Anniversary posters. DIY Birthday Poster: Best Ideas and Step-by-Step Instructions. DIY Sweet Birthday Poster

An anniversary is a special holiday on which you want to please the hero of the occasion with pleasant congratulations. An ordinary postcard is boring and banal. A colorful wall newspaper is a wonderful gift for the hero of the day. It can be used to decorate your home, office, entrance walls or cafe hall where a birthday will be celebrated. In any case, you will be able to surprise the birthday person with a colorful poster issued in his honor.

For those who do not know how to draw beautifully, our artists have prepared a template for a congratulatory wall newspaper on the anniversary. You can make an unusual gift literally in one evening. The principle of operation is practically no different from coloring coloring books.

Download wall newspaper fragments

How to make a wall newspaper for an anniversary

  1. Click on each of the eight fragments of the wall newspaper and print each one on the printer.
  2. The printed parts should be connected in such an order that the picture conceived by the artist is obtained. For density, the poster can be duplicated with whatman paper, cardboard or a piece of unnecessary wallpaper.
  3. Now all that remains is to arm yourself with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints and color the congratulatory leaflet.
  4. Can be inscribed in every cloud

The article offers you interesting ways to create a congratulatory poster for your brother, friend or beloved boyfriend. Use these tips and prepare original gift For loved one.

How can you surprise a friend for his birthday? Try it draw or make a congratulatory poster for him with your own hands. It can easily replace a postcard for you, but at the same time it will become a bright sign of your attention and love for your friend. The poster should express all your feelings, your devotion and desire to remember the most pleasant moments together.

In addition, not everyone is able to spend the time and effort to create a poster. And you, by investing a piece of yourself in it, can stand out from other friends and family. If desired, a holiday poster can be made collectively in the form of a collage, card, postcard, wall newspaper and much more!

Recently, posters that Along with wishes, they give the person sweets, souvenirs, and small gifts. You can also attach a surprise to your sheet of Whatman paper (the basis of the poster). Please note that it should not be too heavy and such that it could fit into an envelope (ticket, certificate, bill, coupon, etc.) or be held on with double-sided tape.

Options congratulatory posters for a friend's birthday with his own hands:

Congratulations poster for a friend in a humorous way

A hand-drawn congratulatory poster for a friend with attached photos.

Birthday poster for a friend, made in a humorous way

Poster for a friend in a humorous form with a gift (money) Poster for a friend (girlfriend), drawn with paints

A humorous poster for a friend’s birthday (for printing or drawing)

Poster for a friend with wishes and sweets

Beautiful DIY birthday poster for a guy: templates, ideas, photos

A poster for a guy is a great way to please your loved one on his birthday with an original and an unusual gift . Your young man will definitely appreciate such a sign of attention and thank you for the work done. When creating a poster, the main thing is to take into account everything that you want to say to your loved one, give him a lot of compliments and beautiful words, poems with wishes, stick happy photos together and, perhaps, sweeten it with delicious gifts (chocolates, candy bars, etc.).

IMPORTANT: In a poster for a guy, you must congratulate him on his birthday and say how much this man means to you and how much he stands out from other men. Such words are touching young man to the depths of your soul and will leave only pleasant impressions.

What a congratulatory poster for a guy should look like:

Birthday poster for guy with sweets and wishes

Poster with a declaration of love and phrases completed with the help of labels from “sweets”

An original poster for a guy from a large number of photos of all loved ones

Unusual poster for a guy in the form of a crossword puzzle

Poster in the form of a collage with confessions
Poster for a guy with sincere and humorous wishes

Beautiful DIY poster for your brother’s birthday: templates, ideas, photos

Brother- this is not only a loved one, but also a close friend. You definitely need to congratulate him on his birthday in an original way. A poster, like nothing else, is ideal for this occasion. It can contain a lot of pleasant wishes that your brother wants to hear from you, joint photos of experiences and jokes that will cheer him up.

Poster can be make it yourself or print it on your computer(this option significantly saves your effort and time). Supplement the poster with sweets or souvenirs if desired, decorate the room where you hang the poster with balloons or flags, in a word, give your loved one a pleasant experience!

Poster options for brother:

Poster option for printing on a computer A humorous poster for a brother for his birthday (for printing on a computer)

Unusual birthday poster for brother

Birthday poster for brother (themed)

Poster for younger brother"Cars"

Sweet" birthday poster for brother

How to make a birthday poster for a friend, boyfriend or brother using sweets?

