Woman leader: strengths and weaknesses, features of image formation. Strengths and weaknesses of a person Weaknesses of a leader

17 Jan 2018 Recruiters often ask candidates to list their weaknesses. The purpose of this question is for the HR specialist to understand how self-critical the potential employee is, whether he evaluates himself correctly and whether he is able to perceive criticism. The applicant can independently indicate his negative aspects in the resume, however, not forgetting to emphasize his skills and abilities. In this article we will tell you how to correctly present your negative qualities in your resume and give clear examples, but first things first. First, consider the basic rules for filling out the section on shortcomings.
If an employer sends you an email or asks you to fill out a resume form from the company before a meeting, then most likely there will be a question about your weaknesses. Under no circumstances should you put a dash. If this section is present in the application form, then the employer is definitely interested in this item. A dash in this case will be regarded as an inability to soberly evaluate oneself and inflated self-esteem. Also, you should not get too carried away when filling out this section. Remember that disadvantages can become your advantages. For example, being unsociable for an accountant is undoubtedly a plus. But for a sales manager it is obviously a minus. Remember that your adequacy, self-criticism and truthfulness are being assessed, and not how many shortcomings you have. Examples of undesirable personal qualities in a resume - shortcomings that are definitely not worth mentioning I am often late; I am fond of gambling; I have bad habits (alcohol, smoking, etc.); I am often distracted; I work only for the sake of a salary; I like to have office romances; I am lazy; I am greedy; I am quick-tempered; Passive; I am envious; I am careless; I often feel indifference to what is happening around me, I love living in my own world. Disadvantages that may not work in your favor: Pedantry; Individualism; Self-criticism; Self-esteem; Hyper-reactivity; Modesty; Mistrust; Conceit; Straightforwardness; Vanity; Self-confidence; Excessive exactingness; Painstaking. Before pointing out certain shortcomings, read the requirements in the vacancy and draw up an approximate portrait of an ideal employee. After that, highlight character traits that will not hinder you or will help you in your future work. Good weaknesses for a resume: Inability to respond to rudeness with rudeness; Increased demands on others; Tendency to make decisions based on one’s own opinion; Reluctance to act to please others; I can’t always accurately express my thoughts; Prone to reflection; I trust people, sometimes too much; I spend a lot of time assessing of my actions and actions; I can get carried away with work and forget about a break; I let all situations pass through me; I don’t know how to swear; I don’t know how to lie. Neutral qualities: Fear of insects, snakes, mice and other living creatures; Fear of airplanes; Lack of work experience (for those starting a career or changing field of activity); Age (for people over 40 years old); Love of shopping. A list of negative qualities of a person should not be included in a resume contradict your line of work or call into question your professionalism. So, for example, to get a job as a sales consultant, you can indicate: reliability (is a plus when working with clients); excessive scrupulousness (will be a plus when working with money); an inflated sense of responsibility (usually sellers are financially responsible for the product, and this “disadvantage” is simply necessary for a good salesperson; excessive love of communication (an important point in working with clients, which is also a positive “disadvantage” for retail.) Negative qualities for an accountant can be the following: Distrust of people and a love of facts (or rather, numbers); Discharge from disorder (everything should be in its place and that’s the only way); Slowness (when working with large sums, you definitely shouldn’t rush); Excessive attention to detail or pedantry.

According to a Gallup study dating back to 1953, every third employee in the United States has a female boss. And these people say that in the future they would prefer to work with another boss in a skirt.

But still, according to statistics, the majority want their leader to be a man. Perhaps men are better leaders? Everyone has their own answer to this difficult question. However, available statistics make it possible to somewhat simplify the task and rephrase the question: are women more effective in managing a team? And the answer is yes.

3. Develop your ability to think outside the box

It’s very easy to think in stereotypes like the average person. But if you want to survive in a competitive environment, you need to look for unconventional ideas. You can't do without this. Many of the startups that are doing well started with just some unusual, bright idea.

