Embroidery on mittens: patterns for knitted mittens. Winter patterns and embroidery techniques on mittens Download embroidery pattern for New Year's mittens

In the cold season, we all put on sweaters, pull on hats and mittens. Plain things are practical, but quickly get boring. Let's decorate ordinary sweaters, mittens and hats by doing embroidery on knitted clothes. This is not at all difficult, but it looks impressive, allowing you to create unique things for adults and children.

Features of embroidery on knitted products

For knitted items, loop embroidery is mainly used, but there are other embroidery techniques. How to make embroidery on knitted product? To get started, please be patient and have the following materials:

  • embroidery fabric;
  • threads;
  • needle for knitwear;
  • beads;
  • Luneville hook;
  • tracing paper;
  • scissors;
  • scheme.

Use any knitted item as a fabric. Choose threads of the same thickness as the threads on the knitted product; in color they should be in harmony with it or be contrasting - it depends on the pattern.

The needle for knitwear can be replaced with a regular needle, dulling its tip on a sharpening stone or sandpaper. Beads can be taken in different colors and sizes. You can even buy a “kit” for bead embroidery and use the included diagram to work with.

It is convenient to make beads on knitted items using the appropriate hook. Tracing paper will be needed to transfer the pattern for satin stitch embroidery. Scissors are for cutting out this pattern from carbon paper, and they are indispensable when working with threads. Any pattern is suitable - a contour pattern, as for coloring, if you want satin stitch embroidery, or a pattern for “cross stitch.”

If you embroider along loops:

  1. Decide on a picture and an item.
  2. One cell in the cross stitch pattern corresponds to one “tick” on a knitted product.
  3. Bring the needle and thread to the front side in the place where the knitted “tick” forks.
  4. We stick the needle at the top of one half of the tick, bring it back at the top of the second half, pull the thread - and here is the first stitch.
  5. We stick the needle into the point from which the needle was first brought out to the front side. The check mark is sewn, the first cell of the drawing is ready.
  6. Continuing in the same spirit, we complete the entire intended picture.

If you embroider with satin stitch:

  1. Transfer your picture onto tracing paper and trim off any excess edges.
  2. Fasten the tracing paper to the knitted fabric by stitching with thread all the contours drawn on the tracing paper.
  3. Carefully remove the tracing paper.
  4. Embroider the details of the design using the satin stitch technique that is comfortable for you, taking into account the nature of the design.

If you sew with beads:

  1. Take strong threads that match the color of the main item.
  2. For embroidery on a knitted product, use a Luneville hook - this way you will not fray the warp threads.
  3. It is better to attach beads to the fabric using tambour or stalk seam– this will ensure their reliable fixation and simplify the care of the embroidered product.

In any embroidery, make sure that the thread is evenly tensioned, otherwise the design will come out skewed.
The theory is over, let's move on to practice.

Ideas for embroidery on knitted items with patterns

The most original and beautiful ideas ideas on how to decorate knitted items with embroidery can only come from your imagination. We have selected some schemes that you can use as a starting point in creating real masterpieces.

Small diagrams of stitches and patterns for embroidery on knitted items

Try decorating your clothes with the following stripes and elements:

These patterns can be used to decorate the collar, sleeves and edges of a sweater, or decorate gloves or a hat. You can combine elements to create real pictures.

Embroidery patterns on knitted items for children

Embroidering on children's knitted items is a pleasure, especially since there are plenty of patterns for embroidery on loops.
This bullfinch, made according to a cross stitch pattern, will decorate any children's sweater:

And here’s how they embroidered a snowman using the same principle:

Another idea for children's knitted blouses:

Patterns for embroidering flowers on knitted items

Using loop embroidery, you can depict any flowers.
These are the roses you can decorate with knitted sweater, V finished form this thing looks very impressive:

When embroidering with satin stitch on knitted items, it is better to choose a contour pattern, but cross stitch patterns, for example irises, are also suitable:

As a result, such embroidery will decorate even a plain thing

To decorate knitted items with beads, it is not necessary to look for an embroidery pattern. Sweatshirts with embroidered collars look very cool. It's quick and easy, and looks amazing:

A hat trimmed with beads and beads along the protruding knitting contours looks impressive.

Embroidered snowflakes on knitted items

Winter themes are especially relevant in knitted sweaters and mittens.
Use any snowflakes you like from the diagrams:

These winter openwork patterns look great on sweaters and mittens:

Rococo embroidery on knitwear

This is a very beautiful type of volumetric embroidery. In this type of embroidery as decorative element often used -French knot-:

Here are small diagrams of the implementation of elements in the Rococo style:

You can perform rococo embroidery, guided by your imagination, or you can adapt some of the patterns to suit different types knitted products.
Using the elements of the following scheme, you can decorate any thing:

This is what it looks like on a blouse:

This video shows how to do buttonhole embroidery. The secrets of such embroidery are told, what threads to use, how to prepare the fabric.

