Natural rejuvenation system Revitonics - fitness exercises for the face, neck and posture. Why we grow old - the theory of Revitonics. Revitonics. Objectives, principles, results

In order for your face to always look fresh and young, it is not necessary to resort to plastic surgery. To keep the skin elastic, tight and smooth, you can carry out special anti-aging procedures that can be done at home. The most effective and efficient exercises include Revitonics facial exercises. Using this method, you can perfectly work out the muscles of the face and neck, improve the condition of the skin and tighten the oval of the face. After several face-building procedures, you will look much younger and healthier.

What is the Revitonics system

The Revitonics system is a set of exercises with which you can quickly eliminate age-related changes and improve the condition of the skin. This is an excellent alternative to expensive plastic surgery, which can have harmful effects on your health.

The founder is Natalia Osminina. She has been restoring facial muscles for a long time.

It is worth noting! When developing the Revitonics facial exercise system, knowledge from the field of biohydraulics, theoretical mechanics, and so on was used. Innovative gymnastics is based on the main rules for regulating tension and relaxation of muscle tissue.

Before using anti-aging facial exercises at home, it is worth considering its important features. Gymnastics has many positive features that make it highly popular.

Among the advantages of using Revitonics gymnastics, it is worth highlighting:

  • When performing exercises, muscles are maintained in tone;
  • Eliminates spasms and severe tension;
  • Tightens sagging skin;
  • Restores the shape of the oval face;
  • Conducts reconstruction of the muscle skeleton;
  • Reduces the number of existing wrinkles;
  • Completely eliminates signs of puffiness around the eyes.

This procedure has no disadvantages. But still, do not forget about contraindications for which this procedure should not be carried out. There are no other shortcomings in gymnastics.

Contraindications for performing exercises

Before you start doing Revitonics gymnastics for the face and neck, you should consult your doctor, because it has some limitations. Caution should be exercised in the presence of the following conditions:

  • Diseases of a systemic and autoimmune nature;
  • The presence of various dermatitis;
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • If any medical therapy is currently being carried out.

Important! If there are diseases that provoke swelling - disorders of the kidneys, heart, lungs, as well as low blood pressure, then the result after anti-aging training may be short-lived.

You should not perform additional gymnastics from other authors. The fact is that they can harm the restored muscle tissue. It is important to consult a doctor before undertaking anti-aging fitness for the face if you have Botox or gel injections, or if you have had surgical interventions before.

The most basic exercises according to the Revitonics system

According to the author of the Revitonics system, training can be carried out for women of any age category. But it is advisable to start at a young age. The full range of workouts for the face and neck is divided into types:

  • Vacuum fitness. Carry out using vacuum jars of different sizes. They increase the tone of muscle tissue, have a positive effect on blood circulation and normalize the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • Sculptural fitness. This system consists of simple workouts that ensure the full development of muscle tissue.

The Revitonics rejuvenation system consists of these areas. When women perform exercises, their skin condition improves, all kinds of wrinkles disappear, it tightens and becomes more elastic. But it’s worth considering that there are specific workouts for each part.

A basic set of exercises is presented in the video:

For face

Facial skin workoutsRevitonika or Osmionics were developed to improve the appearance. You can do them yourself at home, the main thing is to follow important rules:

  • If the muscle tissue is in hypertonicity, then it takes no more than half a minute to influence it;
  • In order for the muscles to return to their normal state, they need to be stretched. Movements should be slow and smooth;
  • Before starting exercises, it is necessary to prepare the muscle tissue, it must be accompanied by intense and enhanced impacts. At this stage, the muscles stretch slightly in different directions or towards each other. You need to keep in this position until a feeling of relaxation arises;
  • Gymnastics for the face involves the use of fixation. During it, you need to hold the muscles for about 5 seconds.

On the websites you can find a complete description of facial exercises with videos. It will help you understand exactly how to conduct your workouts and also ensure that they are carried out correctly. But you should first consult with your doctor; do not forget about contraindications.

It is not always possible to walk with an open forehead; sometimes this is hampered by ugly and bright wrinkles that spoil the appearance. In these cases, women grow and let out bangs. But there is a way out - exercises to improve the skin of the forehead.

How to do it:

  • The index finger must be placed on the side above the eyebrow area;
  • Using your thumb, you need to focus on the temple area. It needs to be set aside and the skin stretched horizontally. As a result, a small visor should emerge from the palm;
  • The second hand is thrown over the head. We begin to make spiral outlines - from the area with the eyebrows to the hair;
  • We carry out all the same movements with the other eyebrow;
  • After this, you can begin massaging the middle forehead area. To do this, the palms must be placed on the face, and the fingers must be on the surface of the forehead;
  • The little fingers should touch and should be in the central part of the forehead;
  • Using massage spiral movements, you need to move from bottom to top from the center to the edges.

Note! You will be able to notice positive effects after several procedures. There will be much fewer wrinkles on the surface of the forehead, and they will not be noticeable. The skin will be smooth and toned.