If you are going to manage international companies and stay ahead of your peers, you need to hone your creative skills and ability to generate innovative ideas already at university or even in school. And while many of us have the ability to think outside the box, only a few have the courage to turn their ideas into something tangible.

4. Try to find common ground with people

Any cultural or gender bias will work against you. Don't make assumptions about a person based on their background or gender. Often, women in high positions do not achieve success precisely because of their prejudices.

The role of a boss is not an easy one. To succeed in the modern world, you need to have good communication skills. You will have to meet with clients and close profitable deals, and negotiations sometimes last several hours. This requires patience and special skills. You need to watch what and how you say, choose your words skillfully.

But it’s not only about knowledge of verbal language, but also body language, the ability to show your idea from the best side. Try to hone your vocabulary, because... literacy must be perfect.

5. Motivate people

Motivating people is one of the tasks of a leader.

There will always be people among employees who lack confidence. This is what prevents them from working to their full potential. If you help them understand their abilities, they will work more efficiently and the company will benefit from it.

“It's important to convey the message that you care about the people on your team,” says Jena Abernathy, a Witt/Kieffer executive. – Take time to get to know them better. Find out what motivates them. I love highlighting the talent on my team, and I think that's our mission—to help others develop.”

Your subordinates have different capabilities, skills and competencies. As a manager, you have to learn to manage resources and distribute tasks as efficiently as possible.

Working in a team is always difficult, because people can be very different, and this is fraught with disagreements. Colleagues sometimes have to accommodate or even ignore someone. But if you're a boss, you don't have that luxury. You need to be able to work with everyone without provoking conflict situations.

6. Materiel

If you are a boss and a leader, your subordinates look to you for inspiration. And it's important to make sure you live up to expectations. To do this you need to have expert knowledge and be a well-informed specialist. We live in an era of information bombardment. The more aware you are, the more respect you will receive. But it will take years of hard work to accumulate knowledge. Read more and track the latest innovations in your specific industry. You must be able to anticipate changes in workflow methodology and apply the latest technologies. Knowledge of the subject is a necessary component of success.

7. The captain is the last to leave the ship.

“Try to get out of your comfort zone and at the same time don’t miss out on good opportunities. Stay true to yourself, your principles and values, try not to compromise if it would mean giving up your principles and losing yourself,” advises L’Oréal Paris President Karen T. Fondue.

It is important to remember that responsibility - both for success and for mistakes - lies on your shoulders. The manager needs to improve the work process through effective decisions. The interests of the team are your priority.

“One of the most significant changes at our company is that no employee is now required to open company email at the end of the day,” explains Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post. – If working hours are over, then work stops. Yes, we are a media company and we work around the clock, and we have employees who are always on call, but they are not the same people.”

“My colleagues talk every day about how this benefits them: there are no distractions, they can be with their families, friends, alone, in the end. They return to work rested and charged with new energy. We pay people not for endurance, but for valuable judgments, ideas, creativity - this is the most valuable thing.”

This is one example of how improvement proposals improve teamwork. Technology solutions like Kickidler can be just as effective. With its help, the manager monitors the computers of his subordinates in real time and at any time can see what employees are doing, what sites and applications are open on their screens. The program automatically shows violations of the work routine, according to established rules.

Bottom line

Until recently, organizations did not often hire women for significant positions. Because of the common belief that a woman is always family-oriented and never works with the same dedication as a man. But things are changing. Today, companies are looking for ambitious employees who want to develop and climb the career ladder.

Women have equal rights and opportunities, along with men.

The fair sex is winning important positions in well-known companies. Their shoulders bend under the weight of professional and personal responsibility. Even such a seemingly “male” function as employee control is increasingly appearing on the radar of female employees’ responsibility. And to make it easier, there is Kickidler.

Video presentation of the Kickidler time and attendance system

The qualities of a strong leader are nothing more than a goal to strive for. So in life it is unlikely that there will be a manager who 100% meets these requirements. But at the same time, any leader must 100% not meet the characteristics of a weak manager. After all, knowing what not to be is the first step to finding your own path and style in management.

