How to choose a compound bow based on physical parameters. What types of bows are there, and how to choose yours? An interesting loophole for novice hunters

After rifles and pistols were invented, shooting bows lost their relevance as military weapons, but still people did not completely abandon them. Moreover, there are more and more fans of archery every day. Nowadays, shooting bows are used in many countries in holiday competitions and public celebrations, and shooting competitions are one of the favorite entertainments. Since it began to be used mostly for peaceful purposes, its shape and design have changed.


A shooting bow is a throwing weapon. There are several types of them. They are used in sports competitions, for entertainment and hunting. In addition, in some cases, bows are used as military weapons due to their noiselessness. Depending on where the onion will be used, its variety is selected.

Traditional or historical

Has a great length. Of all the types, it is most similar to its predecessors in appearance and design. Traditional bows were used in Britain during the Middle Ages. This is a classic version of this metal weapon.

Modern historical bows are significantly superior to their predecessors in their parameters. Their length can reach 2.1 meters. An arrow flying from such a bow has a kinetic energy of up to 0.1 kJ.

Nowadays, the historical bow for shooting is most often used in competitions or in reconstructions of ancient events. It is occasionally used during hunting.

There are several sports disciplines for shooting from traditional weapons:

  • Target. This is competitive shooting in clubs or among friends according to pre-established rules, such as distance to the target and the number of points scored.
  • Flight - shooting at a shot range.
  • Clout. Shooting that simulates military operations. To do this, two special square-shaped zones are created, located one inside the other. The smaller one, the inner one, is 6 yards on a side, and the larger one is 12x12 yards in size. In the middle of these zones there is a target and a flag that you need to hit to win.
  • Speedclout. Shooting competitions with the above conditions, but there are time restrictions.
Olympic or classic

This is a sporting weapon that has the same design as a traditional shooting bow. Classic instruments are made from high-quality modern materials that are more durable and lighter than natural wood. They allow the use of additional devices, such as a sight, weight stabilizer and others. In the distant past, this type of weapon was used for shooting in the Olympic Games.

A classic bow has a collapsible design and usually consists of a handle, arms, string and additional accessories. Now used in sports and field shooting.


These are advanced throwing weapons manufactured using modern technology. It is made in such a way as to increase the range, accuracy and stopping power of the arrow. The power of the weapon in some of the most advanced versions is the same as that of some types of firearms.

Its main feature is that it requires less effort to use than when using traditional or classic weapons. Used for hunting, sports and just entertainment. Some variants of compound bows are used by special forces.


This type of bow is very similar in appearance to the traditional one, but is smaller in size and weight, which does not affect its effectiveness. Accordingly, less effort must be applied to tension it. Used in field shooting and hunting.


Depending on the design features, bows are divided into:

  • Simple and compound.
  • Curved and straight.
  • Solid, collapsible and block.

Since bows are now used most often in sports, its design has been changed. The shoulders are bent in the direction opposite to the tension of the bowstring. They have a flat cross-section, and not round or oval, like their predecessors. And weapons are now manufactured using modern technologies.

A simple archery bow consists of a wooden arch with a string at the ends. Such weapons were common in Rome, England, and Africa.

Compound bows have a base made of natural wood, reinforced on the outside with tendons, and on the inside with horn plates. There are bone plates in the middle of the handle. All elements of such a bow are connected using glue. Such weapons were used in Ancient Rus' and in eastern countries.


A shooting bow should be selected depending on the application. According to their purpose, weapons are divided into several types.


This weapon is used in historical reconstructions, in competitions held during holidays, and simply for antique lovers who want to feel like an ancient warrior.

A recreational shooting bow should be safe, compact, attractive in appearance and comfortable. It is used by both men and women. Traditional, recurve, or compound bows are used as recreational weapons.

When purchasing a recreational bow, remember that recurve bows require less effort to draw than traditional or compound bows. If quite serious competitions are being held, then the best option would be classic compound bows.


Olympic bows are most often used as this type of weapon. These are classic compound tools that place increased demands on strength and power. Such weapons may have additional functions that increase firing range and accuracy.

