Jennifer probst prenuptial agreement. Jennifer Probst - Prenuptial Agreement. About the book “The Marriage Contract” by Jennifer Probst

Jennifer Probst



You read my first romantic opuses, typed on an old typewriter, and you didn’t even miss the love episodes.

You encouraged me, convincing me to be true to my dream, and never considered it a mere hobby.

You supported me through thick and thin, every day, for many years. You inspired me, and thanks to you I became a better person.

I'm proud to be your daughter.

I dedicate this book to you, Mom.

Thirteen years ago...

Whoever didn’t hide, it’s not my fault! - Alexa removed her hands from her face and turned around.

The forest was eeriely quiet, but she felt that her friends were lurking somewhere nearby. She took off, maneuvering between thick pines, crushing bushes and stepping on twigs. She heard a snatch of muffled laughter. Alexa perked up her ears.

She rushed towards the sound, but the echo deceived her, and only a frightened squirrel with a large nut scurried away. The coolness of the forest beckoned Alex further into the thicket. She quickly checked the place where Maggie usually hid, but there was only a pile of leaves there. Alexa slowed down, already thinking about returning, but a voice suddenly rang out nearby:

Still playing hide and seek like a little girl?

Alexa turned around sharply and stared indignantly at her best friend's older brother.

But it's fun! - she responded.

Once upon a time, she and Nick were bosom friends - until one fine morning he decided not to waste his precious time on her anymore. He stopped chatting with her, didn’t stop by her house for chocolate cookies as before, and didn’t make indecent jokes about her. Now, apparently, his attention has been captured by older girls, empty-headed and busty. And let it go! Alexa was not going to follow him like she used to do in childhood.

Well, how can you understand? You don't hang out with us now! And what are you doing here alone?

Nick got up from the grass and walked over to her. He had already turned sixteen, and what an impossible bore he had turned into! For any reason, he made Alex laugh and pretended to be the Lord God, and all because he was two years older.

He stopped right in front of her, shifting lazily on his long, muscular legs. His curly hair of an absolutely amazing color - either light brown or golden - fell on his forehead and slightly covered his ears. “Looks like my morning Chex cereal,” Alexa thought. “For a mixture of rice with wheat and corn.” The features of his thin face were angular, with a sharply defined mouth. For some reason, Alex was drawn to look at her. Light brown eyes shone with intelligence, and suffering was also visible in them. Alexa was also very familiar with suffering. This was the only thing that connected them with Nick.

Nick Ryan was the son of wealthy parents. He always kept to himself and didn't hang out with anyone in particular. Alex was surprised how his sister Maggie managed to be so sociable.

You need to be careful in the forest, baby. This is how you can get lost.

I’ll find my way here faster than you!

Maybe so,” Nick shrugged his shoulders with an arrogant look. - You should have been born a guy.

Alexa flushed. She involuntarily clenched her fists and shook her tail:

And you - a girl! Everyone knows, Handsome, that you are afraid to get your hands dirty!

Direct hit! Nick was clearly stung by her attack.

It’s time for you to become a real girl,” he responded.

Like this?

Paint. Preening. Kissing boys.

Alexa would never spend her precious pocket money on lipstick. It was difficult for her to find money even for new clothes, not to mention cosmetics and perfume.

Nasty! - she exclaimed, pretending to be sick of it all.

You probably haven't kissed anyone. - The mockery was clear in his voice.

Almost all of Alexa's friends had already kissed at least once by the age of fourteen, including Maggie, and the mere thought of kissing made everything inside her turn over. However, she would rather die than admit this to Nick.

How I kissed!

It doesn't concern you. And anyway, I went.

Alexa froze with her leg raised. Somewhere nearby, a bird whistled sharply, and Alexa realized that she was approaching an unknown boundary. She raised her chin and asked defiantly:

What do you need to prove?

Prove that you know how to kiss.