“Delicious” posters are very popular not only because they are very bright, colorful and help to present wishes to the birthday person in an original way. The fact is that along with pleasant words, a loved one receives a large number of“sweet gifts” that can last for several days and feast on, remembering your gift.

The design of the poster should be thought out in advance, write on a piece of paper phrases that you would like to end with the names of famous bars or chocolates. Another option - o go to the store and explore all the names of “sweets”, at the same time putting together and coming up with wishes in your head.

IMPORTANT: It is impossible to talk about any specific “sweet” poster template, because each region and country has its own selection of sweets in stores. The originality of your poster depends only on your imagination and efforts.

Examples of sweet posters:

Simple birthday sweets poster

Poster framed with sweets for brother's birthday

Poster with "sweet" birthday wishes

Simple birthday poster from girl (wife) with sweets

Sweet 16th birthday poster

Poster with sweets and treats for birthday

Poster with sweet wishes for a man

How to make a birthday poster for your friend, boyfriend and brother with photos and wishes?

Another way to make a beautiful poster for the birthday of an important man is to glue (or mount) a collage of photos on paper or in a computer program. It’s quite simple, but as a result you will get an effective wall newspaper that will instantly give the birthday person pleasant life memories and emotions. The main thing is to use only beautiful photographs, bright and meaningful.

Options for greeting posters with photos:

Poster of joint photos for your beloved guy

Poster from the photo “How it all began”: a love story

Poster in the form of a clock with a photo Poster in the form of a heart

Poster from a photo made on a computer

Small framed photo poster

Poster with photos and wishes

What to write on a Happy Birthday poster to a friend, boyfriend or brother, what wishes and congratulations?

Nice words and wishes, prose and especially poetry will help make your poster truly festive, bright and effective. You can write poetry yourself, or you can use the birthday props below, purchased from Aliexpress. Here you will find a large number of creative ideas and interesting gifts!

Video: “Poster for a guy”

Ideas for unusual and colorful posters for the birthday of your beloved woman are listed in this article.

A man can please his beloved woman on her holiday with the help of bright and colorful poster. This is a very unusual, but very popular way to leave a pleasant impression and give the attention that is expected of you. A poster is a postcard, only large and mounted on the wall for everyone to see. The more time you spend not creating it, the better and more your work will be appreciated.

There are no special rules for creating a poster, but in your work elements such as:

  • Written wishes- handwritten or printed, in large beautiful font, paints or markers, large or small, but sincere.
  • Compliments- Absolutely all women love them and therefore the beloved should not be deprived of beautiful words.
  • Poetry— you can also print them out on a printer, or rewrite them manually or compose them yourself. Poems should either congratulate you on your birthday or glorify the beauty of a woman.
  • Photos- the brightest and important points, captured in photographs, single, couple or family photos.
  • Clippings and pictures— they will be able to complement your poster or support a certain theme. Clippings can be taken from magazines, newspapers, or download pictures from the Internet.
  • Sweets- this is one of the favorite parts of the greeting poster for women, because the fair sex really loves to feast on delicious and “forbidden” fruits, and on your birthday you can do anything!
  • Surprises- miniature gifts, souvenirs, envelopes with notes or tickets, certificates (spa, manicure, hairdresser, massage, etc.), money and everything you have enough imagination for!
  • Decorations- here we are talking about decorative finishing poster: artificial flowers, decorations made of corrugated paper, Balloons, glitter and much more!

Ideas for creating a poster for your beloved woman:

Poster with congratulatory inscriptions, poems and beautiful photos- simple and effective

Hand-drawn poster in a humorous manner

Different types DIY posters for your beloved woman Drawing on a poster with your own hands using paints

Poster to print on your computer

Beautiful DIY birthday poster for your wife: templates, ideas, photos

Only you decide what the congratulatory poster should be like. Plan your work and time in advance and according to this, make a preliminary sketch on the rough draft. This will help you mentally imagine the finished product, eliminate any shortcomings and understand what you need: decorations, paints, markers, pictures, sweets.

Browse ready-made works and select an example poster, which suits you best. If you attach photos of your loved one, choose only those pictures that she definitely likes (pasting a “bad” photo for everyone to see is a big mistake). It is advisable to make the poster in secret so that your lady does not know about the surprise and can really be happy about it.

The finished product should be hung in the most visible place in the house, so that any guest who comes to the house will appreciate your work and your sign of attention to the woman you love. Don’t be too lazy to decorate the room in which you hang the poster: make, hang simple or figured balls, you can even indicate the woman’s age (if she, of course, is not offended).