For eyes

Many women often experience severe swelling and bright bruises under their eyes, which greatly spoil the appearance of their face. To eliminate them, it is enough to do light gymnastics at home. It is recommended to first wash your face and eyes of any existing cosmetics.

Let's start doing gymnastics:

  • First, let's warm up the muscles. The eyes should close and open sharply;
  • Simultaneously with opening and closing the eyes, it is necessary to inhale through the nose and stretch out the cheeks, and then exhale and puff out the cheeks;
  • A frame is made from the index and middle fingers of the left hand, which looks like the English letter “V”. The palm is directed towards the face area with the outer surface;
  • The middle finger is placed on the outer corner of the eyebrow, and the index finger is recommended to be placed at the outer corner of the eye;
  • Next, the index finger of the right hand should be placed at the inner point of the eyebrow, and the middle finger should be located under the inner corner of the eye;
  • As a result, the pupil will be located in a rectangle of the fingers. Using the corners of the resulting rectangle, it is necessary to expand the orbit of the eye relative to the pupil.

Carrying out these actions will help improve the appearance of the area around the eyes. She will become much fresher and healthier, signs of withering, unpleasant wrinkles and circles under the eyes will also disappear. You need to do these workouts every day for 10-15 minutes.

The chin is a problem area for every woman. With age, it begins to sag, the skin in this area becomes withered, and wrinkles appear on it. To tidy up this area, you can perform special exercises:

  • The index fingers are placed on the upper area of ​​the chin;
  • The thumbs should be placed under the chin;
  • Next, the fingers must be directed towards each other until a feeling of emphasis appears;
  • It is important to wait a while, the dermis should become slightly moisturized. This will make it easier to connect your fingers to each other;
  • After this, the starting position is assumed. Stretch the chin muscle and fix it.

Important! At the initial stage, you do not need to stretch the muscles too much, this can cause discomfort and pain. It is better to start by doing the exercise for 5-7 minutes with a gradual increase in time.

For the neck

Neck exercises will help relieve tension in the trapezius muscle. If this is not done, this can lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the face in this area, as well as to the appearance of cervical osteochondrosis.

The “Frame” exercise has a good effect:

  • Your arms need to be raised up and bent at the elbows;
  • Next, they are folded crosswise to form a frame;
  • After this, stretch up, while the spine should stretch;
  • The head tilts down, and the body itself should move up. This position must be held for 30 seconds;
  • One hand is placed above the chest, and the other hand is placed under the chin;
  • The neck should stretch, this is necessary to stretch the muscle tissue;
  • Switch hands and do it again. Period – 30 seconds.

Doing this workout will help improve the condition of your neck and make it healthier. After it you will feel light, strong tension and fatigue will completely go away. For this reason, it is recommended to perform this exercise in the evening after a hard day.

You will get basic knowledge about Revitonics from the video:

Revitonics exercises will be able to restore youth and beauty to every woman without the use of expensive and dangerous plastic surgery. You can do them at home yourself, the main thing is to study the types and rules for each part of the face. But do not forget about contraindications and restrictions, so you should first consult with your doctor.

Every year the skin of the face and neck changes: it dries out, becomes more flabby, and fine wrinkles appear. In pursuit of beauty, some go through various expensive drugs, others fall under the knives of specialists. However, it is not at all necessary to immediately resort to such costly and dangerous methods that carry certain risks. You can significantly improve the structure of your skin and tighten it yourself and with virtually no investment. Facial exercises are practically the only alternative to plastic surgery for skin rejuvenation.


There are many different Facebook building courses that can be purchased in the form of video lessons or special proprietary courses. Developed around the 2000s, the program of the Russian doctor N. B. Osminina, who is involved in the restoration of facial muscles and treatment of the human musculoskeletal system, is considered one of the most effective. At its core, the program is a set of exercises and facial massage that helps tighten it and eliminate skin defects that appear with age. This system is based on the principles of theoretical mechanics and biohydraulics, exercises regulate the tension and relaxation of the muscles of the face and neck.

This is not just skin tightening by working the facial muscles. This is a whole complex of rejuvenating and healing programs that awaken and use the body’s internal reserves. Blood circulation improves, metabolic processes of the epidermis and the removal of harmful substances from the human body are accelerated, the skin regenerates at a faster rate than usual. The author notes that proper exercise will not only develop weak muscles, but will also remove hypertonicity and spasms of those muscles that have received excessive stress.

The entire program is based on several principles.

  • The skin itself does not age. The muscle corset, which includes the muscles themselves, as well as nerves, blood vessels and bones, is responsible for its elasticity and youth. Negative changes in this corset entail changes in the dermis.
  • Wrinkles occur where there is muscle spasm. A healthy, strong muscle should always be under slight tension, but when it becomes excessive, the skin shrinks and a fold appears. The complex is aimed at relieving excess tension and restoring the necessary tone to the muscles.
  • Healthy muscles mean healthy skin. Correct work with muscles will rejuvenate your face and body. Their tension will tighten the skin and enhance its regeneration, and their relaxation will get rid of swelling and blocks.
  • It is necessary to take care of skin health from a young age. All wrinkles and folds begin to form in the facial muscles from adolescence. It is important to detect and remove all blocks and clamps as early as possible, preventing, rather than removing, wrinkles that have arisen.

