And no hair will fall from a person. About predestination. Loss in spring

Due to the influence of harmful environmental factors, active chemical industry in human products and everyday items, - Hair loss is not a rare phenomenon these days.

Stress, synthetics and exposure to chemical compounds everywhere provoke complications and deterioration in human health. But what to do if the hair on your head has fallen out in a spot.

Everyone needs to know what to do with this problem and how to prevent alopecia (local hair loss on the scalp in patches).

According to trichologists, the signs of alopecia can be very different. It all depends on the reason that caused hair loss.

Hair may fall out gradually or baldness may begin suddenly. Hair loss can also occur in patches not only on the head, but throughout the body.

Unfortunately, if the hair on your head falls out in patches, there are many reasons and this phenomenon has not been fully studied. Scientists talk about malfunctions in the immune system, which mistakenly attacks hair follicles

The main signs of alopecia are:

  1. The hair on the head gradually begins to thin and fall out.
  2. Patchy hair loss appears on the scalp, and sometimes on the eyebrows or beard (in men). They are also called bald spots.
  3. Hair loss in clumps when combing or washing your hair.
  4. Body hair may fall out when taking certain medications (such as chemotherapy). When you stop taking the medications, your hair grows back.

Interesting fact! In men, baldness begins from the forehead, and in women - from the temples.

Provoking factors for hair loss on skin areas

If hair loss occurs locally on the head, in patches, this indicates a number of serious causes and factors. Experts consider the following to be some of the most likely provoking factors:

  • insufficient hair care;
  • stress and nervous disorders;

  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency;
  • predisposition of the body at the genetic level.

Causes of patchy scalp hair loss

There are many reasons that cause patchy hair loss. The table shows the most common causes of alopecia depending on its types.

Causes of alopecia depending on its types

Type of alopecia Cause of alopecia
Cicatricial alopecia - the appearance of scars after illnesses and the absence of hair growth on these scarsCongenital and hereditary diseases, lichen, autoimmune diseases, skin tumors, skin injuries, diabetes.
Non-scarring alopecia - occurs suddenly, without previous skin lesionsImmune diseases, genetic location of the body, metabolic disorders, diseases of the digestive system, stressful conditions of the body and depression, chemicals and radiation.
Diffuse alopecia is a condition where hair has fallen out on the scalp in patchesHormonal changes and restructuring of the body during puberty, pregnancy and lactation, during menopause, as well as stress, drug use and iron deficiency in the body.
Androgenetic alopecia – when male pattern baldness occurs in women and female pattern baldness in menLack of balance of male and female hormones in the body, thyroid disease, malignant and benign tumors in the body.

And this is not all existing types of alopecia. Therefore, it is imperative to undergo an examination and establish the reason why the hair on your head has fallen out in patches. Then the treatment will be prescribed correctly and competently.

Traditional medicine for scalp hair growth

There are many folk recipes that promote hair growth.

Important to remember! Treating hair loss on the scalp with folk remedies alone is ineffective!

Burdock decoction

The very first assistant in the fight against baldness is the burdock plant (namely its root).

The decoction must be prepared according to the following recipe: 3 tbsp. Boil tablespoons of dried roots in 750 ml of water, leave for 20-25 minutes, strain.
Rub into scalp, massaging lightly.

Burdock oil

Using burdock oil by rubbing it into the hair roots is also effective. Massaging the scalp with sea or regular table salt brings noticeable results.

Apply to wet hair, massage gently and rinse with warm running water.

A common remedy that causes hair growth is hot pepper tincture. It is better to use it at night.

Be careful! Causes skin burning! Apply carefully, wash hands after application, avoid contact with eyes. If the tincture does get into your eyes, rinse with water, preferably boiled.

Nettle infusion

Prepare the infusion as follows: 3 tbsp. spoons of dried nettle pour 1.5 liters of hot water, let it brew for 45 minutes and strain. After each shampooing, you need to rinse your hair with a decoction.

Massage and physiotherapy for patchy scalp hair loss

If the hair has fallen out on your head in patches, physiotherapeutic procedures and scalp massage will come to the rescue. These procedures stimulate blood circulation, which helps awaken the hair follicles and, accordingly, hair growth increases.

The most common physiotherapeutic procedures recommended by trichologists:

  • Darsonvalization– exposure of the scalp to currents that are under high voltage. This procedure is prescribed to patients whose baldness is caused by seborrhea.
  • Cryotherapy– this is the effect of liquid nitrogen on hair follicles. This procedure is done point by point. Indicated for alopecia areata and circular alopecia.
  • Ionopharesis– during this procedure, using current (galvanic), medications are introduced into the deep layers of the skin, which help in the fight against alopecia.

  • Cupping massage (vacuum massage)– done using cupping for medical procedures. This massage can also be performed at home.

Skin massage for alopecia can also be done independently. To do this, comb your hair and place both hands on your head. The massage is carried out with the thumbs and middle fingers.

Light massage movements are made, moving from the periphery to the center of the head. Do this massage 3 times a week and the result will be noticeable within a month.

Drug treatment of alopecia

Drug treatment for alopecia depends on its type.

Androgenetic alopecia

If this is androgenetic alopecia, then it should be treated with hormonal drugs containing estrogen and progesterone.

Over-the-counter medications containing Minoxidil lead to excellent results. These can be either sprays (Alerana and Generalolon - price from 500 to 630 rubles), or shampoos, solutions (Casilon - price from 1000 rubles).

Important to remember! It is recommended to use drugs containing Minoxidil from the age of 18. Also, the daily dose of the drug should not be exceeded, regardless of the area of ​​baldness.

Fungal scalp infection

If hair loss is associated with a fungal infection of the skin, then drugs containing ketoconazole will come to the rescue. Such means include Nizoral shampoo - price from 350 to 400 rubles.

Directions for use: Apply to damp hair for 3-5 minutes. Rinse with running water, avoid contact with eyes. Use 2 times a week for a month.

The drug Finasteride (235-250 rubles) is a drug for the treatment of baldness in men. The drug is hormonal and is sold only with a doctor's prescription. It has many side effects and is used in the treatment of women only in severe cases.

Sulsen preparations are used to restore follicles. The active ingredient here is selenium. The Sulsen series of preparations includes a head paste (price from 80 to 100 rubles) and shampoo (price from 180 to 300 rubles).

These funds can be used both in combination and separately from each other. But it is worth remembering that these and many other medications for baldness should be used only after consultation and prescription by a doctor.

Surgical scalp hair restoration

Today there are several types of surgical hair restoration:

  • artificial hair transplantation;
  • own hair transplant;
  • cutting out bald areas of skin;
  • patchwork plastic.

