How to make a cat's face from felt. Soft toy kitten made of felt. Patterns of New Year's toys made of felt

A beautiful gray cat made of felt on a pillow stand will decorate the bedroom or become your baby’s favorite toy.

In this master class you will find a pattern, step-by-step photos and descriptions of all stages to help you sew a felt cat with your own hands. You can experiment with size, decor and even colors to get a unique craft. The work will take one evening, no special sewing skills are required. For a symmetrical decor of the sofa in the living room, you can sew two cats at once.

Materials for sewing felt toys

Felt sheets come in different densities; soft and not very dense material with a thickness of 1 to 1.5 mm is suitable here. Thick sheets are more suitable for crafts that hold their shape, such as, or.

To sew a felt cat with your own hands, prepare:

  • soft thin felt in gray and pink colors;
  • pink, gray, black threads, sewing needle;
  • filling for toys (holofiber, synthetic fluff), in order to save money, you can take it from old jackets;
  • lace ribbon;
  • tailor's soap, chalk or a special pencil for cutting;
  • scissors.

The height of the figurine in this master class is 14 cm. If you need a cat bigger size, increase the proportional pattern of each part.

Pattern and sewing technique

Transfer the cat pattern onto paper and cut out all the details.

Cut out two identical pieces of gray felt for the front and back of the body and two ears. Cover the front and back components of the head one at a time. For the cat's tail, cut a strip of felt measuring 1*12 cm. From the pink piece, make a nose in the form of a small triangle.

Place the two front pieces of the cat's body together and secure with a seam over the edge. Make the stitches closer to each other.

At the end, leave a small distance (2-3 cm) for stuffing with filler.

Fill with holofiber. If you want the cat to be more voluminous, stuff it more tightly. Sew up the hole.

Make a line in the middle to visually separate the paws.

Sew through using regular stitches, passing the needle to the wrong side and back.

Tighten the stitches so that the line is clear.

Also assemble the second component of the cat’s body from felt with your own hands.

Sew both body blanks to each other, aligning them along the bottom (where the paws are).

On the front side of the cat's head (which has ears), draw lines for the eyes and nose in chalk.

Embroider the contours of the nose and eyes with black thread. If you don't want to embroider, buy ready-made eyes at a craft store. However, for kids embroidered eyes are safer than sewn fittings.

Then sew the pink triangle nose into the center of the muzzle using blind stitches.

Place the separately cut ears on the back of the head. Align all the cuts.

Place a dotted line along the outer contour of the ears. It is better to do this from the front side.

This is what a felt cat's face looks like after decoration.

Sew the back side of the head to the front seam over the edge. Leave a space in the middle and stuff your head through it. After this, sew up your head.

Connect the head to the body by making stitches around the neck of the toy.

Take the tail. Starting at one end, roll the strip into a tube and secure with stitches.

Sew the entire tail like this.

Without cutting the thread, sew it to the middle of the back of the toy.

The cat figurine is ready. So that she stands confidently on her paws and does not get lost, sew a small pillow. If the toy is intended for children's games, you can do without a stand.

Cut out a rectangle of pink felt measuring 8*16 cm for the pillow.

Fold it in half and sew along three sides, leaving 3-4 cm unsewn at the end.

Turn the product inside the hole and straighten the corners. Fill the pillow with holofiber, but not very tightly.

Tie a beautiful bow around the cat's neck.

Place the hand-sewn cat in the middle of the felt pillow and sew the bottom of the toy to the surface with hidden stitches.

This original pillow can complement the interior of a bedroom, living room or nursery, decorating a bed or sofa. See how to sew in our other tutorials.

A master class on sewing a felt cat on a pillow with your own hands was prepared by Zhanna Galaktionova. We also have some made from this beautiful and pleasant-to-use material.

A charming cat made of felt will not leave anyone indifferent. You can make such a cute souvenir for Valentine's Day with your own hands. To create such toys from felt yourself, you don’t need sewing machine- parts are sewn by hand. All you need is a few materials and careful work. We offer detailed master class on making a toy cat from felt with your own hands with a photo and pattern.

So, to make a felt cat we will need:

  • felt in white, pale pink, red and lilac colors
  • satin ribbon 1 cm wide
  • black and white threads
  • Super glue
  • small runner eyes
  • rhinestones

Master class “Cat with a handbag - do-it-yourself felt toy”

1) Pattern for a toy: The pattern can be copied directly from the computer screen: attach a sheet of paper and draw a translucent outline with a soft pencil (the size of the picture is pre-adjusted in the word program).