Indications and benefits

Despite the fact that the mechanisms of skin aging have long been studied, many scientists are still working on solving this problem.

Aging is caused by several factors.

  • This is fluid stagnation that can lead to lymphostasis. Impaired blood circulation leads to atony of the skin, it becomes dull and flabby. All metabolic processes of the body slow down, which, in turn, can even lead to serious diseases.
  • This is daily constant stress. As a result, muscle tissue grows in volume and freezes in spasms, which leads to stretching and sagging of the skin, the appearance of jowls and a double chin.
  • These are fascial pulls. Fascia is a muscular sheath that is connected into a single system and connects all muscles into a single complex. A spasmodic area of ​​one muscle leads to tension in the entire fascial complex and changes posture and facial features.

Thus, by preventing and eliminating these three causes of aging of the body, exercise contributes to:

  • improving blood circulation and blood supply to the epidermis;
  • increased lymphatic drainage;
  • improving skin structure;
  • restoration of facial oval and clarity of jaw lines;
  • reducing static muscles of the face and neck;
  • eliminating wrinkles and increasing the smoothness of the skin;
  • enhanced lifting of soft tissues;
  • improving the functioning of facial muscles and jaw muscles;
  • elimination of jowls and double chin.


Despite the scientific approach and the great effectiveness of the exercises, the exercises have certain contraindications.

You cannot carry out manual (and especially vacuum) manipulations in the following cases:

  • various inflammations and ulcers in the area that needs to be massaged;
  • congenital problems with the cervical-lumbar region, osteoporosis;
  • injuries to the jaw, collarbone or spine, as well as traumatic brain injuries;
  • disruptions in the circulatory system;
  • hypertension and vascular diseases;
  • inflammation of the ternary or facial nerve;
  • various diseases of the epidermis (warts, eczema, psoriasis);
  • serious diseases such as oncology, diabetes or diseases of the immune system;
  • psychological disorders, addictions.

Even for a healthy person, it is advisable to consult with your doctor before starting the course. Exercise will not correct defects caused by a specific disease. For example, if swelling is caused by some disease, then massaging the swollen tissue will only increase the stretching of the skin.

What is it used for?

An exercise program will improve your complexion and reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat on your cheeks and chin. It will restore the contour of the face, tighten the eyelids, make the look more open and widen the eyes, and eliminate wrinkles. In addition, the complex will improve the condition of the neck: it will lengthen it and give it a beautiful contour, and reduce transverse wrinkles. The main thing is to improve posture and relieve shoulder tension. Thus, this is not just facial gymnastics, work is carried out on the shoulder girdle, back and cervical region.


The facial exercise program includes a large complex that affects all the muscles in this area.

Forehead area

The exercises are designed to reduce and completely remove wrinkles and smooth the skin. But the complex will also help improve sleep: it will become easier to fall asleep and wake up, sleep will be deeper and will make you feel more rested. To do this, you need to place the index finger of your leading hand above the eyebrow, leaning its side against the skin. You need to place your thumb on the temple with the thumb of the same hand, stretching the skin. Overall it looks like a visor formed with one hand.

The other hand is placed behind the head and brought to the area of ​​skin located above the first hand. Using circular movements, the skin is tightened in the direction from the eyebrow to the edge of the hair, after which the hands are changed, and the whole procedure is repeated for the other half of the forehead. You can also massage the middle part of the frontal lobe. The palms are placed on the face so that the little fingers touch each other in the center of the forehead. Using spiral movements, the palms massage the skin from bottom to top from the center of the forehead to its edges.


The following exercise will help you relax your forehead muscles and return your eyebrows to their correct position. One hand is placed on the back of the head, and the second is placed on the forehead. The forehead tissues should be slowly pulled up towards the hairline, while simultaneously moving the tissues of the back of the head towards the neck with the second hand.


To make the eyes more open and increase the orbit near the inner corner, you need to stretch the skin a little. To do this, you need to form the letter “V” with the index and middle fingers of one hand and, with your palm facing your eyes, place them on the outer corner of the eyebrow and under the outer corner of the eye. The resulting “fork” stretches the skin away from the eye, and then moves towards the nose. Another similar exercise can be done by placing your index finger in the middle of your eyebrow and your thumb in the middle of your cheek. The skin is stretched and compressed in different directions, massaged in circular movements. After completing the stretch, you need to open your eyes as wide as possible and blink quickly several times.


In order to raise the corners of your lips, you need to place the index fingers of both hands on them. The thumbs rest on the arch of the jaw on both sides of the chin. With light movements, the fingers are pulled towards each other, relaxing the muscles of the chin. The exercise can be repeated for each corner of the mouth separately.