The most popular method of surgical hair restoration is hair transplantation or autotransplantation.

The procedure involves transplanting your own follicles from an area of ​​the skin where there is a lot of hair to balding areas.

The procedure for transplanting your own hair is as follows:

  1. Under local anesthesia, a donor piece of skin is cut out.
  2. Sutures are placed at this location, which will soon be completely invisible.
  3. Hair with follicles are isolated from the excised skin.
  4. The doctor makes micro-holes and places follicles there.

Today, this is the most effective method of treating androgenic alopecia. Hair transplanted in this way grows on the skin and retains its properties until the end of a person’s life.

Alopecia is an unpleasant phenomenon, however, it can be treated. At the first signs of the disease, you need to consult a doctor to conduct an examination and identify the causes of the disease, and then begin competent comprehensive treatment.

What to do if the hair on your head has fallen out in patches. Causes and treatments:

Alopecia areata (baldness). Doctor's comments:

How can this be? If a child dies a violent death, is it God’s will? I believe in God and in God. But sometimes, seeing a huge amount of evil in this world, I’m scared that my trust in God is weakening. My friend lost a child at a long time. Very a lot of people prayed for her when she was in the hospital. It didn’t help. Why? She believed very much, but now she has no trust in God or this:

Hello. Everything living on our planet is subject to suffering. Each of you learns every day from newspapers, radio and television programs how many people on Earth suffer. They suffer from car accidents, terrible diseases and crimes. Many suffer because they were born in poverty or in countries ruled by dictators. There are many reasons for suffering; a list of them would take entire pages. But our question does not relate to material reasons. It touches on the very origins of suffering. The Prophet Habakkuk asked God: How long, Lord, will I cry, and You will not hear, I will cry to You: “Violence!” - won’t you save me? Why do You show me injustice and look at lies?” - (Habakkuk 1:2,3). The answer to your question lies partly in the statement. that our mind is not the mind of the Lord or even the angels, therefore a number of categories of being, simply due to the nature of our consciousness, are unknowable. In addition, no matter how far science goes, there is a part of knowledge that will never become the property of humanity due to its “secrecy”. The Bible speaks about this, for example, in the book of Deuteronomy (29:29): “Hidden knowledge belongs to the Lord, but revealed knowledge (that is, which can be discovered scientifically) belongs to us and to our sons forever.” Here is what, for example, priest Pavel Gumerov says about the meaning of suffering in his article “The Meaning of Suffering”: In our lives, nothing just happens, every event has meaning. And God does not allow people to suffer senselessly. Either we suffer to cleanse our sins, so as not to suffer in eternal life, or sorrows are sent to us to protect us from the fall and other dangers. Another meaning of sorrows is the cleansing effect they have on our soul. Suffering (if we treat it correctly) makes us better, cleaner, kinder. They force you to look at yourself differently, to help your neighbor, to begin to have compassion for him. Any priest can tell how many of his parishioners came to the Church through life’s trials and sorrows: the death of relatives, serious illnesses, loss of jobs, etc. When everything is good and going well, people, unfortunately, are in no hurry to go to church. Sorrows, your own and those of others, make you think about the most important questions: the meaning of life, the salvation of the soul, sympathy for the grief of others. Once upon a time in England there was a big accident - a bus crash with children, many died, many were injured, and the Christian writer C. Lewis was asked how God allowed such a terrible tragedy to happen? And he answered: “Suffering is the chisel with which the Creator, like a sculptor, carves a beautiful statue out of a person.” What is any disaster? This, in addition to enormous grief, is an opportunity to show all your best human qualities. Show compassion, provide help and support to the suffering, console the mourners, sympathize with them, support them in difficult times and think about a lot of things yourself. For the victims, it is an opportunity to turn to God with fervent prayer, to think about what we may not even think about in the everyday bustle, about the salvation of the soul. What is more important to God: a person’s body, which is sick, aging, dying, or his immortal soul? Of course, the soul, and therefore He allows us to suffer. And sometimes after many years we see that these tests were not sent by chance, we needed them. Archpriest Nikolai Guryanov spent many years in camps for his Orthodox faith. And he said that he did not regret at all the years spent in prison. Many people who went through the hell of camps, prisons, exile, who lost their health, did not regret it and later remembered this period with gratitude to God. And it cannot be otherwise, because if they had a different approach to life, they simply would not have survived these terrible trials.

A person himself does not know what he is capable of. Some endure inhuman suffering, while others, due to minor troubles, fall into melancholy, despair and are ready to die. When a person decides to commit suicide (unless, of course, this is caused by mental illness), it is always weakness, cowardice and lack of faith. A suicide wants to get away from temporary, earthly suffering, cannot endure it, but does not know what awaits him where passion will torment him forever. It can also be said that suffering is the result of freedom. God gave man a certain degree of freedom. If a person were like a robot, an automaton, then the Lord could lead him along the right path in any situation. But God gave man the freedom to choose: to love and obey Him or to rebel against God. When a person rebels against God, he torments himself and his neighbors.

When thinking about suffering, we must also remember that God has established certain natural laws that govern the universe. If, for example, the law of gravity did not exist, then we would float in space. But the same law is the cause of suffering and death of people who fall from heights.
Thanks to hurricanes, the earth is freed from excess heat and energy. Warm winds from southern latitudes move north and cool off the ground. But it happens that they form destructive vortices. These vortices raise high waves in the ocean. It is not the hurricane itself that causes suffering, but people who forget about the danger - the hurricane “punishes” them.

The same can be said about faults and shifts in the earth's crust, such as the San Andreas Fault. They are necessary to prevent larger disasters. But people continue to build houses on the San Andreas Fault and therefore risk damage in the event of an earthquake. Such suffering is not the result of God's intentions, but stems from human folly. We can take into account natural patterns and adapt to them, or we can ignore them and suffer as a result.

People themselves are also to blame for the high incidence rate. Many diseases stem from poor nutrition. People don't eat what they should. God gives us natural sugar, but we bleach it. We eat rich white bread, while wholemeal bread is healthier for us. God gives natural fruits with fiber, but we remove it and cook the fruits themselves. We do the same with oranges, from which we drain the juice and throw away the beneficial fibers and skin. We peel potatoes and eat only what's inside. By doing all this, we throw away what God has given us to stay healthy. We make ourselves sick by indulging in things like smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. Car accidents kill 56,000 people in our country every year, and half of these accidents are caused by drunk driving.

