How to make a safe with your own hands from cardboard, boxes, Legos? How to make a safe with your own hands from cardboard How to make a safe from a cardboard box

Sometimes the best design and interior changes are made thanks to the ingenuity and “golden hands” of the owners. These changes include both the renovation of rooms and the creation of some small elements that later serve as decoration and at the same time make life easier for their owners. Such an element can be considered a homemade safe, which will serve not only as a place to store some things, a toy for a child where he can store the money he has accumulated, but also as a bright part of the interior.

The safe is a fairly real structure both inside and out, especially if it is painted. You can make a safe from various materials: metal, fiberboard, cardboard, in all cases the mechanism will be the same except for some features.


A safe is an integral part of many offices, homes of rich people, or simply, as an exception, is located indoors. The most valuable things are stored in safes: documents, money, jewelry, weapons. A special feature of these reliable boxes is the security system: opening the metal box is not so easy, to do this you need to know the secret code. A cardboard safe, of course, is much easier to open than a metal one, but the lock diagram is identical to the real one.

This is a great toy for children to feel like an adult for a while.

A safe made of cardboard is also an excellent decoration for the interior of an apartment or quest room in which some case is being investigated. And given the design and assembly diagram, we can assume that a safe made of fiberboard or even metal will also function and be more reliable. But this is only the case if the metal cabinet is not made for a child or the interior, but for real purposes - to protect valuables.

When assembling a safe from metal, you will need the ability to use a welding machine, the availability of appropriate metal glue, a drill, a saw and other equipment. And in terms of time, it won’t take an hour or two. For a safe made of fibreboard (Fiberboard), you will need fasteners, nails, glue for wood and plywood, a saw, a chisel with a hammer, etc. To make crafts from cardboard, you don’t need such tools; in this case, everything is much simpler.

Required materials and tools

To make a safe from cardboard you will need a small set of materials and tools. All of the following remedies are most often found at home in free access. Materials:

  • corrugated cardboard(boxes for shoes, a refrigerator, a TV and other things ever purchased, the more cardboard there is, the better, because then it will be possible to make a safe of the required size and replace some elements if something doesn’t work out);
  • regular cardboard(colored or neutral color - there is no difference, because it will be needed for the mechanism);
  • plain A4 paper(better with a reserve);
  • kraft paper(if you can’t find it, you can get by with regular paper and cardboard);
  • wooden skewers or any rounded sticks.


  1. stationery scissors(or ordinary ones, the main thing is that it is convenient to cut out both cardboard and paper);
  2. stationery knife(for working with corrugated cardboard);
  3. needle(better large sizes or awl);
  4. ruler(metal, of course, is more convenient in this case, so that you can also cut on it, but if you only have plastic, then you can get by with it);
  5. simple pencil(long, because it will be needed not only for drawing);
  6. glue"Moment";
  7. compass(a marking compass will be more convenient, but if you don’t have one at hand, then a regular one will do);
  8. double sided adhesive tape or double-sided tape.

You can always limit yourself to only cardboard and paper, which are almost always present in the house where the child lives. In this case, of course, you will end up with a fragile paper safe and even less reliable, but you will be able to understand the mechanism and have fun with your child. Otherwise, you can simply find alternatives: instead of A4 paper - newspapers or notebook sheets; instead of cardboard - thick front sheets from notebooks and so on.

In any case, if the task is to assemble the described safe, then using various materials this can be achieved.


There are several options for assembling a cardboard safe. Each of these methods involves approximately the same steps and generally consists of three stages.

Assembling the door with a safety mechanism

The door with the lock when assembling the safe is the main part, which is also educational. Assembling the door is usually the most interesting thing, because it is at this stage that you become familiar with the real mechanism and assemble it yourself. The work at this stage is quite painstaking, so the presence of an adult next to the child is mandatory.

Preparing door hinges

It is necessary for the previously developed door to have fixtures for mounting on the safe body. The dimensions and mechanism of movement should allow the hinges not only to tightly hold the door on the body wall, but also to ensure a “clean” opening - so that no additional elements and nothing interfered with the movement.

Development of a case for a safe

The simplest part of all those previously described, because you just need to fold the box in accordance with the existing sketches, then bend it along the indicated fold points. If you can’t make a case from a solid box, you can use glue. To do this, you can take the remaining pieces from the box, make corners from them and glue the walls inside the case. It is worth noting that The safe body must take into account the dimensions of the door. In this case, the inner part of the door will occupy a certain space inside the housing.