Examples finished works and templates:

Poster in the form of a black and white photo collage

Poster where phrases complete the names of sweets

Poster in the form of a collage “Declaration of love”

Example of a poster made from clippings and pictures

Template for a greeting poster (insert photo)

Template for printing or drawing a poster

Original birthday poster for your loved one, template

How to make a birthday poster for your beloved wife out of sweets?

Any woman can appreciate a poster made not only of congratulations, but also of sweets. It is not only pleasant, but also delicious surprise. In addition, you can pamper yourself with treats (glued to the poster using double-sided tape) for more than one day, and this is one of the clear advantages of the congratulatory poster. The choice of “goodies”, their location and phrases on the poster should be invented only by you. The design of the poster depends only on your preferences and fantasies.

Examples of ready-made “delicious” posters for your beloved:

Large poster with “sweet” do-it-yourself wishes

Poster-folder as a gift with surprises and sweets, option No. 1

Poster-folder as a gift with surprises and sweets, option No. 2

Sweet love poster

Sweet anniversary poster

How to make a birthday poster for your beloved wife with photos and wishes?

You will even be able to please the woman you love a simple poster with photos attached. For this you can even use not whatman paper and glue, but computer program, where you set up the background and pictures yourself, and the printer prints you a high-quality image.

Examples of finished posters:

Congratulatory poster from a photo made on a computer

Simple poster with photos attached

Large photo collage on the wall for your beloved

Beautiful poster with confessions and photos for his wife

What to write on a Happy Birthday poster to your beloved, wife, what wishes and congratulations?

As they say, “women love with their ears” and therefore it is important to choose really beautiful words to write on the poster. You can do this manually, or print out ready-made poems or phrases. Take advantage of these nice lines:

Poems for a poster, example No. 1

Poems for a poster, example No. 2

Poems for a poster, example No. 3

Poems for a poster, example No. 4

Poems for a poster, example No. 5

Poems for a poster, example No. 6

Poems for a poster, example No. 7

Poems for a poster, example No. 8

How to buy a template for a poster for the birthday of your beloved wife on Aliexpress?

If you want to make the holiday of your wife or loved one bright and rich, you will need not only a colorful hand-made congratulatory poster, but also some paraphernalia of the celebration. Fortunately, the modern online store Aliexpress offers you a large catalog of products for birthday celebrations. Here you can find not only poster templates and colorful banners for the wall, but also flags, balloons, decorations for the home and birthday cake.

Video: “Do-it-yourself gifts for your beloved”

This article offers you ideas for creating a beautiful greeting poster for your mother and grandmother. Here you will find examples of colorful works with photos, pictures, poems and sweets.

Mother- most important person for everyone in this world and therefore she needs to be pleased. You can please your mother different ways: gifts, surprises, flowers and sweets, pleasant words, cards and unexpected deeds.

One way to surprise mom is with a poster. You can make it for any occasion: for a holiday (birthday, New Year, March 8, and so on), in honor of an anniversary or anniversary, for a family celebration, meeting and seeing off on a trip, for reconciliation and other events.

What a poster for mom could be like:

  • Hand drawn
  • In the form of a collage of photos or clippings
  • Printed on a computer
  • Made from sweets and surprises (gifts)
  • With a secret (notes, envelopes, etc.)

IMPORTANT: Whatever your poster is, in any case, it is a sign of attention that your mother will definitely appreciate. Poster with in beautiful words It will definitely please your mother and give her pleasant emotions.

Poster options for mom:

Poster drawn by children for mom

Poster with drawings and photographs for mom

Poster for mom on March 8

Poster for mom from photos and poems Poster option for mom (for printing on a computer)

Poster for mom on March 8th from clippings

Poster for mom from a drawing and printed poems

A beautiful poster for mom, drawn with your own hands and complemented with poems

Poster in the form of a wall newspaper for mom

DIY Mother's Day Poster

Original DIY poster for mom

An original poster for mom, made with applique and paints

Bright, colorful DIY poster for mom

Poster with flowers made of corrugated paper

Poster with three-dimensional corrugated flowers

Beautiful DIY poster for grandma’s birthday: templates, ideas, photos

Grandmother, like mom a very important and beloved woman in life. Grandmothers are always the “favorites” of their grandchildren and therefore you need to try to surprise, delight, and impress her. On the eve of the next holiday, try to make a poster for your grandmother: beautiful, colorful, bright, full of wishes and recognition.