Even the technological level of our society is a cause of suffering. If there were no cars, there would be no deaths and injuries on the roads. Our air would not be polluted by the smoke of factories and the exhaust fumes of cars if there were no factories or cars. This is the price to pay for our level of civilization. If we were not willing to pay such a high price, we would return to a primitive society. Our way of life in the modern world largely leads to suffering. So, as for your friend. then I deeply and sincerely sympathize with her. But let her try to accept what happened to her as the will of God and come to terms with it. “For our momentary, slight suffering produces eternal glory in an immeasurable abundance,” says the Apostle Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians. Peace comes when we understand what is given to us to see only a few threads in the great tapestry of life and God's will that we do not have the whole picture before us. And then with relief and joy we will be able to confirm in our own lives that “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28). When, with God’s help, we will be able to see all of life through the lens faith in God’s love, we will confirm together with the prophet Habakkuk: “Though the fig tree did not blossom, and there was no fruit on the vines, and the olive tree failed, and the field yielded no food, though there were no sheep in the fold and no cattle in the stalls, - but and then I will rejoice in the Lord and be glad in the God of my salvation" (Hab. 3:17,18). God bless you!

Is Judas to blame for betraying Jesus Christ, or was he appointed by Him to perform this mystical act? In chapter 13 of the Gospel of John, in verse 18, Jesus Christ says: But that the scripture might be fulfilled: He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me. In Verse 21 we read the following words of Jesus Christ: Truly, truly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me. And further in verse 26 He speaks about the one who should betray Him: the one to whom I will dip a piece of bread. And, having dipped the piece, he gave it to Judas Simon Iscariot. And after this piece Satan entered into him. Then Jesus said to him, “Whatever you are doing, do it quickly.” Notice: “and after this piece Satan entered into him.” Consequently, before this Satan had no power over Judas, and one might think that he had no thoughts of betraying his beloved teacher before. And also pay attention to how he betrays Jesus Christ: in the Gospel of Matthew in verse 49 of chapter 26 it is written: And immediately approaching Jesus, he said: Hail Rabbi! And kissed him. Jesus said to him, “Friend, why have you come?” And you can also cite the request of Jesus when he prayed in Gethsemane: Abba (this is a Chaldean word denoting the highest trust, devotion and is usually used when addressing the father of a family) Father! All things are possible for You; carry this cup past Me; but not what I want, but what You want. Knowing this, we cannot say that Jesus Christ was led to crucifixion by Satan; in fact, this mystery had to occur to mark the feature of a new era, which marked the beginning of the transformation of a mortal human being into an immortal Gnostic being. And this event was not a game or a whim of the creator of all life on earth, but a necessity in which Judas Iscariot was assigned his own role, and Jesus Christ his own.

And then there is another question that should be considered here: why “woe to him through whom offense comes”? Perhaps already from the very beginning, from the day of his birth, and perhaps much earlier, Judas was intended for the role that he played in the crucifixion of Christ. Could he choose to be or not to be a traitor? Based on the gospel texts, it can be assumed that Jesus Christ assigned him this mission. Satan entered into him only after this appointment. Consequently, before this, the only literate person among the group of students, there were no thoughts of betrayal. Apparently, no one else could have completed this mission. Remember how Judas turned to Jesus Christ: “Rejoice, Rabbi!” And kissed him. Wasn't this a farewell kiss, since Judas knew that his beloved teacher would be crucified? Hail Rabbi! I fulfilled your instructions, without which the mystery of the crucifixion and resurrection would have been impossible. Of course, he knew that the torment of the darkest worlds of hell awaited him, but he also knew that without such a sacrifice, humanity for many centuries, and maybe even millennia, would be in captivity of the forces of the great spiritual anti-divine being, whose power spread to the entire material world. Could Peter or any of the other disciples of Christ agree to such an act? And could Judas be seduced by the thirty pieces of silver promised by the Pharisees, if he was already the treasurer of a group of disciples of Christ, and no one could control him, since he was the only literate one among those who followed Christ. Is his action comparable to the amount of money promised for betraying his teacher? And then is this betrayal? And is it his fault if God himself chose him to fulfill this role? But in all this tragedy, it seems, the words of Christ hung in the air: woe to him through whom temptation comes. And then how to understand the words also spoken by Jesus Christ: not even a hair of your head will fall without his will. If the betrayal of Judas was the Divine will, then can the traitor be punished for fulfilling the will of his master? Without Jesus Christ's permission for betrayal, Satan would not have entered Judas and there would have been no betrayal. Of course, Judas was the most suitable instrument to fulfill the role that was not his lot. He may have been more down to earth financially, but it is undeniable that his will was stronger than that of all his friends. Could Judas not betray Christ? But someone had to do it, these are the rules of the mystery of Christ. He could have, but he knew the importance of everything that was about to happen for all humanity. And therefore, he could not do otherwise. Rejoice, Rabbi! - he said, and, saying goodbye, kissed his teacher. He agreed to become a conductor of evil so that good would triumph on earth. He agreed to eternal shame among future generations and cruel torment in the darkness of hell, so that humanity would receive the hope of spiritual resurrection and immortality.

But this is only one of the opinions with which you may not agree. This opinion was born because there is a lot of uncertainty in the events of two thousand years ago, and the dogmatic views on these mystical events that exist today suggest believing without reasoning, which is completely inconsistent with the principles of knowledge that a person following the spiritual path adheres to.

Probably every second person in our world is familiar with hair loss. Men and women, girls and boys - everyone asks one question: why does the hair on the head fall out? There are many reasons for this. Let's look at the main ones.

Reason 1. Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is the most common cause of scalp hair loss. Hair loss is caused by male hormones androgens, which begin to exceed the norm. This excess can only be detected by taking a blood test. Hair loss can also occur due to a decrease in the female hormone estrogen in a woman’s body. This decrease is accompanied by:

  • deepening of the voice;
  • change in figure;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • increased hair growth on the face and body.

Treatment of hormonal loss is possible only with special means. Vitamins, professional serums and “grandmother’s” tinctures are powerless here.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The chemicals in these shampoos destroy the structure of your hair. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into your organs and can cause cancer. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Often hormonal disorders in the body accompany such processes as:

  • the onset of menstrual bleeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • childbirth;
  • menopause.

In any case, if you suspect that hormones are to blame for your hair thinning, do not delay visiting your doctor. He will suggest taking the necessary tests, and based on the results, he will formulate a competent and effective treatment that will not only help stop hair loss, but also normalize hormonal levels.

Reason 2. Lack of vitamins in the body

Vitamins A, E, C, B are responsible for hair growth, and their lack can lead to hair quickly starting to leave your head. There is no need to despair, because this problem is easily solved.
There are two ways out of this situation:

  1. adjust nutrition;
  2. find an additional source of vitamins.

Usually, vitamin A deficiency accompanied not only by hair loss, but also by disruption of the hair structure. It begins to split, becomes brittle and dull.