Nasolabial triangle

To reduce nasolabial folds and increase their lymphatic drainage, the following exercise is perfect. The index finger of one hand is placed on the wing of the nostril, and the finger of the second hand is placed on the point where the fold begins. The fingers move so that each of them draws half an eight. This will allow your muscles to relax. After this, the index fingers lie along the nasolabial folds towards the nose and with light vibrating movements from bottom to top, as if “stroking” the fold. This will remove excess water from the area.

In order to raise the upper lip and wings of the nose, you need to pinch the edge of the nostril with two fingers of one hand, and place the fingers of the other hand at the inner corner of the eye on the same side of the face. The lower fingers move towards the upper ones and linger for several seconds at the highest point.

Face oval

To restore elasticity to the oval of the face and smooth out the cheeks, you need to perform an exercise called “Scream”. It will remove spasms of the jaw muscles and lower it into the correct position. To do this, you need to open your mouth and lower your lower jaw towards your neck. The lips are drawn out in such a way as if the letter “O” is being pronounced. The palms are located in the area of ​​​​the junction of the lower and upper jaws and put pressure on the muscle, stretching and smoothing it. The eyes should be wide open during the exercise to stretch the skin of the face. Thus, the exercise is performed by those who develop jowls with age. For those whose chin “creeps” upward with age, it is necessary to place the palms on the cheeks and move them in the direction of hair growth.

All facial exercises can be performed both in a sitting and lying position. This is especially convenient when facial gymnastics is performed immediately after waking up, directly on the bed. The main thing in such exercises is not to overdo it with skin tension, especially around the eyes.


Exercises for the cervical spine are fundamental exercises. In order to achieve maximum success in restoring the epidermis and its rejuvenation, you need to start your daily complex with them.

Posterolateral surface

To lengthen the neck, improve blood circulation and reduce pain due to osteochondrosis, you need to perform an exercise called “Hanger”. To do this, you need to hang your head down freely without pressing your chin to your chest. Leaving your head down, you need to raise your shoulders up and stay in this position for about 30 seconds. After which you can return to the starting position by raising your head.

The second exercise that allows you to work out the neck muscles is the following set of actions. Hands are placed on the lower back, one shoulder is raised, the shoulder blade is pulled back. The head turns in the opposite direction from the shoulder, while the chin should gradually rise. You need to stay in this position for 30 seconds, and then return to the starting position, lowering your shoulder, but leaving your hands on your lower back. After three repetitions the shoulder changes.

Anterolateral surface

To reduce transverse wrinkles and eliminate a double chin, you must perform the “Frame” exercise daily. The arms are raised and bent at the elbows, the palms cover the elbows, forming a kind of frame above the head. The head tilts down and the shoulders stretch up, straightening the spine. After this, one hand is placed on the chest, and the second under the chin and neck is slightly extended by spreading the arms in different directions.

Aligning the neck in relation to the spine

A forward neck is often found in people who spend a lot of time or work at a computer. Because of this, pain appears in the shoulders and the face changes. In order to straighten your neck, you must regularly perform the following steps. The hands are placed behind the back and clasped, the neck is stretched forward without tilting the head. You need to stay in this position for 30 seconds. After this, you need to carry out the reverse steps: clasp your hands in front of your body and pull your neck back.

Removing the side and back clamp

To remove muscle tension and lengthen your neck, you need to raise one shoulder and tilt your head towards it, stretching your neck on the other side as much as possible, and then freeze in this position for at least 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise for the other side of the neck. Stretching and squeezing the muscles of the back surface is carried out in a similar way, only the shoulders rise and fall at the same time.


In order to straighten the spine and open the thoracic region, you can do many different exercises. One of them is the “Sail” exercise, which will not only open the chest, but also stretch the arm muscles and enhance lymphatic drainage of the body. To do this, you need to stand in the doorway, placing your palms on the doorframes, and then, without lifting your palms, take a wide step forward. You need to hold this position for at least 30 seconds, then release the tension by arching your back outward and lowering your head.

The second exercise for the back is the so-called zero gravity. It will stretch the spine and relax all the tension in the back muscles. It is best to do it on a fitball, but you can do it without it. First, you need to bend forward, as if hugging a large round ball (or actually hugging it), and stay in this position for at least half a minute. After this, you need to bend in the same way in the opposite direction and also stay in this position.

The third exercise for correcting posture is called “Active Standing.” You need to stand in such a way that your feet are located exactly under your shoulders, your tailbone is pointing towards the floor, and your buttocks are slightly tense. The entire body should be in a straight line from the crown to the heels. In order to perform the exercise, you need to smoothly stretch the crown of your head upward, while opening your chest and moving your shoulder blades back. You need to stay in this position much longer than in other exercises, namely from 3 to 5 minutes. And you can perform this exercise at any time of the day, while at work, standing in line at a store, or while riding the subway.

