulfate with copper sulfate. Spraying is also carried out with such means as colloidal sulfur (1% suspension), or soda ash (50 g of substance per 10 liters of water).

Traditional methods

There are many ways to combat this problem as it is so common. One proven method is zonal solution. It is prepared from 1 kg of sifted ash and 10 liters of water. The liquid should be warm. It is necessary to infuse the product for at least 3 days, stirring every 20-25 hours.

Peronosporosis - a disease of bad weather

Experts note that this disease most often affects hybrid tea varieties of rose bushes. Plants that are located in the shade, with poor air ventilation around them, usually suffer. As a rule, the problem manifests itself during periods when humidity is high and the temperature drops sharply.

The signs of the disease are as follows. At first, spots of incomprehensible shape appear. They are purple or red in color. As the disease develops, the leaves wither and weaken. Then they curl up and eventually just die. The stems suffer from cracks, and the buds also begin to die and darken.

If you look at the sheet through a magnifying glass, you can see a coating in the form of a cobweb on the back side.

How to prevent

Downy mildew or downy mildew can be prevented. It is necessary to regularly remove weeds and destroy fallen leaves. This also applies to shoots and whole plants that are damaged.

Digging with the turnover of the layer every autumn is mandatory. Nitrogen fertilizers must be treated with caution and used in moderation. It is necessary to carefully monitor the soil, ventilation and temperature conditions. It is important to ensure that water does not get on the leaves while watering.

How to eliminate the disease among the people

For a long time, bushes have been treated against downy mildew with decoctions of horsetail, garlic peel, solutions of ash, iodine and milk. The last remedy is prepared as follows: add 1 liter of milk (skimmed) and no more than 10 drops of iodine (5%) to 9 liters of water.

Horsetail decoction is prepared as follows. It is necessary to prepare 1 kg of fresh plant or 150 g of dried one. The raw materials should be soaked in 10 liters of water overnight. After this, the infusion should boil and cook for about 30 minutes. After cooling, the substance must be filtered and diluted in a ratio of 1 to 5.

Anthracnose - a cold spring problem

Although this disease is quite common, it has not yet been fully studied. The first symptoms are small dark spots. They can be confusing and the problem can be confused with black spot. But over time, the spots change. They turn red, purple or brown. Their center is usually lighter, sometimes with a hole formed in it.


A mandatory step is pruning. All affected areas are subject to it, including stems and leaves. Then all waste must be burned, which will help avoid the spread of fungus.

Every autumn it is necessary to clean the bushes and the area around them. This will prevent re-infection.

How to fix the problem

When traces of anthracnose are already noticed on rose bushes, it is necessary to urgently use microbiological preparations. "Gamair" or "Fitosporin-M" are excellent. In the fall, you can treat rose bushes with drugs such as Ridomil, Fundazol, etc. It is advisable to alternate them, otherwise the plants become addictive.

Infectious burn - the problem of wounded flowers

Rose bushes can become infected with this disease during the dormant period - in autumn or spring. For example, if there is no proper care, then fungal spores enter the stems through cracks that appear due to severe frosts. Another route of infection is wounds that form due to improper pruning or post-processing. Weather conditions also contribute to infection - lack of wind, too high humidity. Late fertilization with nitrogenous substances can also worsen the condition.

This disease is also called stem cancer. It appears as dark cankers on the stems, which lead to the death of the shoots. Over time, you can also notice black spots on the ulcers, which help the disease spread.

Prevention of infectious burns

  • Firstly, under no circumstances should the plants be allowed to freeze. This provokes the appearance of cracks through which infection occurs.
  • Secondly, shelter must be carried out in a timely manner and in the right conditions. The temperature should not exceed 10 0 C, and the humidity should be moderate.
  • It is important to treat the soil before covering with special means: Bordeaux mixture (1%) or copper sulfate (3%).
  • Every time before pruning roses, it is very important to disinfect the tools.
  • Spray with potash fertilizers from the beginning of the second half of summer.

How to treat

All shoots that are already damaged by the disease must be removed. But it is important not to damage the ulcers. Small wounds need to be cleaned with a sharp knife, for example, for paper, to healthy flesh. Then they are covered with garden varnish. Every week, diseased bushes must be treated with HOM fungicide.

Infectious burn after winter on roses: video

Problems arise in conditions such as too dense planting, cold air and high humidity, as well as improper use of nitrogen-containing fertilizers. The main symptom of this disease is gray spots. They can be seen on all parts of the bush: leaves, flowers, stems and even buds. As the disease progresses, these spots become yellow, rotten areas appear, and they begin to die.