Lack of B vitamins causes increased greasiness of the scalp and can cause oily dandruff. Often hair begins to fall out rapidly, so much so that bald spots form on the head.

And if your hair becomes dull, splits, falls out, or has an ugly, unkempt appearance, it means lack of vitamins E and C.

You can compensate for the lack of vitamins by starting to take special multivitamin complexes or dietary supplements, but you must first consult with your doctor about prescribing such drugs.

As a rule, taking vitamins quickly solves the problem of hair loss. After 1-2 months, the hair stops thinning, and after 3-4 months new hairs appear.

Also, to replenish the vitamin supply in a weakened body, it is very useful to drink rosehip decoction, since this berry is a storehouse of vitamin C, amino acids and essential microelements. Preparing the decoction is simple: pour a handful of dried fruits with a liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for several hours.

Reason 3. Wrong lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle includes three main aspects:

  1. balanced diet;
  2. regular exercise;
  3. daily walks in the fresh air.

If at least one rule is not followed, hair may begin to fall out.

Proper nutrition is especially important for healthy hair. It implies:

  • refusal of fast food, sweet soda, processed foods, coffee;
  • reducing the consumption of flour products and sweets;
  • introducing a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts and seeds into the diet;
  • consumption of long-term carbohydrates: whole grain bread, cereals, wheat sprouts and other crops;
  • consumption of proteins, animal and vegetable fats;
  • maintaining normal water balance - an adult needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of water every day.

TOP 10 products for hair loss

Very often, many people note that their hair began to fall out during a diet. It is not surprising, because a sharp reduction in useful elements is a serious shock for the body. In addition, for good hair growth, a person needs to regularly consume 10 foods that are prohibited by many diets.

  1. Unrefined vegetable oils (olive, sesame, cedar, etc.)
    They contain a colossal amount of vitamin E, which is not without reason called the “beauty vitamin.” It strengthens hair, promotes shine and health.
  2. Eggs

    Due to the high content of biotin and other beneficial substances, eggs eliminate the problem of hair loss in a short time. That is why this product should be present in the diet of any person at least a couple of times a week.

  3. Fatty fish

    Salmon, sockeye salmon, trout, herring - you can choose any one. As a last resort, you can replace this item by consuming fish oil capsules. Fish oil contains beneficial Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which nourish hair from the inside, strengthen its roots, and make it stronger.

  4. Cereal products

    Porridges, seeds, sprouted grains and whole grain bread are healthy due to their high content of B vitamins. They prevent hair loss and accelerate the growth of new ones.

  5. Bird

    Chicken (turkey, duck) meat contains a lot of protein, which is necessary for the proper formation of new hair.

  6. Legumes (peas, chickpeas, lentils)

    This is a real storehouse of microelements! Legumes are rich in protein, zinc, iron, biotin and other beneficial substances. They improve blood circulation and help awaken “sleeping” hair follicles.

  7. Dairy

    This is the best source of calcium, which is necessary not only for the formation and strengthening of bones, but also for healthy hair. You don’t need to eat a lot of dairy products; just include a glass of kefir or yogurt in your daily menu.

  8. Nuts and dried fruits

    These products are the best snack. They contain many vitamins (B, E, C), amino acids, fatty acids and other essential microelements. Every day you need to eat a couple of walnuts and a handful of almonds. Your hair will thank you.

  9. Vegetables

    Eating vegetables and herbs is especially beneficial against hair loss. This could be spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, lettuce and others. Such products contain a huge amount of vitamins A and C, which prevent hair thinning.

  10. Fruits

    Fruits and berries also effectively fight hair loss. This is especially true for foods high in vitamin C (cranberries, citrus fruits, currants, lingonberries, lemon, kiwi). Replace your usual juices and teas with berry fruit drinks and fruit compotes - such drinks will not only put an end to hair problems, but also strengthen the body's immunity.

Reason 4. Bad habits

This reason is directly related to the previous one, since a healthy lifestyle (and therefore beautiful thick hair) is impossible when drinking alcohol, smoking or taking potent drugs.

All bad habits weaken the body, weaken the immune system and prevent beneficial substances from being absorbed into the cells. The skin and hair are the first to suffer: the former begins to fade and acquires a gray, earthy tint, the latter quickly leaves the head.

Of course, no one will argue that bad habits are very difficult to give up, but beauty is worth it. Slowly but steadily reduce the impact of smoking and alcohol on your life. Start eating right, jogging in the morning, sign up for dancing, walk in a city park, and within a couple of months you will notice an undoubted improvement in the condition of your hair: it will stop falling out, will become thicker, thicker, and a beautiful shine will appear.

Reason 5. Poor quality hair care.

Incorrectly selected shampoo, poor quality cosmetics, improper combing - all this can cause hair loss in girls. Solving the problem in this case is very simple - just completely change your care.

Remember that everything you use (shampoo, mask, varnish, foam, etc.) contains many chemicals. If possible, avoid using cosmetic products whose ingredients you do not understand. Give preference to natural cosmetics or homemade cosmetics.

A very effective measure against hair loss is the regular use of homemade masks. Here are some of the most effective recipes.

Mask with essential oils

Mix 1-2 egg yolks (take the amount depending on the thickness of your hair) with a couple of tablespoons of any base oil. Enrich the mixture with ethers. You will need:

  • black pepper oil - 1 drop;
  • rosemary oil - 1 drop;
  • cedar oil - 2 drops;
  • basil oil - 2 drops;
  • ylang-ylang oil -4 drops.

Apply the oil mixture to the roots (the length can be lubricated with olive oil) and rinse off after half an hour. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Onion and garlic mask

Not every lady will decide to make such a “fragrant” mask, but this remedy is one of the best against hair loss.

Mix 3-4 tablespoons of onion and garlic juice. If you don’t want to squeeze the juice, you can take a pulp of these vegetables in equal parts. Apply the mixture to the roots of your hair and leave for an hour, and then wash your hair as usual.

Everyone who tried this mask had stronger, stronger and healthier hair, and hair loss stopped.

Bread mask

This recipe was also used by our grandmothers. It is not surprising that almost all women used to have luxurious hair.

The mask is very simple. Take half a loaf of rye bread and soak in water. Instead of water, you can take a decoction of herbs. As soon as the bread turns into a soft, homogeneous mass, apply it to dirty hair, wrap it up and leave for an hour. Rinse it off. In this case, it is not necessary to use shampoo, since the bread itself has good cleaning properties and effectively removes impurities from the hair.

Reason 6. Seasonal hair loss

Many of the girls who are faced with the problem of hair loss note that in the fall their hair begins to grow stronger. And some, on the contrary, claim that hair “falls” more strongly in the spring. Who is right?