Exercises with a special roller occupy a special place, which will help relieve back pain, reduce swelling and even promote weight loss. The best solution for this is a ready-made juniper roller, purchased at a specialized store, or made by yourself. The roller must be placed on the floor and lie on it so that the roller is strictly under the navel area. The outstretched legs are connected by the little fingers, the arms are extended above the head and also touch each other with the little fingers. You need to stay in this position for at least a couple of minutes, adding 20-30 seconds to the duration of the exercise every second day. Thus, you can increase the execution time to 10-15 minutes, which will have a beneficial effect on the health of both the spine and many internal organs.

Breathing during the exercise should be slow and deep, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.

Main exercises

The complete basic course includes more than 40 different exercises affecting the facial, cervical and spinal muscles and ligaments. The principle of their implementation is similar to some principles of performing yoga asanas - you need to take some position in space, feel the tension or relaxation of certain muscles and stay in this position for a while.

We can list some basic movements on which most of the others are built:

  • abduction of the shoulder, arm, scapula;
  • tilts of the head and body;
  • stretching a muscle through action;
  • stretching muscles with hands;
  • tightening muscles through action;
  • pinching muscles with hands;
  • massage.

In addition, massage is divided into vacuum and sculptural.

  • Vacuum facial fitness- This is a muscle massage using small vacuum jars. It requires a set of three cans, the smallest of which is needed to work on small areas (skin around the eyes, lips); a medium-sized jar is needed for massaging the nose and temporal lobes; a large can is needed to work out the large muscles of the cheekbones, forehead and chin. This massage will increase blood circulation, increase the production of natural collagen and smooth out facial wrinkles.
  • Sculpting Facial Fitness- This is a muscle massage using your hands. During the session, those muscles that are practically not used in everyday life are tensed and relaxed, which allows the skin to receive more nutrition and oxygen, strengthen it and reduce visible defects.

You can choose one massage method, but to achieve the best results, it is recommended to combine or alternate vacuum and sculpture massage. In this case, you need to either delimit it by zones or by time; you should not start the second immediately after the first.

How to do it?

The exercise system was designed in such a way that anyone could do it independently at home.

There are several rules that you should familiarize yourself with before starting to practice this method.

  • 30 seconds. This rule states that any compressed or stretched muscle (or muscle group) must be kept in a state of tone for at least 30 seconds, otherwise the desired effect will not be obtained.
  • Crick. Almost all exercises involve slow but strong stretching of certain muscle groups. This is necessary in order to restore their original length, which they lost due to spasm. Since the main pressure is not applied to the muscle tissue itself, but to its shell (fascia), all manipulations must be carried out quite carefully.
  • Pretension. Pretension is the tension of tissues in the opposite direction or opposite to it. It is performed before many basic exercises and is done until the muscle at the site of impact is completely relaxed.
  • Don't put too much pressure on the fascia. Almost no exercise requires any effort; moreover, in some exercises it is even harmful. It is especially necessary to dose the load when performing facial massage in the area of ​​the eyes, lips and sinuses.
  • Fixation. At the end of some exercises, it is necessary to fix the stretched muscle with your fingers or hands for some time. Usually 3 to 5 seconds are enough for this.

This will allow the muscles to begin to get used to the correct position and size.

The dream of any woman is to always remain young and beautiful, but over time, irreversible processes happen to everyone. Somewhere the slender body disappears, the joints begin to deform, the royal posture disappears, unsightly folds, wrinkles and age spots appear. The oval of the face and the skin of the neck are especially modified. Swelling and bags in the eye area, double chin, nasolabial folds increasing every day, all these signs of aging make every woman constantly upset.

The older a woman gets, the more she dreams of returning her former beauty to her appearance. And then everything comes into play: miraculous masks, cosmetic procedures, plastic surgeries, trips to charlatans who promise miraculous rejuvenation in one visit. Sometimes one of the above helps, sometimes it causes irreparable harm to appearance and health. So what should ladies do, whose age is approaching the point after which signs of aging become noticeable to the eye?

It’s not too late to take care of yourself at any time; you shouldn’t give up, believing that only young girls can correct their figure and improve their appearance.

You only need to understand one thing: the older a woman is, the longer it takes to take care of herself.

Fitness will help give you a slim figure; you just don’t need to forget that when playing sports, it’s the system that’s important. Only exercises, the course of which is recommended by an experienced instructor, can help to model a figure after a certain time. It’s also a good idea to think about properly selected diets: a separate nutrition method or a protein diet; each woman herself must determine what best suits her body.

But the main problem of any woman of post-Balzac age is skin aging. Wrinkles around the eyes, loose skin in the neck area, blurred facial contours—these are signs of approaching old age that cannot be hidden under clothes or veiled with cosmetics. First, various expensive creams and anti-aging capsules are used, the course of which costs fabulous money, after which many decide to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

But there are methods by which you can give your facial skin a blooming, healthy look and restore lost youth to it, without using the services of plastic surgery.

In science, this direction is called biogymnastics.