How to carry out prevention

Precautionary measures include constant loosening of the soil. It is also important to do mulching. It is also necessary to apply fertilizers that prevent the proliferation of fungi. These include manganese-containing drugs. They enhance oxidative processes inside the plant.


It depends on what stage of development the disease is at. If it is just beginning, then the following steps need to be taken:

  • All diseased parts and shoots must be destroyed;
  • Plants need to be provided with dry living conditions.

If the plant has already been seriously damaged, then special substances cannot be avoided. It is necessary to spray roses with a solution of Fundazol (0.2%). There is one more measure - the most extreme. Every two weeks the bushes need to be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (1%).

Traditional methods

This disease is often difficult to overcome with light decoctions or infusions. But, like other fungal diseases, gray rot can be prevented or eliminated using horsetail decoction.

Gray and root rot: video

Rose is a plant, although prickly, but very tender. It is susceptible to various diseases, but you should not give up growing this crop because of this. You just need to know what and how to do to overcome diseases. Then there will be incomparable, beautiful queens of flowers in your garden.

Rose diseases have a negative impact on appearance plants. They are debilitating, and in severe cases can lead to death. In order to avoid these troubles, every owner must be able to properly protect their garden roses. In this article we will talk in detail about what types of lesions there are and how to treat roses against diseases. If the slightest signs of a pathological process are detected, treatment must be started immediately. Experienced gardeners know that it is better to spray roses with special products rather than allow the disease to further spread. Because preventive measures help preserve the beauty of the plant and extend the flowering period.

Diseases and pests of garden roses

Types of diseases of garden roses

Most rose diseases appear due to inattention and failure to comply with basic care rules. Most pathological processes in plants are caused by fungi and bacteria. Thanks to modern medications, they are easily treatable. Viral diseases are rare. Things are much worse with him. Because it is impossible to cure the queen of flowers from this serious illness. All diseases of garden shrubs can be divided into infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious diseases of roses

  1. Powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew on roses

This disease is characterized by the appearance of a whitish coating on the surface of leaves and shoots. It usually appears at temperatures below 18ºC and high humidity. Powdery mildew in the initial stage is characterized by the appearance of small spots, which grow over time and affect the entire flower, disrupting its metabolism. As a result, the garden shrub begins to deform and young shoots die off.

Prevention of rose disease is carried out using an infusion of nettle or a decoction of horsetail, or a drug

  1. Rust.

Rust on roses

It develops due to infection of the above-ground part of the plant by the fungus Phragmidium. The disease of garden roses is manifested by the formation of yellow growths. The shoots begin to twist and crack.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to prune and thin out dry branches throughout the entire period. active growth plants and spray with special immunomodulators, Bordeaux mixture 1%, Topaz, Falcon preparations.

  1. Cortical necrosis.

Infectious burn or stem cancer of roses

This group of diseases is usually caused by fungi. In very rare cases - bacteria. It is characterized by damage to the cambium and bark.

  • A burn caused by infectious processes in a plant.

Roses that are kept in constant moisture conditions are susceptible to marsupial fungus. On the affected plant, the shoots become covered with brown and then brown spots with a reddish edge. After which shallow ulcers begin to form on the bark. Then brownish growths form in their place and the affected areas dry out.

  • Common cancer.
  • Diplodia necrosis of the cortex.
  • Tubercular death of the cortex.
  • Diaport cancer of the stem part of the plant.
  • Drying of branches (cytosporosis).

Absolutely all varieties of roses are susceptible to these diseases. All affected areas of the plant must be cut off and burned.

Preventive treatment is carried out using copper and iron sulfate.

  1. Gray rot.

Gray rot on roses

The disease is caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea. The debut of the pathological process occurs on winter period. Brownish depressions appear on the stems of the rose, from which gray and fluffy mycelium then grows. Then in its place black growths with spores form. It is also possible that gray rot may appear in the summer due to large quantity precipitation. If roses are not treated for diseases, the plant becomes completely covered with a gray coating and rots.

  1. Damage to the root system caused by rot.

There are 2 diseases in which the root system is affected by rot: tracheomycosis and white sclerotial rot. The pathogen remains viable in the soil for many years. The pathological process is characterized by root rotting, which leads to a cessation of the flow of nutrients to the plant. First the shoots suffer, and then the plant dies.

It is necessary to water the soil with Fitosporin-M and Gamair.

  1. Diseases caused by bacteria.

These include cancer of the roots and stem parts of garden shrubs. Root cancer is characterized by the formation of growths on the roots, as well as the root collar. At the beginning of the pathological process they are soft, then they harden and rot over time. Cancer of the stem part of the plant appears as brown depressions without a border. In the affected areas of the plant, the bark dies. After which dark spots form on the queen of flowers.