This video shows a master class on embroidery on knitted items using the Rococo technique. The craftswoman uses threads satin ribbons, beads, sequins, beads, buttons. It shows in detail how to knit the leaves and centers for the flowers. It tells where this embroidery can be applied.

Pros and cons of embroidery on knitted items

Embroidery on a knitted product will turn any nondescript thing into a real work of art and give new life old, boring things. Using different techniques, techniques, stitches and seams, you can create any ornament or full-fledged design. Using beads, beads, buttons or sequins with rhinestones, you can decorate clothes even without patterns, which is simple, convenient and even a beginner can do.

The disadvantages include: that sometimes the threads with which the ornament is embroidered become dyed if washed incorrectly, and poorly secured beads and beads can come off, unraveling the entire ornament.

Write in the comments how you feel about embroidery on knitted items?

New Year has always been the most favorite holiday of all - the anticipation of a fairy tale, special New Year's magic, the expectation of gifts and carefree fun are familiar to us from childhood, and each of us loved to decorate the Christmas tree and write letters to Santa Claus himself as a child.
Preparing for the New Year is always pleasant and puts us in a positive mood, so why not start it earlier? I bring to your attention an idea for making the cutest mittens decorated with cross stitch, which can be hung on the Christmas tree individually or assembled in a garland to decorate walls or curtains.

To make mittens you will need:

Snow-white, colored or linen canvas (for example, Aida canvas);
- Multi-colored floss threads (colors according to the color key to the diagrams);
- Metallized threads Lurex;
- Beads and beads for additional decoration of mittens;
- Beaded thread or monofilament;
- Fabric for decoration reverse side mitten;
- Sewing threads to match the fabric;
- Synthetic padding or padding polyester for filling;
- Decorative ribbons or cords;
- Tailor's pins;
- Embroidery pattern printed on a color printer;
- Tailor's chalk, a simple pencil and/or a special marker for marking the fabric;
- Hoop;
- Needles: sewing, beading and embroidery;
- Scissors.

Prepare everything you need: cut the canvas based on the dimensions of the embroidery pattern, process the edge of the canvas with an overlocker or sew it manually with an overlock stitch, then iron the canvas and apply a 10 by 10 square marking on it, which will greatly facilitate the process of embroidery and counting crosses, and will also significantly reduce the chances of making a mistake, after this, carefully stretch the canvas on the hoop.

According to the color key to the diagrams, select all the necessary colors and shades of floss threads. Complete the main pattern using cross stitches, starting embroidery from any corner of the pattern that is convenient for you. To give the drawing expressiveness and completeness appearance, use a “back needle” stitch to sew all the contours and lines, individual elements embroider with lurex threads and add beads and small beads to the overall pattern.

Remove the completed embroidery from the hoop and cut out the embroidered mitten, departing 1 cm from the outer crosses. Cut out a part from the fabric for the reverse side of the mitten, align the halves of the mitten with their right sides facing each other and secure them with tailor’s pins. Sew the parts along the edge, turn them right side out, straighten the seams and fill the mitten tightly with padding polyester or synthetic down. Sew a ribbon or cord for hanging to the finished mitten.

Mittens are cross-stitched to make this winter accessory more beautiful and original, with a unique pattern. Many needlewomen use this opportunity to embroider an individual gift for close relatives or friends. If you have long wanted to learn how to cross stitch knitted mittens, then it's time to do it. And this article will help you with this, which will demonstrate many interesting schemes.

How to cross stitch on knitted items

In order for a paired product to correspond to its purpose, it is best to choose patterns with New Year’s and winter motifs. For example, these could be falling white snowflakes, deer with and without horns and, of course, spruce. Of course, you can use not only these plots, but many other things that are offered on the Internet in the form of diagrams. This section will discuss in detail how you can embroider any pattern with a cross on mittens.

Before you start embroidering, you must remember that to make a square cross, you will need to make it through two buttonholes and three stripes of stockinette knitting. Mentally imagine that the product consists of squares and rectangles. Then you should insert the needle into the highest point, located on the left side of the fabric, and then pull it through the fabric to the point located on the lower right. Next, return to the front of the mitten to the point at the bottom left. Once again, send the needle to the wrong side to the upper right point, and then return, making the opposite movement upward to the left point to make the next cross.

Video: Embroidery lesson on loops on knitted fabric

Schemes depicting bullfinches and snowflakes

This pattern, which depicts red-breasted bullfinches, is embroidered not only on canvas, but also on winter accessories, on mittens, a scarf and a hat. To work, you will need only five bright shades of floss. Threads of red, orange, gray-blue, white and black will be required. You can embroider not only with wool threads, but also with floss in several folds. The figure shows the center with a black arrow. To somehow diversify the image of the bird, you can add several snowflakes of simple shape.

