Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of an Olive tree, olives, to see an Olive tree in a dream, what does olives mean? Green olives Dream interpretation green olives

Find out from the online dream book why Olives are dreamed of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about olives?

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why Olives are in a dream?

Olives - kindness.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

What does Olive symbolize in a dream?

Olives - Seeing an olive tree means longing.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Olives?

Olives seen in a dream are a sign that an amazing acquaintance awaits you. Imagine that you are treating yourself to large, juicy olives. You eat wine or cognac with them.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why do you dream about Olives?

If you dreamed that you ate a juicy and ripe olive, then someone will unexpectedly kiss you. If you saw green ones in a dream, then you will soon meet an amazing person. If you dreamed about fresh ones, then you will have significant achievements.

See also: olives, olive tree, canned food.

Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about olives?

Olives - This is wealth and blessings, and the olive tree is a blessed, happy and useful person for his family. And whoever squeezes olives straight from the tree will receive goodness and barakah. If in a dream you see yourself squeezing olive oil and the like, then this is a sign of barakat.

Find out from the online dream book what Olives mean in your dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about olives?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do Olives appear in a dream?

Collecting olives with a cheerful group of friends means success in business and pleasant surprises.

If you take them out of the jar, you're in for a fun celebration.

Breaking a jar of olives means that instead of joy you will get disappointment.

A dream in which you eat olives promises satisfaction and loyal friends.

Gypsy dream book

Why do you dream about Olives according to gypsy traditions?

Olives seen on a tree portend release for a prisoner, recovery for a sick person, and the conclusion of a new union of friendship or love for others; olives lying on the ground signify labor and work without any benefit; Collecting olives signifies profit.

Culinary dream book

Features of a dream about Olives

If you dreamed of a fruit-bearing olive tree, it means that your friends are loyal to you and you can rely on them.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Olives - Eat - enjoy life. Seeing, treating someone to joy from children and loved ones.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about Olives?

Eating olives means illness.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams by O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Olives according to the dream book?

The olive branch is a sign of reconciliation, calm, balance. Seeing an olive tree in a dream means wealth, fame, nobility, fulfillment of desires, but for a sick person it is bad dream, promising deterioration in health. Collecting olives from the ground, squeezing oil - means hard work, sadness and fatigue.

If you eat olives in a dream, then soon your business will bear long-awaited fruits, and life will give you several pleasant surprises.

If you are picking olives on a plantation, then unexpected fun awaits you.

Seeing a jar of olives in a dream is a sign of imminent disappointment, followed by luxurious pleasures.

Breaking a jar of olives is a sign of satisfaction with life and your own friendly environment.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Olives?

An amazing encounter awaits you. Imagine that you are treating yourself to large, juicy olives. You eat wine or cognac with them.

Great modern dream book

Olives - why does the dreamer dream?

You see an olive tree in a dream - in real life something will sadden you. In a dream you seem to be picking olives - fate is preparing a surprise for you. It’s as if you are opening a jar of olives - either you will be invited to a celebration, or you yourself will gather friends and people you like for the celebration. You eat olives, they are delicious - you are satisfied with your life, your position in society. The olives you eat from a jar are sour - your plans will probably be disrupted by illness. You dropped a jar of olives - you will not experience the pleasure you were striving for.

Modern dream book


If in a dream you are picking olives with good friends, then you can safely expect favorable gifts from Fate, as well as success in business.

In a dream, taking olives out of a jar means having fun. And if you break a glass jar of olives, then this is a harbinger of disappointments, followed by pleasures that you have been waiting for a long time.

Eating olives in a dream means you are quite happy with the life you lead, and you enjoy communicating with friends.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Olives - To the acquisition of an expensive item, to unexpected luxury.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing yourself eating olives in a dream means a banquet.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Eating olives in a dream means presentation of your office.

To dream that you are picking olives means peace, pleasure and happiness in family life and in all other cases. Seeing that you eat them is a harbinger that you will rise above your current circumstances, whatever they may be, that you will achieve favor and support from others. influential people, which will help you take a profitable place and get rich. For lovers, seeing olives in a dream - picking or eating them - is a sign of a happy fate: they can not doubt the sincerity and purity of the intentions of the one who gives them his attention. Waiting for them happy marriage and a life full of prosperity.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream Interpretation - Olives

An olive grove in a dream is a sign of wealth, prosperity and sadness about the past.