  1. Diseases caused by viral pathogens.

Viral diseases of roses - viral mosaic

Downy mildew on roses

Horticultural crops are affected by viruses such as: tobacco necrosis, tobacco stripe, tobacco curly stripe, tomato bronze, azure mosaic, apple mosaic and many others. If we are talking about a viral infection, then this is a mixed infection, which consists of several types. The symptoms of the pathological process are very similar to each other. To more accurately determine the virus, a number of laboratory tests are necessary. Viral diseases of roses and their treatment begin with the removal and subsequent burning of affected areas of garden shrubs. If the rose is very badly affected by the virus, then it is completely burned. To prevent disease transmission, all garden pruning tools are treated with alcohol or a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

  1. Spotty damage to the foliage of the plant.
  • Ascochyta. Characterized by the presence of yellowish spots on the leaves, as well as a brownish growth with fungal spores.
  • Purple. The upper part of the leaf is affected. They show small dark or purple spots bordered by a purple stripe
  • Brown. On the upper part the leaves are covered with dark spots, and on the lower part they are light without a border.
  • Black (Marsonina). It affects leaves and, in rare cases, shoots with a whitish coating, which over time becomes black and sticky. The leaves of the garden shrub acquire a dark color and then fall off.
  • Cercospora (gray). Its manifestations are similar to black spotting. Dark spots no larger than 5 mm appear on the leaves
  • Ramulariasis of plant leaves. When affected by the disease, the leaves become brown in color, dry out and crumble.
  • Pestalocy. In the central part of rose leaves, the disease manifests itself as dark brown spots. The yellow stripe clearly delineates the diseased and healthy parts of the plant. Characterized by premature leaf fall.
  • Downy mildew. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus. It appears as a purple and grayish coating. The most famous and common disease.
  • Septoria (septoria spotting).
  • Phyllostictosis (phyllostictosis spotting).

Non-infectious diseases of garden roses

  • The process of age-related aging.
  • Chlorosis. Appears when there is an insufficient amount of nutrients in the soil. The leaves of the plant turn pale and yellowish veins appear on them. Chlorosis can appear due to increased acidity of the soil, excess or lack of moisture.
  • A burn caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Lack of nutrients in the soil (potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen).
  • Toxic effects of fertilizers. Occurs with an increase in the amount of treatment with chemical solutions. When treating a plant with pesticides, it is necessary to take into account humidity and air temperature.

Rules for spring processing of plants

Rose diseases begin to activate after winter, causing plant damage. Therefore, it is very important not to miss this period and carry out preventive treatment of roses. It is during this period that the plant enters the active growth phase.

First you need to remove the winter shelter. Then conduct a thorough inspection of rose bushes for diseases and pests. Now there are a huge number of drugs for treating garden roses against pathological pathogens. Among the large assortment, it is very difficult to choose what to spray roses against diseases in the spring.

Copper sulfate is a proven chemical that has been used for many years for the prevention and treatment of rose diseases in the spring. For this purpose, make a 1% or 3% aqueous solution of copper sulfate. They spray the plant and the soil next to it.

New varieties of garden roses

Breeders from all over the world are constantly trying to develop new varieties of plants that will be less demanding of conditions and habitat. Disease resistant roses These are marked with the ADR sign. Of course, he cannot guarantee in any way that everything will be fine with this particular variety of garden shrub. But the quality mark is awarded only to those varieties that have the best characteristics.

Most garden shrubs marked with this quality mark are quite rare, but some are well known in many countries of the world. Among them you can find: densely double, non-double, ground cover and flowerbed.

The most resistant varieties include the following types of garden roses:

  • non-double “Escimo”,
  • bud cover "Crimson Meidiland",
  • floribundas “Cherry Girl”, “Novalis”,
  • climbing "Apricola" and many others

If you follow simple care rules and properly feed the plant, you can avoid the occurrence of diseases of garden roses. If you see the first signs of illness, take action immediately. This approach will not only quickly heal your flower, but also protect the entire garden from infection by pathogenic microorganisms. There are now many varieties of garden roses that are disease resistant. But this does not mean that the flowers will not need care.

Fungal disease of roses powdery mildew in the photo

When the fungal disease of roses is powdery mildew, a powdery coating appears on young leaves, shoots and buds; thickening and curvature are observed.