Snowflakes are perhaps the simplest thing that can be embroidered using the cross stitch technique. Nevertheless, this festive and winter image is one of the most popular among needlewomen who have not yet achieved great heights in such skill. You only need one color to work. It can be white or blue, that is, classic for snowflakes. Such a pattern will not take up much space, since it measures thirty-two crosses vertically and the same amount horizontally. The design can be embroidered both in the center of the product and on the sides in a chaotic movement. If such a design seems a little boring and monotonous to you, you can safely decorate it with sequins and iridescent beads.

Christmas trees and deer for embroidery on knitted items

And, of course, how can one not remember the New Year’s classic, that is, a drawing depicting a Christmas tree and a deer. Such pictures will turn even the most boring and monotonous mittens into simply festive accessories. To embroider a spruce tree you will only need green thread. And in order to arrange it correctly New Year's toys on it, you will again need bright beads for these purposes, which should be embroidered along the edges of the branches. The advantage of this work is that you will not spend a lot of time and effort; everything can be done in just a few hours.

For children's mittens, an image with a cute deer is most suitable. He also has no big size, only twenty-nine by thirty-eight crosses. If the mittens are knitted from dark yarn, then use light-colored floss, and of course, this principle also applies vice versa. The picture with a deer can also be diversified with small snowflakes, which will also be relevant.

After everything described above, we invite you to consider another selection of patterns with designs suitable for embroidery and study the current video lesson.

Mittens are cross-stitched to make this winter accessory more beautiful and original, with a unique pattern. Many needlewomen use this opportunity to embroider an individual gift for close relatives or friends.

If you have long wanted to learn how to cross stitch on knitted mittens, then it’s time to do it. And this article will help you with this, which will demonstrate many interesting schemes.

How to cross stitch on knitted items

In order for a paired product to correspond to its purpose, it is best to choose patterns with New Year’s and winter motifs. For example, these could be falling white snowflakes, deer with and without horns and, of course, ate. Of course, you can use not only these plots, but many other things that are offered on the Internet in the form of diagrams. This section will discuss in detail how you can embroider any pattern with a cross on mittens.

Before you start embroidering, you must remember that to make a square cross, you will need to make it through two buttonholes and three stripes of stockinette knitting. Mentally imagine that the product consists of squares and rectangles. Then you should insert the needle into the highest point located on the left side of the fabric, and then pull it through the fabric to the point located on the lower right. Next, return to the front of the mitten to the point at the bottom left. Once again, send the needle to the wrong side to the upper right point, and then return, making the opposite movement upward to the left point to make the next cross.

Video: Embroidery lesson on loops on knitted fabric

Schemes depicting bullfinches and snowflakes

This pattern, which depicts red-breasted bullfinches, is embroidered not only on canvas, but also on winter accessories, on mittens, a scarf and a hat. To work, you will need only five bright shades of floss. Threads of red, orange, gray-blue, white and black will be required. You can embroider not only with wool threads, but also with floss in several folds. The figure shows the center with a black arrow. To somehow diversify the image of the bird, you can add several snowflakes of simple shape.

Snowflakes are perhaps the simplest thing that can be embroidered using the cross stitch technique. Nevertheless, this festive and winter image is one of the most popular among needlewomen who have not yet achieved great heights in such skill. You only need one color to work. It can be white or blue, that is, classic for snowflakes. This design will not take up much space, since it measures thirty-two crosses vertically and the same amount horizontally. The design can be embroidered both in the center of the product and on the sides in a chaotic movement. If such a design seems a little boring and monotonous to you, you can safely decorate it with sequins and iridescent beads.

Christmas trees and deer for embroidery on knitted items

And, of course, how can one not remember the New Year’s classic, that is, a drawing depicting a Christmas tree and a deer. Such pictures will turn even the most boring and monotonous mittens into simply festive accessories. To embroider a spruce tree you will only need green thread. And in order to properly decorate New Year’s decorations on it, you will again need bright beads for these purposes, which should be embroidered along the edges of the branches. The advantage of this work is that you will not spend a lot of time and effort; everything can be done in just a few hours.

For children's mittens, an image with a cute deer is most suitable. It is also not large in size, only twenty-nine by thirty-eight crosses. If the mittens are knitted from dark yarn, then use light-colored floss, and of course, this principle also applies vice versa. The picture with a deer can also be diversified with small snowflakes, which will also be relevant.

After everything described above, we invite you to consider another selection of patterns with designs suitable for embroidery and study the current video lesson.