Something slid down inside her, her heart began to beat faster, and her palms immediately began to sweat. She made a grimace:

With you?

That's what I knew.

Why should I kiss you? I can't stand you!

Okay, we forgot. I just wanted to make sure you're a real girl. But now I see that I was wrong.

His words hurt Alexa. Doubt and uncertainty shot up inside her at once, once again confirming that she was not like everyone else. And why can't she be like Maggie? Why is she attracted not to boys, but to painting, reading, animals? Maybe Nick is right and she's defective? Who knows…

Nick walked away.


He stopped and stood for some time without turning around, as if weighing whether to respect her request. Finally he looked around and reluctantly asked:

Alexa forced herself to walk up to him and look into his face. Her legs were giving way, her body felt like someone else’s, and something like nausea was rising in her throat.

I know how to kiss. And I... will now prove it to you.

Great. Let's! - Nick defiantly put his hands on his hips: his usual pose, which meant extreme boredom.

Calling on movie memories, Alexa leaned forward. “I shouldn’t screw this up! Relax your lips. Breathe deeply. Tilt your head to the side so as not to bump your noses into it. God, what if I hit him in the chin and hurt him until he bleeds? No, don’t think about it... Kissing is nothing!”

As easy as pie. As easy as pie. As easy as pie…

Her lips washed over him with a light and warm breath. Alexa threw her head back and froze. And then his lips pressed against hers.

Alexa didn’t even notice the rapprochement: a whole range of sensations suddenly exploded in her. The touch of his fingers on her shoulders. The soft pressure of his mouth. A fragrant forest smell mixed with the tantalizing aroma of cologne.

In those few moments, Nick gave her a rare gift. Alexa's heart opened, and an inexplicable warmth spread throughout her body. Her first real kiss! How much she feared him, how afraid she was of this test, how worried she was that she would hate boys and kisses and would forever remain abnormal! Now Alexa realized that she was already a grown girl. There could be no doubt about it anymore.

Nick slowly pulled away. Alexa reluctantly opened her eyelids. Their gazes met, and for a long time. Her feelings bubbled and seethed, overflowing, just like in the Big Adventure park, when she rushed down on the log. She froze with fear and delight. With her heart beating, Alexa searched for a response in his eyes.

A strange expression appeared on Nick's face. He looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. For a brief moment, a deeply hidden experience, invisible to others, flashed in his golden-brown eyes - a reflection of vulnerability. His lips curved uncertainly into a smile.

Alexa, jubilant to herself, smiled too. She knew that Nika now need not be shy: he would no longer make fun of her. He finally paid attention to her! Everything changed at once. And for the time being, diligently suppressed, diligently persecuted fantasies suddenly burst from the tongue in too hasty, thoughtless words:

Someday I will marry you!

Alexa had no doubt about his consent - after all, they were friends, he kissed her! She trusted him with all her being and now waited for him to smile even wider, say “yes” to her and thereby confirm the change in their relationship after such a wonderful kiss.

But it was as if an invisible curtain had fallen over his face. The old Nick suddenly disappeared, and for some reason this new one burst out laughing. Alexa blinked in confusion, not understanding the reason for his laughter, but when she met Nick’s gaze, she immediately became cold.

Married? Well, Al, you made it up! If I ever get married, it will be to a real woman, and not on the girl! “He shook his head mockingly, as if anticipating a long period of amusement at her joke. With my buddies. And adult girlfriends.

Alexa froze in place, looking at him in horror and unsuccessfully searching for some sarcastic answer. Nick, still chuckling, said:

However, you show promise. With a little practice, you'll be a pretty good licker. Bye, little one! - And he disappeared behind the trees.

Someone nearby chuckled loudly. Alexa, deadened, turned around and noticed one of her playmates in the bushes. Now everyone will know...

Jennifer Probst



You read my first romantic opuses, typed on an old typewriter, and you didn’t even miss the love episodes.