As can be seen in the photo, powdery mildew on roses appears as a whitish coating, which is a mycelium and sporulation of the fungus:

Powdery mildew on roses
Powdery mildew on roses appears as a whitish coating (photo)

The pathogen overwinters in the form of mycelium in the kidneys. The development of the disease is facilitated by excess nitrogen fertilizer, lack of calcium in the soil, drying out of the soil, too light sandy or, conversely, cold, damp soils.

The disease develops especially strongly with insufficient lighting and high air humidity. Sudden changes in temperature, drafts, drying out of the soil and other conditions that disrupt the normal life of plants reduce their resistance to disease. Tea and hybrid tea roses with more delicate foliage are especially affected.

Rose varieties that are resistant to powdery mildew are those that have dense, glossy leaves of the “Gloria Day” type.

To treat powdery mildew on roses, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to spray the bushes with Topaz, Chistotsvet, Fundazol or Skor. At temperatures above 22°C it is possible to spray with “Grey Colloid” or “Tiovit Jet”. If necessary, to combat this disease of roses, treatments are repeated as new growth and powdery mildew spots appear on them.

Rust of roses in the photo

With this disease of roses, the affected parts of the shoots become bent and thickened. In spring, orange dust appears on the stems near the opening buds and at the root collar. This is the spring sporulation of the fungus - the causative agent of the stem form of rust. The fungus overwinters in plant tissues infected in previous years. The disease develops more intensely in years with warm and wet springs.

Rust fungi not only take away nutrients from the plant, but also severely disrupt its physiological functions: they increase transpiration, reduce photosynthesis, make breathing difficult and worsen metabolism.

With rose disease, rust on the leaves on the underside in summer produces small, red-yellow pads of summer spores, which can give rise to several generations and infect new plants.

In the second half of summer, winter sporulation begins to appear on the underside of the leaves in the form of small round black pads.

Look at the photo - if this rose disease has severely affected the plant, the entire leaves turn yellow and fall off prematurely:

Affected parts of rose shoots (photo)
With rose disease, rust on the leaves on the underside in summer, small, red-yellow pads of summer spores form (photo)

The spread of rust fungus spores occurs with air flow, water, and planting material.

To protect roses from this disease, one-way nitrogen fertilization should be avoided. In the fall, it is necessary to remove and burn the affected foliage, and in the early spring (before the buds open) spray the plants and the soil around them with iron sulfate (1-1.5%). The soil under the bushes must be loosened and mulched to reduce infection.

To treat rose rust, it is necessary to carefully and promptly prune shoots affected by the stem form of rust; from the moment the buds open, re-spray the plants with Bordeaux mixture (1%) or its substitutes (“Oxychom”, “Abiga-Peak”, “Hom”, “ Copper oxychloride", "Ordan").

Rose leaf disease black spot in photo

Black spot disease of roses is also called marsonina after the name of the fungus that causes the disease. In the second half of summer, dark brown, almost black, spots of different sizes form on the leaves. The leaves turn brown and often fall off prematurely. Spots may also appear on the green bark of annual shoots.

Plants with prematurely fallen leaves sometimes begin to grow again, as a result of which they become very weak and bloom poorly the next year.

Under the skin of the leaves, the mycelium of the fungus develops - the causative agent of rose spot disease, forming radiantly growing strands.

As can be seen in the photo, with this disease of roses, radiance can be clearly visible at the edge of the spots:

With this disease of roses, radiance can be clearly visible at the edge of the spots (photo)
Under the skin of the leaves, the mycelium of the fungus develops - the causative agent of rose spot disease (photo)

This disease of rose leaves manifests itself more strongly in dense plantings, in shaded areas, and in poorly ventilated areas.

Measures to combat this disease include:

  • correct agricultural technology that increases plant resistance;
  • careful collection of affected leaves in the fall and burning them;
  • spraying plants during the growing season with preparations containing copper, which are used in the fight against rust.
  • To treat this disease of roses, it is recommended to use a special preparation for spraying (Skor to protect roses), which is a systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action.

Treatments should be started when the first signs of the disease appear and repeated after each rain or heavy dew.

These photos show how to treat black spot disease of roses:

Bacterial rose cancer disease in the photo

With bacterial canker of roses, growths of varying sizes form on the root collar and roots of plants. Sometimes they are barely noticeable, but often reach several centimeters in diameter. The growths have an uneven tuberculate surface. They consist of soft tissue, first white, then brown, and are decomposed by bacteria in the soil.

There are also hard, lignified growths that grow every year. Less commonly, the above-ground part is affected - trunks and branches, mainly in climbing and standard remontant roses. Here, tuberous nodules and tumors of various sizes are formed.

Cancer-causing bacteria affect many plants belonging to different families. Infection occurs through wounds on plant roots, from the soil, where bacteria can persist for a very long time.