Compound bows are sometimes used in sports, but they differ significantly from recreational weapons in both design and appearance. In sports, the most important thing is the accuracy of the shot, not the power. A sports bow for shooting is selected in accordance with the physical characteristics of the archer and his level of training.


This weapon is selected according to completely different parameters than the two described above. The safety of such weapons is not important. A hunting bow should be light and compact, and therefore additional accessories are rarely used in such designs. This weapon is used only by the hunter personally and is not intended for mass use by several people. A hunting bow is selected in accordance with the object of hunting. These weapons are made from modern high-tech materials, more advanced and durable than natural ones.

How to choose a bow for shooting

To make the right choice, you should first of all decide on the purpose of the weapon and its price category. If there is an archery club in your locality, then it is better to go there and try shooting with different bows to make it easier to make a choice.

Beginning archers should still opt for Olympic weapons, as they are best suited for training. Classic bows can be upgraded and customized. In addition, they can be disassembled and stored in a compact form.

Traditional bows are not recommended for beginner archers due to the fact that they have significantly lower accuracy and are more difficult to shoot. They cannot be disassembled, and therefore it is quite difficult to store them. Compound bows are not suitable for beginners due to their high cost. And shooting from them requires certain classical shooting skills.

When choosing a bow, you should pay attention to such characteristics as:
  • Reliability.
  • Number and ease of settings.
  • Price.

Also important is the length of the bow when assembled, the tension of the string, the weight of the weapon and, last but not least, its color. True, representatives of the fair sex choose bows mainly based on its appearance.

It is most difficult to choose bows from the low and medium price range. Expensive weapons are usually made of high-quality and durable materials and have a reliable design. But novice archers have to choose from cheaper models that are more suitable for training.

"- Hello, I went to your website and am choosing an onion. Tell me..."
This is how about 90% of calls from people who decide to learn archery or buy a bow as a gift begin. Of course, archery is a good, interesting and exciting hobby. A hobby that develops the muscles of the arms and back, improves the eye and concentration. A hobby that serves as a constant source of good mood, new friends and positive emotions.
"What bow do you recommend for me?"

First you need to decide on the goal or ask yourself the question: Why do I need a bow? Based on the answer, we can recommend onions. If you choose a bow to shoot at home or in the country, then any type of bow will suit you, if for sports, then an Olympic or a block, which is closer to you. Or maybe you are interested in archery historical festivals, then you need to pay attention to traditional bows.
So, we have three and first we need to choose from them:
Traditional bows - these bows are made of wood and glass laminate, have the historical shape of bows of various nations and the corresponding name, for example, Mongolian bow, Turkish bow, English bow, Japanese bow, etc. Traditional bows, in turn, are divided into types: recurve, long, horsebow (short recurve bows).
Long bow or longbow - has thick and narrow shoulders with little or no bend. Structurally, it resembles a curved stick, often with a leather-braided handle and a notch for an arrow shelf. The recurve is distinguished by the end of flexible arms (flat and wide), which bend away from the shooter.
Due to its design, a recurve bow has a higher initial speed of arrow flight compared to a longbow, with the same string tension. At the same time, the long can be designed with an incomparably greater tension force, and have greater stopping power through the use of longer and heavier arrows. For sport shooting at a standard archery distance of 18m, both types of bows are suitable.
Classic bows(Olympic) are close to traditional ones, but are more technologically advanced, allow the installation of additional equipment (sights, balancers, etc.), allow the replacement of arms and disassembly for ease of transportation.
the most difficult to produce, configure and use. A good compound bow costs at least $400 and requires proper care and basic shooting experience with a classic or traditional bow. However, it is recommended to place your hand on a classic or traditional bow.

Now we select the bow for the shooter

First, we determine the parameters of the bow: Your height affects the maximum length of the bow, your physical parameters affect the tension of the bow (shoulder strength). The length of traditional bows usually ranges from 50-70 inches (125-175cm). When choosing the length, attention is paid only to the ease of handling the bow; for example, for a girl 150 cm tall, a comfortable bow will be in the range of 120-135 cm.
When selecting a first bow for those aged 16 years and above, it is recommended to limit yourself to a bow with a draw weight of up to 14 kg. Draw weight is typically stated in pounds (1 lb = 0.45359237 kg) so the first bow will have a draw weight of up to 30lbs.
If we have chosen a compound bow, then we need to pay attention to the main parameters - draw and tension. If the bows are entry level, they have a wide range of adjustments both in power and draw. Bows and the PSE Stinger are a great example of this.