So, what are the generally accepted, typical traits of a “weak” (bad) leader?

  1. He always faces a lot of unexpected, unforeseen circumstances and spends a colossal amount of time and effort to eliminate them. “Here you go!”, “All of us are not, thank God!”, “Where it is thin, it breaks” - these or similar words can characterize the usual problems that daily, or even hourly, haunt a weak leader. This happens because, firstly, he cannot predict, feel the approach of problems of any kind and prepare for them in advance and, secondly, he is always dealing with secondary issues, losing sight of the main thing - strategic tasks, which, if letting them take their course gives rise to these same ill-fated “unforeseen circumstances.”
  2. He is convinced that he knows the business and knows how to do it better than anyone, so he tries to do everything himself. This is based on a misunderstanding of at least two most important axioms of management, namely:
    • It is absolutely normal that every day a manager must solve many more problems than he is physically capable of. Therefore, a competent professional manager distributes some of the tasks among his subordinates, delegating to them the corresponding powers. He is forced to do it and knows well how to do it correctly;
    • It is absolutely normal that many employees know their job no worse, but better, than the boss. He who produces does not manage, and he who manages does not produce. The boss’s job is to manage (to produce something with the hands of other people), and not to do everything that is needed himself. A professional manager organizes people to work and knows how to do it as efficiently as possible.
  3. Busy with things, trying to delve into everything, so he has practically no time. He is often proud of how busy he is. Receives visitors, simultaneously talks on the phone, signs orders and gives verbal instructions to subordinates. If this style of work is not an imitation of vigorous activity (IBD), which, of course, occurs, then it can be called the style of Julius Caesar. As you know, the Roman emperor was famous for his ability to do several things at the same time. I still think that for a modern leader this is not the best example to follow: after all, Julius Caesar came to a bad end. And in this sense, no one can be an exception.
  4. The desk is littered with papers. At the same time, it is completely unclear which of them are important, which are urgent, and which are not needed at all. Often, with such “order” on the desktop, the manager not only cannot find the paper or official document he needs at the moment, but also demonstrates to others (primarily employees) his inability or unwillingness to organize his work and set priorities in matters.
  5. It works from early morning until late evening, sometimes even at night. In this case, the manager often gives the appearance of a person who is loaded to the limit, not letting down either himself or his subordinates. Such a leader causes nothing but regret. Why? Because he clearly ignores the basic precepts of good governance. These commandments are:
    • each task takes up all the time allotted for its implementation;
    • working more than eight hours a day is extremely unproductive and the price paid for it is too high.
  6. His briefcase is “bloated” with papers that the manager carries from work to home and back. The only real benefit of this is that carrying a briefcase can in some ways replace exercise. (It is known that the famous Russian wrestler I. Poddubny walked with a cane to keep fit). A folder for papers, a light briefcase - this is what you should strive for.
  7. He tries to postpone the solution to any, let alone an important issue. He hopes that the issue will either be resolved himself or someone else will solve it. In addition, if he takes on a problem, he never finishes it. As a result, the burden of unresolved problems begins to put more and more pressure on him, forcing him to make management mistakes.
  8. Has “black and white” thinking. He sees everything only as white or only as black, his assessments are always unambiguous, categorical, and have no shades. This leads to the manager losing the opportunity to reach a compromise. "Hit or miss!" - not the best motto for a manager.
  9. Attaches too much importance to random, unimportant details, does not know how to distinguish the main from the secondary, the important from the unimportant, the essential from the unimportant. He exaggerates details and tends to make mountains out of molehills.
  10. Tries to make the best decision instead of feasible ones. At the same time, the manager forgets that not a single decision, especially a managerial one, can suit absolutely everyone, or please everyone without exception. The art of management, among other things, also lies in choosing a solution not from many possible (ideal) ones, but from those that are actually available and actually feasible. The most effective solution with minimal infringement of interests is the main guideline of a modern manager.
  11. He tries to acquire a reputation as a good leader and does this in an original way - either by being familiar with his subordinates (the “shirt-guy” option), or by using the open-door principle, when anyone comes to his office, whenever he wants and on any issue.
  12. He tries to avoid responsibility, is inclined to blame others, in short, he is looking for a “scapegoat”.
  13. He takes credit for the successes of his team and its individual employees, following the principle “their successes would not have been possible without my sensitive leadership.”