The development of the disease is facilitated by high soil moisture, abundant manure fertilizer, root damage, and alkaline soil reaction.

When replanting, plants with damaged root collars must be destroyed and growths on the lateral roots must be trimmed. To treat this disease of roses, after pruning, the roots are immersed for 5 minutes in a 1% solution of copper sulfate, and then washed in water and dipped in a liquid mixture of clay and sand. Avoid excess manure fertilizer, destroy insects that damage the roots, and do not dig up the soil near the bushes.

Look at the photo of rose cancer treatment:

Fungal disease burns rose branches in the photo

Branch burn is a fungal disease in which, reddish spots first appear on the branches, later darkening in the middle; the red-brown border persists for quite a long time. As the spots grow, they ring the branches. Tissue sagging may form above the affected area. Diseased branches usually dry out at the end of summer.

The development of “burn” is facilitated by excess humidity under the winter shelter.

To avoid severe damage to roses, cover should be removed earlier in the spring. Sick and frozen branches must be pruned and burned in a timely manner.

As shown in the photo, when treating this disease of roses, plants need to be sprayed with preparations containing copper, as in the fight against rust:

Proper agricultural practices (timely application of fertilizers, loosening and watering) help reduce the severity of the disease. It is necessary to achieve good ripening of the wood until the end of the plant growing season.

For the winter, plants with already fallen leaves should be covered in dry weather if possible, so that increased humidity is not created under the cover. Before covering, unripe shoots with green leaves are removed, and the plants are sprayed with a 3% Bordeaux mixture or a 1.5% solution of ferrous sulfate.

Cytosporosis is a fungal disease of roses in the photo

Cytosporosis is a fungal disease that is widespread throughout the world. Roses affect a number of ornamental shrubs, as well as pome and stone fruit trees and nuts.

Cytosporosis is also called infectious drying out. IN individual years it leads not only to the drying out of individual branches, but also to the death of plants. Bushes weakened as a result of freezing, drought, etc. are especially susceptible to this disease. sunburn, untimely pruning, etc.

First, the causative agent of the disease settles on dying individual areas of the bark. Large, clearly visible orange-red fungal pycnidia tubercles appear over the entire area of ​​the affected bark, protruding from under the skin.

Look at the photo - with this rose disease, cracks form at the border of the affected and healthy tissue:

The causative agent of the disease moves first upward through the tissues and vessels of plants, and after the branches dry out - downward, killing cells adjacent to the zone of its spread with its toxins.

Cytosporosis disease should be considered as a secondary phenomenon associated with a general weakening of plants, therefore, when choosing control measures, it is first necessary to protect the bushes from mechanical and other damage.

Also regularly carry out activities that increase the vitality of plants - timely and correct pruning, fertilizing, tillage, watering, protection from sunburn, increasing winter hardiness, cutting and burning branches with signs of disease, capturing up to 5 cm of the healthy part of the branch.

Early spring spraying of roses with a 1.5% solution of copper sulfate on the “sleeping” buds and 3% Bordeaux mixture on the green cone to some extent inhibits the spread and development of the disease.

Pruning bushes at the optimal time protects roses from the appearance of cytosporosis.

Gray rot on roses (photo)

Gray rot of roses (botrytis) mainly affects buds with pedicels, the tops of young stems and leaves - in damp weather they become covered with a gray fluffy coating.

First of all, this disease of garden roses attacks weakened plants, and most often those with white and light pink flowers. The buds on roses affected by botrytis do not open, rot and fall off. Small brown spots appear on the petals, the leaves turn yellow and also fall off.

Foci of infection persist in plant debris in the form of mycelium, which forms spores in the spring. The fungal spores are then spread by insects and wind. Therefore, an undesirable “neighbor” for roses is, for example, garden strawberries, which are very susceptible to botrytis.

Gray rot appears on roses when plantings are thickened, or if the rose garden is watered late in the evening, when the rose leaves do not have time to dry before night.

How to deal with gray rot of roses in your garden? Measures to combat and prevent this rose disease are the same as against other fungal diseases.