So what is it? In simple terms, this is gymnastics for all facial muscles. Many researchers have developed a whole set of special exercises for the eyes, facial muscles and neck - the places where it is easiest to determine how old a woman is. This method of rejuvenation has been known for quite a long time, the exercises, the course of which must be performed, are simple and effective, but one should not forget that here, first of all, the system is important, otherwise the result will not be noticeable. Reviews from those who have mastered the set of exercises and done them regularly are the most positive.

A method called “Revitonika”, what is it?

There are many methods that guarantee those who start using them on themselves an instant result, but the method discussed below does not promise that a miraculous transformation will happen on its own; this method requires people to perform the exercises for a long time and systematically, only in this way thus guaranteeing the result.

The Revitonics exercise system is fitness for the muscles of the face, neck and skin in the eye area, the founder of this direction is Natalya Osminina, a well-known specialist who has long and fruitfully been involved in the rehabilitation of muscles in the facial area. Since 2010, Natalya Osminina has been promoting the method of natural skin rejuvenation using special devices and manual influence on the muscles of the face and neck. The recommended exercises are based on the principle of adjusting muscle tension and relaxation. The method is based on deep knowledge of biomechanics, biohydraulics, manual modeling and rehabilitation techniques.

The motto of this direction in the field of facial rejuvenation can be called the following phrase: “Revitonika, turn back time”, this is exactly what Osminina promises to those who master the whole range of exercises. Like any new endeavor, Osminina’s method has many supporters and opponents, their reviews are diametrically different. To more accurately understand whether it is worth using it, you need to understand what this method is.

Revitonics are special exercises combined into a complex, designed to pump up certain muscles; each specific course of movements performed can solve a specific problem: remove wrinkles, improve lymphatic drainage, tighten the muscles around the eyes. This kind of facial fitness can be done on your own if you carefully study the video lessons, where the basic course of classes is clearly outlined, or by reading Natalia’s books.

What exactly does such gymnastics give?

A system of exercises performed for a month can radically change your appearance; the changes will become noticeable not only to the person doing the exercises, but also to those around you.

Reviews from those who systematically complete at least the basic course indicate that:

  • the facial oval changes, it becomes clear, the double chin disappears,
  • blood flow improves in all tissues, which leads to the formation of a clear oval contour,
  • gymnastics forms a beautiful jaw line,
  • bags in the eye area go away,
  • wrinkles disappear.

After just a few trainings, everyone who was distrustful of this technique notices an improvement in their appearance. This means that Revitonics classes, despite the negative reviews of some people, can be considered an alternative method of rejuvenation, which is quite capable of replacing plastic surgery. This opinion exists not only among ordinary people, but many doctors confirm that the skin seems to regain its youth after a set of exercises.

What is the method based on?

This technique is based on deep knowledge in the field of osteopathy, used to rejuvenate and restore skin tone. The entire set of exercises, divided into certain blocks, is designed to restart metabolic processes in the body, increase the rate of lymph exchange, resulting in a noticeable tightening of the skin on the face, the effect of these actions is very similar to the lifting effect. With regular exercise, capillaries are restored, swelling disappears, especially in the eye area, bags and wrinkles disappear.

The basic course is aimed at:

  1. Restoration of posture and mobility in the cervical spine.
  2. Relieving muscle tension.
  3. Starting lymph exchange in the body.
  4. Stimulation of the circulatory system.
  5. Strengthening the muscles responsible for facial expressions.
  6. Restoration of masticatory muscles.
  7. Unlocking the natural potential of self-regulation processes.

Gymnastics for the skin, principle of action

So, what are the principles of action, and how does the founder of the method see the problem of aging?

Literature worth reading

Anyone who is truly interested in this technique should read Osminina’s books on the topic of rejuvenation.

The book “Resurrection of the Face or an Ordinary Miracle,” published in 2015, explains in detail the author’s position and reveals many secrets of the human body. The miracle it talks about is a description of the hidden capabilities of the body and methods for revealing them.

What woman, noticing the first signs of aging on her face, begins to dream of non-surgical rejuvenation? And it’s absolutely free too. At first glance, it seems that such a desire is from the realm of fantasy, but in fact there is nothing unrealizable in it. You just need to start regularly doing sculptural fitness, and the result will immediately be reflected in the mirror.

Today we will talk about one of the many sets of exercises for skin rejuvenation, namely the revitonics system. About who created it, what can be achieved with its help and how to properly perform such gymnastics at home.

How it all began

The revitonics program was developed in the mid-nineties by Natalya Osminina, a Russian woman with Lithuanian citizenship, the author of several books on the theory and practice of facial rejuvenation. She has more than two dozen different methods for restoring muscle structures, including this self-modeling system, which has no analogues in the whole world. It came to Russia several years ago, but in Europe and, among other things, in the Baltic states it has been popular for a long time.

So, revitonics is a kind of fitness for the skin, affecting the facial and skeletal muscles of the face and neck and giving an amazing rejuvenating effect.