You encouraged me, convincing me to be true to my dream, and never considered it a mere hobby.

You supported me through thick and thin, every day, for many years. You inspired me, and thanks to you I became a better person.

I'm proud to be your daughter.

I dedicate this book to you, Mom.

Thirteen years ago...

Whoever didn’t hide, it’s not my fault! - Alexa removed her hands from her face and turned around.

The forest was eeriely quiet, but she felt that her friends were lurking somewhere nearby. She took off, maneuvering between thick pines, crushing bushes and stepping on twigs. She heard a snatch of muffled laughter. Alexa perked up her ears.

She rushed towards the sound, but the echo deceived her, and only a frightened squirrel with a large nut scurried away. The coolness of the forest beckoned Alex further into the thicket. She quickly checked the place where Maggie usually hid, but there was only a pile of leaves there. Alexa slowed down, already thinking about returning, but a voice suddenly rang out nearby:

Still playing hide and seek like a little girl?

Alexa turned around sharply and stared indignantly at her best friend's older brother.

But it's fun! - she responded.

Once upon a time, she and Nick were bosom friends - until one fine morning he decided not to waste his precious time on her anymore. He stopped chatting with her, didn’t stop by her house for chocolate cookies as before, and didn’t make indecent jokes about her. Now, apparently, his attention has been captured by older girls, empty-headed and busty. And let it go! Alexa was not going to follow him like she used to do in childhood.

Well, how can you understand? You don't hang out with us now! And what are you doing here alone?

Nick got up from the grass and walked over to her. He had already turned sixteen, and what an impossible bore he had turned into! For any reason, he made Alex laugh and pretended to be the Lord God, and all because he was two years older.

He stopped right in front of her, shifting lazily on his long, muscular legs. His curly hair of an absolutely amazing color - either light brown or golden - fell on his forehead and slightly covered his ears. “Looks like my morning Chex cereal,” Alexa thought. “For a mixture of rice with wheat and corn.” The features of his thin face were angular, with a sharply defined mouth. For some reason, Alex was drawn to look at her. Light brown eyes shone with intelligence, and suffering was also visible in them. Alexa was also very familiar with suffering. This was the only thing that connected them with Nick.

Nick Ryan was the son of wealthy parents. He always kept to himself and didn't hang out with anyone in particular. Alex was surprised how his sister Maggie managed to be so sociable.

You need to be careful in the forest, baby. This is how you can get lost.

I’ll find my way here faster than you!

Maybe so,” Nick shrugged his shoulders with an arrogant look. - You should have been born a guy.

Alexa flushed. She involuntarily clenched her fists and shook her tail:

And you - a girl! Everyone knows, Handsome, that you are afraid to get your hands dirty!

Direct hit! Nick was clearly stung by her attack.

It’s time for you to become a real girl,” he responded.

Like this?

Paint. Preening. Kissing boys.

Alexa would never spend her precious pocket money on lipstick. It was difficult for her to find money even for new clothes, not to mention cosmetics and perfume.

Nasty! - she exclaimed, pretending to be sick of it all.

You probably haven't kissed anyone. - The mockery was clear in his voice.

Almost all of Alexa's friends had already kissed at least once by the age of fourteen, including Maggie, and the mere thought of kissing made everything inside her turn over. However, she would rather die than admit this to Nick.

How I kissed!

It doesn't concern you. And anyway, I went.

Alexa froze with her leg raised. Somewhere nearby, a bird whistled sharply, and Alexa realized that she was approaching an unknown boundary. She raised her chin and asked defiantly:

What do you need to prove?

Prove that you know how to kiss.

Something slid down inside her, her heart began to beat faster, and her palms immediately began to sweat. She made a grimace:

With you?

That's what I knew.

Why should I kiss you? I can't stand you!

Okay, we forgot. I just wanted to make sure you're a real girl. But now I see that I was wrong.