Interesting facts about rose diseases

Speaking about rose diseases, we can highlight several interesting facts:

  • You can determine how resistant roses are to disease by their leaves: if they are dense and shiny, covered with a waxy coating, the variety is resistant. The fact is that wax prevents infection from penetrating into the leaf, which means it prevents infection.
  • There are no completely disease-resistant varieties. Even those varieties that are labeled “disease-resistant” in catalogs lose this valuable quality after 5-6 years, as diseases adapt to changing conditions and mutate, like the flu. Therefore, old varieties of roses can only be found in amateur gardens, but not in flower farms or on city streets.
  • Gray mold, for example, multiplies especially quickly in wet weather, and considering that many gardeners plant roses densely, the soil under the plants does not dry out quickly enough after rain or watering.
  • Leaves that do not dry out for a long time or cool nights or dew in the morning favor black spot. Powdery mildew, and among pests - spider mites, on the contrary, love dry and hot weather. Therefore, roses growing near southern walls or fences are especially affected by these pests.
  • Florists can to some extent influence the development of diseases and the appearance of pests, as well as predict their occurrence. Strong, well-groomed plants are less likely to get sick, and they are more resistant to pest infestation.

Watch the video “Rose Diseases”, which shows all the main plant diseases and methods of combating them:

How to treat roses against diseases: effective remedies

All flower growers, without exception, are interested in how to treat roses against diseases. The most effective remedies for rose diseases include the following drugs.

"Alirin-B"- a biological preparation based on beneficial microorganisms isolated from natural sources. Effective in the fight against powdery mildew of ornamental and other plants.

"Glyokladin"- an analogue of the well-known drug “Trichodermin”. Effective in combating a wide range of fungal diseases, such as fusarium, white and gray rot, late blight, root and stem rot, black leg and clubroot.

"Gamair"- a drug intended to protect against a wide range of bacterial diseases: bacterial leaf spot, bacterial burn, bacterial cancer.

"Topaz"- systemic fungicide for the protection of ornamental, pome, stone fruit, berry, vegetable crops and grapevines from powdery mildew. This preparation for treating roses against diseases can be used as a protective, therapeutic and exterminating agent against rust. The drug is available in the form of an emulsion concentrate.

As a means of extermination against a high degree of powdery mildew, Topaz is used in increased concentrations (up to 10 ml), carrying out 2 sprayings with an interval of 7 days.

The drug provides reliable protection against powdery mildew even against a high infectious background. Topaz is not phytotoxic and does not leave stains on treated leaves and fruits. As a prophylactic agent, it reduces the number of treatments, as it is effective for 40 days. The drug meets modern safety requirements for humans and the environment. It is quickly absorbed by plants, which reduces the risk of the drug being washed off by rain.

To avoid the emergence of resistance in powdery mildew pathogens, it is recommended to alternate “Topaz” with contact copper-containing preparations and sulfur colloidal and not to use it on the same crop more than 4 times per season.

"Topaz" Compatible with most drugs used in gardens against diseases and pests. The speed of exposure is 2-3 hours after spraying.

What else can you use to treat roses against diseases and to prevent infections in your garden?

"Pure Flower"- a new drug for protecting flower and ornamental crops from diseases (fungicide).

Directions for use: the required dose of the drug in a special container is dissolved in a small volume of water. Then, with constant stirring, bring the volume of the working solution to 5 or 10 liters. The working fluid is prepared immediately before use and used completely on the same day. The period for safe exit of people to carry out manual work is in 7 days. Speed ​​of action of the drug: 2 hours after treatment.

Period of protective action: during preventive treatments - 7-15 days, in conditions of intensive development of diseases - 7 days.

Therapeutic effect of the drug: within 4 days from the moment of infection. Amateur gardeners are not recommended to mix this drug with other protective agents when spraying plants.

"Pure Flower" is an analogue of the drug "Raek".

"Fundazol"- a systemic preparation and protectant for planting material to protect against a complex of diseases.

When using the drug, fill the container for treating planting material 1/3 with water, then add the required amount of the drug, mix thoroughly and add the remaining amount of water.

Spray the plants with a freshly prepared solution in dry, windless weather, preferably in the morning (before 10 o'clock) or in the evening (18-22 o'clock), evenly wetting the leaves. The working solution cannot be stored!

"Speed ​​to Protect Roses" from black spotting, ornamental and fruit crops from a complex of diseases. It is a systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action. The contents of the ampoule must be diluted in water.

Spray with freshly prepared solution in dry, windless weather, wetting the plants evenly.

Working fluid consumption: on roses - up to 1 liter per plant; on flowering plants and ornamental shrubs - up to 10 liters per 100 m2.

Do not store the working solution! Release dates for Handmade: 3 days. Compatibility with other pesticides is not practical. The period of protective action is 7-14 days. Exposure period: two hours after treatment. Not phytotoxic. Cultures are tolerant to the drug. There is no resistance. Low danger to bees (class 3). Toxic to fish, do not allow to enter water bodies.

"Copper oxychloride"(wettable powder) is one of the copper-containing preparations for combating diseases of vegetable and fruit crops.