Well, a weak leader reveals his weakness, even despite his formidable appearance. He makes many management mistakes, sometimes elementary ones. Let's look at some of them.

Seven common management mistakes and their elimination

1. Postponing or postponing the decision until tomorrow (or indefinitely)

The following problems or circumstances may be behind this error:

  • the hope that the issue will somehow resolve itself or that someone else will resolve it;
  • the manager's lack of a clear and precise idea of ​​what he really wants to achieve.

There are some real reasons for procrastination as a method of problem solving. They say that if a problem is not solved, then after a while it begins to solve itself. On the other hand, it should be remembered that small problems, if not addressed, tend to turn into big ones.

How to resolve this error? Psychologists recommend several methods, depending on the reasons that caused it. If the solution to a problem is postponed because the manager does not have a clear understanding of his goals and an idea of ​​​​what he wants, then the following actions will help in this case:

  1. written formulation of immediate tasks;
  2. discussing the problem with nearby employees;
  3. setting strict deadlines for solving the problem;
  4. dividing a problem into parts and solving it step by step.

If procrastination is associated with self-doubt, indecision and fear, then in this case you can use the recommendations of the American researcher Norman Peale. They are:

  1. It is necessary to identify the component in the task that is most “stressful” and overcome it. For this:
    • ask yourself: “What should be my first step?” This answer contains “energy of movement”;
    • imagine (vividly, in detail) what will happen if you hesitate and procrastinate. Try to see the consequences in pictures and say them out loud. It acts like a whip;
    • remember that if people waited or collected all the information and resources needed for a task, then 80% of things would not be done. You need to start, and what is missing will appear on the way to the goal. Even if you think that you are 100% ready for work, once you start, it will become clear that this is not so.
  2. It is necessary to prioritize tasks according to their importance. Focus on one problem and work on it until it is solved, then move on to the next.
  3. You should set deadlines so that others know about them, and have someone monitor your progress towards the deadline.
  4. Do the hardest part of the job first. Otherwise, the hardest work will remain until fatigue accumulates.
  5. To start a business, it is enough if the initial details and the final goal are clear to you.

2. Doing the job halfway

From the point of view of organizing your own activities and in order to preserve the nervous system, it is much more useful to limit yourself to the final solution of only a few problems than to simultaneously start many things that will still not be completed. Psychologists recommend doing only those things that you can do today. If the task is too large and complex, then it should be divided into parts so that every day one of the parts of the task can be solved in its entirety.

3. The desire to do everything at once

You can move on to solving a new problem only when the previous one has already been solved or at least a clear idea has been obtained about the method of solving it and who will do it. The manager’s task is to create conditions for the effective functioning of the system, and not to take part in all the details or in eliminating every failure in its operation.

4. The desire to do everything yourself

The job of a leader is to manage, not to produce. Professional managers say: “The team is engaged in the development of production, the manager is engaged in the development of the team.” A manager who works effectively solves only those problems that no one else can solve except him.

5. The belief that the manager knows everything best

You can't be competent in everything. What's the point in trying to know your subordinates' work better than they know it themselves? Everyone must do their job. If a manager is faced with a new, non-standard task, then he needs to cast aside false shame and turn to his colleagues for help. Authority will not suffer from this.