Seeing an olive tree in a dream is a harbinger of death for the patient; For a healthy person, such a dream predicts illness. However, to see an olive tree with fruits in a dream is a harbinger of peace, tranquility, and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream predicts the fulfillment of a wish. Olive tree flowers in a dream foretell the birth of children for women, for girls - early marriage, for men - joy, strong friendship, prosperity and success in business. A wreath of its branches in a dream portends health and prosperity, especially if you see it on your head. Olive branches you see in a dream foreshadows peace and a serene existence. Sometimes such a dream predicts a marriage without love and without children, and sometimes the reconciliation of rivals or enemies. Olive branches have long been considered a symbol of peace, prosperity, prosperity and health. For the military, this dream foreshadows the imminent end of hostilities. Therefore, any dream about them is favorable, unless you see in a dream that the branches are broken, withered, etc. In this case, the dream foreshadows you that you want the impossible. Collecting olives or lifting them from the ground, or extracting oil from them in a dream means that you have a lot of difficult work ahead of you. See interpretation: tree, branches, leaves.

Interpretation of dreams from

Olives and olives are the fruits of the same tree (olive). Olives are black in color, but olives give their name to a special color - olive (a combination of yellow and green).

Related signs

Picking olives

A dream in which you pick olives from a tree portends success and an interesting acquaintance.

Collect olives

If in a dream you are picking olives in the company of cheerful friends, fate will present you with delightful surprises, and success will accompany you.

There are olives

A dream in which you eat olives indicates that you are satisfied with your life and surroundings.

Opening a jar of olives

If in a dream you open a jar of olives, fun and joy await you in reality.

Break a jar of olives

If you broke a jar of olives in a dream, your pleasures will be preceded by disappointment.

Olive Tree

If you dreamed of a flowering or fruiting olive tree, you will receive recognition from colleagues and close friends, and you can expect large financial gains.

Olive oil

If you dreamed of olive oil, in reality during a difficult time for you associated with illness and loss, those around you will be indifferent to you. The same dream may indicate that a certain act or desire to commit it weighs on your conscience, despite the calming arguments of reason.

“Olives” in Morrison’s dream book (XVIII century)

Olives in a dream

For lovers, seeing olives in a dream is a sign of a happy fate: they can have no doubt about the sincerity and purity of intentions of the one who gives them his attention. A happy marriage and a life full of prosperity awaits them.

Collect olives

To dream that you are picking olives denotes peace, pleasure and happiness in family life and in all other cases.

There are olives

If in a dream you eat olives, in reality you will rise above your current circumstances, whatever they may be, that you will achieve the favor and support of influential people who will help you take a profitable place and get rich.

The meaning of the dream “olives” according to the dream book of Artemidorus (2nd century)

Drink olive oil

Drinking olive oil in a dream means illness or poisoning.

Date palm or olive wreaths

Date palm or olive wreaths foretell marriage with free women (because that is how they are woven) and foretell children with long life(because they are ever-blooming: the date palm means a son, and the olive a daughter. These wreaths are for the benefit of athletes and the poor, promising profit to the latter and glory to the former; and they give freedom to slaves, because wearing wreaths is the right of the free. In addition, they mean the revelation of secrets, because there is always noise around the wreath.

To dream that you are picking olives denotes peace, pleasure and happiness in family life and in all other cases. Seeing that you are eating them is a harbinger that you will rise above your current circumstances, whatever they may be, that you will achieve the favor and support of influential people who will help you take a profitable place and get rich. For lovers, seeing olives in a dream - picking or eating them - is a sign of a happy fate: they can not doubt the sincerity and purity of the intentions of the one who gives them his attention. A happy marriage and a life full of prosperity awaits them.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream Interpretation - Olives

An olive grove in a dream is a sign of wealth, prosperity and sadness about the past.

Seeing an olive tree in a dream is a harbinger of death for the patient; For a healthy person, such a dream predicts illness. However, to see an olive tree with fruits in a dream is a harbinger of peace, tranquility, and prosperity. Sometimes such a dream predicts the fulfillment of a wish. Olive tree flowers in a dream foretell the birth of children for women, for girls - early marriage, for men - joy, strong friendship, prosperity and success in business. A wreath of its branches in a dream portends health and prosperity, especially if you see it on your head. Olive branches you see in a dream foreshadows peace and a serene existence. Sometimes such a dream predicts a marriage without love and without children, and sometimes the reconciliation of rivals or enemies. Olive branches have long been considered a symbol of peace, prosperity, prosperity and health. For the military, this dream foreshadows the imminent end of hostilities. Therefore, any dream about them is favorable, unless you see in a dream that the branches are broken, withered, etc. In this case, the dream foreshadows you that you want the impossible. Collecting olives or lifting them from the ground, or extracting oil from them in a dream means that you have a lot of difficult work ahead of you. See interpretation: tree, branches, leaves.

Interpretation of dreams from