When using, dilute the contents of the package (40 g) in 10 liters of water. It is necessary to spray the plants with a freshly prepared solution in dry, windless weather, preferably in the morning (before 10 o’clock) or in the evening (18-22 o’clock), evenly wetting the leaves. In recommended doses the drug is not phytotoxic. The period of protective action is 7-10 days.

The drug is dangerous for bees and fish; do not treat during flowering. Do not allow to enter water bodies.

These photos show effective means for the treatment of rose diseases:

How to spray roses against diseases: the best preparations

Don’t know what to spray roses against diseases to protect the flowers? Then use the following drugs, which are considered one of the best.

"Abiga Peak" is a copper-containing contact action fungicide intended to combat a complex of fungal and bacterial diseases on vegetable, fruit, ornamental and flower crops, grapevines and medicinal plants.

The drug is used during the growing season by spraying plants.

The 50 g package is designed to prepare 10 liters of working solution for treating 100 m2.

The contents of the bubble are pre-dissolved in 1 liter of water and, with thorough mixing, brought to 10 liters with water - a working solution for spraying is obtained.

Spraying is carried out prophylactically or when the first signs of the disease appear. Plants are treated by evenly covering the shoots, leaves and fruits with the working solution.

Attention! All solutions should be prepared in plastic, glass or enamel containers.

This medicine against rose diseases provides reliable protection of plants from diseases even under unfavorable weather conditions. The preparation contains an adhesive that allows the active substance “Abiga-Peak” to adhere firmly to the treated plant surface.

Very important!"Abiga-Pik" is compatible with almost all known modern insecticides and fungicides. Easy to use, non-toxic. The product does not generate dust when preparing the working solution. The prepared solution, but not used due to weather conditions, can be stored for a long time.

"Abiga Peak" has a beneficial effect on the quality of grown products. When using it, good ripening of young shoots is observed.

The best remedies for combating rose diseases are shown in the photo:

"Tiovit Jet"- a means to combat diseases of flower and fruit crops.

Directions for use: dissolve a dose of the drug in a small amount of water, then, gradually stirring, add water to 10 liters. Treat with a freshly prepared solution in dry, windless weather, ensuring uniform wetting of the leaves.

"Tiovit" has good adhesion, has a contact effect and an active gas phase; practically non-toxic for birds, bees, fish.

The advantages of the drug are that it is simultaneously a fungicide, an acaricide, and a microelement; provides reliable plant protection for 7-10 days; can be used for preventive spraying, has good compatibility with other pesticides.

"Colloidal sulfur" used mainly to combat powdery mildew and various types herbivorous mites on flower crops. It is effective only at air temperatures above +20...+22°C, since sulfur vapors work.

Method of application. When preparing the working fluid, the drug is first stirred in a small amount of warm water until creamy, and then water is added, mixing the composition well (it is better to soak the drug the day before, 2-5 hours before treatment).

The last processing time before harvest is 3 days.

The drug is not dangerous for humans and warm-blooded animals. “Colloidal sulfur”, as a rule, does not burn the leaves.

However, many gooseberry varieties drop their leaves after processing. Therefore, you should not use sulfur to control American gooseberry powdery mildew or spray roses near this shrub.

Remember! Before treating rose diseases, you must carefully read the instructions for use of a particular drug.

Any plants, especially those with such beauty as roses, are susceptible to fungal diseases. In this article you will find all the detailed information about such diseases and their treatment. An irreplaceable source of information for prevention and proper care, for diseased flowers.

Types of diseases

There are many reasons why roses can get sick, at the very least it is the wrong place or the wrong time to plant these flowers. Their health is also affected by their growing conditions: lighting, indoor air circulation and weather conditions. When purchasing seedlings, you should pay attention to their physical damage.

So, diseases of roses are divided into:

  1. Bacterial diseases:
    • Root cancer;
    • Stem cancer;
  2. Various spotting:
  3. Ceproscorosis (rusty brown);
  4. Septoria (whitish);
  5. Sphaceloma (purple);
  6. Fungal diseases:

Reasons. The main factors for the appearance of black spots on rose leaves are an inappropriate place for planting and excessively wet weather.

You should also pay attention to the variety of roses. There are varieties (tea, polyanthus, climbing) that are most predisposed to diseases of this nature. They require more careful care.

The infection begins to show its activity in early July, when the air temperature reaches 20–25 degrees. Then small black spots begin to appear on the leaves, which continue to grow until the leaves fall.

Treatment. To treat roses from black spots, it is necessary to regularly treat the plant for 2 weeks with preparations that contain zinc and manocotzeb. For example, Topaz and Profit are in demand. At the beginning of the spring season, spraying helps the plant become stronger and more disease-resistant, and if treated during planting, disease can be prevented.