All details of the model being developed must take into account compliance in dimensions, so that it does not turn out that the door takes up all the space in the safe or cannot close due to incorrect calculations. To comply with the dimensions, there are ready-made sketches and diagrams to make drawings from them, the necessary markings and correctly calculate the dimensions.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's look at a universal way to make a safe out of cardboard with your own hands. In order for everything to work out, for the first time it is advisable to do everything in accordance with step by step instructions and then the assembly will be easy.

Step-by-step instruction.

  • Cut a long strip of cardboard so that there is a protrusion of about 2 cm in the right middle of this strip. Then bend the edges of this strip to make two squares with a void inside. At the same distance between the resulting empty squares, make a hole with a needle or awl.

  • Wrap the remaining part of the protrusion around the resulting figure and also make a hole in the middle. Then insert a wooden stick into this hole through the entire figure so that one edge protrudes 6 mm. The other one needs to be sealed with paper and glue so that it is not visible. From two other pieces of cardboard, roll up rectangles with a void inside and leave a small flat indent along the bottom of the rectangles. They should look like a mirror.

  • Prepare blanks for further work:
    1. circle with a radius of 35 mm;
    2. 12 circles with a radius of 20 mm - glue 5 of them and pierce them in the middle, do the same with three more - separately; leave one without holes; 2 – pierce in the middle and 10 mm from the edge of the circle and glue; 1 – make a hole 10 mm from the edge;
    3. strip 50 mm long with holes approximately 5 mm from the edges.

  • Cut strips 35 mm wide and 297 mm long from cardboard and prepare the same blank from kraft paper, only 70 mm long. You need to stick double-sided tape on the ends. Roll up strips of cardboard so that they fit snugly into the holes of the part obtained in steps 1-3. Then glue the rolls together so that they do not fall apart, and wrap these cylinders with prepared kraft paper. Attach a small circle to the end of the cylinder. This is how we got the closing part of the lock (CL). Now, keeping the dimensions, you need to make the lock itself. To do this, you should attach the resulting AF to where the lock will be. Mark and then cut holes for the cylinders to pass through.

  • Use a needle or awl to pierce a hole at a distance of 57 mm from the side part on the side where the AF is. Cut out the door and attach the largest circle, making a through hole. Then glue the door to the box, securing it with matches or wooden sticks. Glue 3 aligned circles to the hole, matching all the shapes, then glue the sides of the box.

  • Next we make a handle, which requires 5 previously fastened circles and a wooden stick. Secure tape to one of its sides. Insert one side of the stick into the hole on the door, attach a circle without a hole to it, and cover the sides with regular or corrugated cardboard. Assemble the lock mechanism and wrap paper around the tip of the axle. Lubricate the tip of the axle with glue and put on two glued disks with two holes, and secure the remaining circle on top. Pass it through the hole and attach a wooden stick with a piece of paper at the end so that the open part is slightly extended, about 5 mm.

  • Place the AF on the wooden ledges. The castle is assembled. Then cut out the body itself in accordance with the dimensions of the door. Cut two cardboard strips, fold them and use them to secure the door to the frame.

The safe can also be with combination lock or even push-button. For such safes, you will need to cut out 3 additional circles with holes in the middle and side cutouts, and then thread the previously rolled tube through them. Thanks to the system of sticks and holes, you will be able to set a code for your safe.

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We decided immediately what to make it from - from corrugated cardboard, of course. This is a convenient, practical and affordable material from which you can model almost anything. In addition, it is also environmentally friendly. It’s a simple miracle, not the material =)

As a result, after calculations and a series of experiments, the result was not only entertaining, but also educational. cardboard toy. The castle turned out to be quite functional!

Of course, the lock mechanism is implemented in a fairly simple form. But nevertheless, everything is very serious - the handle rotates, the locking rods extend and retract.

And the most interesting thing is that you have the opportunity to look inside the lock box and see with your own eyes how everything works there. Agree, this is the most valuable quality for any toy.

Well, the safe itself, despite its compactness, turned out to be quite roomy. Its dimensions: 20×20×25 cm.

Do you also want to know how everything works? I will certainly show and tell you all the secrets of our safe. And, of course, I’ll tell you how to do this DIY cardboard toy. But first things first.