Basic tips:

Do not take the most powerful bow, 32-26 pounds is enough to shoot at 30 m, but a bow that is too heavy will not allow you to learn how to shoot correctly. - - The onion should bring you pleasure, so turn to yourself first of all, what exactly do you want.

What to take right away?

Arrows. We will help you choose the ones that match your bow in terms of length and required stiffness. The number of arrows is at least half a set - 6 pieces! To correct shooting, so as not to go to the target after two shots, when at the position it is already clear what correction is needed for the shot, but there are no more arrows. Plus, if you consider that a couple of arrows can be attributed to damage or loss during the first month, it is optimal to purchase a dozen at once.
Release - if it is a compound bow, glove or fingertip - for Olympics or tradition. They protect your fingers from rubbing against the string. When firing 50 shots with a bow even weighing 14 kg, an untrained person will develop painful calluses on his fingers; on average, 150-200 shots are fired during training. The gaiter is not a mandatory piece of equipment, but it protects you from possible very sensitive blows from the bowstring on the inside of the forearm.
The bow target is large, as large as possible. A target that can ensure that the arrow is confidently immersed in it, without rebounding or penetrating through. Not plywood, not wood, not foam. The most suitable material for this is isolon. If it is mounted on a wall, make sure that there are no fasteners on it that could damage the arrows. A safe place for shooting is a fenced area, without bystanders or spectators on the shooting line.
Read a more detailed article on choosing onions

"- Hello, I went to your website and am choosing an onion. Tell me..."
This is how about 90% of calls from people who decide to learn archery or buy a bow as a gift begin. Of course, archery is a good, interesting and exciting hobby. A hobby that develops the muscles of the arms and back, improves the eye and concentration. A hobby that serves as a constant source of good mood, new friends and positive emotions.
"What bow do you recommend for me?"

First you need to decide on the goal or ask yourself the question: Why do I need a bow? Based on the answer, we can recommend onions. If you choose a bow to shoot at home or in the country, then any type of bow will suit you, if for sports, then an Olympic or a block, which is closer to you. Or maybe you are interested in archery historical festivals, then you need to pay attention to traditional bows.
So, we have three and first we need to choose from them:
Traditional bows - these bows are made of wood and glass laminate, have the historical shape of bows of various nations and the corresponding name, for example, Mongolian bow, Turkish bow, English bow, Japanese bow, etc. Traditional bows, in turn, are divided into types: recurve, long, horsebow (short recurve bows).
Long bow or longbow - has thick and narrow shoulders with little or no bend. Structurally, it resembles a curved stick, often with a leather-braided handle and a notch for an arrow shelf. The recurve is distinguished by the end of flexible arms (flat and wide), which bend away from the shooter.
Due to its design, a recurve bow has a higher initial speed of arrow flight compared to a longbow, with the same string tension. At the same time, the long can be designed with an incomparably greater tension force, and have greater stopping power through the use of longer and heavier arrows. For sport shooting at a standard archery distance of 18m, both types of bows are suitable.
Classic bows(Olympic) are close to traditional ones, but are more technologically advanced, allow the installation of additional equipment (sights, balancers, etc.), allow the replacement of arms and disassembly for ease of transportation.
the most difficult to produce, configure and use. A good compound bow costs at least $400 and requires proper care and basic shooting experience with a classic or traditional bow. However, it is recommended to place your hand on a classic or traditional bow.

Now we select the bow for the shooter

First, we determine the parameters of the bow: Your height affects the maximum length of the bow, your physical parameters affect the tension of the bow (shoulder strength). The length of traditional bows usually ranges from 50-70 inches (125-175cm). When choosing the length, attention is paid only to the ease of handling the bow; for example, for a girl 150 cm tall, a comfortable bow will be in the range of 120-135 cm.
When selecting a first bow for those aged 16 years and above, it is recommended to limit yourself to a bow with a draw weight of up to 14 kg. Draw weight is typically stated in pounds (1 lb = 0.45359237 kg) so the first bow will have a draw weight of up to 30lbs.
If we have chosen a compound bow, then we need to pay attention to the main parameters - draw and tension. If the bows are entry level, they have a wide range of adjustments both in power and draw. Bows and the PSE Stinger are a great example of this.