Many compare the effect of revitonics with the result of plastic surgery. It allows you to pay attention to every muscle, even the smallest one.

When performed systematically, such exercises make it possible to:

  • bring facial muscles to natural tone;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • remove swelling and bags under the eyes;
  • improve complexion;
  • get rid of a double chin;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • reduce rashes;
  • model the oval of the face;
  • solve the problem of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • restore softness and smoothness of the skin.

Moreover, this facial fitness is suitable for absolutely all women, allowing you to look a good ten years younger.

Three types of exercises

This type of fitness is divided into three categories: liquid, sculptural and vacuum.

Liquid fitness

By this we mean a creamy product that is designed to properly nourish and moisturize the skin, making the structure of the face better. For greater effectiveness, it is better to use it with a mesoscooter, gently massaging the face and helping the valuable substances penetrate deep into the tissue.

Sculptural fitness

This is osteopathic gymnastics for the face, described in detail in one of Osminina’s books entitled “Resurrection of the Face, or an Ordinary Miracle.” You can also read about the causes of age-related skin aging. You need to do the exercises indicated in the book for half an hour a day, and then the results will not keep you waiting.

Anti-aging exercises are described in the book “Resurrection of the Face”

Vacuum fitness

It is a facial massage with vacuum cans of different sizes. There are three of them in the set. The smallest one is designed to work on the nose and lips, as well as the area around the eyes. The medium jar is used to affect larger areas, but the larger one can affect the strongest facial muscles and help delicately cleanse the skin.

There are special courses where you can take training in the revitonics program. After all, to work successfully, you need to have a good understanding of anatomy, understand the principle of muscle function and the main causes of aging. There are also many videos published on the Internet demonstrating how to do the exercises correctly at home. In addition, you can get acquainted with Natalia Osminina’s system and the facial fitness she developed from her books.

Indications and contraindications

Revitonics is indicated for ladies of any age and with any skin type. It can be practiced not only if there are obvious signs of wilting, but also to prevent aging.

You should not engage in revitonics before the age of 16.

However, there are a number of contraindications:

  • lymphatic diseases;
  • purulent inflammation on the skin of the face;
  • oncology and neuropathy;
  • disorders of brain activity;
  • bad feeling.

Also, girls under 16 years old should not do these exercises.

Before developing the revitonics program, Natalya Osminina, a design engineer by training, had been working with the musculoskeletal structure for more than 20 years. She also simultaneously studied quantum psychobiology, bioengineering recreation, energy practices and other disciplines that revealed the psychological and biological secrets of skin aging.

As a result of many years of practice, it was revealed that the main causes of aging are muscle spasm, swelling and fascial traction.

Spasm is a tense state of muscles that lose tone. In this state, they increase, stretching the skin, which is gradually reflected on the face in the form of sagging.

Swelling leads to a disease called lymphostasis, that is, lymph stagnates under the skin, which impairs the blood supply to the cells and the supply of oxygen to them, which, again, leads to sagging skin and the deposition of fat on the cheeks and chin.

Fascia is a kind of connective membrane of muscles, their “packaging”, due to which they are connected to each other, forming the human muscular skeleton. When, for some reason, pain occurs in the face or neck, the fascia is pulled into this place and pulls its fellows. Accordingly, muscles and skin are also stretched.

Revitonics can relieve women from the effects of fascial traction, remove lymphostasis and help relax and restore muscles.

At the same time, the attitude with which the young lady approaches the exercises is very important. The internal state should be comfortable, you need to have a positive attitude towards fitness, in the process visualizing how much it can affect your face and eliminate skin imperfections. Then rejuvenation will go much faster and give a much more impressive effect. You need to exercise daily.

We wish you success in the fight against skin aging!

The topic of the article is revitonics exercises. We will talk about the basic exercises and share reviews of women who performed revitonics at home. You will find out how effective this system of exercises is for rejuvenating and improving your appearance.

Revitonics is a set of exercises that helps eliminate age-related changes and improve skin condition. The founder of this technique is Natalia Osminina, who has been restoring facial muscles for a long time.

The revitonics system is based on knowledge of biohydraulics, theoretical mechanics, etc. The exercises are based on the principles of regulating muscle tension and relaxation.

Pros of revitonics:

  • maintaining muscle tone, eliminating spasms and tension;
  • tightening sagging skin;
  • restoring the oval of the face, reconstructing the muscle core and reducing the number of existing wrinkles;
  • eliminating puffiness around the eyes.

Basic exercises of revitonics

According to Osminina, revitonics classes can be performed at any age, but it is better to start doing them from a young age. The full range of exercises is divided into several types:

  • Vacuum fitness - vacuum jars of different sizes are used for training. They help increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation and stabilize the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  • Sculpting fitness - this technique involves regular exercises that are aimed at working the muscles.