Cercospora blight, septoria blight, sphaceloma

As already said, they belong to the same group of diseases along with black spots. The difference between them is only in their manifestation:

When preventing treatment, treatment and careful care are also necessary.

Stem cancer

Stem cancer

Reasons. Infection of a flower with cancer can occur as a result of rain, an infectious insect, poor soil, and often due to external damage from gardening tools. As a result, the bark begins to die, and the affected areas on the shoot become brown or yellow. The leaves dry out and curl, but remain on the stem.

Treatment. Infected shoots and stems should be cut out immediately with disinfected garden shears. A solution of three percent zinc sulfate is usually used for processing. To completely eradicate the disease, regular frequent treatment is required (2–4 years).

Root cancer

Root cancer

Cause. A hard growth at the point of contact between the soil and the stem of the rose - this is how root cancer manifests itself. The main factors in the occurrence of a bacterial disease are external damage to the flower or overzealousness when fertilizing it. Such hard compactions in most cases lead to the death of the plant. It is also possible that the virus may manifest itself at the grafting site of a budded rose.

The infection can affect any variety of roses, but flowers that are grown on clay surfaces are most susceptible to it.

Treatment. The first step is to remove the growth from the affected area of ​​the flower. You need to cut it carefully using a treated sharp knife. Anything cut from the plant must be removed from the garden and burned.

After which, the affected areas on the roses need to be treated special drugs. There are many specialized disinfectants available to combat bacteria. But summer residents usually use a one percent solution.

After treatment, you need to wait 5-7 minutes and rinse the flower with water. In most cases, after such first aid is provided, the flower survives.

Reasons. The development of such an infection is influenced by the discrepancy between the weather and the seasons. A warm winter or a cold, rainy summer positively accompanies the appearance of rust on roses.

The disease appears as an orange-brown rash on the stems and leaves of flowers, usually appearing in late spring during a period of high humidity. As the disease evolves, over time, rust completely covers the leaves, they darken and this leads to their falling off.

The main victims of rust are roses of the moss and centifolium varieties.

The disease is easily transmitted from a patient to a healthy bush.


To destroy rust you need:

  1. Cut diseased branches, leaves, shoots from the bush and destroy them;
  2. Carefully inspect the plants for diseased spores, otherwise the disease will return by the beginning of the next flowering season;
  3. Before flowering begins, it is necessary to carry out foliar feeding using a superphosphate solution of 0.3%;
  4. Wipe the leaves with potassium nitrate;
  5. If the disease has not had time to spread greatly, then it is enough to treat the bush with one percent.

To prevent infection from invading the garden, regular garden cleaning is necessary, removing fallen or wilted parts of the plant.

The most common disease among roses. It gets its name from the white powdery coating on the flower, which soon releases a dew-like liquid.

Reasons. Like other ailments, it appears during times of high humidity, too much fertilizer or lack of oxygen. The infection first attacks young shoots and then spreads through the air. The Chinese rose also lends itself well to endemics. The disease can appear at any time when the summer coolness appears.

It is a white coating, which after a few weeks can cover the entire flower. Also, the bud becomes bent and the flower loses its color.

Treatment. To prevent such ailments or to prevent treatment, use. GreenCure will be an excellent helper here.

A soap and soda solution works well for an already present disease, which should be used to treat all the roses in the garden. Such prevention should be carried out once a week. Using a solution of colloidal sulfur, you need to wash the flower once every ten days.

Reasons. It differs from ordinary powdery mildew only in that ordinary powdery mildew spreads along the upper part of the leaves and flower, while downy mildew spreads along the lower part and tends to grow inside. Appears on the leaves as dark spots with a purple tint.

Hybrid tea and English varieties are most susceptible to the disease.

The infection becomes more active with the arrival of cool and humid weather.

Treatment. When the air temperature reaches more than +30 degrees, the disease begins to recede. Therefore, in the heat of the day, the progression of the disease is unlikely.

Experienced rose growers fight infection using preparations based on zinc fungicides.

This is a fairly old method, but very effective. A solution of Topsin-M with water (20 grams of solution per 10 liters of water) helps well in the fight.

Reasons. A virus that appears during the breeding of roses. The disease begins to express itself clearly only in hot and dry weather. It represents yellow patterns on the leaves of the plant. The infection is transmitted by aphids or contaminated garden tools. The disease is so strong that it can easily be transmitted by contact of roots.

Treatment. Rarely leads to the death of the plant. To avoid disease, it is necessary to carefully inspect the seedlings. You can get rid of the infection only through heat treatment in a specialized laboratory.