I want to warn you right away that all the work will require several hours of free time. But in the end, your children will appreciate your feat of work! Older guys, I think, wouldn’t mind working with cardboard and creating a realistic model of a safe with their own hands.

Surely no one will have problems with corrugated cardboard. I would venture to guess that every home has its own supplies. Moreover, both individual sheets of corrugated cardboard and used boxes are suitable. You can, for example, use a ready-made box as a safe body, and then all that remains is to hang a door with a lock on it.

Or you can, like us, cut out the development of the body from a sheet of cardboard of a sufficiently large area. To make it easier to do this and not have to “conjure” cardboard with rulers, measuring sizes and angles, I prepared a set of templates:


They need to be printed on regular A4 office paper and then transferred to corrugated cardboard. Developments of large parts (safe body, lock box) are assembled from several templates according to diagrams, which are also in the file.

In addition to corrugated cardboard and office paper, we also need:

- ordinary cardboard for children's creativity,

- a small piece of craft paper (if you don’t have it at home or in the store, you can get it at the nearest post office),

- wooden skewer,

- a stationery knife, or better yet 2 at once - with a wide and narrow blade,

- a knife for artistic cutting (useful for certain operations, but in extreme cases you can do without it),

- scissors,

- awl,

- Ruler and pencil,

- double sided tape,

- glue “Moment”,

- creasing tool.

The scoring tool is worth mentioning separately. Tools typically used for creasing regular cardboard or paper may not be suitable for corrugated cardboard. Sharp metal objects can easily damage the integrity of cardboard. I used the gray plastic “knife” that is in the photo. You can also process cardboard (but with caution!) with the end of scissors or the end of a flat-head screwdriver.

Let's start working on the safe by making its most “secret” part - the door block.

1. Door with lock.

Using template 10, we cut out and crease the development of the slider. Then we glue the part with “Moment”, as shown in the photo. You need to additionally glue a cardboard square into the middle inside and immediately pierce a through hole in the center with an awl.

After the part is glued, you need to insert a piece of wooden skewer into the hole so that the length of the protruding tip is approximately 6 mm. In this case, the other tip of the skewer should be wrapped in paper (to seal) and lubricated with glue (I will demonstrate how this is done below).

We cut, crease and glue the guides for the slider (template 11).

We also use templates to make the following preparations:

- circle with a diameter of 70 mm - template 14,

- 5 glued circles with a diameter of 40 mm with a through hole in the center and 1 circle without a hole (for the lock handle) - template 15,

- 3 glued circles (40 mm) with a through hole in the center (this will be a fixed disk inside the lock), as well as 2 glued circles (40 mm) with holes in the center and in the middle of the radius and 1 circle only with a hole in the middle of the radius (this there will be a movable disk),

- bar with 2 holes at the ends (connecting rod) - template 16.

Next we make the locking rods. From ordinary cardboard we cut out a strip 35 mm wide and a length corresponding to the long side of the A4 format, and from kraft paper we cut a strip of the same width and approximately 70 mm long. We glue pieces of double-sided tape, as shown in the photo.

We twist a tight roll from a cardboard strip and insert it into the hole of the slider, allowing it to unravel slightly.

After this, we take out the roll and glue it together. Then we cover it with craft paper. We also cut out a circle from kraft paper and glue it to the end of the resulting rod. Lubricate the rod with glue and insert it into the slider hole.

We cut, crease and bend the development of the lock box. Having placed the slider in the place where it will be located, we mark and cut out round holes for the locking rods. Just for this operation, it is better to use a knife for artistic cutting, which will allow you to get more accurate holes.

In addition, we pierce a hole with an awl at a distance of 57 mm from the side wall (from the side of the slider).

We cut out the door according to the template and glue the previously prepared circle with a diameter of 70 mm in the center. We pierce a through hole with an awl. Then glue the door to the box, aligning the holes (using a skewer).

Next, it’s time to glue the fixed disk (3 previously glued circles with a diameter of 40 mm), again aligning the holes and guides for the slider. The guides should touch the ends of the slider.

Now we assemble the box by gluing its side walls. The box can be closed and opened easily, and this will allow you to repair the lock mechanism if necessary. Although the main function of such an opening box is, of course, gaming. Volodya himself comes up with “breakdowns” and immediately successfully fixes them

To make the lock handle, take a blank of 5 glued circles (40 mm) and a piece of wooden skewer, which will serve as an axis. The length of this axis should be calculated based on the thickness of the cardboard, the dimensions of the handle and the disks (later it will be more clear which dimensions should be taken into account). My axle turned out to be 38 mm long.