6. Inability to delineate powers

One of the main disadvantages of organizational work is the lack of a clear delineation of tasks and job functions of employees. Sometimes it happens that employees only have a general idea of ​​their job responsibilities. With such an organization of work, there is a temptation to transfer responsibility for failure to complete work onto someone else’s shoulders and management actions may be unjustifiably duplicated. To avoid possible troubles, it is necessary to clearly define the duties and responsibilities of each employee and create clear and unambiguous job descriptions.

7. Blaming others

Searching for a “scapegoat” is counterproductive. Your energy is directed to the past, although nothing can be corrected. It is much more correct to focus activities on the future. The manager’s task is not to look for a “scapegoat”, but to establish objective reasons for failure and find ways to eliminate them.

Each person has strengths and weaknesses of character that can play to his advantage or to his detriment. Especially when applying for a job or during an interview on which your future depends.

Human Strengths

It is known that among us ordinary people there are no “saints”. And each person has his own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the first of them. In order to “shine” in live speech during an interview and live communication, think in advance about the qualities that you think are inherent to you.

An example of a good list of a person's strengths:

  • Communication skills;
  • Determination;
  • Integrity;
  • Performance;
  • Friendliness;
  • Stress resistance;
  • Responsibility;
  • Punctuality, etc.

If you list at least some of the above traits and qualities, that's half the success. If the manager sees how seriously you approach this issue, he will appreciate your ability to correctly express thoughts and convey the essence. You should not praise yourself and promise what you cannot fulfill.

For example, if you do not specialize in a particular industry, but you are asked provocative questions about a specific problem, it would be more honest to answer that you do not yet have such skills, but are striving and want to expand your boundaries and skills. Then the employer will be able to appreciate your honesty and desire to develop and climb the career ladder.

The future leader may ask you tricky questions, the answers to which will not be entirely convenient. The candidate's endurance and ability to get out of difficult situations are tested in this way.

It doesn't seem right. But if you are applying for a good position with a high salary and you will be required to be able to communicate with people competently and without emotions, then you must have self-control and discipline.

A potential employer, through live communication, will be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses and draw conclusions about your personality.

The manager will also ask you about your strengths and weaknesses. You should not take this issue seriously and completely remove all the “skeletons” from the closet. It will be enough if you name some minor shortcomings: for example, shyness. This little vice rarely deters. Therefore, there is no need to worry about this.

To avoid embarrassment during an interview and personal conversation with a potential employer, make a list of your strengths in advance. It will be useful for you to analyze your mentality and character, thereby you will be ready for such a question and will not be confused.

Take a blank piece of paper and start writing down the qualities that you are proud of. For example, kindness, understanding, responsiveness, sociability, learning ability, etc. This is a kind of training. You will be able to objectively evaluate your pros and cons. And in advance, you can write a list of those qualities that you do not possess, but are trying to develop in yourself. This will give you a push and incentive to change.

Weaknesses of a person, their list

Now let's try to consider the weaknesses of human character. Most often, when trying to get a job, during the interview the employer may notice some shortcomings of the future candidate for the position. For example, he may be alarmed by inattention, absent-mindedness and slurred speech.

Consider a list of the most common human shortcomings and weaknesses:

  • Indecisiveness;
  • Emotional stiffness;
  • Shyness;
  • Timidity;
  • Coarseness;
  • Rudeness, etc.

When talking, try to tell your boss about your interests, hobbies, and a little about the family in which you grew up. In this way, you will win over the employer, and he will appreciate your aspirations and see that you are ready to do a lot for the sake of work. Honesty and unobtrusive frankness will benefit you.

Weaknesses in a resume

When writing your resume, be careful when indicating the reason for leaving your previous job. For example, if there were conflict situations with employees, or disagreements with the employer. It doesn't matter why you quit. Do not write about the reasons for leaving; it is better to write about it discreetly. For example, you weren’t happy with your work schedule, or you had to change your position due to a move.

Also, try not to get personal and tell your future employer about your past work team. It is better to avoid inconvenient topics tactfully and carefully. At the same time, without losing composure and self-esteem.