Basic tips:

Do not take the most powerful bow, 32-26 pounds is enough to shoot at 30 m, but a bow that is too heavy will not allow you to learn how to shoot correctly. - - The onion should bring you pleasure, so turn to yourself first of all, what exactly do you want.

What to take right away?

Arrows. We will help you choose the ones that match your bow in terms of length and required stiffness. The number of arrows is at least half a set - 6 pieces! To correct shooting, so as not to go to the target after two shots, when at the position it is already clear what correction is needed for the shot, but there are no more arrows. Plus, if you consider that a couple of arrows can be attributed to damage or loss during the first month, it is optimal to purchase a dozen at once.
Release - if it is a compound bow, glove or fingertip - for Olympics or tradition. They protect your fingers from rubbing against the string. When firing 50 shots with a bow even weighing 14 kg, an untrained person will develop painful calluses on his fingers; on average, 150-200 shots are fired during training. The gaiter is not a mandatory piece of equipment, but it protects you from possible very sensitive blows from the bowstring on the inside of the forearm.
The bow target is large, as large as possible. A target that can ensure that the arrow is confidently immersed in it, without rebounding or penetrating through. Not plywood, not wood, not foam. The most suitable material for this is isolon. If it is mounted on a wall, make sure that there are no fasteners on it that could damage the arrows. A safe place for shooting is a fenced area, without bystanders or spectators on the shooting line.
Read a more detailed article on choosing onions

The most important part of any bow is the smart head of its owner.

So, have you decided to join a squad of archers and learn how to shoot and hit a target with your eyes closed? To do this, you need to choose the right bow that will help make your dream come true.

Historians still cannot give a definite answer about the age of the bow; the oldest stone arrowhead is more than 60 thousand years old. Our ancestors used the bow for hunting and war, and during the Middle Ages it even competed with firearms. Over time, the bow has faded into the background and is now increasingly used either for entertainment, sport, or hunting. Undoubtedly, modern bows are far from their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, but the main feature has remained unchanged: the accuracy of the shot depends on the skill and skill of the owner.

What you need to know before buying a bow:

First, you need to decide what you need the bow for and how much your wallet is willing to give. In the modern world, there is a huge selection of bows, but they can be divided into three main types: traditional, classic and compound bows. Each of them wins the heart in its own way, and in order not to be mistaken, the ideal option would be to shoot from different types of bows and determine which of them your soul is drawn to. For example, in Minsk there is an opportunity to shoot with many types of bows in a shooting club.

Your first bow is not the last, and not the only one; if you are going to improve, over time you will want to buy another one, and maybe even more than one. Therefore, whenever possible, learn everything you can about bows, try shooting with them (with the owner’s permission, of course) to form your own opinion about them.

You should also pay attention to bow tension.

Don’t rush to buy the strongest bow weighing 50-60 pounds, save your muscles, not every person can stretch such a bow, let alone shoot it all the time. When stretching a bow, those muscles work that we rarely use in everyday life, and if you have difficulty holding the bow, then all your attention will be focused only on fighting the tension force, and not on the correct shooting technique. Don’t forget, training requires multiple repetitions and a strong bow can simply “break” you, which means injuries and sprains, weeks, or even months of recovery. First you need to build muscle, and to do this, start with 20-30 pounds (classic bow), 34-45 (compound), 25-35 pounds (traditional).

The bow doesn't shoot itself. To master shooting technique, you need to constantly practice. It is best to start shooting under the guidance of a good coach in order to immediately master the necessary basics.This will save you a lot of time learning the correct technique.

When choosing a bow, the draw length of the bow plays an important role. Don't forget, most people have different lengths of hands and buying one bow for the whole family is unwise. Compare the length of the arms of father, mother and child. Typically, traditional bows come in a standard draw length of 28-30 inches. Korean bows designed for ring shooting have a slightly longer draw length, due to a different attachment - 30-32 inches. Remember that stretching the bow to a length greater than stated by the manufacturer may lead to its breakage.