We wrap one end of the skewer and glue with double-sided tape a small strip of paper with a width approximately equal to the thickness of the handle. This is necessary for sealing so that the handle is well fixed on the axis. Moreover, you need to glue it with tape at both ends of the tape.

Lubricate the tip with the paper wrapping with glue and insert it into the hole in the handle. Then glue the 6th cardboard circle (without a hole) on top. And we glue a strip of corrugated cardboard around the handle, having previously separated its top layer.

We insert the finished handle into the hole in the door.

We finally assemble the lock mechanism. Wrap a strip of paper around the protruding tip of the axle.

We put a movable disk (of 2 circles) on the tip of the axle, lubricated with glue, and glue the last circle on top, aligning the holes. We insert (and glue) a piece of skewer with a paper seal into the hole so that its free tip protrudes about 6 mm.

We put a cardboard strip (connecting rod) on the wooden pins. The mechanism of our cardboard lock is ready for use. But to ensure that the connecting rod does not fly off, you can stick a piece of cardboard on top of the pins.

Now you can close the box and check the functionality of the lock.

2. Door hinges.

As usual, we start by preparing part developments (templates 12 and 13).

Glue the top and bottom parts of the loops.

The rod, which will act as the axis of rotation, will be made from cardboard twisted into a roll. And to give greater rigidity, we wrap the cardboard on a wooden skewer 57 mm long (this size should be clarified by measuring the depth of the loop nests).

We wind and glue the cardboard strip. The result is a rod with a thickened end. The diameter of the thickening must be determined by the hole in the upper part of the loop (i.e. simply try it on) and, if necessary, wind an additional piece of cardboard strip. The rod should fit snugly in the upper loop socket.

Then you also need to tightly wrap a cardboard strip around the second half of the rod, but without gluing it. And insert this end of the rod into the lower slot of the loop (there is also no need to glue it, but the cardboard roll should fit very tightly), and remove the rod itself.

After this, lubricate the thickened end of the rod with glue and insert it into the socket of the upper part of the loop.

Our loops are ready. Be sure to place them on the table surface and check how the rotation occurs.

In our case, to align the loops, it was necessary to additionally glue a piece of cardboard (backing) to their lower parts.

3. Safe body.

Using templates 1-5 and 8, we transfer the body development drawing to a sheet of cardboard (according to the diagram). It is assumed that the development will be seamless. But if there is no sheet of cardboard of a suitable size, then you can break the scan into parts. So, our safe has a separate bottom cut out. And the layout looked like this:

Paste on inner surface frame (template 7). Then, at the level of the lock slider, you need to glue 2 cardboard rectangles. This is necessary to ensure that the locked door does not dangle. The thickness of such a lining can be adjusted by flattening the corrugation of one (or both) rectangles.

Glue the side walls of the case together. Then we glue the bottom - outside and inside (template 6).

Now we install the door in its place and glue the hinges.

In practice, it turned out that the hinges were not rigid enough, especially their lower parts. As a result, the door may deviate slightly from vertical when opening. This is our first such experiment, and, apparently, we chose not the most successful option for loops to be implemented in cardboard. Although in general this is not critical. Just be aware.

Or maybe you can come up with your own version of fastening the door? Then we will be glad if you share your idea

And finally, all that remains is to glue the housing cover.

That's it - the cardboard safe is ready. Hooray!)

And now the first “secret materials” have already been placed in it - a DVD with cartoons =)

Let's check the lock mechanism... Everything is in order!

Modern cartoon characters use safes. Seeing such a device for valuables and savings, children begin to ask their parents for a toy storage unit. Instead of looking for such a toy in stores, you can make a children's safe with your own hands. As a rule, this works for everyone without exception.

If you want to make a safe for a child, it's time to think about what materials you might need. Thick cardboard, old shopping boxes, and even Lego are suitable for this purpose. The instructions, which tell you how to make a safe with your own hands, allow you to make boxes not only of any size, but also with various locks.

Making a cardboard safe is a fun activity

You will have to devote 1-2 hours to working on the toy safe. It’s great if a child becomes your assistant and realizes that, like an adult, he made a safe out of cardboard with his own hands: no doubt, after this the product will become his favorite toy!