In fact, both sides are right, since both autumn and spring are the seasons for seasonal hair loss. This is due to many factors.

Loss in autumn

After a summer vacation, hair, contrary to expectations, deteriorates greatly. Constant exposure to the active sun, salty sea water, and neglect of sunscreen also take their toll.

In addition, in the fall the production of the female hormone estrogen slows down, as a result of which hair growth slows down. All this together leads to the fact that in the fall the hairline begins to rapidly thin out. What to do?

  1. Don't forget sunscreen spray and a hat during your summer beach holiday.
  2. Rinse your hair thoroughly after swimming in the sea.
  3. Watch your own nutrition.
  4. Step up your hair care routine in the fall.

Loss in spring

In spring, hair “falls” due to lack of vitamins.

Firstly, vitamin deficiency is to blame. At the end of winter, the body, tired of cold and darkness, requires sun, fresh fruit and warmth. But he receives neither one nor the other, nor the third.

Secondly, many girls, in order to lose the “extra” pounds gained over the winter, go on diets. This is another blow to the immune system and to hair health in particular. Due to a lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements, they often appear dirty, split and fall out.

Giving up the diet, taking special multivitamins, a balanced diet and daily walks in the fresh air will help solve the problem.

Reason 7. Stress and nervous tension

Hair loss due to stress is not uncommon. A quarrel with a lover, defending a diploma, problems at work... Are there many reasons for worry for a modern woman?

You can cope with stress and, therefore, stop hair loss by following simple tips.

  1. Start taking herbal sedatives (but consult your doctor first).
  2. Solve the problems that concern you - destroy the source of stress.
  3. Get plenty of rest: allow yourself to read your favorite book or watch a comedy before bed.
  4. Go to bed early. Remember that sleep should be at least 8 hours a day.
  5. Walk in the fresh air and ventilate the room more often.
  6. Listen to relaxing tunes, try meditation, or take a yoga class.

Reason 8. Taking antibiotics and potent drugs

Taking medications often provokes hair loss. This is usually written about in the instructions in the “Side Effects” section, but often this result occurs unexpectedly.

If your hair loss is caused by antibiotics or other strong medications, consult your doctor. He will help stop the hair loss and prescribe other, “softer” medications with a similar effect.

Reason 9. Decreased immunity

A decrease in immunity occurs for various reasons:

  • viral or cold disease;
  • excitement;
  • poor nutrition;
  • frequent exposure to harmful radiation;
  • bad ecology;
  • low water quality.

Any of these reasons can lead to severe hair thinning. Before starting treatment, you need to find out what caused the loss. If your hair begins to fall out due to illness, consult a doctor. If the environment is to blame, try to change your place of residence. If it’s water, start ordering it from special companies or install a filter.

Reason 10. Heredity

This is perhaps the only case when treatment is useless. If your parents didn't have thick hair, you won't have it either. Masks, balms, and taking vitamins can only slightly correct the situation, making your hair fuller, healthier and more beautiful, but you will have to forget about a thick mane.

Dont be upset! Choose a beautiful hairstyle for yourself, sign up for a beauty salon. A well-groomed, neat head with a short haircut always looks better than a tangled head of long, but unkempt hair.


To identify the true cause of hair loss, you need to consult a trichologist. He will offer to donate blood for hormones, analyze your diet, note your mental state and, based on the studies performed, prescribe treatment.

Confessor. What confuses you about the question of Providence?

Unknown. The impossibility of reconciling the concept of free will with the church teaching about the Divine will.

Confessor. Tell me in more detail what exactly seems irreconcilable to you.

Unknown. Listen here. The concept of free will may be incomprehensible to reason, and perhaps you are right in drawing a parallel in this regard between “freedom” and “infinity.” Let the incomprehensibility of infinity be similar to the incomprehensibility of freedom, which from the formal side is like “infinity” in the volitional sphere. But be that as it may, we perceive in the concept of free will the moment of “causelessness,” although we cannot imagine it. for our consciousness, this is in any case the possibility of independent action independent of any external causes. By calling an action “free,” we want to indicate that it was committed not out of necessity, but according to the personal will of the person. And therefore, moral responsibility, as you have said more than once, always presupposes free will. And since a person is responsible for his entire life, it is thereby assumed that his entire life consists of a series of free actions not determined by any external reasons.

And so I open the Gospel and read: “Are not two small birds sold for an assarium? And not one of them will fall to the ground without the will of your Father; Even the hairs on your head are all numbered” (). This idea about the complete dependence of human life on the will of God is expressed in perfect completeness in the 6th chapter of the same Gospel. “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will wear. Is not the soul greater than food and the body than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns; and your Father in heaven feeds them. Aren't you much better than them? And which of you, by caring, can add even one cubit to his height? And why do you care about clothes? Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you that Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like any of them; But if God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, then God will clothe it more than you, O you of little faith! So do not worry and say, “What shall we eat?” or what to drink? or what to wear? because the pagans are looking for all this, and because your Heavenly Father knows that you need all this” ().

Is such an attitude towards life compatible with the recognition of human freedom? If not a single bird falls without the will of the Father, if not a single hair falls from a person’s head without the will of God, if a person is completely powerless to change his life by his own will, cannot “add to his height even one cubit”, if a person himself of his own free will and should not care about anything, since the Heavenly Father knows who needs what, then the question arises, where does human free will manifest itself? Our life depends entirely on God. Everything in it is done according to His will. The Church calls this the Providence of God, but Providence is not compatible with freedom. To recognize it means inevitably to come to the doctrine of predestination. If every movement of life is done according to the will of the Father, then His will decides everything. If it is predetermined by His will, then your will is nothing. But if the recognition of Providence excludes the possibility of free will, then, on the other hand, the recognition of will excludes the possibility of Providence. I will give you this example: a robber attacked my house. He robbed, mutilated, and violated my loved ones. I believe in God's Providence. Everything is from God. The Lord knows what everyone needs. Does this mean that the robber is from God? But the robber had his own free will. Why did he attack me? Because such was his free will, or because such was the will of God? If because it was the will of God, then where is the free will of the thief? If because he wanted to, then what does God’s will have to do with it? It is clear that recognition of the free will of the robber completely excludes the participation of the will of God in this crime, and, therefore, its providential meaning.

These are the doubts that arose in me about everything you said about the sacraments, moral perfection and monastic achievements. I could not resolve these doubts on my own.

Confessor. Yes, your question really needs clarification. It is difficult for two reasons. Firstly, because it touches on a number of side issues, and secondly, because the Church teaching on Providence is often accepted in a completely distorted way.

Unknown. So I ask you to explain all this to me.