Revitonics for face

The unique revitonics method for the face was developed in such a way that it can be easily performed at home. There are some rules for revitonics for the face:

  • If the muscles are in hypertonicity, then you need to act on them for no more than 30 seconds.
  • To return the muscles to their normal state, stretch, and do it smoothly and slowly.
  • Start your training by preparing your muscles for intense impacts. To do this, slightly stretch the muscles in different directions or towards each other. Hold them in this position until a relaxing reaction occurs.
  • To get the muscle used to a new position, revitonics uses fixation, which involves statically holding the muscles in the chosen position for 5 seconds.

Revitonics for eyes

The most common problems that a simple set of exercises will help you get rid of. Before performing them, remove makeup from your face, then sit on a chair, keeping your back straight.

Now let's start doing the exercises:

  1. To warm up your muscles, start quickly closing and opening your eyes. Inhale through your nose, at the same time draw in your cheeks, and as you exhale, puff out your cheeks.
  2. Now fold your index fingers into an arc and place them near your cheek bones. To increase tension, start gradually closing your eyes for 10 seconds.
  3. Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes, then begin to blink frequently.
  4. Rest your elbows on your knees, open your palms, and place your face on them at eye level. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then spread your arms and repeat the touch, moving towards your temples.

Revitonics - nasolabial folds

The exercises below reduce nasolabial folds, eliminate unsightly nasolabial ridges, tighten sagging skin and maintain high cheekbones. Fitness revitonics for nasolabial folds includes the following exercises:

  • Place your index and middle fingers together near the wings of your nose, on top of your cheekbones.
  • Form an elongated oval with your lips. Count to 8, then open your mouth even more, while maintaining an oval shape. At this time, press your fingers on your cheekbones.

Revitonics for lips

If you want to become the owner of plump lips, it is not necessary to undergo beauty injections. You can try simple methods, or perform special gymnastics:

  • Stretch your lips forward, then clasp your lower lip with your upper lip, and then vice versa.
  • Pull in the corners of your mouth (this resembles the movement when sucking candy). Then, by tensing your muscles, try to lift them.

Revitonics for the forehead

If you don’t like wearing bangs, well, there is a way out - revitonics for the forehead. Do the following gymnastics:

  • Place your open palm on the area slightly above the eyebrows, and then fix the muscles with it. Lower and raise your eyebrows.
  • To remove an unsightly fold between the eyebrows, use 2 fingers to fix the corners of the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose. Try to bring and relax your eyebrows.

Revitonics for the chin

To smooth out the muscles on your chin, use the following exercises:

  1. Place your index fingers on the top of your chin and your thumbs under your chin.
  2. Point your fingers towards each other until you feel the first stop.
  3. Wait until the dermis is moistened, allowing you to slowly extend your fingers until they meet each other.
  4. Take your starting position. Stretch the chin muscle, fix it.

Revitonics for the neck

Performing revitonics for the neck helps relieve spasms from the trapezius muscle. This is due to the fact that tension in this area provokes a deterioration in the blood supply to the face, the formation of cervical osteochondrosis and withers.

The revitonics exercise given below is called “Frame”:

  • Bend your arms raised up at the elbows, then fold them crosswise to form a frame.
  • Begin to reach up, stretching your spine, then tilt your head down while continuing to move your body up. Hold this pose for half a minute.
  • Place one hand above your chest and the other under your chin. Stretch your neck to stretch your muscles. Switch hands and repeat the exercise. Duration - half a minute.

Revitonics for the back

If you have severe back pain, the cause of this discomfort may be poor posture. Perform exercises called “Active Standing” to eliminate painful sensations:

  • Take a position so that your feet are directly under your shoulders. Point your tailbone down, tighten your buttocks a little, tighten your abs. Your body should take a straight line.
  • During the entire exercise, stretch the top of your head up and open your chest. Hold this pose for one to five minutes. By the way, you can perform this exercise not only at home, but also in the subway, for example.

Revitonics exercises on a roller

Using a roller during exercise helps to enhance the effect, eliminate back pain, improve posture and even lose weight! It is advisable to use a ready-made juniper roller or make one yourself. To do this, place a rolling pin on the towel, then twist it, securing it on both sides with rubber bands. The diameter of the roller must be at least 10 cm.

After that, start the exercises:

  1. Sit on the floor and place the roller behind your buttocks. Lie on your back and make sure the cushion is under your belly button.
  2. Stretch your legs forward and keep them shoulder-width apart, then touch your big toes.
  3. Place your palms down and begin to pull your hands up, connecting your little fingers. Freeze in this position for five minutes.
  4. Then turn over on your side and to the side, only after that begin to rise without sudden movements.

Revitonics - before and after photos


It is necessary to stop performing revitonics if you suddenly feel pain. You should also not do gymnastics if:

  • you are prescribed complete rest;
  • you are undergoing treatment;
  • you have serious injuries or diseases of the spine;
  • there are purulent rashes and skin diseases;
  • there is oncology, stage 3 hypertension, traumatic brain injury;
  • you suffer from ENT diseases;
  • you feel generally unwell.

In all other cases, it would not be superfluous to consult a specialist.