Strengths of a person in a resume example

When writing your resume, be careful to highlight your strengths. For example, you should not write about character traits that you do not possess. It’s better to focus on the strengths of your character. For example, you could write the following traits:

  • Determination;
  • Curiosity;
  • Stress resistance;
  • Communication skills;
  • Ability to get out of different situations;
  • Active life position.

By listing these qualities, you will definitely make a positive impression on your boss, and your candidacy will be considered.

Strengths and weaknesses of a leader

Additionally, you may be asked what qualities and personal merits you would like to see in your boss. It’s worth thinking about the answer to this question in advance. For example, you can say what you want to see in a leader:

  • Determination;
  • Restraint;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Demandingness;
  • Communication skills;
  • Individual approach to employees;
  • Decisiveness, etc.

You won't be asked questions like this for nothing. After all, every employer wants to see what the employee expects from his superiors. If you answer adequately and your potential boss likes you, you will get a permanent position.

Character strengths and weaknesses

Let's summarize. When applying for a job, you should think through your answers in advance to make a good impression on future employers. If you actively communicate, show your best side, emphasizing the strengths of your character, you will definitely get a promising job and the desired position.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 4 minutes


How to please your future boss if his profile contains an insidious item - character weaknesses? In a resume, unlike an ordinary conversation, every word has weight, so it is better to prepare in advance for uncomfortable questions, and weak qualities must be presented as very useful for the business.

  1. You can simply not indicate your weak professional qualities in your resume. Focus on your skills, experience, education, and personal qualities can be discussed at the interview. However, it is impossible to refuse this point if you fill out your resume electronically. Read also:
  2. A dash instead of information is another mistake of future employees. If the boss decided to leave this column, it means that he is really interested in this information. And it’s not even about it, but about checking an adequate perception of oneself, the ability to learn and understand the leader. Emptiness can indicate excessively high self-esteem or, on the contrary, lack of self-confidence. Read also:
  3. Of course, you shouldn’t list all the shortcomings in too much detail or engage in self-flagellation. It’s enough to remember that any weaknesses in your resume have a downside for the employer. And what may be a problem for one may be an advantage for another. For example, if you are an accountant, your lack of sociability will be useful in your work. And if you are a manager, then this is a serious omission.
  4. When filling out strengths and weaknesses in your resume, try to build on the position you want to occupy. For example, choose weaknesses that are not related to your activities. Restlessness is the norm for a sales manager, but a minus for an accountant.
  5. "Turn weaknesses into strengths" - old approach. It works if you can think creatively. Otherwise, your efforts will be too primitive and you will be found out. So the trick “with an increased sense of responsibility, workaholism and perfectionism” may be unsuccessful.
  6. Remember that some bosses aren't looking for flaws in you at all. , but only evaluate adequacy, truthfulness and self-criticism.
  7. It is better to describe your weaknesses in your resume, which can be improved. This must also be stated in the text of the questionnaire. There are some bosses who want to train workers for themselves. In this case, your frankness and willingness to work on yourself will be appreciated.
  8. Indicate not only individual characteristics, but also your qualities in teamwork .
  9. Do not use flowery phrases like “my shortcomings are extensions of my strengths.” This will not surprise you, but will only show your reluctance to engage in dialogue with your employer.
  10. The optimal number of flaws is 2 or 3 . Don't get carried away!

Weaknesses in a resume - examples:

  • Selfishness, pride, scrupulousness, inflexibility in labor matters, the habit of telling the truth directly, inability to establish contact with strangers, increased demands.
  • Tendency to formalism, overweight, unpunctuality, slowness, restlessness, fear of airplanes, impulsiveness.
  • Reliability, high anxiety, hyperactivity, distrust, straightforwardness, need for external motivation.
  • Hot temper, isolation, self-confidence, stubbornness.
  • Another weakness you can indicate in your resume is that you You don’t always express your thoughts perfectly or are prone to reflection . And if you are asked why this interferes, answer that you would like to spend less time analyzing the problem.