Confessor. Will try. We will have to talk about freedom again and in more detail. You already know that, according to Church teaching, man, created in the image and likeness of God, is granted free will. He is not only a particle of matter, organized into a living being and subject, like everything in the material world, to the law of causality. He is the bearer of that mysterious and incomprehensible principle of freedom, which makes his will the primary cause of certain actions, not conditioned by anything other than this free will. Human actions are not mechanical phenomena of the physical world. They are not automatic consequences of some cause outside the will, and are not a simple consequence of physical and chemical processes in man himself; they are determined by his own will, for his will, as a free principle, is the cause in itself in a causal series of phenomena. A person himself determines this or that series of phenomena and bears moral responsibility for his actions, because to act one way or another, good or bad depends on his own will, he always chooses himself. And not by its formal definition, but in essence, freedom is one of the properties of the human soul, which, being one in essence, as the likeness of the being of God, also has the likeness of hypostases, remaining in its essence one and indivisible.

Unknown. I understand very well everything that you said about the freedom of the human will, which is why I ask you to explain how this teaching about freedom can be reconciled with the teaching about the will of God.

Confessor. Wait. I warned you that many side issues need to be touched upon here. The Firstborn was a free act of man. He himself chose his own path, which did not coincide with the will of God, and, violating the commandment given by God, he took the path of his own volitional self-affirmation. This act, free in itself, led man to slavery and in its consequences was the loss of the freedom granted to him. The work of redemption was a work of liberation - not because sin was abolished, but because the power of that sin in the world was destroyed. For through life in God, everyone was reunited with God, according to the word of the Apostle: “...he who is united with the Lord is one spirit with the Lord” (). Original sin has been atoned for and the possibility of union with God has been restored. And thus freedom was restored. That is why the word of God says: “...stand in the freedom that Christ gave us, and do not again be subjected to the yoke of slavery” (). “You are bought at a price; do not become slaves of men" ().

Unknown. This freedom is not a reality given to everyone, but only a possibility?

Confessor. No, this freedom is given to the whole world as a reality, but man, just as he freely committed original sin and thereby renounced his freedom, now freely refuses or does not renounce the freedom that was granted to him by redemption.

Unknown. What do you mean by renunciation of freedom?

Confessor. Refusal of faith in the Risen Christ, for only through faith a liberated person remains liberated, and does not give himself up again into the slavery of sin and death. To solve the question you posed about the relationship between human free will and the Divine will, it is very important to understand the following thought. Unbelief and the resulting state of the human soul is a refusal of freedom and recognition of internal slavery. By this refusal, man, while remaining human in appearance, places himself in a common row with the existence of animals, but as a more perfect type of this series. He does not become a “thing,” but renounces the highest dignity of a free person. The Apostle says to the faithful: “Sin should not dominate you” ().

“Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves as slaves to obey, you are also slaves to whom you obey, either slaves of sin to death, or slaves of obedience to righteousness?” ().

The Apostle Peter depicted this state of slavery to sin in the following words: “They, like dumb animals led by nature, born to be caught and destroyed, slandering what they do not understand, will be destroyed in their corruption” (). “Their eyes are filled with lust and incessant sin; they seduce unsteady souls; their heart is accustomed to covetousness: these are the sons of the curse” (). “For by uttering inflated idle talk, they entrap those who are barely behind those in error into carnal lusts and depravity. They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for whoever is defeated by someone is his slave” ().

And on the contrary: “...whoever delves into the perfect law, the law of freedom, and remains in it, he, being not a forgetful listener, but a doer of the deed, will be blessed in his action” ().

This is what should be kept in mind when considering the question of the freedom of human will and the Divine will.

Unknown. I still can't understand what all these preliminary considerations have to do with the question itself?

Confessor. Wait. You will understand this now. Here you quoted the words of the Savior from the 6th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew: “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will wear” (). But he ended them only with verse 32: “Your Father in heaven knows that you need all this.” So what is next? Why did you stop there? After all, the words you cited are completely inseparable from the following verse 33: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” How often do people grumble that the Savior’s promise is not being fulfilled - whatever you ask in My name will be given to you. Remembering only one part of the promise: “whatever you ask will be given to you,” forgetting the condition of this fulfillment “in My name.” The Apostle says to such people: “You ask and do not receive, because you ask not for good, but to use it for your lusts” ().

The same applies to the question of God’s will in our lives and providential care for us. In order for the will of God to fully contain our life, we must seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness - and then everything else will be added.

If we transfer this question to the formal-logical sphere, we can say that since a person maintains his freedom and does not succumb to the yoke of slavery, his will coincides with the requirement of the will of God.

Unknown. But life is made up of actions not only of my will. Suppose my will is free and coincides with the will of God, but what about the will of the thief? After all, she also determines my life. How to deal with his evil will, how to understand its effect on my life? How can it be reconciled with Providence?

Confessor. Yes. What I have said does not resolve this issue. So far we have only talked about whether the Divine will limits the human will and thereby makes it “unfree”? And we will answer this question: no, it does not limit - the true state of freedom is the fulfillment of the will of God according to the free will of man - such a free person, that is, living in God, a person first of all seeks the Kingdom of God, and then everything else is given to him.

Now we will talk about the will of God in the physical world and about Divine Providence in relation to all life in general, remembering all the time what is revealed to us in the word of God about freedom.

You cited the words of the Savior: “Are not two small birds sold for an assarium? And not one of them will fall to the ground without the will of your Father" (). What do these words mean? How is God's will expressed in the physical world? In relation to the physical world, the participation of the Divine will in everything must be understood in the sense that the very laws by which this life flows are an expression of the Divine will, and their immutability and ongoing action are possible only because the Lord commands it to be, that is, it contains everything it is in your own will.

The Divine will gave the universe an unchanging order. The human soul, having within itself the God-like principle of freedom, lives according to different laws. However, through this material basis of its earthly existence, it also constitutes a certain particle of the material world. Therefore, physical life can have one or another effect on our mental structure, and therefore the Divine will can promote our salvation through the so-called “mechanical laws of nature.” The Lord directs them in accordance with the highest goals of our spiritual life. And what in relation to natural existence is Divine will in the form of unchangeable laws that determine the life of the universe, in relation to human life becomes Divine Providence.

Unknown. You say that the Divine will can promote our salvation through the mechanical laws of nature, what do you mean by this?

Confessor. Firstly, the totality of those perceptions that depend on our five external senses. Secondly, a direct effect on our physical nature, such as physical diseases or organic defects, and thirdly, signs and wonders, since they take on physical form.

Unknown. You connect the concept of a miracle with the doctrine of God’s Providence.

Confessor. Of course.

Unknown. Explain this to me.