A bow with a draw weight of over 60 pounds (27 kg) is considered a weapon in the Republic of Belarus by law and requires a permit to possess it.

If you are interested in traditional archery, then you probably already know that there are longbows and shortbows. Long bows are better suited for initial mastery of the technique - they do not have a very high shot speed, but for beginners this is only a plus. Short bows are less forgiving of technical errors and require more time to master. You shouldn’t immediately buy a bow made exclusively from natural materials. Firstly, they are much more expensive than bows made using modern technologies, and secondly, you will encounter a number of difficulties in storing and using them

If you buy a bow, there should be no defects on it, the string should not have scuffs so that you don’t have to change it after a week.

For sports shooting enthusiasts, bow manufacturers have created a very wide range of compound sporting bows. Here, amateurs are faced with the problem of choosing which handle to choose, which shoulders are better, whether it is worth buying the entire system of stabilizers at once, etc. For beginners, we can advise the following - do not immediately chase the top models, even if you are not bothered by their price. To begin with, take something quite budget-friendly, because even with the simplest model it is quite possible to defend the shooting category up to a master of sports. Remember: any bow can be adjusted correctly and it will shoot consistently, and hitting the target depends only on your skill.

Hunting on the territory of the Republic of Belarus with a bow is permitted, but to own a hunting bow (with a tension force of over 60 pounds) you must obtain a permit, and to hunt with it you must have at least 5 years of experience in owning a smoothbore weapon.

The situation is completely different with compound bows. The compound bow is a high-tech product of engineering. It is not enough to just master the shooting technique to get a good result. Compound bow owners know that a lot depends on setting them up correctly. Now there are a lot of fairly cheap models of compound bows from various little-known companies on the market. Having purchased such a bow, you will inevitably encounter either difficulties in setting it up or low quality manufacturing of the mechanical elements. But even if you buy an expensive bow from a well-known company, you are not immune from such problems. Therefore, before buying a compound bow, if possible, consult with athletes who practice shooting this type of bow (specialists), they will tell you more than the seller in the store.

Trust the opinion of professionals, but do not rely on it entirely. Each of us is unique and what suits one may not suit another. Before purchasing a bow, try to find an opportunity to fire a couple of shots with it. It is quite possible that, despite all the assurances of the seller or master, shooting from this bow will not be comfortable for you for some reason, which means you will lose time mastering it.

Another factor that is often paid attention to is the external design of the bow. Many shooters proudly display their bow, enjoy the look of it while shooting, and take pictures of it with delight. This can happen to you too - you saw a bow of a certain model and now you only dream about it. However, do not rush, do not forget - the bow must first of all suit your parameters. But if you have a chance to choose between two approximately identical bows, make your choice in favor of the one that you aesthetically like more. You'll enjoy shooting much more when you're holding a bow you're proud of!

P.S.: if you were asked to buy onions for home, and you are not thinking about food, but about sports equipment, then congratulations - you are ready to buy your own onions.

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Bow selection

First, decide on the shooting style that suits you. The two most common types of traditional bows you see in the hands of shooters today are the longbow and the recurve bow. A recurve bow can be easily identified by the ends of the flexible limbs, which bend away from the shooter. The longbow has thicker and narrower shoulders, with little or no curve.

Recurve bows (left) and longbows (right) are the two most common types of traditional bows today.

Each of these two types has its own characteristics, and I shoot both. While recurve bows are known for their faster arrow speeds, longbows are better suited for shooting heavy arrows with confidence. The choice is yours. But before you make your final decision, hold and try both of these bows. Take the one that you feel more confident in your hands.

Differences in grip and draw weight can play a significant role in your bow selection. As you will see for yourself, there are three main types of grip. A high grip transfers all the pressure to the muscle tissue between the index finger and thumb; with this grip option, the hand “looks” slightly down and the wrist is raised, hence the name. With a low grip, the main pressure is transferred to the entire surface of the palm; in this case, the radius and ulna are on the same line, thereby distributing pressure between the joints more evenly. The medium grip is a cross between the previous two options, with grip angles varying between bow types. In general, the grip option is a matter of taste. This is why I encourage you to look at and try out as many different bows as possible before making your final purchasing decision.