Poster options for grandma:

Congratulatory poster for grandma on her anniversary

Poster for grandma made on a computer in the form of a collage

DIY greeting poster for grandparents

An original poster for grandma in the form of a report card

DIY poster for beloved grandmothers

Poster for grandma on her anniversary different photos

Homemade poster for grandparents

Congratulatory poster for grandmother with poems and photos

Colorful poster for grandmothers

Congratulatory poster made on a computer

Beautiful poster for grandma for the holiday

Framed poster for grandma's anniversary

How to make a birthday poster for mom and grandma out of sweets?

Sweets poster is a modern way to congratulate a loved one and make him happy. The poster looks like big postcard(choose the Whatman paper format yourself), but at the same time it allows you to enjoy delicious treats: chocolates, bars, sweets, chewing gum and many other sweets, the choice of which depends only on your preferences. You can make such a nice gift for anyone, including your mother or grandmother.

Options for “sweet” posters for mom or grandma:

DIY poster decorated with sweets and wishes

Poster with sweets for mom's birthday

Poster with sweets and photos for mom

Colorful poster with sweets for mom on any occasion

Poster with sweets for mother from children

Poster with sweets for mom's anniversary

Colorful poster for mom with sweets

Poster with sweets for grandma

Colorful poster for mom or grandma made from sweets for the holiday

How to make a birthday poster for mom and grandma with photos and wishes?

To please your mother or grandmother, as well as give them pleasant memories, you can make a poster in the form of a photo collage. Use regular photographs or pictures printed on a printer. It is important to choose colorful captured moments from life where you, other family members and loved ones are. You can make a poster from a photo yourself by gluing it onto whatman paper, or you can print a ready-made one on a printer.

Options for posters with photos for mother or grandmother:

Congratulatory poster for mom (or grandmother) on her anniversary

Congratulatory poster for mom in the form of a photo collage

Colorful poster with congratulations and photos for mom

A beautiful poster for mom from a photo made on a computer

Colorful anniversary poster for mom and grandma

Poster made by yourself and decorated with photos

Large poster from a photo for grandma, made on a computer

Unusual poster from a photo for an anniversary

Congratulatory poster for mom made from a photo

Photo collage for mom for the holiday

What to write on a Happy Birthday poster for your mother and grandmother, what wishes and congratulations?

You can complement a congratulatory poster for mom or grandma (for any occasion) with beautiful and with heartfelt words. Poems or prose will definitely delight your loved ones and give them pleasant experiences, emotions and impressions. You can choose significant poems or sayings of great people, write your own lines, or use ready-made poems.

What to write for mom on a poster:

Words for mom, option No. 1

Words for mom, option No. 2

Words for mom, option No. 3

Words for mom, option No. 4

Words for mom, option No. 5

Words for mom, option No. 6

Words for mom, option No. 7

Words for mom, option No. 8

Words for mom, option No. 9

Words for grandmother on a congratulatory poster:
Words for Grandma #6 Words for Grandma No. 7

How to buy a template for a birthday poster for your mother and grandmother on Aliexpress?

You can complement your greeting poster for your mother or grandmother with the help of decorations purchased on Aliexpress in the “Birthday Attributes” catalog. Here you will find colorful stickers, stickers, balls and flags, banners and candles. The store pleases with a large selection of bright greeting posters and greeting cards.

Video: “Delicious poster for mom’s birthday”

There are quite a few options for gifts for such a holiday as a birthday.

Their level of originality also varies, but often there is a desire to create something that will truly please the hero of the occasion.

Therefore, donors often use ideas that may be unexpected, but extremely interesting.

Why newspaper?

Let's look at some of them.

Each photo should be accompanied by a humorous comment.. The more photographs there are, the more interesting your greeting newspaper will become. And a reason for nostalgia and the most pleasant memories will definitely be provided.


It is advisable to use various interesting moments from the biography of the birthday boy or girl when making your present - this way you will be able to focus the attention of the guests on the hero of the occasion.


Humor will greatly enliven and diversify your wall newspaper, and the subtler it is, the better. It is advisable to reveal some character traits of the person to whom the gift is dedicated.

Congratulatory words

Of course, any of us understands that such a newspaper cannot exist without warm, sincere words of congratulations, because holidays such as a birthday are an occasion to express all your feelings for the hero of the occasion, and everything else is secondary.

If you show all your imagination, then such a gift as a wall newspaper for a birthday will turn out to be simply wonderful.

It will be simply wonderful if by the time the birthday boy wakes up, the gift you have decorated will be hanging in the most visible place.

Great then festive mood will be provided for the whole day, for which the hero of the occasion will tell you: “Thank you very much!”

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