Confessor. A miracle is not a violation of the “laws of nature” as some forces alien to the Divine power. This is the action of the same Divine will, but not in the form of the constantly operating laws of nature known to us, but in the form of a separate act directly, only at a given moment, of the acting power of God. In a miracle, the will of God, according to which the material world always lives, is suspended, and the Lord, by a special act, determines this or that phenomenon. This special act is always performed by God for providential purposes. “...An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign; and the sign will not be given to him...” (). For the omniscient Lord knows the uselessness of a miracle for an evil and adulterous generation. Thus, our faith in the possibility of a miracle is based on our faith in the omnipotent power of God, our mind affirms this faith, seeing in physical laws the action of the Divine will, and in a miracle a special act of the same Divine will, and our feeling finds complete satisfaction in the providential the meaning of every miracle.

Unknown. Now I understand it.

Confessor. Let us now turn to the question of the freedom of human will and the Providence of God.

Again I must start with what you know. The Lord gave man freedom. And not in a mechanical way, turning a person into an automaton and thereby depriving all his actions of moral content, the Lord leads him to salvation. The Lord gave man freedom so that he could choose the path of salvation for himself, and this would make possible his free union with the Divine in eternal life. And if a person chooses the path of evil, that is, departure from God, this is not an active expression of the Divine will.

Unknown. Wait! Does this mean that such a departure takes place without the will of God? But how then “not a single hair”?

Confessor. I said that such a departure is not an active expression of the Divine will, but this does not mean at all that it is done without His will.

Unknown. I don't understand.

Confessor. The Divine will allows this departure to happen, does not stop it with His power, and therefore we affirm the truth: “everything is done according to the will of God.” The will of God participates in every, even the most evil, act of a person, since it does not interfere with its commission.

Unknown. I ask you to explain this to me with a specific example. Here is the robber I was talking about.

Confessor. Wonderful. Let's take this example of the robber. A robber attacked your house and committed a crime. Was this the will of God? Yes, it was, but not that the robber decided to attack your house, but that the Lord allowed his evil will to happen and did not stop its action.

Unknown. But why didn’t you stop it? What is God's Providence here?

Confessor. I will say more about this later. Let us continue our consideration of the doctrine of Providence. A person’s life is made up not only of his actions, but also of the actions of the people around him. You not only determine your life by your own will, but to a much greater extent it is determined by the people around you. A robber who attacks you can completely change the external conditions of your life; your whole life can go in a different direction as a result of this event. And if you imagine that the people around you are bearers of free will, it is clear that all these changes in your life that have occurred from evil deeds cannot be considered as an active manifestation of the Divine will. Take the era of martyrdom. Saints were crucified and thrown to wild animals. Well, was this the active will of God? No, it was the evil will of people. Where then is “everything according to the will of God”? The answer here is the same: all events that depend on the free will of the people around us are not an active expression of the Divine will. But since the Lord can stop every free action of a person, then every, without exception, manifestation of free human will in relation to us depends on the Divine will. The Lord allows it and does not stop it with His highest will.

Unknown. But if the will of God is only passive, what then is the meaning of this will in our lives? How is concern for our salvation expressed? Where is Divine Providence in our lives? If man has complete freedom in everything, and the Lord only “allows” it, then there is no Providence as an actively operating principle. Man, after all, is left to his own devices.

Confessor. You're getting too ahead of yourself. I didn’t tell you at all that the will of God is only passive: under no circumstances. She is also an active principle. But both passively allowing and actively acting, it is equally providential in our lives.

Unknown. Please explain all this to me.

Confessor. The Lord does not stop all the evil actions of a person, because this would be a deprivation of his free will and would turn his actions into causally determined phenomena, where this cause would be the power of God. And this would destroy all meaning of life created by God. For this meaning lies in man’s free self-determination for good and his union with God as a consequence of this self-determination. But this does not mean at all that providential care for evil people is limited to providing them with complete freedom, and care for people against whom evil is committed is limited to “allowing” this evil. Then, indeed, people would be abandoned by God and left only to themselves.

Unknown. But in what way then does Divine Providence manifest itself when committing evil acts? I can't understand this at all.

Confessor. Now we come to this issue. How is Divine Providence expressed when God allows evil deeds? The fact is that the Lord providentially helps us survive them for the good of our salvation.

Unknown. I don't understand. What “good” can come from an evil act?

Confessor. When a person does evil to us, by this evil we mean only his state of mind, the motives that guided him. The robber who attacked the house did evil because he was guided by his evil will. But for you - not from a worldly point of view, but from a Christian point of view - this can be evil or not evil, depending on how you experience it and what it gives for your inner life. Robbery, beating, and dishonor can be a source of embitterment and ruin of your spiritual life for you. And then the robber’s crime will be evil for you. But the same robbery, and beating, and dishonor - although they are evil acts, taken in themselves and in relation to the evil will that committed them - but for you they can be a source of great good, as long as you experience them for your good salvation, with patience, non-judgment, forgiveness... You were deceived, slandered, insulted - these are evil actions, but you can make them a source of good for yourself. That is why the holy martyrs said: “You can kill us, but you cannot do us harm.” Prison is a terrible evil, but how many people has it brought to God? Torture is a terrible evil, but how many people have become saints through it. In nothing is this clearer than in the providential care of the Lord for the Holy Church. How much evil was done to the Church by its persecutors during the era of martyrdom. The Lord did not stop this evil before the deadline. But the Church, having survived everything for the good, became the Church of the holy martyrs, and by the hands of its enemies, who shed holy blood through the action of Divine Providence, the greatness of the Church was created. There were many trials in the Church, and those who believed in the long-suffering of the Lord were often embarrassed. The question involuntarily arose in their hearts: how long. God? Why do you allow evil to triumph? Why don't you stop it with Your almighty will? But the answer to this question is fully contained in the doctrine of Providence: no matter what evil is done to the Church, it always leads to its good, always cleanses and exalts it. And her most evil enemies, through the action of Divine Providence, cannot do anything for her but good. For the Lord creates His Church not only through the direct action of Divine power, but also through the hands of enemies, allowing evil, which the Church experiences for good. This is the providential meaning of the evil allowed by God. It is about preserving human freedom and the moral task for each person to turn every evil that occurs in relation to him into a source of moral perfection and spiritual order.

Unknown. But again, I don’t see how Providence, that is, the Divine will, is manifested. God allowed evil to happen, and man must survive it for the good. What does God have to do with it? Everything again depends on the person. If he has the strength to survive the evil he has committed for the good, great. If it’s not enough, the person will die. That's where he belongs. It's my own fault. Where is Providence? Again, I see only one “permissiveness”.