Bow grips are different. The main thing is that you feel comfortable holding the bow and shoot it accurately.

In addition, I will give you some tips regarding bow strength and bow length. Draw weight is the most important factor when choosing a new bow. One of the main reasons why many beginners quit traditional archery is because they try to shoot a bow with too much draw weight. Don't fall into this trap! You are mistaken if you think that in order to achieve good arrow speed, you need a bow with a draw weight of 30-35 kg. Thanks to modern materials and the latest technology used in traditional bows today, many of them are capable of releasing an arrow at the same or even faster speeds than sporting compound bows. In addition, in intuitive shooting, accuracy is much more important than the speed of the arrow. To begin with, a tension force of 15–20 kg will be quite enough. If you are unsure whether a particular bow is too strong, try this: take the bow, hold it out in front of you and try to draw the string to the corner of your lips. If this requires you to point the bow up or down or make some kind of monstrous rotational motion to draw the string, then this bow is too powerful for you. You should calmly and easily draw the bow all the way, several times in a row.

It is very important to consider the length of the bow. Since there are so many different types of traditional bows, your build and arm span will help you determine the right bow length for you. For example, if you are about 2 m tall and the draw length of the bow is 80 cm (i.e. the length from the outside of the handle to the shank of the arrow when you fully draw the bow is 80 cm - Note Per.), you should not take on a small recurve bow with a length of 140 cm. With your draw length, when the bow is fully drawn, the angle of the tensioned bowstring will be so sharp that it will simply pinch your fingers. The ideal solution in this case would be a longbow or recurve bow with a length of 160–170 cm, where the bend angle of a fully stretched bowstring will be greater, and the tension will therefore be easier. On the other hand, if you are about 150 cm tall, then it is quite obvious that you will be somewhat uncomfortable handling a 175 cm longbow. Therefore, when choosing a bow, you should first of all rely on common sense.

Although I strongly do not recommend that you acquire an expensive exclusive bow for your first training, it is also not a good idea to learn on a cheap bow that has already been used. Start with a good bow from a well-known manufacturer, such as BearArchery, MartinArchery or PSE. Over time, as you gain experience, you will be able to order bows at your discretion.

A collapsible bow is convenient to take with you on a trip, placing it in a small suitcase or a special bag.

You might be interested in collapsible bows. This type of bow has flexible limbs that are attached directly to the handle and can be easily removed when carried. As your muscle strength increases, you can simply purchase more powerful limbs by attaching them to your existing handle, thus saving on the cost of purchasing a new one-piece bow. Collapsible bows are very easy to carry and do not take up much space, easily fitting into a small bag or case. Once you arrive at the shooting range, you can easily assemble your bow and start shooting.

Most traditional archers shoot without a shelf. This means that the bow does not have a special horizontal support for the arrow. Attaching to the handle and boom shelf for an additional shelf (additional horizontal lining installed on the shelf - Note lane) and sidewall (side support) simplifies shooting and makes it more accurate. Many archery stores and mail order catalogs offer a large selection of industrially manufactured pads and sidewalls, but you can easily get by with a simple Velcro fastener, attaching it with the soft fuzzy side out. Thanks to the wide variety of sizes of fasteners produced, you can choose your Velcro exactly for your bow. For the same purpose, you can use a piece of leather, gluing it with high-quality rubber glue. The use of such glue reduces the risk of damage to the surface of the bow when forced to change the side or shelf.

The flange cover (shelf) serves as a horizontal support for the boom and muffles the noise produced by the boom during tension. A side piece that attaches directly to the bow grip near the rest serves the same purpose. The cover on the shelf may not cover its entire surface, but it must cover that part of it that is located directly under the boom when tensioned. The sidewall, in turn, can also be of any size, but it must reach the top of the arrow fletching when passing through the bow handle. Whatever material you use for the shelf and side, make sure that the arrow passes easily and quietly.

To top off the above, I’ll add: the choice of onions is a matter of taste. Go shopping, take a closer look and choose the perfect look for yourself. If you already have a bow, make sure you are comfortable using it. Do not attempt this program if you experience any discomfort while handling the bow.

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