2) To sew one cat, you need to cut out the parts in the following quantities:

  • body - 2 pcs.
  • big heart - 2 pcs.
  • handbag - 2 pcs.
  • ear inserts - 2 pcs.
  • belly - 1 pc.
  • muzzle - 1 pc.
  • small heart - 1 pc.
  • ponytail - 1 pc.

3) Place the parts of the body next to each other and sew them together with a buttonhole stitch. We leave an unstitched area of ​​3-4 cm under the foot to fill the toy with padding polyester. It is advisable not to break the thread; after stuffing, we use it to sew the cat up to the end.

4) We push small pieces of padding polyester using the tips of scissors, first into the ears, head, paws and, finally, fill the tummy with stuffing.

5) Sew up the hole under the foot and break the thread.

6) Drop a drop of glue onto the muzzle and glue a red rhinestone - this will be the nose.

7) Then, using black thread, folded in half, we embroider the antennae and separate the cheeks with a stitch under the nose. All knots should remain on the wrong side.

8) Lubricate reverse side pink parts with super glue and glue them to the body of the animal.

9) Glue plastic eyes onto glue (they can be replaced with black beads).

10) We select threads to match the felt from which we will sew the handbag. We sew the parts together in the same way as the animal - with a buttonhole stitch. We don’t break the thread at the end, we pass it through the cat’s head and fasten the knot on the other side of the bag.

11) We sew the heart together with red threads, fill it with small pieces of pre-loose padding polyester and sew it up to the end. Place the resulting heart in your purse.

12) To make the cat more elegant, decorate the ear and tail with bows. We select a ribbon to match the handbag and cut 2 pieces of 6 cm each, burning the ends. We fold the ribbon so that the ends overlap each other by a few millimeters, sew the middle with a regular basting stitch and tighten it. The result was a simple bow. It can be sewn or glued to the ear.

Most best gift since childhood, one that was made with one’s own hands. Little children love to please their parents and other relatives with simple crafts. Therefore, it will be very entertaining to sew together with small children a soft toy with your own hands, which can be presented to loved ones, and especially if these are cute huggable cats, the pattern for which is simple.

Felt lovebird kittens

This toy is also called a talisman - it is a symbol of love. They were often given to newlyweds as a sign of a strong marriage. Lovebirds were also presented to the couple for their first quarrel.


  • felt material: white, pink, red. There may be other colors, but these are the most suitable;
  • padding polyester or any other filling material;
  • threads matching the color of the felt;
  • needles.

The lovebird kittens are ready and can be presented to your loved one on Valentine's Day.

Felt hand toys

A hand toy for children is something magical, because it can be controlled, so a cat sewn from felt will be a real gift for a child. It must be said that this will take very little time, and you can sew not only a kitten, but also other animals.

Many people treat their pets like children. Therefore, they pamper cats and dogs not only with treats and attention, but also try to diversify their leisure time by arranging and also buying various toys for pets. But all this is quite expensive, and they quickly become unusable, so many people think about how to make toys for pets with their own hands. In this article we will give several ideas that will help you make toys for cats from scraps of colored felt. Even if you don’t have such scraps, felt is an inexpensive material, and the process of making toys is simpler than it might seem at first glance.

Materials and tools for making felt toys:

  • colored felt
  • colored embroidery threads
  • scissors
  • big needle
  • catnip (optional)

How to make cat toys from colored felt

We decided to make toys in the form of food, you can come up with something else.

Cut out blanks from scraps of colored felt, each of which will be an ingredient in the dish. For example, if you decide to make a toy in the shape of a burger, you will need two round pieces of brown felt that will become buns, a red circle for a tomato, a yellow rectangle for cheese, a shaped piece for lettuce, and so on. It all depends on your imagination and the availability of felt in different colors.

To make the burger buns more voluminous, they can be made from two round pieces sewn together and filled with stuffing material or catnip.

Using the same technology, you can make an ice cream cone, a hot dog, a donut, a slice of bacon and many other interesting and appetizing-looking things.