Confessor. You're wrong. The divine will actively helps us in fulfilling this moral task. In order not to deprive a person of freedom, the Lord does not stop the will of the one who commits evil, but the Lord helps those against whom evil is committed to survive it for the good. And here the Lord leaves the final word to the person himself, so as not to deprive him of his freedom, does not solve the moral problem for him, but contributes to its solution.

Unknown. How?

Confessor. The paths are varied. You can't overread them. Through everything, the Lord sends him help. After all, God’s Providence cannot be understood only in a negative sense. The Lord not only represents freedom to man and not only requires him to fulfill certain moral tasks. According to the teaching of the Church, the Lord watches over every human soul. His every movement, his every thought, feeling, intention - the Lord sees everything and does everything that can be done without depriving him of freedom for his salvation - out of his ineffable love and mercy. We do not know all the paths by which the Lord leads man to salvation. But we know a lot from the word of God, from the lives of the saints and from the experience of the Church. A person’s whole life is filled with sometimes obvious, sometimes more hidden, care. We should not be embarrassed that He always does not stop evil will and does not do good for us with His almighty will. And here is His mercy. And here is His love. For otherwise life would cease to be life. But, without taking away freedom, He helps our good will, admonishing, showing, enlightening. Otherworldly forces invisibly act on our lives in this regard, for every soul has a Guardian Angel who carefully leads the soul to salvation, there is the help of the saints of God, the intercession and intercession of the Mother of God. The Lord, by His will, places us in situations in life that help us follow the proper path. He acts on our soul in mysterious, unknown ways, both through the Holy Church, and through certain people whom he sends along our path. And God’s mercy towards us, the unworthy, is so immeasurable that it merits direct influence on others in the form of signs, visions and miracles.

Unknown. But what if the “evil will” acting in us turns out to be stronger, if we cannot overcome evil for good? Then does God “allow” man to perish?

Confessor. Never. According to church teaching, the active Divine will, which allows evil, always stops the action of the evil will on us, through which an unbearable temptation is created. Divine Providence allows evil only because it can be experienced for the benefit of our salvation and therefore does not allow “unbearable” evil. If evil is allowed by God, this always means that it is feasible for our life, for our moral task. And therefore, every person who has not experienced it for the good sins, and for this he himself is responsible before God. The Church does not know “overwhelming temptations.” The word of God says directly: “... God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength...” ().

Unknown. But one more question. What about the fate of evil people? What does God’s Providence mean in relation to them? God allowed them to do evil. He did not stop their free will: so what? Why the Divine will “didn’t stop” - I understand. God did not want to deprive people of their freedom and make them “mechanical phenomena.” So be it. But Providence is a concern for salvation. How is this concern expressed in relation to people who commit evil?

Confessor. In the same way that it is expressed in relation to those to whom evil is done. The Lord wants everyone to be saved. And it doesn’t deprive anyone of their freedom. He leads not only the good, but also the evil, to salvation, and everything that I said about the active significance of Divine power in the matter of our salvation applies equally to both the good and the evil. He helps the evil to free themselves from slavery to sin, and helps their good will, admonishing, punishing and enlightening. Giving everyone what they need.

Unknown. Yes, but then God turns into some kind of “Father”, almost in an earthly sense, but who has billions of children and who understands all the details of their daily lives. This somehow doesn’t fit with my idea of ​​God.

Confessor. That is why you do not feel the great significance of what the Church calls the Providence of God. That is why the apparent formal contradictions of the teachings about Providence and free will confuse you. You again strive to clothe everything in earthly images, and again the inert earthly things so obscure the highest Divine from you that you begin to see only the external, material life that surrounds you. But judge life by the spirit. Look at everything from the inside. Forget that the world is only matter and mental life is only physical and chemical processes. Let everything we experience during our earthly existence not be for you just a meaningless alternation of unrelated facts. Remember that that other world is like a fog behind the image of this world and spiritual life is only a reflection of another life, and all of it is embraced by the power of God. You will understand then that, just as the Divine will, in the invariably operating laws of nature, participates in every, most insignificant process of physical life, so the power of God, acting in the Providence of God, participates and contains every step of human life. After all, you don’t ask how each pebble is attracted to the earth, although there are countless stones on the earth. And you don’t ask how each particle of water, heated by the sun, turns into steam, although it is impossible to measure all the particles of water that turn into steam, because there is not enough force for this. You don’t ask about this, because here the will of God acts in physical, unchangeable laws, so don’t ask how the power of God embraces every movement of human life in providential care, because there are “billions” of people. The will of God contains everything and therefore acts in everything, and since it is in everything, there is no number or measure to measure it.

Unknown. Yes. This can be accepted. This is not how I imagined the doctrine of Providence.

Confessor. This can not only be accepted, but without it it is impossible to truly live, for faith in Providence provides a true and solid foundation for our entire life. Without a feeling of Divine care for us in his heart, a person surrenders to the power of blind chaos without foundation, without order, without meaning.

He is just a grain of sand, whirling in some kind of whirlwind of blind forces and powerless to comprehend or change his movement. It is completely different when the heart is illuminated by a feeling of Divine Providence. Then a person feels a solid foundation above him. He knows that his life is in the hands of God and that this almighty hand leads him to salvation. He walks the path of life calmly, joyfully, with firm hope that the merciful Lord sees every step of his life, everything that happens to him, everything is for the “better”, everything has a higher meaning, everything is not “random”, but reasonable, for in everything, always and everywhere, the Divine will acts and His Divine Providence preserves.

Unknown. Yes. Personal life, indeed, seems to receive a basis with such an understanding of Providence. But that last question, which I once mentioned earlier, still remains valid.

Confessor. Is he the last one?

Unknown. It seems like the last one. But, however, the inability to answer it can destroy the entire building you have erected.

Confessor. What is that question?

Unknown. I have always wondered what, from the church’s point of view, is the meaning of world history? Here you are talking about the Providence of God. About how Divine power leads a person to salvation. Well, what about the life of the world! According to our teaching, true life is in the Church. The world lies in evil. But the Church is a handful of people. Is culture, science, art, everything in which this world lying in evil lives, an empty comedy? Is the whole point of the existence of this huge evil but beautiful “world” only to seduce pious Christians? Is he really “cursed” and nothing more?

Confessor. I anticipated your question. And without an answer to it, our building would truly be unfinished.

Unknown. And will you answer it for me?

Confessor. The Church will answer it. And we will try to draw appropriate conclusions from this answer.

Unknown. What is important to me is not church authority, but truth.

Confessor. Where there is no church authority, there is no truth.

Unknown. Yes Yes. Now I don't mind that.

Confessor. Wonderful. Next time we will talk about progress and the end of world history. This will be the answer to your question.