  • corrugated cardboard;
  • ordinary cardboard;
  • office paper;
  • kraft paper;
  • round wooden sticks;
  • scissors;
  • gypsy needle;
  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • double-sided adhesive tape;
  • glue "Moment".

Then get down to business:

  1. Cut a long strip of cardboard with a tab on the right side, then glue the craft together so that there are two empty squares on the sides.
  2. Glue a flat square of cardboard in the center and pierce it with a needle.
  3. Place a wooden stick into the hole (its protrusion tip is about 6 mm). Wrap the other end of the stick with a piece of paper and cover it with glue.
  4. Roll up three-dimensional rectangles from cardboard - empty inside, with a flat protrusion from the bottom.

  5. Make the following blanks for the lock: a circle (70 mm in diameter), 5 glued circles (40 mm in diameter) with a hole in the middle and 1 whole circle, 3 glued 40 mm circles with a central hole and 2 glued 40 mm circles, pierced not only in the center , but also in the middle of the radius, 1 similar circle without an opening in the central part.
  6. Prepare a plank with two holes at the ends.
  7. Cut the closing rods from ordinary cardboard in the form of a strip (width 35 mm, length 297 mm), and then make a strip from kraft paper - the same in width, but 70 mm long. Place pieces of duct tape on the ends.
  8. Roll a strip of cardboard and insert it into the opening for the slider, allowing it to loosen slightly.
  9. Take out the roll and glue it together, and then cover it with kraft paper.
  10. Cut out a circle from craft paper and, using glue, attach it to the end of the resulting rod.
  11. Coat the rod with Moment and insert into the slider hole.
  12. Considering the size of the parts, make a lock box.

  13. Place the slider where the lock will be inserted and mark and cut out holes for the locking rods.
  14. Using a needle, punch a hole 57 mm from the side wall on the side of the slider.
  15. Cut out the door and glue a 70 mm circle onto it, make a through hole with a needle and glue the door to the frame, connecting the cuts with a wooden stick.
  16. Attach a fixed disk (3 connected circles with a diameter of 40 mm) with glue, aligning the openings and guides for the slider, which should touch its ends.
  17. Glue the sides of the box together.
  18. For the handle, use 5 aligned circles (40 mm) and a wooden stick. Calculate its length, taking into account the thickness of the cardboard, the size of the handle and circles.
  19. At one end of a wooden stick, secure with adhesive tape a strip of paper corresponding in width to the thickness of the pen. The tape should be on both sides of the strip.
  20. Drop a little glue onto the area covered with paper and insert the tip of the winding into the hole in the handle. Glue a cardboard circle without a hole on top.
  21. Cover the handle with corrugated cardboard, removing the top part of the covering from it in advance.
  22. Insert the finished handle into the door hole (the door can be any size).
  23. Assemble the lock mechanism and wrap paper around the end of the axle.
  24. Lubricate the end of the axle with glue and put a movable disk of two circles on it, and secure the last circle on top, aligning the openings.
  25. Insert into the hole and glue a piece of wooden stick with a paper seal so that its open end extends 6 mm.
  26. Place a cardboard strip on the wooden pins - the lock is ready.

  27. Cut out the sides of the cabinet to fit the door.

  28. The back wall should be a little larger in size - bend the excess sections of the edges inward.
  29. Lubricate the curved edges of the back wall with glue and connect them to the side walls.
  30. Cut two strips of cardboard and use them to attach the door to the safe body.

Making a professional lock may seem too complicated, but because of this, you shouldn’t give up on an idea that will delight your baby. There are simpler locks: secure with inside door a thin strip, leaving one end free. On the outside of the door, make a wide hole for a key, which will act as a lever. You can also use a ready-made miniature castle from a children's notebook.

If you want to make a safe from a box, proceed as in the previous instructions, but instead of the case, use the appropriate starting material. When the product is ready, brightly decorate it with colored paper, stickers and inscriptions that your child likes.

How to make a safe from Lego?

  1. Make a case in the shape of a cube or rectangle from the parts at your disposal.
  2. Prepare 3 bricks for the castle round shape, tiles measuring 4 by 4, parts with curves.
  3. Starting to assemble the castle, place semicircular ones around the round elements at a distance.
  4. Attach a square tile to this blank, and another figure covered with a tile on top.
  5. On this tile, install a small round piece anywhere, which will touch the valve when turned. Clicking on right place, you can open the lock.
  6. Connect all the parts of the craft.

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