Sew the parts together with thick threads, such as floss. To do this, use a large needle; it is better to make the stitches quite large. Using the same threads, add small details, such as sprinkles on a donut, sesame seeds on buns, veins on lettuce.

If desired, you can place catnip inside the toys. It is advisable to use mint that is not too crushed so that it does not spill out of the toy.

We think your cat will appreciate your efforts and will enjoy playing with burgers, hot dogs and donuts. If desired, these toys can be sewn to strings and hung on a scratching post. Here, again, you need to take into account the morals of your pet.

Don't be limited by our ideas, you can make toys in the form of a sandwich, fried egg, pizza, fish - the scope for creativity is limitless.

Regarding the durability of such toys - they live quite a long time. If you want your pet toys to last even longer, choose thicker felt. In any case, nothing lasts forever. And given the low cost of such “treats” and the modest time required to make them, toys can be updated every few weeks.

We live in a time when it is already difficult to surprise a child with a toy gift. There are now a great variety of toys, for every taste, color and budget. Only a toy made with your own hands has always been much more valuable. The process of creating a cat from felt with patterns is so easy that some of its manufacturing steps can be entrusted to a child.

Using the example of this master class with step by step photos we will learn how to make a cat out of felt. This material is so dense and holds its shape well that it makes a great toy. And how pleasant it is to the touch! Surely your child will want to take this toy with him to bed. By varying the size of the craft, you can make a small keychain, a toy, or even a large sofa cushion.

In order to sew a cat from felt, we will need:

  • felt (three colors: gray, red and brown);
  • matching threads with a needle;
  • filler for toys (sintepon, cotton wool, foam rubber);
  • buttons or beads, as well as satin ribbon for decoration;
  • thick paper or cardboard for patterns;
  • marker or pencil;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • glue.

First you need to choose felt. It is advisable to select medium-density felt; such felt is perfect for sewing (it is dense and at the same time soft). Color range you can select at your discretion, thereby creating a unique masterpiece.

Once you have decided on the choice of felt, you can begin choosing the filler. The filler determines how the product will keep its shape, as well as how it can be cleaned in the future. The synthetic padding is perfect for machine washing; it washes well and dries quickly without deforming. The amount of filler also affects appearance toys, a large number of will make the toy voluminous, and with a small amount of filler you will get a pillow toy on which you can lie. Threads also play an important role, since the seam when sewing will be superficial, it is very important to select the color of the threads tone on tone. When sewing an internal seam, the color of the threads is not important.

Making a pattern

Now let's start making the craft. To do this, you need to draw a cat pattern on thick paper. Draw a cat to your liking and in the size that you need.

You need to draw the details of the pattern on paper folded in half, this will turn out symmetrically, and subsequently the toy will turn out even.

The pattern can also be downloaded from the Internet and printed on a printer. Then you need to glue the printed pattern onto cardboard or thick paper and only after that start drawing it with chalk on felt. Each detail of the pattern must be cut out after drawing.

Then you need to spread the felt on a flat surface and pin the pattern to it using pins. We will need three colors of felt: gray (main), red (for the nose and decoration), brown (for the mustache). Using chalk, outline each pattern piece and cut out along the outline. In total, you should get a couple of parts for the body, head and tail, as well as one part for the nose and heart, and four parts for the ears. From brown felt, cut strips for the mustache in random order.

Elegant cat

We start sewing the cat from the head. We take the front part and sew the eyes, whiskers and nose of the cat onto it. Eyes can be made from buttons or beads, you can also form them from felt or buy ready-made eyes - accessories in a specialized store. The ends of the mustache can be sewn first and then carefully glued with special glue. We do not sew the nose completely, leaving a small hole for the filler. After the nose is filled with filler, it can be stitched completely.

Sew two ear pieces. They do not require filler.

Sew buttons onto the cat's tummy for decoration. Buttons can be chosen in any texture; they can also be replaced with beads or small bows.

Sew both parts of the body, leaving a small hole for the filling. Fill the cat's body with padding polyester or other filler and sew up the hole.

We do the same with the head as with the body (first we sew it together and then fill it with filler). All seams are done at the top. We sew the finished head to the body.

Sew the parts of the legs and fill them tightly with filler, sew up the holes.

Using colored thread to match the felt and a large needle, make large stitches on the paws, forming his toes.

Sew the finished cat paws to the body.

Sew two parts of the tail and fill it with padding polyester.