His words hurt Alexa. Doubt and uncertainty shot up inside her at once, once again confirming that she was not like everyone else. And why can't she be like Maggie? Why is she attracted not to boys, but to painting, reading, animals? Maybe Nick is right and she's defective? Who knows…

Nick walked away.


He stopped and stood for some time without turning around, as if weighing whether to respect her request. Finally he looked around and reluctantly asked:

Alexa forced herself to walk up to him and look into his face. Her legs were giving way, her body felt like someone else’s, and something like nausea was rising in her throat.

I know how to kiss. And I... will now prove it to you.

Great. Let's! - Nick defiantly put his hands on his hips: his usual pose, which meant extreme boredom.

Calling on movie memories, Alexa leaned forward. “I shouldn’t screw this up! Relax your lips. Breathe deeply. Tilt your head to the side so as not to bump your noses into it. God, what if I hit him in the chin and hurt him until he bleeds? No, don’t think about it... Kissing is nothing!”

As easy as pie. As easy as pie. As easy as pie…

Her lips washed over him with a light and warm breath. Alexa threw her head back and froze. And then his lips pressed against hers.

Alexa didn’t even notice the rapprochement: a whole range of sensations suddenly exploded in her. The touch of his fingers on her shoulders. The soft pressure of his mouth. A fragrant forest smell mixed with the tantalizing aroma of cologne.

In those few moments, Nick gave her a rare gift. Alexa's heart opened, and an inexplicable warmth spread throughout her body. Her first real kiss! How much she feared him, how afraid she was of this test, how worried she was that she would hate boys and kisses and would forever remain abnormal! Now Alexa realized that she was already a grown girl. There could be no doubt about it anymore.

American writer Jennifer Probst wrote the novel “The Marriage Contract” for all lovers of romantic stories.

The main character Alexa is the owner of a bookstore. She is in a difficult situation. She needs to save the family home, but this requires a very large sum of money, which she does not have. All she has to do is find a wealthy man, whom she needs to quickly marry and make sure that he agrees to help her. But where to find it? Moreover, the girl has certain wishes regarding her future husband. Will she really have to give up her dreams for money? Reluctantly, she decides to cast a love spell, in which she indicates her requirements for her husband. But what she didn’t expect was that Nick, who had already brought her a lot of suffering once, would be offered her husband.

Nick is the older brother of Alexa's girlfriend. He is the owner of a large fortune. But there was a catch: his uncle indicated in his will that Nick must marry in order to become the owner of an architectural firm. But the guy doesn’t believe in love, in all these romantic stories and other nonsense. Therefore, he needs a woman who will agree to enter into a fictitious marriage and will not demand love. This girl turns out to be Alexa. They enter into a marriage contract, according to which their relationship remains only business. On paper they are husband and wife, in life they are strangers. But was this decision right and was it worth getting involved with someone who had already offended you once? What will such a life lead to?

The novel is easy to read and is perfect for relaxing reading. As you read, you think about the fact that sometimes things happen that you don’t expect at all. Sometimes people turn out to be not what they initially seem. It happens that completely unexpectedly you find happiness in a place where you never thought you would find it.

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"Jennifer Probst - Prenuptial Agreement"

In order to save her parents' house, impulsive bookstore owner Alexa Mackenzie urgently needs a wealthy husband. To do this, she finds the secret of a love spell. But she had no idea of ​​bewitching her older brother best friend, who had already broken her heart once.

Millionaire Nicholas Ryan doesn't believe in marriage or love. However, in order to receive his uncle's corporation, Nick must get married, and quickly. And on the advice of his sister, he proposes to her friend Alexa, promising her to resolve everything financial difficulties. According to the contract, the marriage must last at least a year, essentially remaining fictitious. Thus, newlyweds must follow strict rules. Don't fall in love. Stick to business relationships only. Avoid any complications. At first glance, these rules are quite feasible. Is not it? But fate can sometimes ruin even the most ideal plans...

For the first time in Russian!